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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Dec 1915, p. 5

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.TWTIIflÂV T~fl~M~R 2 1915. PAON FIVE ehrýistrnas Glit Buyers wIt V1I e a pleasuire for us to show N'ou mir assoriment of beatitiful things this year. Our stock is ide thati ever hefore, and the many newv 7qI Packages Hoosohold Byes Rogular Pries 1 Oc sach. lKaucion Is8 Bs sU'>p liin lien- elMmle o lo k. ar lt l6 pqorgio rd m dl [oIn is - 1 1 i 'f d-l a g (1c eck Si LYEIWARE In Si vêrware wc have been particularl1Y fortunate in purchasing n urnerous newv pieres. mwhich arc splendid value. It will pay vou to walk as far as oui' store purposely to sec our wmndow. W c arç' shotng four complct.e tea 8 ets,. a ver), lrge fine of e"rlI andIÈl goods also, as well as nurnerous noveities, bon boniers, jewcl cases, fern aishes, ete.- It is no troub)le to'show goodis., Rings Our tîtandard of qualty an rin.gs is well known. @ut (3lass We hâve a large assortment of-,the trade marked kind. Genuine cut f rom start to finish. See the new floral designs. Silver Novelties (Canes and Umbrellas, Ladies' Back Combo, Cary- ing Sets, Pocket Knives, Manicure Sets, Sterling Sil- ver Knivea, Forks, Spoong, ete., and lots of other thingis toc, numerous to mention are also desirable gifts toek complete sets of Crown Derby, Colport hest is notie tîo good. and whether it is a plain m-eily1¶g z Limoges. and will sell you any piece of it separately. rînii or a diainond whieh you want you can depend on Vý é also show a splendid aasortment of hand painted getiiiiiz the hcst only, here. Signet Ring Engraved, $6 Our istock of Faaicy Rings, Signet Rings, and Child's Rings are also wor- ithy of mention. Over 250 Different Styles. iship. Our hand touched pieces are special value. -CWeý$rmnan 's and other Fountain Pens from $1 up. elock8 Ebony and Leather Goods"' llerc's whcre Nve shine. We imnport our ebony 4 ree4t froin i iiiiiifacturer, hence wc can seli it about 0 per cent. cheaiper thani regular; aliso don't forget we have t he silver lettei's and shields for rnountinig. Bracelet Watch .. hi u ;jck1- TisSolid Gold Jewedry yea.r 'wfjý%e eeelled oursglves. Sfdgl ,a ad har ur cime clclm 'Wehav 8 iy rnçceta, Bronghe« i1Sa.fety Pins, 'fie qnl>'Cýhains, Neck- U aM'd our cimes dcks. e have8 day at, tocketg. ( CM£AxiWs, Rings, Socety Pins, Baby Pins a f rom $3.00 each up. - 1 W toe.. fuè' 0rmI 1f JewelrV,, Gold VilIed IW ôSi For the line of goods which we handie you wilI find our ptices particularly right We feel that it is a matter of conscience to seil only de- pendable plated jewelry. iDiamond Bar Brooch M-lf Carat Stone, $100-00. Corne in and inspect our stock. We have in stock 400 designs. If so-desired we will put away and keep for you tili Xmas anything you rnay purchase. Norman w-c The, regutar mneeting of the %V. C. "U. \xîill ha't. I'd ait tit born' of Mrs. atnd miss 11arper, on Wediwsday af- tt'riioof. Iecatnlber bih. at 3.30 O'ctock. TFht nemba'rs are aaked not to for- gret tht' fret' w li offerti1g 10 be given iowardis a 'IrY Ontario by Juiy 1.81, t t 1 (1 ln T1ennflCýS;e a mnan las been fined for shiipplig whiskeY in coffins He .- i int11405 de- DRtuuvtt, -~ _ .~ l. ~ ugdgpand ww~~J ~*~ Optician What ruina the bodty., mmd and.soul? Go to Harry T. Thompeon, Whltby, Tiie saloon.1 for Customed Tailored Ciothes, $M00 What maltes a mani malte a fool of to $30-00. hiniseif ln public- The saloon.0 wihat makes a man a demon in pri- Pev. 1'. C. Stephenson, Secretary et Naiel The saloon. lhe Yoiaatg People's Forward Movemezat What fools the citizens by talk ot nfIie Me nodist Chtîrch ln Canada oc- reeuue' The saloon.I culbied ihe ptulpit of the Methodist Tab. What would reduce our taxes and re- ernac.'e on Sunclay at. Mrs. Dr. Ki. pienish pocktt-books aUnd ban"s? The boa n. of China, was present ln the abolition of the saloon. rnornlng, and took part ln the. service. W~e seli sboes of th. hlghest grade for particular people. Peei'a Shoe Store. Watches Waltham Watches. Regina Wat chea, Elgin Watches, or any wateh you may want, we have or can procure for you. Watches any size or any shape. Solid gold, ilver, nickel or gold fllled. Get our quotations and prices be- forebuying. Hundreds of designs on exhibition. See our special bracelet watch at $15.0 Wk'~We move toOu numlwy new store hon January For -general hogîs.vnrk. Âppiy le Mmr. Theodoro KIU toltphone 223. COMING. i F. E. Luke, ODt .D, 70 Yonge et.,! Toronto's able eyesight speclallat, cnti b. conauited about you.r eyes for gis&s. e, at ALE. Âllin's drug store, Whltby, v on F'riday, December 17. SatWsaction t guarant.eed. --4il Rev'. J. W. and Mms Manin, of 30e- vard avenue. Toroento, anounce te efl- I tîaîa>ed the riiw Iiit in nIl uI1IEMIuW..0.o 1..gagetu or ! LL oes iVt VI.55 UuLOe, i u0-nt-t for [lie finlished producL Il LOCAL PE-- heMhtb igln Cu el -'-" ,to r Ens J I10 ,4 1 i annual celebration- on Sù . B.A., barrister-at-law, Winipeg, aU A CATECHiISM 0)F FACTS. 9 drew's Nlghx.. Tuesday, November 3o, son of Rev. Thos. and the late Mrs. OFlu their rooans. The soldier boys sta- Biuighamf, of Arnprior, Ont., the maz% Wîuaî Lt tief takes pictureai tiaimture Go to liarry T. Thomnpsofl for iargest'ttonc-d an town were welcomed, and the riage to taie placee quletly December c(Ilotsfont, -0M? work shirts made, 5o1 cents. 1 t'venilIt wu Spaseid moot enjoyably, 22. Mir. Btngharn la weil known lni i ctanoria ro th hme?- 'hewlth songe, speeches, social inter- Whitby a.nd Brookia. t.atns oterott scub' r Edmard 1Lawrience, of Toront0o, colurse, etc. srda ohrott rI9 s spendilng the wtnter wath Nirs. -o- Juttge MeIntyre met the rep>remsone 1 hi', atloon. The;o0ore l'King, wIli receive wt e PeeF's sho. store for the bout lineofettves of somme or the Ontarlo CountW wuiat tum-s a deaf ear to a I)ItadingenTsd-- xt boys' and girls' ahoos on thé nma. L munl1CIpallUies on Wediiesday moring N,. Iu" - The 1-10011. --- --o-«-- to go over the, Assenazoent Relis, wtth a \ iat lîoerislits hit "vermÂID W'ANTED I TiteCo. of Otit. OId Girl.' Ausoc. will vlow- té swms.lzlng Iheinoruso la Wluati11w nybsnesblt For generatl boasework. Appiy tu bold their reguiar m<enthly teeting Wed, the appeal hy several mutiialien a- Wlatli té 11Y usne bil u MNrs. Thos. Cunninghamn. -tf. Dec. 8, iii Auditoriurn of Library, 4 p.a, g984=t tle equalizod aBSeusMent e!t th (Ji )ýjjcbry? he aloncouaty. Judge Meutyro viiigo over wI1 dt 11115brythe al o. '-"'O-s' 1GH CLASS DRESSMÂKIN a&lHlte TOil.ansd mrnsru'Wlthon ho u1It îýrisofls The saloon. Mr-. ahtd Mrs. Thieodore King have I have opened a hlgh clam dremmunk- in shape o t prooeed v*i hheariig Vaba ilds the cief. hold-uPS and moved t0 Whilby f ront Toronto, and ing parlor, and arn now rcady tw ee of the appeaL : r' The saloon. are niceiy settied Ln tOir new home cute ordera. Pire years' experience Ia wlita canstafly defies the law' The on B3rock sUeel t p st ctidby titis W Mm, Geo. Fllay, palace di ~ <~<-ati~-a~YMr. Beatty and family. St-, Whltby, op'posite Houe. of Refuge. 2 u < 0K lma2e Wý1:Leaosch; 60 watt Tuaggte lampa,21W. t a nore than all other thlngs? The Go t<o Han-y T. Thomnpsoni. WhitbY, -0 ah tGo . 1e~ vrtlgl forredyte-C&- vereas,$125010CLEA.RING SALE 0F MILLINERY. hdae Naiit buicts Up dance bouses and $16-00. Owtng to defective building, nmof t __ Of ilî-famea The saloonl. - - our stock bas hem-a darnaged. W. are Mr. an mm W Ge ood qid Mbsn W hlait bribes legtsiBtures, c1iles, sand We are headquarter for baldauW theretore offering oui- mati setock of< WLIia have m"eed tv.tramT; the a ,rubati ons? The saloon. hardwa rePi-=.d cerent sud resIÛ>e vînter goods at colt, f rom now until ar<ln O <> MdM nom Il a ths ie court wtth criminailI. Gel pites frinmGeoc.IM Rices. Décember 24. Corne ea.rly. The Misses ho*In#~fuue \uanded heslo-Powell, Standard Bank Building. an od Ti slol.Chailie Cba.plili *#0Motie )Tf'mle& Mr. ILM. J, oUiMsw ho wu tobha" ~~ at the Royal TheatiW.o. Id t fl The Rummeesale heM by the Vie- roc~ se. s o ruia oiu Wednesday, Decinbel'& s0- ie ria trer <~Nre u71. u for childi-eriut 4 0 clock&. giisso Satui-day lait resutlw i the i51s t oreu~~~wo.us. S cent. Wati f <wbuS. ver $125 for the Orduer ftWldL e$"i o ssiW ealastgue tihae,".tea. vin sevetalthe tore- X SMa-s. Theodoreig v*iho sl bom prne u..<d for lie ectaico.AmHre Pldi-~ on Wodn.54aY, ile*Dbr 8, ITOU>4 te largo nwaber ef people vistai the eo'ciock,ad wiilatter'si'de rtee0acceaU helpa ved ok bY msktug M B ARGAINS ~on the. second and foui-t Ii uriwyu of T Mue's'woi k boots oet ho buti qua- holding a txnl~tg Yl? rta ii.t» rie SLJAR ty, toit iincd and ulilnod. Peurs 8h00 idmaavg-rwO f the CollegM M OdaY-a S G store. Ia lerno eoausIDoeun0T *d, tract S»ons 'Auuuo Fýor a few days Oflly t1e 6 ocloclt. Mms Brook lk.lus4, c The Treasurrof ethle WltbY Patri- IToi-alon-t giB vo a a ik on sci$0e" Lay001>wtt' -.0 B. Af,in nd afteirffWfdffi lte reOOlPt Or 1vice werL There vii lsomb. uiee!A ~ ~~ 15 IDSO for One Dollar. Spot Cash. vaieuicia Raisins 2 lbs. for 25c. CLJRRANTS 15 P- i5 e b. O)ur delivery service will lei'you. We offer yen prttflpt aieivery service as.an Miuunn for YOU to give uis your patronage. Your Bueinegs Friend,, wma MEEKER- PER PACKAGE AT THE ITFI-ELD'S &, aînd Stationory 5toie DciiPhon ~7.Indcpndn Phone 37 "ÂpTisT 4ImuUROH. DATHE&.; '9un4au. I1Pmber 5. HÂLL-- In. Pikerng TwnaWj, on I epâAaor wll o m't 7 the pulpit-at Wédnedar, December l_ 1115, Robert both MerIce. Hall, In.hW -3sth year. Moning service at il o'ciock. ve TFIOàMSVN-Ât- WhttUy, on ftMiay, b* NIJoveinbei 28, 1915,, Janet D>. Thom- l»yefliI ý Fce a.t 7 o'clock. son. Anthem-1-Jésu, Word of God Incar. HARBRO~N-At-Kinsale, on Thuraday, n ate " - ýIN uveiber 26, 1915, Jozep h . B rbr em, Duett-jjItqs:WijkuInnAnd Hend- ln M 6St# ypar. erson. -,-- PAQlEtTTE-In St. Hyacelnthe. Qtne, on Wednipday, ?%vember 24, 1915, E<mbt.f:uate7oremerly atWhItý aged 39 Y"..14~ Miscelianeous Adverts. »MLA 1- l ,Sn FOR JtENT. Slx.reondbtgalo, bath. and eiectric light, all WogIern, cônvenience. Rent moderabJ âpbl4 W. Bunn, Wbitby.-tt bwOR SALE. Good General Purpose Team of Hormes for sale, 'kéajb. Apply W. R. CamDbell, King Street South, WhltbY. Phone 202. -22' 1 or Whitiiy as *ben iturned. Com- plaints will b. received up to Satur- day, Decomber 4, 19155. JOSEPH WHITE, Town Clerk. FOR SALE. A ten horse-power, in good shape, on a jack. Apply to Henry. Janes, WhWt by. -t. Toroto. Our Catalogue explains ur suporionty in E qIpmen, staff, Mehod- and Restint. Yo;t are nvited to write for fI if interested in the kind of achool work which bringt best sucess, Address W. H. Shaw, Presîdent, Yonge and Gerrard Street, Toronto. 4 <q i Potatoes New Brunswick Cholce Stock. Full 90 lb. bag. For Quick Turnover Baga Included. p C'00o14 Art Souvenir <goôd). APpIY at 'PhooAeùottào WflqDMX-L FOR ISPÂLN .- Stee&01Wiamofr i ikshaPe, WIt ra.gidr. Apply to- uniable tO Carse for hln>e1, I> iugli Jefttry, Whitby. --29 EAI taken to the. Refuge. vihere ho ham been SRYD wel-duaWMa. ndwu a OeFrm lot 1, con. 1, Reach, a ru U ptdaP mtg 1,e, shoo tachr. ut " onefo cO , years old. Any Information U-odu Pv'ig imed ahS pco esio iOrcushdIlot fong-l-eading 10 ber return will be roward--___ ed" that roeio S9m lu he young-e edAnd#OW Bryant, Aàbburl. narI <lay. H v bei a l " Iol aad to.e1'lN o othfer iteiL add s m ore to the nouet he breft elna wsys p an.-LOST; fahus ht aone ahssech ovs1a1-A îadysoM ldeisanbracelet vith a selin cr value o os hn- larly known tlite townpeople ~arts seebtee M aI lmhn"eupet "Patay, IitOeflt te<sk place on a, ert tee, ewn'StFus aanitary lmigeupnt Urday Church, Columbus, and Dryden' School, Brooklln. WlII linder pleas returu to Mrm.3. P'nceliey, Ina Spearance, ini quality qnd s MissKat Wrght ~k~1 rice the fixtures vo -offer yoix TIINIEBF IAO A PIE Bll Yio)ii th- rq roliuble and gusi- comrie a rosi investment for, satee«*O o as direpreoted- CoinDIét>both the buyer and seller, PU-U P$P« f«TO1W ow toci it tri 5 aad ncesa ttngs aervtor or ntvlty~amtaklua. or ie la~twys on hand. PriCeil Rave us call and present pu*~ flYotr. het. Tuiophon. No. tt. <tr.uxwa and estimâtes. Car.takel' Yafted for Dunas 5treet h fl ~ ( coU ffsmust bo e . 111 ~ MO Ana IasSale'I e InbnsiiI.ti ** Uador auspeu of î r-____________1___ -____ I I i hi la-the MUSIC HALL, WIUTBY &a"yW.kAnas Don*A§or thesL*left. CL. T.Gss« Mw' w~a. 1~Uf* ArMs LU A Sevkp Dpet ext le ouuctd tevw-Bruao fImD~weedpst f$.O $26, ficm the Treasuror of the Pros»" j umbers bY the. studeat's, siatar wbci W~ u u tenoan Cburci, being one-half thea Pro' an-org~oS tes VO b e rva& l. k in 0&w1b ty The Gins' AuxtAyof Ali Saint"r e A-"u*u WAb held a saleof workblU f48fodY, Bevois(rms1y1 s.MmIDs "eW'i etr-, in the sciiociroola or the'Chureb on ?riday uiternoon lit. 'l'e afazur )&u JiV.pwsRe& a mUvesn% r,-«,I»,it e imarn I sas very sucOosaul. *eor $M0 blii*net- centrai Commttes fr WMM% Tb ý " ted for lte auxillarY velu. s W» ts, asAuTomrsremtt* - O"K' iw I Viella for Xm reseuOt for'$sor fofjAdt orV owIl l.uis dapnghter. J3o. Miss POWO well yas cas et GO to iHan-y T. T#M lOMM'M. WhttbY. îag SPodltraint. wt> u ta for Ce-Tee UnftwoBr. tri5 ss7 w t Tu~e Wbitb b h t tisas CMme ot . . U, m w a DÀoruttlbig Lom4f u »«MMseirU4s, AB4 Wbltbr. bas b«u NpOtg jqwtrtqlths O0)4 Staudasat laSi OO" iOevith'Ute ataWc«f" m _e on Brook stee isWt, Ietu JBW tuibut baiS mft mou lw494 tS*84iw no*a*e4mdàliVa*W - . creations which we have been able to pick 5c. uip thlis- fal iuah-e it pitrti'ïilary attractive. ING t t il 1 le te , 11 (1 s Ont. j ,THURStAY. DECEMBLM ON SALE AT for X'mas. 1 1 s L4 1 -- PAOB rm IMAORM

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