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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Jan 1916, p. 7

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i 'fore hi> corne back atterbis wagon. part, to nef use to know w-ion ftiey u tbe1àm p.w a jboft*e<d'BlseU.tb rd &Z rt t1 e gel a kui et ides tint I'd like towere bestçu. on tic third day the. re- a j.d %*l iifl. omtult tîwo aI-put tbat boss town ia my Iower pas. tiremeat bogan early ia the morluing. AMORfor A. mkiaud-hB 94-15 About ,W W v.'atUsleCiaPr>la* tii er, wit-re tiere wn't aaybody sec ia te course ef tic day Genenal Foch mq<iCP= nuà WlobrhS, t vmwetth .e.t*iui tapr him; 'ad nebc l'Il toed hum a little 1 once more teck tic offenive, ant by ~a ~ âu.licwiala premenù tshfb>aw *.nI.-t4i '1grain frein lime te turne. andti ee what aigittalh h ud deliveredthet .declId Iasuwu.'*, IW.*btal et Mne, ,uniqe-,t.v .pye aa the look like in a couple of mentis.blamyonthed e is ialpocplat0, f -PI.FsIS ttse.Nool rba~h-. %I NVhat Say1sy th - - Cna is tai I lnfâft t. ir>tatao!TO.Oi --'We took anti led tie bosasinto tic rcti'at h alng iiicono Lamn, anti the acit day Wilder led hlm exottabeaPooto f îiown te tic ban pater, which waà aIl l i Loe But Po«t. ttlmtu h Nbrt M shiain by trocs, adt ned hlm I~n. A poor Young a-Ir" couple w-oi .1944, s t. 10 S icOie p4i gqgl "Wben 1 .aw that hossain,bIlt the peut to b. maMett -dr"nindu$1 ola-wn lae- tbroc weeks Inter, L almest woutldit love, but no poor lan.artly 9g00Mds .h,- ave knowka hlm. His hoat w-as Aop ti.y diti net ,voei4p05lO5 tue ou 5f 5-anti ils oye Fra* bigit, *" hlicWb*s csaslwv pie.for tla ii. w-.dIfr« t I,*toutl ~At * sc kitin' round tiaha5tér etlike aaceit. fe 'f1%0priant wus yeI0«thsinubis -e* 'o hm'.1 muidWilderw-bat he imwias aù~Ii nisu -. No lmô,n. wïtu orulO t0 do with bhi5I.bt be ogJS IOiluSbdeaL * .ght~.~-- tShouA andi gelunetialitti.W eWshr, bspl .sId amui LOt --You w-it am' sec,' ho sff. lP> iWMt pelt *0 uggw." U.~ the, a p lan, mebe.' v ,t bnl for, anthor bisa t take t*0etb.uutbo utwrfot@ etau.il # ~toi -j mne. ftt But oselmwasblgk st!<su unesIN to fBonaey hateti to syout i 44g'1*f5fl ,40& Noboê. M in in cutî te ff (ue, >lisidiI i F *4 our O5w ê * .à, . tefor ome, ni OI -a*b g ce bis pff Ist»0U9«g 4«o1Ù3i4,a"J'e is u evruiEit~- 'bo, tsylP' <w1leur batpU*it047on On"r-7' try it. I îold lier ià wsne U rm «$,lu " t w-i y * $*0»4, fimallhy, te humer h,ý tried aUIe W st.~l~btI ppwL and th.y juat trucklWy trU4 ft M im om - W* & ' do was thse tiet foodi that 1.Ia et» s 1 PO"' m wbM e .kaeblAWO I*P n 7tl,5 > yar that ditin. asolw iu. 1 osise tisei.W-as udes etussttinl ont tborAd sut s>S "My bi *in i lean, bIs>d aU r'lgbtIl *90 w b«» Ue0ï ,uï,118,010af4 ttan î Àît77 r~i Niné thouan4 million pouIIIA'hnodo' lk ~ydmc nMiei hm M yurl lu oxaçt pguru 49ý44?>»Q»0 6m maat"ë â W a t e réyi, _a s ieibanL X 4 I t - w ihattacb le "ue w aM i une sgu blne1 [A-»H e tWAll w W e t cont erIÎ4B rl th iiaVýs aU lbo u tmi »f.io d d l- Only those w ohve en__teii'4ipnàntIla revr 4 @j Mrt ne ualgis eaanfori= the fmiftîtei below the a a edd1er's cir. r a'à w nb7 t. jniy 81 1e M .«Lo 4 u l~ e r i' u né 1i Or. w3 ]y j~ i~ pa~ o tr e o s u idea, >of whâa t ltîvtilua ser. n emaéiated herse, Pereaked létioht. s ioths Bits. nt ôSùOII1O! r W.1 lFuÏd a ColiPlte Càre lot nget the tender sian, a .5h4X1Caeb pea ee regarded the horse capdbnd 8< ip. A,>~>~ ~B Y'CoeNoe lbIBYNd.e pcufY 4ienb1 antiýsafà wt'u f taet-jf, aiddn tafrm ore ap nrv; itlnly -KCPSth sii sk QI~ fretOXUtTeet veaiia, an 21h~~eOa1. Iktea 1' ~e'te eat f eilui wheh' theien pler éprxy2eopiu.ht " o' eivsh oare so-mm.e, nIb h piptlMYlU .thds erue w8flS nI ufrfg uto ad tth emn, nlt- Oly1l8alti is ,eu r alg ia. T h e c eu se f th e tr ub e ly , "that I've seen a h ees ru n o Ml n l a fi nd teaà ë d îýi n .i ,ï e t c e hadew l i ll idisordered nredue to Weak, quite" sbdastu nesnete ti oitd-Ou ote y da h tte Ddd'a Kidney Iills." Zeebrug.Mntr a era watery blod. The cure las Dr. Wil- time Needhàm Bnsey sold a hoss to stores everywheic. It 's ond euta eevni e ar it ongar c lei thesttorrd ad b M se liams' Pink Pilla, which make new, Wilder Blake for two dollars. You Refuse substituteS. war finance, that the- acemaulated Geje M. Newman, an estimable abaie w esl ttemn-gonue ~ rhrdboan hssn anonver ke eda or y ya-wealth and national incarne1 et -Great et lvnhr.Se-la0sui srent n h e d b od d n s hand ke eda oxsy ya- Frc bookiet on requCut. Bitain lis on auch on asstityqung lady livng er Sh 's texoyer te 1rnadte es ateghntedsree ovsadder-he died 'fore you ever moveda og aita Oejyda hrese cure neuralgia. Mr. Louis Martin, here. teehv nybensihl fetdwantsa uffoning woen Tlte Iti'wup Mildmay, Ont., uays:-"I arn witing 'There s varyli' degrees ef snug- by the war. While GrmauY la utiliz- how ae t e cr. 1Aite ujiRvrotccates tele eukowth retboeit Dr. riess," said Mr. Peaseeo, refiectively. il1r ens eî te nng a iic ud ho cur.. f fnc atI athuh hewMimc Williams, Pink Pills have been to me."hrspuetan n~adsiw our reseurces in mien, rmeney, food- Newman continues,' "and thon thingaselte rhe haipttgtot Two years ago 1 was a pl1*Ical wréck. and downright p'laon mean. Bonsey CHESEBJOUGII MM Co- staffs and rnw material has been us ecm dte go from bnd te worse. destryh.Motosteaebeu - M y nerves were ail uni. nng and 1 was p'ison m en. W ben 1 tell Yen he o ï me ) -tou he, in spite et this estm ted MYuat k a h d a r m s l Y u e suffenod tortures frein neuralgia, in neyer weighed w th in tintty pound of l m. c haw A ». mo pr4~ vastr,expeaditurc te tic end of u îly m uscles, an di 1 uuffered freai iead- tiai to p n tc fg tn o i ,G i th e h ea ti an d th re n g h eu t ti e n erv o u s w h at h o o u g h t te w eig i, 'c u n t o u i l i l a h t of Mrabce a ch M d, I m d s b oe am p nda m u et u p o t h P e ch a d n systein genernlly. I was almest unfit scantin' hirnacîf et victuaiS, yeu'll RsOa ur bi a oras than hatet aceaceshigmy ee w roen fand fl"ipiPenul. Seethai ýor woRu asie, Austnia ora gGenmanyhatticttotalerwere apuin hcdlaneti siallew wdrnft, ieavy-£50,-m edlcra atdcarer-_______________ r along with te nthe and ificlty arim neerthigeBne we nteate htestnoyd-bcinge52,50Othe. Gcmnny meyeon 1s aetiera -o hav o nteadtewhtbte e"Ytable.and la thc morniagaI d M -AL doctored forabgtreate athsî andcu ty. i hmesdidrn'tgt ted ey o ieay n~th oer sa troye00-thevale e£ prpe6y00et00eterrn. ws 1 aa Sbit- 1-oiun9.ic gnntc thii time took over forty dollars worth way of animais get 5e thin you~ c'd word. &s lwadsufera Most in pocket, and by tic cudter totste in my menti. idbTeWada6ihgulatese.F'ni. a7c of inedicine without any benefit.'i scarcely sec em edgeways. After a bit, Wilder 8assl ofadetJuly it will have expeidod £2776- Reading ef cures by Dodd's Kd-Te 1-o usfn rjctlswn abY More I ws acuall groing orse "Bosey had a heas tint he used te thonghtful, 'sif he was wigiifl' 0ve17 000,000. Germany*-1oss ef productionwcgagstonhdrdpusfr Ot and finally had te take te my bcd. My1 tote hie truck te Biangor with-a word, 'Neediam Bonseyý, lmai gela' te Wil nmn eal*t 650O00in trial. 1 took a dozen boxes in all, andti________ nerves get sa bad that I could flot pretty good hess it was, tee, in thc be- do somethin' tint mcbbe Yeqnt h n1 Otb fte aie y Pila I ecldedthe gie ton'aa itac e itenmiesicvs-. uw1a yenas can senin 9A0secada, rhtow ic iny il t 1 natnmchsnctiyar rual;p ' ' tura ever in bcd without heip, and the ginnin'; but workin' aIl tiheturne ând understand. 1 Paid yen twollsailapedg ,000 nayont recomrnend Ded' inyPll ealiînoab panws eehngatl. sIarn eatin' 'bout thecsanme as never, 50011 'fer tiis heas, and îve givon hlm the the rate etft£780,00,900 p en ann, o suffening wen." afermer, yen ena easily sec that ne- got hlm where ho wa'n't muci more'n rua etf my lower pasterersicteukpethnrmlaicfld Dodd's KidaoY PIla aesieig. ' n.r .' t csaywork was being neglccted, 80 jest the runnin' eretatss n ted ui'ottn dollars' wuti et Fraacc's bilI ton i miteacee I etfora brother who was in "Bonsey îvas comi' back treai Ban- grain, and now I'vo g0t s hesa thone hon 3,00)0,000 mnih now availabie forwoasbotfin.M J*uOL Alberta, te corne and take charge of gem one day, and had got jeat about that's wuti a indrcd andi twenty-fiVo active service sud1-ti 1,000,000 ia ticeWflV E LOSS. ~ wor. Wie my botherarrive(d abreast of Wilder Blakes place, whcn dolars et any man's meflcy, anti ho Reservo is very heavy. Mr. Cram- TO REDUCE FR OS JI~5C nonlsl .,L> -h once- ured mc the ty l Wil-'ail at once the hosa began te weave!Istaa's me, at the outide, net ol'cr ment put. it t l1sk-6d per man peroe lUou pn oib liarna' Pink Puis, telling me of some from one side of the rond te thc twcnty dollars. Now,' says ho, 'l'il dauayy £,50,00a dy w îe~ M n teto hud lePat .D s.j~ f ubfr e as cure* that had corne under hi! obser- other, 'sif he was dizzy, nd dewn he tell yen w-bat il de. tually tic wholeef tic male pupuin- Inspection. T-e netnlmelt uthv vatien. I gothalf a dozen boxes, and went in Wilder's dcoryard ia oLis ""ikeiiyu ht os,'heeys teabtw oa1-adi50hs eerwt- usle ndorrn uethheaunaw'.D betore tiey were ail gent, thert, \vas side, with his eyes shut, and 'parently 'for seventy-five dollats, and that's dran trea production, the total basr "ecin t o ar-eor atrtient epoel eeo.Tegeil byoeoprdcinaort o£2,0,0.honred s epesn; u iplies mslsnrinadboe utal nodutthey were lwlping me. Alto- with ne more hf e in hlm than there fifty dollars less'n yen can bo O Te t odulcotio Forac t 625,00010henredhseensson,"utis a Ure- uitin h et n ets e gether I used nine boxéis of th- >il. vould ho in a hemlock log! ayhr era od u ihpcla mhsst ayo andi hy tint time i1'vas a well man, 1was Nworlin' for Wilder nt the got -fo sigri an agreeYlOnt te bring tuis next la eatiated et £1,686,400,000 a witi upel mderpns ui e ipaly e gfflç wt banywet hi9 an t i t le impossible te s y ho , ime, and wc both corne rmania' dowa hoss tea e f meeni U ern00meor ha tc toal o r up eady odm mu icp l evigvs he itetia m sces eeris, Amds' tiaakful I was for my release f rom uwhere the boss mwas; when vo saw his lic weighr-aad put hlm on My cost t£28 ia teaes. e oillyla t.trci eVincoeiptnanidiein. unr . ten" Ruussrbin hinth ia. ti matenr et tic fin e s o n-the nw o.I~ i eta'~iDgIU~S 1 Yen can ge r ilas ikPlsbt aeup ouî minds hie was dead. and he weighs over fifty Pouada lese'nqipen ad pke froin nny dealer la medicine or by 'There,' Bonsey ývhimpùred. he does this minutes, he ceases te be T A E E E r eatet o h ups D petpsd t 0cnt oxo hees w olason~ . mno- Orproperty andi becoines my oss rl lmoata ndvelty fintusina mici- tTes sai maix bostfor $, t50 f entic Dm.oWior fni-eti e s two dollars o r hAemaho f- yg inou to t rpa in en asîg j the Object of This Free Pre-. o toln nio ta usîg fns t cr tfo n hîSlr _____ + -- hie tda nihe,, e h rttrcn! hr' ht'vc cipin-Try' It If Your paiywt ipnaetcargotendlgtdr tiams Medicine Ce., Brockville, Ont. ietda.adhtomehectern!Tee' the conditions. Wirpi aiywt eatete dida't 'lî~ ehîm.Andnowhes u " ose omennyud -c d Eyes (Give You Trouble. wi tictheinspection, anti wit ation- AMvn agt ttlg~ L G H 0F T E A EM ' wouldn i t t o gît Me lhom e, 1b ut I s t o e s oh v a t a e f r e h o r ci n f c n i and iedon ieanditi .,ot nue pride 'nough to.rcfuse, but Bonsey ThousaTnds e epesifrfo t tenfaoncbe t i orect Inoine of An Eaglish Wornan Telle of Sore nd more n me af) I } i »' ' cos tcoo fond of money for that. Thcy tr oble becausoe gdhom no m-hat tens arablo tie fines, lasemoetAs Hglne iibgie neei 9 OOt ent tictnad heiltook "or'vother minor ailment. buttvelyanittcameiemrh-DR'rE c f h u re ,. tn dmi -hhn ti ff o u e t Na d e o t t e w ri tin g s n d e t ohey f r e v e n W s m o d h m c - o r l n e i i s s m re r s a i t é t a t o n i r c t i . p a n Inside Secrels. tho (r I n ý a ' u i u c(1ýt r a oe r e re ea set he ru bls.T ey ene at w hich hav e b ie s t pa t a t t s , i g n n i to n la t. e h a n t MotEnls wmnhaebt a 1laheati.' the hoss and went away ith it noe othir ey esetobes.tobele nt wbeen mati etby tic fin ldeal tmts faint ies flite la tic haev-rh- Wieh î-tiîi,îte elbu- 'And," concludeti Mr. Peasico, $TeOusufficient te drive thom te an cya . - Ige wthispcto reinte ho o rriecint. Ticemeet-roh - - What e hIY n s tSUiC s ou \ould ai a right not credit it, but troin tint exîcciliet. who wouid, anyway, charge theur staffsfharg t w iinpeo n ion t ionbpcorect -ired M e - d tod Bfnly n li eo 'çn wst ee wa e-thcm a hea vY fe . Ae a Inet mesomt they wonk. Tic resaiu -t hen w n at " i e.h oe ao talte~ vaen h u at sok.The n dknw' tee vn nbe-go to an opticiai' or 10 the riva and ton- minimizeti, îowovor, by tic tact tinhieh iy? akdJhn tu wome beig uc afew ente, d ther athe icinspectera have net aufficient au-tair Smt areofnt evorwerk, anwa hat lboss, e,ýen if le i tati, tt'iong te you erte Needhmn-TIBons, rvc"YUi'sta t einnot nea eti, or whic l e n ruc enogi. rk da d a m inute longer,' he say , l'Il give (on'panion. more Injury than good. seyéS n th t io frit I tio 'than we" uswcin the lad it bs ben m pnviige yu te tw dolar ant t-e-cae- - Ope. 2onace a telm . sUue e rl o n-pow r te ativance tc faepeotoivatae gtig tc rn e wt i ~ 'ieor it rhav e ute a l n gev ry one shou ld use: 5 tgrainere e n i o talkwit an ng-him. Tiat boss me ari a decent TEPYI00Y0 EETtimas a day tu bathé the cye. Thls Pre- campaigli anti sOcuaOreaeulte. It fltxt lswonnwoassntsemiburial, îith his ekin on him, andi l'M crpi DadthistrtBn-pthiB fr ci lis wmanwh ba sentseera t se tatliege, Fch th Fmou trukeepe the cyese dean.- sharpénse ke dw te nunabenof fines, in- menths ns companion te tic wife Of gm osta egets l. 1 îv eu Whn FrenehCmn ando, tilte a iton an irteil e Bon-Opte Oye- fine fhis arecord epeudeTipesnis n bigi pereonage la indin. Mnny g1t- get ot'n my premisstiiIge-md rai omndr Sy. v inan uckyo eres lar-tereav rk otthewul iasaeeua-da u i f "oeloftwr )'o nl3ehind tic Scenes at tie Front" 'ovemworked. tired cye andoersmaroeutcewud ia-IhvueiynnMNR' ht ~~~~trouble are greatly benefited and often- tnte aebo ciase Indiesaeeuae tor undo ceiftek 0sYwatMye, r ien' mnlo n irtto:wakn eoto'.stb eat eforilty te ineines - iarisLiien o, iuio enarnuret of any f ou Eu nti sta rteti ff u the r o. d entf Turnes, tes nashow that wenrere of gin-secs have dis- chiefsouW insit upon suffcie tant iw itIhae cas nly usd- trindhipwih nglshenan g- igenoftdeaLn dneet -ottccarded them n-after a few weeke use. 5Mnfr npcinwok hs e Ceintand starledgofd forththéady i, n-dddcentthins montforsinspeaboitntwe'k;tthege aiear tth rYlinimedtsnIacanposately for thetin iLsbway et ivig, s~ysa wnter Ili' "W'eil,' Wilder nys;, aftcrr Bonsey opinions et Qeneral Foch, whO oronfive neinréienanlc nfant ur the hut ohl aenvrue a qa eyua L oaah as w erl vi s -. w it nlef I l 1 gues sa mebbe t he ioss'.s as w 'cll y n s e tu e i on strategy an d ati ' m eet sensitive eyet wc f o in nt e o r t P eU n n ep oni &le t n gtic u - bb d et o r e ha is - d Todohenor. eashecue rsaed.l oy Ircoinfoni .Ifyourn XIa' <ndtenanti, te make theïr wonktecr idal.he n24ewf - Tiey cannot underatandtheticfreedoni off îivre a, n:i il ttr~ ut tic Ecole tic Guerre. n-.d.try uo tit, an&prescrioron.end efn-t speothon antiorection , o dgoe hîdjuntyilwinoet'- ilowedtte our wornn but nre chai- per, anti then You'n' l*11l make cone used of ten te qtiote a saying et Josephifi to the 'saimas Dmag Co.. Tonon to. for copltéBn-Opte Homne Treatmett cotheti withirfiemabl leitntc Pnîit nh te fmi.ï W.DàlwU0" l CUYNGLOSI V.S. West LUMPL WEGt - Dr. fleilhumai eI 7EO. n MUITE LOVI -L V thf- raeUOTZON1c n;th 'or0s-1v,0 y0 da bitand heyea. Sed? lari st- otoat fret Miîv mdpreveit- bln the e se. ICtep traiwl & 13,e041ot, becy ibuil. xisUP lrang, Ot. tWr de)CnadP 05~ro~ HA S'ANRWir oa .1-t:' prul,

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