PURELY PERBNAL. One of the. fwuý,-abIe EIciadi woeutalk eRisMn la 8fr Arturw 4kbsNlquqâôhoi th' Peimaneuit Foreign~ Thefr Strength igs Taed anu eJnd gscrctaryë lHe Iearnt the li. Te reVcie tWak 1101b ~fit. @V « guagft the five yeare ho wasatt.mltrrestir neresses li t N reiburg. ness and Slrlgonly thé gweAgï4ou. Ans. ~the7n palm 4£r relpaitee among Brn- Wben there in a growing family Vo qualities of IÃýadershij_ iit of thetRoya M.P. 'o -uurely belongs to Mr. Tim 'caro for and the mother. fâIls ill it in Wild horseà obey theu tt f te RyalHealy. This was well iilustrated when a serious matter. Many mothers who lmplicitly than any soldiers 1, likely prove one he murmured to the eleetor who said are on the go from morning ta night, well disciplined.ï Mustangs are wa.. Jf t 1t «Érisres at the end he would rather vote for the devil who e work, apparently, je nover done, difilcuit to approach, and almost îm- Of- ,eclinr banking yeair. [n prac- than for him: "Ah, yes, but perhaps try 9 o disguise their suffering and poasible to capture, owlng to the de-an %,îcally every respect it le the best your friend won't turý up!"t keep Up an appearance of cheerf uines votion with which they follow their'fragrai., report ever isstfc4 by thc Royal. A Mr.. Asquith, the BrinIh Premier,: before tbçir family. Only themselves t aynvrdistoarcde o! signai that s ev ,Iosition of even exceptional s;trength i3 ageing rapidly urder 14xe stress of know how they are distressed by theyneyredre,,dothe witeres 'wa t h execed bu i\i dnhtalthe enorniaus responsibilil (es the war backaches and headaches, draggingi A short, sbrili neigh ie the co-eer, o muchi whether anyone had anticii&ted that bas throwv n hi~s houdýs. There dom pains and nervous 'eekness* adtofe;a o1dawfrcar-yar'o rdemUsal in under the unprecedentcd conditions of intmghn eddnc'er hshwthi ghsaeofe lepee n eig sthe rallying cait when the aogifpSal the past year it wuuld be possibtle! ta üag; niwhhcugests a man cmahs nd they r iigs aof new day'z work, s scattered; a squeal ordcrs the France, at least even make a gain in net profits. T ùf2er than one who has just coMpleted tired, depressed and quite unrefresh- dallios Voet'and a wiy Vorgt of ival armiTe w lid Such a showing, in tîmes like these, hi, sixtv*-thir(l year. c.Sc oc hudko that agru ese n idsoti-~ Tewtmd ed. Sch wmen souldknow dicates the sight or scent of man.1 knee-deep in tht is littie short of -remarkable, and must Kingr Manuel and his consort are their sufferinge are usually due ta IThe snort, of a mustang can be heard 'trenches, the nozea be accepted asm an indication of the fr-equcgtly gzuests informally nt Buck- lack of good nourishing blood. They haîf a mile or more. the dugouts, will be th titrotig cr$aftizatiant and valuable con- ingham Palace nowadays. Needless ehould know that the one thing they Cranmvret r Ieipr ther than the rule this vt i1CtiOls hic th RyalBan oh s ay, Doni Manuel takes a great in- need above aIl others Vo give them tant as signale. At the fit-st hint of ers, even in the advan, steadil y 4uilt Uit throughout the terest in thte war, as shown by tire new health and strength le rich, red danger, the horse that detects it will generally be fairlylîa 'vorld. Of paricular interest in this profuse dwsplay of maps in his Twick- blooti, and that among ail medicines throws his head and taau high ln thee to the plentiful use of o( the satisfaotory development enham mansion, and it ie superfluous there is none can equal Dr. Williamns'air, stands motionless, and gazes fix- tar, anid the skilful employmn, cf the important connections which ta add that bis sympathies are on the Pink Pills for their blood-making, adin h ieto rmwihh riae the Batik passebses ia Culta andl the'side cf the country where he has made hea]th-restoring qualities. Every ouf- anticipates trouble. Usuaîly that Is Moreover, the armies will 1)e pr. Wetbdis is home. ýfering woman, every woman with a~ nough to put the entire herd on the perly clad and arnply fed. Thù Br- Inres1 nAiM'ehtmns. Wo i1 the most picturesque-look- home and family to care foi, should alert. Should the -enemy prove Vo be tish soldiers wiIl again (Ion thuir In the aggregate the B~ank mhows inz man in the IHouse to-day? Prob- give these Pilis a fait- trial, for theY bears, woives, or -«ny foe against 'sheepskins, supplemented by ampfl' gains ini every important department,, ably Mr. Yeo, witb bis white mous- will keep. her in healtb and strength whicb the drove cgn defend itself, the; supplies cf warm caps socks an(] whiIe 1V bas sbown an increase iný tachios, his ruddy complexion, bis and make ber work easy. Mrs. G. "Signal horse" dasfies forward, pranc- heavy boots of rather better type prüfitq over the previous yetr, it has, great expanse cf wat.ch-chain, and hie 'Strasser, Acton West, Ont., says: *"I ing froni aide Vo side, rearing, and last year's. ut the saine tume, establislied neu, re- badgZe cf ail the Allies'fgags. Alec hç'arn the mother cf hree children, and striking the ground. . Shouid their Many cof the trenches o cords in the percentages cf bath liqaid le the user ut the meet picturesque af ter each birth 1 became erribîy Most dreaded «emery, man, be ap- brick floors, and virtually all r isets and cash as well as, in total language. To hear hlm on shirkers is t-un down; 1 had weak, thin biood, ai- proaching, the herse will circle far in drained and protected against rieposits and total current lans. . (bite a revelation -on the elastîeity of ways felt ired, and uriable to do rny toward Vhe main body, and as he slid. by timbers. In face cf such remarkable gains the English language. household work. -After thse bitti fItut-ns for onee met look he wiii snort lTe great'problen cf the xvi, co n nturally locks for sornt speciai It a ttrue te say thâarely has 1 my third child I seemed te be worse, eut a trumpet-like blast Then with a wiîî ho the hilleting cf aIl thet. veason for Vhe growth cf the Royal's there been a Britishs general who has and wae ver>' badi>' run down. I was rush, a roar, and a clattor cf hoofs, divisions wbich bave corne eut su1 business, and this resuits in one ai. nspired more -regard amnongst hie advised te ake Dr. Williams,'*Pink the catire herd is gone-the leader in last year. In thse villages well ha- miost imnsediately hazarding the opin- s taff than Sir John French, and the Pills. I found tise greatest benefit front, the st.allions in the t-car, the bind the 1lring uines, every cutbuilding ion that the Batik is now beginning îreson is Vo be found net rnerely 'in f rom the Pills, and soon gained my colts in the miiddle.% and oId barn has been requisitioned, tu enjoy the futllbenefits c f the amal- the recognition of bis able leadership,! old-time strength. Indeed, after tak- Even aid, weii-traitied work herses cleaned, repaired and made into shel- ac garnutions it bas effected during the but ini the generosity cf spirit which1 ing thexa I feit as welI as in my girl- when turne(l eut Vg pasture will gen- te1ginttewidadcodwu te aaistth wn ad ol. utýwh past fewv years. Large savings must prompts hlm Vo acknowIedge in the hood, and could take pleasure in rny eralîy select a leader and ho governed nearer the firing linos rncst cf thestii graduali>' have been made and te met appreciative ternis the work cf 'work. I aise used Baby's Own Tab- by him. The herd commander M~ay buildings have been smashed into t wvhoIc organization steadily rounded his subordinates I lets for my little ones, and have found be an aid and gentle mat-e or thse wiid- a ouhen a ay tat makingedofth est and wariest horse of the drove. ruine, and althougb Vhey were usable andu Thuti, inis oa mkwayhs hthat permiedein fr hted cfho th prpse burietedum employffient of a very largo percent- mark ioflithe labor wr to-day iîs .he aipendi mdcsefo.h"d In tiselatter case- the hd ften fo- r dueyrepanyioible the um-,ta's E tige of the Bank'5 funis even under J. H. Thomas, M.P., the English rail- You can get these pille through any cornes almost as difficuit tô handle as mer hyaepanl mosbea tertL wr legs active trade conditions. 1vytnsa-aier el eneemdiiedaegrb' ale 0cet o many wild horses, whereas the. a id -Noebr h rbe nbig I>noit nd -Staemet. oraus. He es e hesated ox n si oesror milt50 rntse mre will keep her drove in the most deait with to some etxent by the that Proitractable conditionsuageus.Hedoe buildinge bo oosi portable2.0,fomhoen'aesidianodpohutesbuss sdun.s Thé profits for the fiscal yeat end- o tell the irailwaymen when he thInks Dr. Wiliama' Medicine Co., Brock- taabecnios.uthe arniies gno o as o h ing November 3th, 1915, wOt-C they are wmong, as he did on the occaw ville, Ont.- The peccanies of Mexico have a bupterofeafstfr h $1,905,57-6.57, equal to 16.48',on the cinc heGetýsen la .battie Cry-«tt--is-etm s.aoee~. apne~ bev ee Bio oftheGret estrn ailayshort, viclous squéal, quickly repent- w0k*£th4bBWi*ae b or M capital, ccmpared with $1,886i,142.67, strike, and when he thinke the>' are NIAKING ARTIFICIAL LEMBS. ed, and kept up wlthout ceasing. That ers gets more difficuit a winter -ap- 1 or 16.3Il- in the previeus year. As right he le an overwhelning advocate noise drives the litie beaste frantie; PirOaclies. Thé fogs of the late au- inth te amaunt nV the credit cf profit and cf hilaims. Hie policy to-day is W'ar's 1iiuresAfleviated by Ceenalwhn hearipnu t-ge tu ut ing, Vo 'te fground in little badu P".s. ht the end cf the previcus year that etrikes in war-Vime are criminal. Counterfeits. the fray, and' noôthlngshort ofi. l pà ehs weIIIt h awhl u ssc tutalled $414,062.25, this, ith tht' Nothing ie more deiightful than a N 3- eveuiterdreaivl sos hircarge.. te.nuaice observationsdf- q protite for the current year, brought chat with Dr. Macnamnara, the Britis oidty osdre rîaivîy soteica pe ' iô i.ht I on îe Mdaten the total amcunt available for distri- IParlianentar>' Secretar>' Vo the Ad- ta 'ts importance, seems îikely ta pt-a- ntsoo i eary t .dta~ utso sfe l-fo'on in bution up to $2,519,638.82. Of titis riralty, who bas a fund of good stor- ftmr yVt wrttntem nu- canntet a lige iWkstnt g 11AMAD RE fl IP any t amount dividende taok $1,397.200,1 les. Once he received the follow ngfacture of fais. aras and legs. One.Tonly safey s nin8a note het. RSIAR ID'lE SM.tesaot 110,000 was transferi-ed Vo offleers' inivitation from a country clergyman- Americaîi concern ia id te have al. sond teccany ,t-1aiso a not e [ Ait Tou Van, by ueO14 pension fund, $250,000 wtitten off-I f ylou like a day witis the hounds 1 Iready received orders $z-am the British sounda kthe etiat. t e.a 1nt ome,- f- teLtifî~ 9 Bank prerniees acceunt, $105,966 ap- a muty;wehvscailb.I and French Governnients for $16,00, 1tbig ieth "orI wxlwof! e plicd as war ax on the Bank's note liard-table at the vicarage; 1 amar 00n rh o! antificial limbe. T ahaes h ahsaa5 rn i- a rNgt cicltoleaving the amnouit tVo b. goo><Ijudge of whiskey, and I a f1Oenorml5i'iroducing cpctgo hs es- A mrcugiew~ i~ n Eetealti.f,~ i e a tabeliamiotlanoke CSpa Cia y o!th, s ut Sono na, in Meiicoýý an i st t - *at _ÃŽlfuih d d y,ÃŽ T lfata htfireth carried forward Va pr'ofit and ]os;lt like a furnace!" Dr. Mac. has a fine 1a s~etje20lg onth u note, and emi tlth è tan taem.dea ar ufo.Th1èrom.Ieed the end of the year $676,472.16. callection cf curios, ineluding an old- its output in e.xpected soon te lhç mul- ago.h r twh 11& bu h aeu nIeco ugt ASna Jeatures of kstrength. isse pipe-case whieh his father used tiplied by live. 'rue.babooîs Afn*ea -*1.ati ai n' nte~e h litti eÃ" Iit ttee - -...sa. ia -t.ti~rnhes befone Se4astopol, and Another American manufactureýr, have the- b6*st-inil gulies o- mr1d041 rr quats friioù r bilitieil almeet every account seema o'the mdrr11' oi- ,wobas a factory ain ce u utayo ti nuni*te aeaOsos m~ein$ f5* l centribute somethlng tg the . eaeral whlch thé,, Id n=an,, reeivet o o 'eid -- ~ ~ $15- cg P f- - S$üI t0 " tO stn~6h-.- V! ýISI OILt.-Of three years after it Èmd beeüul " ddIlu leftoiad' II6 mare particular intere8t are the strik. -One o! the Most inteetn lcsT >tilti B O à t Y Il Al ~~Ç ing gains made in tîquid assets, ide- in London at about inve o'ciock iteé fl")les' and ,# POCIaiJy viiand1 t-,lyw1 4Ii1 Raù 1sL perlbaýs t 'a T ppesits, total eall and current bans, "ag"otewieth AmnadNay , are coMplex pie=es t imech- bork of wlnblng 'tot -o Cf t 5 jriai'!4hhnèea puj.- and. in consequence, in the total as. Club, the premier Service club. A anlsm, snd Vo construct them propenly 1 eupstverly O .upL rbp, wlièhkh #the &e'6 I...- sets of the Bank. friend et mine, home on £-orty-eight requires much practice and long train. tion; eVM t es a ~wrcIo nizi~o1e tbe -spbrè'-1 The assets neached a new high level heurs' leave froni the Front, Vook mng.,onMVhs- 'stant.1M0i-1r140a11 - - O - et $198,299,123, compared wlth $179,- in there tth henafero7%eeysa ii crk Ieg la fnmulhila wo -'_f _--u- _& __ .wut ii çn ht pr OU& Tne Result Ucoltacher aoked a it S Low manYpy onudmeuVsL To br rpls thé, lad 1h17 finougbi Temu-RVI leposits bearing Inter.est Vo $117,519- -* .-w atSrproof a Nmlw et il - mtlou, éthé iroeuttIy A. toe-fM V 330 f ram $164,827,078, nsking a te- A IJsefutl Head, kind of vau-ulab, 1V may b«. vov._, ' ieîïi b# M Juwd.ao Po el ltts- al of $154,976,827, against 8139,051.- A Mun has lu bis employ a fgîthful'btmtoe!mnuatz aglyvllgssesgig USf*0hmW.Vq b 208. As indicated by the incuesse in but at times stnpld' seratt- In the vr-. Xwo gva iu b. aai -mesugt,as i1dï Im u ê earning power, there . vere substmn- ilpeg-sOn ofan odd 4oid ek& Tbi e l imdc -blow for the aM*e tt. air udWblt r"0srt" '1IISt là ' te Uial gaine la total- cal! and current 1 Reeently, when. the employai- hâdof î%~~tana. s»d aise tepr.vlde roc As far aje ékumOw,tls aoWu lonnq, the cal bans both in and Out- vainly endeavoned t te eVum.biui nndn1a !aavi. *tteixyae usw~awt~ub, $4 fdofCnd aig dacdtki sh M d Motherfm te .p«t a sesty at sish * ridecf Cnadahavig adsct o don. lu a cetaîn way. he gave up- .,"nà that in Vo reuador the. 1mb a i7au lueys*migUe '$ $89',0,againat S14,654000, and'despair, exelaimiug. ueu m omotbê*atdI !mid wwlèeoinlh* Uê~~t D total curnent boans ini and outalde of -1 ke Zeke! What.ir do yeuueÙ n of'" ëub#ý Canada $106,651,000, against $99,687,- lhink your head 1, for?" U a l os e. Aui artîste # et iup-ta.us ffY b p~t~rsC 00, an ioeasse ofcf o13e ta$7,000,000. 7Zeke, wha cvidently thbuglit aVen aIzglcspco!W»li * ot8 'a. Looketi upon as cane of the younger, thiis was anotisen o! the .troublsuome fr d ur.l mM7nma*et. a<k , -p ,rte! ~ of the biqVger Banks, te Royal ha. questions that hie ensplyr owal -dgwowa- n lb~tbta-tg 'Otaal mad rheomna trîdet. wsys aaking, pondereti à teply. Fin- bti. asaloberer ii and ie abiiity Vo exhibit suc"m s state- aIîy he replied; bfe ouseeIn eut ail uighho* Mme rj.dî ment under the conditions that pro- "Weil, boss, 1 guesa lt's to keep b . n t fM tu*rà à à é vaiied during Uie pamt yran augur m collgr on."o=a ei.tq atCU 4 welI for 1V, !urther igrow th ani ex . --, m UJ- fL.V piasian once conditions ln the colin - -- F11o.' muI*r ebsy Thte principal accounts, i ith cern- . ' ton la betUlal 1)1 kM' mS* I parisons with previoug year, ar'e as r a m oe h~ i'eree»g.tg,. - Sw4 or 0" -M "-" M tu " 'rotal de-' mets... 1.4914 .4 Littîid au- me a .. î1 , : '14 I 'er--etaq or liquhI Re.setu toi Il r7. 00. ïrtîeau amoetsa Wrl tin en 6,*.8,10.81 i949 mo s-ioo ms tods M, In mm '-t,,--'. / I R %i<e* »OI X. W- Wtt4é