- I à l'iil'lTflURSI)AY. DUCEMBER 9, 1916.-GNJ m gl Will Your Home Have a Columbia Grafô-nol a This Xmas ? ned ed f- t It is the one gift that wvill make a brighter borne ,on Christmas morn and al thru the year. W. wiII gladly demonstrate any Grafonola, from the one at $20 -and its a real Golumbia-to the ma'ny, other modela ranging in price to $650. A amali initial payment places any Columbia in your home -and on Christmas morning if you wish. Balance can be paid at your convenjence aftcr the. holidays. : Corne in and look over our special Christmas outfits on special Ghristma, terme.' ~iOc Parisi&n Ivory, One of the most popular ladies' gifte this Xmas, and thé most difficult to get, wl e PARISIAN IVORY >ai] Files, Mirrors, Brushes, Perfuine Jars, Nail Polishers. Jewel Boxes,Tooth j Brush Holders, Powder Boxes,Sav Pots, etc., etc. Suitablo Gentleman's Gift This year we are excelling ourselves ln gifts for men. We have added a number of new liXpes. such as Pearl Handled Pock et Knives, Pipes, Tobacco Pouches, Umbrellas, Razors <all kinds) Fountain Pens, etc. Just corne In and ask us to show you our suitable men's Prloes, 400 to complote Sets et $40 Wà tcbes Solid Goid Ladies' and Gents', in price f rom $16 te 8126. Gold Filled Re- m.arkable values in a IadieR'guaranteed case, 812 np. Gents' watch, f5usd cAse, reliabie works $10 up. Solid silver ladies', $2.50 up. Moya' and Men's iliver and Nickel, il toSl12. ses Our $1,25 watch. Ebony and LeathorGoode The genuine F'rench Ebony in Brush- ee, Mirrors. etc. Agood hair brush, genuine ebony, Gents' and. ladies' pocket books, purses, card cases, etc. We have the silver letters to attach. bÙ> G1 êss Genufne Cut Glass te supposed to be very expensive. < We bave the best, and It Is surpris. lng how cbeap some of It la. See our sîlver nlounted pleces. Rings Genuine dIainondu from $10 Up. Child's rings, Sulld gold. .Up. Mlsqes' $1. $1.25, $L50. 31.75. A large assortment of elaw 8et rngs from $1f.60 Up. SPECIAL.-I bave purehased a par cèi of %, c. diamonda, which wIllb sold rlght. Stones this size makeag most beautiful ring. Solid GoId. Brooches ê&nd Pendants Many new designs have been added to our stock, especlally for Xmaa. Do flot miss seel.ng these befote buying eleewbere. Silverwari We have the best as veil as the lieapest lihes, both lu moUd silver aud plated, ware. The -oeebraffl Commn- nity knlves, torks aud spoons are sold-. here. See aui' Wladow Gisplay. Jewelry The very latest thlngs ln this lune. llrooches, chai ne and lockets, solld gold and filled. Also gold bracelets. soclety pins, etc., an endless varlety at prIces right. Our Motto-Small profits and quick returus. Clocks At ail prices ln oak, walnut, piano finish wood, solid iron, china and gilt. A haîf hour strike, 8 day clock for $3.00. An extra good value aoud iarble dlock for $18. Hear our chime dlocks. Your rnoney bak If you are flot sat- lsiied. Brecel.et Wêtches- Another popular ladies'gift. You wlll flot go wrong If you give milady a bracelet watch. Prices, $3 tii $75. $5.50 buya a good one. Umbrullas and llanos One of Our apecli ubrellas la no Slarger when çgl* tèm 'a 25t, piece la ln diameter. ilf a bes.uty. We have a large stock of these canes and um- brellas, ae gannot help but ploae you. Ie1% $ 2.50 to $12 F&Dcy China Our new pattern lu odd pleces la very popular. We are showing the eelebrat, ed Crown Derby stotk set. Don't forget we bave the beet as- 10 per cent. Discount to Soldiers in UniIorm Re 'als mBAR 't ~ I N. ~l.9S t - ýýi .25c. 0' fr5.nd, 2Wi 25 to $1 'Lie hnd- ai fo IOeqc. 111 to $.O gs ail theo N.f .Jeweler and Opticiar> The Largest Stock Ever Sbown in Onta~rio C.ouoty Opposite New Post Office, *,4HITBY .OfEN EyENING3. Go to Harry T. Thonpson, WhÇtby, been a rEqldent of Whitby for morel for Çustoined Tallored Clotheal, 416.00 thà ax hait a enitury. She was hale and! 10 $30.00. hearty until very recently. but suffered -o-- a stroke about four weeks ago. Since M\eu's large size hernstitched silk then she huis been able to walk about, h)andkercelîlefs, withi or without nitiaîs.j but unable to speak. On Prlday lat RLv.'gxîar value Gôc. Sale price 43c. ai she becarne decidedly worse and prac- WV. G. M'a 1frs'. icaL13';lept fro'm then MII her death. The funîeral was held on Wednesday Ihîn'l fail Io se mur \Xma goods bu- afterncoon. servic at the house being fr,-t iii.kîr.w. 'unr selectlons. Pringle'. conducted at 2.30 o'clock. lL<rd are.-24 MAIU WANTED. lPHESBYTERIAN CHURCH. For keneral l'ousework. Apply to ~'ut11d;xy. December 12. !Mrs. Theodore King. telephone 2?3. Min 1i - r 11u charge, Rev. S. G. Mct- --0 Comal. Ni N Buy your Xmasu hardware at W. M.l M",riiiyiz --Siib4ectî "Faithful Or Pringle's. -24. Sec Prngle's hardware store win- dows for sultahie Xrn.agitts. --24 FORMER BROOKLIN fBOY DIES SUDDENLY. The sudden death of Alderman Mor- ley Wlckett ln Toronto early Wednes. daymoringcalis to mmnd the fact tiiat e as a native of Brookiu, Ont, bon there 43 yedrs ugo. Mr. Wickett was one of the most proininent of -the younger public men in Toronto. He was managing director of the firm of Wtlckett & Craig, tannera, and wua an autiority on clvtc finançes. lHe was rorzsorne years a lecturer ln Toronto Universlty, and has studled ut several it of'D)"ie Lvs x o Harry T. Thoxupson. Whitby We bave the best quality of tuttlery Se 1 u'u it xi.. a] LvesEx-for ready.to-weitar Overconts, $12.50 to ~iRgrsd h rcsrgt nu - W u i r Thy 'Mercles, 0 ~ Watch our windows. Geo. M. Ulme 2 ~i'1ct"Tu ifth Com-1 Dear San ta Clais: Xmas sale of moiVs reudy-to-wear 1.1. t'You don't know how pleused 1 wa suits lnt tweeds:, ouly regular tatior Nnib~ i -"t Parais.."when 1 saw, you had arranged tii corne Mie. Regular Value $20 t.o $30. XmasI b R a Auithun, "lis-iîold. What -Manner of to oui. Xmn.s Tre eÉ-ar Santa, you sale pries $14.90. W. G. Waltere. W ht yI m nust know al about out great worid uUR NW STOK 0F MAS GGUS' ar. an't it sad' At oasplacedaddy Violin for Xmas present for son or Teb~rcwdier OURNEWSTCK F X-A GODSandi Mother just reati andi rmdt. They daugbter. J. PftolTh undersigped herçifdîg bas arrived. e i tre and caIL No can b.rdly "rd lime ta tak tii me as -O- the Trustees soeli11 on 'troublýe te ushow gooda..opmn every they uaed to do-->ust war, war, 1 hope . OI, rnfght. (ieo. M., iee.E'rerything ln Iyou don't like the 1(nUr: udon' P. IlLuke. Opt.D éy).7Yong, Bt. hardware. *do youe r Yu n' Toronto a ab:6 eyetdglx: p cls,4184ç= FRID Say Sata. Just on the quJet, don't beCOSulted about your RIAY9 Iheue r ( MIETHODIST TABERNACLE. lot daddy and motber know that 1 bd e-94SM A-. Alln*s dtmg stor Whlby, TeSunday, Decesnber 12. you, but write them' a zive letter, on Y'nday. DeIVE RI K -tUSE Tepasier will occupy t#e PUlpDit at plu»s. Tell theM l ogt adil about 51Ptod <both services.the var sud that jeu voulti 11k. e »K ~ wloA I UIDN Morning î*rv ehake btanda Wtbthem M 7tburmue âîm B19w, OWI l e AND Aithem-**Lest we IForget." Sur. Wm. Deceuber 23r6. (thars the Xlght date. , bem e5 Yul jWlber-tSc, u ";; tu f Abxluhbice Ayres, soloit. izu A ade&ta?) Dt f 14 ai tPm"hotu Taied 111,Ml' '= tforinles,twWib Soo- Mr. W. J. 11. Riebasteosi. S .t.ti SXr a 1dh1Oiao ti.UJhCW* rokS.~Wib, Antliwtu-'*Bea litre itu the 8Ulfe," u01o ffl055 IIoUimy tr OIR g# tesUjota*I h 4ha.â su Antbem--UnioThce. Olr.0.-o vu egtt rtsm ~A'S "gW laa~s two# i bodyknewpt*Tle eQOLwOCK I ne& g.ff mm t » a d« FSmosbom.wok. A»>i to t» practieotfr Xmua.à foR itt...»M ab= TIbo-110,11112,11 &«ui,. - - 5f tw te%ýr DiscW IX.if'-..13 QteRa"" T. 'hm%»=o *W larffl t~Mtlotscb.h per paIr a0w4 bsn, >ineun - w>"e'en A9 tu bM ;0M'A 19W au oo4y [:,Mt et 1 ltyinwr I 12,«MO11 V*W ' -' Engraving donc while yoia wêît. e W. C. i. li[NDl-'11S lREC'RU' TL . Il LfB H APPENINGS i i T(n fthliuitiadt.orounr 1luit -o111... ...--%j 11- r. duîr loiig fin-Ir dîtîx u071b. it.d U 'Itd <](li,'t.î li i1ds of l'rihe tnîi 1.-ie ur ;r' uIlitrailltg uI n 'eind j (' r. . S.rS W ortue f < n for I1nt, saniv .t\ e ;e hil thc , ,G itL-r'asrli r ' , "ir. ru O" i '<iie,, c rt 1Il \-X n; s goods. e T1ý illo I 'a' 'unlr urdu r fr Peart w.atber h i I - ' ' ii.h l 4 l t i rnest* 'lm- .a furmnt r WIilbv bov, j,"'. u h< tt-lt of 'Toronto, hl iasel.sied, ".d us t t s' 'nld tht SC violilus for tiale b) J. Peel. "l " f tSe~tei i'Mîiss-s cu artof nig it. t ~ t , li.n'" t ifIL r >sut kf f lîntry ai. n Ir lea rut * i for t it-'r a i ~ ' ttdays <ig*«dcr of île iulamoiu. CQuir-lin and see tthid fat tr gr.'t<t- ui'. ngl i -f ti.' , ut' t -rit for tîjeir I.1 V 1:hefor Il iTi I-riuau * -t-. h h~g es TI. .-' jNou n -c.'sityfor <norin wiudows or i dI ii' 00<1 » 'li, ( --tut liIf oti have i"cc walhterstrilI hu ,4zLýed t4t an u iroIfruaJ. Il. tll>,is ntlsthtavIIy. art- jiislufled ;,ir' unrz t udr boy-s tia Enli whlle Jms fnb!'.' menracp of the thjuor tralffc -o' ii i tu o ii>i them, On the W. G. Walters' store Wiln be open r liand. npithpr cabinet mniasters otvtttlngs %during Xnits salp. ï1Isalors, nor preachers, nor edl- Térglrmnhymtn of the utur <rutors tare In any 'say jiit-t tîb u eifSceywi! h 'nriurging ulittae(nt, uiesa they ityWrRle Soiy l b doin ûvpythng tat tey éidin-the auditorium of the Public -su drn og cvythgat (bey If îbraryo ody eebrvta ýWK cnt oi~nothr ful dut Iln o0 Mon eldies re eeted '-1" rt-s,îeCt their call to t.he YOUU, to be prese.nt. -i). is te cali of (ho hypocrite and elshoMrefrtebtliof ti,ý tuvuird. fWhat a loa8d WOUld bO Pel'sanshirle'stofo thes oe theo 11114-(Jf rom the aching hoarts of our market s'aholsho o h vomen If this awful perIl were remov- mre d now. ut can bo donc. Stop the Il- ipiur traMfc sudte ranks wiU be ftll Geo. Ries. son cf Mr. snd mms W.a üd -I,'oe8t rce me8.Rice. ad rnot Lomazt two Whitby cd -I"orst Fce Pou.boys wlth the JLC.BL. ý'at Kinga an'.amaons 100 men whb h.beau chosen trom 400 te, louve t«o overase 'W ft17100 wttbtu tour Qor ove w*Ui 1 v»I "11 ne For a few days only for One Dollar. valeiiclft Ralibi zli. 4r 2 c. ~cprlb. w H itIIYX34AS -FAIBI15U, TU »IO3~8 AN IIl tT1- -- IXt thb. iethe s-oge OM7 'y ti.' aemc or hetowuu sA" le1AU bom twltb TM~ VOTU ON CRURCH UNION. 7'l'h. vt ou ausbù& raUimlu 13t. AuiAi'"a irebtbabot.*UPMS sud u'otsRie-lu a. tw* as toflowau* 1~drs-erua.oo , aalu&inot.1* draughty oats'sor d#T;egalat # Ad~iront-Pir. St Os41ist Old Men's -bve snt, 7.ta 0 #4sh 70eaotgs Hoshl yes Reg-ular Prico 1 Oc each ON SALÉ AT 5c PER PACKAGE AT THE WýýH ITFI.ELDýS. ~ Irugand Stationory Store WPITB1Y. ONTARIO Bell Phone 37. WL* There Le aVTICTROLA "'r; in ourHomne ~~bIs~ Ch0tas Music in the home on Christmas morning wilI brighten the whole day. If yoti have one, then renew your records. Drop'in'some timne and hear our choice selections. Tltey have that clear, sweet tçne that makes youi dance .With- deli ht. There can b. no -better gxft than a VICTRiDL? GEO. IL WILSON, - I.. WFIITBY REMEMBDER WHIIDY KIAS FAIR Friday, t)eoember 24th. 1915- Icouncl chambep, whltby. $30 ah Prizes. i. Sce Prize Lista. s ANkP ýERIAL' §«Vvr srice wt '-WC oQ«M pV 'tvêysiV@ e Suggestionsfor Chr istm _hopr Bo'y Your Christmas Gifts New, WhiIs the -Solection 1: Largesi and the Assortmnent Unbroken BASSBTT Independent Phone 37