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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Dec 1915, p. 4

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4 'y e cases- euP~~u if t. Frice per @t $5.00 We handle many other useful gifle including: Pisahuiglita, Silverware, Braasware, Pocket Kulvea, *Raser Strepu, At uninuta ware k&t-es, Iloekey Sticks - SpoStib#,Goodae, Gana, Mi tta, "oala, Waahîîîig Machsines, W tngers, Bath Âoocss"mU. This setore la epen until ninné every oveÀngun4i at yeur service for your requiremtileiin. ail lino of hard- ware, stovea, repaire, etc. We eiter have i4 ,wfil go- it, *clnlyrs'smade ia-l4r4 The UiaeTlmu< SO'vew Von MNeyJ War ai~aIOton Wheu Abahni Lin I 0 bstli.y retiio pportunty te wtipeet famous prodamation to abollb * tb. lienpa eive ffapoation lii. é WUby Tom r.oelvoasits shareof., ýWbeîi the. Rumm nGovnme! upent for boS» in que -yearat thie eMbted the sale of Vodka ( hS~ *vrleiOO0,ý & per 1usd et, was a knock-out for YKtngA1Oo-thppltssp4peysrt more dan-gerous be tto ùRnuIS '21) eti U1wi MWen tbe ?rovinueofet borts, 4 I *ms-ý 5WU4 otia 4 widi, Ir iepdn wazelI O1.- t» »Y0f 4ë Islxi an agreat iotI -on à*W bu,V*ho0tIu anid Queecware tmderPrbfto e,"PS'2 -~ n net Onta;erlGotylidg&-'Ur- ph - W hen Iidtd THE MATTNR 18 IMPORTANT. LET IT BE PMRSED AT ONCE. - The Radial Situtation. Br F. Howàs» ximINs. The conterençe botug held on Wed- uosday betwoo* i Sr Adam Beck and tho Board et- oam-tol of the Cis-y of To- ronsto. la soie A>4 grot Interest te flot ouly s-ho' people oft Whibhy. but aiso cf all the munlcPalties through 'Whlch s-he pioneor Radial of the Province paues on Its route easte*ansd north- erly fio1 Toronto. with termini at WhIty, ]Port Von-y sud os-ler points in Ontarlo CoUnty. The sllbWet Speci- ficafly dhalt witb in s-he ensrance of tits and etbhrradWa sprojected. throughout the western parts of s-ho Province but ceneng at Torons-o 1k. the Unin iiwhlch vo arnmore Dartie- uls.rly concerned. Unlesas-lie c1ty a-1I grom to lot thom mcorn iIand author- ixes she oxpeuditure lnvolvod. estima- .d4 Si 8r Adgào aI$3,000,000, itta un- likofr s-bat tuither progres wlt.h eut radim a oe84apreesont ho Made. Tho situatoms-la fs-s-r oompiceste býy tbe aoi*4a of thse outrance prcb- lema tu retard!te Uthe private raiis coutoflb *Ud~e Mackemtse. Min h- weet ludedit le tii.e avaffd condtion - obtWtiing on Teege -strult t"i etitiesi so wbieb th-hoMat bu «M&.Ti la no dou bieToroto~ £%#am U u8 s-h Os-ler râd1iab viu pe, la lâtbo do ,thbuila traa h m r.sn h tSs-MV.___U.kISPs-eVUt fe was a mnember. -asslsted by Rev. S. G. ef farM stock, 11mplements etc., thle McCorrnsCk, pastor lu charge. property of John Anson. lot 1. eon. The sympathy ef the commuitY la I19, Plckering Tp. Sale s-t 1 o'ClOck. See extended s-o Miss Thomskon, and, to Mr. bi-g blilîs. H. S. Pugh, auciioneer. John Thomson, brother of deceased. Sas-urday, December Il-Auctjon "ale - -- ~~--oe farm stock sud Implements, s-ho Execuor'sNotic to red- prers-Y of Fred Hill, lot 18, con. 6. Exectors Noices-O ~ d~Wbitby Tp. Sale s-t one oclock. Wm. itors and Os-hers. jMs-w, auctloneer. verley, laie cf the Town of Wliltby, in s-he County -of Ontario, deceased. Notice la horeby gIven pursuant s-o Section 66, Chap. 121, 9 $8.0., 1914, that ail persona havtng edaims s-gainas- the ostos-e 0f ts-li d Fredenick Eaton Cal- verley, who died s-t thé es-1d Town et Whltby ou thse s-wenty-ighth day ef Octebe, 1914e are required te dellver or seud by post. prepaid, s-o the. underogu. od Solicis-or, for John F. Caiveriey, thse Beocutor of thé vill ot the Mid de' co-asod, ou er bofore the 28s-h day ef Decombef, 1916, thoir narnez and ad- drosses, snd'a ful description oft shoir elaluh, and s-henature cf s-besoctu- ms-es. ii any, held by thor4ansd Fui-iliO take notice sbat ais-er the saId 28th duy of Deconbol., 1916, the aatd Ezecutor wili procemed te distrlbuto thbe sas-e of s-he id decsaBOd aruong ti partontedthereto, bàvns ne- tutd ony s-o she clos-ms otdhiohho obu tthon hup ave oisaui~tithald Executol' aboi net bho Usbtofor ti. s$ asott or goy part ti-eeof. hi a"y pet- sof o!wboseo cinhra b las-Inot-thon bae roôêlftd aotims young ladies abould turn the cold ahaulder towards young men who have no bome ties to prevent them enllftt- 19 hop ingU~J frinDow Until X ias tng. who are phystcaUY fit, and yet Ping ils-Who do lot'offer hemelveis for enlIt- Uselil Xm&s Giits is ibe C.y Thi-s Year ment. The sight of a group of enlistod re- This Store Leêads Wîtb USeful Gifts. Watch O)ur Windows. rtsrlin dayIno ms, should be an Incentive ta recritlting. - It should be an honor and a prtzed What woulil bu more appreciated by your wifu, and faumily than a new Gurt,e-, O dard ,privilege for young men tae nroli theni- Range bet. (1p iti Ille selves ln *Ontarlo County's new Bat- talion, ta be commanded by one of the vw kitchen to iLr' et tlicm Cony-WIsu-Lieut-Col. Sharpe. on Xmnaiq moriting. We Sbould this battalion be privileged ta lîý'ethe(/il')tyet(§ra) the front and take a part ln the , froi $100 ~ flgbt for freedoni and honor, U wm,111tbc At~; * preedtheir pride tô ýdo something warthy 1i' ito S.550 for te Cha'n- of thite fine co*inty. The thrill of this celirr hovan ini titis prospect sbould stIr the heari of hun- CUL drads of aur young and iusty men. and .ave, I arad pick a~bould send theni forth ta perIl theirX ms IiftFoM e 1 i Corne ir]andpikoneIvslnO eemplre's cause. \Ij ~otit a nd have if deliver- .a s u thei éd no%%. 8r we Mîiol1 There la a great volume of splendid it until Kinax Eve and historyr now being enacted ln every town and etty tbraughout the Donitn- ltdes-ver à4 t lien.Ion of Canada but, unfortunateiy, thre u m 3 1 _________________________________________________________IL. The City of St Catharines le more Big Ben> AI&au n la F LECTIIC TOASTERS fortunate In'thi. respect than most mu- cipt. oe o tb" elette nlip&Uittes.'for lts part lni relation to The National Alarm, and the Lest pMudue 4-zm alsrl» cock T<,&oterti in the etleOf the o -rm"rla belng elaborately and e spciàIizea n F rc madle. Large dhi a ike it easy tor.sd tinse frons B distance. %%ble and lkavo ýibbbers. .eloqjýeit17 recordsd by the facile pen '~ I T~AIE kf !AtbIr Hawkea, of Toronto, s-o be 'Prred ln a book enltled 1"St. 3 Pd You g Mec Big Ben $3.00. Babîfr Ben $3.00. CtàiMadteGetWr"I as to corne mauy residents of that Take an Axe Io Your LigM Bil Garden City will biens the author for Replace your oid carbon lump with NOR¶'HERN MAZUAS, l mprnthIn ngs over. We adi-e-Com ià"an Turu i off and on &a yen phie a Picture of the doinga of theae and you wiliIurne ne-third thé curTen$ YO DO0W have to pay for wlsh. 2 eits Per bour rune eventfui daya. The book la now on the i. sudgetthee iaea heligt. 2541 sttiOO'~Wone.. ad itnakea delicoue presu, ad wIlkbe publlahed eary lun -re ae W tia t>e ui of (iodUYu Priced &t30 - oe cNe iY.ar Apal of advanee Unes for Xmas G*fts Li"rta1 tg)rt Ibk I lnscrIbè lu A 'ý M sàRAZOR 01 TMAL FUP9RW'ittbWhedeso brave W atch this space nextw e o u gsin.- Eme nd elfwfs-dops OM In We - ooqy tre." r Countyi*1 ~ . WhàtAb6ut a Xnias Faitr7 Wehave a large assort- - . ment of I !XjL, Carving men want a Xmas Fair for Witby ~i i o' pO Setrad.niade *'1s-e.st Shef- i er If snos-bore la lits-le time field steel and put up in A mueeting of those lnterested lu theMe s êr S re W ib Ir@$ neat Ix Xru Fair was calledl for Frtday even- lng larnt, but there was too amaîla turnout te proeeed with arrangements. Womnan'u greasUt iabor-savig rcdf Those whto nave done thle work of or- device. Dutsand polltahea &a t ] W ro1 Take one of shese Auto- Strop .auizing and earrying on the fair in _____________________________ once. All ahapea and aiZO5. $3.(00 Up to $10.00 Rézors homne, use it for 30 daysa.nd prl'e.us vears have had no personal if Yen l1k. 15 Psy unu $600, if nos- Interests to gain by auch efforts, and- Prloed at l50, 10.1-01 ruturu if. have doue so ineroly ln the hope of doîng somnethinz to serve thle town. Do Cha.rtY. Illdeed, it bas beeli said that beautifui Hackny twl erc.ld Tedy eene 4-I * the merchauts of Whltby appreclate none will knaw juat how much good was ane of the fns osssanhr aeo hlodlycwhr Ekectric Irons thyalue of this sunual event? We she did perfortu, becs-use of ler quiet, at aur awn horeso rng-etw sdhoshopprtetM Canitîlian Beauty Elocric Irons, beauifiilly finished to thle town wel'e thie tair not held this A tribus-e ta ber true wartb was s-le P nbsscue l potutywl s-to lrmnt.Sl to aîîd guaranteed for ail tîme. s ~~~year., Fewer: people would corne so large crowd of frienda who attendeti.o dubt be affretiiesa htyW.Mw utoer an garntedfo alIim.Whitby, hr'ol els mseve tKeitchenenrTuslu aaction attonues-rde P i e al $ . 0business. Les- this m tt r bo pushed a i ber lt residence. Many-were preselt fashionable b o l v r s f th t wn T e d y De e b r -M fl;hta3La.~~~&f~tv for the M sinéàs tha4 Wbitby ber of Wbit.by frieuda. The service sadn adod ecia bt-etc li 'urua ue- .sw moi-chantas sqw%"Imsly shlow teaslde was conducted by- Rev. D.Arhm AERGSE.wl esl nqatrar hila. Sale te commence st oee'lock. James Ilhop, auc-toueer. Orillla wlll ratise $50,000 for s-he i-- contruction of its municipal buildings. Mldland bas four munis-ion factonieis, -two manufactùrlng sheilland t-we making boxes. ELECTRICAL PRGSPERUTY WEEk If Nov. 29th to Dec. 49 1915 1 ~ <<4esWé are' uo# mkiking te apecial o rcr a çompleïi te fo qto-y ao j g auction qes, sheep Iton Ben. ç<1 mille ie o'clock. rJoseph it lot 16, S or good kd maple; lots; also -j re e rceebatongHting Appl giarcsFxtr Reading Lamps, etc. They will appreciate it. Special thiiwoek only- ""SIJPERIOR" ELECTRIC IRONS $2J&5 T heSOUJLES-SNITH CO* WIHTBV, ONT* the. you much Fixtures,

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