f. portuning » youtliful lieutenant that, Egil CeîI<-' aysben ralIPe Upt8Ph 14 he mîgit ho the sahib'@ bearer. -Hew tato.evea in ther.teune tAlr much do yuî a Pie wily ras-;drtecailr i FRIEI>I GROER ~aInamed an exorbitant:T ae iélhiEgotifr 1e0 te ino"WCI@ BblOlS FRpaît fitteon uw tbslwltroout kuewsngfiftMep mçoo*$. tiatet ktawdes- Surn iniiru pees. tl.t 'w a l>rôu.n eut waS p.f!~ODS I)roppsd a Vîluabk [uint. dstitit 5$ Un1~let ,Weil, how mut-h la ual, anyway?"1rae0ou pdloor I-moabot eghtycar,' rîW ~the lieutenant helplessly replieti -rectlY Ati4riLue oiseut lady, -I sufferet f rom nervousnesi - Viî ma sinrnetie cn:j . ,wb la oy tsa, t~ -4 I hurto! te tme cowniii cd. ago cf. a country ho le an easy prsy. en strfetti ihu lb dy 'Sometimnes 1 would get numb. iiid The ijrgaîn v-asconclutietiMdtithi iersIare me tom -oa tv.@ithe it would ho almost impossible fer ns iueatwn w ill oIIeitd mi aoiMdt o ice .Ulor. pi'iited II.' to epak. At other idînes 1 would .,i.H oile181 e eos ia .bi jisbard tbooymuwa. $~~. have sev ece hîlieus atocki, andI my ý i is oe. pgriab. bai es qvaMud8P8oe4iSti 0 A9 -~"i Il-art would lutter painfully when1 I1ac ffiiu ubmt evtw- 0 day. lie a gent«til .qka wüuld walk fast or swesp. le May bave picturwbUaseif -aus 1h' wsO t*iie, - tIa#tO#4 ithe -l have taken enougb m"ediu te r « wti Oé stirt aamuI! d &igstore, but withoutRoer$ bkdinbig faitY"" rs I 1ort Wou a "M"eUWYi ty permanent benefit. One sveniag ou. ~ ê~~sb iens.epuitilb. -~ ~ tS grocer wa aes'gmyLiesbantio nonn 'vas, and turged fiat I1q4t oir spad ýyrM l' is, , -ik'." use ?osturd, aO . f tuht îme sU UM~ijg~ ' ~My - package, at isl l)~0ti letannt . bail fioeied lie WishbÃhA"Au M fi.4e. directions, anti we çr bt .lbei qolprb*M ii ~a1sI #bi wlth it. W4piÃdtîfle ktlt mg e oe sficlent' te kéep * 1w fma' ý Il - '.ý 1 unci nlyPotxm.'(Tetrducsinuu e' i' uxur7 f«r;~ ~ caffeine and bta.) Ihew uk0ý i t eà 16I bean le gel btter, and -in à * ey wameu iu tisç'ows.Is.r- -nonWs t*~ opk~ilktO61rs'pir. a* iy~t£eC~oa dion, s ba, u4I cmatnedt <m'II3J U104> uuisi tale on Ofeuand béco0mo inerested tm, nktek l i pgnabout lbe hmte. ~ J lPnS 4f '~iaits I ibme t. doéail&UMy c"'uwwe* rithout the. l«itsget prir'l. nyodtroubl." Nautme "br Qat~l~aeniCeo, W'usulsoOnt. bave bot thse %osl- - ~iiust ?oS*U.m--Ssoluble p*6~lrl*. -8u*"saiqukhuy t up4ano -~ . ongéîne In price only, anil on LOQI(G U> OI) SUOi ~ LL~fS& ot Cousentytbq navo little. Newfpc Te"o ulMan ofenTsm tMa" an giv Tii.Conitio etTee aayWo-A atm yi. toM cof one green private men an& Tus Mlwy Girls. -Who went io bislOTënel - "I want te girls1qok old -long before tliey mhould. BRITISR1 SOLDIERS WILL BPREAD suid. "I rannôt '>e bonmy pay and Thefr ýfacs bîcom ae n drawn; *NO*B GE V "'I8 c1oeh u Il Il rant 'teir yeslacc j atotnd of ungertalutmern! wrlnI es Gin thi b. wonded at probably nover be the saie again. brlg i& ithsbeosdee a Ù whe tiey50 reuenly av hed-The mon bave hald their egrieces go aces, bcey .hfe nu enenuî fve eling'Y.M.C.A. Workers'felp lutncreaslng of course. , Tho question ef their à pure ef wretcheinessandweaknenssT In Understandlng -estween 'Britaiui ad tthi eo asdacsa mnet cases It la the. blood that la te ETl1al)d. The Marquis of CreweAm Nlaie. Frei n e cause or another and Jadis.. I ravely informed -the.-Houae, that,.,Ibe_à the blood has becorne tib and watery, At the beginning et the war the mon wonld neyer flnd Indian bee M e and itlà la a fact that anaemia (blood- alarmigts found an old, yet lever new and mutten eo*al te the Englîsh te lesanesa) more-than any other cause, subject in the State ef India. india yme. HAil ewhiconadoitisavu-e givea women thia prematurely aged waa denuded of regular treopa. The bly tru.H io've, ondiationsa have - appearance. it is important that the unrest tliere weuld speedily cuiminate pansaefw blood aupply ef girls and wormen be in another mutiny. Ail the years ofpaitshe errer.av eecrrngr regularly replenished-important net patient service, ail the lives which inh a rirshvebe strange hd ad an pope ls only on the score-of looks, but te re- 13ritain had spent in the East wouid have taken tbeaa- in. The Y.M.C.A.,al store robust health, which in of great- b -e wasted. India would be lest te the however, bas done excellent work insare er value. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla Empire. gettt actually make new blood and restors They failed te consider several as- maeny dieent staetions. ens have C--,Tuppep yf the system shattered by overwerk or pects of the other aide ef the -ques- write letters or read or play billiards, ,wi« 01sircharea Stewart Tu per',sUnd werry. These puisagive a glow of tien. There was an enthusiasin for listen te lectfres, or attend services. et wiiueowbe becomes M . oulit helt t plefaesan nak trOhelping in the war, an unprecsdented The aecretarib-s have been untiring in Tuppewa twh gb lodath etof rn weary woen 'and girls f ccl bright leyaîty te the Crown monitesteil by their eff orts te provide a wholesome le2 1 Mojto., clo adhappy. With Dr. Williams' Pink the Indians thernselves. Indian treepa social 1f e for the in. Their chieff On a"u X2%ý ns Pilla at hand there la ne need for aIy %vent to fight at the front aide by side grievance now is that they are notet a b1esoi0 0gwR t - y woa o n gr e ok i r ulwith British regulars and the SOI- the front. Yet they are doing theuri b" ' hrii uppooea w1te.i t Il Ill. Mrs. J. McDonald, jr., llay, Ont., (liers from the colonies. Tiiousanda bit in India during the war, and it is Be âibea.WIg iuMee4ste $ýbO mlg gays: -1 honestly believe Dr. Williams' o eîeiascm oIrdia te take by no muons an unimportant bit.- iOltil about t. 'learo161fotr Pink Pille saved my lite. Semeyesrs t olac f ahrnen o le enthh h ar~oertrouaTommy aoommutea luitCe. 80tralzmh sroe esai of the paeofteme h adgn We hedri oe ndTmy the VNIrOII"ib-idnti, ci ago 1 had anasinia, and as I did to Europe or te the Persian Gulf. Se -comes marching home, tbey moay atili. not ealie te seiounessof he fr fom Idindrifting or breaking continue te do their bit for ,tbeir% trouble 1 soon became a complete away frem the Empire, te presence cuntry. They have it in themlôwer MAKING STEEL RAILS., wrcck. 1 got se wcak 1 ceuld hardly ef the new troeps is preving a potent te bring about a dloser relation andce e walk. I neither aie nor slept well, facter in bundung her moe closely te a better undsrstatiding betwscn Brit- Description eof the Procesa They ~W and could net go upstairs without Britain. ain and ber mighty Empire of the 'flisough. stopping te rost. At times I bad an The majority of ths Territoriale are East-.h alMl reet aypc almoat unbeurable pain in my bock, men te whem, in the ordinary course ______ _____ h ramppresntmlonyrpic-the antI would have Vo remain in bed. of levent,~ India would have been lit- IMOTN'NONEET h.pcueqe ne rîary cir- cl' sufercd almost cg.nantly froni a IticRmoreANthon a naznethe. Fcw et thein neard dulIheaach, ad wcn wceing' oreihaaentere.be ivlor thm - uistantes th. great strands ef ironen, oulhaand stoe ete ick pnting i ol aeetre e ii r l>ostage on Parcels Going to the. euch hait as long as a city block, ing 1 wuldstop t, pek p aythng 1tary service. Fewer still would have fdbakndor snltYeouhOi wvould Iret so diazy that I wouid have vjsjted her as teuirista. India weuld Troopu in France ld okadfrh notl nuhoi toeuctceh hold ef soe~thing te keep have continued toe 'an, înterest for 'The Post Office Departnient lain btee'ndperesis tefi it 1c0ath1rét-i h from f alling. At imes my heart cholenic retired coonels sReetesiwith receipt of applications to . hav a- i ud bpress > in tenifrtae fhe r would but îso faut that 1 weuid have liver 9and for crtan Lorà i (OUn- î s dîsd tquuîro shsinat a pmoen bt atunyneobstacegsyTA a smethering- sensation. My yesci. Theic great national upheaval France sent trec or at rciacecirates utany m o ent turç one o! tfise 4 wero sunken andrny banda andI limbe s<îbtewrhwvr assnofpsgthreu.ty tlsetieo lbaJ>rckni would hote swollen iiha set o pstaehs mornidetlybèils..n it'~it it ea nolesisatansle or lnd -Vao woul be wolin inthe no i 1thVo this country thousancis et me n impression that the Departuient bas itl Iike a squùirnui-n ao round Oseeý" tried several kincis et medicines ih drawn Ilrom ail- grades of societY, control et these rates and could do as unfortun#te workman, seya the cen- WîL out benefit, andI my friends îhought 1 f rom all sorts ef occupations. it ihd u hsi o o stetr aaie would net recover. Thon I began tuk- Ee pntemsiislradqtwionhodpbutagils nt e, us Ithr e u dieMagazin poes a b h ing Dr. Williiams' Pink PUIs, andI be- Ee pnVsme nua n usto tpsaei ioib ne - Wen dthe roîiiq pf ros a been th' fore long could see and teed that they tuni Iettcred amônipat thom tho iiupres- tnational agreement, so that it il; net comp 1ed tsale ao Ionsîde iih werc elpîn mc. gîatiy cotinue siencann t but . great. They within the power ef the Cunadian along te ths great buzzsas hc theus etth pilaunil ws cni iingle in the teoining lite et the bu- , otOfieDprtment te undertake cuit il Up imb 1he thlrty-feot' rails ' pletely cured, and I cunnot say enougzh zoars. They siée seknèthing et the tÙus h ael re ra e nw e fe aia rvles ' Iii~~~~~ th1 rle n togyrcn wenders et irrigation in a country duced rate ot postage. Under Inter- çvery lime the Vw21rning circua5W , mend theun te ail run-down girls and¶ whose very lite depends upon the nainlawprvso ismd rcisofoeetheeenhapasI> women." monseena andI the annutil rainfails. the f ree transmission of -parcels for radiale la every direction, as though r l Youca gV r.Wiiimsl>nkThsewith a aste fer literature have prisoners of war, but Ibis privilege the bligest pyrotechinical penwbeel w' Pills frein any dealer in medicines or the oppertunity ef scurching old r-de e xedt ucl o roaee eîe a ensdel e nb Iy mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes cords of the Mutiny andI et the days cugaged in active service, nor is it motion. f th Eat Inia ompay. uck within the power et the Depurtinent Wbcn he rait bas been ceeled and foir $2.50 f rom The Dr. Williams' tetdVhs Eaatshavndia Company.in Luck- i ,eîin( Co., Brockvillc, Ont. now, Deplhi, andI Cawnpore become, te se extedi.hle aebendilI t l ll I ruI.Thse ithunintrca i poi- The rate et postage requireti on reudy te atarI for any part et the - tcsanTh ositutain eelopinnenti- p arcels addressed te the troops de- world. The. evolution ef bars or C, take aîn active intereat in the prol» pends upon the locution ttc d e ior sheets from- saie bg .¶ellera A NE ELORAO. emaet oveninnt.The desire for dresses. If the atidressela in Eng- slaba l in edb hesieweea autonemy, thý apreati et education, lanti, he rate on parcels for Englanti rethod etocf ir.I stcsz %Il%,il Gld epoitsDis 1 hs administration of ths landI rev- applies, which is twelve cents per and shupe et the greeves in the relis lb-whistifhe a i Frnc, te pr.which determine he torm te be ulti-a covered in Colombie. enue, the dcvelopment et co-opora- l;wisi ei nFane h a-mtl stme Yteseli hl ive credit organizations, hs good cela are subject te the rates applile Yntl sne yth lc nter. I nI h Soth mercanRepiblc e an ba penteet rillre, ail able to parcels for France, which ar clutches. (oklo)mlia is situated the richcst allu- are lever open for their consideration. as'olos:e, oi zo deptsits discovered in re- Ail phases etfladian lite, ini tact 1 lb ............... 82 cents. WHO 18 DR. JACKSON ?Il cil i years. In the for-off tIsys of present theiselves - te men now ini 2 Ibs ............... 4 î Drake anid Hawkins, this region yield- the raliks ii Indue- :_ByvN4*ti. of-*e -u....... 45<( 5 4 rd vn,,t treasure Vo thc ntrepid Eng- heterogeneous nature of thýeir ,ranIca j 4 ........ 4 ÃŽ.teuc\7 -" ÃŽ- î;~î~ naigatorswhose Meca waa hey are les ampered by the class 5 "........72 tvetg.1»o of le1 thu Sliaish NMain, caste spirit tban the reguler military 6. . .. 0 o!l.enhiut a w.Drake who, crossing the clses iIdalTe baewat an 7 "........8 44 OuW xelneInfe 1nc i asss n idi. hyar vworked" out the tformula Èfr »..ak I>thimii of Panama, ini 1572, wvas the Indian student once relhiOlked about 8 ................... $1.02 'e' oan~aaco ounie 1r1îstFigli.,hmain to cast eyes on the coîlege professera: "more soluble i 9 ... .. 1.10 whele wbeat Andi rye, witbdooie " _l. Vh 1atret#o Il."10............... 1.18 fasedand' .bru. It nonrshes ~bot 3000acreç 'are eutoerab year AijlhteplsQIrn- lis, That meana cutting nt the rate of 100 acres a dey. Ia us cued.oM painful goitre by MINARD'S LINIMNT. - AYARD MeMULIN. chatbâùf, ont., 1 was cure of lulfammaton bymINARD'S IUNIMENT. 51 me. W. A. 40HNËON. i u» Cure4 of Facial Neuralgia by miNARD'8LINIMNT. PtrlcdaIeOnt. IL H.BAILEY, Nia. ebureblnt l ngtauid ara raM- lu inhouer MdSt. DavId, of WaIUe usuOum ewauteta .0** 18:0w4WY YOur Yv Eyemn 'e I But A Fr. Proscrià ptiofn lotlaI buT glad te kioW 1ttimt O H edrOihthe prlntoiile ecii WOfl. 01 freo prescription. One m-n says everYtilig wtbout auy gassa'd To eyes do net water au -mre.At nlLht wol andreaLdia y; cow they el iii the rime. It was ie a miracle te U A lady Who uned it sa: 0h b ula teot i s p r e c r I p t lO ftteen dnyu ero thigleemLs clear eveu rend fne print witbout gla 1.Un à belleved that thousands wIIo Wear *es eau now discard theux lu a reason- V etile. and multitudes m'ore wiII hoVi etoe trengthen thoir eyes 80 ai tei ho id the trouble and expense of ever 1ng glaises. l tronbles et ii1eay de- Itimu .ma bewenderttilly beielltted It tohloldig t:smple ruies. Here.la tte' ocription: Go te any active 4ulug store set a bettle of Bon-Opte. Fil l..two- ce bottle with warm water, drop in Un Ben-Opto tablet and aUlow te dissolve. th tbis liquld. batbe the eyes two te tour es dally. Yen sabould notice your eles 'r 1LPereeptiby rtgbt trom the start. ln mnW111 quickly dl@ap1pesl&. youir eyes are botherini yen, oven a le, tek* stops te neye thom noýw. betore U ls tee late. Many hopelessly bUnd Ot bave been naved If they bail cared tbeir eyes ln turne. The Vitîmai Drug or Tootwili f011 the aove pe ipIonTby lrmaill, it your drugglet CU Iii. PIGEONS IN WARFARE. ere Used Extensively During the il 1 Boer War. It is not generally known that ail earmnies and navies ef the world ,n f all back on officiai pigeons, 'if :espary, and that thebirds beleng- gto the British Navy have their Rial standing and numrbers just as ýe.h"dYmen have. 'Durlog 'the Boer Waï the British 'i znùy )Md its emrier-pteen .sysft.M. ho birdo ,brougbt moit ~es from' all xe towni 'beleaguered b#r the Bo>er in- adors,9 âmdwhen Sir Uoorge Whitoeà ' rig ewseoWpedup λ -Ladymflth cigMe mesnescarrled seyoraIde-' atches fromn that galla.nt ofcer teý ie men who were slowly fglhting à eh way te bis relief., The firat wà r in which'pgeoius werc sed, as messengrers - was the Franco- rllssiafl,. and the birds ,carried flews to and out ef besieged Paris. A est was established at Tours, ando ght threùgh the siege regular mails vere carried between Paris and Tours q pigeons. Miles of Electric Ware. Through the United States and anada there are 900,000Miles et lotrue w ire st et % ed, e 40s , arhich,,require, the support etniless la= 26,00,00 olo s. t la 103 dtat about 4,000,00 peles are iied an- nually for renewal5 and new, Unes. W-ell-atocked- -Germà n f . s, hle are the'best manageil foresta ini the woerld, produceÇ only 260 trees to the acre; -the poles now stanÃœding -would, thua repxvewt aiL fthe tîmber growlngr 0f terrera in der nightal make you var in vays dot are Der latest ting ini tniglits. 1Englouti vins--vell, vell,1, iyll Again a voiler bo; f 'ern'any-1 tink se-vins, Den youisha "vait" on me! -CqyieFostsr ln Lontion Answ, 'n. e llyia o ts by warýP-Pin - I self round ita food anti absorbing it. - mon rings wreo useti as money by the qxMcient Britenê. in YOUr geed old Lendon towp:lo Inow I îhtemr der Zeppeleen Vbat drope der b*1 ,ms à dowD. am von PoWd obkyi1'flt, Juil doret«ihidu I kil!. )h1 Hoch 1 1a mn se haply Jup'bere.ameng der abtars, Vth der, Vatenland Voulil be Fuor effer in der vars. me it vas der grýeat bik fun Téo bide abeve der clouds, nd tink how many Engleesh dead You wrap up in cléir shrouds. id vhat 1 likes about it bet-- VO<n ting yon viil agrele- le I drops boins upon your head You cannot punish me. makes mein zides mit laughter shpiit To look down from der shky, id dink der speshul constables Do "YVaks up, England!" cî'ý. come like thief in dead auf nlght, Yen sinks der rsd-syed sun; rid den yeur papers write und gay I vas von pirate Hun. EïowtêPe 6tet@UBU Sb7i Y%.i Jwa A w o r n a y s v e b ig h ' id e l s - and itill wear a Iow-cut .owlL 1Borrowed, umbrelas cast thé ow oxS135Po3fl. FREE TOcI4QLJ8gWIVE8. '*,big 68 page llotishoId Accelint Ão-flh, Calendar and Roe " E5k vembined. "Ime OxISIn cha, q-hundrreduf e i.beut andA iaest 110W TO 1 BTOUôR COPY. flelow are the naines a" addeéms of tweIve firins. Select eleVen b! yor-best friendua ad sither have thoen wrIte, or write a pstcaud ourIf P. se t Ao<out. Sk ",t t he . a u s~p For- instance. .uppîy Uen menain d e têfrs lm o list, a frlend'e nains anà ladreuate the second OnU Cen the list and,»e ou., ýwoNeIt wWutaueai Iid'idr #ur 16W' ifliW lst eQIfArme tO'- whm You CAR Sund a furthér îlotet o naines and addrees. Write yquar, ptearda.. ty belore yen £*rtet waToronto.ont Vo. eroao. -~o <~a~ .. lio w RA~ iS4MCGI ar~ ail)dnds. Sendi ~its - pric you --I i -i iiJi l 1 à .s s i cdut i tilt\ i- coiO- 1~ 1, .1 - C. Pw ,Write me for Spialltraln MOtwROE CONSOLI k-,!ED GOLO MINE, Llmlitd .P. S. RAIS'N.2