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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 20 Jan 1916, p. 4

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~1 ,m~e vote 131 1801 tio- tm be 4I~a~st1i~ t t s~imnst, 109.6dà; najor1ý,y for,. ln .~ ht >gU aIIi ~~ e t trengthened ainiel1903.tit IfDL .N mt 1 nrsmfli 1. e lnterred thata u1,*V . Majorlty nilght now 1M lpî'4 fOr Prj tiù vhlicial Prohibition.10a te co kb ha ,!ne1u ~~ g, e e S 1OOeefIand that le igm ettouufri - lPt 46,- Forme of petition are noW t cu.ISm dcindiioùoOf, hébom lia ~ 1ýUit 'chiAD 1..WemIi ul~w.. Nï0-t te6l b tion for signature by commercial you have a nsnhInlu udrti.1&jT3>y À!A~ aud wben It Il euttireCId.&DfJUIlattâtthe fol1b àI iuabl, rôper±v travelers. retail and whoili* merci.ri. a aiateifaiitUWbSlMken « t asm1tht. tube ,-etored t teînooetulieoedlllou, Jfl* auta and manufacturera which, wheii ,«"' «gwîîîlie dUt o'dfor 'ari 4 5< 118 n~e r.Old, tegtgtered. conipleted wll be presented to the Do-.Ot f 'qI.are m coailea ff mae, rjs..re. spsêd nf oBMLe ii folbal minion Goverumen t, praying -for lewis- aurfacea.rg. galig Oatarrb Cure acta 1tb lb.bthe 10o osBaro1 l% ,.bo a.i4rJ lation rnaking aIl statutor>' holidaya Ibo mus u rfSthe îm.ymem. It 1w -1i lc; r1>7MA.OtbF o Monda>' ln place of sonIe .oher In- .W* wiîtl ive one 4uudred iioliaa fo 57 MwwUe LA tLu 0 toB àlët1ba Oh. iliAfi51 ¶cuwby ctarh) thalctanuot ms. ~,ut>pPOS1 itom ito fleroit East M.Sip HRubour, N.B opportune -4ay ilu'the week. ' "'*di tHalsacatarrb ente Send for fre.elé91et; I,- g.e1d1njg, O àîrm old, 1', i [l getpesueua Tiisl unrtin hhtb'~z circlara. 'Utcaulaa £ o.. oîe. ubu î. {,u u1; '1sucti1 Thscosmhigwlhh'£É«14lb l lant ruchan. é yoti of the- wonderMu iligAeT7C y à t rre. bmei aereie rmtkn Ani Cîiftoi'<WLI suggested and adyo- S:id S lf . iutt bU catud seule years ago. Not aous for 1 ~ grade Holstein cow, due Feb. 22: *Fluttiva'.orye.nwaadroadui commiercial travelers. but 'fbr aIl work- 1 -ir~ade Hostein cow, due F'eb. 24th: augem h= omComIipWioe.Md JIe.d- era, tht che.nge wauld be a 'velcou e. KINSÀ LE. 1 grade Holstein cow, due June 'tit; one. 'rile observance of Monilay sa, Mr. West preached here lut~ Sab-'l grade Holstein ccv. due April 26th; 4«Au, »Id 1 wus miserable in every way. holiday gives te tts-haules frocm Sat-;r- grade Holstein cow, due April 8th; NOthlng la the' way of medfi.line day noon titI Monlay uight--two and bath. Hie discourse waa a temperane 1 grade Holstein cov, bred Jan. Br4; 55*flm0< b help me. Thon I1faally day-a'.mr nce im t ~ uedealn smeve>' ar bow:4 two-year-oid grade Holstein heifers; tred y% alu d th.efet« au ha if ttefrinmoro a>0t ri- î h egliîzed liquor tra.fflc. Mr. Ws 2 yearling grade Holstein heier;1 Âter 'lal1goiebox um ohn- tie ifiende or on afoi4ai trlit.. ha.been doing circuit work for us here g rade Shortitoru, due Jul>' 2lst; 1 velai *v " f« akn oe o, fol Wheuitfrea a t* i(t ti a n ffd aUbillet durjng the last ten years. and hie et-' 1af; 4 cI JS. U. a Mev paM and I1a&m deepi> visi' Nvth frienidi' W..hope the peti- forta have always given satisfaction. PlUS. l*khlto have refet om theu lion YIlI receive tihe carefut et I -He te always ln earflest as weIi as ln 7 pige welghln'gabout 125 Ibm.; 2:'lkan adce" trat ton of the Govertiment. I'ierte1 « teoeating. We hop@ he ma>' be able to bro sows. due Jan. 29th. <sI RTÂ>EO E be cases of miuifacturers where the continue hie services with us for years tl"LEXErTS.RM ATI E (I% Monday holiday foilowing the Saturday i iole heavy wagon; 1 set harrows: 1 net g'tFRUI TTVuS', the medlolne liaitr. MerediandMetindien. who le no-we leigite; 1 pulper: 1 gang piow: 1 fan-j made fom fr-uit julces, hbasâleved haîfholiay ad S~daywouli p oveî*te ln Toronto, spent Sunday under nlng mIl, i;irding piow: 1 wheelbar- îoefersroHdhlCn& an Inconvpnlence or a hardohip. -but-J ths parental roof. 1roots1 mingle plow: 1 demerat 1i titere would bc comparativel>' fe-.whlle iMr-Kl~Sde I ectd.0t or;se inle; 2 buggis: i haraek; 2 afio, .ÇonacA, Liver, Xidney and a ill !lude woutd bünentl i. the uffering trot,> pneumonia. icutter-1 cuitivatête I milli houa.: 1 Siùs 7kmô fMath n y aller medicise. chantA. ,,<le regret t6f report Mr. Walter R09*- -IXuil jU>'mor; 1 mtlk vat; 1 mower; SMe. &-box, 6 for $2.50, trW iaspe, 25e6 Iïlî a hein& qnlle unwefI..having Ihr. or »p;1 binder; S3 pulle>'m:Âtfdelsorenonrepttt The Canduîn Courierr and Toronto <sm.tatafcin i aei i m1;5si. o es~Icuffler; Soýtttrmialj Nêht ar,' îwo weekiy pub-135Cto zm-a; t be àéarituwa oI .but wê -hope lie c>> gý3 >aj ~i.~~pg wIie byFtu1aUvoeLlnIWt. Qi lications of wiciî tanadians baveniMAY b pr~ uhv i ~aîtûlg e igehmesa; t2sets ________________ camse n b resonhivprod. be trouble and enjoy life for some yoeartei harneam; quantlty roots: about aré (i îdltod. wteit"writte, wllte 10 o a., iste is nt an old man. Ho 5 tous of hav; nmntity of este; log. cities ln America. Ho waa an itter priuted pubications. and Canadian to; wtum bor!lr- lie uiow resides and lias glng chai»: wbiffietrees and neckyoke; eating conversatlonalit. aid manj Iihe (ore, lit ten h i ne w h a grave fatitl done se :,r nrarly seventy years. He 7 horse coliars; 1 cutting box: bloci tfies delighted hlm hearers wlth atoT inler.anep of unting and every- is weit aiid <or>' favorably known te an~d tackling. and other articles tee 188 eOf hUntlng b8V -andd 4M ln Min iliti.,ii te aý f esritin r ro- any j, . vTonmshtp of Whttby sand numerous t» mention. Il islaboyhoo4 dayt E vasw rhtlit!lo1 ie 1b, wa or 1r.-sicim or ro- PickeriiL rd one and , .11 jonln lu No reserve, as the proprietor le gir. cooper by tm and, idhua uott the pas rll;ttr .. - IlnIforutu or groiwtng WshinL ýin -t speedy and permanent tng up farming. 67 ireara lu Maîrkimam a"~ Piekerln@ 0tinlof? lb. lord"s irecover \,,, - . 1ae at 12.30 o'ciock sharp. Forty-one yer gohooencd upi Mraces! andmrket, rs.1tTerms.--Roots, grain. corn. hay, pIge. coeag uies uIis village ii races md ofr ori fPnbarton, and' Walter' veal, calf. fowi. and ail sume of $10 partflershlie with hie son, Wm. G., an, \ar R<k o ger-s' i)ent over Sunday with and under. cash: over that amounit S continued the saie until 14 year is fa rI,- Walter Rogers. months' credit will be given te parties age, whcu ho seid CoUt hie lutereets. I ,\Ir nr lowbray. o! Hamilton, furnlahtng approNed joint notes. 5 per 1847, ho marrlsd iizabeth Wllklnsoi r n.k -end at hlie home here. cent. per annum off for cash. Of the TewulbP 0f Whltby,- and wl i, lng meeting a week ago Wvm. Maw, MWhitby. Ont., auctioneer. died tu 1854. Two cldreu et, t .1ýV eve ning lun te hall I ____ marriago are cw Iliving. Mrg. Pearsoi ~îooly atendd, olng!of Buffalo, aàd'Win. G.. of Pickerinl iusagree-abie tte of the DISTRICT DOINOS In Februs.ry, 1856, fie marrled Franc( i-e or four speakers f rom 'Young, of Box Grpove, vito died on Ma Iroser and gave shorti Died lu Torouto on Wedue ay, Jan- 2lst, 1912. FtIve, sons and two datio 1uary 12, John Valtiorne, inluaie Bth ters ef titis marri.ge survive hlm, Jam t'ly jening Of year. late of Pickerintg Township. of Pickering,;.4eb., of Oshawa; fi Poatn aested.siglnp cport aud Frank. cf Whltby; Lesie. Poitoe ar stli ieig l prceTeias: Mrm J.H. BÈia1, etClaremon -'itio'ed ln Tor )te at $2 per ba.g and Mrs. Thexton, of' Pickering. -4edriver be- - 7,~ :s been STA ý Ban t -, I t b ~î i-i. o rois ic -y act gentiy ounlte stomnach, liver, kidncys snd bevels. asssting id re'ulsling these organe. and keeping them lu a beaîthy condition. Tu'te famous pills are vetgetable in compsitiou-therefore, harmlcsa, Lave no0 disagreeable after-effects and arc net habit-4ormling. A b-<c of Beeccbam's Pille in the bouse le a protection against thme i.% z-),annoyunrg troubles causcd b>' stomacli Q4sandilaysetsefoudation or BeteH ealth -SoiJ,rem i n Cansda and U. S. ÂuAmqi 4% = n , tir- I , shote.I omfortabiy es-j ,sbop aI lite fou r <E ATH 0F MR. A, ALLAWAY. One e! Utc oldeet aid beet kncwn resideuts o!f te Township, Mm. Alfred Allaway, passed peacefully away ou Tuesday At hie heme luntevillage ef Plckeriug ln his 89tb year. The de- ceaeed had bee n lu ailllug sIth for several years, but t.e end vas hamtened- b>' an accident tat befeU hlm severs.l meonthe ago viten h li feurtacturng hie thlgh bone, b>' vhleh hoe ba beeu conftned te hie bed ever ine, Ho vasw born lu Tomnt.oen Januar> 22, 1827. Toronto attat tUme vas k»IiexUa "Muddy York," and vas Uttle more tan a village, Thns hoebuasgeen I grov to be one et the woost tImpomtt AGREAT BARGAIN ELE CTiIOHTiE n-AT FOL B>' ElizabE Perhapir $ alt stout, or it may' putting on weigit case te cause ii oxygen-carrying This trouble ecce sexes and ail ageý corne very esl the privations ti ine uecesalr? te Simpli' go te y, omr I sof oIe ~F, ,~U5U4I~ ny, jar.U7 ira"ilDU Mü#d thut- the e, itm Ibllfnd hd ogiteUe a orttyIITDollars, 8&ùa* the at whteri rc ot tIi~ t1~ ~ bë-dona-te*d»6 ut. ii e iioyel tbat.'II re. lrt Malyon he paid- ~10 cnp rôrd for 40 -roda cf- Wlre foceeted. ($arrte me., Dearboru ga&ve notice that at tuie n6xt meeting, cf the Council ho .wiliî aak býave to Intreduce a by.law to ap- point Overseere o! Hlighways, Feuce Viowers and Pounkeepere fer the year I11916. lite tW~eiVho'have fsav oi.4. i~ ,1iJ tbir- patronage- duin *téa-psit puraleo to *xtend- OUTTEft-and SLE fOBH S-Oui' stock la completeJmako your .,CitCtiun n 'ow. Whmn you are in the mearket for ail kinds 'f. ao 'itigmat-hinery, cwnaquit u8. W.e have a few O0roPhu 'phonos Ieft, W; F1 DISNEY. Bell sud Iiid. Phonos. Glover, te Reeve and Cierk were ap- Cochrane, $ 2; Ch*rles.Joflow, $2-16; T. -polited te recelve teuders, for prîntîng Goodman, $.3 for ono year, beginning Marcit 1, 1916. Tihe. mun I -OMWrdpi.n, 88 Carmtied. *. Dr. D, e- 161& Holg.Mdeai Heaith-Ofer Moved by Mr. ifllue, eecouded by Mr. $60. Carrled. Glover, that W. G. Glbsoin be paid $150 ~mto fMsr.Psc n on bridge contract. provided lthat eue Ellius, tite eouucll adjourned te meet choque ho sent to hlm to be marked on Monda>', Marcit 6th. at 10 o'clock. good and the other cheque te o bmc ' Wb. PURVES, Clerk. tumned. Carmiod. Clmbs, aY 0- 100 F On mnotion o! Mesaers. Elline and Pas-Cou us arurl,1IÂm 3 cee, a by-Iav s'as Iutreduced te appoint -- 4 a member cf the Board et Healtit for W IB A K T Y the year 1916. Carled. W fT Y 1A K T 0Moved b>' Mm. Pasoe, seconded by Mm. Glever, that the Clerk ho Instruct. Wbeat, M81I ... .. $1.00 te $1.00 *ed te place'lot 9. Plan 170, Annis St., Mr eos.,.t.,, 0.90 te 0.90 Codar Dale, owned by Mr. H. A. Bod- Bairley ...........0.60 te 0.60 Beau&......... ....... 3.00 to 3.00 d dy. 'and lots 21, 39, 33, 84, 44, 67, 69, 60, R:ye..... .... ......... 0.80 'te 0.8< 120, 1.21, 122, 129. 130, 131, 132, 133, Peas........ .......... 1.10 te 1.10 110, 113, and 139 on Plan reglstered Bukha .......0.70 to 0.74 172, on lot 13. cen.- 2, East Whitby, Re lve,-.0.35to09.4C o»M y M. WaterGoug, o Colec-Alsike clover, per bus..,.. 8.00 te 9.0( e $~ BOiL Cai'iied. 1 FLOIR ANDFWED. * tMêe y'yMm.,Dearbn, seconded by pUu4l r ext......26 ta 4.6( -Mr. Glover, Ïhat Mr. 8. Ëùocks, Trai Collector. ba pad te sum of $60 on IY saîary for 1915. - camrid. ),- Mr. Dearboru meved, secended by m- Mm. Eliue, that thte followlng aCCOute a~ ho paid: i.Roade dnd Bridges--Ch.tharn Bridge N n w &iCo.j $1000; W. G. PlIkoy, $1,60: George n. iat COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO, __________ on, 1916. g . WIITBY-Miss E. L. Macdounefl. wIN CONNECTION w Ce Whltby, Clerk-Jau. 4, Pcb. 1, Mar.1, - I usaïda pt- ray Apr. 4, Miay 2, June 1, JWly 4, Sept ,isalda pt- g' Oct 3, Nov. 1, Dec. 4. Janl. 2, 1917.i h I. OSHAWÂ-Miss E. L .Macdonnell, pe 'itbody painter l h U' Whltby, Clerk-Jan. 5. Feb. 2. Mar. 2, tO- doail kinds of body1 etiApr. 5, -May 3, June 2, Ju13' 5 Sept 6, and ileighs, etc. l, Oct 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 6, Jeu.8,. 1917. 2. BROUGHRAM-M. Gleemon, Green- wood. Çiork-Jan. 6, Mar. 3, May 4-0 .JulY 6, Sept. 7, Nov. 3, Jau. 4, 19701iO t O 1n --uee v , PortPer"vCe - -Jâ- i.M--- Rà-er. . A - Ma>, por Jul>' 7, eptJ. ,No. 4, a. C :.-d. A.aMc-Aeh. 5, jl17.. , ov , a ...iswythBSace>'s. o 64,XBIGER1J9Mo17,xrdgs p.lsoit CierkY.ofJan. IUB 4DG , Mr 1 Miii' 9 , il. Sept. 19, Nov. 24, faix. 12, 1917.' 5. CANNINGTON-Thos. IL poster, ..KS MAY BECOME- Camanguton, Clrk-Jeu. 13, Mar. 9, THIN. May' 10, Jul>' 12, Sept. 20. Nov. '23, t Themas. Jan. 11, 1917. re ttuddeniy becomiug 6. BEAVERTON-Chas. A. Paterson, be that you haÇi& beeS Beaverten, Clek- Jan. 12, Mai, 8. ýt for years. lu cither Mhy j1. Jitly 13, Sept. 21, Nov. 22, sB the same- iack et Jeu. 10, 1911. power oethlie blood. 7. UPTERGROVII -D&BI ItÂMd,- mre, lu adulte cf bot Atherley, Clerk-Jsii. 11, Mar. -7. ?, but It may eho ever- May' 12, Jul>' 14, Sept. 22, Nov. 21. r snd Wlthout any ef Jeu. 9» 1917. at incet people Imag- (B>' Order) reduce teir veiglit. 'J. E .FAREIL4 our durgglt and get - Clork of the Peaes 'a cavsulos. Taite one Dated at WbltbY. Nov, 16, 1916. te bed. Welgh yourseit 80 as te knoW juet ho-v fast yeu n e liig v eight. Wondertl re*ulta have- been.,acem=- lisbed b>' thîs inexpensive recipe, but pe suire te get the geaule boh Of orileue ln capsule torm, It l8 5014 cul>' lu or- Iginal ssied packages. Au> larg qdmugglet eu sUpply you. or a larm 9e box vii b. gout ou receipt OC $L. ÂAddrms 1D . tttlo Dmg Co., bou 1240, Mfontreau"&naa -sa U~TW Te a '-isu .1sM .êA* Adve Ovs, hep% olt, ern. reoti, Ir- pleout=tue *proPe«rti' etT. . Ileper, lot 10 - 8, tuerh& tw i~~~~o etu ait&ggOn< .. t 1*. 4 2K&v su oie,,. -MONUME~NTS 4Mig DWW s an#tulul pt 14 tSW ItiIiS~~U a à t M.tb - -"Umm wH1B Chopped teed. cwt... 1,75: to. 1.76 Corumeal î-.** .» 2.00 tO 2.50 Bran, Der ton ...... 28.« t. 96.00 Shorts, ver ton ... . 3000 tO 80.00 MEGAT, POULI'RY and IMOIDUff. Flour, Der cwt ......... 3.00ü to- 825 Cattie, live weight ...6.26 to 7.25 Lamba, each..... ...... 6.00-4O -11.00 Hgdressed ...... .... 12.50 to 12.50 Hgse!ect ....... .... 8.25 té 8.M0 Veal ... .......... . .12.004t 13.00, ICblckens, per lb .........18 -to0.20, Ducke, per lb ....... ....0.18 ýO Q.20, Geese, dressed, per lbM. 0.18 to 0.2%, iTurkeys, dreased, Der lb. 0.25 %o 0.303k IButter ï.. . .... 0.33 to *.37 IEgga ...... ....... .... 0.36 to 6,4@0- Lard, per lb ..... ....... 0.13 to 0.20> Potatoes, per bag -...1.25 to 1.50 0 1 Apples, Der barrel ...1.50 te 3.00 Onlons, per bag........ 1.00 .to. 1.25 Ha>'. per ton .......... 14.00 tei; 16.09 ~Wool, unwaabed...... O4 te -*.17 Calf skins, Der lb . O... .15 to 0.16 6,16 te 1.15 -DeaoilS........... te't.-0.70 int Sho vith our new garage we, haie, late paint shop, with an ex-ý- irge, and are now prepared painting on autos, carnages ur Prices The driving season isabout over now unid yo11 arc hinklg.abo ututing your car4 way.f. th whtr~4i~tit -iind ae t'ahe.de b redoine so, as leaing, the dr nsoilà -the vainnish. n We ~e prpard to overhiaul al make<so cap an e ca assoe ars oîtr of 'ir:- Our Garage Is Iieated and Pire Proof. SATISFACTION GUARANTIIDO W. J LIJKE 612 SON k i Osha) Tue. wUho ieate prom pains pie4 Mdanc' xmong signu seven Nhad tbis il Pli inthe charà mote [7 Th open pmei thed tulie km& We are compelled to rakse O08 TI10 û;0.1 . anbuam 1 . mnust Reduce out :S to a asacrifice to, meet thia oa$. Our fixtures amc if« dcam lui& 2Ïùtaboie f« PaiikiD" sgRoom, l Room, Bedrooras, and Kitchéas, asigau c ~ re, ri oaIlrt wa dollars.' We are cuttig outh 'se !D tc'w.tY4y lu>- fluIy p« ent Pa, tp8 s oîeat.0 -P«êr~~B 7,ý IN r YOUÎ ICI"; and~ q r ute 1' 's' s- tist, rgkRy- J. W. Burnh= and cin also store c ârs- for wi nter. ri

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