LITE D £ Vol. 59- -o. 23 wHITrBY. ONTARIO, CANADA#- TBURBDÂY, DECEMBER9, 1915 CA.GooDrz,o-W &SoN, Publishers Stop That Oough!1 WILLUS' Compoui syruà p ol White Pine and Tar Coatains Extra a.of Whito Pine, Wiid Cherry, Bale of OUlloat, Spike»narit, Blood Root, 8aasaf ras. Tur and ut ber remedies, oakà ng à at d e iure cure for reetores the raspiratory organei Lo a normai, bealthy oonditiou. 250 pop sottie J. E.WILLlS Drgggst a d IOPtl CI& -61EDCAL HALL WÎiILIIV. Preoaa"onpIr"out-Ric h an oat. >LMI IR sta .-bfgi, oilan, free burning, llnk. t rIiu. Al itsee*-Bi'te, for large fornanes, 'la 04, Mo. for furnaces 4AIul"~ * heaisis. andi MafurraMnge and ua! uorsp.8 , Blas a gOe fo ~~~d5qpa~ Uuui&ceteuhl 1-afor emtWn, uelad o loig ph tPl"e .1'tiI k' mjm4~uil hing cmai- t1ueoas - - aie'lb h st tanard.4 p~ait7Oui del.r erice le rompt «nd caNéfI ayou want thoem rdw ben youneed tb8if W. r@4potftly sellait ydur patronage. R, R. LOW9 ma phone 9. Whib nome phone 1IL *Win tor Session Toruto. Our C94~1o90 plin Our superiorityluEquipmeot. Staff. Kethode and Reaulte. Vou are ivited to write for It If lnterested in the kind of school work which lîringob best succeboi. Addre*a W. H. Shaw, Prenideat, Vongo and Uerrard Street*, Toronto. A. HEL ALLIN. [mener of Marriage Liceuses corner drugtore, WhltbY. No WitneesoSroquired. 1h rse~ uia mroement Lud Ce., UMIt Whltby - Ontarlo0 Boa! Vatate Dealera, Rtatea Managd, 1.ColIeùtedl, FUit Losns Arrauged, propertiem boughs and sold. Fer teroe apply Head Office, Brock St. Bell F>hono 1lu. . lad. Phono 70. LAKE SHORE FARM WANTED Fifty acros or more wanted on L.ake Shore- If you havel propcrty to seilwtite MIHN PSRR& f* 011U7 ROusa mi lava D rob" TORONTO joie lii& lis lifti, SALIAM AUUkndsofdooenAdleI rius fod b.pBu to #ad4m Komsbougb»4qLr a-". 1 S4m. !,à JNC iiiU"sry 'I3U~~M~ "M!au I"athe 'l e l;aaongfrhe avr ber snLient. 'cuien iport>-, et date [bimlm wniuastakingt 1- 1dm lulnbh. November 14, as hé ws n-boartUti Moaday evenlng was by-law niglit Ward 5.- Louis' oia' hr-Jeko adGle lwS.8 l ý t tinLa for the Town Council, W"in. several dence: DRO.. J. W. Wilson; P.C., Don- ,vu kept ln Stock eat tie- Queer, lHe don. Cullen va one o! the. loorï by-aw vrepaset atioUirsgîenaid Camei-on. fi made a gooti vitness, anti tolti a frank ahffen frein 800 te o te Rgypt. ie bylw eepse n tesgvn A by-law to Taise money by way of! tr s aye ln lart: readînga preparatory to their betng teinporary boan untilt!hre sale o! deben- Reuben Allaway. employet ln the OeCame on boar-d the OlymfMW about 9, subtittedtd the electors ai.trie muni-! bures to pay for sewerage extensions livery of Jos. Hearti & Sons. Maitiho ip-m. This ln,,as yen krtow, .sas f the cipal elections on Jaunary 3. w as passed. Thie suro raiseti vil! rie passed 141Ha teain about 7 o'cloek on I7eivmei-tewrd,1h -, The hie!itemo! Iterei va 1a b-$4,000 for wblch interestat. i6 per thie Kingaton Roati.. Ho recognizet flrstaau stateroom, vhlch I&. iodieso law wbich was given Ita first reachîng, cent. wili rie paît. ti ei u iintuoayn nte1eapret whllî mboiesan gremen. popoeti St il ainother by-law vas passed o! soeat, titi not stop tei "Thre are 6000 men an ti rgcson wlth a gyoup of Ainerican capitalists similar nature, excepi thait the work giscever if anythlng vas Frong. boardi. 1 bliev.vé vil be lun là pt f vîloaredesrou o!esibithln anto rie palti for Istrie extra coat o! Trie laqques! vas adjournet until Fr1- about 9 or 9 tisys, as the oat tla vry lad ustry ln Canada. Triese men are cernent walks. The suro and the rate ofa fenoDcme 0 hnt uI a! u omyse IOee uti luiexPected important evîdence vil) ho ws.y tiewn for a feu' day.. interesteti ln the silk glove and i sin Interest are the samne as above, $4.000 discloe. _________________ vear faciory ln Jersey~ City, N.J.. and iii t îer cent. do a very large business each year wibri A discussion a&rose as te tthe legaIiiy trie Canadian wbolesale bouses. Trie O!trie pluinbing Inspecter- chargtng dut>' on s11k gootis holag heavy, trie double fees, $4, for lnmpectIng work antikreti ia titan Intiustry', which voulti ianu!ac- ry SmInih, centractor for layln.g Iliter- PAGE ONE3 ture f roi» raw matons! Importoti frem inî. COMDllied that lie vascharlgoti Col. A.GQ. lentiermson laon the raser,. Ceet1irà gC&UIgIi8l a Whtby. Japan. Several tovus have IJOOn en- $2 for the inspection or these literais. staff ot the lloth Batallo# n, dut«er Thrap B»y-lavsor -the UNeoSors. deà voring te seur-e this Industry, but Mr. Moore though th e r-k vasnet spending a week la Noth Ontarla, bas Imtileit Itbd" et<Rok S a th rougr trie goot offices of Mr.- J. B. iworth SOc., and the Mayor thought Mr-. been assignat by the 1o. C. COL Bui M lit"ry notas. Laidlaw anti otheru Whitby bas ee Moorea opinio4a ' pnet vortb th&tat f a$4u & ftýCtn eT given trie preference. . iuch cither. - i«Legu «p*sotà -or Pa GE TWO u The agreement embotiled ln the by. Howvter, it vas ftnaily tiecideti that !evw ek. ! l bs 4sI tuI PAEho 1ev lau asfoliovu: Mayor Warrn anti 1r. Coulin uhouit mes! etenie-emsgab e t- 1'WnN4w Chas. L.PhilîD his. hôta the chie! o! en4earor te arrange vita 1fr. Uanoa d la evey iuiatt , a t5er lclnv u ipratvs the. syntica.te, dters a upan of f1,000 apamtgiseceastit~oypouflnt sub4visioa. .me ta h h fromathe Town ei Whitby. -This loaftla', ttCieL Il VUaS IMd tUt'thé ltÙtaiton vtfbd b t siw isb to b. repaidtuiiitwetr eual-analontracter. Mr. gmith, sboul flot bv Pe' ernt siy a ut b1.01 t5 insialments, a! 6% par coûtlIntvest.- te uay 1! anyway. bot Witb m" detail woeSy th# pAGE 510H? Ha aloo ka ligbt anti vater; On motion U! va decidedtbtas!Court traltlame t. tai gM s I'S ~ ~ w y2vu eu O &IBO exemption freintua, xsto! Dei&"iO, for bMeu aPPeos"TsMugpjlsuSa om e JpumI school taxes, for a period ot ten y-amis8!ta.heAssessisat RotE. sbould ba, et twst> mesbqg, ini Div0~PUM Amortgage wtll b. giron thetona for IIt4oldion rlday, DWSIshOtV,7 84t10 1>d gtbewt eà ~ andI Bosllao~ the auto ! oftha e à mu. am.., la the. Town lE Oia"s a. " 1 vo.h5imaMs Mba t a . T'1o u* A cooepsay la t. 1» IneurportiUmbm te lb. Ce b!ui- quW e est N. o S wut~a 1 lgi~s4 kuovu as tac %Wtby 01kifa M. <nes. Usev. é xa"~.Mar '.hus vith nominal cpital o! 10.00.A..- GOGtI& Coeuxa"m n- -3 " cl lrestors viii ais. b. "kmE t. fCuilSiS"M is Olt tae. sea tock. UBD toabout $»,M. W0 i mon Csil o P t Bkiled Âmes-lou w«rkmuft vI» lmy-caf«ormteà tal <*w M oubl'. i raqutred for thc operatios o!*teao he ta. fous$tg?"its, yhiffln tory, md the minimum « u o mau 418~ÊSi 1 2 Vilnb Ifty. Tme gosUfsuope a. StinOto tt PROW MEUu vili b. .1k glas-es, sftflk~.a% »*r s: vear s=d .@M goode, pR. MJ. lJidoerwOO........PU vero nbiblted te ta.umm& JÉ5 MmI...... .... . A baldtsg«e40o U XU fala les Jas. Saules...... .. . erecte& butit cf brik, oemaats e is ia....... ...110 ontof* 1816. r btR t w ern.W l oiiii . 8. n fd.W Tb . 1 OUk at. or mmu aua ug U ii W. 't l. OUiO.... ...n 18 o ep b. $21.000. 7o8 I .s.* m541 Ths tu brie! la tlie popsa, b* v»&.UI __ __ Orne ni thi,? poIbamwr mm or e 4904 m AO-iE STORE= il U s l igl l oloi i ire rùbir-of thoughtful peo'ple each.,yeaî are. ientsid nShoe-18 'i?, IIerqe, hWe f »le Reasons: I. Prices t!01 et, £vely*body's Pockt-ts. 2. Pi-esents Suita$W or-E verybody 3. Sý.mething ýEv*,t 4'M-ifes And Needs. Hockqy S1 o etil.kinda, inolRdiqg.h 030or. ted M- Phersowit".gh-sinl lt'cb "- for rosa, worfien aetA udren. Xmag,;lippèrs, Rubliers, FeIt Linêd Bootq,; vilso0 Exttda Quality Boys' and Girls" sohool Shos Sa~deur. Fin. Evng hoEoLlebtis drift*om th>Véà %efig , ng,Whltby, Ot RECRUITINO (LCAMPAIQN DaLf 'rllW TW OUIOOPENS IN WHITBY I4ie io1 rw ' ' _________ ~~~~On SaturdayatropIs Co~e TORUI MEETINGS. wearlng khaki and probably neyer ~i>dc Il"o tb.Hfwow~aaI nue Mr. A. W. .laçysoz, chairman of the luet wek. Jure guration of the -recruittng campaign Whitby Commlttse. refflied briefly also. h3uy*somed!.lmr Dyuknwhaa under the auspices of the Wbltby Col. A. G. Henderson, well known 'r- juy *MIneiD*ffli of -tu ae oyuko tal *branch of the Citizene' Recrulting Of be vç1itýr *League. wbeli a meeting was held dainmppla nWIty a t M.ial he eePT,.Ohonn their Christmas Pros the music bal The attendance at tbe chief speaker. col. 1edeso1asbe forerna; H. Webster, t>ewart carruth- outtet was flot large, but as the even- appointed to the staff of the Ontarlo lers, John Emnierson, e (1. liarris, Geo. ing rogesse moe peplecameInCounty Battalion, and Iwll! be in tiembra,-e.-leXE-Kie U N in pogese mrepepe am tdistrict for oine time helptng in the'khrdo,<o Lé . 0Km.4 \ CPIRo and by the time the chie! speaker took recruittng and tInstructirig recruits. e .Cot aelsGroy, -hç o1dy,'U. theplttrma godcrwdwasprset.Col. Henderson gave a fine addrems. codiin iele f 9 til w~oi Judge T. A. McGillvray occupied the H a lqetèhmru.srous h ià ftei- he haà co1t.L- 4e1Qpo. chair. He opened the proceedings H aeond r ou.srou.b n:re heE 1 with a brie! address, chlefiy an explan- o. , o~hmaguet oe4Aja fbltie, ftlf(6 ôûd i u aflon of the formation and put-poso convinctngly. He made an appeal to *agn. $ , t .. efil the League. the mothers and young ladies to make ,Dr. ~rc~4w<~wslu Pollowlng this a local eommîîtee. t easy for the boys to don the khaki, te~1ri u takechrg o teoapsig, 5. afiîng -s.a thie men to make- sacrifies. H nton î,fi~ ~~eit't Maeur.o. S and electdjczk,. aiso paid a touching tribute to the.lateMsr.Go.ARaI son, .joint. chal rmgne.. dAW Jck ss I!i4th Cavell. . î4tue.w hnÇmI(eP *Ward*1Js og F*J oe.J , nf4~.~.. Capt. Ever* followed w giJ rief E a UVFas~v m gta~lik. T:G~ t>eerelkannouncetnent, and îfter (hie .1n~it ~"l Ward 2-Fred Burns, Jas. Moore.1 o! te atifaoratl<em, an aftorn fa- . ..gVS~~~U Pe 'H. Nicholson. John Noble, W. E. Rje tg W8 ellortte os ndyo, Nyard. 3-RobL R arnez. Jos King, menofelaigà . Dr. C. Y. 1gcGil1i' - , .' . ..aterhouse * ~!I4A. Ward 4-lA u ey ios Mit- he Royal Theatre waa wel i Oed on ~ q T UDVEEIG ______ Ward 5-D. Cameron, John Watnon Sna vnuu t bn r e *roo9W n eay night> Chslruman jM. Wuîîts IW% 4e rI.A Ross cailedl the m-eeting to orifer. HJaeIskwoia&ne Col. Hendemuen out}ined ctrouch. Ii n,1brgT. With hblm en the platforin 'iere'Mr. Mhe obe;and tke -memberos enthlu Mussirewaa furnishèti by T .crck~- Oliver Heziclewdod, -o! Tbrôlito.' Re1VS. MUtalaliy thok iku- amid -wthin -aM ien, wtro .ang We'l'Never Let the Old S. G comcRW. Alloil1 anld 1.g- - -'-hourdrew np &a Hu t ofovef100 eligiiel Plag, Falil..n m.Rn-c, h e A. MeLean, Mr. A..W. Jackson, Capt. eh-t - * '3ou ilîI tw. dered '"Scot'. wtza H.Every, Ligut. Major parlye&The-Oshava detaulment. o! the llth Tlitemeeting w85 opehied Wfltbthe e!Ublg-Mdaiorhgaw je nsnlg f"nadChristian nt Sad- ulaloa gi-tb.'oveWV4ii lPot erryduia n OIt i eMm Fernee ws nU clbl uon.Maor Icon "the seren. -Th fine tih ~nd t heelder .log~pit e. t jhe tth1 otburmatite onc t - OOfe'5 oi~ ~~heed oeshoedet-hatiIn bi agan {n A* 3-.L traao 'in CL le Smit ~ *oe~net.d with the at the -f int e- g oj ati ga4 b-)tlea abkrvle" uon drpeil i e -te ~ Caui~ euontJejtlaFane a negBtiiwa.ruyiandli. tiD. rctrai e'r asadItnc 0 erut t'beeamnti Th*À the ~ ~ ~ ~ ol-e attits !ti reci h aerie cth ! e rmon, soËldiers ta s- maà hu-b.D.JmsMoel s C *maeoeatiReong ns !tejM.Hzewo~teskr fth_.oanW>gn <Ie a thyrayosv. drfi rPelI i hmAhe . #9 seaeralqpid Fance, >avnng tae oe o!trie finsiriges. II ItWiii UéIYe'nz~ eoaleoe hfclcD n uï ado ta Sg. ain er, o! uPWhtby off e s erresnete - of anti hoca Midotlbeabl aiande st nc t.0 Majr lll te li e mne!BTookî:n Floigti.' el blefln neo iur ane anhw nifima daeur oesr thes. reclâomne odifr Vfrl bih-11t.,s erciiig hsasplendid plat- I eve- r, al~t 5 he lock abu theoingt htyo hi eun MajorSmitb!oundli neessar to itçrmalon ating ay o sting ethtttn the ea4p afmnittox1attei.Moe t. t ikng on Wmaehne ieyta maliciq thus ltlsinuasIo nter-'e-leha brtns ithe soerlaes oea Cog uith en Jecfrdabyuat rnldBohPeklgR- W at io inpîtoeetec anHIndividl cx- urg det tI îe ble.Altit ies qurderiïbers t-euiioon to1Broughand te rgnetb L- th at asm ofterntrch wh-acaer da. and their asslstanjwoof callethe nane- foui-th e s dios.oHenderson vas to o! a ma. wbo voîmieered with th capt. Ev er l o mate a stlirsng t ynihe nd(l~'ePiia, .l pa t Mrte -n Tusi~,a i lmst tCaada ntigen t. anti wThoelt t he yong e . stachn .~seThs so o. Brokfln- Dr.ams ore ntui a! 'af *oe re his King mant ountrhe .E ,Hzl ag TeAdi i .~adad O. sebr yer!, s.u Ahftburn - Frdtgak ht, ii. dut-, o!a 4hreeMsrtfo.amoi ea ad eatl ry. ousinthesudke.nspihe. o! who Rai4l l d that ail ati'nn. ReMrln fier.msThébe m. os! trn sal.Jake Gir a ex pdÇreseIb-heingo adeforscn occasein. bee sereti it qui n hor emi. MlOr ilS; -tema Bok stlueton 9L alin o satb, w"TesheAna!t ermeeing vaheltI whtchf ndt asm Fu=tiereaeh sd eryone l' llaireaSau-dynih_ Cl whep wîo oud mke n nsiuatonbroghtfoth esuis thugh prhasn t em Ise squWo re hauheld ane ha4e'andersol n malt, cl.Sai ar eôr 61 as hi wll.h.fuj 1otabejot as lrgne es vas aop e fr qurrsGle iw, bc astoteios flofi fle he8 ei ___Major _mith ________________________________and _a ____of _____ Ithig nt o! t t i. fi l, and el ,mdd -ot tment;everCol.odude oao ,. anti ha recoind - 8 replyto a mliclQu lpainution I re-meantietnshout heesthe motheofrthettaOntaulp î tlatIREEBY-iotealndWS GO - TO FeC t rtun oN JtbyAN.L 3 £Ga in ot wbare h rlatondm ! 'rutn a orand oneTbtrsdaY nflne ists as to east -slurson the characier date.otied. All b t4t p luo ,bet*p oTh. sCl l rau h andthirasistnti.wee a vs a q e. endme51tUý ,,on w a sai~*V ~ I i I SetuiWx4w mr~ir 3ilêbIe Xnoas OIII&s Ber k8 ott4.00 *te 82.00, Pickie Frk5;ê ta *450,Cold Meat Forku 85o te 5, Butter> Kâivçt '50. ttoe SI.Oo, Ro-, - 90ete $.p0, Ew4d' Sloigah jWê W g t I I Fo Yo fo Propa o ouu na8 -Bakinge There à a scarcity ,ýin:ifnli ita thi syear, utwe~ ve you è«rce'as usual flow I -- 1' T 27 t A H I t 71 - - -- - - - - i , ' mqwwmmm%ý ATRE !- P PR#L- L3' at Law Pffèlý C, F"dý 1»10*,Iik ýl", m J ad