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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Dec 1915, p. 4

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t 4" -lu 5, Tbi Stre e*d * - Ue-ù- Ofts Wacb ur indws A nr l/A on Xm&sng W Usfl njt i(siste CrbThsve te&nr i tls Range5set0ufor then cellor shown inl. this cut. i111 111111 I1 11 Corne in and pick one 1 1 out and have it deliver- <1 ed now, olr we wiii held it until Xrnag Eve and ,~&5r~4, j <j;: t', -~ <'1 '5'. S r o Big Ben Alarn Clôcki'v"' The National Alar», and th. best, perfectlime larm dlock made. Larze diai makes it easy t read time from a distance. ILEMTIO TASTER Get one of f hese Bisai Teanters ira the centre of tsble and leare ilt here. tric th~e ~ICLMBtSR *. 19-jo. cf"$1256.19 ec principail and Interest. 7th. The c"%rporation at Its own ex- E eyhi B3ig Ben $3.00. baby Bn$.0 pense te submtt te the electorB a by-law -, ~~~for the purpose of ratitytng the afomeS etrCot '4saidlnpr recited agreement Tae o xetaY~ tgb riI JOSEPHI WHITE, ô ply woel shaker CE Taea xet Ã"W i b aTown Clerk. Knit. Cee Tee inake. Wi Replace your old carbon lamp with NORTHERN MAZDAS, m TOWN 0F WHITBY BY-LAW NO. 915. $5.00 and you wiII use one-third the current 7011 now have to pay for Tura u ofcentsd o asrune A By-law to Drovide for taking the and get three times the ight. 25, 40 .idM6 watt one, and tmakes âtjcjous vote of the electors on a proposed by. oh ie totlawi InUtjiled "A by-law ta author-Moh Lid Priced i 30c Ecb ~riI w. -n agreement wfth Charles PhW - (-Ive WhIereasa.apropozèd!-by4Ww of the. Ex Corporation e! t4je Town ef Whitby, ln- $ 1.00 O'Cedar Mops rentw C)&rvirg A RAZOR ON TRIAL FR lue lb1at authoriz -e-a tire r.or 4ta t1tty tbe. aasento.-jhe Tfiese are just a few .Sets s~eectors, àWn-,I1 iWia4bpedientand -nee.fi f if «mHgtue qualifiedde1eetoes té vote On- the. lroposed bi-laW. We hve lage asor- 'Now, thorefore, the Municipal Coun- 5 Wehavea lrge ssor- cl o!ftUe Corporation of the Town of j 'Whithy, enacts as folbews: ment of I XL Carving 1. Th vote e! the electors of the Sets mae otbes She- -Corporation ef the Town cr whitby Sets, ade o best hef-ahall be taken on the said proposedl by. Hr Places as the annual election for the ~r1, 4ie d st el an p ut up ~M tn cpal C un il, and the D eputy Re. e neat boxes. turning Offit'ers appointed te hold sald M clection shall take the vote. Wernan'is greateet labor-eaving 2 ntefl a f eebr dvc.Dseadplneai tPriced from 1915. at the heur o! ten c'clcck ln the devoe.Dus, aid oliheaailAtTake oes of theme Anto- Slirop forenoon, the. heid of the Co'undl o! once. Ali! Iiaiîeea and eizes. $3.00 up to $10-00 Razora home, use it for 3(1 day,%and the sald Corporation, or Borne memberL if yen like itpsy us #5.00O, if net (if said Concil appcinted fer that pur-- Prlaed at 750, 1-00, 1.25, $1.501 retura il. pose by resolution shail attend at the - _ _____________ _________________________offie cf the Tcwn Clerk ln Town Hall in said municipaltty for the purpose of Electric Irons -apinting. and If requested te do se, Ff s C;tiiiiBat lcreIotbatflyfinished shahl appoint by wrtting, signed by i ù~~ EicLri Iros, bautxullyhim, twe persons te attend at tjhe final! y ,ttl~'itrtiitecl(l for alil tîre. 1sumnming ,up of the votes by the Clerk. and one person to attend at eaeh poili- Priced ai $ 3.50, _eon bfhUfthe versons In- I y-law, and a like number on behaif eoI FUf Gilltte afet RazrS he perrons Interested ln and opposing ýý' hve nrgé as,;sortinetit of these razors in diflèr- tepooe jiw 3. (in the 4th day et Jantiary, 1916,Fo La is the icheur ef ten o'clocl< In thp fore- $5.()0noon, at the offce o! the Town Clerk In 5.00 Town Hall, In said miiniripality, the Clerk et the said municipality shail We jýjj(_ît. llmaluy othier useful gifts ineluding - ýattend and suni up the votps given for Fiaslgùe. W~e'~nr. Hase~ ae, lockt Kive, Raor tro~sand against the proposed by-law. mins ss s t Ml~aLe,8l1 kR:tik, Gurus, Finally passed this 7t:u day et Deoem- M itt> l Vos, W acitigN1elfem, ~rne-,Bath Accuseoruen. ber, 19». Our stock of Useful - -- sgd.) F. WARREN. (L. S.) Mayor. Irluis store ÃŽ,s ope"n until nino every evening andi t(Bgd.) JOSEPH WVR1TE. -,- ~or ervice for your rt-q.uireinenits in a i nesc 1d Cek E w'tret stovu.es, repairs, te. \\e aither avTiakilegtnotic httefr-hgI Taentce a hefrgiug ~President Braces, Indi- it, orit ism'î nte -tru epIfD uopsd vl th e vidual boxes .......5C -. - ______________________ ____________ 'Corporation of the Town eft Whitby to h ubnte eOevtse icd- Phono U evw Iw es'~ liares its the animal élection for the khk ankrhiefs,N Imd. phone PýlLnleî':J Couneil. fand the riêî)utyRe- In t rsl phoe4 ouruing (t!ueers appeintpd te heMd the new testament, in i- 60 64 > U <h tatd olert liun ahail laiëte evote, uand vidual boxes .......60C. m cint rels Har waretlmt the 30th day of Dec&-mber,. 1915,i y n~~~I t ton oclock ln the forenoon, at -the' ac ikA -The Store That Saves Vota loney office.ef the Town Clerk, ln the Towni Meri's FnySl r jHall lnthélicsal id ntncpaitty bas hcen BLd ______________________ _ fefr fthe appointment of personsi Baxes.Individual te attend at te polltn$ places nd 2e5oxe ____!-M-!!, thOe final atimmlng up p! the votes byl tue Clerkc,and thot If Oie assent o!f 'te, me *MYUTLE STATION. C01. A. G. Ilendemon, Dr. 3s.More.ExecutOr's Notice to Cred- debtrs e15 Abdî.qthefieds Pm~ A. G. Roid make eiUjk es in the . Public Hall. MYrtie 2ttdien, o! Br»IP Rev. WM. Johiston, o! itors antd Others. oe by-law lit wlhI le t" ibet 1co~ n- dîvîdual boxes at 50t. oS Thu'sdaY evguihxg,,ot aisweek, De» Ashbu 4 f1-ev. GeO. NICOl. Of Myr iderat-1oiiby lb, M;îni<ipal CouUmIll o? cembèr 9, there . Itl -be a big public the. sand others, wbo wviii 'P- i in t e taor redertîek Eaton Cal- thfesatd Corporation a a meeting $75c. $1,, and $1.50' Meeting UfSe<Iti.aulspicesoe!the Cii- bOdY SmO- 'sverley. late o! lb. Town of Witby, thersai 14 b0beId, it e e OXlTttOll »,nW . -ýtkrutIng League fthe ePUr- fj ln te<>j yor-Ontarin.'dee»e& ofo »,o flwMtheA <>efhfiw ftdivi' r~a t inor s InDvision 4 er WbftmNotice la héreby givegnM=t te Duplex B-Ofraces. Individ-th '5 o.- yownahîbiand tueh susine ii i.Wak4o -I>uivI*Jt.,18ýd . 91. ph8t D meiU 1& re«ruite~g Of! l 10h OauzaCounty VWsiU b« erMOU«- .Mgn. Ch"as. "au.. persoezsbavigs ialmavanihoanta n boeu Og BataIn.on ii llaorm~wi> ii.'ms. ii ~'uiusi . m. e . W a the »Z OM or b* 1a'de ta oot'De b dPo à b-la»-Mt 4 Hat uat p!<»rk hU nIme reid hki wuituy 4= tbe wtyve4utu -.AT ou tuua rbt -pê O0«0b. 1914~ t . f ulr,4 «tod*êVur i)titi nd.t 4y aà<Iiw r ards. idi-ý *edby po@gs, prepohdt , 9m4"M.. tl~ik~g* vt~ we o *re, Wb'*k g t' b , Sllk and wool Gsshm Wbkb*f_1*»« e «dOXi uj rÈ Yand bbrXk BOY'S clothes incal*et omlM.~f i If 'lmo8uit*1,4QidçOS cÃŽlîd i WOMEý.. jadies' Fancy Initial handkerchiefs, 3 in envelope with Xinas card enclosed for . ... 25t. ;ew Crepe Silk Blouses convertible collars, trirnmed with buttons at ........ $3.95 and-$4.50 ,dies fancy embroider- ed and lace edge hiand- kerchief, 3 in box. .. .35e.- Tew Voile Waists ini pinkandwhitey lace trimdand-plain - $1.50 $Stâ $3.0 adiesp whîte and black fhe sIlk hose, Individ-' afl be ..... .$1p tdis' weaerCôato CHILDREN. White Fur ScarfIs, regu- lai' $3.00. Xmas sale White and ' Black Silk Lisle Ilose ... .25c. to 35C. White, Pin-k, Cardin-- al, Tan, Pale Blue and Black Cashmere hose. Sizes 4to 6........25é. Children's -Kid Mits, fur top... .. UnIned K-i& Gloves, LAue SéteFu, Stlk Regular value $4, sale InfanW est i ot part _-_ *Ù01 au, wogl deliver it thon. -A SYNOPSIS T -or A BY..LAW TO AlUTEnORIZE THE TOWN 0Fte 9 WGRTBY TOJ ENTERt INTO AN C rsia AMIEEMENTWITH -CHAÀRLEIS C fls I1LLIPS OIR COMPANY TO IE, PORMED BY HIM TO BE KNOWN AS, TU1E WUHITBY SIL&e MILLS CO., IN 'PUE TOWN 0F WHITBY ON THE FCILLOWING C0MDI- TIONS: Th3t. A lban Of $16,000 t 6 per cent. per ann '-be securty mortgage on the property of the 'Compaiýy, re- payable In 'Lwenty annual Instalmentz 1 of principal and Interest, Tht payment 'on 2nd JuIy, 1917. 2rnd. Tý said Charles Phiiips to ac- quire L% Site and erect thereon 'a two* story bulicUM 40 or 60 feet by 100 feet, of brick, concrete, or other substantiai material, wlth proper rnachinery, and to have an approximate value of $50.- 000, te be compbeted before Juiy lst. 1916. Srd. Tbd said Company to have ex- emption f rom taxation, except school taxes for a period of ten years, f rom Tht January, 1916, and to be suppiied with electriclitght and water for ten years from January 1, 1916. 4th. The-Company agrees to employ an a'erage <r.aObeeij>ioyee,,60 per cent. females and 40 per cent, maies, for at least 2b0 days eacb year, and pq-y out ln 'vages a minimum amount of $25,-. 511K C 000 per :-ear. 4 l& 1 th. The corporation to Day the com- CA F pany one-baif of eald loan* when roof lecmpeedadthe balance when . Large 5izes copeteadmachinery Installed. p $1.2q Io $2.00 itb. Tne town to raise debentures toe i.amoacnt cf $15.000 repayable ln 20ear nquai annual Instalments 'Suggesti-ons For Méen )ver Six Hundred Diffe rent Cape Gloves with long furlined TIF'S wriste. Varmemt lYres Go ae 50c Io $2.00 ~I$2.25 g9 Put Up -la Seasonable B3oxes SiIk Sox SiIk Lined Unbrellas "àisened C*ape utoves- SiIk Covered 75c .. $1.50 j $2.00 ran Suede I ENOLISH WORSTED Cashmere àgora Lined Ribbed -Sox ra High Grade Woolsey make .50X $ 2.7 50C 125c, 35c, 50c suggesi[ons of useful gifts. We have a store -nt lines.- New suggestions each week. T. Thompson*1 nsweêr Store, 'Whitby 1915 Xmas FIFS TtISYE-AR For Mon and For Cidrnat WZ4 LTI3R s en the Othei -youi Bahm houi Outi i Tenu ]mien a drenct or are nada f ca1* fu: aliyr tO)rs. p isuéng pen Ir lu gre lise t is doix r to ket :ranits paresr uIn ths fore when erdr~ bullet voted sacrill - me la per toéosai thley 1 th 0 m

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