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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Dec 1915, p. 6

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CIIAPTR XV~iL-deiide ~£ Fascinated as I was , lbwever, by jDtd biUb th the plain,'unvt%Îniahacl t ane en *kt j ~(Sti'uber hâà. in1a eA samne talewas.. contlnau i »afo ýb utn i distinct shocks cof seurnlàs hu i-' i',bloùte wu "ii etr a falutt I learned in ' - a=n.Ment) - da1wbîeUiotW to maran-marian Sylvoter"-tbe Ma- .,lee!ffiOf wlich vèe. O1& îian fur whoan a qarter Iiteret in ooln -in f Iichter blue sonietlulng was to e er>d if mur- 1 Thé breeehos woreoi, 4à*«Me don had te bo done. - ,Uned- sitin 'gathene4 ý aq iuÀ When nsy fathen pencilled tbat en- >Ug1jè> wle ahbiIot we f= try, ihad it beon concivablebhmtO5C41é,hles ILso - that this tender babo could Mai sur- tip*s htare lOtht vived the final catastrophe. wheri al but a handful ivere -siain? If ths s lafot'h 6o ing, I we9 wene net onough, thon. was that long, daker than cld: ivony, Md' ex«i lon~g, terrible .iourney back to cvII2: for thua, and that hus ageiess'obU etion, wîthout tihe cane cf -either s- je_1 tvo a io cncomoni parent. nly' WingFu diffened fo The circistance wah pnotouudye htimgthv perplexiniz. tCh e ht1mg av The details ofthte end were stforth',nr-picked up on the a ,atiFfnctor-y. Before the. paty raoyed thon asud lem. on frer Yaliung Mrs. Sylvester _W, C ould thîs have been the mat I)ie(; arlsi aduAttd eli~d egercised sud .ýan extrb that last ordeal. nleceoe 1l 'lse"o A fter sone weeks of retuj5eratiot, people during that maemorable hz ifewv ynks and sheep were obtained the Yang-tse-kiang -river, more -)rought in by natives freni Heasceu a score of yoars ao? I couli a1oee nowAs what remotia distantes 40 'N it. I wus disappoinbed fthat poverty-blighted regioa-n RY lhepectations benum Sbly tu mmii, Ille arty pressed northwesiWul'In t h. C- pe of reaching anoth*ér asett i. lit tidettooba tlîat iss P' nient kîown as Kegudo. my Word that ho snight enter, h- 'rhey were riow f an uncharted onceQ opened thée door afid siiok ~t untry, weil asning the lbwen up- him whereupon-ho advanced se z iands oi thse Iimalayas; toc lofty ly that the, Inst"ad of passin '0o themoelves te ho calbed foot-huis, yet atodwihh her ' hand upon &li diwîrfed by the ragged, majestic waitiug until ieï had entered rn3 - - - peaks that swaim fan above thons un vate noolfi the immeasurable distance;, and iiene, And just at this juncture 1h02 upon a lonely barren, windsvoDt O1urrd a -trsfliug incident m peak of rock îlxey came p di. thouçh 1 observed il indiffenent laîmasery of hro-fu. th ii. îrn, as dostined te eome bs For t ho sorry 11111e band it proved me laten as vividi-y as any. memo te be a bloedy abambles, a bell cnowd- my lite; often and often haàve 1 s ed with shrloklag- demnons.'Borne se- 'ated ilpon what this strange i' counts averred that they restod here thoughts couid have been durng t w e e e k , o t ' W ~ a m n t . A t a n y f O t i î g s e c o n d rte, it la certain that froMa the. Out- The incident vas this: is Làu tiet they were subjected'te all sorts Pu approached,. Lois,' asti of indignities by the. wild tribeamnea enough with oun conversation fre of the hilis, savagý Tartar and Mon- mind, was watching hum wîth golian bruteà spoaking ap uacouth ?.unuesity. Just at tho instant cf1 dialecl that 'oilly one cf thp panty lu ang ho bont upen ber i' !let pe any, degreq could underqtand. Laosoarching look. Lois's hack wu Wing Fu, it seemod, coula convonse ward me; but I could, se. that with thora. started, and with lier fre Then one niglît it bappeued. The swept awny somo stray lock et exhausted llttle band waasest upon thal must have beon inopponti b' an ovorwhelmilng force. The gal - leasing hon o yp. lant leader was ampong the vony ffarst - ycler, orh lii.her band, te fil Only four names wore mon- faoing me' and I wish I could tioasod, u beinig siaivivorâ cf ithe wOrds te caescib-how shall I Blaught.r: two 5f tli1ee are new f ara- il ?-tho intense Atalityr ef the eus and 4loed YdWb honorei for laten It wa5 5oul-problg, magnetie, __ exploî,ia nd- for kscievl*edg. givon te ixotie; -as if unsupe liner tho .wôld'be thirdhas pussed iet had fer the tirame iug spue obictity trol snd betriayed themaei The four*. vas« Lac Wlng Pu. windows of their tabernt. *~I l al happoned lu. a fiai; neiî CIfPTza Xix. sIal ho wasssalaamiug te hon Is b nt emaicbletha Lu Wuggrave Chinese countesy. Hie cau ýt ngt àt4blethat U Wini Ie the roorn; sud Lois, as s a Fu isiould hbave chosen the verY next coe h ono e~tn1 ntroiafter My mght cfpci«g streya - hlm aercs'hes:Loi over Sa>' father's 'apons suad, d anlea y±.ninnv ooe toI,-#he 8b a Oýi-What 1 le ngËked iy mye ahier. The~ '~'Wt 11~I& 8WIiiO 07'eo. er. merely friendly as sud1111eshckMi th ObsériVerogarded me. 'For thse momen butisrniing a ulnmatcd, aish Nothlag couîd have usan oroen, ac ele ne idiati niet ben o. a, noxebetidoao'an apoiogy W rhi& intrusion. 111oto from rny mmd, than liaI lho -manger vas se respetfl, ils y sholdcaî o meahailfe ny rets- attitude se self-possse and on; but that lb sheuld five ben thsansd confident, thaI I could meet rarticialar day ofcmdsstarucýc me at upsm sno iess a lovel. 1 invited hi thie tazue as being littho short of mar-_ ait dowu. V'.t, atten al, wiiy ahould il -have -&hn o, ertmd e bu!MjvjIï,oreen&r» ?it h car.iddety mb ci 1'- t 'i - fiak tqider, y@arsago, in this alight act, se forelgu to -mer n-,th rippuu badgrowninito a' mws notavlydf btha e Umier sà; en i' tru«s hve1ng in o o t *tou t Învialeitte beginzng-bde I p~ erru hyhv wa born-that ho and 1 obould b. e rtr usutuo brought together smre day. Hia aast- th, ..tot ,edl ja -r0 fataiani, no doubt, woùld have ct auett oJ o accounte for the. meeting j»ni !êcItvrnp.a4x& au ch faashlintxnyu pti. Me ,arrivd at my office g0 oORm i epn'bt aJs'mào afterSmY retumn f rom lunceon tbStc' H;' e yd rat oneoitiht have sbec.d~a- J.ad4 daliy nleenseats. :1 was i neh5U2yyaZ-7 dtea,~wa h" pWf relied60dM7--,e WwaftaI miutmo twot ho wax teaint for*e1 , do., te ont frozu td* no im, -41 . wo-7 ho A lt «er Oy.si Nthe a '<KneaIt y rWt l %,btrydh* to whett.amiute r w,41 &d"tnmn=f nlch, t~e te rues.Pa Tanik VC~ nui- thse e -ar,s e 4 à the lue"'Fouadj Cana. 41a40 0IteDl, Art*, tmtathe hui. ilitlhg Imos: vend the rates- vide u'orJ4 ovü~ lerein -!prvGax. Re wa u bb hemua tua: et, .gene 'the sqi5i'poui !tre.t, for the 'square. S0oi. , ta# igit n tiaut nasa, braudsd and lf hie Bac* frora thé rîp up trelob.u eto tIsas Fra-tee * s Id not land. he a nm hLm. o0x,at Oi111 Il adaut the mhoch ef the aapi- aEradlr.a.,.aj knob se abig u&J-malos a plersqu.e U& tte b Lb. lge 5.4.Wo à" pn-~ berved bis biffbco bflievdgaeetblaculipr "17 e otaied fouitherewaume" Crmaswo agagso tiho reo- Coenel bMelghen* e tans.a±hBattallon ai et. Julien Tsqithe which, Sead bIs uxperIeaceý e4vloe to te MUltia authenlles01tCalnada, the :îy at hbore ofu ar n ou» nUbs'disuveil dontbave covertaken tua yeuag ack te romm acom.aander. un>' ef But'rniitary Promue la soi usuntill eth#i.mabe OP o et ii(anadian NoiS- &ce R&Ilvay DirOcterMW minudo Dot graduate tau lb. -eerftc of thein maneseuatrr laan tndustnii a v>'b>'lead4ig plian Cba#aIasoidiers te rusa vlltior7 ID Europe, lu the velua et Ibi s»2rmasthie blood et Mount tha Ssphn.Tbe lamutPn.d.a t ftue Casadi» PteIfle atws>' Cempani, WigLard Mount Stephea, vas Generai ?felhei's aDCW nllbgrt M~en, Wîng ofiu'e tii. mev Dlietr, vas à rallwa asc"ats1et M lepheai, ad arafly hJef a Directoeo f tCheroad. Hon..theu, la the bMolghss pedge: il esalIn a pieuseon thé C.P. R.us famli'y Ires.a . tl somne Robert U1wJresi as s àbig masu uhl» day and hobMlefis imprInt O« page- elle oix>'. le 0. P. RP-aSit4Uen vers extenoisiv umd il;la appropriate t:lOai'kouM e~a rpuffl the ceanecin direct Oae et bis tathar' ite-~hiveuistavpà tb. etu f the lasUi eot th* Woods mugVr- ahle pJy a pMOrerecea: voeuVyask 8. Ueighebeaassu mW1401Y kprn hand 1,1 ts'à ;jze. lun addition te altolargela uibold b>' whRobent hair Idelgbsa cemate 14 th. great raila>' compexi. this LAe"e!et « ooss ýuel>' ]IlIig Compsayone of the langea c t or t aplu thc e tA, bas betfer masur eurs qo ofet lias l tiof theias avay's cuaomors vas 'tot -m'oie Imagine, bowever, liaI i"is au e mm or f a gelaS>'et lind 9"@C 8 4aC@Ptalua «tudusti'>',là vibicul Munit ut ii1 évuor tàtuaioi.la Bay rlAl uts lt te 0. P. R. bosardreem nu ostnmirprestge. At tbepressa look. tisahobo ldo the foli;wugImportant offces: Presdgid te 4k ~ae ef hyp- the-Woods Mglhtqg 9empay a Direeo te .anI et Toi'ute; Prouldent arts et the Nov Brunswick R&Ualwy Compaay; aàbineotof ethie Canja Con- North-W.st'LamACo.mpanIF; Proeldeni efthobic -tesJ Oporsa Cmpan>'; a 'tbthe Mreqt.r o et b Iitn Vtzzturtu Compas>'T.a gi. u« re ilt -Saulathe lb iala.a ltï ethe Domisiog-Mta1toprovoe biie.aroau sers.n.. KI lu- abili>' »d mentl a cumuaes e. qdd a~uaqoçtinMt l bigi wlth businessmm e tCanada #pply lu, ptmkU M lw*tbu. ne on Wblu, -11oIagoselangva 'lace si tisoù 4,'u a I Iowly trne te play. Througieut Us.stenu C1aad a*çyr tt ,uider. %rs Y bis ~aOvlà uill sud dansa. 1.e.lan s*u~qT -tuehey tuesiJockey. the Tirette Ui, li hie *tl brary Si.88oÙRu us.Wu.i theis Ro~ftbert Refera, Comaum loitaeM ua Woods MIp &Oompaay., ta MO-Wa w*I hlm flidsttbe o Mis eatosA u0« C~ Lt t r l We li te ILS A e~ e' »0dl è,M'f an ft«iig8RUrMwfy o-s 1<IE 1 li.fut oasIdtInp tb fate.'Yos've W-0,tb>4 liva wmtmlacliemw UUserts wtho«t »atter, i;ad Bggai the îlnd side down, then the juices Biset Cruît.-Qý.ne-haÜp ound 9 0<, ~Ilntrufl Iptothe dish. * tS9Qn iitout..s et -k r. Put a largo sponge, in the bottoin 'WAtor< Sift lieé ftêur. Sl "thse of the uumbreilla jar Ïô absorb moist- ïtuÇt ud put *hto4qh the in~etinet une. It'should le taken out on s'weeP- 1.;gnder, usng ,a -littie 'of the IIOrI fng days.and driedii$h un -frin Isete ii» to kop- tise-guet To make old fowl tender, rub the froi g teing te tky; rub suet into fowl thoroughly with vinegan and remalning f our, 4'add Sait and mix toi stéani two heurs before roasting. It a-tiff- pste-with old water; roli at wl be tender as a young cikn Once On--& loured board. Beef suet la To dlean pans that have scorched the best.' food adhoring to thern, sprinkle dry Ar»rorot Blanc Mange.-Ingre- baking soda in t hem and let them dients for 1% pint niold; 5 table- stand for awhiie. Thoy then can be Opoons arrowroot, 1% plats milk, rind quickly and readlly cleanod. % lemon, sugar to taste. Mix to a Some boot polish becomes quite dry smIooth paste the. anxowroot with % with keeping. Moiston it with a littieQ plat of the muilk; put the other pint turpentine. It softens the polish, mak- on the fire in a double boler with ing it usable at once and also gives the lomon pool, and scaid the mulk_ a good gloss te the leather. Keep over the hot wator until W-11 Doénot fertîlize window plants be- .ore they show signa of blooming ormt flavored, then add tho mixed ar»ow- oeAtrteei root, sweeten to tante and allow it to thoy will rua. to beaves.Afethe cook until it thickons suff iciently to is a sign of blooming; give them a corne frorn the saucepan. Put into a weak application of some good plantP wet moid and, when quito set, turn il food once a week.8 out on a dish and pour around it some Shauld you rnislay your tape needie, stewed fruit or garnish it with red which often happens to the most or-V jelly on jani. The time required for dnypred lttikyums this cooking je about 4 hour, and il Rive up what you are lntending to n is a dish that is seaaonable at any do with it, but resort te a safety pin. t time. A more excellent substitute cannôt bes Arnowroot Sauce for Pudding.-A found.. Put the end of the ribbon N god pdigsueta eursn throu gh the pin, a nd-when It la claap-n butter or eggs is as foliows; One ed use the twisted end for point, andv tablespoon arrowroot, 4 tablespoons push ilt through the opening wherea sugar, juico of 1 lernon, 1 cup wator, l'eu wish it, using it just as you would a lîttie grated nutmeg. Mix arow a needie, oaly, of course, more cane root and augar; add to cold wator, must be taken, as it is broad, andd Put over the fine in a saucepan. Stir sometinies needs a little coaxlng to doç over the firo until mixture boils. Then its work. It-is splendid for tape as i add lomon juice and nutmeg. iti well as ribbon, and is very haridy inr thon neady te serve, an emergency. APple Charote.-Six large tant '+- apples, % cup sugan, % box gelatin, 1 FRANCES NEW WAR MINISTER. cup cold water,_ 1 pint creani. Paret and strain appies, then press through Eliminates Favorltisrn and TightensN a colander and add ,--sugar te thera while hot. Add the gelatin, which ha io gintSis soaked for % heur in the cold water,1 Despite the fact* that Generai GaI- -and stir until dlssoived. Stand in a lieni has been inx control of the pan of ico water snd stir continuglly French War Office for s0 bnief a time, until the mixture begins to thicken; the censequoncos of tho change ina ad- thon bold in the crearn, which has ministration are noticeable in the been beaten to a stiff froth. Trn nxanked "tuning Up" of the military into a Pudding moid and serve when machine. Before le lad been Minis- very cold. ton a week ho cut the root of the sys- Bavarian Rice wth Pearu.-Cook 1 tom e0t fav-oritismn by an order f or- cup nice la 2 cupa cf milk until thick bidding any one te write te comman- and smeoth; stir int it 2 tablespoons dors, or lnanay other mannor te exent sugar, a few grains cf saIt and 1 influence on behalf of pnivate soldiors1 tablespoon gelatin soke in % cup coid or officens. "Pull" had neached enor- mlki; faver with cinnamnon . or noe, -meus dimensions. or pour into a -mold. When rice 1 Neit, Generual Gallieni attacked the ceci, tu= o ut tho mold and surroundj "embusques," the popular niokname witl canned puars. Serve with for abie-bedied soldions la safe billets crem.1 fan from the front. ireneallv oahOin*A Beckvith Pssddlng.-.oGne eup gnated rav pobato, 1 csp grated rav carrot, 1 euP brovu sugar, i CUP choppod ouet, i cup raisins, i csp curranis, %, 'Cap citron (eut' fine), 1-3 csp orange pe. (utfie), 14 CUP besOn . peol bal~sgpwoJ apo os ~ssg,-i~ Ea~oessat.. MÎ.x aillIn- ~edestitouulerputinto buttered -'t , -.t t$ùçp ý an Ilahh rêlee-T o as si à daeiu trh ee oldlsnr n bouuntil bltat id syupyilisps reoabinvi the, doeptbr ixre. * Poétinlabo mO*IA-v he' daire en et w*hn ,IeA hld aIs Pude Onu qusî t csp y.lIi, ', ini"I a , 1 m k tu au enthbain. ladib-sd ia. hi fti4 mo.ai »84te"atmilkalt., it. a-t stolie an&A-1"89molmses.Pour ibI oeiý n s&i*W s ookur éx miels leur ii fme. mààva âlim UAaeh stw hW threugh influence. "Auxiliaries" (mon unfit tg hlght, but capable of useful service) also are subjected ho more severe medicai examlnablons. Il la calcuiated that twe anmy corps have ,been added to lie forces by such re- formain Paris alose. Generti Gallientislaresponsible tise for -the.nestnicons on the sale cf alco- hlo tesoMiuems Re.bled strlngency la. proralsed egrlGeerman agents. Persons gFs'osng tseFrnnh frontien are suis- -Jected-to *tiilooeat soreutlny, and e [effÇlts have met viiPris.,even 'tI~evii bve bffl oppoacd 1e a 1miltay-nanas a]Mâter, admit- I Frecis ubit la eilgted te ln Ku'rume- Camp Mmd. OnuienI hy Use b;ut> tbley seera tohavre beesaisosavbat THE INTRENCHING TOOL. Soldier Values It Next to Hie Rifle1. For It Means Safety. Next to his rifle, every soldier at the front values rnost of all his in- trenching tool, which consists of a smal1 wooden handie flot quite two Eeet long and a detachabie iron cross- piece with a pick at one end and a sharp, narrow spade nt the other. Men dling to their intrenching tools when they have had to discard nearly every other article of equipment. A mnan without an Intrenching tool f ecîs that he is of rather iess value as a Boldier than if he had no uniform. Without this littie pick and spade he must lie out in the open after an ad- vance instead of gcraping for himself a littie mound for cover. When there is any ruovement irn the lines niost of the intrenching work is clone with these littie tools. It is only when a position bas been solidly won and is to be occupied more or iess per- manently that large picks are brought Up and put into use. The infantryman nceds no urging to dig. It becomes the rnerest instinct to realize that his 111e depends on pro- viding himself with proper cover. And this instinct is strong enough to con- quer even the overpowering desire for sieep wb.ich cornes at the close of a long day's hard fighting, and which at nightfali often makes even the consumption of f ood seem superfluous. Frequently the tired infantryman, af- ter 10 or 12 hours of fightlng, must strugglo from dusk to rnldnlght with his intrenching tools; not till his co- ver le snug and sound does the soi- dier dars to curi hiniseif up in his pit and take the coveted 40 winks in pre- paration for bis counter-attack, which 18 aimoat certain to corne before dusk. A soldier's letter tells about a Bri- tish reginient that boasted they did flot dig. "It was a very gailant regi- ment," he writes, "with a large share i the battis honors of Britain'a past wars. - They had charged at Bala. clava; they had fought in every cor- ner of the globe. But they had not been tqught to dig; it was beneath thein. They were nominally a cavairy regimont, wlth a cavalry regi ment's foolieh ideas of caste. "And hors is what happened to themnifot far freni Mons. The regi- ment had been rushed into a- gap te cover the flank of an infantry bri- gade. Because they were dismounted, an infantry ofilcer offered thoni some frlendly advlce, wjrging thern to pro- Idêhuiitp kd.c covo. But tley lauged,- teck thel.r position and 4~y down la the open. W.donÏt dil,' thy-boasted Proudly. Pfoor-g&Rant feUowal Ton minutes later a&bbttery found -thor and spray- ed thel off the. fae of 'the earth as the. littie buga are cicaned off a rose buh1y th. gardenor'. spray." TRIR USE -OP EGGEL lnvesigahimSimeva Tbenute Be Mest; iz-az iot,ýCeîther anixmlorve- table; cbýaèt& - wbkh lipas eaianmo g rmIé..s ed, a mlte liio bheet 'las vaidva.1e- ~igic~, te tii. Inacmius en- ~ cblqis aeau, nwe#,àlir.- pSU wali.v, mamny-laad bia-dsam.U- ' i"u lm' &i4h Abja.ctrc o Pt$& Yc report %vas to -he-tâe u nducr thu a Such lie arc 1 iorl1 -r the In t a, ht- 1n th t(luttin (- T',t lige th cahpital tru16-n thge am the o butig $ 1,905 $apital pr l6., che arn the eo( conton Pesiots an:i setsdof The ea setri s±ng $ The d 404,05' cin$ -ofliae M-

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