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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Dec 1915, p. 1

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LITE D £ Vol. 59- -o. 23 wHITrBY. ONTARIO, CANADA#- TBURBDÂY, DECEMBER9, 1915 CA.GooDrz,o-W &SoN, Publishers Stop That Oough!1 WILLUS' Compoui syruàp ol White Pine and Tar Coatains Extra a.of Whito Pine, Wiid Cherry, Bale of OUlloat, Spike»narit, Blood Root, 8aasaf ras. Tur and ut ber remedies, oakàng à at d e iure cure for reetores the raspiratory organei Lo a normai, bealthy oonditiou. 250 pop sottie J. E.WILLlS Drgggst a d IOPtl CI& -61EDCAL HALL WÎiILIIV. Preoaa"onpIr"out-Ric h an oat. >LMI IR sta .-bfgi, oilan, free burning, llnk. t rIiu. Al itsee*-Bi'te, for large fornanes, 'la 04, Mo. for furnaces 4AIul"~ * heaisis. andi MafurraMnge and ua! uorsp.8 , Blas a gOe fo ~~~d5qpa~ Uuui&ceteuhl 1-afor emtWn, uelad o loig ph tPl"e .1'tiI k' mjm4~uil hing cmai- t1ueoas - - aie'lb h st tanard.4 p~ait7Oui del.r erice le rompt «nd caNéfI ayou want thoem rdw ben youneed tb8if W. r@4potftly sellait ydur patronage. R, R. LOW9 ma phone 9. Whib nome phone 1IL *Win tor Session Toruto. Our C94~1o90 plin Our superiorityluEquipmeot. Staff. Kethode and Reaulte. Vou are ivited to write for It If lnterested in the kind of school work which lîringob best succeboi. Addre*a W. H. Shaw, Prenideat, Vongo and Uerrard Street*, Toronto. A. HEL ALLIN. [mener of Marriage Liceuses corner drugtore, WhltbY. No WitneesoSroquired. 1h rse~ uia mroement Lud Ce., UMIt Whltby - Ontarlo0 Boa! Vatate Dealera, Rtatea Managd, 1.ColIeùtedl, FUit Losns Arrauged, propertiem boughs and sold. Fer teroe apply Head Office, Brock St. Bell F>hono 1lu. . lad. Phono 70. LAKE SHORE FARM WANTED Fifty acros or more wanted on L.ake Shore- If you havel propcrty to seilwtite MIHN PSRR& f* 011U7 ROusa mi lava D rob" TORONTO joie lii& lis lifti, SALIAM AUUkndsofdooenAdleI rius fod b.pBu to #ad4m Komsbougb»4qLr a-". 1 S4m. !,à JNC iiiU"sry 'I3U~~M~ "M!au I"athe 'l e l;aaongfrhe avr ber snLient. 'cuien iport>-, et date [bimlm wniuastakingt 1- 1dm lulnbh. November 14, as hé ws n-boartUti Moaday evenlng was by-law niglit Ward 5.- Louis' oia' hr-Jeko adGle lwS.8 l ý t tinLa for the Town Council, W"in. several dence: DRO.. J. W. Wilson; P.C., Don- ,vu kept ln Stock eat tie- Queer, lHe don. Cullen va one o! the. loorï by-aw vrepaset atioUirsgîenaid Camei-on. fi made a gooti vitness, anti tolti a frank ahffen frein 800 te o te Rgypt. ie bylw eepse n tesgvn A by-law to Taise money by way of! tr s aye ln lart: readînga preparatory to their betng teinporary boan untilt!hre sale o! deben- Reuben Allaway. employet ln the OeCame on boar-d the OlymfMW about 9, subtittedtd the electors ai.trie muni-! bures to pay for sewerage extensions livery of Jos. Hearti & Sons. Maitiho ip-m. This ln,,as yen krtow, .sas f the cipal elections on Jaunary 3. w as passed. Thie suro raiseti vil! rie passed 141Ha teain about 7 o'cloek on I7eivmei-tewrd,1h -, The hie!itemo! Iterei va 1a b-$4,000 for wblch interestat. i6 per thie Kingaton Roati.. Ho recognizet flrstaau stateroom, vhlch I&. iodieso law wbich was given Ita first reachîng, cent. wili rie paît. ti ei u iintuoayn nte1eapret whllî mboiesan gremen. popoeti St il ainother by-law vas passed o! soeat, Nevertheless.be titi not stop tei "Thre are 6000 men an ti rgcson wlth a gyoup of Ainerican capitalists similar nature, excepi thait the work giscever if anythlng vas Frong. boardi. 1 bliev.vé vil be lun làpt f vîloaredesrou o!esibithln anto rie palti for Istrie extra coat o! Trie laqques! vas adjournet until Fr1- about 9 or 9 tisys, as the oat tla vry lad ustry ln Canada. Triese men are cernent walks. The suro and the rate ofa fenoDcme 0 hnt uI a! u omyse IOee uti luiexPected important evîdence vil) ho ws.y tiewn for a feu' day.. interesteti ln the silk glove and i sin Interest are the samne as above, $4.000 discloe. _________________ vear faciory ln Jersey~ City, N.J.. and iii t îer cent. do a very large business each year wibri A discussion a&rose as te tthe legaIiiy trie Canadian wbolesale bouses. Trie O!trie pluinbing Inspecter- chargtng dut>' on s11k gootis holag heavy, trie double fees, $4, for lnmpectIng work antikreti ia titan Intiustry', which voulti ianu!ac- ry SmInih, centractor for layln.g Iliter- PAGE ONE3 ture f roi» raw matons! Importoti frem inî. COMDllied that lie vascharlgoti Col. A.GQ. lentiermson laon the raser,. Ceet1iràgC&UIgIi8l a Whtby. Japan. Several tovus have IJOOn en- $2 for the inspection or these literais. staff ot the lloth Batallo# n, dut«er Thrap B»y-lavsor -the UNeoSors. deàvoring te seur-e this Industry, but Mr. Moore though th e r-k vasnet spending a week la Noth Ontarla, bas Imtileit Itbd" et<Rok S a th rougr trie goot offices of Mr.- J. B. iworth SOc., and the Mayor thought Mr-. been assignat by the 1o. C. COL Bui M lit"ry notas. Laidlaw anti otheru Whitby bas ee Moorea opinio4a ' pnet vortb th&tat f a$4u & ftýCtn eT given trie preference. . iuch cither. - i«Legu «p*sotà-or Pa GE TWO u The agreement embotiled ln the by. Howvter, it vas ftnaily tiecideti that !evw ek. ! l bs 4sI tuI PAEho 1ev lau asfoliovu: Mayor Warrn anti 1r. Coulin uhouit mes! etenie-emsgab e t- 1'WnN4w Chas. L.PhilîD his. hôta the chie! o! en4earor te arrange vita 1fr. Uanoa d la evey iuiatt , a t5er lclnv u ipratvs the. syntica.te, dters a upan of f1,000 apamtgiseceastit~oypouflnt sub4visioa. .me ta h h fromathe Town ei Whitby. -This loaftla', ttCieL Il VUaS IMd tUt'thé ltÙtaiton vtfbd b t siw isb to b. repaidtuiiitwetr eual-analontracter. Mr. gmith, sboul flot bv Pe' ernt siy a ut b1.01 t5 insialments, a! 6% par coûtlIntvest.- te uay 1! anyway. bot Witb m" detail woeSy th# pAGE 510H? Ha aloo ka for.fi-e. ligbt anti vater; On motion U! va decidedtbtas!Court traltlame t. tai gM s I'S ~ ~ w y2vu eu O &IBO exemption freintua, xsto! Dei&"iO, for bMeu aPPeos"TsMugpjlsuSa om e JpumI school taxes, for a period ot ten y-amis8!ta.heAssessisat RotE. sbould ba, et twst> mesbqg, ini Div0~PUM Amortgage wtll b. giron thetona for IIt4oldion rlday, DWSIshOtV,7 84t10 1>d gtbewt eà~ andI Bosllao~ the auto ! oftha e àmu. am.., la the. Town lE Oia"s a. " 1 vo.h5imaMs Mba t a . T'1o u* A cooepsay la t. 1» IneurportiUmbm te lb. Ce b!ui- quW e est N. o S wut~a 1 lgi~s4 kuovu as tac %Wtby 01kifa M. <nes. Usev. é xa"~.Mar '.hus vith nominal cpital o! 10.00.A..- GOGtI& Coeuxa"m n- -3 " cl lrestors viii ais. b. "kmE t. fCuilSiS"M is Olt tae. sea tock. UBD toabout $»,M. W0 i mon Csil o P t Bkiled Âmes-lou w«rkmuft vI» lmy-caf«ormteàtal <*w M oubl'. i raqutred for thc operatios o!*teao he ta. fous$tg?"its, yhiffln tory, md the minimum « u o mau 418~ÊSi 1 2 Vilnb Ifty. Tme gosUfsuope a. StinOto tt PROW MEUu vili b. .1k glas-es, sftflk~.a% »*r s: vear s=d .@M goode, pR. MJ. lJidoerwOO........PU vero nbiblted te ta.umm& JÉ5 MmI...... .... . A baldtsg«e40o U XU fala les Jas. Saules...... .. . erecte& butit cf brik, oemaats e is ia....... ...110 ontof* 1816. r btR t w ern.W l oiiii . 8. n fd.W Tb . 1 OUk at. or mmu aua ug U ii W. 't l. OUiO.... ...n 18 o ep b. $21.000. 7o8 I .s.* m541 Ths tu brie! la tlie popsa, b* v»&.UI __ __ Orne ni thi,? poIbamwr mm or e 4904 m AO-iE STORE= il U s l igl l oloi i ire rùbir-of thoughtful peo'ple each.,yeaî are. ientsid nShoe-18 'i?, IIerqe, hWe f »le Reasons: I. Prices t!01 et, £vely*body's Pockt-ts. 2. Pi-esents Suita$W or-E verybody 3. Sý.mething ýEv*,t 4'M-ifes And Needs. Hockqy S1 o etil.kinda, inolRdiqg.h 030or. ted M- Phersowit".gh-sinl lt'cb "- for rosa, worfien aetA udren. Xmag,;lippèrs, Rubliers, FeIt Linêd Bootq, Legg.gs; vilso0 Exttda Quality Boys' and Girls" sohool Shos Sa~deur. Fin. Evng hoEoLlebtis drift*om th>Véà%efig , ng,Whltby, Ot RECRUITINO (LCAMPAIQN DaLf 'rllW TW OUIOOPENS IN WHITBY I4ie io1 rw ' ' _________ ~~~~On SaturdayatropIs Co~e TORUI MEETINGS. wearlng khaki and probably neyer ~i>dc Il"o tb.Hfwow~aaI nue Mr. A. W. .laçysoz, chairman of the luet wek. Jure guration of the -recruittng campaign Whitby Commlttse. refflied briefly also. h3uy*somed!.lmr Dyuknwhaa under the auspices of the Wbltby Col. A. G. Henderson, well known 'r- juy *MIneiD*ffli of -tu ae oyuko tal *branch of the Citizene' Recrulting Of be vç1itýr buyieoftb.lt *League. wbeli a meeting was held dainmppla nWIty a t M.ial he eePT,.Ohonn their Christmas Pros the music bal The attendance at tbe chief speaker. col. 1edeso1asbe forerna; H. Webster, t>ewart carruth- outtet was flot large, but as the even- appointed to the staff of the Ontarlo lers, John Emnierson, e (1. liarris, Geo. ing rogesse moe peplecameInCounty Battalion, and Iwll! be in tiembra,-e.-leXE-Kie U N in pogese mrepepe am tdistrict for oine time helptng in the'khrdo,<o Lé . 0Km.4 \ CPIRo and by the time the chie! speaker took recruittng and tInstructirig recruits. e .Cot aelsGroy, -hç o1dy,'U. theplttrma godcrwdwasprset.Col. Henderson gave a fine addrems. codiin iele f 9 til w~oi Judge T. A. McGillvray occupied the H a lqetèhmru.srous h iàftei- he haàco1t.L- 4e1Qpo. chair. He opened the proceedings H aeond r ou.srou.b n:re heE 1 with a brie! address, chlefiy an explan- o. , o~hmaguet oe4Aja fbltie, ftlf(6 ôûd i u aflon of the formation and put-poso convinctngly. He made an appeal to *agn. $ , t .. efil the League. the mothers and young ladies to make ,Dr. ~rc~4w<~wslu Pollowlng this a local eommîîtee. t easy for the boys to don the khaki, te~1ri u takechrg o teoapsig, 5. afiîng -s.a thie men to make- sacrifies. H nton î,fi~ ~~eit't Maeur.o. S and electdjczk,. aiso paid a touching tribute to the.lateMsr.Go.ARaI son, .joint. chal rmgne.. dAW Jck ss I!i4th Cavell. . î4tue.w hnÇmI(eP *Ward*1Js og F*J oe.J , nf4~.~.. Capt. Ever* followed w giJ rief E a UVFas~v m gta~lik. T:G~ t>eerelkannouncetnent, and îfter (hie .1n~it ~"l Ward 2-Fred Burns, Jas. Moore.1 o! te atifaoratl<em, an aftorn fa- . ..gVS~~~U Pe 'H. Nicholson. John Noble, W. E. Rje tg W8 ellortte os ndyo, Nyard. 3-RobL R arnez. Jos King, menofelaigà. Dr. C. Y. 1gcGil1i' - , .' . ..aterhouse * ~!I4A. Ward 4-lA u ey ios Mit- he Royal Theatre waa wel i Oed on ~ q T UDVEEIG ______ Ward 5-D. Cameron, John Watnon Sna vnuu t bn r e *roo9W n eay night> Chslruman jM. Wuîîts IW% 4e rI.A Ross cailedl the m-eeting to orifer. HJaeIskwoia&ne Col. Hendemuen out}ined ctrouch. Ii n,1brgT. With hblm en the platforin 'iere'Mr. Mhe obe;and tke -memberos enthlu Mussirewaa furnishèti by T .crck~- Oliver Heziclewdod, -o! Tbrôlito.' Re1VS. MUtalaliy thok iku- amid -wthin -aM ien, wtro .ang We'l'Never Let the Old S. G comcRW. Alloil1 anld 1.g- - -'-hourdrew np &a Hu t ofovef100 eligiiel Plag, Falil..n m.Rn-c, h e A. MeLean, Mr. A..W. Jackson, Capt. eh-t - * '3ou ilîI tw. dered '"Scot'. wtza H.Every, Ligut. Major parlye&The-Oshava detaulment. o! the llth Tlitemeeting w85 opehied Wfltbthe e!Ublg-Mdaiorhgaw je nsnlg f"nadChristian nt Sad- ulaloa gi-tb.'oveWV4ii lPot erryduia n OIt i eMm Fernee ws nU clbl uon.Maor Icon "the seren. -Th fine tih ~nd t heelder .log~pit e. t jhe tth1 otburmatite wet.af onc t - OOfe'5 oi~ ~~heed oeshoedet-hatiIn bi agan {n A* 3-.L traao 'in CL le Smit ~ *oe~net.d with the at the -f int e- g oj ati ga4 b-)tlea abkrvle" uon drpeil i e -te ~ Caui~ euontJejtlaFane a negBtiiwa.ruyiandli. tiD. rctrai e'r asadItnc 0 erut t'beeamnti Th*À the ~ ~ ~ ~ ol-e attits !ti reci h aerie cth ! e rmon, soËldiers ta s- maà hu-b.D.JmsMoel s C *maeoeatiReong ns !tejM.Hzewo~teskr fth_.oanW>gn <Ie a thyrayosv. drfi rPelI i hmAhe . #9 seaeralqpid Fance, >avnng tae oe o!trie finsiriges. II ItWiii UéIYe'nz~ eoaleoe hfclcD n uï ado ta Sg. ain er, o! uPWhtby off e s erresnete - of anti hoca Midotlbeabl aiande st nc t.0 Majr lll te li e mne!BTookî:n Floigti.' el blefln neo iur ane anhw nifima daeur oesr thes. reclâomne odifr Vfrl bih-11t.,s erciiig hsasplendid plat- I eve- r, al~t 5 he lock abu theoingt htyo hi eun MajorSmitb!oundli neessar to itçrmalon ating ay o sting ethtttn the ea4p afmnittox1attei.Moe t. t ikng on Wmaehne ieyta maliciq thus ltlsinuasIo nter-'e-leha brtns ithe soerlaes oea Cog uith en Jecfrdabyuat rnldBohPeklgR- W at io inpîtoeetec anHIndividl cx- urg det tI îe ble.Altit ies qurderiïbers t-euiioon to1Broughand te rgnetb L- th at asm ofterntrch wh-acaer da. and their asslstanjwoof callethe nane- foui-th e s dios.oHenderson vas to o! a ma. wbo voîmieered with th capt. Ev er l o mate a stlirsng t ynihe nd(l~'ePiia, .l pa t Mrte -n Tusi~,a i lmst tCaada ntigen t. anti wThoelt t he yong e . stachn .~seThs so o. Brokfln- Dr.ams ore ntui a! 'af *oe re his King mant ountrhe .E ,Hzl ag TeAdi i .~adad O. sebr yer!, s.u Ahftburn - Frdtgak ht, ii. dut-, o!a 4hreeMsrtfo.amoi ea ad eatl ry. ousinthesudke.nspihe. o! who Rai4l l d that ail ati'nn. ReMrln fier.msThébe m. os! trn sal.Jake Gir a ex pdÇreseIb-heingo adeforscn occasein. bee sereti it qui n hor emi. MlOr ilS; -tema Bok stlueton 9L alin o satb, w"TesheAna!t ermeeing vaheltI whtchf ndt asm Fu=tiereaeh sd eryone l' llaireaSau-dynih_ Cl whep wîo oud mke n nsiuatonbroghtfoth esuis thugh prhasn t em Ise squWo re hauheld ane ha4e'andersol n malt, cl.Sai ar eôr 61 as hi wll.h.fuj 1otabejot as lrgne es vas aop e fr qurrsGle iw, bc astoteios flofi fle he8 ei ___Major _mith ________________________________and _a ____of _____ Ithig nt o! t t i. fi l, and el ,mdd -ot tment;everCol.odude oao ,. anti ha recoind - 8 replyto a mliclQu lpainution I re-meantietnshout heesthe motheofrthettaOntaulp î tlatIREEBY-iotealndWS GO - TO FeC t rtun oN JtbyAN.L 3 £Ga in ot wbare h rlatondm ! 'rutn a orand oneTbtrsdaY nflne ists as to east -slurson the characier date.otied. All b t4t p luo ,bet*p oTh. sCl l rau h andthirasistnti.wee a vs a q e. endme51tUý ,,on w a sai~*V ~ I i I SetuiWx4w mr~ir 3ilêbIe Xnoas OIII&s Ber k8 ott4.00 *te 82.00, Pickie Frk5;ê ta *450,Cold Meat Forku 85o te 5, Butter> Kâivçt '50. ttoe SI.Oo, Ro-, - 90ete $.p0, Ew4d' Sloigah jWê W g t I I Fo Yo fo Propa o ouu na8 -Bakinge There àa scarcity ,ýin:ifnli ita thi syear, utwe~ ve you è«rce'as usual flow I -- 1' T 27 t A H I t 71 - - -- - - - - i , ' mqwwmmm%ý ATRE !- P PR#L- L3' at Law Pffèlý C, F"dý 1»10*,Iik ýl", m J ad

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