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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Dec 1915, p. 1

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TUEd GAZLII E AND eIIRoNiCLL Vol, 53-No. 22 WHITY, OTAR&A CAADAà .A.Goou)FEI.IO'i & SON, Publishers Stop That Cough!1 WILLuS 9 Compound Syrup ai White Pine and Tar C-ontaas Extra 'è fao White Pin@, Wid Cherry, Baim of Gilead, Spikenanil, Blood Root, Sanaaran. Ta-r aud other reniedies, makîng aesafe and ure cure for Coughe, Cuida, Bronchitin, and restones the respinatory organe tb a normai, bsaithy condition. 250 pot Bottlo J. E. WILLIS Drugglst and Optlcien MEDICAL HALL Su'.ck et. Wbitby. W ai t o itt .ty- tii tan, Lin- li. SJ. Moiil, Misa i h tikor '0w -l Bat- -'a tu 'gwd 1. on sa A tîder rted dju. et. if ta, iii-r- Ithî lî'd. Whltby m Ontario Real Eatate Deahena, Estaf.. Managed, Renta Oollooted, Firet LosixArvanged, Propentiet boughi anad eold. Fer terme app 1> Head Office, Brook St. Bell Phonoe1lu. [md. Phono 70. ILAKE SHORE FARM WANTED Fifty acres or more wantec on Lake Shore. If you have property to MAL,"rte JOHN ]FISHER & Co Ommeau i&" Md sutPm Br"k Lwusden BuIidIn TORONTO jes:Hla Iois LIVIIY, SLMi lueIN S TARU BROOK s1'.WHUTBYv Au kids ofsin*ud double traims sd baggage ismuaf . lions» bOUgISIa. n em ~ Som.go «md dulvur. ad . tonusfor aI; is bh àaayuat~ For u u Ow t or.u~uiW BT-L&W NO-. 3 me "DMisatmuan Lit- BY-LW N. 3 CO I& .enderuow lI'kziownla WVheesa thse Water sdlatCr-w~~1,CLOlun tOh miasiees«ecthLe TownetWIt «aliie eBith.ibs enader It sein. Chante lu Lb. mati- 3utretua-nol frm Ngmn.. ua ois cd çi cbar&Uas for etrictty t t l -wI@ U$ spwx ~ an 1«g purose la Lb. Teof tWbtby la fIero viiib. sIetle . m botEs Denzy and detrmblo, isa- Usi iib uple yls bt much as t la kuova <batla mmusNOL. cases the consumer tespaylags Liahm Au luoajoti i b. lttodueedom the CM th le movlumsapIw Md tu sund"y v'Ml Wb& .At- tu .d'do& othor cum &ar'lu ozeu. mmd a recculg d m.eig iib.ubhiltua fi Boli.viug h5 atairi 71m eRylai Thuatrenui. 148MaM rai.. vii b.eofthLe utuet boutâtlte ovtng théezmni met hy lsegu tloes Lie public gmlyj &Usud by Mm- Md eltiJu. ulel ang»pfflst" *»> b troduetinob" &lb. u et elebitit» ab. a wr udtd Ietul ou. bu viii bu gres*,y stmulatel»451 ooui'- vilbe w*sbd hostisia » MUttss M& a" ôt. 0 or oreela et amimlib. BOelievg Lai uutalirdue SoWSviii a diect=bma tcs ln raWtelavarratd by the -et va. 'lb. art l 1ele ef plus LiaI la lua aiht or tb~ e' ~"uad uI~SIg%~vse Lm b. Hyre e Umm. h mag iiG.oulum. ça tu vu"e Mad pet tu" Uen l ta se mur&,li.OivrNsue et -«t- ctpslu umpWg tme Hum UM m iibe b.S a*i a Umml fais' Md eque ms'ut3rn et b. a a i m ai.. iê dtu - ulu ot isbtsb New., tmn, b. i bS" Mee YS l -'% madtlb uiit the b.hl esuS y Utlll#u490 bg*W *.Eu uiub aM4 Mas Mlnsvm Th RJÀ b t mfb t" ift"vIli am-Ai 'll piav W hi ite Mm Wbnis DlilaU~tiaàu1~a 1*CM' e,#goum a A ~' S-I~ESTORE hinguseful818119a h i eImofllo lu BVOf ngaf C81918anom Xi mas-IIde a larger number of thoughtful people each year are Prtsents in Shoe Stores ? )NS ere are Three of the Reasons: lUi. Prices to Meet Everybody's Pockets. NG 2. Presents Saitable For Everybody 3. Something Everybody Uses Aud Needs. ,Hockey Shoes of ail kinds, includiuig the ce]ebrated Me- Pherson - Lightning Hitch " for men, wornen and ebjidren. Xrnas Blippers, Rubbers Feit Lined Boots, Leggings; also SExtra Quality Boys' and Girls' School Shoes. S. Harýdons Fine Evening Shoes for the Ladies. iopairiag ProinpttYj SadNai ong. Giveb SOet.gUsl ELEQTRIC LIGHT RATES StAde' cey1wr_ _ REVISED AND REDUCED Lt (e.)A.P.Mieftzes PEEL Prcach Annuai Setmon. Important* Action by Water and Light Commission. St. Andrew's Presbyterjan Chure iv S om of was crowded to capacity on Sunday At a speciai meeting on Tuesday, the riglit, at an>' time. by resolutionevening last whente Sono of Scot. [Do you know that Novenfler 3Oîh, the Whitby 'Water and dul>' stbmitted and passed, to make land of WhItby, attended their annual byn hi hita Light Commissionî gave the third read- this by--taw a 1ptv to ail classes of con-! church service, accanipanîedl by a num- uigtei hîta ing to the W'hitby, Electric Light Rates sumers ln the Town of Whitby, in ber of the members of the 116(b Battal- Dy-Law, No. 3. b>' whîch action a re- which case the said resolution shall ion who are stationed ln Whitby. The vised scliedule of the rates was es- automatically repeal the existing regu- members of the Society' and the sold- tahiished for consumers of etectricit>' lations and rates that were ini force t er boys occupied fully half the centre, -in the town. immiediaiel>' prior ta the passage of! section of te churcli. Chairs had to This b>' taw ha-s been under consider- this by-taw, an-d the Schedule of Rates be brought In to accommnodate thoso ation for saine time. The Commission provided by this by-iaw shall imme- of the cnngreg-ttlon Who were linableNIC titis year, after paying the debentures diatel>' appt>' to ail classes of consuin- to find seats etsewh-ere. andI nterest whic ftell due, amount- ers wiihin the corporate limts of the This was &IBO tbe Occasion of the Ing to $7,500, have a surplus of be- Town of Whitby. return of Bev. A. 'P. Menzies, now a i tween $4000 and $5000. In former years (c) Nothing contained ln this by-law Lieutenant wlth te 76th Battalion at Ibis hau been turned Into te cofferb shall be construed as a-ffecting an>' con- Barrie, and former pastor of St. An-. of thte town. but the recent amendments tract which this Commission ma-y have idrew's Churcit. Mt'. Menzles conduet. to the Hydro-Electrîc Power Act make entered mb witb an>' consumer of ed the service, assloted by the pastorI exPressly stipula-tes that If there is a during the ]Ife time of said contra-ct. As his toit, Mr., Menzies took the surplus after the years opera-tion, It 1sECTION 111.1 words. 'fllessed la the peuple whoe may be devoted to paying off indebted- (a) Recording watt bour meters God is the Lord," comnmenclng with the. ne&%, maintainence or repairs, exten- shalhb supplied by Ibis Commission, 1 staternent titat the kreatnesa ofaa .Je Pee sinwork, a fundfofuueetnan fo hhnortl charge wil indpne oeyo issit sions or împrovemeats, or Io the e.r- be ma-de on any bill for electricity. greaness. He showed how Greece, ent thot it bas bren derim-u fuoin (b) There shall ho a -minimum Babylon anad France under Napoleon, lightinq of thie strets, or puiblie biîild- charge of 25 cents per month for do-! ail great at one time. had decayed and iriust. or <perating public uiiîîe fîes i istc ighting, and 50 cents pe-r inontit1 lost thelr world-strgngth because their Hall la alsowell known and a very pop- m'uy be turned bark f0 the 10w». for commercial lighting, notwithstand- greatness wa-s fot laid upon the spirit- uISJ and esteemed woman, and the The Town of Wbitby pays for ail ang the readiag of the meter should 'ual foundation. entire eommunity sympathizes wtth the eiectric service on streets, in build- tindicate tbe establishment of a lesser1 Mr. Menztes stated that thec greates her ln her bereavement. ings, etc., only $1800 per annum, a-ad charge. of the Scotch race was due to severai *'The fuXieral will be held on Frlday bas been pa-ying notbing for tire pro- The latest "'Standard Interpretations' circumstances, sucit as the geography afternoon, service beifig held at thé teciion f rom the water system. This of rateis as îîse-d by imunicîpalities for of the country, the hardy and ioneiy family residence, a-t 1.30 o'clock. Inter- surn of $1.600 Is flot sufficient to pa->' c-ectrir servic- as a-dopted b>' the Hy- life of the people and the character or ment will take place ln Erakine cerne. the Cost 0f supplying the service. ln ad- dro-Eh-ci ric Power Commission of On-'the'Ir occupations. Lery, Pickering. dition to it.s being the te-sest rate on- lanao, shail have the saine force i Tiero were three characterjstics of t a nqcuest will be beld. h oyed by a-ny lown la the Province. tbis municiîîalîîy as if acluall>' lacor- (ho Scottish' peoiple that were1 The surplus la the bauds of the Coin- porated la this by-taw, except a-ad emphaslzed. (1) In their lives on lt mission ha-s îot, therefore, been de- saving: Scotch huis thero lu9d been a rmal =i M sMffIIIUvrayIe Art r i'% fd to oîip ci-t ent froin the (a) it- rates for power shahl have absol-uto sense of God's presence. Thtis W E U J toýN i. Accordingi>', none ofiîtcan be! no effect, was mnanlfert by lte tact that te peo- Lxiîit. tirned back ta tht, town. (b) No contra-ct shait be necessar>' pie ad always, 1ný their dally lIves, The n'fal atm of a public service for ordiriary tclectric liglit service. The cruided their actions by the principle boa-rd snch as the Whithy Water a-nd tact thartth-ehectric iglit consumer that God was always present. They Those who took s.dvant.age of Miss Light Commissionî slould be 10 suppi>' lias a se-rvice- connection with tite beld to titis tenet la ahi dealings. Prob- Fl.orence McGillivray's generosity on service ta it ti îstoniers a-t actual cost. tou nis nicipal electrie ight systein ably if wa-s titis thà4 gave te Scotch Monda-y and Tuesday of titis week en- Ti(- Conimission fi-ils, la view of Ibis. shall ho prestimptive evideace ltaIlie n 'eehlng of Indepeidence -with ail thati h should redxice the rates. so as ta is n,'ceivinr current tînder the terins things. founded lnu God aIl men are joyed a very great treat. The pictures gi'- ýthei' iisioaî,'rs an>- hin i. fitla Iis 1Nby lau.yMseMGilvm n i It lias beu fn frîiir painti-d ont tha-t SECTION eqV. () heir willingness to findehltdbyMsMciiralu-d serlous Issues. The Scotch dld flot ofthLie Army Medical Corps werea thon- are cases tri îawn wbere a coa- "rotu payment' shaîl mca-n pa-'and do not fincit from meeting the racedtothsklanwi xe- stiner uises ai-ly l10e or 15c. worth of ment of the electric light rates a-t lte sieus thîng-s mn lité, a-ad because ofgetcei L ieaiisu leepr tighl per month. This does not pa> Office of the Auttitorized Recelver Of tiqtshieir religious nature and love of lence uf the artiat. One might lu fancY, for tihe cost of sttpply'iag the service. Phectric lighî rates on or before te, Cod ls deep. (3) T7%e Scotch were as he studied the varnous s-abjects por- and a mItnImiim rate of 25eic ha-s heca first dav of the next succeeding month true 10 their beilets. As example of trayed, Imagine itimmehi on a iiying estahliied 10 force tbe one wito saves after tbe date of the readered bill. titis te Covenanters were referred to. visit troug thLie countries of Europe, onui ts clectrmclîv bis 10erua>- a-i least .1 aSETONi '. .-1The Scottisit peoplehad it luborn lninlupea-ce time, wanderIng throUgh the an apptroximatilonti thbbcInitial cost T1iti bv-law shail take effecl from titeir natures to hold steadfastly te old streets of Tipperary, Ireland, o-ver of tii1e c a nd aflor te lat day of December. htheblevdob rg- wofa the besevedtocb.rlA.t. the heather-clad bils of Scotlaud. dt On the other ha-ad, titre are other O.. 191.5. l hs hrcestcwr um aln te batfl Bonmuh cutmr.resideatial and commercial' Rad a tbird lime anad fIna-lhy passed Altieecartrsicwreum aon te b-ufl Boumob who uever> ags--uIo lc bs3Ohdyo oebr D 95 med up lunte Scotch cimtacer sud Bauds or Englad. Thn a peep a-t the trieo se lb > bargt<n e at thatete: se SHdULofNoe 0F RAES 91. ]Ife otto-day, whItch ha- ever stood thé Thaies, with iLs wonderful old ipersoas were pay fng a rate la excesis DOMESTIC iiliG test. The aina-l lesso f the consider-brdeanonw-shikd wy cf waî hey houd fr th a-unat i he ate fordomsti hlgttig s at -ion of this!s tisa-t thse Scotch raC agian Le thse fascinating scenes of Eur-- used, as the cost of ftwuz1h1ý9 dcc-.consiat of a service Charge of,3 cents h- eoege te use i bas olgorand e u ftheeleadte sntv O tel Ly, alter tefItrsI cnet hassbeen fper montit for each 100 square foetot n -lowedtitheaosls u, rsue-- c1te1eault1.au 0 cevcred, ia comaparativel>' low. ThiteIfloor area, and a consuiption cbarge ~fl 0 ~~l new ratea will. teeoeeet# as sigarate The. t.q. -,araj, Lord." santfal Savlng tei thse i Taret 1azrgs erai"-":, ~ ~Ti.mul quantittes et current. 3 cents per'.W.E f or aul eoviuap-. mnga '> f; Y eAGk -,ý There are sorne porsons wiso will cri- lion Up to an amount equal tii 4 K.W.H. the<> *Gu4 :bdie' fIL<J o re -- " - -lr-- icize this new scitedîthe, clilmlng ta-t per 100 square foot for te first 100>0 dered a soio, sud by thse choir, ln a PiflOtWSwbi' & wu7 te rates are flot a reduction. For squtare feet. sud 3 K.WH. for sa-ch srn nhm h odr h .aa suc asthee te b-la Inluds aaddtioal 00 quae fet f foorairs, Mr. Menzies appea-red lu bis nforcf the Itallan pea-Snt girl lu ber -ve&i cia-use ta tite effect îhab ca-ch consumer. citarged. plus 2 cents per KWH, for lnigsiitrie -ptîtctuldn rsabeutiffUlstUdy, fuil et ta uta-y ciiînde-r which rate h eshahî ho alt addltionah consuMption per montit. toelte occasion. arffstic goulus. chage, hensw ,ortite old. Tit mia- Prompt payaient discount 20 Per Ntaoeb I CIIv tmmrtsare te a-pply la each<'case, cent. --- ot un te bs itrs Mg sSnvryOr ibowever. I CONIIFCI. A bt. Hal FaaTINO. pe rued telanerhchstiug &Tt sit%%Illbe noied tiat uadertite new u idng brels ad f actorles nto bi lFt ly t efbut <auls t te eU O e scheulpmetr rnta re bolshe. ifusig te twn'seletrt POer.collection are paintingu cf Canadian the revlse4d rates are citosen by lte The commercial rate shall hO 8 subjeets. muow CladlaudeesMesOf tho constiuer. cents per KW.H, for te tirst 30 hours Mr. Rober-t Hall. a well-knowu Pick- Otta-wa River, the ruggod be&uty of thse Tite Commission have taken as te tise pe-r montit cî connected load, 4 ering Townsip farmer, residiug about Qeorgian Bay, snd scenes s t-l iem'r hasts of lueur rates te scitedule laid cents prnKW.H. for te next 70 hourg two snd a ha-If miles wost of Wbftby,1 home, beautitUl groveudnrIvuiota te down b>' tetOntario Hydro-Eleclrfc us-~ of connected load, anad 2 cents Per wa-s fataîîy Injured on Tuesday even- be fOU;ld lu the immedt tVclultY Of Commission. wbhhba-s been worked K. w. H. for a-Il excess coasumption. ing, when he feil fromn the wagon là~ Whitby. out b>' expets a-ad estabîfsiîed as a Prompt payaient discount 20 per cout witich ho was drivlug borne, death vo- Sucb avtlstry makes one proud ta - far sd jsî etiod f cta-aja. Tti-sultini Sari>' Weduosday morning. Mr.iiýlve ilua ansd ofthte nusuritasable new Whitby rates willf ho fôuad 10 o 4 .Hall wasla h ir vaLto eSx'ec 5y Ifiti-beauty depicted and Prout!dtOO tOCl1SIM low-r tMa-n titose of moat otiten towns T Oer,, matioa of the accident when thc tcam a-s Lownswoman a skiled snd piMaMiS of theTwoeRecr andtiprogmMteetings etrd h ar tte farm. a-be went artst of XMis II 5Y% 5bM~C The prompt payaient discount ot 20 fer W fkih5 .Toua itubaud ying unconacious on the Vag- Io the ÂAmy Medîcal Corps, Wbltby per cent. ts alec largon than usua-lY IU VIEU on, itis foot ca-ught underneatb the foîha ave grateful for ide oppottnlty offered, Most towrns glving onl>' 10 per------ wagon box, sud bis bead and body ln- et neing'*'k Oftht@s sot th"t ba Splmndid Values bifini OnlY thrMe 0f hundreda cf1seasonable articles car £oatui'ed lu lAitS advertiaement. If you need Glas,, P Building Matevials, or any une ofthlie many Ues cn store, we wouid b. glad tô have an opportunit>' of ne Coal OUI Wlnter Hoators ingt We @eIl au O11 Heater We have wiatcer Mitta A thas yllot moîl or iu great 'variety for al iru umeke. 1It vil hest a kinda cf work. r large reom in. shor-t They range int ispa-ce of ime, in sale pnaco from aq and eauiiy siean.d. 25C an Price $4.25 to a"d $5S00 $2.00. W. bav, tiseLaugeet Stacisof Stoves and - te. Chooso From. SOur dife-enît liai., belons y ou bi PRiIR; LIAD Pv-- .à &ýý )WARE top Goods ried in our store are Patt>', Titolà, Cutler>', irried ia a hardware Good Lanterne poor lanteru jeAa unace to hife and ropenîy. A good one yoor best frlend on dark night.ý Guar- iteed in an>' wlnd. -Price Ranges in Town a>'- I -I r Fou' You to Prpare Youu' Lias Daklng. There is a scarcity in fruits early, 80 we wiiIgive this year, but we'-bought yon prices as usuaL. " àa4in 16 cm. package Seedles@, - 15c. S"ed, Raçwhý 4 besi, 2 for 25c CUFMam' a2i eor 2Uc, andi lSc-lbo *ixed, 20c per lIbo N4vEScs Flour "d bsteBig odr - we~t~s fat*mstOcIbo ~t Jn0 I~ WATERI a> WRITEY Phorneil. i - lié One@ohoj bE Kavlng Takon Ovor the COal Business J. H. Downoy & Co.- 1 amn preparedt i la 1 -llorderq toi' CLEAN BRIGHT COAL Weil screeaed. We guaran- tee prompt delivery and good service. Ouiders Miay b. lof t at t-he office of J. Il. Downey & Co. James Sawdon Whltby, - Ont. liarriage License.. A. H. ALLIN. lanuer of Ma-s-ia-go Ucenss Corner drugatore. WblLbY. No WiI.neasse required. Tho Ométmr Canada ImprovuiO§t I Laed Co., Limited I & Son, Whltby, Ont. Bah, F WHITBY, ONTABIOt CANADA% THURSDAY. DECRMRIRP 9 inir, , à.:. %.# L:, ivi ja z r% Z, 1 If 1 b b m 1 Give So.mething Useful,

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