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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Dec 1915, p. 6

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w off San Pedro, f-roin which Steve ha I return.d home. A portuguese fliber, man talked in the Wilmingtônlb EYFWLF o a ed e ie LIP LE lIErooms of having seeni two men flghEbU Steve's story was discredited. The ýPERFUM D 0F PRINCES PA Smre ayb aniiatoIo body was neyer found, but Steve'i CEA S fl$ ~ ~~~~flight was acceptod as conclsive evi A D"AN CUT HM O dence of his guilt and the grand jury A D6CNCUTTE NYU later returned an indictmeflt againgtFIG S, ASO . £1~hlm. Froni the day of bis disap INFCSIGES1 Y O . pearance nothing had been hard fromnn hirniuntil nearly fourteen yeftrs later. o 0,PUKC rvt ennaDsrb heLf E (111from San Francisco to Los Angeles, ro P e and had been in the latter cty baroly of the Troops in the Trenches ad psil o i, o eetti mtto fortnight when late one nlght Steve ofFadr. ANA'rvasi. e adaw&stegn !%le dvanced methfiod for readinees, cleanlinegg Wiliets appeared unannouflced etofFadr.te e- Und reliability in writing. One Waterman's Ideal their home-the sanie cottage where tli ferinhe rnche fFaes, hty ofi, ~yUWfttatuiu lvu will last for years. Every handwriting cm be fitted. we were Oow gatherdbarn te OcJ e nnngiIfa h s irsh dan evspoel peardadp Above ltrademark is >'our guarantee Of SatisfaCtion, bis aryns a girl infant three yeaus odciW Pt. Osar J Hening is t h Illufr tudFoUr nsils onr.psI.He dispiayed ne trace of tender- hm,77MnigAeuTrno IrS$ . 5 os. . 1 ioe1 d M Mathe mark on the litrte ones bas, ic homeiî797 anneingA v eueTr ontoflC ,Ci ness or affection fo th...dwhc and he recounted te The Daiîy News At theBeSt Stores in inost Every Town he delrdt be bis, andrenspfleOrnesofee the tbrilling exploits threugh denied that it was a birthmark. _________________ fir-3t detachment of the Princess Pa- _____________________________________________________ "It's her brand," he had sardonical- tricias that lef t Canada eariy in theu s wf ]y dcciared. 111 put it there myseif HUNGER AND DEPRESSION. war. se I can tell1lher if I ever lose ber. "ITherearvryfweto!hee- Whmen ie m a feow' 'o the u ai te German People Wonder Wby MWar ginal Princess Pats," he uaid; "yeu thing in the world te mislayT. If she Dcies Not End. can ceunt theni on your fingers. We T h e G' r' en S efflever wanth to knew what it Tflans,"' 1A netftral just returned te Londo eft an hrçimesi onuth1essermn Dy CHARLS EDMOND WALK he had maliciousiy added "Juat telli mrsdneinGiaytl he eta mrsino h em i ~> IIALESEDONO Wli er it's the 'Kiss of the Sulent Deatb.'ifrew or ods oresidpo emndt ea that will be lasting." lt's her mascoL"NeYek er'scrspnntht "What de yeu think of the Ger-SectdRce. Author of "The Silver Blade," '-The Paternoster Ruby," ,Bt, Mrs. Fox wistfuîiY epai-internai conditiens there are muchnas"he assk. etieeaieponu c "The Tiie Lock" etc.ed, "I couldn't ever tel ber anythingmoesrustniaiedeti. "Man for man, they are not te bel Creani of Ches tSu.Pe n soawui s ialay siditwa aTh fodprce aethuen raly omard e heBrtih.Thy ont iachen qar o lrg cesnus ru, henhtecfqnuea birthmark. Steve was base eneugh serieus trouble. The recent food neots lk h aeean hysua ieCoek for one-hafhu n u ehrte~ae n h ua ____________________lieabout______and__1__________if___________the______eet stnrringyi, untîl the teli aou tan ithuhtifan-in Berlin were ugly manifestatiens ettrog see CHAPTER XV.-(o ) a otn smbodyeî dY would go te the trouble of tût- the spirit among the peeple, especial- pigs when the British steel is bearing truhsee d n ur ht ece eoeaueo 4 CI-Cn') a otn oeoythats eong a lttie baby they woudn't ~ ~ ~ e odes o down upon them." 'stock and a 1itecopdprly arnet hti nw Blendone tbithpn fiur wih OfC 'bad bai stag," atwbi- Struber ieokcd at me. ,Wllat do known; we haven't any idee whe this ,vaste ie over a silly, meaningles mnatckdtepoie an eHad Hard Time of ILt*tblespon tbte.Adt epltr hesrpdopdit ae you knuov about t bat! Bent me to it," guv is." mark like Iois's." mn uredas w heoie;iasmayastd ePe . ennsbshd eotu-r ita bky utttruh seebr al d hesrp n was his comment. Then he asked My giance met Miss Fox's. In beVs Strubers cuiosity was getting the 1 rn te riot llas mqueli ed. fortunPte. ue o . i ke hd tun-rigi an serewt cetn f h itue oritit h MIR4 Fox: "How do you knew they l rend undcrstanding. hetter of him, se I went over te where fr-tero a ule.fruaetm fi.Lk huad'gi n e teok it?" "Suppose I tell hini," I proposed. hce was seated and teîd him about th~e Soldiers' dependents have oniy 14 of ethers, bie centracted septic poison- f ried bread.betrwhecfhegad "White y'cu two were talking, be- "If vou think it best,' she acquies- tattoo-mark. H1e gave me a bewil- marks a wveek aiiowance, wbile butter i ng from standing in water waist-bigh Nut Custard Pe-ettoeg ni t itr ilb' t fore I came out on the porch, i paus- ced. dered look. but ffiade ne comment, j lis four marks a peund, nicat three, in the trenches, Rnd doctors say that1 with one-haif cpsuranpiccf rpitbtepofu nb ed lng noub t loo loo te font Whereupen Struber iistened with The entire episode cf Steve Wil-, witb other provisions proportiortately it will be two years before hie ill besait' ertccpahtnukoe ronirn yseif. Right away 1 missedi marked attention te a recit.ai of Miss lets-s visit te his sister had'been 80 dear. A state food nionopely, this fuliy restered. His biood circulation mixture. Stirunisgaisdso- the litile box freni the niantel, where Fox'.g mys.,tericua rcorreqpondeoL 1He celd-bloede.l, se b rutal and unfeel- observer said, s 1rl coming, bu't'i paper.n te remmet it has always stcod." o 's motne btoeta o inge.thtt , opt h ltte ne as aothe ath aanitwou dl ause. owi when parts of bis body beconie be- little more c ail n-afcpcpu of butrovtetb tid yu oin er untkec Ythe time being nierely added te bis charge. Her husband c<.,,red the un-, Tueibed. flnelta' groun'! Ebgtish Twefuis cf butter andtteo toblear thing in lt?"imyst iflcation --especiall y when ha be- natural father f romi the ý cusa witb a'Tepprscnannehn1utn- Teveoeai 1si h hsia cans' or almonds erit i a nNtigv osqec:ol an ovne htreither the girl comand neyer to --how hiniself Ports of great victories, but the pao- cf France anid England bave matenial- p cilad, wo tblepoofst ffe chic Pshaer pbbesPndnschraantharte rnitetbdeaegincoerdai c bin tune oerpiear' usiclusabuttheoficaI'îyasisedhin, nditis osiberhn agates-ber precious atones, Aunt vwho Strang could be. aate uderpan.ofNutn tunrioverpteartepsicans aouttreOffciaple ssityrup, andun s-hasilf cf ate vte Nu te thepoie Willets hud laughed, ncws, asking ho-w, if ail these great he, vould have been f urther advancedl tender crust tepeUlu n-hî esonu Lois jokingly calied them. B3ut yuu "Tr-oub le is," he laid bis finger upon apparcntly unimpressed either by the victories are bcing achieved, the w-ar aleng the road te recovery had he net know w-hat the>- are; ours were ex- the crux of our difficulties. À,"we threat or -the wvholeseme loathing with shiows ne aigief ending, and the been strickcen down with combined Vegetable 9o4 -Bi utltne ceptionallv pretty, but cf no particu- haven't nnything te work on but loose which the,,e good people, -egarded eem w'lhavenotingta do- one and ene-haîf teandaspoonfulsn enughwa We continued to discuss the episude car be miade te serve as a ceflnecting 44 khe id bee-and 1 eac proposais. chitis. He was far frein being weil cup each dicadceey nd mcalte-ar vethe'utr nt lengtb. but witb ne very satisfac- link. Suppese Strang and the guy at risked rno necl, te do it, tee beause In Saxony and Bavaria the dep es- when he went into action, and moreonnndnecpahdidcrrtte ursup ied it tory results. The unaveidable theory the Repubiic are the sanie. Suppose I knew ,he weuld be well taken cune sien is particularly severe and the than once fait eut ef the ranks and and temnatees.Prsthug saefu, aanipc.Chlt that Mrg. Fox's assailants were Chin- hie sent you the diameond-,wb-y did ha cf." lha had aaid. Then followed a 3iscontent niost open. The Baikandce esa explained nothing wbateven. Any- do it? Why dtiha write those let- threat of bis own: "Sea that you docmag big erlif ntesougzht rest under a kindly' straw add one cup iabgenpatr ui n-îatrc way itwas olyan asrito httr ocrpir rnsn eif ntestack. ,petatoes and dcdtris d hccti nesrp ha il enly assmption that tan t Miss Fox? What's she te it tee, fer if she dies hall wiil be a contrary, thae'e is much apprehension "Wbat did yeu think of the first more water ifneearadsmen aficeseg yeaad tbey N-are C binese; thc launidry wag- bu ? cool retreat for you comparcd with about scnding the Gernian anmiasngti ernhs?"vagetables untitedr Saon itices iepikeitwh on nightbav bee a bind Stee -l know-beggin' your pardon. this happy liome when I'm through awav. into the unknown, when the TSomething 1 will neyer forget. I sait and pappeteas, n ad mas(quernding as such at the tume ha daugbtcr. That don't belp us any, have use for the kid, and wben I1 want froesurmayn ber.enwedany a bd y cf n a adead allnhlnn, o thd mualk. p met bis dea tii ithar, except that Steve gets croak- ber lil want ber in a hurry."frnsmyb ewdaydy. o fada Fnc awhhdMik Onea factor, hcwce'er, nuw seemced cd by a Chink ring wbile cracking Mn. With ne word respecting the baby's1 Spcaking of the peace speculatiens fallen in the fierce figbting that pre-I Cranherry Pudn.1OeqatîîlfiSgetos dlean, namel\ : the object of the Par- Fenis safe wbere one cf tebsmthe rnnbi onhddnwadr based on the Kaiser's long interviewcddorcomning and whicb bad cranhernies, en urtsaa rai sistent, qecret searcb directed at flrst is. Right now everything's se dog- inzs and flittings toe evadeth la, ihAm ssdrGnd- the World wî-ested te trenches fronithe Ger-d crumbs, twe cussaon-afcp TprevecesWin atteuni_ým tpuic orange juica, gratedhatunles ninde thf enahesfchethse.r at he nk.. e'i "~bl~uat' geed aledup ha-unea-" Willats fadad away into the night as cerraspondant's informant said that, mans." eotrangenear inf wapro no 1,.re.ýt, at my person, and My ewn Ha trailed off into silence and sat secratly as hee bad appeaî'ed te the frein bis knowledge, he didn't believe orneadt rooma aand office, anti then carried revolving somaething in bis mind. Wa surprisad and dismnayed Fexes. 1 the Kaiser had ben putting forward- How Officers Ded Butter twve-quai~ dn ot n alc oln at inte Miss Fox's home, Wvas Clese1Y wnited for hiln to continue, but nt They were net troubled by him*peace suggestions. Pte. Hennings graphlcally described pti ient aeso rmasu db orddw h bdutjflei wiîh <ha crved ivony boe:ndieor haoois hadone ore agin; t ea t w neyer dirtl It w-as ruch more likely he had the killing of Colonel Farquhar and berris and sugnutlds sflsn vn akt rvn but îî t Stuet-obsre, 'Teead cey:bteedndheof ad itw,.s etvatisboan telling Gerard, as representing the wounding of Capt. Builer' Hc usinig layer, ofc'uhls.Dtwtcmngtped Mly mind flew back suddIýnly tî tha -how he sticks in niy mind. I aimest crimes and outrages, after Lois had th nound ceffea spniî Gr-1 a senCatinNeto ho dwnbttrpot carly meorning. For the first ¶time had an idea about bu, bu't it ain't ent auiy htMs Fox niany cannot be accounitable for the by bis own nmen as he wandcred by sprinkle topwthgaed'ndCuraingthefrorethr 1 connected my two Chinesa calars dlean yet; 1 got te work it eut a littie learned anytbing of ber avil brotb- preper kaep et the war prisonans mistake in front et the trench lines. 'and baka thirtintsUnvrad enpckdfrrvlig with the box miîssing freni my desk furtbeî'." er's subsequant career. tbroughout the wi.nter. This method Whea challenged, ha dt net answer, bo' a~e.*t ad o iudi ab dnave, cncusonwit wic Sru -AI a one a asstuc wtha, twswe i nm ea oo rssure on thie allies has been dis- possibiy fer fear cf revealing bis posi- suehs h ok n btss bar promapîy agreed.thougbt. Ha turned to me abruptiy. adora tha aewspnpers that terrer 1 cussed for soma , iai Germany, tien to the anamy, wbo were net many jSlo hwe.Oacnsme,'n i h htsa h cft' bis en"ins, ema way ornether ;"enayhngmr tegauto, "crep-t no ersou ad ç1kupa lwhere the peopleIde.maid that if thera yards away. Corporal Norman F~ rySalmot es Choalsoosgedet the ChirIkce =~,c4 ipn tbe , "I fUedW_ e n ti lm hsan1"s ded1seh ebe a food.Èh >rt'itshall ha fait had mat a sixilar fate wbile geîng bte rdipas w lcsctn otrtetapdigf trf ti lOfra yth na .~isoners. over te another trench for rations. us th to "ayt iiexdaont, ut 0Iasedproeeator; and she could net ban îsn ptms J thae rder of the "It is ne cincb saarcbing eut ra-'on-ait teaspoîsaton-gthta ldeiy anI viou ~ys u'B'utcw into silence witheut aayitg: iL In a froni han mmd ber brothar's veiled L there's t is about it-we don't kaow moment ha weat on:- "You jtst go on prms1ertr sm u n e day la officiai cireles, but doesn't axist tiens," continued the raturnad haro. spoon peppar. be ua uk hc lug h odit edsa uwhete tsolytaboa bywn about veur businesswithout lattiag maad bis aughter. -Racolactien ef - te ay extant outside. II *llnevr oretthe night tat abl posf~u beua Lo what they ha- on youre wisa te thern trailing yub. the man's vicieus nature wvas stamp- j.% conirade and mysaîf were tchaed off to emoebones tslosaaad Beeebm-aebedi haeve is inside soe particular box." IlI get thema ginks anybhow." e ùdin >il upon ber mamory, and R NE)T TL ,gethm akfi.F STe iu on ?r sggstd. IBeft)teStruber and I returned te she wae ina aconstant state of gnaw- Da RÎE»TRLS at nd . Wehads t eram o i' milt te, n Fry orio "Sue it might be the diamend," the city-Miss Fox *as te remain ing anxiety over the gi. Da Byin - ExrssWg nmd wyeu mua neer feet a thes,.iift d luiit utradtecut i Boy in Ris Expres Wagon mud wasup over tbenankes, and ceok thethminutes. Addtwe cups nieist i yStru rdit;Iv adta ie e om- btidta aed inter-: "But now that he's dead," sha '"- Pn'e every time you put your f oot down beiiing watar adptta.Co n bnnaigcksadg "But as 1 was going te say, if it The rasult was the iaast axpected of could bava inspirad to-day's dreadtui e aslr onstre , iigtou ha asjbtnasc mud' a a asoning, sa]mn ad ml.Bl ah pude iu.Ti was M. Feris' twoChin caiars ay I lgbthavaant.cipaed; tat 1 attck o me? Wby houidanybdy aeDaren, uisgosin, asfpob, bylisvinagto ew hafoun Gera upenceand ervefarnibed itb hem ight Conjure Qur braina as w. would, lat zaturity, ho had been obllged to creature my oaly living brother Vas with mess. The. t*o largent mml ta *n~ itryi tIis W" ' 18a- gatiier dough aon pl8 leiggoewii aafdd n the. viile thiag rainained Inexplic- flee thecountry wlin tspluiolpont --.hi owbroth mrersnerer.d UAtiUU oeie. ~ n n ~ Asbttt e osrd lied'b1eus Les's unothareI beped tht< ethe hand. th.0.of bis Uldes, s c.eat sr1aonof«POthe' to hours. Or te.44àithou kwhatber ?hei»àîud haRepuble ieS"o wlm"rd e e a se mnigbs oir oe tm ad e e ~'te m*u WO4 a atom5 GAib5J ho PUtSt<populo- t lio&& otb e~, adsue-olamdrt ie tr Boel's mtsslng guest.1 issykwiprdt ei nteMgtb W hýbesGMý,b us or t-âoat% Hie sce*ied I .f. tusr1oflmgahie 5,h"mm."o'oenep sugr nd wo abe-,Mah Utd as latw0t1Mp mud hokhi bau gitatei --- ."This is the. int il tvsti.îor e tase,- h ma"oê< sd or oft2,0(,< OneWt. bc e o reafaor ae utrd iti uiî :"H Jutdisi pare& ThoWil no*knew tiîtI ve1i miUe. "mt wase l.ivept !dntbUbre &fss'~ adtldwiwt ite ~n tt' ~rob u ntI~g Wau=twor ban Uft eM, 1 t rVAtJIM 1ht h. vot a ot l ino ~ bMelis of hi Wt 1 O&Totale~ptptUW Ihrep.i ndmupn e" i t - ýt u tm :ý Iý ta t*i bar,?" il . par(', t MI I Lou -ipet, em a à *wutor. to$h U4'. W4i*b f te 9 me o ~~Luw4s.rsMe s.8',, JL Iple rtith ask te- ',itb- o unit a raheat heat it shape. utteri d ýr cf a espuon- iconfu ls oif heul- upful cf peunful fuis cf tif Sait, tof c.in- . Pour ,hen add h soda, ýhe mix- ae inch atd one- ene-haîf the nut ra Cletbh und thtj d watar k it ch an tits ba- l f realy cf gaie vilI keep ith aggs -paratelY last ia- cm the breaking ten for a ;put into he boaves Il reain lycerin in )nful te i makas 1prevent ih sauce nip, than ionfUIs ef of kutter t'l.. wt tid- aguih rte'U" 3 .1 0

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