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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Jan 1916, p. 3

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Record, Scored py-- British Airmnr on. Westerm- Front A deîkpatch from London says: One ker. It la thought ta lie capable of of the-B3ritish cermepondebta ut arnUyI J80 Imies an hour, ý-and je equippdW h.adquarteita ln a despatch reports wltb a device wbereby i*iia enabled to that the>grenatest feat dY t Ï kndonSiÈot diïéetly. lioi -g~àt~~ record i.ýs to bce credited taoOne of the vantage in air fightlng. The machine- best known Britiqh airmen, 'who in the, is aiso in sonie degree protected. course of n single fiight shot down twvo; Scarceiy any Taubeli are now used. Fokkers and chaqed an Aibatross and The new birds of prey were first seen forced it to descend. in force shotiy after the lat Ger- "Ilow great the fent was," he tel-e- mnan gas attftck, when several flew graph.i, "ciin only be understood by over the position that had been attack- those wvho know the power of the Fok- ed and were greatly admired.' PANIC FLIGHT 0F THE TURKS Disloillod i' rom U-sCucasuus l'oetions ]Fxteilditng Oser 66-Mile F'ront. BOMU DROPPING. The, lresen-t MWar H as iledured It To a Scienice. One (if the greatest disappoint- ment-, of the war:to the experts bas titan the inucff iciency of the fiying mra- chine in carrying the struggle into the (ulcnuy e country. It w.u:; f reely pse'ictcd that in the ci .war the fling machine would I I i 'I I 1 l-vcualo ofGalipli COVERING REtIREMP.U4T OF BIG ARMV. Evacatio ofGallpoUpeninsula liy allledl forcees will go down int o btstory an one of the greatest mlittary4i leat-sqof the present war. The r-e-eilllarkal loti was made passible by brIlliant work of the gunners, who wlt4 ba ffew Kunis kept tUic Turkhslh hordes ettl>"y tiub ail their comrades were safe o.boLrd-tbey they blew u pthe guns and took to boîts in tht middle of tbhu nlght4 The picture sho-ws the artillery of the rear guLLrd at the evacua- tion of the Su'hl IBay regiozi. un the Gallipoli. sèmne weok" ago. A ie"atc fam t- adsus.put qt nangijht the efforts of invadinggl TheRu-iu olfensix e iu th,-(au-usus iarmies, as_ the aiators would invade E IY V I kept two doors shut. with bis out-, DDD V tgTTflMopng faoailyta collapsen , 1ifI DRLJç % KUI Isde-eopngfaorhl, heRî~s the ~~ cnrmy's rear and by dropping ýv aiaa stretched banda cao fi orcoped i!. E D R IBU&IIri capturing strong Turkish po-itinsbm- destroy il supply trains, re f oî no th tte two oos IEArce r with relîtiveiy slolsses anîl tah-- HeiIc u ono sa the two or reatheronsII E CIOC 't,, 'che aen mnygns hg eFrt illery 'a-nti stores and eut ofSP TiEastern and WesternMAYgreat i[ronCs, Cie froa ta e:ery mny nes' connections vwith -.ar heol Quanitities of munit ions, and nuO rUbf U tei ae f upic theatres of war in wbîch a decision prisuners. Some of the Turkisli i-cgc- But the aviators if Europe have!GR1NS CNO FRIEcan appear. 4P4ts were annihilatefd.wo their edai or fte for d'ir-1C N,% A-4T FR IS The Teut ons cannot-it is not an Brewing and Di8tilling Interests Ab-f i ng work i securing information than, NENUH opinion, it is nsatherýatic-hold stili sorb evc fMn the -i1î~ în of ic Turkts fromn a thev have foi- bomb raids. leI -thogunesteykei Ships. strong pos iti$s 1over a front o! 66 When the- war. opened a hornb of! upon these lines quite four-fiftbs af nilllc, (\ten(1ifýf rvgini the region of muet annyiz or shp was togtDfa on One Front Means Cmlt their present available forces anîd A despatch from London says: "Be.C Lakte Tortun fi) the re.1on o! Charia.n- t esuff iiet to ta al thdsogtfêaCo lt four-fifths of anything they couid P f ore long the couotry rnay have ta son Rieru, nnith of Melazghert. The the berlmih ers t the ex-; Rout. Says Hilaire sibly gather.' choase between bread and beer," said Otmrsri nointhe firettion o perts found that -wýind currents, eo. The two central empires must keep Sir Alfred A. Booth, chairman of the tefriidpanof Erzeu un. At hegit ndte rutsee fthei iar eloErpa upon the Western lines (countingiCunard Comnpany, in an interview on nany places this rttrcat assumed the 1egt n u ua pe o w I lieBioErpa military the Italien front), close upon 2,250,-J Tbursday, ini citing the brewing and character of a panir flight. Several flycrechave ofhe born therro.wrs bu t er, ileclares the Teutons recog-I 000 men. They miust keep something distiliing industmy as one that was Turishimi,;wer alostanihiate , el ts pan fort:ngtir ark. g call ze th- failure o! their plans, and more than this upon their Easternasrigteevcsofhehp f and liunilrecle of bodties or the routefohayan fstmainsTh front. 'They must ailow, say 1,500,- the country on a gigantie scale. The of the Rusiiian off ensive. frror pulo ndat is c hdines.din TheTe uncertain temper of rnany peo- 000 mien for their combined communi. net resuit ai tisis, lie said, waa nl At mniy points the ar troops the gunfire directeci upon bis machine, pie in England ut the present moment cations. decrease iu national efficiency. had ta advance on hieights above the I3ehind him s115 th e man who leani due, not to calculable definite miii- The German position is. simply "Sir Alfied expressed the highest clodscutingtreche inthedeep: expert bob thrower. The bomb ex-, tai-y for-ces the interplay of which this: Thatý witb the end of the year satisfaction et the announcement of eccupicul the' village o! Koprukeui, on, rectcd by a set of wings at one end., more than the effluix of time. It is cient reserves. Board of Trade, that articles not the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I Aris0mlscsto eu.p lcaimed that after a few onts the succession of days and weeks They arc beginnung Wo draw upo stictiy necessary mnight have ta be In the course of the fighting on the more of practice the bomb throweruc without events upon which anxiety their firat categoricu of inefficients, shut out o! the country. l7th thte Rtcsians took piaoner five wili becoîne more expert and will an fasten for relief t'hat has pro- and they keep ln reserve what me- "I do not belleve," Sir Alfred con- officers and 108 men, and captured prove a deadly menace to their duced this mental effect. They- have- mains o! their younger ciass 1916, tinued, "that the supply o! cither much materiai, încluding' machine, tnemies. been taugbt that victory was a matter while preparing ta cali up ai any ships or transport facilities ashore guna anti caissons. Tbey seized aî of course, taking plàce tar fromi these moment the stili younger class 1917. cen be inrcased ta any great citent Turkish an'tmunitiout depot et the vil- shores. It is no wondcr that upon ____ without encroaching on what le re- lage of Tsurnachel, inb.the Charianson 1,U ..MILULETEERS - K ILLEI) such startiing misconceptiona (and qulred for thse effective prosecution o! district. GEItMAN SUB. SAILORS they were vemy common) of European DOGS IN WAR. thse war. At preseut the strain an 11%war, the dcvélopment of!-tise presett- port and inland transport facilitiez le Newa Version af Baralong AfYsair Pub., campaign should have bred disap- Si,ýr Bring in 49 Russians t'O Red Cross almost greater than the strain causcd THE REAL RO>BNSON CRUSOE. ished in Norse Paper. pointusent. The twa chie! elements lu One Night.. by the shortage Mî- tonnage. in that disappoiniment have been - "It is doubtful whether we could Very Litie Known bf a Moast Extra- A despatch fromi London says: The t this section of opinion the neces- English police doga, of which there emoe erhni nttecu- CentraevNewifcweresaonmore tonCage,- or ordinary Man. CnriNw orsodn nCrs sity for endurance and the obviaus are six ettached to thse 2ist Flying gt mre e ehadiseoire tnae, voi tignia says: Týe Ater Poaten on possibilities ut failure. Columin of the Russlan Red Crasss, the reason that we cannot 1ianll the Kiplings famous words, and ask, correspondent' a new version of t he If however, anc forgets thia ir. htavespronRu thir worttlefielsitnyes tutf. More tonnage <wo y addl wb -Baalngafar hih e ecivdrationai mood into whicb a portion stnce onResia batifiof ,wrtes aîers iipo ai 4"Wbat do they know of Crusoe, wo! the public has tailen and con- dan Associatcd Press correspondent s a thepolt o! u nly Cuusoe know?"' For it la a sad f rom a reliable source. According ta sder the iuio as al la n itn Petrograd. In oue night, ucar the ta Suid bertis. The competition for Zct that, apart tram g hazy notion this version, wben the submnarine at- sid. rese the tatasr o! te wi villageaif ute (vicinity of coie) freights eau only b. reduced by the thattheorignalof tis orldfamus tcke th Nicsta thelater'scre, is prcisey tegectLovf iteh),c tcle nsenation o!e thten elmdemaudof hforma arfo iclesle tlatth oigna i hi wrl-fmostake tseNiosa te aters reappears as an advantage ta the tisese wise animrishhuntcd ouiofntno pharacter was 4rawn fram anc Alex- including the American muleteersanc, grain fiolds, oves'- wbjiçh the. battle eesr ie suppr fts de elikltteýor nothing la took refuge in the lifeboata. Th ise anorer. as~testaina surgcd, and brougist relief to -49contry or tic conduet' of -the war. Indem Selkimk, te siuatinle Otherwxse freiglit rates willl risc sili nown o! a most extraordinary mani. Baralong have in sight and sank the il. ebetaysawasataewouxided men. -. - - -1-it h etwyi last aefurther." Selkirk was born intise littie Fife- shire village o! Largo, in 1676, and erom almoat bis earlest days thse un- conventional and adventurous spirit o! tise boy brouglit forLh tise wrath of his neiglibors- Wlsen he svas about cigliteen ho de-1 W 1 d d that lie svould go ta ses, and,i aing refused utteriy ta follow bis father's trade of shoe-nuaking, he quit- ted bis native village. Twoà years l ter we flnd him (at hie own requestl) being maroan'ed on a lonely island 41.- ter a violent quarmel with the captain cf the slip on wbidh he wvas making bi6 second voyage. For focur years and four mouiths bli r.emained -there, but fir'alIy turned up tai in Largo while hi. parents werc j drcis. Sa ta churcis he want ilexander, and seated himacîlf directly behind has fatiier and mother. Tise #ood lady, on turnirîg round and re- cognlzing ber son, caused the service ýo lbe interrupted by lier cries of as- tonisismentl Whiie at home, Selkirk tell in love with, and married, Sophie Druve. But I.did not settle down. Aftcr a vnry ý1h1ort whfie they botis -disappeared tram Largo. Nothiog mare was heard o! themw until one day, years later, a Young womnan arrived ini Largo, .aylug se was Alexanuder SelkIreus secod wtt., and had corne ta clahu her belougings. 8h. proved that Sophie Druce.had dled some yeams pevlously, and tisai ibow Alexander himael! had aise pas- . d away on board bis Malesty's slip eynsomutls, on whteh h. wuo a lieu- TERIBLE RAVQC W90QUGUT IN EXPLOSION AT-LILLE, A despatci f romi London aya: The Arnuturdain correspondent o! The Ber- Uin Lokal Auzelger, vh isewtneesed tlb. >eicnt explosion of the large German bMimurution deoalnla.Illie, notiera ?tFanco, describes thse image dose U kuormous. Not anly vas tise muni- i ine depot entlrely destroyed, but eomvc was c*uséd an tise surrouading #ea ta bouses sud factoties, mont o! e bihc were raued tg tie grouîd.Tii. Ieman Ltnd$urm troOP& whleh wer. Iguardlng 1were ldlled. 1~ ATISTRALIA PROUIBITS teen B iPRT T-*nEtRtLN»Saitl ÃŽdde a deptosIAl ~ebor-1as- Iar UM4 rlathedlav subusarine, whose crew sought shel- ter on thc Nicosian. Thse story proceeds: '"When the American mnuleteera, having returned with tho crew ta their own sghip, dis- covered members af tise. GerMnan sub- marine's erew on board, these mule- teers mot uanaturally became quite furiaus. A figlit ensued, ln which the muletecra wreaked fumy upon the mcen who. lu attacklng tise British slip were really guilty o! attemptlng cald- biooded murder. 1 uaderstand that if, as propoucd by Sir Edward Grey, the, Baralonr aif air had been submltted te an independent jury o! American na- val officemi the above-mentioned factai would have been discloscd."1 NEW USE FOR OLD GUN5. Make Excellent Grenade Tirowers at tihe Front. Thse war has brourht to Europeau wam fields many new inventions in' fighting inspiementa. Thse 'nsw gtins sent înany çt thse Midpetten bsck tO tise sioreliousea.At-ftot e govern-' ment.£flgured thu oh gm stilommea aie iep were taseatebreaktliemj up aud seU tiem for serap. Now, isawev.sç, s use tem the old vnsm ba* beun towsd. Afier belng 0 msed-p sdoe ipecn tlaeth^ ap otf Wh" ts on- âlts o!fa a se g pnmn-;, laatwacw te thse taiager. 'Wben tise, gui la titted at sny. angl sud br~ç~ iba- heavy obji-et Ilmmii.- au excellent grenae thiove. - In om pat e!Frane wler. ltb. fthn ba bee i met mouresudI ouly a tew men m.* pmnltted te eo Théruhl.s4ti~ ho e new use0 e i.Old guia'.*My trenc naw, te ail ntent8, ls occupluby si MM-batty $M-dthi Menu0o! UMs sectios vie wltb 'mrn0"the.'lu ix?. iuug tO vIn a dhb»scoet'"bu 14 Muo. 02eda.sgte, Thse Lono; >ly, ý ti a m> nougeus k la authbeidd tatl ia dmn *ta--bmi î du t lia. wr fc>s the point ai vicw of thc foce'. bigler command. Napolcon Bonaparte during Uic tirst dayu of his occupation o! Mos-1 cow ini 1812 certainly exaggerated the chances iu bis favor, aud was subjecit, oiflusions bath upon thse Russian character sud upon the mere matbcmatics o! the militury situation. Ris Scheme Faile - Tise Germas higer coMnnd att t.his moment may possibly sufer tram aimîlar mlaJudgments of mental tac-I tors iu thse situation. But h. lias be-I fort hlm certain elpuienta o! cxlculs- Ot lis -plan as a viiole h. now k.nowm tisai h.lias failed lu that rapld action whicis was hiseu=e clearly ilought-1 eut acheme. H. falled to surround, plerce or put oui a! actionuin anyfashion the Frezicisarmies. Thereor, hlm van, wici was te have beau the *âd et a trîlogy, tise shot, 09M Wq, IMXpbi an&L conciualve duqndw parawlltb. tuit Pwet .tIbn> O c1$sa t 8 inat S etotentrashgurc XItj la eve posuffla ta~Iç. Untomnetluin tte'u tt nme Maun tIl -la ii The doge bad becu brougist from- Loudon by autisorities o! Uic clty of Vemnaya for use in tracking down thieves aud imurderers, wltb wiic tise place was in!estdWi thin a few weeks tbey enabled the poiete round up these erimirsals. One dog, who euhl retains bis English naine '«Jacks,» sllgbtly Russlanîized. was several tiz" uw t ta MocuwtKie!f ud des- sa te. slmilarly aid tise police o! 1-tsoe, cities. In tintes o! inaetWly of tbe. toffe the doge amf qet~ adtg imame 'dispatèles rou ose secti ofo!tsez cokimu te anothur, sud slway Pe,*- torm, tiseïr tams its unerribnc>&4Uty. Durtug battie evou , "w Kvy fe sud tise amutarsma"7:ii eefrut*x mmn te Whou ety i-e.a* lW til#M ali'e, Mmethse dolm- àutietiî41g- npe lb eê&m. , W fomd a b s o-r a MilIeà bsck t» h s tar, "0 etooes te tie spot. Zaei ALL ENEMY FIRMS -TO -BE CLOSED UP lWIi Net Be Allowed te De Business Durlngtii. War. A despatch to London osys:, 'Thse o.i Board e!fTrde, un-der ise bU ansend- 2i anYPmOhinafhleCvmP uothJ tuunoinslyor amolMnmfrt flbi R~ ~y 8150,tIrougq1h peut- 12% tioas o! tii. ýcouft4, ' '1 tat bs Imm «Me outuIltpeamoi oftke ~AVE~ RO~PJTM$ -,FI BredatffuFORWARIORF No~2. t.2~4~ o. .8.2. n toe WORK 0F FIELD -FORCE CALLEII Greate'.t Feat of Its KInd on' Business ln Mlontreal. Montreal, Jan. 24.-Corn, Amnican No. 2 yeliow, 84 ta 8Me. Qats, No. 2 local white SOc; Na. 3 local white, 49c.; No. 4 lCal white, 48c. Bariey, Mun fced 40c; malting, 68c. Buck- wbe;t, Nga. 2, 82c. Flour,- Man.1 Spring wheat patents, firsts, $7. 10;1 seconds, $6.60; streng baisers', $6.40;i Wlnter patents, ehoice, &6.60;1 atraight roUlera, $5.80 te- $5.90; do., bags, $2.76 te $285, Rolled -oats, barrels, $6.20 ta $5.26; bags90 lbo., $2.40 te $2.50. Bran,$2 . Shorts S6. Mlddings, $29 te $80. Mouflie, 1 te $88. Hay, No. 2, per ton" car lots, $20 te *20.S0.& Ces., Lent westerns, 18% te 18%ci fineet ceaut- erna, 18 ta 18',4. -Butter, eholceat creauncryv, 84% -ta 86c; seconds, 8214 ta; ne. Eggsr fis, 40 Io '42ê'.se- lected, 88c; No. 1 stock 80e; E<ý. 2 stock, 22&-. Potatocs, P&r~g car loto, $1.75 te $1.80. flresad, le, abatý toix' iled, -$14 te $14. 50- eôity$12 ta $18; t.rk, heany âanada shoÃŽt mess, bi, 95 te 4b picees,80te $30,. 0 a à hot 1utb igb 46 gSpics,9t$2.Ï6Lad coinpouud, tierceu, 8ý75 lba. 11%c; wood-Pals,20 Jisa. net, 121i4; pure tieres, 8FiIbn., 14%ce; pure,'woouf paila, 20.ibm. net, 16c. tiseir utmnost, at no time waà the sup-, ply o! hamacis diminlised ait the firsngf line, As casualties occurred among.- batiery and transport bancs rel u-1 forcements- were rushcd throUgh the' sitorm of biiatii,-Bhells ta take tissir. placesAlthougb our gune were wltb. ln, 30 yards of the encmy, thème nivca wau a wagoïn or a gua, lest ixuwb*atila, knwn as oue o! the. lhrcest euga&'S-'i inensa that ha. taken place -li# h war. "«Eore wounds heal mor-r-]apialy than a lman's.-(eu«so! oge- té report comaplet. recevexywIthf a' fw We.ku--b fac*, sOmo oe n4 herses have éeb"acîk 'in tle 'iýUl linoew!Whnt-week. Ifaorseaum ot walk~ ~ h iswvw ein' uuafly eomudl4 I c'~d a tees case iljsstb'i ~which, ara ldad outdiïbt iraby to ozeM u gn-*gguut "la thé. bospltsIscaou aué I United States Makea. Mlnuesplis, Jn. l 4.- Lire ~e* >Iankets. ~~USSIAN2 SilOl] IV~~U D bIo, 8 ýC.W4, 46t; extra No. IfWe 45c; - 'j.Ife,44c, fft storeé'ort Wiliam. Amrlanroin-o.3YellOW#1 nevwCanadians Treat Allig Animais nd daiaian to=sn-Feed, old, 77c, -nom Beture Them to the binaitp ôtojrajtT-ono Aun nterestng officiai aceouÏnt of - 2 Wunter, how llorse8 tare in war is containçd Ontaro' w'hat,-No. 2WnePer in areport received at Ottawa from car lot, $1,0Ã" to $1.10; slioehtlv cie sprouted and tough accordiD tothe ci reinount 'officer with the. sampie, $1. 06 to $1 U9' sprouted, 97e Camdian troops In France. There aire ta $1. 02; feed wheat, 8h tô 00e. approimtely 15,000 horses with the Pea-No. 2, nominal, per car lots, Canadian army corps in France, aind Pi .75ý according to sample, $1 .25 to the »report points out that even In $1.76. modem 'warfare each Infantry division Barley-Malting barley, 68 to 6"9;of2-0emnrqis6,9 re. feed barley, 55 ta 67c, aceording t o 21,000 menequfrpr es ,29 ses freiglits outade.Cotnngthrertrd: Duckwheat-Nominal, car lots, 78 "The horses of a division are taken to 79c, accordîng to freights outeldqe. cure of by 12 veterinary officers and Rye-No. 1 commej*ial, 90 to 91c, one mobile veterinary section of 27 rejected, 77 to 87c, acêording to sani- meni, which attends to the horses là pie. the firing lime. Manitoba flour-F'Irst patent&, ini "There ie one Canadian field hospi- jute bags, $7; second patents, ift jute taliniiiFrance composed of 387 men' bags, $6 .50; strong bakers', in jute and six officers. It bas a capaclty of bags, $6.80, Toronto. Ontario flour-Winter, $4 .80 ta 1,000 cases, and the work which 18l $4 .90, according Wo sample, seaboard, done there is really remarkabie.1 or Toronto freigbta in bagg, 'prompt Horses which ln previous wars -and in! shipment. civilian -life wouid be destroyed at Millfeed, car lots, delivered Mont- once are treated so succensaully'thait real freights-Bran, per ton, $24; ini due course they become ffit oW ii-'. .horts, per ton, $25; rniddlings, per taa.y duty in the firing Une. lti la lu- ton, $26; good feed flour, per b'91 terestlng to note thet o! 607 horas $.75. sent in on one occasion, only 12 ýdied. Country Preduce. Five hundred and 1hinety-fiYe evén- Buttr-Frsh diry 28 o 31 intually become fît for reissue, or to be ferior, 24 to 25c; creamery prints, 83 soid as casts for easy duty. Wo 36%½c; solids, 32 ta 34c. Remarkable Horsemanship.' Eggs-Storage, 30e per dozen; se- lects, 32 to 33c; new-laid, 40 tc 45c, The mien work- under the moat'; trY-, case lots. ing conditions, oÃŽten exposed to the Honey-Prices, in 10 to 60-lb, tins, fire of rifle and big gui. They 'reU P 12 to 12%c; combs, No. 1, $3; No. 2, around the Unes ail the time gatheri»g $.40. in wounded horses; their horueMan- Beans-$4 .20 Wo $4 .40. ship is remarkable. Wounded horses.. Poultry-Spring chiekens, 17 Woaeimdaeygvnfrtad U. 18c; fowls, 13 to 14e; turkeys, 23 toarimeitiygenfstid An 26c. horse that can walk -le .rushed back to. Cheese-Large, 19c; twins, 1914e. the mobile section, or- field hospital,' Potatoes-Car lots of Ontarios his wounds are carefuily treated, and: quoted at $1.70 ta $1.76, and Ne>w every care given-hizn. Brunswlcks at $1 .90 to $1 .95 per "During the second battie of Ypres, bag, on track. ihenthe a. dians were reaaed to -z /- lit I i t-ci 4 - 1: ~ il - pr

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