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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Dec 1915, p. 10

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n Iaser]ioli.'lho p'~ in wVlîthy rphAttld r.( htindred >nfîre In ;Idliot len i,P ed iy eiei.t)fei fanot! br I ,'J smr. Murray 1 sk.îak wu report upon hf. *-m-and slgz-st what might be f~i ich 11v i inn an- *iemnlcipal business aas Communications were read from the Shc k'Uildren's Hospital, Toronto. Frein Mr. Smith, Myrtle, re dam-ý t e esigivdny wonfln and tfevs if <Pn.tior itif i r f)titlrinet--semeihing ;""" 'i fu. y tween th,î- s cýf 18 and 21 M-11 arf, iait wofmd fail withiln the compass of A deptitation consisting of Rev. H. not fîîfalififd votéirs. t oili se~aiYt carry out. W. Foley. Jonaki White, and E. TInk, The olfil on oIîan a mongst weîî- 0 ~Waited tlpofl the Lotincil, asking aid for Informd rn-n in close touc-h with h> on.;fn rvbing registered in 1the Beigian ndfrrle nBtim lf'adur f-r itevjnw t at therrcpiy regard Io) ilie congregating of the sold. A b:law wa8 Introduiced ani passed to the- pf iion ý4 most certaitly befer bovs on siri-t varners, in that e is th ir edngapitigToa favorable- to one' or other of tl1w îray- 'arc, given 1 paissig rernarks conern- CoaIIIVCII S.%nitary Inspector, and the ers of the pftition. ing persons. fsperiattv young ladies, as Reeve. Dr. Jaxmes Moore and John Vi- -they jutes. It shoid only require men- pond a Board of Healtlt, with D. Haut.- tion t0 have this staie of aff airs cor- Iday as Secretary. EditorialI Commente reeted. Everyone holds ln great re- Hall-Brown moved that the time for spect any man who xv cars the uniform the Collector to returu hie rot] be -ex- Lt us hope that the' littie scrap of the King, and probably none henor tended until the neit regular meeting whlch attendtod the Inaugural meeting thena more than tue women. It cornes, of Council. Carried. of Councîli lot the precursor of a therefore, as a rude jolt to anes gaOd A by-law wua Introduced and pas year of antnganisrn and discord a- impresslon, ta -q" a yaung lady placed appointlng Joseph Hortop as Assessor emangBr the members. under mucb embarrasement by the per- for the Township for 1916. an esonial remarks of the crowd of r- A by-law was introduced and pas Wecongratulatee electors of Port cruits t.hiough whicb elle has to pass. appointtng G. M. Mullbolland auditor Perryan Uxbrldge for csrryiag local Until- the cittCzens of Whitby have a of books and accounts for 1916a. option. Had a few more Whitby rate-, better place te offer them, there cari be Guthrie-Ormiston moved that the fol- payers "Dractised what tfhey preahe<i" na crIti1mia= of the boys'for gathering, lowing constltute the Standing Com- and thougtlt it vrte whill to corne together on the etreet cornera They mittees for 1916: -Roada and Bridges, home frem their holiday with triends. should, however, realize that the Guthrie, Ormaiston, Hall and Brown. elsewhere ln tUme to vote, the by-laW streeta are free te ail, and that It lis Statlonery, Prlntlng and Indigent, would have easily carried. Their fafl- far from gentlemanly conduct to makis, Hall, Brown and Ornjteton. Salaries ure to do seoi uilhIfed ail the bard work it difficuit for a lady or for s.ny person and Contingencies, Ormiston, Guthrie Of the coIMMitte. and the splendid turn- te Dame when a number of boys are and Hall. Wire P'ence Bonuses and over on the part of scors of etectors. standing together. Sheep Kllled by Dega, Brown, Ormiston The result shows that ne elector csn The practice la the result of thouglit- and Hall. First named on eaeh cern- ae.elY noglect the exercîse oethUe ran lesannee a Imost cases, but if continu- rnittee to act as chairman. The Reeve obieé entrulted te hlm. ed wili lead te trouble. vithcUt Ra ex-offlcio a member of ail committeee elhihera doubt By na meansallah te soldier Guthrie-Brown moved that the Clerk 1%0e<,Wùufpeg Trdbune, hihrt boys are gul]ty of particlpating ln this place the usual erders with the Muni- »Oft -zmhrr hich beaated et lits Indebend- crude torni of fun, and If the sentiment cipai Wo,-id for six copies, natnely, one onee 'w et««g any question et tom. et the public were made known te them for Clerk and one for ea.ch member et t-4anea o Up iam now corne eut the offenders would no doubt readily Councît, and that tise Reeve grant liii sqUa.V> b prohibition in Manitoba. It and gladly desiet. ortier In favor et D. Holliday for thse lise cneluded tha.t the time bas corne If WhItby cit4zens are te welcole sum of $5 te p&y for samne. toendU the vatte and Ion occaeianed the boys andi make themn tee at home, Hall-Brown moved tlsat thse Asseesor by the llqUor'%trafe. In tee fight for there must be a willtingnesa on the part1 be and Is hereby tnstructed to Inspect Prohibition the VI*une declares that ît of the soldiers te reciprocate by C(>fl the rural mail boxes when maktng l@i viBnont permit in its columne any arti- sieaetet1to es ihwo assessment of township, te eee iuAé ole or advertieement againet the aide they corne ln contact. are an obstruction on thse higtiway lit supports. Tis es the -attitude ad SALE REOlISTEIR or a danger Ito the traveling publie, opted by 'tise Qâzumg uCirneinrcrz FrIday, January 14.-AucUo" sale of - :1 report to thia CounciL ln thé rucent local option enteat. and tarm stock. imp)lenints, and furniture, It wan maveti that Counieillors TWa1lI wo refused te accept a profitable adver-'the prnperty of A. D. Petera, lot 33, c'on, and Ormristan be a committee ta lhave 9, Wbitby Tp. Sale at one o'clock. Wm. tisig eantract against local option. Maw, auctianeer. a room fIled up for lavatory purposes M 0 0 0 Tîtesday, January 25. -Exrten.sive -. In connection with the Council Chamn-si Now tliat tise town lias on Its pay rail aucîlen -s.e of borses, high grade dairv ber. Ç7arrled. t a civil engineer. ln the person of T.r. oN s, ho es haý, grainl, corn, rainis, lm- Gthlrie-Ormiston moved that ln vlew r ritcxiients, the proporty a? T. J. Hroctr, Aird Murray, et Toronta, It shoulti heoet hF, con. 8, lPickering. tma mil (s a? tht' sufft'rlng that le reporteà in Il passible for tee corporation ta avali enset ef Claremî<nt Sale ai 12._30. wrn. tlb- pri 55 and se ahty sopported by the tl tlî f Obis expert knôwlopdge ln the MitNv aumtonçeer. litmtvflirffll d'patiein which waitM es mati.'--f Ir'nrovtwura -oads and build- FirslJJnay 1 M.FJ.aIl- i, (îîif tlituainoble Belgian ti !11.9eofsidowalks. The iý-w-harmIn (îTî 1V- aI8'I,01 il 11N "Ction ltu Mt ims l -e enand le tn pas- har a .ii) ss T,-1n î r ,-l t ro4ek11Y -:) Il4 1 ,w1 ln -ýl o - n OfM(nrice sla, theretarp, in aun 1 1be Iiîii-flCvi.m 1 .!î 1,s, cn iugs(,ssjojjof tht t'fln(I1y, we litjeConncil n l>)vSition as comPard -tîh bis praeee ,Of ..svi a î11-.r-zunc! c-11an g arc, ildi-ei - nii>ats-. rtid do cheer-1 sors, ln that ho need nfot take upz lu11In sîl1ý ýri-. g Si i-umenu--a i fne ulgrnthsmofadhe ni #-fu1 _-g nt thà 1etii o! 11Sf 00,tand tis - ' 0 - rnu d' on t , o it j m line4-]f the reepOnsblity ofthtie .knowr)' -eeil ia treasurer be authorizet te Isue is D day, Ft.briary 7tli. at onve ovm'ock. DEATH 0F JOHN STURIGES&. B3rooklyn, N.Y.,on Frlday Iast,was born in Whitby, Ont., fitty-six years ago. and iived here, about twenty-one years. He then went to Toronto and wun engaged with the Arme & Quigly, now the American Watch Case Go., a.nd becanie an expert refiner and gold and ril-ver mnelter. After twer.ty years sBer- vice wtth the flrm ho Went to the Brookl yn Watcb Case Co., of Brook- lyn, N.Y., in take charge of the refin- Ing and meltlng department. He la survived by his wlfe and four daugh. ters In fBrooklyn, N.Y., and his mother, seven brothers and tour sisters lI Canada. Mr. F. C. Madili, the purchaser of the Stouffvlle Tribune, han taken charge, and tast week made his bow to CARD OF THANKS. Sincere teanks arc extended by the famity of 'the tate John Proudfoot te neighbors and friends for kindnu and sympathy ahown durling their re- cent bereavement. EXECUTOR'8 NOTICE TO CREDIT. ORS.I IN THE ESTÂTE 0FP WILLIAM WESTL-A.KE, LATE 0F THE TOWNJ 0FP WHITBY, IN THE COUNTIY OP' Notice ei hereby given, pursuant te Section 56, Chap. 121, RS.O., 1914, that &U1 porions liavlng elaims against tihe estate efteesaid Wiliam Westlake, who died at tee sald Town ef Whltby on the cigliteente day ef December 1915, are required te deliver or uBnd by pont, prepald, te Arthsur E. Christ. tan, Whitby, Ontario, Solicter for te Bxecstors, on or before telots day ef Ftebruary, 1916, tiseir names and ad- gresses, and a full description cf their -.la, and tee nature ofthtie socurltie, f any, held by them, and Furtber take notice teat after te said 1Ote day of February, 1916, Use said exedutars vilI Procee t tadistrlb- rie te e sate of the said deceased a- nong the parties entitled thereto, hav- ing rgard only ta, the claimas of vhicb ey' shall ten have notce. and the sald exeutors shal nt be liable for the said assets or any part thereof, ta ny p e-rson af whese dlaim tey shah lot âp1le have rece-tved notice, ARTHUltR E. CHRlàTIAN, Solicitor for Executors.1 >ated January 11, 1916. -O . .. . 11 - - - e . tc se n i about November Ist. Arthur Jubb is seaman on board Ml. M. S. George v Hie was very mutc'h pleased with the box, and says be never appreciated any- lhlng si) much in hie life. Private Arthur Kean wrote from ««Somewhere In France." He, too, appreclatedl very greatly the box sent to hlm. He ex- pected to be In the trenches soon alLer ADÉICATE CHILO RadeOStrong By Our Vinol Fayetteville, N. C. -My li ttie daugb-. ter was in poor health, delicaté and 80 weak it made un very uneaay. .1 heard about Vinol and decided to tryit and thé resulte were marvelous, ter ape tite improved, skie gained . .weibh andis now one of the heal thilestchikiren in town. Mothers of deliqate eidren ahould U.7Vinol."-Mra.G0RD0NJESJP. Vinol lsa àdelidous cod liver and iron tonie witbout oil, a constitutional remn- edy whlch creates an appetite, aida di- guinand mnakes pure healthy blood. A adren love to take it. A. EL Alln, Drugglut Whltby, Ont t, on Tonge Street Toroute, Prop.rth for Sle. Thet womor4mseare deMarot about $3400 on au Iuvutment for 10 montha. Âmowit about $11,000. Ap ply RZGAN à RIJOAN, 112 Manning Chamlem% Torona profêggiongdCarde J.L AEWLLK.C BarO4reE. oat rEwELAttoney an BarpeCounty Crown terne m OM% Couthwnt Couret o.Wht O A-c E .wl CoRTIANehlb Dm-Mister, SoIIit.i. Notery Public. Etc. Office, Brock St. Opp. Standard Bank Money ta Loan. Go YQUNG SMITHt ILS.B Iaeuer. At dwelltnýg houBe, opposite Moethodist Chu rch. Na witnesses îeMUlred 0. A. J. SWANSON Batrrimter, Solicitor, Notary Publie. Coveyancer, etc-, etc. Osbawit, - Ontario. '< i e N .2 K in g S t. E, M a ck le B ik Rosidence-62 /Drew SL Fhonea-.-Ofice, 1;Redec,25 ýIgt...AL THEATRE ý,i -co iim jipe , o ly two -11 # 1- _ t s o xc-ct-tmn rit.The EN-TIRE CHANGE 0F PROGRAMMEJ fj(wsptpcýr besitss in Midland h;a, Each Nlght. fillen pretty flt."The Black Box" every MoDday aight saturday night 10&. to au. Charlie Chafflin and war features cm L SsayadThrdy IMANS MRS. PERRIN, Manager. Wc have a large amount of privat. mortgages on Larm and village prop ITanTieTbe 112 Manning Chaznbers, Tarontoý That Country Raffle. DENTAL Hariry J. Hudson, U.D.S., L.D.S. Successor to W. Adams. Office Dundas Street opposte Pout Ofice. Phone 122. WIiITBY, ONT. Dental Parloru over ÂfUllnla dru&g OMM ehour-9 te 12.- 1.0 t. 4. ]Phonea e, Et 87ii.IndepenleUt, IL BLAKE a, BEATON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Oraduate of the Roeal College of Dental Surgeonus ad University of oronto. Office ove r W. M. prngleb bard ware store Offce bour 9oi-g L i Sc o5.30. Imd. Phou, le Bell Phon e 20. THRkADGOLD BROSe SARPEITEwI aimmULU Aiteration, aid lleairu FIsoe&a om CornerWalnut and Kent Set Telephone No. la2 G.T.It, WHITB'Y JUNOTIrON. 'IngWeSî...42a.n. IGoln~a..,.,.g.0 1 -. ..o. . .j .. I. m~ ao .... 7-40 . U2. 6 -30P.r Sunday tratue bave fer Toronto 4.52 a.mand 7,40 p.m.. roin Toronto -rOam stop at Whitby Junotl.m at 8.16 and 9.65 &. and 9.30 .m UP-TOWN STÂTIoN. Going Norih. ... 30a.n. 1Oolng Souîh. .7.18 arn , 4.15 pj.. 1.1-15p= ...6-40 P---1...3.50 P. lu - C. P.R. Going Weii-6.32asu.. Ooing S 10.i20 s.M 4.09 P.Mu. &8.39pn Ed 43d, pro D i - M53.44 5.13 Flor Weme- 6.30 às.m. O Fo Ut Wbfby.. lS Opurci. 1-.30Ii 6.30 9.15. 440.jvir Fo la«-4a.=.n L30 51. M. jForlegtk-48o a. *IU~U~ Our cealis je l! screclued. WIiitit RESORTS We guaran tee prompt do- I pecial Round Trip Fares, Long Lri Stpvos Abilean ot~Order8 rnay be.left at the N.C.; Cbarlenton, .C.; NaseauN P offlieof J. H.ony&e Hot Springs, Ark-.; Frenîch Lick Ïprings, Irai -.«acksonville and al] Floridaîpoînts; Fia-ana, Cuba, and New Orleanis, La'a ,S W o Defrotit, lor C ier, go. ii r r.e Tickets and full Iinformation en a>- pilicauon to Grand Trunk Ticket £V&e. 91. steni«,on. itPhone Mi. Wiiy t Aft fe ]Uoru th~ i s1m fer ( Ç.mpn, ftltf t he te- 7 11- A regret -fsr tureaau gay,, that Corfu advicteu, bocuahsgts iitbtht,. reýpoIt thât. a Flrench WarbhiP landed: Dr. Jarl Lie&kner< a detat:hmnt or ettroupj- on ,TI-Aiutanaiet thse "F xving uo$rtePrpagtortâs itotawî, arrvaJ tB an troop. i . to P"P"'Q ius - *044 4-9 0.00 i - ----e- ~~tt~if ~tm-wu~ ~~ir "w j 'iocioey. T~'~ j 4500 I I 5... ~4W4 1L-Wm*~'mv~a s 1 j I I 1~ - i. at 1 langemim» IAA mte, *ýpv te" à à

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