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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Dec 1915, p. 2

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THURSDAY, DEOMBER 2,1915. FOR,60 DAYS-ý Big Bankrupt Stock purchased at a k>w price includes a lot of most seasonable ai ticles, suchi's the foliowing: Ladies$ and Mens Sweaters'and Boys' .Hooks -ca ps. Girls' Hats. sweater Cbats. Fiannlette Biankets. Ladies' and Men's Fleece Llned and Boys' RaInsoats. Wooi Underwear. Chllldrmn's Fur Sets. Men's Worklng and Sunday Pants. Men's Raincoats. Men's SURtS. Men's Overalis. Men's and Be7ys' Working Boots. Mens Working and Sunday Shirts. Ladies' and Men' R ubbers' the same Ments Wooi Sooke, Mitts and Gioves, price as iast year. Me's and Boys' Caps and Suspenders. Ladies' Rubbers 29 cents. Boys' and Chiidren's Underwear. Men's Rubbers 50 cents. Big lot of Ladies' House Dresses and Lace, aiso Ladies' and Men's UmbreIýs Thesc - (,'uds arc' new atdtul V i d can b- purchased at a vastre rttr front rcgulîr It't cS i un te t lie next 6, daN s rather negleotful of thei r town'a In- terestu The Special Cormlttee re Town of Whitby Sewerage reDorted as followa: -O'We un corne tu ne other conclusion than that it was the intention sud un- derstanding et the County Property CemmIttee te assume the sewer tax eof the Town et Whitby as and when the respective preperties are cennect- cd with the system, and We would theretore recommend that eauy the portion oeth(le sewer tax bill oethle town represeating thberate for that - purpose calculated on 50 per cent. et the Couat>' AudItor's Valuation et the Hloutse et Refuge preperty be paid,'lt belng the onl>' property efthi-e Count>' at prt'seal connerteti wltb the system. $20 m-as granted te, Canningtoa Poul- lry Association for thelr Nmas FaIr. Col. Fart-wecll was aîtîointed to cor- t if> aIl accounIs tta.sslng through the eOffitc f the District ReîsrtsentalIJet o A gricultue-. The ~CetiicIlîreuîsed te graut te de- fra> .ieîu of a t t-m front itis 1Ciîl> te r w it.- lite stej dglîtg coi-upe- ttntatir Gîteîtth litter Fasir. Interesting Letter France. from Corne 1irt aids(tlite gui -l,; , k.im t w Il at i-teqie, -1 i d \r- 'tiIdiiraifXluh. fi.15 tri- tir- os i lat~diantt Et Save HARRY NESKAL9 THEý FAIILY PHYSICIAN "Fruit--tins" Is the Standby -I'n This Ontarlo Homo sSOTAD, Ont., Âug. 25th, 1918. « My wbfe ruasamanÙrto Cmdipaiou. .We tried everythlng on the caleadar wvithout satisfaction, and spent large aune ef money, until we happened on Fruit-a-tives'. We have ueed It [n tbe fanilly for about two years, and we wonîîd not use anythiag ec long au we can get "Fru.lt-a-tives.," J. W. HAMMOND. <FRUIT ATIVES" le made from fruit juices a.nd toule-is mld i actiern-and pleassat ita (ste. 50c. a box, 6 for $250O, trial aime 25e. At cIosiers or sent on resuipt et price b>' l-rurt-a-tivee Ltntited, Ottawu., 'f ît.tii lt-lt-tI tit.l.I it \\Iliatia eîr stittisclit jîtt asii-ritli Ias tf çdr'îîttk ofni h S. I ~ ~ t" ",n, , Iu 1- 1- i .i i-.i ltr t.,il 1 s11ita Tu' cîîsî- ît sIul . Ittk . laî -, il - 'I ~i .1The. - tfi (il 1l111 il t.ti',tllii sl l-.ttttt NOVIIMBIIR 5L5510N OF ON YARIO COUNTY COUP Council Wi HcIp ail Socieîics Poing Red Caoss l'it XCu Ici tI 1 ()I 'l'itad lî iti.i ii - - t ti'i t,.tIli tu s i - - ( ýi 111- > l i' i l, J. . Il l i1 t iV . .- T 1u (uit1'd . t ( j 1 1 1 'li 1 1 1t ('i 1S- ul ,i l. j - i lu i i 1 o lltiýiu it tii l'.1t- i1 t-i.1 fo r i.iti-t111 ii.1 1i- 1- - 1tI - -j thre l'1 în.îî-s--- ti t Il a---l 1- t- fie t-tii4 1.- 1 1- t-1-- - for ii., tri -., i - 1 l i---t iii I t m . . il R' t tn ' 1 1;,tlui. ,-111s1-i -'4i il ifi1 il i.it.t , anud tt i t' lu t\i.ii l r tt.- surît Ilu i-s-- ed lY I l s-lua .ti i: Ca ('ur.t It-u 'lue ir. -ui.- ui N% i - i-and ir.- ~ i p ast t hu t u it lu.i ) im XXt\iii - i slui'i1 aîi Ilit 1 ititi. dt-. t i . - 10 tut titis utit %titi r - -- , t i. 1 t. l Vl laîîîtîî- -.~~~~~~~~~ t'at ttltt t-tui. - - - t. - - i ot . , - . th..il i (i. i /.it tilt --t - t t. - i ut'-.-. 5-.iii J .4--lt tIi.- t -. .î il-s t tri tri Chut lii ut t tutu î~îî t. . I'-ti ut--, -- il t l., îîî-trrd lt-f tir-.- t t - Xliii- ~ î t, -- tiit'.s, ru i il-i i tut - - - -, --t huIt t-sI tilt t' .- i n \r t'1 1r NXX ti[r. i. J1m -. X Yi,rtI iî at Y S î tî.îî -d ltînt ti~~~ (nlu -I î--i lut tafiut -r I of -L . ii .i ii (-iilut r-titt usatt Y it 1 Cl t-11 t 1 Iturch t 10 l.eItitadY i. i - - ui rt i i tg- sr astiiY Y, stîti li mauti t.e r uwui-s nus,tlttt tIliltoni-tu-ne-e Iou ii ti t Ptim i ' tI-Ct i ttom mtrté-,- Nthlut i iltut . I-i sts-ci.ihx'5tth,iii- ut-t i tlt Il i t.-p-;.it(nti I-'ntuttct'anud IXilsgi i: 1 1 ', t I- [liqi ii1 \ Ilot% i ti-e e oru- lso il, ît- iiim . Yi-, ucu-tnîi t o t1ule Tom î - s'1ip I;. ut I 1ut i ti'otr . -. uiG rrickh' rielge taus itissu-, t s-$20 ilîu' the.'('elUît lu Itîtti -ni i, i'n-rîuîttî trieltt-.. Board of Education Takes; hiti t&rnly, Mr. Paquette moved nome Over Building ContTactS. health, however, was undermined, and lie steadily failed until death relleved Citizens ot Whitby are naturally con- MO. cerned about the progreassof the work Deceased wau 89 years of age, and on the new scheol at Port W'nitIby and hat i ved for meat of bies lte ln Whlt' the improvements te the High Scheel. by. In hie youager daye he was a Much te ithe regret et the Board et prominent athiete. andi was a member Educatbon the werk bas been proceed- ef the Whitby hockey teain at the same Ing very slowly from the beglnning, time as thie Stewart boys, Bob Burreli, and more particularl>' for thbe past threei George Ramnes and Geo. K. Theîtpsefl. menths. It bas been an open qiies- Hie wlfe and sont Arthur survive te tien, Whlch bas givea the Board much meurn his losa. His father resides ln be able te complete the work- He t re- and a s1ster.1 qiient>' gave assurancea (bat he intend- The tuneral wva5 hfld on Frîda>' last, tsi te, anti would be able (o, cen-plete service Poing conducted lu St. Hi-ý lthe contracta. Acting tîpon tht-se as- acinthe Cathedral- sur-ttces, and not wishlng to deal sunt- marl>' tuitît a ownpman w-ho was ln teofth.îtyofroe.ts liard Itîck, lthe Board ttestreted tPe se- Louohcty of urrty I - tion tîtat fitiatl>' Pad to bi' taken-Ihe Frank Jirerîey make oui- Ithat be i s enior dismissal of ilii coîtîracior. su sîtu urtrt'r ot t hefirm ut F. J.(irrieey &Co. dorngi and assui lsSule-s ini the ttty of Taie.!. Cotintv ard sMate,- 111 î tg tm-uIv-s t he cen iflt-t le-n oftif ihç, storets,îdt rs i fi, M u. %'it t'a'. the saur. -t tterk, ONF HI.NR ) itltt.. -for esch Riil et-cr- Titis action st k- tw --scase ot Ctarrh t i-alcarînotl euirt Pv thi use -of n tke t-, o v ( ks iati, rC' irrt t tre. i-FRA NKr- IEtt.Ni-V. agit. tiid rthe, werk la n utw ilt cii ý r- <f st , ort t iefore r..e tatii srîsc i t.e, r.r es. Mr. lît1iSun u l otItll sp -t i-ea.A X .i. StN l',;ýntrrt Cireitak ii ititiitlv.Rtiiacis gageu ' l - d Oiii. - o )Ilî t tti s-ttl~ direct lv .i1ithe Wootaoi r tri ,îcou-surfaces .-f thie eliril-l ~ttte- sitîîlt:iit.nsiî. ~ s en Seud for test irtrotiiai- free ousr k Nit1tf- dît,- 1îx i ite r. h- AUttt Si>. t- ( - Il s -r-tl t- ifr- trit t li- Itard tUake iti s CîFantlv 'ilttior' )ntin tion. i t . ti t-otr--ilîtîr tf Is - eut tr tir twtt i tinte xit-t.t i, lî TWO FIRST-CLASS FIRSI MORTOAGES - îî rotsttwi k--it-ritri et cfr trît on Yonge Street, Toronto. i-u (' iti 'I irt'diîîrs TIs- tîttutrulProperties for Sale. t tti I. mii '-ipi tutila- dut t' 1 t t t Il Tht-se two mortgagos are due Maret tît (frttxi' rtor-r-0 CIce-dit(r. lIst. i9l6, and will bring a poelt et juil n~inra deluar y-ettguo frutî i i- i--i t ii- .r iuy ftI ii t, d t - 17nttu -~- i . 1' ,. -tudllI.iiti luin-s ,tr fr ti s-tu-ý exir-tt criielizt rs- l,,trçi f-,r tii- d,-lutî antd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~r ~ i L î î ! i . ~ ii ~ ii o . r ard dIsiIl r3 ti aide .f he l. ra it oî aae t ît irs Iqý cor 1 i . on iltl, 1 r-j gouil cliver and se-tds tro- Il petite- i slt-tldblue kilét iri mind Ir 1 t itu- ru--é i ----il iii .1- t - t "dtkit tîd - s 1- 111,.-îtî ttu tt'i -ts ý dîseasec I1t - tîît-- cratrut-rru-, 'tw a s-il'. ontu- tîdpr I .- , lit t ,1 i'd îl ;rsinlsslsrtessti-rity sund -snis ad '-er- Ife«r tii rî'-tsîîdiîg ctlts- lll c Sr il Wfik , tii t tii1il-:n. Tîit, i -îîîrî--it Il ierîîiî5i f lp t ittas 'tît l aiié ds u oul tf ît-cossity that tu-ntuuru-r watt W tOr . ( -e t-) é i 1 î 1 ý tt s l t 11e> dcl, tîia-rx Y-ýira l stîdm S elis Iiisia d tiltsn rr it th P , U Is at-n e i thaî h *ts titi t, é -iéc4 i nt.L homenî ilt h a Il', otiti lit-t 1tIis iii,itii titi mTt a ltlteicho i e-. artel nlidq ai ýi )tut ii -tttt -t' lu , a rît-i Ci- (rit-, ut(' luis itîi( ;l)(1tl ' lu ý Il( "-.- li- titt'luse l t in lt lt- doit' fi-r iliw ISi l 1 a *tirstî--itiont riltî ;1 u li onti i ls 1 Ipi iii bs fitîths ;n i l --'. m. da h- î - t d-It ,p ti-in Ll'or, ' iutlýl a ti I tutu- ira - tduiii'iior iilt- a .ls -it tif t t hé , I l - r i C 11W fý.1-tri t n--;2 t i i - u i t îrin ité- dé iil h- -si fil tid I lt t -t i n it Xii tt tii t of i t 1 tur i t dé- -? ou* 1i l iI u1'ti\,-.t tii-r ii, i-ta-. t. e- iot ltit t i ~ lbit~u ititii. l n Il ti-(i-il i -t . m -rî-d it ii-i i- ci\'l "' 'lié i 1uitîtoî, in-titi ma 1 L a n a d-I >t 10î a ici - l 1 r I t'T - l !l r .111î irîl - s r t 0- il -s i. I tî - t Ii-1-t- C- ,'t ,cli X i 1. tir i.. etir ofif Il,. atrîit, n ii l i.-- - t; i il I. t -ir'i ltu.i' i. c tii j":ý ut. itr t % r i--t il itt-t t 11 1tirn. e-ti i I nie. )itr tlîrîl.- i ,tliti la liwii -- ig Il t 't il W utilts r.- t iiot rît-tii t, . indel si,\ti- tre- c.tîn j'i ii at 1i i il il t i s I( r fuiîiîi rîw 1t fî.-- m rîn îtîu- lînrg Ilins- tir uuuuit -tusIi ' , lus- 1 it- l-d if tIlis-, tt-rmnt ut iris-t t r tua- i-ilin istîl llt s sr, v us-liait- cotîtnluuto 1 afiiicýto tu ti-eforîi. -' it ch ci nîr miitî' lit dlgtilîit trentcttss and hila oit tii-1su-fatigueîs nit tit-t-itu tt, cectitr. as oiîr îm erkti t ak s ii r rted-r tt lies-, of 1hi ýi e lîtu \A-.11 o aor,'a tut t - rt-ad>' to naku' the' hest tdevantage(,cf arr> oppibotri;itN- rha r iay ho efteed tthituanîd an onut rehoIras te - itîs.a i tat the tormîanîs catit shoot - as '-'f- have so oft-r Peen told. bas a ver>' wr(ing crne.Thele anipers ate-mon- d. rfîr I ai ts. ns oitr iova st-toii ira rut t lit.--a~rt, raret-u-al- i xt.esing te sti.I ;t lIut i ta nh it iiio tO1 lit MeInt- est Itorien etf t1ier bod i -s. (tuitili \i 4,T*t11 9',1. tîîel r. --îrd r .n sfor Mifunl tht trenchis. oa> "oî 1111 ' \iiii ;i i-î a old h4,adud' (aine, as mweîrld ratP. r b- 'nitheiitan (oit as S:i toi, il h eif litecilliii of Iris work r bey ire %-erNcerufortable at prosent. thet .- ur~ --torslu ringIte yeaýr. Tht Warden extrislad .'ru i eh bfiglitlng golîîg on. Inll eti i itt (i-l ils t haffkts 1t he menibers. and sald Ctinly the soldiers tive much botter Attr utlurui ttit fî nbtr ofCorucl i. ad trlod aJwvays te do bis dut>', and in tire tronches than out, 3-s the>'laIte wer takon -j-la ato lfi fibe aevofge is holiewat; glad he had pleased hie f ellow .111 sorts of supplies and delieactes ia membersi.crs t-i eyug dswith them, and as there are'-.to e&s ni! ~ ttbe ew Tosp t1to Sunhç f t sfor $12 to dotray ca e ioi.lb <'seare easlly trepared.an Vii oth e ltIt hezf % is.sTh: n'i-mail al oit>s ln dail> n - ~tlit' umen iuad lthe papers pîinted ln on, their relurn, the Equallzritliii tl1 NIltFiS'll(IDRS hne adv rtw oor.Soyt 'Committee had a Conference wlth lti-- T oio iyo w eoe oyi Mener Jiudge Meintyre as (o fthe cour-it(if it e Ilosa t.ridpte (Il ce îttuiresu-ît conditions are not so te be pursued la heartng appeals frir ut t ' ii itt--t 14 Etat NWiltb tierrible tus utne nîltîli liuazlne. but jut the reports et the comnmittee adopt-d iti il t-fi it t testIllie t 'tlii t iho\ I(long thiis -NIlt continute (s d-,tibtful the June Session and as tIo ltus Psi iii 1tui l",4litet'idlng Or- ;ituid t ery uritrtain. HoN%-ev-er, I îhIlnk bilItY ef arriving at semne comttnrttniitI.ý i-*iri t itit jtîst as soon as titi- enern>- ratze Us tothe'appeaus, satisfactory Itelit -- ii iliitii f ~t 3for.tt lit thte% are ttp agai.nattIire better 'whole (iouncll, wltb a Vie ott 0ttîr - -" l t t 'tttolitt v. for all concernied. 'Certani>' the' Sen- a protractied Investig-at Ion n t.Ic -,"I i li tJri i,- .tî for the' r! footing aroîrnd bore Ita ver> opti- rSesetelt fthe mitor nnlcîiiilîlîtit sltý' , . 1'-t.il rn- itii, 80 Iet us hope for better Urnes - 'rh-e Warden resumed the' ch;ttr til-1 t- sItaa wa. wttap- t siortl1y. 6630. (1V.i 11., - t -ut ilt fîr Irle Coluîy Let me 'varit yen about one thlng. -A deputation repréentlng Illi, t),j)'17.t rît-jr aînum. anrt'd that le bêleing man>' of the re- brancbnet o the Ried Cross Sou-tI.v , î, trtîti ~-rcmnn.Portsconcernig lite lni the trenciies, l'l umwate eomed whtch appear la the newspapers. The wae beard, conststng of MIrs. VF W .(j7ul l t ta-Ott;k.as deentres cettîti e reporters are not allom'ed witin tli.s Cowan. Mrs. Gekît', and M rs .1 J -" i ti) i .tir tr:s1ua rate et la- 0f the firing line, aid many of thus.e Owens, skTu or agrn. Theîut ii- .-t1i. 1nePcdnet ln r Otereport- are purely lrnagînary or exag- r-frr tho theoFinaTe ttiiilçîitrîWI,,, Pt L:ttli Ilt'i'tti'ft ite grated, and lan most cases condîiit ns referedto he inace ommt i- t-, t - ~ to be aprtlied te arelt nearî>' az bad as the>' are ritc- Fil 1DAY. it-i.t t irnus lîîdebto-dness te the îtu red. A -etulatio lraittk(,ît's great jo see the fre-orks a* Relief Society' waiîc'd 111>11.oiî t i t. - ( t Catît of r. ter cent. eftbteir totalln aglit, when both sides are sendlng aakng oi liatcia aslsaîi-, lI. 1 \-l-,tlt lîru- i;tIole ocember lai-, 1915,1 Up rockets In au attempt te lorate P. Willis. !irs Jos. King tndtul n-- il t idt'Ilue-tiade to aIl Societis ln the' each othèr. and It remiads one of a Rosa spôke.'tIils was reterrild to r ii.'rîî- doiig [Red Cross work for the 24th et May' or lsi of .Iuiy celebratin. Finanee -v*m ni 11 rt i.sýsiance and enifort ot soldlers at John and I are hoth quite weil and -Ab-lw ii- 1i1irodtaced and gINon ilte fronrt, and re<îuimsfng the sainie be- bappy, as; our associalos a.nd gneral t~o eadngat. tttt- ttibt' lnt-fotri' J.utrary 15, 1916., iald percetîtage surroundings are of the best ItCssle. tw>re aIngs fi-rilie r-coip t u lx. -calclaied ntthé anteunt. ex. Yotir lot lng son. - ir làn f4 rcito taxes tnted on Carttiiatu lRed Creps Nwork, ROBERIT -1! é Il onnrluott'r(itf irlie 1use o et tlr'ylabe paîtîldhlet a statement et ex. 1jgefuge wu asteruci'd to procure îwo penrd itrels çr,-rtfi t-E thbe Secretartes burial lots latu i.- uiatran Cathole o tf th, t' îsljtoçtlve Socii-îlî-m. and by thc EXTRACTS PROM I BLLXt SUNIt\yS eemnetery la the Township 6& WhUby, hte <t!of ltimttticiltttty ln which ADDRESS. at a pri-ce et $40, for the burial et ia- ty ltt'otrstîan Trltts'd a he ron New Yrks drink bil l a aamillion mates of the 1louse et Refuge et that ~'tetsdTesre dollars a day. faith at the tinte et their death. Alithigtjtt r. ('s-nant was absent for Yeu mtght as tuell îry te regîjitîst The report efthi-e Commiitte.e on Agri- 3 dayr out lit,- l%,it, Mr, Mason for 24ý a powder uti lu inbel b>' high Iteense çulture was.presented, and approvud. Mr- . Wilson for 2 tnd Mr. Mow-bray for <as toi try to regulate ttsb) higît A bylaw Y"aa ntrodUced by Mr. 1)O'W. 1. the report un Mileage and Peri Dieni îcense. ney (o authertze tbe ratslng of m.eneY Allowsaic*-granted !est-h of thern a full Bourbon drunk In ;~îi î wltlch for alding ia recruitlng aUd equIppluID8Ibe day' is ua', 'lre Oshawa maen are pays a i hcense teof $,()(0 w~ill oat t1- .-1> --Llt'l , - . EA OMFOR"' Tlhe Perfectio'n Sîtokelets Oil P-eater àu the tl tugfor îi%- cold nirt~ r i Alwayus ryi't r -Yer a.nJquuckly C4 ithe ÇntlL. t .ti f Ii I t li bt tu i ti ul -. tn ii i (fi -t ti- i i it i iI- -tI ti i t tuf I-lis (tîl )t1 toif mi l and (utr-tu -t t il i - el utIl- SI t ni Il t i .i -I % , t 1AnCo 111. ti i, rl ~ et ~ \ld i ilV - ru i, t. tilt t i - i d i li li - I hIit . 1,:1 il -ditl llt- l Il Io 1 - ~ ~ ~ ~ ý t, rd :141 t-()tt .,ir rtl - aibout $3400 on an Investment for 14 monthu. Aiino.nt about $11,000. Ap RE~GAIN & REGAN, 112 Manning Charniers Toron to MOANS Wc have a large amnount of private and Otiter fupds to Invest at fIrmi ruortgages ou farin and village prop erties at 6 anîd C12 iper cent. Apply REGAN & REGAN, 112 .laiinlng Chambers, Toronto DOUBLE TR.CI< ALL THE WAY t -n ii t :i- trnil - -. ir tPet lin loi -1îî11t1i ttt i l h.1 i ui t tt-i - i i i ltmtrutiOi.;uth, id itiX iifi N\ ilctt -.îî i te-i1ttc J t i TORQIN1O-CI-ICAGO e-ii 0111.-r ti r 1-ti- t -.î ho ti t seliln t li;.t t il tint-n.j pI-t T ý'1 O R C C G rlie-ut .îîdlui t t S-n- i esd -nd- lî.l. il-..irii.6t tt.-tt u- c)I ptIA~ To Reduce Your 'QVight \tii tFOR MNI).rTkR-LI Easily andicQt.uicklv. dI--tlteutt-il t'itItu -'-' ,4rn-u.--t1)i t0 ttiiM.î If yuîr arc'et -su r rthe cariu- ete lhof titi b b- ' t t- tý. \ ;i , , j - n uînî nI i-. -t ulrens y tîi u'îrslttt s laltck of exvgu-ti -tîd l ii t< tt 5 , 11i .ii carryit c powtur iti t ic led uand l flil rrut - entth lcetr -r nrc PANA 'iA PAC IF IC EM IOS iTI ON t iltiiiîi otf food. 'l'o lirlie is 1)(b r i ,1k In- mnade- iro Irit- litrder iisîe tif m ifs - assi- t- '- b n-i litli ,i.-itît ' u-. .- t, i Cli' arid b100 iirchu i i i r iii' glotii -t tilt du I tqiLI-l t of fat.- Titi-ru-fîte- yotu tii tud correct- - att11-t- ti i t -ut-- 1i oxvg-tii-î-tr ving roît tr oet lie tîodi ____________________E_____ tr o de titis, g-o te ociii\-etudritggla kli NI and ger oil of enilu-ne. ont-, solul inri - To.-.tnin-u-i ttil astt-tiitip rt Tan T~~' DQ glîtal paiageîs and inicapsule terni, eaun-csrtlt-r li, iiiund -at-aîîshlîlrinîe1abe ande take one capsutreoafirr eich rmeal "cndnt-n" iceutuerunti the and cne' ai bedtime f111 yolîr weîiglit ha (tantidirýn Pacifie IlaiIway \011 rut n ~ .. redîuced te wbst ut sbould bo on aIl specinîl crains tront Toronto îhrough ta parte eft(he body. Tlie effect et cil et St. John, N.B.. rîtnning ahoagside (tie - erilceelu capsule Tortu is romaekabte atsutmsht1ps. Listqing Wiiitiy ire 11.45 -P - as a Nveigut redu-or r tr d aad Decomber lOtb. safo-E.T.J Ttte equipmoît-oftihotte trains wiIl lie An>' drtîgglsl cao sîîpply you, or a fotîr or tive coaches. bnggage car and G. T.R. tar:.-.sîzu box m1-lt hosu-uit on re"tttlt ot standard stepor il itiasoe i rttached WIB UCIN $1.00 . Addele'ss P. J. Little Drtrg (Co., air t'sst Mouonta. Space ta>'hi'ob- WIB UCiN Box 1240, Niontreat. Can. îttineel andl attinformaiont hi>'apput>. f<i trg Wits... 4 sîa.nn 1Gotng Est...8. 20a. T? NEW C.P.R. 'TRAINQ, PRO\E POPU- LAR. THE RIDtEAU :\NDT-THE YORK 1BETWE1N TORDNTSJ ANI) 0DlTAWA';. The new day trains, titi- "fideatî' sud tht' "York," Potwiten Toronito sud Ottawavî-ils tPe 1Lke OIntario Sinor- Lino, gîtie the pulic an51op(ort inuit>- to spcnd haîf a eltu>'il Toronto or Ot- tawsa, goiuîg i-r'te limîiteel mid-day trains, rcttîrniug b>' the mnîdtthght train. necr-ssttat tri a onu>' 0e nighit on tuie roud.The route Is via the ,alçe (OIl rarto Pr Lino,. passtng throuigb WNhinb-, , shstt s. Itowniainvie, Part Hope,(Cobeourg. Trenton, 1BoîhevilIe. et-e. Thti "Rldt i tînt" ets Vs. i11h-. fC. P' R. Sttation)i'2-32 p.m. daill. exept Strdat'-. tien vileg Ottawua (Cenuittes Stii- t(ot) I i t.m. TPe '*York" Icavos 0<- tati« a Ceitral Station) 1.15 p.m. daily, excetir Srnnday-, arrittiag Whilby (C.P. hW Station> 8.19 p.m. Eqtipmetîat l muode-rn lievor>' dtil, eonststlng et firsî-ctass coachbes., c-parler cars. Il- brîir> 1-otbservuation - parler cars. Con- net lotis front W&slern Oi-arlo peintÊ, are- made al Toronto wlt-bh ile "Rldeau.'" lianrt iCt1ars o11 aPpliCatiO o -o<anadian Pnicific agente. E. R. Blow, Whltby, Ont.. or write M. Gi. Murphy, District l'assoitger Agent, Torente. Schooi Reports'. 111GH SÇR0U WBIKLY MXAMS. Forra IV. (Taigtometry)-R. Mow- bray ZDO X .Keiiiirs.dt7,T. Proct 7.2, M'. Rubneen 70,. K, Nicholson 59. j. Form And --oeus; .M = son Yéefit. P - ersen 59. G. 3MeGilJ,yr*y 67. . IUsIoP 55~. A. Kennedy 54,I. w Mottly 64. IL Wai>g& h D. McGIUI-V-weY17. 93. milte ucM <786 ultbl>ii Ai* vidze %4mos gtiaas 69, ISs 705VSt Me- hiytu6, Ada Mle 6, Me R1 4%. 3oste I.onx 42.13. Meekr ~35,Abe porm 1. <p1i.-~ ltktwgi 90 b Jme iîag to E. R. Blow, agent. Wblltby Ont. I uF TH 0F EDMOND (lISAAC) PAQL ETTE. At ;t. lHyacinthe, Que., on dn- day last, Noverober 24, the doath oc- curru-d of Edmnond Paquette. until re- ceuîily a rr'sident and business mnn Mlîitby. NIr. Paqrrettv. wiro la known here oul'.wa, Isaac. beina- a son of Mr. Isaac P'a illtto oft rhis tomn. had lýeeu 111 since last winter. He wvas contlned to bis twd for several imonths. and in thie sprlng seemed te have lmproved very materiall>'. He was nol able to resurue bis duttes in his barberIng busiitessq. and dlsposed offtItit belug conduttod now by Mr. Phil Gay. Witb Liver S1uggIsIh? You are warned by a sallow skia, duli eyes, bioumnes, and that grouchy feeling. Act promptly. Stimulate your liver-remove the clogging wastes -nake sure your digestive organs are working rght and-wien neeted-te BEEHAE'S W1IITEPYMKETS Vb i,*O*p .0 o2~pw bWam M te M . ....Ptul. _U p5. tn .... .9.30 P M Sunday trains leave for Toronto 4.52 a.m. anti 7.40 p.m.. From Torento -traine stop at Wbitby Junction atl 8.15 anti 9.55 a-m., anti 9.30 p.m. UP.TOWN STATION. Ging North .3o sm. Gaing Soutir .7.t55Il.-r - .. .t5 p.m. .t.5p a 6.4o 1, m. 1to .i C. P.R. Gotng West- 6.32 atnu. OOig Erât-tO.mo Baim 9>098sM. I1.r!p. m. 4.;r M6.29 P.- 12-44 a-tu STAGES. Lkaves fer Brougham Edwards, preprieter. at 10 axm. Mr'.1 MA ils CLOSE For West-- 630 a.m. t 3.30P. nu. 6.30 P.m. 8. 30 p. M. For X&Mt-&3o son. 8.30 .M. por Port Wbiby- 6-30 B4-M 6.30 P.tfM IPorôsluawa-us L30p.. iFor Nerthit3 M.~ow NEt AITERNOON TRAiN :Bmoker,.Coich, CfPre Ceirand LtbraryObs.rvatîon. Farlor Ou' i.aves Wîitby am 2.52pn va .- LAK) O"TAIQ:-tIOR COIJNTY 0P ONTARIO. 1. WHITI3Y-Mlss E. L. Macdonell. Clerk, M'tltby-Jan. 7, Feb. 2, Mar. 2. April 6. MNay 4, Jurie 1. .JUIY 6. sept. 1, Oct. 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 2, Jan. 4. 1916. OSHAWA-Mlss E. L. 'Macdonell, Whlîby. Clerk-Jan. 8, Feb. 3, Mar. 3, April 7. May 5, June 2. July 7. Sept. 2, Oct. 6, Nov. ?, De:c. 3, Jan. 5, 1916. 2. DROUGHAMl\- M. Gleeson. Clerk. Greenwood-Jan. 11, March 4, - May r, July 9,. Sept. 3, Nov. 4, Jan 6, 1916. 3. PORT PERRY- J. W. Burnharn, Clerk, Port Perry-Jan. 12, March 6, 'May' 7, July 9, Sept. 6, Nov. 5, Jan. 7, 1916. 4. UXBRIDGE-R. J. Moore, Clerk, Uxbridge-Jan. 16, Mar. 12, May 11, Jîîly 13, Sept. 7, Nov. 20, Jan. 14, 1916. 5. CANNINOTON- Thos. H. Foster, Clerk, Cannlngton-Jan. 15, Mar. 11. sl1ay 12, Jul>' 14, Sept. 8, Nov. 19, Jan. 13, 1916. 6. IIEAVERTON-Cbas. A. Paterson, Clerk. fleaverton- Jan. 14. Mar. 10. i Nay 3, July 15, Sept. 9, Nov. 18. JTan. 12, 1916. 7. UPTERGROVE- Daniel Leonard. Clerk, Atherley- Jan. 13, Mar. 7, NIa> 14, Jti1y 16, Sept. 10, Nov. 17, Jan«. 11, 1916. Daîed at Wbitby, Nov, 28, 1914. (B>' Order) J. E. FAREW-ELL, Clerk of the Pes. ROYAL THEATRE EM~IRE GUo8f Y ?RSIMI Each Night. The Blach Box" every Monday night Saturday nlght, 10c. tW aIL BAIN PERRIN, Manager. 1% L NICHOLSON &SE1DO N I UN1 phon0e 35 DIRTAKERS WHITBY ARTHUR LYNDE TENOR TEAGMER 0F SINGING. HAMBOURG CONSERVATORVI TORONTO (Russlan .Schooi eofllualc) Teaecs "-Vhiîby ever>' Saturday. phone Bell 118, or addtres box 505, VUITBY optren a nuee i h p'ua flamanzfor tir gr1.uai erug.at fu Toli.uful rotlo r Ont. y h ~ fod km. uJ. t., F~~~s t-1-KE-T.;,O Te-de, Bh to or R. e for n t ii3ti t- i ,f t 't-t- - t 1 e M&RFA% 0=1O OBO. M. RICE We M. 4PRINGLE AERGRIPPE XtLTadlqKadistrong EyV1no vry Kan&.-""Th@ Grippe left me ,, wakne=c, run-doWn-condition. 1 wus too wakomy housewrk and could not slie.. fter trig different medicines without benefitVinol restored My h.uitb, utrenet and appetite. Vinol in à grad mediceine and every weak, nervous, run-down woman ahould take it."-Mru. GEO. FINDLEY. Vinoi dur deliejous Cod liver and iron tonic, sa ne the a ppetite, aida diges- tion, enricres the blood, and.builds up natural strength and energy. A. H. Allun, Druggist, Whltby, Ont. The box social and coulcïrt he]1d in Baggtsvlltschool hoiiséýon Friday uvonn ulasIn aid <of r 1w Red ' roqs, Nvas a turfai rcfqs. 'thure w,%as a big crov.( dîrges ut. 'fhp prog.ram 0f dia- l<tgtieS. Sougs. elC. piven by tihe young I)ll -op f tPeu orimnititN *, xwas well ren- d..dand ihorou.zbly tuljoy.cd by al Oe't ur pop-îlar aiucîioneer, Mr. WIll. lawv, of Wbitl . aS auction- our. and got as hlgh as S2_.77' for stomte of the* boxus. .\togetlter a thorough- 1 L<tood x , niiu \L5 s-( il. Uii, ro cd-îrîotîatê d to et. r S. S. Not. 6 \I T 'litu ,1jaîla of o e . Illhi lv, nssist cd bl.v (Sfflsideti li :îr. .t a.~l Chrîsîtias cutcurt ii I eti ,11it. l'ar, ults aîtd frl.-nlds of té.tîpils aro -tîd rffalIv i il it liws r-s-ýnt. I\ 10 (Iý Fa 1 oo il. il ruads ;L, fol- Noulri ýIof ojj. % 1 .. ý - ý ý ., .. . , 1 Il- 1, ý t, ., 1 f "f . 1, .. - - 1 1

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