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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jan 1916, p. 3

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Berliln Papalra .Admbit 'that« Pecple Ilungu'y Al DeyLn A despatelb from London aya: De- though ail the bell. are-riftging and. Ainmuncr.N elw i* spite the. mertlens made in the flaga wavc. The. children *ate under- 8%,o trackToruo Reichstag that food lan ample and fe ,pale and wan, looking 11îke fadcd Cah nancruio. il11w .4 flOwers. The. extent te wblch thfaial nomainal; on ttaclc, Toronto. starvation hIGermnany lu Impossible, lu the blrth rate occupiez the -itten- OutarlO oats-No. -witle,'40 tg> the German prescontinues te print tien of the. Govermntilsh t4eCommrcilals, ' t 4e c denlals of the' authorlties' laimsand the meeting of tthe Peopî's WeUîifare dno frelgits eutslde. te give indications ef thé "ever- Association at Berlin. On that oca Ontario wheat-No. 2 Wlnter, per incmingpinh" cuse bythe ri-sio a rpreenttiveof hecar lot, $1.06 te $1.08; wheat slight- Inceaang inc" cusd b th Bn sin areresntairecf h.Prussian ly eprouted $1.03 te Il1.06, and tish bloolde. The. Berliner Zcitung Ministry of the. Interior stated that tougi acSo-rdt te ample; vieut «ay$: the Government was fully aware Of aprouted, smutty, 94e te $1; and tough "It la diflut te imagine that things the importance ef the question ini ts Aceoi'ding te sample; feed wheat, 80 could grow worse Juat now without bearing on the. future cf the German te 8SU, according te freights outslde. omre crowsnç disaster. The. masses nation, especially in view of the fact Peas--No. 2, pur calr lots, $1.80; of the. people are hungry ail day long, that hundreds eà thousands of young Peans. according te samPîe, $1 . 25 te imany articles of food having reached men are being eut off in the. flewer of $175 apiewhoIly beyond the reach of the theiryuh1I B.menieweae arleý-Malting barley, 51 te 62c; working dis. Hun- iforredthatInthe. mi e w uth rîtefeed barley, 63 te Se, sccording te tamilies of the okn @3.Hn n me httemltl uhr tie reights outside. gar rendere the people sullen and de- have forbidden meetings cenvened te BuckwhatÇCar lots, 76 te 78e, ac- prives themn ef ail joy in ictories, discuss the. dearness cf living." cording te freighte outside. RYe-No. i coimmeial, 88 to 90c; ryne, rejected, 70 te 80c, according te, PotatoiLove1sTlrough Rot. sample. 1R TIG O TH EX Prfeso'r.3. . Hw.t gae afew Manitoba floui-Firat patenta, in Prfs1r .E1HwtgveafwJute baga, $6.80; second patents4 in ME T N OFT EE - startling statisics regardirg the jute bags, $6. 30;strng baker', i FEIlVENAL UNION eflormous los:es te potatoes caused by Jute bage, $6. 10, Toronte. in the acreage ofthéi potato Crop," h. $4 .80, Rccording te simple, seabeard lIONEY [S A VALUABLE NA- stated, "there wasa shertage of more or Toronto freighte in bage, *prompt than five million budhels, or on the. sipient. TURAL RESOURCE. average ef forty bushels per acre." Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Mont- Whie tislos'mghtbeparlyattireal frei'hts. Bran, $24 per tone Whil ths Ins mgitho artl atni-shorts, $25 per ton; mlddling-, $26 buted t eclimatie conditions, he poinit- i rton» good feed fleur, $1 .60 per Fermer Saved the Ceuntry-Triuinph ed eut, the main cause was the dam- 6gr of te ". A C.No.72" age donc by an eplclemic et late ag Wili1W Big Demaiid Afin i-tlwtii.Wa *btirItIBKMAJOR'8 DOQ.CARt. By w&y of vwilety, vhen theY are OffttMY, aoMe e 1«bahtnd thé trenchesln rs.nc% British - efficera have ,hame.. races"wlth real "dog- carte" and dogmu. ,The picture shows the champion et eo» reglant and hie RUSSI A RLLERIN MOTION ALONG BESSAABIA FRONT Diperate Jbliguit and rot. Both these disenses Country P enw d tYaius Pons eene Oat. may b. contrelled by scledmig the 1 Butter-Fresh dairy, 28 te Sic; in- e Wd atV rosPi s Tw ae lutaigteuuul1best disease-resistiag varieties eft u- ferler, 24 te 26c_____________s, 3 0&0ÛTwo cases illustadgte funsthe bers, ef good quiiity and heavy yield- t 3,; o ds 2 toc.eypit,3 ______ pi.oft.tin my . mdefrMth ers, and by spraylng the. plants Con-.'Egg Sterag, 30 te 3ic per dozen; A despatch frDin Èendon says: On Office reported on Wednesday atten- kelePilng ut bues werq cited by Mr. Stantly, front ti.hlm h hey appear selects, 85 te 36c; new-lald, 40 te 45c, the Russian front, the. Austrian of& - oon that the. Russian attacks failed, Morley Pltiô Prvinialnpaces, n ineth10 tedt l th0tlb.ie atinlos.cial (g ..intion records renewed wlti heuvylosses le the attuekens, an address delivered nt the Experi- down, with thi re a x mitre o1e Pi coe, no.01 $3; N. 2's despeilate attacks by the Russians on The Petrograd correspondent et the menalUnin eeingatti. Otaloadding a poison te com~bat the. ravages $2.40. the. Bessarabian frontier, bu aims London Dally Mil telegnaphs: Lt in Agricutural College, Guelph. On. cfthie potato beette.' Be)nu-4.20 te $4 .40. tint the ahtacks everyviere were re-ireported tint the Russians are enen- w th o fa C. u. beedrgaduie sm SofCl n-r d o. Poultry-Spring chiekens, 17 te 18c; pulsed. Tic Petrograd cormmunieâ-* geticallY Pushing towards Cze.nnô- athA.t. f a oebe ung n erg uc e Covr-Pofn Cn. jwl13 te 14c; dueks, 17 te 18c;: tien is sifent on the subjeet, but thei. witz. ws They have oecupied Sadagora. mer vacation produced $1,000 worth Sweet cloyen came la for nom. dis-, geese, 15 te 19e; turkeys,.23 te 26c. Rusbians $usuaully withuuold mention of 'It la reported tint 10,000 Austrian Of honey, and the othen cf a woman cussien. While soute peple regarded Cheese-Large, 19c; htvjfls, 19%c henmv ensutlhyar eiejpisrrhvebetanintine viiose bous produced more than $2.000 i t as little bettèr titan a weed, others îPotahes-Car lots of Ontarioequot- tiie rnad te completion. cent batties in thc Bukowina and on woti of boney during the season et welcomed it as a valuable additioe d nt $1.50, and New Bnunswicks u Fo 'frttim nsvea eks h tia eidsagetn1 11.1our leguminous cropa. The chemienl' 17 e ao rc the Russians displayed activihy on theet killed were abandoned on the bat- Theospeaker aIse pointcd eut the department ah tth. college, afher a Poiin.nrhwsenpr ftebtl ie lfed othoit ille ofthis bsiness-amelythoroug teslongs cled r, a16%t haon, lonlaunarhi61g an 16%.aekn ongFin ldtaMar- FiAldtar-anAandia Gerdmanrait undededuan tailurea duo ta te poor crop, diseases, equal te any other dloyen in the. per' lb, ln case lots. Hams-.-Medium, ual 'Von -Hindenburg's fonces around priseners amy the Russian urtillery la and winter tnjuries, in mot cases the, amount ef its digestible proteins. 17 % ho18 % c; do., heavy, 14%1/9te 15e;' Dvlnsk, south-eat «o" lluxt, which is devashsting and caused lases aggnc. result- et curelese handling. Prof. Harcourt advised using it on railIs, 16 te 16 %c; breakfast bacon, 21f in German bande. IIuxt le eniy elgit gahing 70,000 to the amines of Genen. Tons of Feod Wasted. poorer lands, or prqctically any -place te 28e; backs, plain, Q4 to, 26c; boue- miles west frein the grée1at mlodaivoanead Count von Bot. where other cdevers hmd been'fouxud la ak, 7c.city et Dwinsk. Thu... m.eý_ w re" "A valuable natural resource," con- te fail. Some men from uchual experl- Lard- ure lard, 14 te 1414c; tinued Mr. Pettit, "'is Lh. honey which ence favored ît for pastuning andcopnd12t 2cI is produced every aummer by theml weed smothieing. On s tarin In West- Me.ii'.aI Uriky ci et Ontario. This ieney net only satis-! men, two bullocks ho hie acre could bu Montreal, Jas. 18.-Cern, Amont- 8,404 at Derciuusten a N.Cavas Iton cffoyrs looingon b. arm cm ntaieaccrdig t ocateiti o . 2 ;ell o. i82fend, 48c; No. l Fir the uiTac a figtehumncraving for sweets, lit rue on a field of it' mii scason after it Canadino.W2 stern, No. Cap2,at6T0fcRM'vNO. it asrel fodvaue sei0cano in Lrc ago atart f lgeîghteen . 3 4%,exncio.1es. Cane.*No.IdthianWi Westernnack A any way bu considered a luxury. At Tl i amMngmn. 2lclwit,4%w 7;N.8lcl ocet r l-,,te ao present maay tons are wasted ferTo iFr m Maagemet. 2 4loal vihe4 tNo.4ca o.loiecal reter,-iaastther want o becs, and rnany bees arc kept Paul Angle, a 'succestul manager, 44% te 46c. Barley, Man, fend, F>6: - venar-egxi a he under unpnofitable conditions for lack cf a fi fteen-hundrd -acre tarin at Sim- malhing, 67 te 68e. Buckwbeat, No. i ~ eftbtkillfol Management. coe, gave a brief Lalk on farm man- 1 2, 82C. Fleur, Man. Spring vhcah pat. and wiere la agement. "Business inethoda are nohh- enta, flrshs, $6.90; seconds, $6,40' the. NapoleceX* Need of Capital. iu oe hnmtoawibiua stron.g bakera', $6.20; Winter patents~,tcorrespondent of Dr. Gen. 0. Creelman, in a few yen te obtain grenter profits," lie mid. choie., $6-50; shraight relIers, $5.80 was p.rnuihted te inSpý, sheîed ic ncesityet cpitl "he bsinss ed e fainin ha e $5.90; do. baga, $2.75 te $2.95. of 3,400 Germîc prison,. words.sa e h eesiyo aia -h uiesed ffrighsRolled enta, $,arnels, 86.20 te 865.25; This s e ofetthe lark tonthie graduates in agriculture. Ichanged from simple teaching in out' balzs, 90 lhs, $ 2.45 te $2.60. Bran, devoted excluslvelyr to the, con., "iTheso inen," he said, "have to startlgranidfather's ime ho complex prob- $24. Shorts, $2q. -M -teliîgs $28 hqZofcd* tbakni tle In where the fatiers did flfty years lems of buying and selling and the $#0. Mouilu, 1t 8.ù , ~.~m$ust einlaIte mgo--on an unimproved tarin, witi hiring of labor. Concentrate youn 2,-»« tou, car Iota,' M$ W't . 0.o OYelWdte ~utiac poer stock and uachicery. If tiey business mnd study iow you cau tu m Chiêiis-tout gwuus, 1qu ta-$1ewi l e Wood=s buts a a "fonxed. were alloved capital te put a famrn lu aste ime imb valuablu laior;' as uâ t e rusj l w4au e~tter 'Ti. uidigsarBeltlbyshe d6on«ft àýtér 34 ta Ionstoves. Ee r o*i ov f buts a hc îcà 0 , -aninmiie capeu th* ciko nos cfhey r edatthe p 8f., 3dd«&3%lo . ga iimt ,45 Iftaben, which la epeMatd by the pri-a ne eN ale ted oke ustngof1he arub attePRTEta S 148e; seected, 38e; No. 1Istock, e;So oners. The ceeka and their assis- 'minent. staff ofl. ~aud ~ow.. sit" DM Cruema ' No. 2 stock,, 28e. otatSa, Peu' bag, bah ae pid fit cents eacb a week.nsayg:Wen PMGub* ILID.Crll EN BRIGANDAGE est' lots, $1.75 t ns8. he-atine P Itsofhafa y fformation about the -- asefev*Medthe idea et B.S.A. 'men b -rfatin consaof- haIt a liund etus. We know their exact ..- acre farms as a business proposition. Havre correspondent et the Petti -Winaipe, Jan. i8.--Caah quota- dnlvt ottevutebed iere. outnamber the. Germana, and Fammes Saed te Contny Journal tulegrapia that the e. hn ies.-No! 1 Northern, $1.19% N boup, 'sesonable 'green vegehables, as uuobrhml oi lsdmi Governmnent la about te bodge a pro- 2 Nonthern, $1-.16%; No. 3 Noren: and plenty of éoffee. Sonie 4 et tin- 1 ieavy artuUlery, and our veapons are * ariners by producing a record crop test witb neutral Governments agant $1. 13%; No. 4p. $1 .09%; No. 5, meons work la talon and boot 9#9ps, better titanti cins.' We can line- Ove 1aI yàear aved this country front a, the. ccvGerman van levy of 40,000,-. $1 .01%; No. 6. 91%c; tee&. 81%c. wiere tley nepair tii. unitorna andal ela te their one vit.but depletug severe "lsnci depression, snid Lb. 000 francs mentily, in addition te lait Oats-No. Z C.W., 433%c; No. 3 C.W.r foot-vean oft hein. conades. For this ou manillint., We cen tal.hein ~sideatof the. union, Mr. Herbert year's tan cf 480,000,000 francs. Tiihe 4; xr e 1fe,40e 4.i vork 81.0 a veek il a-id. f 2st -Ul in. otrench., vihenever, vu * 'Q"h. aauld applause. Ini hîs opinion Belgian proteajt, tho correspondent ley-No. 8. 62t; No. 4. 67e: feed, 50c.gsM. bthécmlaserlyur- .T U ttw avgo en tii. r o Onaiowre allttlelaays, will point eut that under the.Flan-No. 1 N.W.(X, $2. îjÏ- No. -2 ged, beamp lare l Sur-beston la daaugeroua rubbiab, but the s"clcthis yeur in their intereat in the provisions ofet ii'ague Conlvention C.W., $2.09%. rwd i* ere lefne.ThO truth. 6 wva have- fot thenu ready :for - -.uvlare of, the. Empire, mcd aiould'var tanes i.vi.d la ocnupicl'territory jtlslné of tUt. camp ln luit- ho -Ger- etn. - -hu ai'lumîà the tact that Providence'1 are lîmited ho amaunts necusaary -ta Uuited Stat.. Makea. Man nneàcmn«lasoued <joft - beain faoedti Gria n aBion r- meet needs o et i. ry !cf occupa- tMinneapolis, Jan. l& - Wbeat-Mayt , LEE" "P"'ETIN culturist elike, tien or te puy for the administration $1.2614: July, $1.26: No. I bard., ENEMlY' LOSSES EmoUt s SNLNES0ùIRCsN 'rnuph f O..C.No. ~. of the territory ln question. Thie new $1.30%; No. 1 Nortiienzu, $.26% te Belgian tax is said to ho far in exesa*.8% o 2 North* $1.22 U te NCATRoKPGTN rne e aRpaeJtea .. "Lt ta interesting Le note tbaL ut ot the ainount needed fer-liese pua'- 81-25%- Cern--No. 3 'dlo.76 bJ taaeln the collfl i 19-15 the, 'O.A.C. No. 72» 76W. Oe#-Ne. 3 i 44 te -A despatciitrnmPetrogradiass:-Prumien BriM an a utio4ty tf« *oi nt, gave a yield ah the rate of 103.5'____ 1'44%c. Floui'and- hna~~td Gtmuuàu an uat r uprîsoenscp ttmu ht t ouptp a jDuluth,, Jan. K Aut a- ttmna u hecnt buau l pr cr, sstfirercopei-acre, O ENUNMI ' bad,$1.2%; No i Nrtieutuedonhi sul- rot ba. e ateuoni f thenhst'ssouso hon, 'American Banner,' yielding 92.8 EDiTIH CAVELL SHOT 81.25%; 14.. 2 Nenthera, $1. *1 % te tat hein losses et ere ta Guerai Jee, in copanzd o4tb bushels," said Professer' Zavitz, in re. $1 .22%;- No. 2 Mantana bard, $1.22%;# enoaImOUa.Moaq tg~ battleficld.lie armies ,-th*~eaç4'pto~ viewing Lhe results cf ce-operative ex- i A despatch £rum imidon ";'T. May, $1.2614; July, 8.2%.Ln- Rwmsaana OlIte»1410 uuwoudd hoJu4iL T Iyt a-a perimenta in agriculture cannied oui nt,- Belgian my ea wudecounc'edso<Cab $2.36 te 82.86%; Mayer pnasortens At csmwrpwitz, Tannopoi quiy~e u~rotà tie college and on more titan 4,000 Editlh Cavet, tii gwtsh nurse, wboi8249> July. $2.39. aend on the Bukcwu front the. Tpur- fia Chubuga -4, farma Uitroughaut Ontanio. vseeut1M- Trsesson l. <>Wounded twbébiid100,000. ert.i u on 'the new post v 0Tcgreahest value et thiiwork "1age a ita heGemmas h" beeliUv aitaas-'t. o. j- continuealthe Professer, referring ;te siaated. Ris body vas found Ila Toronto, Jam i&-Thuaalesaceg in'~ g .~ 0$tb i teliiiuieprmnscarried out %vith twq ballet wpunda it d)Rriàm 8.2 o 7.0 ïby the fNrmers andtihein sons. Nat1 A deaplt ram Bnsueels Novent- î-de , only thfaçe men, but thetr familles and ber 27. lait sId Liat a t,'F5o oa jh sol-b u' c * ~ . nelgitbûraas veil, are a:I vatcing di',r, wiioaeepnt.,si*On wheo tii.5 T-o,626 O4 Ïl Lhe results efthLie plots on viih the'auu.horlties resulte<t in thi ie at sail M $% utia a. eôo4$15, %.a ýnew trlie" oet eed or roota or a cxecution etof iiCae 01Wa eu-t. -;do, 86 toSEZI?; de., me.* 7 - diffel'cnk tixture et fertllizer 1 l1e u ingmtted suicidei hulp uthe. melump 46.d6te., -S ý do 1tary prises s-t lrusad$4.60;, d ,2 -te -l.90; *tô4ê.- uté 0'a li..,#to FRENCH OCCUPY CORFU. IA .01TIN"'" 'i" ~ ~ ' a .~~ra~isaiti ,%,c ASI omDij~ 7.en 0lâIe,~ àlt. W«C>tessea grtff de.'. r rdu il*- s~ eau bords mû#etb e ,thée Datnymen'a sw alSC Phudt. ary.ltanwee President Robent Myiilc of Sprnlut fond, la bis openlng addnets -rutcrned t e the. increas d p o u ton etof e il y e n n a n d t h e h i g i p i , lne t h o g i r . grettlng the cause of the aburial' prices. He expnessed the Opinon tiusîf the. tue was ripe for creamenes mand. cieese factories te set nmrestnad se tuat they might reeie alhl grade cream and milk that bsd >ueu produced under suéi sanltary -ondi- tiens as are alreadymaint.ained by a large number of patrons Dalny Rend CompMutio.. The dairy bord competltion nepre- sents on.eofthtei.important ictivities et the. association, *the prizes being awirded te cheae fnetory patronse who tunnish tfie largest quantity' of mihk per cow trom herds et sot less than eigiit. The finit priz. winners, . James EBurten & Son ef Sarnnb- Junlshed from thein berd et eughteen,'between May and Nevember, 7,175 pounds et- rnilk per cow; J. C. Harkea' (Llstew- el) herd of ton gave 7,071 pounde per cow, and the herd of slxteen ewned by S. «I. Coneybeare, LlstoiWel, gave 6,806 pounds. Fellowing the announeanent et hies. results, Mn. C. P. Witley, who bas change et dalry records at Otta- wa, gave an lllumlnatin> address eut- lining some dairy hrdrecrds. In one month the Dairy Divi; ion had' 22,000 records et indivdr.al r, coenbte the. office, and from. ofe these he illustnated the ad- et individual records, He records et 69 good cows wi' 73 poor cows. The lat' milk valued ah $4,31(l ' Product being herd of vater. Importnce of Lime ~ The importance ef lime -te lie sol w as set forth by Prof. Hauicourt ot Guelph,. anal t.e deep Interent etftthe cenventiop vas revealud ,by as un-. twus-lIy - large numberoe questons ah the close. B. explia. et»ieatlfc reupons why 1h vas nCuaparyte s-p- ,Pl lime ho lte sun, esopeiumy-te mta lt vas .our. la-,the. iat1ýr case la. &Mâolsd lt. ýus'i et f à" lime, onu growla limestoue, whie :,va s mor coulil bu6spplil othéb so*11- Md -lia meat çaeov»a aIltli w» neeii.ui 1FRENVIR INDUMTY WEVMMU "éà brm r ti fmtrare .0 5G~ton oferd forslebo t$r 4h.death hau occutred at tA. -0fi 86 y.ansi of Mr.. James 01)""0ew County Tippery. gHowas,,the: uncis Air SrMichael' »wy>er, Oo ernit. ,Gkmrai othe'. 1%4a :"pmifng ý the Muniter W intr A$àv atiMbe fcineported - case., 1ft4, as, egaduat 168 lait yrear. a ameeting -ot theIbnPort and Dock# Board -report, onifie damn., age doneby tha ecent store vas ËU31 timated at'about $2Q,00. X4ôtc. bas be given to every young drillas In the. Ariy Pay Dept. atý Islandridge. and LlnenhaU ýBar- rîI.cis, M laet iitairy age, tie hi senIce çrl shontly be. dlspeaè& 1An important ferne vras re< eétIy beld ln the' city 0f Watrford on recnuitlag ia the. city and country. Tii. Lord Lieutenant was present and 1fr. John Redmoad- and o7thens attend-. Between 1,100 and 1,800 Ifien hav< joined tb. Colots frein Kllkenny, fr. respective of the large number that, have gene away within the lait couple ef months te engage in munitions work. Mr. Wm. E. Creaghe Harnett, J.P., Abbeyfeale, bas volunteered for scr- vice-wlth the East Lancashire Regi- mnent, the same regiment in which his grandfather, Captain Lockwood, was wounded at Waterloo. The Lord Mayor of Dublin has re- ceived a cheque fer $250 froin Mr., Thomas Mahon, manager of tii. Wick- low Hotel, Dublin, in aid of the fund2 which is being raised for thp " of Inish-regiments. Antimoni, ..Act by thoyard, Queens- respoetîng Iicensed .,1penury, je--,itov li ,4da publics-ns adrÈ&izu 'nises al m en li n lltioiy -wy heur. 01fR DAILI BREA». The Composlties of a Single Gnats- The average ýperc'i kuovludge cf bresa las vcry limIted. H. inovalbt Itla imade ed flônr-or1 msuppeeté oh -t -that Itlatedes-r, 1km ltbe lc hig.But btr. mcue a0o interet If a grin et v e hut ini- - - -a, Are l'réparint for the, $trivaI Thmi of SrttÉ VToOA A. &sptchh -b Itdoft aaye: TI&* Rotterdam corespondent of the DUaiI Adespatchfrein London says: A àUn e.>. tic bad tlînfonnatim rench d*taçhmènt bas ben lindod' isinalocc~>at~o, acor1înç ~ taLon to the Germam rovGeer"uent Lip Inw aonlity aretiWi on d i in " ' 'a S'- * nomuw esptsb t.> Reu tbe & ~ e.5tfC dIl report.t)"t au* e nehwar.lp tad.d a detgtýbmerit .,f troq», en caq'~ in .I4 -nus Loui~u ~~sa "f a cU~ 1 t y 9TO1 k "à s'; I - Attacks Agaiii t the Teuton Detences 1

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