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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Dec 1915, p. 3

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DRIISMGNSBUIGDon, Important German Supply De'ot tàombat'ded and Much Dam aged Caused« to Stores A despatch from London says: The announcement of the raid is Twenty British aeroplanes took part one of several -announcements of ac- in a raid on the German suppiy depot tivity on the part of the British flying et Miraumont, behind the Germen: corps. Britishk airmen brought dowîi linos, damaging the ralhway andi two Germen aviators in Beigium re- buildings uscd for storing supplies at cently.' Two British aviators are re- that point, as weil as the stores of ported missing after setting out on munitions. reconnaissance fiighta;. 6 6 stockera, 700 to, 900 Ibn., $6 to The imuniig Makets 6. 26; cannera and cutters, $3 t 154.50; milkers, choice, eacb, $75 to $100; do., common and medium, each, Breadauffg.$35 to $60- Springers, $50 ta $100; Breaatu1 . ighit ewes J6 25 Wo $7- sheep, haavy, Toronto, Dec. 7.-Mtinitoba wheat $5 25 to 45. 50; do., bucks, $8 W -Newv crops No. 1 Northern, $1 . 16;$'0 yearling lamba, $7 to $7.75; No. 2 Northern, $1.13; No. 3 North rn-abe w. 5.5W$.0 ernr; $1 .09, on track lake ports."calvea, medium Wo choice, $7.25 Wo Manitoba oatit-No. 2 C.W., 48M.cç, $10.50; ho g e, ed and watered, $9.50; on track lake ports. do.,foh.. $9. 15. American corn-No. 2 yellow, od, Montréal, Dcc. 7.-Butchers' cattie, 78YAc; new, No. 3, 73c, an track To- choice, $7.60 ta $7.75; do., medium, Cnt daoo.-o elo,7c $6 to $6.75; do., cominon, $5 W $6 75; Canaiancor-Ne 2 ellw, 5ccannérs, $8.16 ta $4.26; butebeýrs' nominal on track Toronto. Icattie, choice cows $6 ta $6.26; do., OntaAo oats-New crop-No. 3md a $ o$.Q~d. ula 5t whlt, 3 ta38e comercal at., ~$6 50- xndkers, choice,, each, $90 ta ta 87c, accordiag t reighla outside. $95;,ào. common and medium, each, Ontaria wheat-No. 2 Winter, per $80 ta îà5; springers, $66 to $75. car lot, 94 ta 95c; wheat &IgtyShe-ws $6 ta $6.25; bueksansd oprouted and tou gh, according ta samn- cuIls, $5.50 ta $5.75; lambs, $8.75 to pIe, 90 ta 98c; 'whest sproutd, smut- $9.50 Hoga, off cars, $9. 75 - to $10. ty, and tough, according ta aamiple, 75 ta 88c, aecordïng to f reigbts out-"FED M side. 0.REDM F SEAS; Peas-No. 2, nominal, per car lots, THE GERMAN NOTION $2.10, sample peas, according ta __ sample, $1 .50, according ta freights A ep1tcfrmLnosa:Th outside. Adaac rmLno ns h Barley-Malting barley, 56 to 59c; Foreign Office publishes a statement feed barley, 49 to 52c, according ta which it annouaces was made by the freight.s outside. captain of a Swedlsh steamer ta the Buckwheat-Nominal, car lots, 74 effeet that, before the sailing of a to 75c, according ta f reights outside. vesseli Swcdisli Cutops houses in al Rye-No. 1 commercial, 85 ta 87c; cases' phto BÉnin information rye, toiigh, 80 ta 83c, according t ase sample, lind according ta f reights out- of the sailing and that the vessel does aide. riot carry contraband; and that ahl Manitoba ýflour-First patents, in Swedish -ve sseie ieaving the Btitic jute bags. $6; second patents, In jute are stopped at the entranco ta the bags, $5. 50; strong bakers', in jute Sound by German patrol bonts, which baga, $5. 30, Toronto. examine the vessels very carctully. Ontario flour-New Winter, $4.10 In rnaking public the staternent the to $4.35, nccarding to sample, sea- FrinOfc ped h olwn board or Taranto freighte in bags, FriaOfc ped h oiwn prompt ahi pment. observation: Millfeed-Car lots-Delivered Mont- "mTe aboya appears ta bis Majesty's reai freights. Bran, $22 to $23 per Goverament to menit being brought te ton; shorts, $23 ta $24 per ton; mid- the notice of the public as showîng dlilgs, $25 ta $26 per ton; good f ccd how the -Germean Govcrnmcnt ia those flour, $1 .50 par bag. waters where they have an opportun- -- ity for dispiaylng naval activity prac- Country Produce. tIse the principie of the freedam o! Butter--Fresh dairy, 28 ta 80c; the seas for neutral commerce, which inferior. 22 ta 24c; creamery prints,, tiiey have no loudlyýaccused bis Majes- 33 t B* dosolida, 314m te M. lm--o a3b- ; do., ;. e ty's Government of vlolating." onto. 'BONI Il 4i~ R EAL Il VICE trains. URS IA FLORIDD. on sale (Id Stop- At lus on ~TRE RAINE îdey nigh NDE. ITOROMT a tu rd dy. ta ilui er 0 attend. uo f~i<, rnciPsj OrTO OPI (OI AN I...: '1' i selecta, 35 ta 36c; new-laid, 43 ta 45c, ITAI.Y IS PLEDGED WITH 1 Honey-Prices, ln tins, lb., 10 ta I UER ALLIES; SIGNED PACT 1 le; comba, N'o. 1. $2.40; Na. 2, $2.I Beans-43.50 ta $3.75. A despatch !rom Ramae sys: ItalY Poultry-Chicke, 14 t-o I5c; fowls,ba plde hrsIultemka 11 ta 12c; ducks, 15 ta 16c; gcse 4hspege esl ett nk o 1 5c; turkeys, 20 ta 25c. 1eepai'atè peace. An announcameut o! 'ChaseLare,17 %c- twins,1; 180. titis stop -was ma"i u i -lias Par- Potatos-Car lots o!fUtarlo quel..- liaient by Baron Sidney Sonnino, cd et $1 .30, and New Bruaaw#icks aI Minister o! Forelg Affaire, who said $1 .40 ta $1.50 par bag on track., Itbat Italy bad afllxed ber isignature Venion-In fair suppiywitb pricas te the Londau pact ef -Septambar b, ruling froin 6 toi 10e par lb according whlcli was slgned aniginaily by Rus- ta th demad.51a, France and Great Bitaia. Baed lRay and Straw. At the saine tima, Baron Sonnino Blaed hale, aew-No. 1, per ton, announccdý that Itaiy wouid send as- $17 ta $18; No. 2, per ton, $13 taRiustancc ta Serbia. $15; balcd straw, ton, $6.50 ta $7. Theomembers of Parliament, many 'in uffiforin, greeted bath the an- Business la Montreai. ; nounceinents witb great applause. Montres), Dec. 7.-Corn, American Na. 2 yeliow, 76 ta 77c- Oata1No. 2 0 local white, 46%ic; No. 3 local white, 'TOO MANY MOTORSt 44',,c; No. 4 local white, 4S34c. Bar- GEN. GALLIENI THINKSa iey, Mlan. feedy 65c- nialting, 66%~c. Buckwheat-No. 2, kc. Fiaur, Man.l A despatch tram Paris sayat Gen-E Spring whant patents, firsîs, $6. 10; cmI3 and other higis otucera o! thet seconds, $5.60; stroag bakers', $5.40;, French army- musI gat aiong with Winter patents, choice, $6; straight f wratmblsud boraca iere- rollers, $5.30 ta $5,40; do., bags,!e rauo bis $2. 50 ta $2. 60. Rolled oas, barreis, atter, hi' oM'er -of Oea. Gallieni, Min- $5.15 W $5.25; do., bagse D0 Ibs., istar o! War. ç $2 .35 te $2 .45. Bran, $22. Shorts, Informing thbe Appropriations Cern-t $23. Middlings, $29 to $30. Mouil- 'mittecofo the Chambar of Deputias e! l ie, M 0ta $32. Hay-No. 2, per ton, hiii decision. Gen. Galleni said lis bad car Iotai, $19 t-e $19. 50. Cheese, fin-Ireached it as t-ha resuit o! a report est West-erns, 17% ,tu 18c; fiuest east- peae nbhl facmiteb aras, 17 t-o 17 %è~. Butter. choicest ipeaa nbbi !acmiteb creamery, 82%, te 38e; seconds, 30%& Raoual Peret, former Minster cf t-o Sic. Egga, frash 42 ta 45c; se- Commerce, anti Emmanuel Brussa. lected,; 82e- No. l'atm0ek, SOc; No. 26 stock, 27 ta 28c. Potataca, par bag, HARD WINTER PREDICTED. car lots, $1,80 ta $1.40. Drested hog", abattoir killed, $14. Park, heavi' Canada short mass, bbls., 35 t-o 45 Britalu Takes Steps te Properly Care places, $28 t-o $28.50; Canada short for Treops. cut bacis, bbla., 45 ta 55 p laces, $27 ta At the request o! thbe army aut-bon- $27.50. Lard, compound, tierces, 3751 Ibn-, 1OUo; woadI palis,. 20 IbA. net, tles, a French Geverameat met-are- 10Yc; pure, tierces, 375 Ibo., 12% t-o logist bas druwn up a forecast of the Oc; pure wood pails, 20 ll>s. net, 18%, weat-her for t-hlm comling ivint-or, sU. ta9 - '- ding tause Paria correspondent o! Unied tats Mrkts. - te PllMailGazette, liiiinsh" h. Unitrd SatesMarkts. prophesies tisaItbhe seasn vill ho t-be Minneapolis, Dec. 7.-Wbeat, De- wrst os!kmova., camber,$10 ; May $1. 54 t-o The. meteooegt vwat-edth -e Alpe $.5.Ci, No. 1 liard, 1-07%; and 4ob teeviova cft.perl.ne No. 1 Northern, $1.03% t-a Î1.04%; edTèIUwtl i No;. 2 Norths...99%c e W$1. 01%. Corn, No. 8 yOIlOw, 70 to 71c. <bt- t tat 1h.Alpla..UI0494,la-si f No. 8 whte, 38%, te 39e. Flour, faneyburrewlg sMouste* oet-venetacU patents, 10r iigbie, -quo t t$6.20. as uauwl; -ta orties' t. pa t-be v*Int-r Othar radas uucbalsged.Bran, $13 cointostab1,y#bave gson* vn u*My DuluthI, Det. 7.-Waat,No. 1 isard. the ,ar..ai*s ieeh. No, 1 Nortiiera,-$1.04%; haie ,IgpU1i rpuS Nm2 ortie, $1.00%; )Mont-ss » t; No. 2 bard, 8101%' .., brslathîrW*tb ar $1. 01%; May, 81.MY5%.tbod.iab** sf, 201% t-o $2.0234; Dee *blsetrdoui -bs tl apr 2.0 Ç&; May, $2.07. for elug fart tie troors tueringt-)m. colt mua&bs Live Stock Maniieta._______ Teront-o, De. 7.--Tue- quot-at-lensAU.LEV 'M were: Butchers' ct-tle, choies,. $7.?5 LAIN 7I do,, I$ c on 50'tê 1ZIïîk'Qa1tru 'iod lys Il :U, tô.111 od,a kytT053-4 mA 84.e t The Wèek's Development in the War. Serbia has been aimoat cornpletely overrun by the Austro-German and army has bean driven Into Montenegro after suif ering haavy lasses in th air The Anglo-French Expeditionary forces still hold the sauthera part o! baing, kept etrictly secret. The surprise in the Balkans which Premier A sqi Allies bas not yet deveioped. The attitude of Greace ia anytbing but reassuring, probably on account invade Greo-Macedonlan tarrltory.1 Conficting reports continue to corne from Rumania, whicb country, appa bath the Central Powers and the. Entente allies. Large additional reinforcementa for the French and British are arniving sian troops are reported as ready for a strong attack on BUlgaria. Britisb troaps are now oniy some ten.miles from the ancient city of Bî On the western front thare have basa air duels and arttIlery exehauge force. The moat violent fightlng of the week ha. taken place on the Isonzo iery is battering down tbe defences of Galicia and drawiug additional Aus attack Announcement la mnade that the French and British Governmlents have campaigu la the Dardanelles. ITALIANTROOPSII FOR GALLIL They WlIi Aise Aid Againt a Pos- sible Invaision e! Egypt by 1 Eaemy. a( i a] E THE SOLDIER'B IDEAL. Interestlng Story pf the Late - oberts. An Eng' lowlng stol on active commande, " 'Boba' M out what1 09uuIMons A daspateli frem Rome àays. In whsiîe fi addition to the officiai ani cenent bogan, Orb Lu tise Italian Paffsinent t Italiae teo 0 bai signe ithe agreemeny vlthbe'r I##WOUI, t allas, not ta consider! a nepa - P~7t& peace, Baroni Sydney nf r6rei*flY Mli3t&' wuaiwal gtatamant that Ital*ian.. ilhtary aMd anti ai ti veuld ha sent t-o Sarbia, afid hluted at' oniù.la ta amuch greater actlvlty otý the, part vn of the Italian army and fi4-t in the se sahe Easern Mediterranean. dlao Italy wll make Albania ber base 'wu.ats tj of operatians. Already a detacisment tisere ? : of Italian treepe bas beau landad at compaay. AvIona. Beaides, ase will co-operate id'No, I with the Entente powcrs "iu the di Can't Eastern Meditarranean," which means down intc su expaditien ta thbe Dardanelles,, bo up.i operatiaus on Use DaImation coast o! Usat yau the Adriatic, or aven aventuai aid "'No, a againat an invasion of Egypt - gettine 1h Thtis position o! the Italian Govera- id 6rwej ment was set forth by Foreign Miul& the gonel ter Soanino. At the outset o! lis de- ><yahfa claratien ha snuouncd that Italy for- sottened. maily signadtae agreement ta avt it,, ha sai joiutly wth the alies te thbe en d. "Any ô SocoadlyP, lieasiarted t-bat Italias sent the troopa wW lb. d«espatha4te t-heald and t-bat o! the Sarbians, and "tha Italies iIag it;, but sD on 'LaUtra sponda, (The Dalattlan leua flyln. abe o! t-hoAdrlatic) vilI reaMM rua bio > d lt-allai- bntereste la Aibanla, whose ln- thoghtfi, dependance sindSPellEIblt - the ~and by b strategic deteace ot thse A"rlatlc. d r "Italt i laot insensible t-o Serba' "t Umm distresa. 5h. la prepàrlngte aid t-bat ima heroie country," vas -st!thi cut'.am * standingpoints in Barcn Beaaino% tW -a Îe speech. mi, SimultauOously wlth thse. Fér*1ig a Miniter's speech asu te Isiunes et sst-at-oent -by MK mat-lIsSe8 Iu *W wm Miagato t tly, empbaticalyny-MOI l lng reporta of eclaguIti eSMa tE "Seijla U-la.WItis* id-atetc& in a pilIttIo~ m4 $ *£bu M U MI0M $ I Wwth A de$ Is ri osý - n,* *Olk b bý * or 't Lord V ~ auilmat, tord1 rlish soldiar tells the flI- Dry o! the late Lord Robezs service: "Talk about ybur ers," said Tommy Atkins. vas the boy for me. 1 found lie was in Afghaniataii. My wus digging trenches, andi shbing, eue of tise Afghans Irg, and the bullets whistled mr iseada. there-wau a kid ini the com-, t o4dusthave bom. uiW ~18. tYs gtowllng udnd'" ki, ce is s&y -hr. 'Men se 1'Hebt,' cool sud easy, and kid. a, thera1' ays 'Bobs.' tha matter, you tellow down. 3-et Up sud flgbt with *the 1 can't!' replies thaekid. t!' 1says 'Bobs,' jumping 0Ute treacis and baullng thleA 'Wbhat's t-ha matt-ar with you1 can't? 1,r'Ara you hurt? air,' say4ha. 'I'm afraid o! 1you'ra a fiue adîdierl' sys1 rat. Then ho looket at t-ha ace o! Usa lad, aud bis face I I1 suppose you cant helpi >ther commander venul have boy to thse rear ut disgraeel wouid have beut-he ond et lobs' st-ced -borWUvt-hie bul- kg grount i m, bad t-ha boy;. 1 crouclio110"ova agla, -andi Uly st-robea bischie.BY h. put bis band eu the boy'$ e lmn't as much danPr as «besalMidho. 'Nov, ge«Up ayour rifte, and Igsa. 4Mdud'I tre beuide you. Tbatt'- too ýYa 'lb'UKepco at A deid ,EET. iut-o. Four Subjects of the Kaier Con- splred to Defraud tie United states. A -lc8patch from New York sayali A verdict 'of! 4guilty as cbarged an bath lndictments" was pronounced in lte United States District Court by the Faderai jury which bas bean hear- ing the testimony of the Government's charges against the Hamburg-Ameri- can Lina agaînst Dr. Kari Buenz, hoad of the lina, and -the ather Hamburg- American men that tbey had con- spired te dafraud the United States bafore and aftar war -was deciared by falsel;y obtalning clearance papers for a fleet of suppiy shipa sent eut by the defendants Wa ceai and provision Ger- manwsrsblps at sea. The jury reached s decisian seven hours after retlrîng. Besides Dr. Beuaz, the other mca convicted, a FromtheM&sIe - TTISH COLUMU items From Proinces Whe.Maffi. Ontario Bnoya uMd Girls Are Forty mambars o! Calgary itrei- flghting department have joinad thw colora Calgary is considaning- distresi -arrants for $65,000 owing for par- sonal taxes. The University of Saskatchewani wlI iikely have a training school fer army officara. Oaa hundred mea from Winnipeg are naw ia Russia building emergeacy railroads. Saskatchewan donated over $100,4 000 in the paît ycar in cash and sup- plias ta the Red Cross. 'Simeon Chomak, Saskatoon,, heard that bis wife bad beau malestad by 9 Hua and stantad for Ruia. and r&,~ f ~ ~ ç5VCOniciVIL WKicniVUa~wye anau 'Jy"e" venge. - bURN~ gred ysthe most important o! its Frcdericek Wagner la charged ab ~Ui.Gkind ýrMîd since war waa bagua Edmonton with. sending money t« ln Europe, were the englieeriag su- Germany ta stbe enemies cd.-the perintandent o! the Hamburg-Ameri- Empire. - ~ ~~t"' Jcan Line, George Koatter, Adoif Hach- Capt. J. A. Pergman, ona -o! the *meister, purchasiag agpnt for the lina, best known navigators on Lake Win- 4 and 'Jaaeph Poppinhaus, a llamburg- nipag, hais enlistedi with the 45th ieAmerican supercarga. Battalion. Dr. Bucuz, naw 72 years of age, anc Under the Saskatchewan Llquoi! time Garman Minister ta Mexico, and Sales Act thora hava beau 219 con- eminent throughout the active part of victions aince July, 126 o! them fer bis Ille in the Foreign Office o! the public drlnklng. German Government,, and the others MIke Jakulson, et near Prince AI-.' Bulgoi aantece o. the Snaerbia convicted, may under the law h6 sen- bert, Sask., is held for the deth et heric asitana o th inades.tcnccd ta nat more than twa ycars Ia hie son three years agb; he abusad - Sarbia, but their movements are a Federal prison ana fined not more the lad savagely. [uith said was beiug prapared by the than $10,000. Walter Fcgh and -Raymond Pierce of the Austro-Gerinan thrcat ta A Mitb defendant, Felix Seffaner, escaPed f rom a Montana jaii, but were suparcargo on one of the ucutral caught by mounted police acar Lath- rently, las till negotiating witb steamers sent ta suppiy the Garman bridge, Alta. ficet, was net brougbt ta trial. lie The 82nd Battalion recruited aut g daily at Saloiniki, while the Rus- wss capturcd by the. British whila on Calgary ha 834 Englishmeni, 147, bis errand of relief, and la at tise Cndasad10Scatcismen,511 sgdad. ~~~present time a primoer in a Cana- Ihsd41Anriae la u oIfnryeggmnsI dian detention camp. Wilhla Clark, son of the spit- ti, ut n iutiity enagemntstendent et the Nati unaI Park,'Banif,' front, whara thp haavy Italian artil- The Govcrnmcnt's accusatiolina, v-oaClain t.I~l. striantroop te «rsist he Itaien aainstthem was net, as Judge H<*e,.î las poiuted eut inhi care t teWoeydie01LeUibridge; Aita,, ne intention et abaudoning the onc haviag aaything te do wltfr ti- now weuded In thd war, paIdbi lation o! neutrality iaws. The- 'de- o WR WaI to -England- te en" a tt fandant.a were convicted becausc'tey - hdconsplred te obtain through u lo 1-1réieanis ufia. a had The Daugb Erse mpireetfLoti.-, W1UIU~~~~~ ~ ~ feats falseiy sworn te, desttnatutobrigugeteIuieo lu$nt OVLK l Ouuu falsely swern te, and by other lrtd-. t. e ielgtoel u e R lsgular mac-ns, clearance pua fois J.ctýedtrn orable r.esns. u MAKING ~ their,'fleet o! et lcast tweivc uujpl; cuituràeilu the nortb-western-pro.. Stupendoua Proportimis te Whlvh the WOMEN'S NEW EMPLO'KMENT. Vinceà5 next Juuê0 forO$tawa. ?, * Industry Ras Gr.wa lu 1ý Major Waugh, et_î nni eboe'm., Canada. Wide Range of Activities Which They t-be Provincial GeV*rnuilnt will aake., Caii Perforas. It unnecessary toi disabled soldiers te - A despateh fromý Otta'wu says: sall laces on-thesatsta-a Soe ides of the stupeadous propor- ,Ait article li the Windsor Magazine iBecause ho was jultedt et' Nyko-~ tionh tgWbiçoýh*i- MWgiMMlou lUiitry deala with th», war-tlme servies Of- lak, Ruther4n, S~oMe,~ in. Canada, lzaaï grewn, *», given te women, sud the'extent tà whlchthey bullet- thrýOUgh bis ,eb1n ;It ea*e bt':~ the'mgenbêa 01t the Ot$awokanch ! eva liready been a]319te replacesadud t thsenoseab«-i4be« *MwlU the mIaty o!CI1Ê, ngi. eIeaslé meni foiractive erIie 1>yun- Wéstern men tise Canadian - dt«- wer k at i~s.The-cib aelrbuafuS cpikrad Lor t-ha i4dustryrorailow 1111l tlieanti,' net >.sr is 800,000,00 poudt blb l txtihe capcty Of ths oiz te l lat-ao the ut- mOs NarI 4,00,00 pouidâtof coppr an-brss ae u e nd 102,- 000000pouits flad.TW i J 8more Lis Cnad ea pirodu eto!t-hae matais;and Use surplus m-mst be, m- Flft-auhuudred thousand epunds ecf tnMi fl e su 00000poUuofetrMin are alusorequire&i-- -Theaivane- O! tisa abeolen aup-t-O 10w- has béen~ $220,0,oSO, wit-h additloral ordez-ý o! about $180.00000,M abl4é 75,M$0- 00l0l. Tenme r1' haie twycoiÎa*eweru great va:'-bas pvon woman's lite a nov ttr. se bas -soo im o great. houpitals a t thbe' Front cxstrely sup- iuleit andmiuaîntaaeéd tirhar own max. Lover -dov t-be sosaléIe bobas seeu idfl- vomon drM*g met-ors-i t-ho London streats at a vage sndallov-ý anc. far 'above- the orlhMMy. -These nov disuffoura -work tiese m ours as mea, thougli, of course, t-beyi doune unloadluig roair. ne, utbtotlu A singer bypresI-.weIbd girl, <areful in traffic sud 'keauouniÉer Vork. ý GouiO -fer ove:', t-heu, -Ua t-b opportuity for -tuerayandi wit. Quea bit empyuyovelue slot-evas rI- Jorewti MtappliOa$la, & q rou otrae-scores uthe'" suekers cont-roUlage' Dominion, maklng imil toa, -te havetilite& sent se o--cfï78, ce '75, liegin l out 'of tpn,», oui t 00.ý culur, -.Ad and ayiior, repared Lk. this frIends. D)UMLS IN ]MID-AIB. The Aetop1aaeMuy Yet Be Dinut Factor-l ie m- t-ue.It atumet -at-i tbesus tho W M mal"S a sa dopt tapit "-.dlo"_71 101 Il

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