à tall.& s sud4 Gsolene Englue mets tiï ther advautage te u hss vus s. o*w.rSm ame v- i r oobasbumoyetilate th* bouse reututl7cesplél ffM. QrammMud MIsVéra Vipodntiad Mu.. ssl Wallon visIti 1w omes on Oun*wa. -Mn.. IL' Kirel las rusignelber pe- sitiei»asorpanist- fSt. 'rons.' Umian ains, ofwioo la vtmituzgbr Ibo, t.llowtlug lft a veel for their autel lien u $l emrb euty 3. . i atesnami ,J. Allem - MmIs.mie Robinson mbau iequt. tuf« frthe Pest w-oui. Aunion nsily eorail the Sudal seheol voniiers sud friands vilIl e bllsthunsly, NovemberIlh, te hamnda"el eb iionf frémithé gréa ProvincIabliles9. S. Convention 'beld lu TonuoladtVeeL. Mr. ltcbt G(lmr lassenred a ait- * «m ustssd vilibleout o o h foi tonhe - fltbepulpit eoflth.Prombyt~an -.ýwù n andy urnoon Md sdprsebed a meut pcw-sfan sd Mnr. antiMm Wr.. inaJoues entsitatn- o! the Sien, claa ofthe e Mtodilst Bandai Ucbool on Monday vUlug. A meut ..JoyabIe hlm. W»sspent lv *Il qe r4gnar ouantulr 1&eetmg of thé M.*tsmlchurcl w0ll.be beiti on Sun- du suét lu theicmoralng, mai xst.K- non lta tle afteracen. The OfficiaiQuai'- tenly Bourt meetting vinii l 11on Mis a eil sMd aieedesiro te thaû O IlétIPlé o! fOOIII fr the belp msnd kauem show. thsm turing thelIMmm stb ho!fttbe loIn Mn. -vamNe«tof!Myrtetationbasu t**od~froo atwà ý5m=Ut' tp te' l% b u thé his 70I yarp but 1116 crplo -tesvere -bail stor=,u Et. El titi&b1e lâ"sel ith thé ,Wst vas gladth tel orne aan, s=d IL E. H.Walka, M.,,a Broolin boy, ani oMer pepuiar. inspecter of gc#uols 1» Sonth Ontario, -nesi au lu- structor lu Toronte Normal Séhool, gave à veny ltntie raddress athei Durham Counhy Teachers' Coynu6ln helti at Oobonrg lasI veel, suggelng te the teachers thét tbey instruet their pupils accoing te the lasa grade lu the mode of' electien, orgaz2atlon fotions aud électoral enIent of Uic opurtions et ail puilboules froin a teuee-vlewer, palimaser. and pouu4- keeper 10 the Goveruér.GUen01.The teaObPrs *nl ueo!te * ek uew (14à ; cf disboet sud tlqlry Ilu prepallng te tesch clvi.. lgeà tw ~as lndlcatéd by, this sqeaker. Ur. Walks ueo mode th* 4w> iti a t a ubjeét cf g- vih the, 6iééu"tlaihélo!mnllso sn enud disposarS cf claddelf"»ton or phrasesativerbal, adjectivlt. nôunai. etc. One Dalington teae.er thcnght unr Wake grammrar tai was alone vorth thé -tnp tg Coboung. The Opeak- er belng a bacheler maY expiaun ln §MOe lgt tegm ebis exceptienal popu- lanlty with tïé Young ladies of the A&- octatlou.,-BoOImflV<UOEtateamn. -The weddng -teck Dpmlan l Toronto -lut voul or! M Helena, daugbtor' et MUr. and Mrs. George EL Scroggte. bo William Bérbred Goldubro, son of Mr. and mrs. Johni Goldabro. of Oshawa. toiiurly of BropIllu.Aller thie wcd- ding sud reception Ur'. au4lMre.COlAs- bro lefI for tbe South. Ur. ana Un. Frank Scott recelved a surprise on Toesday evening of Isat vecI vben a number et their old friends frorn Brookilu gathered -at their new tomerne lu hawa te pay bthefi-st riait. The chie! purpose of thé gath- eruug w«aste maie a presentatien te Ur. sud MMnsStl t o h andsome chaireansd aiseho present Minse !Ith BSott w-ith a ring. Mr~. Alex. Ketchen VUs &DpItel ChaIrman. 1U1echairs w-rs presenbed. and w-heu Mr.ixu~d Mrs. Scott vers séated 'in hein, Mn. W. M. Lawrence reati an address,whtch MUr. IScott replied snltably. épeeéhes wr Roda« the Rumoug mIn pes by 0Où-fHatt i i 'N Engluoson exhibition at the Brooklin. Hardware wareroonfIs. A*k frbookl« cscibiog the.vcry 'ateistand, buet' lu Fan Mo~rPower. Etnion LacIdess » lengthp toimo Lt URIAII JONES to,ïÇùov boy ýkeeiy wVo Z*Vtb'léSou f- youn Mmtol*aiJto 40100the u« fi cte's o es 1 id uuothéf's gain. Ai-. thongh a goodly nler « UV«, hb*: h«eito.UIgtt, -w. are only a fraétlii e0 yenr eany. tniende ,lP1 tié lag u sutrroundlng couunYe Over hveuty-nine ysari-avago o. came amoug us a yeuiig Mani a strali gar, and tbrougheut 1151 long perlto! è -time yen bave nover sp'1aret yots when lu your -power te be#th Uiccon r tllons of otiiera ln u TvY POrtalnlug te the uplîtting o! bunwanlty. W. aise bring vlth u un mai lkle 'of -our esteem anti aïk Yen te Leceptt 'and to coustier tIat the lest viahes o! your mnany trieatis am revaPpéd n lh' these two chairs. HOpIng hat y6ur partuer and yonir .dngtriniaylilve long te enjoy- thie Ivieudship ef yigw olti and nov friendS'e snd may yonr uew -home hé one of bap. Signeti, J. P. DisuoY' Dr. Jas. Moore, Wus. Lawrence, D.Burns, A. Ketchen. !ce-.bebatife'-Cmusittiée.1, On Satnrday lant bteà enBrook- lin and Brougham, a band bag, contain- uug a amall ueniot mouey Fhutder please notlfy Mrs.' John Ytpoud. -NOTICE. Re lista of names cf pensons vwhe have ellsted lnunuits et thé Caiiadlan lexpedltionary Force, ft latte risquen of the honorable the MInhttr of 911li- tia or Canada. tinat a Roll of Rouer. ,onte-ining the names 0f'al! resldentp cf rnuni cilelteeho have enfiated fer Overseas 8cxlvice, or of reserviste w-ho have or are returnrng te Uic colons, ehould.bo establlshed and hung lu thé office of the Municipaltty- That Sald requeSt May be prODerlY carricd ont. thc parents-ornext of kim or employer. ot auy suçb pereA, are hereby reustoti te senti InfoÉmatIon. te thse Clerk oethtie Tçiw-uahip ef WhitbYý of name, wheroe enistd, au«, If known, to w-fat corps or battalion atacheti, sud wlietber they bave propeeded orer- seas or are st! under trainlug ln Ca- nada.- À prompt repfly negardlng, houe bo bave eulluteO or -ef future enîlatmnte vili ho appreclateti so liaI such bonor roll u lQ malutaineti ln Uic Town* dhlp ef Wtultby.l - D. >HOLLIDÂAY, cleri Whitby TOwnsbp. Report eofBrooklu lPnblie~oo1 o tise mentiso!Oto4« Form V.-flabo iU4, Iw gatrtis 45. -1 - e0' Worm IV s.-jobn Farmer 65, Nom- -lunet. Co, laleon Moore 61, - - 1porta IV. -Jr-Mice.-Moore 50, Worm MI.. r-*Roy Ual! 1 ue Bromell 48. equsi, Dca Steluen, w'Il! Revena CÇo E Annoli, ARn Warren Luke, son. Aunai -C 'iTheltwi iiit *s 1husm TroùbI u~suso éiso Trobn orkls onm.s umam Nr UAnd CreIâ ç. edalau rre Ine vamue ,t ifalicrwe'en. pasoudMc_ uite qulil Ibi yeraoil hâe.« Mn.Mlo iBr Pto, -Die'tu,1 -te-iend r alaV dayf the i .-iaet. l. x. r "Ciý erle .P.R M N'd1ille speùt a dariluteIt- route i1st el xxr; _ ckEOlldà a IM llinùg feuds ln Torý1 ato Ii é Rey Mr. Tettmnpreavbed au mézel- lent ýe-~~o.laà t flabth ounsysematle NenxtBabl*tlb viiil e quarterly ser- vices 4t Br&nghèm ah 10.20 sud aI 7 o'cov~ srvcew-il be held in OUr -Tie ~ M.S.met atli.C..St- -meigw-anaddresed bY MmM"'.(e. Y Rani 9 Oarenuoltt A.proîbablelime, mr. toute Rogers hm eomplctedhie. on 'Puosciay laut. Thé lKbm;e- cpeoOIDcei b ; o! U the Dut, beiug closet on a tlrtiaY sut Rural Malt delivery la nov metèti ont t6 ene isud ai.tîaisoffIcebas beu là OPéraionfor ooltdlenablY Ovér hait a enhpr ansd m==y -o! he iem tmai over ta thse crcat ajcnltr; -lb. trip ter t etion ei holding abaïaar 44 tie iz11 anly neotn uentbThe pro Seels vigo ho ae i anol onéisa yo t u ireu emoery "3d frielufds. 'm4on the é dra Béut ver. f.O oe eahre is Xumph, sof 'Whltbdr 1- engagetivt-h P0o oo Cà ., or Buwal. -*hile à redent-,et t ni terii.v s o1 a.et1b O au acW Uvé ce lu ~1O~Sre 'the Quartèiy b)"ndthwrerEs l ad boul fryrsa *galetmemler of, the 044- <.10w-s' Lidge, under wvioc npc luii cojn wteu th ïq t ý ehds cur¶sh ,t ,Whlcbh o T tns da tie home -e4fUicede"wse4, pr*ier -te a- man'wiho mae.=Mmvruzfini crieiby hie Wtotv sfl, a190v1 p rOUdi o! là . memiu u oe u-odtNiE ihom1e w-bld vasfonally 'e>i4n ffiday afbornon Ineluldesévr00 fort ia dçoù*enlçuoe for the us~i the -oshaoa Ifeaplbi hé IIulhahv Ingben efalte *"iin 'r menthe aciea:s=soan he icauiliary. Mis" MeWillloms, W-ho bas le.»the SuPeu'I tendent for thé pust séen yeanu, and tbec auxlary, memnbers reccivetd dur- fig tthernoon. Thé !irniaishng of thc home w-as pn acflymiby gitti frein vremInueut pe, iucludlng14T. and ti. iPrantk RolsoO& lrs.Robert _Wtilisms, M"r.. Fred BUlMr. anti lir Xvi. à atiMi*. WM. Batonlwr. IL.il MOI ïanululin i #sbon, fnel Osisaws-a>mmErs. Fed cow-au, 31». Ja Gasolene Englues the. Ides!, à &oi thse Lister lu oui' ware- rom~. Corene ansd loek theun ever. Ilt je a pisasure te show octr goods. Harness Repairirig. - Bell aitt Intependeul Phone W. P.DISNI3Y, WHITBY sttr, Un. McBurney, where the wed& ail persona eniltung for ovei'Seaa er- ding feùt vas partaken of. - The pop-1 vice «who reside in the muietp&iify, uwp Couple1 left on. tbe C.P.U. 4.45 train said Houer Roil te hoe hung ue'la the sild shovens of rJee, confetti and good office of the Cierk. Wlplies frein maniy'friendu, for Vaucou- Concil udjourned to meet ou Mon- ver and étilér peintà vest onl a IModay, Docember,4th, at.10 Ia.. V riu'tp, The bride'. weddlng dresu WB !Buliln bine -oneDe de chene,______________ trimrned wlth ninon and Irish point ail Ovenlace, and she wore a black vel- UflNTAL vith y4 vthblbie plume. lier travel- tinýg Aostume was',of Beigian 1Bine silk poplin. The presents were iiumerous Harry J. Hudson, D.D.S., L.D.S. sud oostl'y. amongat vhlch were a beau- Successor te W. Adams. tito4 d"n'&grooinsuite- preented i>y 'ciiiieDundasSI treet, opposite PMu ti stf !thé 8aakatmouPure MIikOffice. Phono 122. 0rnisu~, uda cabinet ef cuver from the istof ëlie Union Bank, wltl ic h WM1TBY, ONT. inatltutktu thé bride vas conneeted for spme Urnme belore ber marriage. After IL W. Sisson, D.D.S.,L.D., flecember lot tbey vili ho at home to ti.qrfr ,ds at 120 9th St' Saskatoon. 'Denta Pariors over Aluin's drus store. -- - MIbIk.. dh... ti ILI A very nnretly vedtilne; vas selmu- at etChrist Chnrct. SaaLcateen, on LuI.) j" --4 *xirruyTowwnSRp COUTNCIL. Conil met o ody i nm bers present. Iteeve lu the chair. Min- utes etj ast meeting reati sud conflarm- éd. A depulatien w-as heard by Council ré Kingaton noad Improvement sciieme. Thse deputation cousiscbcd of James Wil- Ils, . H.Dowuey, Dr. John Moore sud W. L. Dryden, w-ho eah addtrémacd the COonil favoriug biser echerne. Xn.,Elmer Lich>.aid A. Jéffrey spoké ,advisung caution ini makuug uneces- mar opodlturcs at lie présent île. A- deputali;n conslstuug et Mr'. Dykeso Mn. Ulchardmen sud Mr. Dévot- cll w-as heard askhng a fireti ascéas- ment for a terni o! years on propepoé brick andti ile plant te hoe estahllithet lu Tbvnship. Oom muntudbons -wereéread <nom C. IP. Ity.. Co., r. closing road aUow-ances. iabuahug Ruer 11.45n of llbmtlor 'A umber o! s.ccouuh e w-i'.passeti for. payaient cusotans e lewslu- e41 lI te Klugte1toa nd Its further Improvement -morti iaIa bnus e! ~uut~4~m d o* for 9,ot ý*bt fonce nu'8eut cati opposite lots -2OI tters-'lat t d'ad'unci t reIt !20owrs «ie p egl dsosai of 4seo u" viete- ete i" t e itoù W. IL . N thât, tbis ehomeoT umeat home trem l>4é We *ay't w-use lu lrn ht o iarcee vsul utby - on, L' Imbathut alla e Offce boures-9 te 12; 1.30 te 6. Phofos. Dfllt, RI.: IndOpendent 11. BLAKE 8. BEATON# LD.S., D.D.S. Graduate of tiie Ru i (Colle e of Dental Surgeons a.nd Un vermity o Toronto. Office over W. MI. Enngle's bardwares5tors om... hour,-9 to il; 1 t., 530. lad Phoao. le JAS. EISHOIP Oshawa, Lleensed Auctioneer. Suomeu or to U Fairbanks. For ternisand dates'appiy to sel or G. Robb, Whltby. WM. M11AW LIÇENU3D AUÇTIONEIdR AND VALUATOR. MIl kinda of!Um PrOMplY atteuded to. Arrangements for saies ea u b unade aItihe Gazette Ofie. Terms reasmable. Bell and Independent phonles OONTRÂOTORS~- J. fl0WE lama au&, Plans drawu inO ustimats Àm Saab, doors sud ftsunu. Ilpulfor Brantford 19.01139g 9« 467 WeiITti Pao*4 TUREADOOLD BROS. Corner Waln n mseat St. 4 - ~JUPDSL -~ A ~rIor quaiS» -Md