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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jan 1916, p. 1

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e.n g "d Invîg- %lbýd Buillder and Neve- BuiIdis up t4le systein, ixàthin and watery blood, ffi rous headache, Nervous prostraion, ~1ée1.ssessetc Àreëliable restgrative after 'La Grippe. $1per bottle, L; E. WILLIS ..c.à 1. Chutnut and Pus fur range aliii ail oa9k obves. Blue OS$usCuMOl f w .tes and fireplacer s u..alla Yoisghlo. ,en,, lump cosi for-eteaiti, the leadingeoai r tursbimg Iprpornée. Omie'm Oint ..,mgp,,and mit hing coai AAil beue coal» art tbe igheîtt sanurf i qlity, Ont dellwery- service i. roml.t and carefolx, ag youwe6violthon' ndwolen need thon' Wï. repeetiniy se'lcit your patronxage. I. R. SLOW. UeR piano 9. Whiihv SIA'3rUSINESS SOHOOLS to, ëC&Mtidsgive tiorough cours glogooi Llaretioffie. appoint. FtwotiigueoxpainBuEter nie. pmati0.d-ts-Tt " 3,.ItOWISÈLLJAMES S'aab.do"s adtitrmMUs.m» Rgeotler Brantord Reetlmg ~467 -WHITiiy Pho"*149 i THE *nMTa1~t the- Ia hfs. d4th ýon the, tram injurie réé af, Novéeir Oil tance e tweu t he br%'Iuad', ther in" thm ii i bis -umme 'w'au waiwiner 1thoë :th9 lime of the i tthe eideuce, , w Ieï eeÀ<I xt hiï by Mrs. Mary Wlo *tith.li b" been W , eget lîquoer .fîtit&.t e "'Mlt0*t sat, lîi. We woulal ie urgeth*jPrv4Wial 6 'hie ~ Oi~~tb*Prohibftê I- as t9ucuilngtii. m tr "r' Il...tceie kWt1 i Wh!y tw si~~i~ed yWbithy --, Daniue libt-;a -kuOwný Tawiship, aa&loëm- htIdu utçtjlty andi~eicel ~ .ùri wtth Est Whitby 10iWnUhip Dand 1Pîtk: nity, testilleti that one dartaut Ag#t ering Township te the - e ad, ti *gbu lb"tibusiness wlth, Hall j wIh1*b botlj local option mncptfls . I lt- w"nt ta o ýthe- Qtluuws ioti o 1 !,, that the evidence giron a t fer- Hall, 'anti 'asked' ltes ý if h. wh s and a1go the recent la9le»- tiiere.Gates sald '"Nb>" but-EaIl,*h 'hi' Tow et Whtty, and 8 I n iltedilb qi "}tby town le sur- hearti the--canverWait ii.au dte bis mnunlcipalitKes,. presehce knawn. Mr. Webster -said\he' 'ommissîeners saw Gates seirve ilquar -ta -RaJil, andi wu ofWbttby at that lime IDaniel Grtiffa. anoother vîit- diatly."neso'called, vas »?esent.- Hall wui on -dl ast Sat- the praohtlte., liat aIt. Utme: y empain- Daniel Griffun, who a, is ployed ln b of, the King Bras.' tanneryi andi tendeti bar n Wbit. oçeasianally at the Quee's 'hotel, w"s net bis the first wltness. He-swore ;pooitively or lst. that he had neyer seen Hlàtln the bar it when aI' any lime nor served hlm vit Ili- en intô quar. He nover saw Il get 1411u0r %vwell- there. erbert wSS etbh u-to4isCîÏ-'.IWat LGiM Webste*r, [>.u i uîrI. w... n mi had suld. rnersoxî. Frank G. 1'Jarri3, G[Ulm,. , .e.s'mul 4 t 9. ardson, Geo. Lee, K. E. Kline. il Only tour wItnesseài were calIId byl .1v Col. 1. Î. Farewell, 4irown Attorney, H1laê a.nd titi e-- of these ga'c ;mpor..ant evl- the day ôftIct st di nce. cotild gel t -wli*never -4e wa t l Wm. Stark. a member of the 1161h IThe evidence t- hows3, as Colonel Ptic- Battallon, was, until recently, farmtng Weti eys, that theT*roibtdltva in the vlcinlty. H-e knew the late Robt. a joke at the Queen'a. Therê ioei 'Hal eli. Stark sald be had bail a dence whatever agaiXist any of.-the ot.i- drink witb Hall ln thé Qtieen's Hotel' er batels." about two Meeks before the accident-j 'The jury were aver anheur prepar- 'Who was tend ing bar?'" asked the Ing their verdict, but bave been con- Coleuli1.1 gra.tula.ted on al bande for thefr gaod -Allie Oates serveil us li noti thle wark.sas evidenced ln the ftnal draftof k tirinklng rooms.' their finding. COIJNCIL PLAI -$7tOOO AT TRE DIIPOSA With Whch to Complet "ad Equîp New Schooi., A depulationtrron lie Board et Ed- ucailan waled upaný andi atdresse theLb 'Pown Couneil al the. regular meetting iooaday night, andtMi ja a request ter - ------mare moneY la complet. lie Bachools, rrW ILThe arnount requireti net b.ing tieftnite- ________jy kavm, the requeut vau for $4.000 ±7villa an inttimation ltai the rematider reqirel vouit bè. adtet for liter, A 14 ÂJP4 DC.F.MOGiLlIvray. Secrelary Of umueA Mrris Uouses thpBoard, presente th le fmanciaIsit- Scorner tii'*ttom Wht*i. QptI>uj, sowing hou anucih ti been we1ý4 4 reilireL. -gaueti b>'lasi year'aCoauil. hew ____ _____ iuch lte contract price., itl1100es- sary entras had ainaunld'ta, how lie Lad Ro.Lmiitecî's tees, equpment for f4c* Mce t~y -Ontaro f4ntr1; prie. êt Lt.ete RIl Wiftyo otapi abwed 4at itvoulti reQuin. ie tolast, 85,000 ta ompletae Vth-m30 1 Hast. &te DealeruEmates MfAgd More. lI"mtod, Fle$t @Loans Arage. r. R.ILN. Basset lxhuetoflie rapertWesboaglut and eold. BufilI8C altes, papperte b*a> el1c, rtSt plication. anti poie tti u liI le. (o) nelbu-t vaswugettftg goot au, o i -moncy aspentý sud liaI Wbtlby oulti b ave ane of lie, but 114>igliisa thie Provine otett o, tremaiapublIc 1 acbool uhtici veutti b. a ceuift tle s ovu or city. "--,1 Niayor Warren titi ual thin l u ts- -ry te ask other membors e«tlb. dele- ion ta speak, -bùt- at «w» istenret "tuestloi th le Council Gonfla su«g«W 01tha t "-iou ght f urnt iteB b.dost tm Iti, l l aoa «t "Mph~W -weYsIt h. .thoe*t thé ~.CouvcI tit i «pet *6 ýprovision ho matie for remuixeratian for services lamembers of Counell l 'Pavas, as such Caunelis may direct, but ualt t exeed $160 Per member.' W. belleve Cauneils af towns are at preseulteeo large anti unvieltily for là- beet ser'uice; aise by pravitilng for re- uxuneratlon, vu believe clU-zens vouiti be lesa relicent to serve ou Co>untls, and wauldj ive beîter service la thilr municlpalltien. And futier tirat legisiaati ub. eu- mte tal provitie fer a Provincial Tee- phone Systýim simiar te liat adopteti by the Province ai Saskatchewan.- Appliesanitfor lie position et Auti htors w'ere recelve t tim W. L. ElvItige andi W. A. Rentirso. ait ymers aud- ttors andi Mr. C. A. Kinnear, a charter eti aceoxinant. newva. propurly ou-aer and resideut ta WbiliY. Mr. Venin sapported, the appoint- mout ef Mesurs. Elvîige anti Retderý son; Messra, Dowue. Azms-anti Bate umsfavoreti Mr. Kiun.ar. Cluri 'White peintet but te lie Comncl ia for autliag the #met year's aeg tu-o audttléra veiýï'UeeSsary.F%1 l9I4, If appotnied n ,-' uawdio void suenue, sud auàltt'voultbuve, te Tii.. ugloix et Jiatige M4laUM mae nemtr ofthe Bourd .UEuofati vas rod anàaSpe. _ - -\Býy4au-s van Pù48as f louti.. Bod »isa.m -,or,-w YM 185 oe &nd oîi',p tho a&" «Mc.dtuUNY, m41 looke à# ese tittds.6mb, boUiigo SbM" h. be ile mavoti. a4eod by 1. W. gtr'r 45 ý mi.tirai lb.' COuneIl placeto -" rM crodit of lhe ikiard the l'musto-r ~ - wlth whIch 10 cozuplute iasti qu" lia th* l1ie questin as lé t60 to be, W <i as briclly dicsoww-. ~wbuipw"nl -ggî.slêd by a ou0har .1 it v oulitr«r.g 8 l i~ rd voulti n*t apen t &Ut tif ~ C a oe mnreTIt.1.s ~i arest W ad tb <Id Ji FAIu 6 ur lI- T4e feeln% dourned atie di, ~ J1 BwILi*jita-Wm stit h I ,a taS a vYeF taut teamn,t asitions, uiienfr- thbeir nisiito Te- tUI~5 ~~K8,OILr ~lm!ceve It *boni Paised. In strikiag îcon- anti ilS jany tèAýs"q t h le ane-man play ai rnalsfr hrd e t%& 'Plieasd again, Wedfesday ,- ~ ~on. the Bawrnn a wek o!un ,~ '""" I» ~ jiepuck fl~eo~ ~&m~tia osi- the Provicial' r itwo le score yeat's.Jfh uer 'atthie The Wb# hIO» central fPrs--e£are- Iafertbetiefl& 19M0 WhlbAîth 0l o crnntettaYl$'liel work on C rovl4in II ialfrl. W'.tiigoi *I ' insane wai mùh'iued at s ap>di etbigat tefimpo 41-ten <«"me citheC e ybytefow? trail Assistant Pjývincial Sec- 'Pie Bowvmanville boys are ~5 H.wanost $tiers, gaad -stick hautilers, anw-fd, . to- fui - -ork3 be- ether. Thie titence'mn»- 81r uands being-lever playel'5, MRIoron rxp-Y af mscê enc " btl twre gea- plntntng an '~'ltbywau dèfeled,thie -Befere jaini 0fil staff Mr. ROSS 1 h. vas *erploytý being engineer in Here is firat vi. Young son and daub aà drugglst In New Y(. a mnusic teacher, lvt Rasa'second vIte Wa" gee-a relative af Mrs. law. et Whitby. She. childreu, survtves. Mr. ReM su v a agentl tui'e ,on sc ent1ous, sud fi anti a meniber af tie Dunn t. Churci, Toro>nto. Thie itneral on day tirew te the home an Cowan A% a very large asserbiy of aid and new triondt. 'Ph. funeral uelvlce was con- we. dueteti by Rer. Vernan Emory, former- Ify Pistor of Whltby, nOW asting Pa&- tIraiDn Avenue Metiadîst Church. n 1isistoi b Rey. Mr. Rsukia, a former Redq - tribut. to- tie fle ChristiUan oharacter Mm.E. Edmrund Star., etrti>. departe& C..71 . SupI. af Mililla and I nterment.,wa8 mude 'n pPO5t work, attendedth le Canadia It h. Cemetev. îacely annuai mee ina Convoca.. 1fr '. :[jRev, t -ieHositl (Rêien Tuestaywhi«reporta ai the staf. a4 C A.ant Mr GodfeIOW Ofyea * vrk, veegivon. bulaumeshave hues sent Wte tma fot, Dyer three million doUiam s wrth et lotes 80sa4i*esconforta, 1knittu4, l Md matie " Mitary - gootishave b"u torwsrdM by- thé.S>. clet,ineluilag tire. huntiraÎtileu-xW atn tiin t M eA letw ternd *T'Ile reéruitint'meetingt tuthl l gvoicins therinu. Minister'8 aptiov«L' 'Piasàtre -on, Spuday-.evusig lait vWa ,»D W _t1Mto~ the. buat h.ld yQ, frt lb, p VIof U et re h ve *m enter eur èeese -vlew oethle addresee gtve comd veok.4 th- thuat e ffl d - te4rrk -eý JIeýR. W. Alln actel aschair M--- :èomSo ty.boIt.ait.im and hadu*l 'ot puIteo n tI 118% ll .ýt. t fwbo*ngave egleïuéit atiti o r~~ ~~ tle. Sd ergt. RichertiSgdtbi7 e-t l uit l.-b '9~ r the l'rineffl Pt bh tavaided esoMB,.__ r the i reati tosqch tg theii. d Vr- S rz CoL Smhuw ê. CI111t 4e.o aiet, ati a-feu- nemarlm. and'.$1.. ~~~eeè hIe -,thé, 140i 55 <àiotmo.. vit e evo4houflss. r ~~~ ~t WI.Jý*4t~ uf 'Utd reded 004ira ae V& bt40athw gmGMe 1.f Who ~ iIeni 0 mim ow. ~w.uM' wtb $l.< large sus more e» w Se ur"barg ain Women s. Misseian tu i~C iI7%,s SI0 a ly redueed prices. Our stock isýcol'W in Mer-, Stub Proof- Rubber- c Moccas.Ins, O)vers'- McPhersonys for. Men, - lte n-us . .uary we wilI off[eral otir stock of China an& ,,Glasswareat a special Ifyo aria y I -e L * 1~ îl

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