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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Dec 1915, p. 3

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i~be c PisJWsCaptiûved La*sst-l Oftns~eof Seetember'Last T; (. i v. ~ crude tartur and its hy-produets,1iêiS SI whicis are u"& te a 447e eotemt l -,@spth roGava.si u ut~g America flor brqýA-ra1ainr. In erdt- nsry yeurs thoit articles are expert- ed te tise UokéSt tote svalue ot about 9,000,()0 fancs. Thse turtar cornes trom deposits lnt arneeasiu. I#s eorportotli qau pro- hibted bocausae twsbhlvse o b. an elemnent ernpboyed lni tise u<uufa- ture..o etauplo ssu4 It Was mamopectsid tise ul1mte destination of thse tartar vos ernmby. GRRMANY mu am UUEu» ÉOuâumxÎN GUAMI ýmroUgemté s Pohiiqge..fo xe A 4o~slc~ %~o~ Buria e mhe ucreary or the Aâhsfr a. o sultate bere, ]Bel. Tau*Ws b»liasb. ise arg.et la3a", S.g0ou~ ot oii eant s»d Iaprléos*aet esacag LWJch is fl-oSet sd.known toiser, =bd vi, cusetoe oa sudm can#ed -a stg e.a rtet ta e e,* w4rdod te Waabbb«to. sualuw bat #hi doclared tà . li. mvrrant etrotuot aeeed& « behy ti. eu jr Adeapatch from London-saya: The et foodstisfy ~ Idi~ Erench success ut Hartmo!ns-W'eler.. requIttionede 'md ý22It1 ge>p kcopf appears to have been; ci éonsid-. heen evacu .dt>ldlatIs - trable preportiopu. The official tkp.Ti'pe* ois1aeb French atatement gives thse numbecntuigfer 15- Çjiys; açcOïdi of prisoners captured at 1j800. Atierprs Part of the positions gained, however, 'The Frent~h gains,. a part o àw l ' was lost again after a series of coun- has been loat again, were on the ter-attacks.' eastern alope of the miountain, accord- A possible motive actuating the ing to the Frenchs communique. As Prench in making the violent attack described by thse German War Ofice may be found [n reports froni Zurich in its officiai statement, the ground coming by way of Rome, which says výon ky the French included thse suni- that Field Marshal von Mackensen, mit. whp led the Austi-o-German armies to 'Tho Frenchs success resulted froni %ý victory in Poland, and thon conquered careful artiliery preparation and the Serbia, is to hoad a new German dashing onslaught of the troops. The ç offensive ini uppor Alsace. According Germans have been forced back some to these reports the Gernlans have distance on the eastern siopes of the niassed 3Q0O00 men in upper Alsace, mountain. V'ON PAPEN SAILS AWAY, I THE FRUITS 0F WAR. SAYS "I'M INNOCENt.: jFifteen Million Dollars for Artificial A despntch from New York says:: Limbe. Franz von Papon, Germany's recalledý nilitary attache, Ieft New York forý No industry, considered relatively Rotterdam last week on the steamship to its importance, seemts iikely to pro- Noordam, bearing a safe conduct to'fi more by thse war than thse manu- Germany f romn tho Entente allies, facture of false arma and legs. One Departing he issued a final statement American concern Is said to have al- to the American people, in which ho ead eevdodesfo h said: 1I bave my post without any tisis and Frenchs governents for $15e- feeling -of bitterness, because I know 000,000 worth of artilicial limba. The too weli that whon history inone normai producing capecity of this es- written it wiil establisis our clean re- tablisisment la 250 legs a month, but GtE>Re cords and calumnies spread brqadcast!ita output is expected soon to be mul- at present." tipliod by lire.u. censoram, VonPae~wa apoite mliar Another American manufacturer, oe h Vottap nof the German Em ay , who has a factory in France, hajust <jme atace fth GrmnEmasy nreturneit to secure additional machin- atm .Al December, 1913. Public attention iran orkn. To obtain the lat- N.M -e was diredted to him in September last, j ery a n w sfo as lg n when a letton which ho wrote to his atoaispnteaslytheformearse egon wife was found among the papers ai, pecialofy the formr, are tcom- 7lJ seized by the Britishs Government ple pcthes CSf ochan ism ad tocn N ERlL from James F. J. Archibald, whiie ho asrct tem prponrai ir ic was arringthe to uroe. n 1The cork log is familiar in works of this letter von Papen ailuded to fito.1 eiltesesatigl "Bloedsinnig Yankees," which was nt, and nover has been, corsc being translated as "Idiotic Yankees." Ri just about the most unsuitable ma- WHAT THE GI recali and that of Capt. Kari Boy-Ed, terial for tho purpose tisat could be SAID A FE1W the Genman Naval Attache, was re- imnagined. Artificial liniba are made quested by Secretary Lansing Dec. 2.'of basswood or wiilow, supplemented Mr. Lansing described thoir offences t.osome, extent with leAthen. Prfsd Great1 as cumulative, but gave no particu- Sucis false legs and 4rins as can las.now be bought are of course very me tain at That '1 It is reported that Capt. Boy-Ed 'demn inventions. It may be taken forBa will beave hore for Rotterdanm on the granted, however, that artificial sub-Ba steamer Rotterdami. -stitutes for loat limbs date bacl< te a Yesterday I hai POERY NDremote antiquity. Dr. Ales Hrdlicka cal "a clearing ui POVERY ANDSQUALOR of thse Smithsonian Institution recent- cess stumbled ac NO MORE [N EAST END Iy dug up in Peru a false foot Of made a few years A dspaei frm ondn ays Iwood, apparently prehistorie, which 1 had with Admira] PAbly npart freat Bon tn sas:was a more block with a socket, evi- Sita L Hockng fi rbeen mo rtialyoffeatedB taihsdentiy intended te bo fastes9ed te thse 'Theoccasion wai, wae r e th ian east eLodm. Ahe anide of a persen whose foot had bOOTS Bertin by Count J> wa hntees fLno.An-amputated. .bers oft fa ouce cial reformer, desiring la days gone Pamous in history is the iron hand tmg thse Britishs chui by to soe povorty and squalor in of Goetz vons Berlichingen, a knigist of Ilow it came al thoir acuteat forma, naturaily turned mediaevai Nuremberg; and there was siu t ieiost' to thse East End, knowing that thon. another neblemun of tise sanie epoci s nTitze dos ho wc>uid flnd both In full measure. who héd an iron foot weighing ten Voerpie te1don To-day tise East End has been pounds. poe e e.ae transformed. If povorty lias net been "My nateme. T wipedout by causes due te thse war BAD DIET CAUSES CANCER.. ho handed mr lt it isas largeiy disappeared, and toiling ne oent ig people are enjoying a degree Of pros- Te. May of Our Deirable Goeds nothing t. e ' perity sucis as betore nover existed Are Demiaeralized.ts tm it ts there. For a long tune past every %E'hetrane.hlh ible-bodWed mn-had sbeu werkung Mx Etrane!f aparasite or- fungus naval ,*rmgflttry li axsd seven daym a week, an4"àl -wlao.- m a - --- md»ý 1 ., a-- Mme- mie ad oysca gt &l hework Mrs te the opinion et Dnr. Iorade way. '1'î nbi r taon anw sa n etal ie Packard, of Boston Univéraity, '-Who richd eoerat.d wil t>ie WSlt.__________discusaed dTise Cancer Question" be-. me a vine. 1- adjq VON EMMICU DEAD, fore the Surgical and Gynecelogical adnd bi's f«-à LED ATACKON LI 'S~ciety of tise Amr~ican Institg. of TÎiÉptz.- LEDATAC ONLIGEIfeoopathy at Chicago.. Dr. Pack- A PouCe-Loi A despatch from Berlin sajys: Thse ard eniph*oized his belief tisat tIi "al M <lsd, e1 death at Hanover of General von lEm possible cause ef cancer in dletary taflctmg . micis, tise ceaqueror of Liege, is an- and argued tisat ' demineralize<t f"edm To e b Ï. tiV .sc nounced by tise Overseas, News _rnafco ats ies' ee-trn"reprsn4 Agency. opinent. Tise sunan famlly is uader- o -iq0 Agne.te a minerai -o%&-suite, l %olmuid. "A jjý Frlendship for Bni- Mime at a Peace nquet. id wisat housewives ip," and in tise pro- :ross - sorne notes I ugao et un interview il von Tirpitz, write in tise London News. a lânquet given in, )ougias te thse men-, leiegation represent-.' tbout tisaIrny sunt itable amn net t, i't know. -Scarcèly 'hon' lieturned and rLmtz," lie muid, sudý thie anme cSuvey -namejý>Of Gerinau *OrL xsled =ay s 8 h~aj isai P4eople.W' ~ t1Id~l YýI!ehav.-'*1oueg'à hrt, .uel lire .-& -o ----------LY ti5PMt fifty masioà 'ün4*' 4sWo;rtse Î* tttiu inTwô ttek enqipmteFn»e i4 flOt tiaI rcaial interesb U*rY basuffieient le defi&Ia ydî -b d RL We r i n~'~~ in »Uka Thom. "£Vey greut nation lin tiss.dayn in oi eumity betwe.u u&s. "Ve a aumciut1 uit te 4ewaay. lldgot WàrPeiis tfew Ie t "t FOU have g<> defend. Ex .4 s~~~~~~~~~~ li.l b od ' uS5«kn ut tkr. ** thse wbbI.wprljL lhi «ýud dke st s*it *ý dealroen fli ispus ', WB& X, far .otp.;t 'l8adIOtieaat s p w te rive1 you m user isI l4.~. ~_wu Sid', Lot »...e~ MORTALITY FROMd STAR VATION IN SERBUIA 15APPN batants in the Interior Are Doorned-,1to Deâth ol A despateis from PLoee ays:' The InIi addItion torthe food gisertage tise number of' Serbians selng refuge refugees aré onstantiy exoadt ut- î in Albania is daily increaaing. -Ini tisa -tacS Aibunian tribesm4çz4,wo l interior et Serbia conditions lare'said juré - AttdOwxu nen,-women -and te ho hepelesa. Tise rortaitty froisi fcisilden ut *eyopruiy otarvation and exhaustion lu ia1 ' ë'4.Cost towntoepeal ing. Tise remuante of tise Ormy.are l l albe,-uVIi pibe tC*= subsisting h iorsefei, ealldtie uoi. e.ov I uteth'nero iéân. cemlatant. ,eboti % e.tsenaivs.R-o dQ oý - en tind jpott.say; tiIbefee aid eau eçine a dhlldren,j i l tn9i o ne-eubtust ,Serbimu aeut f"n..9 15domdt6dethbytmioL l' Aid Cati Corne Thousands of *N6scon.- ceistract, and nsfr1anodata by VEGET.BLB NqOTES. ye" Yes a afungua. Vegetabies muld net'be given t One ceffea-Ire >'eldm abt xm pound of beanmecs emn SeuWoe asieimsue o ie~ - voiçi ouoAulat.gI,, 7P4~~I~g Y= sisie ?V boM t; leasi IelAaimwïýas b al 5at~ p lias withheld news of Britial operaUog= ut thse SU'bits «t Gibrultar., but iwhen ibe w luI he iil] b. an lfnteretifl tory onthe pYeoeut<>lta tken te keop Geman ubînas4ns out or xWrr a. nd thse ruses employed by them to avold mines md nets prepared by, Grent Brut- Lbore ame seversI views of this lnportan$ key posigin, whme ,DM" uai ns dominuiem mPaus. tween thse Atianie Cod the MeMeltmaj VfWITH )N TIRPITZ ERMAN ADMIRAL V' VE.ARS AGO. 'r i 4 j 'i icon 1 efore

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