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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Jan 1916, p. 5

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Whe, Lins 80,hx. You j-s liassIl putting off getting gliasses. Wbon you need thern ouly inakes Matters Worms. TNature soundd a warning when lot- ter@ blur and lijos get miaced. It i8 botter, far botter to attend to it then and thore than ta lot it go and @train the oye.. A Il t hesk il11 that we poesess is yours. We tako pains with every case, snch pains as you 'viii approciate. It is the kind of work that wili give you satisfaction. Corne any ime. OUR PRICES IRE MODERATE We movo. Fobruary lst to our new store, Brock Street South. Jeweler and Optician WHi rBY. - NTARO wC. T. U Ai the regular meetlug an Invitation w as recelved and acecepted f rom- the Oshawa Union to meet wIth them on Tuemday afternoon, February lat. Al who will bu able to go- are asked to leave their namnes, as Boon as possible, wit.h Mrs. Tod, so tliat arrangements xnay be completed. WHAT CHANCE HAVE THEY. The bar-room and the school are dir- ectly antagontuts in their nature and operations. The motive behind the one la heartiess sellilshness; the motive be- hind the other la the good of the com- rnunity. Yet In many platea the bar- rooms are found close to' the achools worklng deadly iniachief In famillar- lzing the young people witb conditions which t.hey shouild be taught to abhor. One of oîîr exchanges says: Accordtng to the Chicago Tribune, Superintendent of Compulsory Educa- tion W. L. Bodine's report on condi- tions Iin the nelghborhood of Chicago .chools reveals that many of them are honeyconlbéd with saloons. In Bome instanes bars are within ten and fifty Iet of sclinol buildings. Following are soint. of the conditions reported: Th ~are saluons iIn the Immediate Niclnity of 120 of 274 elementary a9chools, and 17'0f 22 higb schools. The Dante sclîool lias eighit saloons around IL. 'l'lie Jones lias 28 saloons and mu- sic halls ý ithin a blück. There are anany saloons withln .250 (cet of the ichools. There 1.9 an unwrltten law Miss Smit sud frs. b.. -owgt. ~h~atouëës-i enan M Monda,- bis ,6lraduggtea t 0-o.a mn' b u un$d bO- getiiersMd PremàW eêhibt with a ieeL tw~êai.,IheIna, ~aa ?~te-Âon l tî,~1sj , althbm, *rist._ watoh a 00oto EarryT. ThoupeWm ltby# bis tsýaclfy as streWb ' 'e'*ênt -e - forreày.t.w, ovrcota,#iz. ~-~over te i.apet thlb u ,ti<hlm 'Mdo ed r eoi>~U scit - w-~~~a$ the i. ratte reati h I. Ike ýWea itmn ihgt.lgsdeapuo Don't forget theéconcert t Ùt e-,jV hlêIn -e £t^of dfttslng 1î ut oea ttoeeîî~>g~ by the ll8th battaUion ln the ToWn Han t S pluVILthrougboi14c àe lètéd ae&W;lfi sot enjoyahxe. the secon« week in Fpbpuary. A the.4mIru 99 ôtlo! -Il, aiwI ,'V-ý,tin Liter thi emb ao!S.Johùa splendid pregram ile beint propared -by How8Uf, whe Wu,,'Wltiih i81 tO bu-c a o Whtbme t th olira osiu~ fooruses, lime, spke 'mttothil>iy et.hlm.qvWe home of Mis. 1. -Mà. WIllis, thQ 0orgû drilla, quartettes, solos, camUenea î ta* 1ét t ot'ulIe u ft itlpesneMr.Mna rih andenoaag te oys bSetse o erO sifrer poeket mirror, a set et poclket aetcLtorgveryo plat prebent erooabrushes and 9abox of! .1k kbakl halbi. the' hall will be 26c, and may be re- MILITARY NOTES. served lnn sdvalice. The plan wlll open The recrulting meeting on, Sunday Mr. Monde has Won many friendis ln ai J.E. Willis drug store nort We4noa- evenlng next at the Royal Theatre, Whltby during his short regidIence day, F'ebruary 2md. WhitbY, will b. preuided over by Mr. here. Ho WUs alwaym very geüerousý -«'- J. B. Laidlaw. The speakers wUll be in contributing to tho musical servie" The War Relief Society wlshes to ex- Col. A. G. Henderson,,-Moe M.V.« Pow- of the local churcese, and i tssted In press Its, thanks for the donation ré- cil and Pte. Fred Charlton, the firat any way possible to, promote the nue- cci .'ed (rom Sechool Section No. 2. Wht¶- Wh itby boy to be inv-alided home from ceas of the St. Johns Choir, w1th whicll hy Townsh ip, a" pari proceeda of -a the front. The usual war filme and he wae ldentified. (Christmras concert. A feu- otber con-, muaic wlll be a part of the program. lribuî Ions lowards the work are also Corpl. Arleigh Rice and Pte. Wm acknowledged. h lI hoped these con-' Barton are in Pickering for a weeks FRED CIÎARLTON ON THE PLAT- tributioris will continue ta corne ln, so recruiting. They' are stationed at PORM 0F RECRUI'PING MEETING. that the ladies xiii be kept supplIed Pickering Village, but are worklng out The fimst Whiltby boy to return wound- with means for carrying on tlieir good throtugh the Townishlp. ted froin EuroPe.,PredCharîtonappeareâ îvok.The Engineering Department of the on thie piatform'at the recruiting meet. ZInd DIvIsional Area bas authorized re- ing on~ Sunday nfgh t.He wus given a How anyof AieWhitby wome ni pairs in the Whitby Armouries ta the. know 0fth trrbl e of turheld-extent of nearly $2.000, the plumbin g rousing reception as ho arose ln re- los ofthe fotoreseo f ' r Mcd- adhaigntt ca vr .0 sponse te the introduction ef Dr. Bas- tersa( he ron fo soksDr.Meand eatng ot o cst ver$1,00.camchairman. tHllivray. ln writing receytly from These Improvements are already well Fred ta net an.orator. This was the Iânder way. Capt. Every bus leeii frt ioh hdeerapaodbfr Io the hospitai suffering (rom the _,, potnted Inspector, nadec, n ew tmd u vee ol. an o ter hd hor 1o Recr-uitlng meetings were held lu n alno adh as tmd u veecl.Mn ftemhdterfe esald eough to enthuse thé *udienèe f rozen and m 111 have t0 have tAiem amn- Almonda Church on Monday even ng, to repeated aLpplause. When _ho bash- 1 ae.0 hs geinme a n fCh errywood- on Tuesday ovening, f uîîy si httewudt-sli no socks on atheaIl ow any pr airsoand in Dunharton on Wedneaday even si htti wuddslir fo ron aireail.e eomny paiesfor? i ng. Lt.-Col. Cockburn, Lt.-Col. A. G-'got lots of kipseefrom the iattises, the froen eetzir v(it espnsIle or" Henderson. Capt- Every and P'te. Fred audience falrly -went wlld with delight. -o>-Carto md adrss.Te chairman at once vohunteered ta COURT MARTIAL AT OSHAWA. (hrîon ad adregeo . ansd be wounded, and eqMeone sug- Tuelocl o ih ¶îîbPte. Hanson, et the Whitby Compny gested that this newm would bring the 'ien wcri ii officers oaifrteîd6h ay tal- of the llfith. la 111 with pneumonia. boys. Fred modestly t.old '0f how he to eeltOshawa lt rdyattend- 0stped n nmybllt;ihbi het Iza district court martial on a Young BIBLE SOCIETY ANNUAL MEETING.. BtDpe d enmy bll e fxIth bisc n-t soidier who bad protractefi bis 1lPave T- Bt ho ad hb&expen ellaen forein oa- ni absence until he m-as cltarized w-th 'T-night (Thursday), ln [ho Miusc tal n I xelecso u h 1 desrt In. 1all, al 9 o'clock. the annual meeting were interesting and R.ot too bad. dusriioo f the Whitby Branch of the lYpper. Dr. Kaiser, of Oshawa. delivered a (-'o 1o Harry T. Thorny.son, h by Canada Bible Society will ho held. Thie rouaing address upon the subject of for n-rpi nrkshits ade~ 'speaker will ho [he Rov. W. E. Hassard, war, and Illustrated bis poInts by qi- fo nýLF. or hit - d. 0. B.A.. B.D.. of Toronto. one of the Dis- amples tram biatery. ALI. SAINTS' CHLTRCH. (tr Sceaiso h oiety a C. A. Goodellow, as Secretary of the TheBlsop f te iocso -hIbowill gîvo a lectumeo Iilustrated with Ihtby hranch of. the Patriotlc Fund, Tre ent at the Drig sevice at Ai lantern views. Mr. Haseard lectue saîd there were 26 benefici-aries now rsint C he i nSanorning t aI at the meeting last year, and hls ad- receiving"àld from the tunda through Saits Chrc on1.iudaymonin t 1dréss was neknowledged to b oneo f the branch. $391 per montix wu now hinveil a window in memnry of the latP the finest heard here in years along the boîng paid to dependeats o! soldbers, James tIîtledge, Esq. line of Bible Society work. Ho ie well and the number of famIlles was eau- -worth hearing. as ho malien his lec- stantly tilcreasing. The beneficlaries PRESBYTERIIAN CHURCFH. tîres întenseîy Interesting. An olTer- received suma ranging trom $6 te -$30 Minister ln charge, Rev. S. G. Mc- Ing will be taken for the work 0f [ho per montix. The comxùittee foît lit ta b. Cormnack. MAÀ. Society. Iheir dut.y. as It was their pleasure, to. Sunday, Jantary, 301h. 0O see that nat a sinagie dependent et a Stîbjee SE WRVICfEaMan A MIDNIGHT FRACAS. soldier n'as ln need. The purpoeof Anîhje-Puî eorth ofSt.rn." There w-as somcthing doing ln Wbît- the fund was [o aupplement the Goveru- Anolo-Pi n ThmaS.rngl. by on Friday night hast atter the hock- ment soparatien allowauce, malcing Q-,o -i. WiN . homas. cy match. A flamber of Oshawa sports suffcient to sustain a wlfe and child- Sîmjae - hesevemxîhCommnd- ad came ta Whitby by C.P.R. and ren lu moderato conifort. He made an mentand- walted ta return [iii the midnlght appeal to.young mon te enfiit, ahowiug men th -'ri ete od' t rain. Betweon [ho close Of the game ihat the couutry was aaved su ejior- Anthem-'Tho Tse arthlae Lrd" and the departure of [he train afforded mous burden by Young mon jolning [hi'. ample lime for amusement, and the colore Ynsdofhormredbt- Rea.d the advt. ar the Soules-Smith Oshawa bunch made merry with a orssImd flonds ('o. ln ibis- Issue. You wiiI find some ,Whitby wearer of khaki who n'as ln- Tho meeting resultod lu one young real hargains. toxicated. Chief MacGrotty tried ta man offering hiniseîf for service. pacif y ite nolsY feliaws, sud Il loaked NiFTHODISi;T TABERNACLE. for a time as If ho were going to be MRS. EDU GNHR1CAL1 Rv.AýH Pseriaso.roughly used. Thie dêrunken soidier ln D BND EGU TE AL Re-v A . Poste. pasbo1 Itheofr-acas struçk a corporal who triedIE YDAH -;tinday, Janîîary 30 Io get hiro to go hume.. Thie result' The doutAi occurred iu Toronto on MOFIf*~NG SEFRVIVI., w-a the arreet oet[ho saldier and 24 Stunday luat of Mns. E. Gunther, mother Aiithin-'God is love.- hours spent by hlm ln the cells. alter- of Mns. J. B. Laidlaw. Of WhItby. Mrs. Special Song -iServi . . wards ta answer for his offence la the Gunther ivas well-known lu Whitbyas ScAnb SngHoerFice. F1 eaio" ffleers of the Company. che frequently viaited her daughter Solo--.Nrm. A. H. Fo,'ster. OFFICERS OF JI6TH. Mrs. Ounther wus boru lu Belfut, H.êt Rbrs.A.o .JckoMrn.J The announcement n'as made on Ireland, the daugixter idt 1.koses Staun: t SoHM. w- n. îwiso Monday ai the aPPOlntMéht Of the Un- ton and Rebecca Hibson. She wua Aoo Ntb. W T ,he kin o Lve dermentioned officers of the lI6th Bat- member of a large famihY of whom a SIîîphcd l. ,talion, whlch appointment was rMade brother. Albert Stauntonl. 0f Montrea, 'hl4> IasIor milit ,-CIIPY the pultît provisiomxahly: -Lieuts. A. W. Pratt. and a sluter. Mrs. J. B. Donald, o! Nor- 1)0111 services K. L. Wallace. J. E. Vaughan, R. G. 01,V. r t iig .Atklmxson. W. G. Tonnant. T. W. Hutch- Her father moved ta Toronto in 1856. BhOY WANTEr) ison, R. Mi. Cockhurn, A. B. Cockburn.1t Mrs. Gunther, throughout ber longIli :~n J BLaila'.ai ofih 31hRegi- nas prominent Ilu-*phlahthroplc andc SînartI bo3. wxith some Higli Sehool niment; Licuts. J. W. Lester and jî. H. rel iglous work. Chie! am:Ong these were Education.%vanted to learn the printing Hge,0 the lt9. eiot h Aged Mon's Homo, the Aged Wo- wnicu gives thme Mayor the ight. ta trade. IPl at theG IIECIeNcE refuse or revokie saloon licenses within o)ffce. NWiIIGHl SCHOOL OCCUPIED. 250 (ci-t af a achool. Sanie of tAie sal- 1< On Tiiesday xiorning tho puplîs and cons5 have beemi there for years." WHIlTBY lZESI DENTS REAL) tjooý_cs. beaching staff ai the non- Hlgh Scbool Tic !J15'i irvnîheýrs on the mIl &-f[the îook passesion of a portion of tho e. e SWhithy Public Librany tbah ont e¶ur Impudeled Higix School. They were very Jing bbe past year a total of 1105 pleased ta hbe released tram [tho Incon- Ibooks, un average of flot quite 20 boks entenît quartera ln [ho Dunda.s Street LOGA HAPEN16S éac. Th Isue f àujtbooks n'as building. Altholîgh tho rooma [bey 9,34ach d Tofissuveniof a1,02d , ou have moved Into are by no ineans coin- ilîhousand seven lundrod and thirty- . tdtey are stffllently s0 to per- J 1mî heya. hreae -mi of ucctîpancy. A week or se wl manine persons madeu mse of the' reuding; prabably see the completian of the Mr. J. J. l"oley las criously 111 ai bis roomro 0h(1r.Teeaeonbidn ndte h cho ilb homne here. the shelvea oi the library 2,861 adult 1 .sd[huteaholnilh h ook<s and 433 .uvenile books. The hue nueo h eteupe u b ooksa aeded durlug tho yoar n'ere:-_1 finest buildings lu [ne tawns of tho Reserve Friday, February 18th, to Adulta-non-fiction 24: fiction, 64. Atm. Province. hoar George Brantomi ai the music hall. vnie-nnfcin-ý;fcin 1 Division Court willh be held nexi t here are on the tables of [ho neadfng F .C TsiyFebruary lat, at 10 a.M. la rooam 21 magazines, 2 daily sud 6 week- This Cl7ub ls ton boys sudgirls whýO tue ( ourt House, hty ly newspapers. are willinz [o guesa what F. O. C. Whltb.0B rea.ns. Write a letter, on only oe Go teiarryT.TopoWIty Go ta Hamr T. Thompion. Whitby. aide of paper, lut, wlth Ovre guesses, forT. ThompionnWltby. for Customnod Tailhred Clotiies, $16.00 2nd, pennamne. ffl, realUmnainsd ad. for Ce-Tee jto $30.00. droas. TheaIf yon wish, you enu sud (oîîlîî Conln! GergeBraton0 riddles, drawlags, or atonies. We have Ili( boe\ siger, Frlday, Febnuary istix. ANNUAL MEETING 0F W. 1. sevra o, ber ow. I Wr Oi al l -o- ~~~On FrIday next. Februay- 8, [Ae an- tn eFrmoWlbOtre o Mr and Mrs. Wesley G. Auguatua nual meeting Ot the Fkmr'a4Wo-__ and tmfîîîuîyhave mavod Into [heIrnuew mena sInstitutes of South Ontinio vIi USNCOL'CNIT hu-on Puclid street ho held lu Wbltby. Dr. Busan Wother. MS IHL'CNET 0Ingham as announced te *Peak to the The followiug éxtract fromeini.Uz- Aspecial mneeting of the Town ('oun- Wome's Inatitute, but a change týjajsu bidg.a risot fl tir a reoltai giron ci] was beld on Wednosday eveuiug rangements bas beai made. sud the. by MiiessRubY Nflofheti, O..C,. tai las?. Engineer Murnay vaupreoant, IP"e 1i' iiib is 1am-u M. .OUi* UXbrlp reatl: - andl arrIangements were made with bin enlsud, ot EmbM M» Stbi&Mtî- 'flit concet girlu lb. th*Methodl ln regard ta thxe Campletien o! the aew- à grRdu&te. lu Domeato BoIMSon rMtCbureh laM FiidY eMont gb Nis er.Maodouad Inatitute, GneiPh. m ,ix=08~0 htb 4h -o--pl>lic scool teacero! osebral* 8a 'nie recount o! local oWptlon baiie Irr ua boba S " oh tmiu tl 111i ho made Erlday et thus Week, JA- Rjk .s H Wt ALIWonM* . A 1M lm upu mvUUa" le4IOW O« uarY 28, at 10 arn., lu tbe Chambers .fltas vWho huer lsa utu&rbla-a 1usd s Bud byb« dut Judgo McGillivr a atue Cout Ru.Mb. veR repaid. A tulU Mm l-4kladi 1 W « s1Uy a Mueh speculation Io rite uas t e . t the *etingi MéU a ri.md M s_ uoeWt suit. WMb we*. Tm-- «le *m i Go to Harny 'T. Thompau.Wbltby, tor Cumtomned Tsllored 01.1k.. $1&,00 te $80.00. Mr. sud Mm. W. L. ArMatrMg, Flonlierton, anaunos lte engipUltý ai Uxir Yaungesî dau.ghter. tUre Aie. laide, [o Mr. ]EML , ea.~A,8, Tam-auto, former]-o htb;100 niage vli take p1a.6everT y UsyOM February 2nd.- To-marrow (Fridsy) la the Out Of the annual conventio etlit Bi bath School Associaton et 0O»& Mdii Witby Towua, and 'Wltbv and ButS WVhltby Tawnsbips, lbeb bih la1th* Méthodiat ChureitM )t e.rila.utàMl wlillbeho eld botu ,!t.ràffl 8"4 *y=- Ing. for which a rteagppin$ îtrrazxged. Go te Harry T. Thaupffo, Wbt" for ]argent vont airti maieds. coreorats gepardin a -04018 electîons of frtetn41 or QO*ý1O'0 tics af [ho towI I. t las -"-* Dublieb noes « ail tIi' Imnles tyul furs 0 ttrip"fl. nu 17attontwil# fum formation tte .p~r Discouata of,86 6 Ing offered t mnns Home, and the Inidustrial- Refuge oni Belmont street. and tii. Dav-epor.t Mission, now thie Avenue Road Presby. terian Church. 8h. was Preàident of the Board of the former'for a number of years, and together wltb' Mms.Goo., Allan Arthûrs wus Instrumnental in foundlug s.nd maintaiut the latter for upwards -of twenty-fte years, un-r Misa Mate %Wlght TUONÉR f m a u p£PIONAN Pupils prepafed for Toroalo Cm>. servatory or Unlv.uutye amnto. Resldence at'Mss 1-P. McGiUvrr& ByroStred .Telepona liS&22I. liii lIs ~xative Tablet 'rreattx~febt for Brow laJa e.v~"Cecksa oidprom 'e y. (e. î, dittc'feratqS-he t kWarranted free from Clear, bright and à . 'fTry j[L O111ce. çoosite P.O. Antipyrine, Morphiat Chlorai or Opium.,- A social wus held lu the. Sons of~ England Ladge room an Wednesday. P rice c eveniug, January 19, on behalf oet the - D.0.B. Red Cross Guild. About slxty.j _______ persoa were present, luceludlng seme of [ho 116th Battallou. A geod pro- gramme was given and an enjoyable evening Wag spent. A collection ut a- bot$9 w taken.W IJT IEY SALE REGISTER. Thursday, February 3.-Auction sale af horses. mllch cows ad feeders, the -rg ad Sainim- tr rpraperty o h.Ple, o 5 o.9, Whitby Tp., haîf mile east o! Ashburn.!W IIB . N R l Saautor. Ir.H.S.Puh Saaut io'cok hrpe. .Pui, sole Aget ~for Nyal Prepariatio,. Tuesday, Fobruary g.-Auction sale, Bell Phone 37, Independent Phone -j7 et tarm stock, Implemeuts sud furni-t ture. [ho pnoporty of Jas. Stephon, lot' 23, con. 6, Whitby Tp.. near Brooklui station. Lunch at Il. Sale at 12.30. Wmn. Maw, auctioneer. PersQuai Mcntion. Mr. F. H. Woh;rley la on a ton days' trip ln [ho States. Mr. and Mrs. 0. M. Goodfellow spent the week-end ln Stouffrille. Mr. David PIlkey, ot Saskatoon, Sask., la now v-lsltlng relatives at Bal- an. Mr. Pllkey la lu [ho omploy of the Saskatcheawn Govenment as a dalry ougîneer or expert. He reports [he city of Saskatoou fiourishing, sud [ho entîne West reoveriug finely f rom [ho financlal depression of tho pakt two years. Advpettsumets. TO LET. Six roomed, bouse to, lot. .Apily to J. C. Hyde, Whltby. -80 BOY WANTED. A smart boy, with gaod education, ta learu the Driuting trado. ApplY at Gazette and Chronicla Office. "LID 'WANTED. Gentral housemald for private home lu Rosedalo, Toronto; amail famlly, blghest wagon; muet ho a good cook. A.pply at Gazette offce. NOTICE. The adjourned sale et taxes of the County of Ontario wll be held lnu-the court Houa. ounFrday, JaDUuar 28, 1916, at the heur ot 8 o'cloek la the, atternooni. E. A. McKîay, Cotunty Treas. FARMS FOU SALE. Tenders *11l b. recelved by 'th; un- lerslgued for the purohaseoffthe toi- lotviu farina.the irùterty et t@ .ee- ate of Arthur Annis, deceaad, Vp ta !ebruary 19, 1916. The hlghest ot BIIY :onde-nat necessaffly cO)ePted.,'-,l 1. - Th e rth haltetoflot 85 ln .thbe seventh concession otflDarlngtou Town- ehip, cemprlslng one hiund acres and hait a! a road allowsuce. Good framo bouse wlth collar. Two godk arus on atone -cllar, 'tre-good wellzJ Iwo orchards, farm woll-teuced. Sali,: clay bain aud la goed 01mb a! cu1i-ý cs.tian. 2. North-emst quarter of lot tourteen in the fil-t conceaÈion et E-Last, Whitbye comprlslng fitty acres, Large frime buae wltheellar, good bardt wlth eelr ai', dnlving ha, twà geod vla I t ochards. tarin ve fnud sua a lom la good stateofilveiumt uated, th ree.qtuarterao! a mé- vj'est- nom ,centre of! Osbawta ounK.1u stoa 'Ferma,'10 -Der -cent napoe aeo tmdeir sud balance on eOMPI #lea O!, conveyance on or aboùt irUt~396 Âddr-esstenders or lnquitest W.,Ia N. SmNLAR b di mi 'BTFOR CALTES# Ryde's Creamr Caif Meê!1 We have secured the agency for "'Ryde's " Cream Caif Meal 25 lb. -Bags,' 100 lb. Bags, Hundreds- of' Satisfied Users. $ 1.10 eacb 2.00 eacb v PR I ,NOLE'S HARDOWARE. WHITSY, ONT. CEE%'* TEEÉ,ý Two 'ee anti- Comnbin'ati'n from 10 pe- Garmes to $0 op Suit~ ** -32 GIRLSWA To& Oan oSinger 8W oblnu, Gk»d vg. WeVI ag sok lFRES 11 n CANNES ý 666à Our ulok .Up#toat e U m m a«le 144 sh A.F. -*mi-C msoo wr N.,-, WU Juust a c S. O. AGRIucLTUP.&LIeOcIf. tuI The saulmai ettlu cf1* on 0.< Ositava On Toeuia et ladt w Pei edbM ortbo- mmu ravê* . PrwMet-Q.RM*tueul bel t AI i f. s 4,. i-J

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