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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Jan 1916, p. 4

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*1 ezrcuîauoptheîtpe rrupxuauqatan, ý 4h7 leareil t1tlohs thi"oghont the o v ù se ver. w tw y Wýebî vilii" ethse Peobie o! Otazt- ~m i o rtin-~ mud o.~ gte-n pori tty thenes 1* auth$M- -Wth cpe texpress-thine supnthia qiuee-t» Iy~eî utMU14WtiA4Or 'i Won.~~~~~~~~ ThrxWuodtbtta ataeush thse traMc at the eaa'Ue.n-maable,.' mLillion neun-tgIU bth-erorded. I crysallie Prvh,~ial omènt. Au B i ait ~ti rb vin ton b.UP t Oie o'v.abîîîty tisat ere -Àimahitag erunènt te ryt l> 1e villofe ithe sale o! liquor là.Ontario, Ulit nt peple Ila aprohibîtoryl aw which vWile ileDo"'o vi. ,- ee~ onczce for ail end thOn vasteful, uselesa abeliihed. D)r.Kar-etOla, trallc.when speahiat at t1h.e recrulting meet.- - , s s e ng Iu Whitby on Simnday nigisLt, oi ced The suggestion that his corne frem the Sentiments et the buis efthOe ad-7 thse Councîl o! Lieamîngtea to tine Whit- lence as well as thne majority o! Cana- bit Councîl that tie Municipal -Council disus, wheu hesald the wante of-ue should be redured lu numnbers and that hundred millions o! dollars a year lu the Cgîutillors shouid 11e gi-v-o some Ontario for drink must cesse. Those remuntiration. will ne doubt eeiveý who, fer self lsh reanens, seek. te per-_ - the attention of Council 'at, its nex meeting. We don't know the vIew-a of - any mnember upen (the subjeet, but our ewn view ls, and we have tmequentiy expressed it. that members et. munici- pal ('ouncils sinould receive payment petuate this monstrous evii and gi. gantic waste imust 1e counted hfflce- forth traitors la their ceuintry's bent Intemesta. KINSALE. zoriner srvies ina ~iwu~UC ~ The MIssionar>' collectoms calied an1 Wltby Itis 100 niuch ta ak 1the Mayor the church;-goers of our cornnMunity OieT ta- give al the limne and attention e- 5irstof the week. Doubtless they metc quired et hi-m far imunicipal mattemn %with a ready reapouse !rom eue and1 withut omecomensaion ILtâ ven Mr. E. W. Redman has been laid offt mère unfitr Ln e!,:çu-dl hat thé Ctu'r-' duty for some days past, havlng been ma~n oeth1e Streets Ceminlttee shaîl de- afficted with a lame back., We are, vote hours ai lime dally for manths In pieased ta report bis case Improving 111eyea nihou rewrd.No ndutry Miss Susie Sadler has been under Dr.1 or business owned and eperated by a John Moame's care fo some consider-t compan>', or an Indlviduai, wouid ex- able lim e iately. We are pleased ta * pect an oversper or manager ta serve report ber mnuch better now and on a wlthoîîî psy. Wbv should the citizens fair raad ta recover>'.t as whledemnd ha thir ffirsbe Miss Meta Sullivan atteuded aur1 Maagwed emndgratfrnthi afaiaThe achool 1the irtof this week. manaed reegrais fr nthig? he Ve regret ta report Miss Gladys proposai la nu> a ralary or honorarium Mowbrays recent llilness lu Whitby. ta meruhers of Uounctl Is couffled with she- havlng heen affticted with pneu- a proiposaila reduire the nunîber of mania. W~e hope she may have_ a members. far 111e reason doiîhtless that speedy and permanent recaver>'. the expense wotild 1e h-as sud that a Mr. James Young passed througb smaler umbr riii dothebusnes t1 village ou Tuesday enroule for amalernunbermud d th buines reenburn witb a ioad of valuable equaly wll. ogs. He obtained $9.50 per hundred * * * j welght. IL is said. - y Sèveral tram here attended th1e Red The aynnt o Coicilorsm-oldCross concert ai Greeuwood last week, duTes.a>'opn tu l quion ofdand report a splendid lima. doubies. opn u 11equetiono! irs Reid la not improvlng lu bealth. whether mnembers of the Board o! Ed- Mâesara. Pengaliy aud Pamkilu have ilcaîton and o!f1the Public Utilities caiied upon th1e communit>' lu general CommssIo shoid nt 11 pai siaol4citing sigpatures asking fer pro- We ould fl;o sot le1 ot se ta asoat Ihibitian. Stirelyt>'he aid Province o! We oever l 11enevgot etfrpas tatan Otario, 1the banner Province, wlll net howeer. n th eve ofcompnsaton 1e behind t11e western provinoes, who belng paid lo Counciliora. ht mighl 11e have gone dry, but will talli mb that t11e duties now devoivirrg upon the line and deciare emphatically for a dry province. The Gaverument Is ai- membhers of 1the Utîlltlea Commission \w-ays a servant a!f111e people, sud if vo couild 1e tumned aver ta 1the Council. aspeak with no uncertain aound we wlhl Th.-re are many arguments that couidbe1 get legislation wiplng eut Oie great urged againsi paymeut o! Cauncillara evil titis world has ta coutend vith. 1When 3-e conzider we are legallzing a ln1the saisl tawns or rural munici-pal- business that la destroylng th1e Ilies e! Ites which wnuld not have th1e sanie anme o! our brigintest youug men, aud force when applied ta larger munici- causing mo'rc o! the crimes perpetrated palites Thre l Ittledoub t 111te than neari>' ail other causes comblned. paltie. Terela 111e dubttha .sure!>' we will ise lu our rnlght and thouighî of serving th1e public grat- ask t11e Legishatoifnta emove !rom us ultousiy appeals ta 1the public spirited this most glgantlc evil sud net allow citizen. loy-aiy tb cammunît>' Intemest any part> a.ffiitions ta influence us. r hulks large ln mari>- men. This sl athr a wt Bly udato Hell paiseworthy, Ibut ih is a question' ber aur goveruments are mast ver>' whet ber th1e 99 citizens should accept m ruch winat the people maSo hem aith11e tands o!f1the one th1e service m- The>' are servants o! lhe people, sud If quired ta conduct p)roperly th1e affaIra we eau show 111cm that w. mean busi. of oth1e 100. The discussion ofthIis ques-! tion 18 Most interestlng, and ntngbt w-ell brui the subjeet of a Public de A A D A The aiparîntt abandon %wIth whieb. To"IE U oOtw Ilqior is now heiug sold t soidiers iu - Te" IEU oOtw uni!rm u W1iîb ba laen 11e ub- Popqlar aflernoon train via Ject ô! ruuCbI comment and critîcîsra LAKE ONTARIO SHORE hý.Leaves rornuto i.45 .mn. for Wiiby, Valias, Biwiian.ille, Por&Hope, Skfin Muddy?' DaiI cyes, blotches and other sin biemishes remuit tram a dsardered di- gestion Pumif y the blood, _Wte s slomach, genul>' stimulate tiufa-ver and ,.' reg(iTate h-bhc an sd Tile viti BEECHAMI'S WcWa iGuis M BOX su ur be la 6n1as.. 5 ý arries OTTAWA 10 10~.n CENTRAL ?TATION Spark Street, ai ('hateau Laurier. TIuE "YORK" L.-ave« Ottawa i lA P.In. A rrivusnelToronto 9.30 p. ni. CI. Fir T1--ôtfamor -foe»,a o -the Southera States. New oïte4xia, lu ~ - ~ ec~& "ç6idcoiifigUerMevhgthe- nsny fvrmere Who have fav- U -.w< .~rno.~é1ntcntelnla. aisi ored -us with thétir patronage hie m4ny-,friends. 1 tiê 'CII'Ç O forF IIVW tÉ e 1n àlltin durn tépast year, also to f na, Uth 4vdh eaArizonaetnSnais l g moà-gbt the .people of thiâ Î=muity jU ' ~~n g~aIs ad' leepingCar * m eau ailhIIk W . au hýùiMtroît andn a a. ~~~ýM UheimIzti-t-*te ievery -partie- w -A m a d New v ar- mle&u 1~nd ir~hi W5~fi#OcY~ priuewhat!ll*Ofllbdfl~ j lar conecl4 nes aiseoperate father,,.and wIUlbe coi'y much- n40ed. We iiretr that M m -%nWW s'vérY, iveiIl .edàis»seof trogsepnand ïdiing cm.TER ndSEIH-Our stock i,; comlplete, e'ou alse, Éot bel)ng able toêî&èav er SMM. ',14nj r1 idnta* ki$ . _ eciiepaig n any qe1ection naw. When you are in the imarket for- ail kiiids of'labor The Wbole eoxnmnnftyJoin iextend- T h rl Ulsqtjzetbbeen iMature willrecelve fui! information ig the heartfelt aY1ÜDatIhY-_teth0se. rvdi toiiê ,f~e fÏfom aàY> C. P. R. agent, or Write M. Sa igrnhiey .riuts. W hveaewG pi<hoe If, Who are, ieft te -Omoulit14 begvy Ios . . G. Murphy, District Passenger Agent# ,_Zet-one for Clîriétuias. et a ktnid faher and a ovfing husbarnl sui to, yppsTopd~eToronto. -1 j ntialqKidwey sud -Bladder A <tr&tbea,5kmDlees*, heunaLPm XËCITOR'S NOTICE TO CREDIT VDI3NEYW HITBY Toronte, January 1, 19198 uaige ndrmo sale rua-tves,'ORS. Bell-aud lsid. Phonee. Stre-The Provincial Board of Health _______________________________________________ bas pleasure Iu nnoiing-tha t- o are the best proofs of the value of IN THE ESTATE 0F WILLIAM Chopped feed, cwt ....1.75'to 1.76 and after 1lebruarY. lât. I9el~ the puýb- *iiijndI idi m stle. WESTLAKE, LATE 0F' T]gE TOWN DISTRICT DOINGS.Coue.......201t 2.0 li wlibe supplied,, free of ch1*ut-Ve, 5c. a-bo4, 6 for $2.50, trial size 25o. OF WITBY, IN THE C01UNTY 0F Arthur Robinson, of blkam obt -Bran, per ton.ý... ...... 28.00 ta Z8.00 Medci'olces !He1h 'bth A t dealers ir sent post adon reeapt ôf GNTARIQ). BIJILDER. DECEASED. two valuable horses from cerebro-spitial Shorts, per tati........ 30.00 te 30.00 loue biologicalrsoduOt lis-te bar- price by Fruit-a-tives Limiteil, Ottawa. meningitîs recently.1 MEAT, POULTRY and PRODUCE. Hospitals and physicians will be sup- ___ Nte ibrtigvn usatt The GoId Medal Mfg. Co., of Ux- Fo1uDrct..... .0t .r plid iret'nlywhn teyca Section 66. Chap. 121. R.S.O., 1914, that bridge, la cafllng en' the tawn. ta take Floure, lpe wt...t......36.00 te 7.25 obtain the Pout from the Local usage which roquires that the tminutes ail persans haviug cdaims against- the up the question o! providing housesLmbec.....600t110 Board of Health. -of the sessions of the vYar1ous congrega- estate of 1the said William Westlake for workmen. Hoab, dessed.... ......12.00 te 113.0 i. Smallpox vaccine- In cspillary tiens shall be examined by Presbytely, wode t h âdTone htb îutvlectzesaedsptn vrHopgesec...... .....82.5Fto13-8. whllth reIyee thhee a te idPowro hsbytery vilMinutn redeptsg ve -lg arect.... .. 82 t -6 tubes. Miedb yn n ut11e syncre mx- o h ihent a !Dcm er,1echange a! market day f rani murs-1 Veal ....... ...........12.00 te 13.00 2. Diphtheria Antitoxin. In vials. -dmn nteegtenhdyo eebr day ta Wednesulay! It conflicts withaie ySnd n h yc1th Chickens, Der lb......... 0.18 te 0.20 3. Tetanus Antitoxin, In vials. tites by the Asse.niy. 1915, are required ta deliver or send Uxhrldge market day.Duherl. ....01te .2 4. Anti-Meningltis Serum. la vials. The remit fiom Assembly ln cennec- by P0t.Drpad to Arthur E. Christ. ___________________ es. Dreser tb.... 0.18 te 0.20 5. Anti-Typheid Vaccine, lu vIals. tion witb questions ta be asked minis- es.dssdDrl..018t 0.2 6. Pasqteur Preventive for Rýabies at tere at their ordination and tnu- an, Whitby, Ontario, Solicitor for Oie- Turkeys, dressed, piér lb. 0.25 te 0.30 the Laboratories of the Board, No. 6 was aPproved. The remit asking that Executors, on or befare the 1Mt day o! WHITBY MARKETS Butter ...... ...... ....0.33 te 0.37 Queen's Park, Toronto. th1e iîubilcation and busarness naw car February, f(916, their na.mea and ad.-Lar, p l...... .......0.18 10 0.20 The early use of Diphtheria Antil rie d on ulpder thno Record anld Presby. dresses, sud a full description of their Lardteraib....... ......o a 0 atte, e a . 18 te 1.20> toxin. Tetanus AntitoxIn and Anti- terian Publications 11e con1bined under Wet al.. 1(ot 1( oaos e a ...12 o16 Meningitis Serum Is advised. one floard te care fer the whole puib. aims, and the nature o! Oie securities, Wheat, goose ........... o a0.90 Apples, per barrel ...1.50 t» 8.00 Dipîhri Anitxi an Ttaus lishing Int-rests o!f1the churcli îas dis- If any, held by thm aly.........0t .6(o Onians, per bag ........ 1.00 te U AntitoxIn will be supplled. on special SpptOved. Purtiier take notice Oie.t after th Beans ..... ............ 3.00 te 3.00 Ha>', per ton......... 14.-00. Sa?-'Fr.0 e reqttrest. lu syringe containers for A vote on the union af 1the Presby- said .10th day o! February, 1916, Oie RPes...... .... .......1 .10 ta .1 ao uwhd ,0 IE .1ta01 which a charge af 20 cents each terian Church wth the Metinodist and- es..........11to .0 will 11e made, and Auti-Meningitis Cengregational Churches was taken un- sald executons will proceed to di8trib- Buckwheat ...... ...... 0.70 ta 0.70 Wo- nahd .".ý1 a01 Serum ln special tntra-spinal outfits at der' the Barnier Act,which requires that ute Oie estate o! tine sald deceased a. Qats ...... .... ........ 0.35 ta 0.40 Cal! akins, per ...-...0.15 te 0.16 the rate af 45 cents eacin. The Anti- before a law or mIle relative te matters niong the parties entitled thereto, hav. Red Claver..... ....... 9.00 ta 9.50 Lamb skins, e9h... 0.70 te 0.75 toxin and Serum are supplied f ree, the o! doctrine, discipline, goverument or Ing rgard only to the daims o! *thich Alsike claver, per bus.. 8.00 ta i9.00 Hides, Der et....1.0te 13.00 charge being for special containers worship shaîl become a permanent en- Sheepsklns ...... ...... 0.75 te 1.15 only. Cash mnist accompaiiy ordfir fer nctment l must 11e submitted ta Pres- Oiey shail then have notice, and Oie FLOUR AND FEED. Deacans....... ..... ... 0.28 ta 0.70 containers or luira-spinal .outfits. Na byteries for congldematian,, The vote said executoms shall net be hiable for Fleur, per cwt ..... .... 3.25 ta 4.00 Herse Hides....... .... 2.50 te 3.00 accounts will be carried. staod ten for union aind four against, the said asneta or any part thereof, te __________________________________ Since th1e Provincial Beard o! Healtin A cammittee with presbytenlal Dow- any perspn et whoae daim Oiey shall __________________________________ Is undertaking this work In the hope e! ers apPolnted ta visit Oie Kendal MIS- ntLe aercie oie lowering Oie death rate sud reduclug sien fleld, reported with reasons givenntte aereie oie the xnrbidity o! communicable dis- thiit they had closed the OakhiU A.RTHUR EL CHRISTIAN, eases lnfluenced. by the use et these po preachinz station., The action o! Oie So-NteWfoAExcueruGi 1ducts, every phyzicisu ln Oie province.. emmittee was sustained by Presby- tM aljaauary 141, jL. -30 AAE la required to co-operate with the Pro- tel,' _______________ vinclal Board of Heslth by prompt It was, agreed te nppiy fer continu--- - _ _ of iii<commuiinicablec q-ation o! augmentation grant. tote e congrgatins o ClarmontandtiIIR81118 Ol01Division cuiris JoHiN W. MCCULwcl bJ4 umn. Preabytery was gratified to learn Chie! Oficer o! Heaàlt!l that Ashburn congregation had thisC 1 Parliament IlLildings, Toronto. year lncreaftd their contribution to- aCdUNTY 0F ONTARJo p ~~~~~~wards stipend one hundred dollars. ONYOPOTRO 1The ne.xt regular- meeting o! the 1916. ________________________________ WHITY PRSBYTRY. Presbytery -wus appointed te 11e held 1. WHITBY-MIss E. L. Macdonnell, WHPI'BY PESBYTERY. at Whitby on the tlilrd Ttýesday o! Whitby, Clerk-Jan. 4, Feb. 1, Mar. 1, C N E TO ihornwgrg ehv 11Whitby Presbytery met at Whitby on April. Apr. 4, May 2, June 1, July 4, Sept. 5, IN C NE TO ihornwg aew av rTuesday, January iSthn. There were _________- Oct. 3, Nov. 1, Dec. 4, Jan. 2, 1917.I 1resent Messrs. McKeeu. McFadyen, OSHAWA-Mlse E. L .Macdonnell. installed' an up-to-date paint shop, with an ex- 1 West, Yule, Drumm, Mcflrey, Johnton, A SPLENDID WAY TO REDUCE Whitby, Clerk-Jan. 6, Feb. 2, Mar. 2, pert body painter in charge, and are now prepared ICurrie and Ray, ministers, and Meuars. Moffatt, MelýaughlIn, Storte, White, i Fraser, Stewart and Waddell, eiders Rev. S. G. McCormack and Judge Me- Intyre sat as corresponding inembers 1of Re.ouW..WsMAfPotery Re.W. e sCu t .. fPotPry was eI.#ed; Moderator for the efl8uing year. 1 The first business was the examina- ftion of session records, accordlng tà a 4J PACIFIC THE "TRANSà'OANADA" Froru TORONTO Daîiy 6.40 p. m. PORT' ARTHUR FORT WILLIAM WINNIPEG V ANCOUV BIt Througb Equipruent - Eleétric tighted Compartuient Observation Cari Stand- ard snd Touriat Sleepers, Diîng Car, Firet-clascA Cahes.1 "The Frequen t C. P. R. Service paso- ing tbrough the Business Centre of each City isa a st to the Traveter." ATTRACTIVE WINTERITOURS- TO CALIFORNIA, FLORiDA4 ETC# -; Litnite<i Trainsb conet at Detroît with through eleepers ta Florida ; alse counection via Buffalo, *Washington mnd CinlUnati. Irnproved service via (3. P R. and M. C. &. Wo kte fgo connecta wlib ail through service Cbicago to Ctlifornis. LL Psintexlata- oxnaUimsdi& aa scte 1 ticet APs, or wriw M.!.). Mstpj, o ,,T'iw AGREAT. BARGAIN IN ELECTRI C 'I FIXTURES ONES WEIGHT. There le, peminapa, no one thlug tinat shows the passlng e! youth se muci as tie horrible tendency of some o! us te put on tee much welgint atter wo have reached lie age o! 25 or 30. How- ever youug our face ma>' appear, our figure "gives us away. The cause o! oversteutucs le that our stomachs couvert the !oo we cal Int fat because there la hot eneugin oxygen lu Oie blood te produce a proper combustion te destro>' the fatty tisane. To reduce your'weighl go ta a geod druggist and gel ail o! orilene lu Cap- suIe fomm, sud taise eue afteî' oaci. Il Is sohd euh>' lu original sealed pa.ck- agem. 0U1oe! riiene taken at meal limes gives you al Oie beneflt et the food yen est. sud at the saine lime dis- solves the fatty tissue tram su>' part o! the body>'wherc there is excessive fat. In this-wa>' man>' have reduceil 111drm weight at lhe rate o! about a lb. a day, aud ne fiaibiness heft. An>' dmuggist eau supkly you, or a large size box wil be sent ou recelpt of $1.00. Addrens D. J. Little Drug Co., box 1240, Montreal, Can. 'MOCKEY. OSHAWA 7, WHÎITBY 0. Antier whltesvaa vas admiul-ster- cd ta Oie Whlby Intermediatea on P'nt. day niçbt Jauar>' 21, by Oie Osha-wa team. ln thse returu game at Burna' Aresas ber.. No rrise w..ocmcuo- e4by theraýutot1se ganit, beeause. Wb-ile tise whitbr boys pIaye goe .Osiava la tu* team te beat ln prou->? 3. Ibo fSe wu quit. smm. -iendaring sking and aO»lu.g ery 4femuit, blit Daiite et thi bèe" e ",Ç# mp w tbe.ame vot t&s.TheClhv boybav li bwa it of oo 4 00 ;e- handiri. booaui do fin. team vork; fIbeo CMQL.*ee iortUîstela 1. IsqBW t 8l t»,ad.fwove a kit i vi dc« t se tùaboî*etIt* Suttsre*e la* M.11uel tbgItoskt. Apr. 5, Ma.y 3, Juue 2, Juiy 5, Sept6 Oct. 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 5. Jan. 3. 1917. 2. BROUGHIAM-M. Gleesen, Green- woed, ClerS-Jan. 6, Mar. 3. May 4, Jul>' 6, Sept. 7. Nov. 3, Jan. 4, 1917. 3S. PORT PERRY- J. W. Burnham, Part Perry, Clerk-Jan. 7, Mar. 6, Ma>' 5, Juiy 7, Sept 8, Nov.- 4, Jan. 5, 1917. 4UXBRIDGE-R. J. Moore, Umbnldge, Clerk.-Jan. 14, Mar. 10, May' 9, Jul>' 11, Sept, 19,,Nov. 24, Jan. 12, 1917. 5. CANNINGTON-Tion. H. Foster, Canuington, ClerS-Jan. 13, Mar. 9, Ma>' 10, Jul>' 12, Sept 20, Nov. 23, Jan. 11, 1917. 6. BEAVERTON--Chas. A.- Patersen, Beaverton, Cler- Jsan. 12, Mar. 8, Ma>' 11, July 18, Sept. 21, Nov. 22, Jan. 10, 1917. 7. UPTERQROVX - Daniiel Leonard, Atinerle>', C.erk-Jan. 11, Mar. 7, May' 12,. Jul>' 14, Sept. 22, Nov. 21, Jan. 9, 1917. (By Order) J. E .FAREWLIA4 Cleris o! the Peace Dated at Whltby, Nov. 16, 1916. Opposite 13u*la rouffl. Wbm~. D AstcaIs aaphu.w ed and sleighs, etc. Get Our Prices The driving season. is about over now und you arc thinking about putting your car away for the winter. Run it in and have it washed before doing so, as leaving the dirt on spoils the varnish. We are prepared to overhaul ail makes of -cars, and can also store cars tor winter. Our Garage IsIieated and Pire Proof. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. J. LIJIE t? SON wu. WHITBY Ind. phone 1,2 Bell phôn-e îo I.I Yeur Klng -anid Country Nec 4You 250 ciiWaned! TO0 ENLX8T IN pany MONawC*. We arc compelled to rai'se One Th*usa8 O-0 lI0M by F 1a9*lu, sd; must Reduce our Stock at a Sacuifice to meet t demand. Our fixtures are first class and suitbl for Pauior, Dialasg Rà6Iý LVA*g Room, Beîdrooms, and Kitcheas, rangla n pu -frosaoo dllrto ýtlrçty6ve dollars. We are cuttimg on these frorn twenIy4fii to filty pw oeut. Readinag Lampe, :.oo*to$îSo.co, edluced t. hllpic.. Pad1S-ee.9, :.Sper cent. off. -- VacuMumCIluPeosf«r $as.-100W- Il tI you. a capih o the gold modal at the. Panama EpoitO T)4. vacum cham at the ane trne, and runs from M am »n soceAt. W. should asoliIé toexpla to you -on t od o f houes IPphI we dlaim superior to tliat moit oSnInt doptcd -Woed f È2 ,d t êlnsa but )eev4 l' hmeintc. SpeI~JOffer * W;th,evm purchase of, tee idalars Or Ovrvo ,a#ve 04 6u .,N of ~aisrticle showoaI Ouir window. Irie i~ j was r Oshav Who Iea% --, w ThE aperai Is hea inind 1 imunit raomE warki lziug which Oue o Acc Super lion lions schoo inoney feett are se 'Thi schoo Dan t ILtT sic h --Inan>' sc11oo refus. 250- fi cons]1 hiome hear Tupa kthe .1 ý-. i s .0 mil

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