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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Dec 1915, p. 14

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20 c Io kenr purs to the lorih- sel>">b t2b; ew-laid, 4.5 t Oc, heen shown hy aIlcnerbc i > ia conidOthe iaxof fur da case lts. ~~trict d airy m ecfin g s, he >d rp ro \c- i c i iv i k in g m e for an esti m a e h o s d r d t e c i a f f u a s 2 it~'> ~> in tins, l 1.,10 tO ment wvork, the w-ork of the dlistrict re - 1tc wic _l e novdfigtn orterde. Portions of 4. Anti-rneningî.j s liehc1 p N»c1,$20; o.Ij sSmtCSd .Alt-ýýhi ~~ ~ ~1, $2. ; .2, $2. presentatives and the' annual factory of the lescuain o tîdc eisl. our luneivwere pierced an(i the troops .AttphdvainiVlis 15rt tnri$4ch.ke25. cmparison crepl on ited s-cato o he ing ee rve e ow hehli t 6. Pasteur pre,'nieteamn o 16 nzciceqlito imeetings. The carred O lied interms s igthat sucha er ancendw teh.A 17c; f>v t 1 12 to 13c; ducks, 15 to 17c- during the senson between sound, step was to me unthinkable. Onthehefoofheiltemn owr absat the geeseso » 115 urkys,23 oo2o.eellcooed kilaandordnard mikarthofmctoer reei dsacabe r- sperisigtteetansortofsoooantBordNooodQecnanPrkTorntodmeNito. ¶5r .:r ('oo, I~~1e 814c; twins, 19c. was bound to produce the best rTheîîngeatoLodo fr hereeo lots of Ontarios sults. c nsStrenh h r o he c a e t d sre f e h u b as d p n n e rUne sit tin SteffolCa: taîn ,th e ai us e i h h ra a t-t eo quoteil et 1 .15to $1 .30, and New In the output of dairy products, - I~a ifomonby you Lrdhi Street. Uheiatngthey oliwed toxein tets attxnadat HNWNESWR Bag,>0iki% ock ,dSl45to $1.50 per 'compared with 1914, there was a de. onMy arrivai, that his Majesty's Gov- ihemidbackf wha er te oplugeut;meingtiseru n i dvsd c re a s e in b u tte r o f 2 0 0 ,0 0 0 p o u n d s , b u t in of s r g i s, D p t e i a t t x p n d t t n s A n h n F m n e a d i è t t e s e llin g p r ic e w a s b e tw e e n 2 c e n ts ' p n t e r u st o f e r y e a nde na - e d th e ir s c ie n tifi c w e a - r e q u e s t, in s y r i n g o t i e s o n t e e r 4 1 t e B a k S i chare o theentquacstion noirfy roze ovr. I 76uno cItlt, ii e ar 64 t 6 e a d e t e o n ihr, seteurns Turkss and ca m on ainand in spehe'wh c a i n chargeutis atte a des wre foenc h erIlinC.,1(,t-- asMduntrtrn ol eaotesie. hot be mdand ai-engtsSSris 17 14 r;do.,heavy, 1414 to 15;Th production of cheese showed an ý CudNtGtRifreet. "h uk aenaanadi pca ni-t, If"-'c; rekfat bco c;increase of about 15 per cent., whilel Probably no more important contri-, i.Fgtn in0reof4cns ta.221c, ttaga Idin, 24 te25ç; bane t23c pli,2 o2; oe'the vrg price was h igher, being a, bution to the bistory of the present aling upen th namne of God, our and seruin aresppidfete82tegatierofuoe less liaeks. ~If r tion over 15 cents. This increase war has vet been mrade. The report mec todtatln ntie by charge being foripca cnanr 1il-Thmakti9unczianged; lin production, together with the jin-'throws light upon the great landingi many a deed of daring le old tiïdi only. Cash mustaczpyores adasoberhvywgn Pure ili-d, 14 te 144c; comnpound, 12 crease in price, would net a total jpn-.at Anzac cove and Suvia Bay August tose hirrcTeewadio- otinr rita-pnlotis.amnh n86,hr a te 12'4ec. crease in value of about $3,250,()()o7, requiring the combined action o!ftionshing;the i aedinthe r ank oaconties wiibcrre.fotth coptoalfae for the six months from May 1 te the army ard the navy. winhre they sod. i he Gnraîks! NSicncethe oinca ordo ain n esiec1coe Morfreal Marketis. . Novernber 1. yweete to.Hr eeas SneteP Monteol Jr". l.-orn Amricn Mr Saderon ongrtuitedthe The handiing of the masses of1 Cayley, 'Baldwin and Cooper and ail Health is- undertaigtiwokn la06mstfthtrele lonvt, eI ,l.-Ce; o. A lo ca it Mfr sfoatero ucrtionando tops thin a limited area probably terg'atmn civdgetthe hope of lowerigtedahrt emn:eefoe odaho No. 2 y','Irw, 82 te 83c. Oats, No. 2 dairymen on the suce s of the ef- w s te oa om li1td evr n er- glory. n thimenood ieîd f g ria- ne uig te m riiy o oi ras a 13 h o ws f 44%zc, N,,. 4 local white, 431,c. iBartsfretrpoutoado taken, and miitarly men are not sur- Ba -1dier-Generai Baldwin, Who earned hisi municable diseases ilu c d by t e fe . Cr m n to he ea t e ley, han f-Pd, (*Or- mating, 67 to the patriotisin shown by dairynen prised that somte important detals1first laurels On Caesar's Camp at use of these prodt seeyp yiin scs wr ua a h re 68c. .h N. 2, 82c. Flour, throughout Ontario in their spendid failed to work as paned. Ladysmith. There, too, feul Briga- lin the province is r ure to c- b te atin fth fot, wt v-etptns response to the 'different ,trotc The Suvla Bay Ianding fiedt cu er-tieneral C.ooper, uausy wudd eaewith the Poica or !mrs osl 2f h atb $ 9 ;scconds, $6,40; strong bakers', funds. coin ish its object, the report show.s,; "Toward this supreme strugge the; i ealth by promp oi fiain o i rsa a n s ete bttm $620; Winter ptent., choce, $6. 50);-4 partly begause the force consiated 'absolute last two battalions from thej communicable diseae.Jtfldi G b ag ht lr, $12 7 o e .580 t e$59 d o t, ITALY FLATLY REFUSED largely of untried troops under gen- ge erai reserve were fow hurried,cop we aian barrels, $r,.20 te'S5.25; -do., bags, 90 GERMAN OFFER 0Fp E.ACE erals inexperienced ini the fldw war- but by 10 in the morning the effort Ib"e 2. 5 te $250- Bran, $24. fare and partly through the failure of of the ene miy was s e t Soon their FR NC PY Cei eor od i E~ a d a Shots $5. M iddlings $" 8 to, $30. A despatch frein Paris sys: Ger-!the w iter supply. shattered rm an s b ga ot icke FR N Rho gh tef st; w at wh h mouillie, $31 te $33. Îlay, No. 2 per many, in the naine of Austria, offered The most striking passages of the back, leaving a track of cerpses be-hoqaerroet£2 ton, car lots, $20 to $20. 60- Cheese, , omke peace with ItaiY at the turne documents describe the ili-fated land- hind thein. By night, except fer pri- A despatýth froniPrs as finest westerns, 1814 te 18%c; finest >we telterpeardt ig h g at Suvia Bay and Anzac early in soners or wounded, ne live Turk was court-martial has anecdt et ol eerdcdt edo easterris, 18 to 18i4c. Butee nita taria twenty4lveyears tae cBfmrtter, t 314; eo s t London pact of the ailied natioas August for securing command of the ieft upen our..sirle of the stopeMaraJs e a crpe. JoseV4 Dei Pasiodslg2j te .33C. Eggs, f reqh, 48 to 52c; select- againet separation action i.n malcing' heights on the miiddle of the penin-; Two lesser attackst1were made by old, a naturalized Agniinwoif~d.Tescesv itr edf2 ;No 1so k 0 ;No. 2stocr, Peace, gays the Pett Journal. Au,- sula and eutting off from their base the Turks the sa ne day. was c ervicted, of nig m ltr 3-- ee u c m o î e ee Potpitoes, pe a , c r lt. ri proposed t cede to I ly t e the Turkîsh forces at th ower ex-___formation frenM arele nlaàs 18 t w s e cesvt. M >to $1 3*te 13. g cr usItaliari Trentino and the region newt.miyhrehealearesad ALL BRITISH OFFICIERS te Ger-man agents.Acodn-t h oc ied by the Italan forces on th he r first andn . IN JTALY RECALLED cusesi I a tSete br , hv .fu I t l n h h n e h c ! United States markets. 'Isonzo and on the- Carso plateau, witli This operation began oa A uguat 6. thednceatetter ittnb u c ne ee le.Cahsd a,$1.-24 te $Lý24%;Jle. bania was te continue autonomous, day on the lUth, when the Turks Made British offilcers Who have been iIaylr ftedpru in4 asN,î à, 12%taîy atioof i.dpruedtl the de-Iwreeetdo h hae. to$1 cash, .26~~- ta y retaining A v o n w ith the R in- a rand attacle" on the su nm it of on leave of absence have been recai- t na i n o t e r nc c u s r K e e . an a mn l 18 , th w nt r 1o. i Nrhr,$2%to 1.Z4câ; terland. In additio naoceson re Chunnuk Bair hilI upon a short front ed te Britain. These include moat of He aise des-cribed tecntuto !ruakbycl.l 84teew o.2 Nortliern, $14.19% i onein t $1.21 %. declared to have been promîsed in; held by two battalions of the Sixth the officers who now are sering as a new long rangegu frontefzeTae. Cru--No. a Yelow, >76 Ie 76c. ats- Asia bMurr and the f ree and peacful: North Lancashire and the Fifth Wilt- observers with the Italian army. ---f NE TIEL NTTAP Fincy Patents, $6.5;firat lears, enjoymrent- by ltaly of her African'shire Regiments, which Gen. Hamil- $ 5 . l e ; o t h r g r d s u c a g d . r n c o l o n i e s . T r i p o l i , M a s s o w a h a n d ' t o n d e s c r i b e s a s w e a k e n e d i n n u n i - O l Y O w l - M o e f r o s l î e t e e p r i e t i l S o B c d .~ f $18 t $18 25 Soma land 'wcre guaranteed. "Frst our m n ee sheib ngsudrit.rs a (f or h v asbrnnE. ept.hfen Otw as -Y ___________ bers, toug b e iispit "Do you tell y ur Wie about the'deep blue sea- 20000 a D y evr nemy gun," -ho says, "«then as- "Onîy wben 1 suspect that she has And 1 take it wîthtecrrpobgnwsanpoftreenvluii Lu I ?Aw I sau lte si by a ug e coluin n co n sistin g fou n si o u t? "a m u t o s ity P s m a er G e r C g ai UNPROPAGANDAEXTENDS anuto at fltbree battalions. The North c- weight of numbers, while the W110W Su..p ciuu Circuinsace i C netin Wth asires, whe were caught eut in the G RLNodar w-~tsai~srhr U n t J s ta nes W ar a n N a y i Id in gh open w ere lt ly alm ost a nihilated. thàla epB Che Ài a y w - poZros m ss o teeo. ysam ,th u e fthiiw t m I. - tought aff airs o! France au.1.e wring his terni as- ilneMinister -e B inspired of- -i ficers and men >with a new spirit and iwas in every direction slackness and in- only efficiency gave way before bis vigerý Dar- and determination. snw In private lif. Delcasse is one of 1. In the moat retiring and reservesi of the men. Be sedulously cultivates bis. ozen own fireside, andi is totally unknown ýs f or in the world of fashion. Hie bas a great. weakness for big roomns ans i bg fur-'11î and niture. The desk ini bis private bouse year. is prepesterously large, an-d the story rs i goes that he on ene occasion shock.d a the th Foreign Office staff bY conusdh- -zen ing te the huimber..room an historie wine table wbich bad belonged tote Pi- Prince Bishop of Aute n d n&haïd wsthat ut was approaebed witb aswe snd f 1 re- veneration. 5~ t "Talc. it away," Delcasse ord.red. rayon his first day ut the Foreigu ,Office, eorne and replaced the relie*with a'meolerii s.desk ëo! hige aiKe. a'retained, how- ever, tiéimë~anrible, of twen'c tiie bronzemonstroity.,f tiitheFirst, km-' m8114 pire holde over a ilnt o! ink. the 'ove Lloyd-George Sayg h Depmnds cm bich Diai'Wkm . AdesUepatcbfoni Lozdq#nu s: The. rem f Rouge ! mof 2=*n . 'o "« piw abllldesIgnSIJ tâ fsfate tbho Munitions set Iunp ate11ngfor t4i asg rmeaurDavid 'Uq der mùre&-<ll4Wmlvt - érsi urla acu ed ut muiitiou-a tansk, mpeu~tu tohon 1dare tell iengtii bof tb oends upon 1*, laEvk7y*4n dspaDs uon whetbar w.- tetwMmu t munItoin Su u ient qua-- pd ttles ta Iý-inithe-, mpatgn.ýto an end b- y ~ .,-'.-. - 'i-s-.,. A F.rJan. Iotrtecn îships of un- A iof.ee<1aIn J .WI0 - non ntonliy,. rusiîg~ irstrBer.lin a4@L tisb ,J JueDitUa> oru enedftpateh t h te.ii, "-C'Presing rgr-et bu Z fa - maeuasy t tat Ceru adykes, ý1ult»=. îwJaWA r e p r t h & ..i F r e v h w a r iip la n d e d ! o r . K U I d k n < L«- ad*etment o r >onf &da galzMthetiWre~l oelgI'q)rdex toeprcor Jto t. l wIoe F4t

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