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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Jan 1916, p. 6

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5S1 PW . ym w - St[WI heaiitatàd. W. 1 deliber&te- o0her trap?, ti8 u ' s t rrdmo or IAxcd rgue kew tat I outoiorne t T P cet id ohe Su etýn t afeurlnt cm - te lite. The electric headlights sud- denly blosaomed, there was a click of the starter uwîtch, and the mahine gathered speed and went rushing 'r .- ~ ~I V taway through the nigfft The, reen aeal. Was t taking me to Lois? I ws 8Usedwith amiserable sense Sy CIMRLBH801DMONDS WALlC of being carried farther and farther away from her with every mile that Author of "Thé Silver BlÀde,» 'Mei Paternoster Ruby,' Unrolled se swiftWy behind us. The automobile was a large seven- "The Time Lochç," etc. passenger touring-car, and 1 was a _______________________________________ solitary figure on the back seat. We lin@ _______ were well. into the northern outskirts of the city before I became aware CHÂPTER XXII.-(Cont'd). a quick feeling of alarm at the iden that I was Xnot the tonneau's sole oc- Tii w. ssultd y hethat I was to be held accountable for cupant-though possibly the only Thearing wsasutdb h their presêne bore. animate one. 1 had entered it in dark-. baiah, strident melody and crash of ".i told nobody about th~e messa&re- rins; the top was up; the street lights brasses fromn a Chines. orchestra, us- not a word," 1 uttered with fervent ws sped past did flot go far toward ually no disa greeable to the Cauca- earnestness. "If the police are here, illurninating the portions of the in- sian s musical ear, but at present in it 's not at my instigation-not be- terior that were in shadow. It was nice harmony with their settlng. T.he cuse 1 told thom te comc--under- net until my foot touched somnething very air was heavy with exotic per-sand? soft and yielding that my attention fumes and the incense frorn thous-1 heodmn oreonii silence. was drawn with a start to a shap- ands of amouldering josa-aticksa. The, After a long, anxious pause, and stili less mass upon the floor. affair, in good truth, wvas organized without looking up, he said:- I made out the vague outiines of and conducted upon a splendidly mag- d4 %el1v weîî. You wait. Shut up by what appeared to be a bundle of rugs, nilficent Scale, and for some minutes 'a by' 1 corne for you." or carpet. I leant forward and feit the combined colorful whole was be- wildoring to the cys:- deý.ail was tem- At this moment the pretty girl re- over the heap with my hands, even porarily eclipsed by the general effect, turned, ber face wvreathing 'an smiles' going so far as to lift the top folds. and 1Ivandered aimilessly about trying when she caught the admiring look R.ugs-, I concluded, puzzled-or car- to get my bearings, my attention fre- with which I was exaaiining her ex- pet. quently diverted by the greetings of hibit, and before I could withdraw Satisfied that my surmise was cor- friends and acquaintances. gracefully from the vicinity, 1 was, rect, I dismissed the matter from my I dd fot now wha toexpct.obliged to purchase, at a terribly ex- mind; but for the moment I was 1Wdd tevr lse ha imagiexp e-t travagant price, an image of Confu- struck with the incongruity of com- W ee le1hdiaieasb-cius. bining so ordinary an errand-.as this Ing ikely to confront me here to- Ariother tormenting perind of wait- of hauling a bundle of rugs with one night, it included a mental picture. of ing now ensued; but already the crowd as momentous as mine was. a ('binaman accosting me, drawing was beginning to thin perceptibly. 1 In a very few minutes w-e were me off mysteriously to a secluded cor- was in formed at onie of the bootbs speeding along Huntington Drive, ner, and after 1 had handed him the; tbat midnight was closing-time, and whicb would soon fetch us to South ring and box, whispering nt my sar a it was some minutes past eleven I Pasadena and Alhambra, or if our des- thr- way to find Lois. The rest 1 ieft in the' air. curbed my impatience as best 1 could, tination lay beyond these towns, to and, baving a;ecured my bat and coat, Arcadia or Monrovia, or even Sierra hfystery and secrecy were se alien kept a watchful eye upon the iv'ory Mndre, where Struber had gone that to this gay, glittering festival, bow- carver's booth. nf ternoon. ever, and the bright faees o f frienda fasde eadm aepo We went between the two first- wcre soe ontitantly rlsing before me Ofuncedn 'Icearnmsakblnam r- named towns with scarcely diminish- uponevey hndtha itwasdifîcut i iar.. 1 îooked round but encountered ed speed, and were rounding a bend to keep my purpose in mind as a grîm nofc tatIeonie.Tn in the highway when our machine reaity andnt sa ot !hieu rigbt in front of me 1 espied a Chinese, swerved sharply to the right. 1ibzae early began to grow, boy in a costume o! dazzîing yellciw > There wvas a blinding glare from. restlp.q3 and impatient, responding to and blue siîk covered ail over w-ah thehlghts of a swiftly approach-ing salutations only [n an absenfahogitsrsan an zg automobile. For a 'second we wvere whîe hrredUp n on h r f ow erH was grinning at me, an d bath ed in the dazzling raya, and 1 ai.sîcar between tbîe rows of bootha, ~ietfe i yagpi i pe leaped breathless ovei the deor, for kely caningevey drk oregn'f ront row of teeth. It was Stub. our tux-n aside had been se abrupt face for some sign or token that my "Whnt are you doing hors in- this that 1 f eared a collilsion. que.st was ended. aqeae11 eaddInafahtemciewsuou. As tims drew on and notbing bnp- Imsue1e't emne.In raredflas the acin as upon-s pencd aiy impatience grew beyond al "Gee! Isn't it grept, boss?" be Te- lit r ared>likpe thewid. Nx n bounds. Nine-ten-ten-tbirty--lev-, turned cheerfull>'. "I'm' just picking -tn t(eb otne. en o'clock came and went. 1 devot.ed up a little easy mone>' on the side. (ob otne. r moment to wondering what had be- But, sa>', the kids wouldn't do a thing (orne of Struber, and what he would to me if the>' caugbt me on the street ac when he returned te the city and in the rags. Gaudy! Wow!" Iearned o! Lois's disappearance. AI-, "Do you mean to tell me you're paid ANCIENTS KNEW WAR GAME. though 1 had no inkling o! what had for making this Spectacle of your- ICars ihPeetM t carried biai off te the mountains, ISelf?" Strange ota WhPrsnMe- could not but believe that h. had been ',Yep. l'a in the Chink village. 1 edseof Killiag. led away purposely--oa a wildgoose serve ten, chop suey, shark'si fias, Bokdn n lraernig chase, like my own here to-aighL- bird's-nest soup and aIl the delica- Bl aigad blockaderdnnire- After ail, when the ignal came 1 îcies o& the season. Most o! 'em's o! which se much has be er e wat3 not looking for it; it cagtm real Cinks, but a bunch ' us kcids. cently, is not a young war measure wholly unawares. 1 was ctaujhi be pulls d own four bits a night for hein' by an>' means. One of the earliest f ore a booth where were dislaydin-, npr 'th cnr>.Da es. uthcntic instances of the practice nuaierable specimens o! carved~ ivory. "And this is why you have been dtsbc w eauisbfr h There were tiny images of Buddha, wantiag to sleep aIl day this past dates bc w etris-fr h sitting cross-legged in his familiar at- week-I ses. But don't forget that: hitian ors. Marcus Claudius Mar- I have first dlaim upon ypu au cellus, commanding a powerful Ro-0 titude o! meditative devotion; oIe- .u vl-1 phants witb howdas upon their backs;!able services, you imp.. Wait a, man army and an efficient fleet, laid, hidou, gotsqe gdaand go -minute." An idea had suddenly pop- siege to the Ileiso! Ciîiy. Carthage, E desse3; chessaien, ana counitîesasohe ed into my mind, and 1 had onl>' alRm' ra ia o h ot br faiicieLi ail exquisitely carved. short time to avail myself of this' of Africa, one of the great sen powersc In the rnidst of this beterogeneousoprtny.aexned c of that Urne, was not at al Pleased1 weter o! fantastie images and figures *Yus thaenexnd c-' with the idea of Rome capturing Syra-I 'wn old gray-haired Chinaman %a, hi. quaintance among the police," 1 sald: cuse, a freect, n roal ivas a ow beni b~ar-T itols and not fro m, nd tiel ai tno ngetho i atnd wth Garhag.a m, ,- on dropped to niv right hand- f i t îu. D yu e througb tr.ace.qt!i le secmetl auddenly t4,diinIta 1lIid ulitected bis interost, for bis "I Ket yen, boss."* he repied, a .l bly bzad bOM .stabu*a4 b.to M y rii.;i'd to mine asent, mi'a warn- vwstfui look betraying lus çacgracjs auSU%"sentt6 Rlg aset, 4jysa-. i glance. Thon del4benast.ely he tO >learn wîSI.t thi mysrterieus pro- e»» la OU. a tise crUst Iusauoe pirketl up an amalcube-shnr'ed bit o! Ceediusg potended. werti. ff dese$ ablri' & #., PMN- orynannd affected te work upon it' lHc darted away juatst ptty *, w..4dtvitlle 46-11a M wîrth oie o! blie toola. grl .merged freita *6 vory beh,ý.jjîj, ii w<s u 'Mo tVih astat Irecîrn wdi sôn Narfntud t otanne com-eeed by a jipo> sa4 'f t ho ivor> boxes. »utoring ceat aed v**ENO b#40 he i çcul îo alor Lusîr0c a le-id artist a cbery good-lght sud t ,i, so I turnrd aw(yand-mistroiied <on Jitda piesed-Iocidna Yom g hap dln',-n the aisle. At tho endi 1 th.ceiedwho teàswItla# g ter., "b woin",Asgqrme "e '> peLyzrl bvilu4lv IretPC* riI.Nerud a ttDot e69Y is"tiiichY."1u! ili' ern, dinappca nrogh Then eboïtly canme-the' Chianmaî.aý1 j g~jt ' pqt t*~~ e uitan, nt the rt'ar. lic ad'.onced with asuch à polut.d k. en.,, itla "Mt ight fert w ihad rn'("Jved the .sigl,.al Mat it. 1i nvtung of My pre»Once t"st 1Iop smy i e1 awcw.'M 0("k a rwÎkt %té or two f ont ar'iandI;11 t appe.sredtu tapy 'noe ttiputiutoi -ti 1 tl,"Iuniironed, -1i cri heie; At hepa4sd he Bhhsxag a ort .oa-fiKb $d * -t lues *a ' I t;~beIc sr(u al cvçiîg" Mand fren i:M crer of bis areutk¼*sOIeUzp *be 0AAu-4.f ýJ.thout di '~n;:ou rnj 'h t3a lo)! You fo'liw nie," uandpurzueit ai ik. rg41l &t f-.'v"n~in, bis rnjI -irtn, way îvthaut fuiter &ft pais.. *Qt- but .t ih ,i 6wiftÈ{jli,,ice. to)w.rtt the I (ll Rto bij wnkN , n ua min- ýtft otip sd mws "àsU îcr rtnlie r..ttrne'.U u <w ci b h a matttr It 'j~lirme h'n, t. u où . md thr'sugh a aIde douRajte aýn RI v.Aly g.oo."1 A liglit m ab i door refla t "t Of course 1Wâi n glu «oWise te bluta.'dai'isi n iii Ma etai-tets if, thbpolice e ~d extendent their attv- My g" uide tarni & M th*êem RUies te the bannai.; it gave mne an thse au4todu* .M , aâ q âfèefingf ceêtiemrthew Cmou'«M twé . bA, nm * aiiqta ba PSer«PiNC*1 ep«t»% 10 - _____ -z - .. . I<. . « iiVER £:' - 't., ANTI covsl,$./N /Nfl A7LPf .~qwcÊ This picturs shows iow Lthe <1-1'- t'the Limone ef "'AU the Russias," enjoyg im tnaeU in tbe aintor ti ý.<e. The' Czarovâtoh Io sbown stand- ing on is sled. wmhie hi. coiuk, PrhnSuu Roto.av. AloxAndrovitch sits at mthe backc Sciectent Recipes. roll eut a..iaif îmcitiick, tien !ry Rn Stewed Chiekea, Delaware Dumnp- boiling bot. fat. ligs.-Take large ciken for stew- Potato Biscuit.-Boii mea>' peta- ng; dut iap joints, ntust ench ppuce toms ver>' soft, pare and masi them, with saIt and pepper and roll in fleur, and to ever>' four good-sizcd potatoos caretul>' covering ail parts. Fn>' un- adt a piece o! butter the size o! ani til brown inbot fat, nemnoving sncb sgg, ndn a teaspoonful of sa-lt. Wbcxi >iere as soon as hrown; aow Rutn the butter is meltent (womk whie tic thesteingpo an ad theept potatoes are hot) add oe cup o! milli o sting ptrmnd ant ticed (that has been boilet and coled ) and water Cok tantrte afafinelyakmadacedg ~1IR»<>ok gcntly until tender, aqmtro es ae n nul geneall abut to hurs do fleur to moit. Kneat and set te rise weer al1y ab u w e h uro n t slt -n a wanm place. W isn rison, roll atdýer oiawbout Seasinutb emeout on the board, using littîs or no sean epraot15mntsbfr fleur; cut eut and let mise again for erv keDlaae uping ak 20 minutes n a wrm place. Bke in To mke Dlawre dmplnga akeoveu for 15 minutes on on top et stove one -cup o! fleur, one teaspoonful o! on a griddle. If tiese aremmde up baking powdsr, two tablespoonfuis ef at nigit tic>'eaui be rend>' for break- neitent butter, one tenspoontul o!f fast. sait, one egg and about one-quarter7 of a cup o! mile. Separate thc cÈg, Tic Proper Way'ie Ceook Ris. beat the yelk well, tien add butter - Thse1d Creole waY e! preparing amnd mlk, graduaiy werk ini tie flour, iewhcmutbofswy ht- and whsn well mixed put in_ thc white nrs, which met eofgrinsnctwiten- of egg, beaten uuiti sif. Drop tiR sa evs vr ri istntn batter lny tii. apoonfu nit te stýwder. andRperfectl>' drY. It miuet b ed chbkken, mok I» minutes, thenul1114Ithorougbly waïbed, and picked over, Mmd: te tale on lgrge platter- with tmi rubbed betwosn the. bands befOre Ïb. 'dumplingea arund thee dge ef cooking- Place pan ever * tre witha platter and ts thee e" n the kknquart oet water, andt wlen boiling add Pour gravy, in which the. chicken wu. a oui> ef well-cleaned j rlcep a few cooked, over a11, and aprinkle witi graine ut atme, su as net te stop the j P u U R u i g T ek t c e g . sio ia l y w ith il te r f o r k to p r e v e a p PUnt' e twl'MI tcling te bottom etfpan. -As uoo one cf 0"et uslk, -Ivo and eue-lieU as tise grain commences ta sotten, do cup&-o Ofle'ur, tbr'qU&tt sOf '9 CSP net atûr on uny aeount; let, Rt con- Of- singer, one talolepooful of but- tinue boiin unt1 l ris beilate te', bal! a -teaspOOWuloei sait, one g il eutundit ppeer te th"cen;us- tepoRi t "e&t 4 lngpo*der, and uUythutaesabout 2» minutes, Sone pattant4ftcherîel4 Stoe&.d. ep#.Tjý', js i.. e asertained. by mashini rata thseegÏ4but tise yellw untl U ntélb the luds btween 1the Ilugeru 11<111, Inliithe- butter, sat, crdrain anti set potln tie. oven wftiiout e4d - baklg powder; b6eat> w.U, thea toM ~ ~ ~ W RtiewI-teiwie.-iI lMe re May -PURor Swel for le au -bi", tn e * o 87 t t a talantes; Rt must net browa, Just sum weUlbMtred M « Otil@W y dry ouùtsh othe. Pot oed in - âtOW.S«"< it Ib 1 ol oeilwo-. ie. ervéd Wlbic la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ M aýý istien o. i-10 oio-,u ý ~aae a» ap»etZtD i»g M, il à- idR-0 i k -ti"; 0- or, e lu, b*d orceamlw UO They, May Mbeterved yvtb'puât ettiibg fis -oves, Imiueffduy ut eif heybu been talten moisi theiçvwatét, or they 'Whcn,4lztgplain raisiîn puddin an eh i. j~us ge, odt d lsfPer. A'* pail- -of beilng .0alted ,*to? ehould be poured down the >ktchen sink every week te prevent Its b.- comiag stopped. Ground ceffes sprinkled freeiy aMengat tic fur or featimofo game when packcd for travelling will keep t fresb. Before home made bread is put Rate the even brush the tops o! tic boaves witi butter, andt the crust will romain moist. Atter being used for fisi frying- s i I r a t i a us "i t G t- r' e t r SMOERSARENO T THRIY. Many Millonis Spent on Neediesa Lui unies in Great Britalu. pans sliould be scoureci eut WIth sait -Atter preachRng thi e edof e ecofl and bot watsr. Tuis removos the omy te thoeination, the British -House ifishy smoîl better tian soda and wa- of Commons madte t. flirt start in' ter,~ this direction by substitutiflg steel fer" Scraps o! bread should neyer be qul pens, which have alwaYs beexi allewed te accumulate Rn the bread as-socînted tiiere with law and 1aw-I pan. They should be made into pud- aig dings, or browned Rn the oven fer Fwmakling.uilpes btthy raspings.loF espectale.ike qulî avensbtee> If wben peaching eggs a teaspoon- iorese nctable Sethveyhaveeen fui of vinegar lu added ta the boilingspeerfethi envsdvatcrces oRn water It willlprevent the egg !rom tspiteelo t.ic obvlousdany tae0f brenking. AIse, tougi ment "m<a> be tic steel peu i.rthou ret sathn- made tender if piaced in strong vine- ua thanunquilewouadeetesvcan- s gar waten for a few minutes. al. Bmut quilîs are pniveand n Te sprend thc butter wben 'ver>' afrm ensure .the>'ancnoabene bard bave a cup o! boiling waterfraUcComn.Terbscel ' handy, and dip the peint of the k i regretten b>' memibers sincete into it. each time bef ors sprcnding I aeecletpp laeý atog tic breant. Tis enabies the thinnest poor pens. bread to be butterent without spoiling1 Steel pens, Icas writig pape-r and a the suie and wasting the butter. rtnment en matchth, aboetonGev- Eggs, if cracked, cann be safel>' boi encw iteaoiino cd if a teaspoonf ul o! vinegar is ndd- Gvrmn ieursndtcrdc cd t thewate. Whn egs ar tRou o! tic enormous pensions of tic scarce anc teaspoonful o! vinegar is a Juds.woutld, fn>'thepcnitic s good substitute Rn cake baking, and hv ounda. Bu tn e n tic poiicans wîll make a cake light in wbich drip-wi t sh obs a nd ey e d nwa ping bas been usent insteant o! butter. waUi scls ob n ueen e Chappent hands during thc wiater I,,ai'ds md tdfeettbco are often thc lot of the girl or woman nurematatdfenttbco wbo as a spanta prtio ofbershops in London b>' a nepresentatîve, time over the sink. Keep a little jr mi ofeanwspae show tit .wsen o! oatmeai iandy, and atter wasising oyR e Reypatcd hn and ryin ti hana mbtbeoat the new war tax went into eff ect, andll ine the ska and utheoftmeRs1,cheaper cigare and cigarettes were' dnllin o tes ie nddskln . Thiamokent for a tRie, but soon Uic smok-ý Wben yen are fixing n piece ef wood Deens rerned a te hi o brndte with a scnew, aiways nub a littîs tl- sDenifoersemarkarealn ghf athee low on the screw before putting it Rn; sl !bxs !cgrnîhuitse tien it can bc taken out mucb sasier, is a grenter demand fer single cigars.7 even 20 years af ter. Tis is tar. bet- Tic main difference causent b>'tic new' tser tlan having ta iseat ene's scrcw- tax is tint customers now grumble' drivr, ecaue îatirg tc sccw-about tic prices. driver, viii min Rtatic heattes ". Better close Uic lubranies, which aive ti tmprut !it ste. ttksare an expensive luxury for slackersý Tic best thing fer cleaning funni- and n haunt for idlers nnd werk-siys turc is just ordinamy brown boot pel- stecm ntoefthwmi n isi. Rub t well Rn witi a picce of he borrougi ef Camberweli, who flannel, and polish up witi n soft, dry came te the public batis aunt wasi dusten. Tie effect is inagical. Be- houste find t clossd as a mensure o! sites polishing tic Wood it tends te municipal eeonemy. - Tcs public, darkn R, nt pesevesit rom Rn-bath ant laundry bouses bave beein of: sare ts. and ver lîttîs om ine- great use te laborers' famiiies in Len- cessr>'.ensamal fi met a odn, whose cottages have feW or ne sideabl tie. ees eibw lg'ys convoniences fer washing. Residents Re nedetl tni.en s ent tic rda-e ofCambemwel are indignant at ti ary eee pouah. yu sdte ri-kind of econory, when the frce libror- OLDEST BRITISH SOLDIER 70. H.'. Probably More, But Doeen't Know. Although bc must h. weii over 70 years et age, Pmivnte Bill Hall o! the Royal Engiacers Ra figbting againat tic Germans with tic British army in France. HnUl's approximat. age-he dees n-st kaow t exactly himsael-hai juet' bien found -eut b7 is eomradss-sa reaîlte idscovery tint i. has a son aIso at thse front wieo N 49 ye«i. -Sergt. W. Flux, eofiiall'is cenupaay, wie is bitait eonlmiii ee writes: "The moat remarliable man eut ii.. i. Bill Hall, an old soldier 11k. myse1t, vie enlistent as 47 years o!. age, but visa iii producent bis mai.- riage certificate we fouiid be was asarrient Rn 1861, and we hv tc dR.cosvered iait bia sonu laged49. Se- la a marvel for workr, anint 1e basneye once tleon out, tiiough w. -were marébing aud flgbting once for Bye duys on end. -eTie sofliers bave toiund eut about bita, ma twbeer w «ê.are au buou sci e rIcws s'"W i p'u id and #o op.' a-fa as 'Wé et. at 70 y.eara W , ie dmans-"i*TrMY1» op do- Rn - T1 I illae xiion t larsnfc aestl spllns n Englatfrsextrasrtharecoit b. eI dipensnt frwit. Tiacul figurellsfiporetaton gveThe l-s iogfigures fiprnaterns io!hepond stering fgrs ntrnso- pud Oct.rlintgs Ornamental fenthemis, 64,269 Cigars .. .. .. -.....6,487 Champagne.....8?,262 Carpete .. ..........9,973 Ahnonds .. ........126,189 Animal ivory....... 17,63 Musioal lnstrume'ts. 28,973 1,043,544 725,949 761,041 134,150 535,719 285,495 232,305 The import et dreased sealskin f urs, t may be notent, was est>' 262 pounts ïorý t4. 10 montie, cômparcd witi 13,859 pounde Rn tbe corresponding- LPirîod oet.1913.- Germun Dividende Drap. Tise Berliner Tageblatt publiabes a series ýo! tables abowung the dividend >reuctione 'cf big Gerùman Brnis àince tâse war. Amoag tihose vieosufoeit Mst ver. t4e potat msanuacturera, be=uMusê ei.cOmpIt.êcuttinsg Ofi eft hem .ezport markets; tic ceaient manufaieturere, icaua.of the.,col- lapse oethe, building, trente, anad ,Rn- <tiserai, &aIl fre al uuttralx Manei but 'e OO& it bre-i,"longg A . ... ... -.. a t lit r-- ? F

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