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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Jan 1916, p. 8

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CLERKALL flaaeaaal To E rIjuUt, ssue' >ûr red rftmèmdIamti Shelbyvtlle, 1d-1 - II .tel aid W*U 1 1M o - lood wu POOr,&am nif9cé ~ue U I i£ ~ W t V I K ~ heNrl~~Otro qea âftertkinumlDYoterr terdlsale i(r.r*ad, br. VM eûte ViIItboa ____ mtny ihtinsI 3l0. ad .tatm ,"-s*y F.' BàiW. G___a_ P.adMrs . i4el i veti a iI o le--8 W 111 "" Gl a lirederywraefo 'r meuatlyrtbeir sonDeloSS, wbo condtonsôtm'f,- ddlimenothin Br.okli. sen %tkand Ia the hospîtal ln eqei5lsVinol, out %IwdiavoiMrM îenÉedye. otsPofkerlnof bought -France. Tu-e lqtter waa Written De- ion tWulewlthout o'Ã"ÃŽ ry ft o u ÂvAÃ"= Oî utttrfr M rt nuc o r k of ei~ a!frmMsr uhl oembekr-20th. anihe exffle tetoleavegurte he hoppftal èoon, to ino'doubt Delons A. Aun, Druwt. ,whitbr. ont. trying -to do without printeci wrappers. The Iaw owsignîn itetmeac eun wlll b. t hls esOt Mt..the ordero h ek aytre o.i:bigvlle e e ad III i llb pJte ,sh wngw et -durtngtepatyahaeoictzn a Mis DyotUxbldoe artee -seorerory o eprtha reportem flS ila w ap er tnu e rîte, sow ngwnîn-ben anaesdibu abnotuneonai oentl1 ', ith herý inother. 1frs. Luk wgae uderthe dtr's care -ýqeto Xtoblnson, *ho hu sbdefl very Il. e. owiN cklene ,Mes, o l> -rdar o-ca mery -butter questgo !sc Ia motne Mrs. Cameron aind -childt are bOre bard, R.> Long, F. Sheil, L Bryant- f"or ~ ' ute. oor aryT.TCmui.WItY froin the "N rtb 7est, vlilng ber Par- Nearîy.al have pneumonlp.We a01r4 héIoI.o,,j.. * or uto$i30.oe1 lths 180 ~~ents, Mr~~~~~~~.1 Mr. W'm, FIowlle. hope for their speedy recovcy ees3 îwver, L1 ou o$00 Go te 1art-r T. Ithotpaon, Whitby. The Pont Offie înspector a Or business o ke y ur-a bf eth p blc 1fy u foir CegýTêe>Ue'ea. . burg on Monday lu. wa ioit kep y u na e bf eth pbi. If ouAH RN Meos ere»onmdRoy Bond MiassUnd' jones, of Balsam, l the maea g o tceit £0 wart d lr s t to O etb reltnl yteo dy lefI lasi weJë wtth ýtwocars o! stock guest of Miss Elma Smlth. ~~atce~~~dlas utetah- relandMs.Jme eahvle for the Northt West. The C. P. R. bol bouse got a tuite sMr. eeyRulya nTrnt Mfr. Sornberger, o! Woodville, spent o!ftire on Monday lasi. but our bueket lish a reputation for good butter.. Educate people to onTUt4y n na so Sunday ln the village, brigade soon put out the Saines. kfr o b te--y u a e OltPwrp e Saba or arne ra aea .Mr. Wmx. Maynard mlipped a carload Mr. D. Ros l8borne ail tlils wBrookîlforu, January 28 to February 10. isa h ad ýof bay and straw on Tuesday. Go to, Harry T. Tbompon for largest "B~ rok de]n Is eia ude Nlîr. Frank Lewis l a valuable cow work shîrta made, 60 cents. guirCi1JL ..'.ofPrt erwr b usso r -n lut week. The antimal was worth att1 On Monday evenlng about two hun-, and rseoWs >Suay 2%~~~~ lepat ~~~~dred peoplt> gattiered for a social even- Pe m yd.Pe rn ihr 4 rs. Jos. Mitchell, o! Broughamn, îI ng lu the Method lai Church. with their Pe dagherofMr ad rs ..wi, f cmrde Fak arisnwh b e-and Pte at oeswr on o _ý,okinl Improvlng slowly f rom ilaîd 5r ,evi Tordlff acted as chair- W E PRIN T over Eudy1 e i.Wll eo Pte. L« CoulaI b omne bere suf-,iniîted Mir. liarrison to a seat on the ota teringt-rom, pacumonla. ipliitfotrfl. as hé'as thegue..of.onr M** gU V Ph . u r udyaînlgtefnrlo The ILIurary meeting wb-lcb wac an.I Mr. M u rray Tairvis readthie address, bw~ au ~ us osr. nounceti fo.' Monday nlght w8ps c w asP0us f5fr. ad Mrs.TPercy Cateilo.1o!8U11 * poned owng to the amau attendancIe. ar Brother: a vstd Mr.r ndMs.Hr 1tw111. bowever, be beld on Monday NVe. as frlends and co-workers of the oelo Nnay In tedanet-re eto. tinMen'ods Bible CaySchol. o Using a high quality of paper and ink, and doing the MNrs.Jh re petSnawt .0 t Hr yT.TomsoWbitby,! in this social gatherng here to-nigt wok Mr.yan pom tl Jas, Steplien Io gtvtng Up farmlngj our apprectat ion of the manner ln, ad will hold an auctIon uie o! bis 1 which yoîa have rallled bo the stand-'L tu rn o rwrnir.CLUBS farmnstock eand Implements. on Fei). 8.ard roft1ght for justice and liberty, L tu r or rpr Alrenine !orcîiahv Mise Ethel Burns le visliig wlit Mr whilhi ' the emblem o! our Empire. WelarIetesda. and Mre. Miller, at "PoplarHal' ail know that our nation ait the present la ng bpo odtino c Bruhalime la taklng part ln thc ýloodiest war Iefuy rs ania ee aIF1 ~rogha..known'n ibstory, tlgbtlng 10 rebaîn the - the dy gt wns wa fafre M10s E lîlott, o! Whltby, visiîed wlth honor and !reedom o! ber sons; and IdA L ~L 2I *I ~ I . I ~ h anae eot aohrl b Vi. and Mir$. A. C. Elitot iis week daugbîers. We Pach one feed tbat the Th~" ' )~Jj <[ I~~ ,~ Jé ' efure Mr- Wrn. BliarbI la fot improvlng ns carqae for whicl u otr soldlers are sac- CIss Lea ColeFo! Orno& S O NIsibin speedily as bis friends would 1k!. rificing ibeir lives, their bornes, and MiaBl i Rbra Èee W. NI. Lawrêece's big posters for loved ones. ls a cause that les close-WMs -store bargains. He bas lots o! them to the heart of the true Britisb andH T Y ON .M te offer yoîî. Canadian subject. We tberefore ask W -I B ,O T tainedaubrofterrin oa .Mr Jos. riuusoi bas retirnu borne you ln behal! o! the clase and friends danels ensdyngt lafter holidayîng wIlb !riends cime o! ibis community 10 accepi Ibis gifi T where. ~~~~~~(a wrlst watch) as a token of regard Sok niSna a agl t and esteem wbich not only as a clans îedd Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Burns, of Prince but as a community we fee)l ows.id M.Chs GIlsbs ntald Albert, Sask., vilted with Mr. and Miii. you. May the service lt- renders you horepwrgsl niel i ». Burna lasI weck. -keP the fact ln your mtnd Ihat the h - 1 r - biwudb ar hs b oul lire. Mr.ý and Mrs. Jas. Stocks' have beau prayers and good wishes o! tic people tF ~ I Iî.î L XIL>b he wolndeeie.Wudi be fair Mr. andMrs. Ir Gloverare her bore fromib e Nortb West, owing to go wîtb you wberever you inay ho. if aTE . B IT* for E bethe lupbepited Brubarn, GeefairoihWetvslnfrndadr- the deaih o! the forniers mother. Mrs. the war Isaprolonged for sncb a lime Gg~ l.ag -~ ~m~< od islBokiM ren- ol am JamoarStock. * iat your servI.ces are requîred, sud X ii~~ I~.lI ~Numbus. to pay saine rate as the resîden al i Mr. W. A. Holllday, o! Toronto, was you wîib your' comradcs clash armasEll S bou ib Kigson oad Ifîî a gîu Mi. .Stclno saa pu lin- tovnfor a !ew days assisting W.M. with the !oe. nray bbe grace o! Hlm ________ 10 thae Kc ins or alua le gthey Sundaaiichebee Hday's n n etshr wl oga uIeyu vrhougbt and action. The firtsmiilitary funeral ln WhItby Company added au Interest wbicb drew sbould Pay a blgbcr rate Uian others. In baseco!UcpioUrug ILda'awrn ri ihe lg sal e Mr. H uidewhouves bi hcbt nbe.imanWYou inenuioncti R. J. Fleming was in ilînesao.Snly f.W.Dc to sec hlm. May hé wbo knoweib '*e fali o! Uic durfng Uic preseni war, or posalbly ln hndr et ofcîime to the oue.ltfavor o!f IL If bis !arms wcre aiong preaceilteMbodsCuc. Mrs. Walkcr wIll assist the Choral sparrow guard and spare your lite, the bistory o! Uic iewn, wau helti on M&Y ho, on the ther bndthal a sns the 6t concession wouîd be h s mi. .E egoo ootpî Opr TeMkd"tb ie nreturn 10 up, not as one wbio sblrkcd Prîvate John Brîioli, o et i llli On- Wbo lied offèed hlm LU. -to Kng and pI r oudîgy ub yleunatl-. Orrbî uirsaebvn x Opea TheMiad" 1 b gienonbis duty, but as one wbo leved froc- tario Counby Battallon, weue laid- te Countryt, but hati been cul down befere letngr you edon rs !U lnnd tltlOucitseiy. Mai-ch 2nd anti Sud. dom and was wiliing 10 ftghi 1e main- rost bn the Union Cemetery. Pmvato the 0opPOrtunty came to, face the foe, U ic rnoad o hmîexonr odwayofMlNnt Mua. lames Kuight,' who bas beau tain lt, By Bo dotng. your name wlll Britou was a son o! Mr. Geoff rge ul- iottmmnaUtc unusuali turnout of h ot and bbHamlilt itUionrodwo- very oorl, laInipovinhébelisted as one who fought for the ion o! Dundas Street, Whitby, Mdi lad OitIs- .Oshawa roadway lu ail probablbîby will AreutbgmtigashMlA' 4- Go le Blarry Ir. Thempson for largesi glory and honor o! bis' country uc- cnlisied at Port Ferry wheu e lbai The service atttUic-bouse wus cou cost a good deal more than Uhi estl- moudnhh nMnaiigtls tweorkt shirts matie, 60 cents. gardless o! resulte, and whe thue even- been living. He wuner 'trmlnln ductsi by. R«. G. A. MoLejan, who mate? - r.Ho îstt iM-.Wu k' * Mis. Jhn- CoDer and Miss Ormîs- lng o! lite closes around yeu.may you wlth the Port Perry unit wheii h. 10k ipOka iyinpat1tlaly anti !collngly O! or tuy as1ck 10n,1e! WbItbY, i'Isitéd wih Mis. John be able to say wibh a proud heart, "I 111 last week vith paeuiiOi& anad feu tthe aMi udin gît0*lIe it thle thrésh.E.SRYMa.aylvsîngtbemsir' *rUtmto onTuesday. have fougbb tbe goed figbt, 1 ee Su- pavlçttm ou 'ridlduyto< t h sem hld-et<>efi ý z;ce orie country. I_______ h issWbtr Y h Wilg okrao S.Tomnbhed the course. 1 bave kcpt the,, falth. 1The bodiy wuasbrougit t. -Wblfy t thefI. Tii.1beagui the t1iOpeiut1A avs astknUrogotO ehuroh, hebdt Ieir annual meetIg nThere le now laid up for- me a crown ,home or iMu. OGS. lritten, trui vne. fls<a. la whlcli tIc Young M&xlsy in Mr. George Kerr, Sr., han becai quite neighoodonodainUcitr Wednsda miandeleiadthe!olow'o! rbteoumness whlch God shall give "theftuers!un lelti. The todrW .bis mlitarl utttfnl, vue borne troiu 111 fer corne lime, and las bee Cou1- este tpoiito.Tepelin Weag oylr:si d enedtM.hrles -unto me and not 10 me ont>', but unto nIes o! respect voeevery immerous ichebouse te fIe hesrse u>on Uic Sined to, his bc& 1Hiedutles at the ver>'lre iud Sa oi ecs retar>', Mr. CWarler: h lv i ppaigantimeut bemtifu. Tncatl.tdia.u bsouldera ut t llow-soltecm Then Uic Court Bouse are being pertormcd by rsMoi yAkno a Illgl 's O penicer;,- il whorylove HIcker:p Oit e ng t Treasurer, Miss Phalen.f Slgned ounheIn]! o! yonr fiends e! vuashl argeus met a tinùÎUillulong proCemaienprocedot e cplace bMu. Fred Pogson. OebawaIpsnt Myrbie. 'Whitby for mmiii isus.PeUt-h1e of interment, ieberbvolleys fromeinUcmi_____ Mi. Arthqr Grills and family, o!f 'MuzaAavTmmVs. ulteadace ef nearly aul the memubeis -pns andte tI~uming o e!uic.ssIpont -_______MIsElt &by iieda i Lindisay, vbsted a Iq1r. John Griis', re- 1hb ulrSultdtetk»orie wn"gtYugmnael t oeatly. A ~splendid prograin folloved. Sol« Of te hé llbtY Mitumy CouuPay vl > ulrs epetiletku !iendace tye h ort naae aa.________ 11Iar utaaon ing, a eces B .Bacock and T. W. Brookes; vlo- _______ - ure holag conduicteti la Port Perry.DATS 'gesale-a Breoklil. Be la eertainly lin solos by J. Brkeil anld Wm.1)ay; - - o u,0 RScub UD-tPcclgOto * 101h. ino~~~Ui organ solos'&by'eMiss the rn0tlounder abJouti0f hay, whlc& teppbeti over, neiay aur 9 96 d Presngbrgaini-ch n Sndy . htOrev.be ock; pigano solos by iss108 ra . _____ mai Tov __ - ---a c-sende cf Its BRITTO>-Ât Port Fery. Onwu, o e naInstibute wilb mcctlnlu the Masonlc Bull (upsiairs room>. on1 SatýrdaY afîceeon, Februar>' th. ath 8 o0ol, Miss Sutherland, o! Embro, ont, 'ulhi atdremu the meinug. AUil laites velcouxe. There ls an epidemibe o! meusIes lii thc village and consequenil>' many -homes are under qnaranbjue. The at. tendance lu thc Junior room o!fbbce achool Ite olisidcrahly besseneti. The woudei-ful Rs.diolite Burner btins ceal ilhand Sts any ordinauy lmmp. A guauantae cari goos wibh wilb a positive Pretectivo Guarantee tu.e ho nokelese, odoîless. absolutely, maeanti relable. For sale b>' Bon. Duncan, Brooklil, Ont. Us. Wm. Lowe lisassstlntg the agent et the uptown station, Whitby. Mr. Perry, lbe pi-esent assistant, lte11 wttb pneumonie. MYRTLE. Mlm Ruby Leach. o! Ashînu. saient thée ogrller part o! tle week wlth t~er cousin, Mrs. F ., Moore. Mi. L . VaNesf met wîth a paintul accIdent lest ven htle haultlg strav. Tbo oati upset ullI hlmsansahole u. -eleWinurIes vhlel las ptarod himt untici medical attendiunce ince. r;j A number-in ia evinity areasuffer- Ing wlth la grippe anti pueumnoia. . Mr. W. A.Rollidar liIn Erookllfor ar 1w. lelping W. I.L Èv- ren4 with hIlsblg m»le, Jaum7 ry2311 tg w*brrw14ùh. ThIe ladies et Asîburu, Prospect aid Xriarc prepartng lcenertain thoee *ho tted terrconvention bere cn UmBroks bal reluaraeci fona ids idti lober mt la Osbawm. Wk àý Elsmnvasla Tor-nte le. T'. Followlng tis Mi-. J. E. Beaccuck msde a llvely addrossspeaking veuy highly o! the guesi o! the evcning.' Then &Il re- turucto te cbasment o! Uiec durcI, wbere the ladies o! the chureb bai p%- pared an' exéechent aupper toi- ail. With thrce cheers for bbc young soltiler "ud thc King, and echoes o! "For ho la a' jaliy gooti !oliow.» the happy event closed. DealmeesCamnot b. Ctir.d b= ppiUtonBe8Ub9 CU0I rescltue wmY t. e-ire desimnd s,4 ibin ibhyobeautu. tiouai r -niedias.- MMla om Cr a u li.- flatedjidlleof 0the mou alat pf % i be YOU have a migg d ortmlfldec1hfaita and wbem Itl a entlreby ccoaed, scm e t& Out au 1 ibis tube restioed u kaoniudtia biesrtag mlIl litdesroed Ifer. qC Ca out Ol ten Are muasi b etaevh, il O tmg bat ta tolsuisi MedlU tio M i smus onseces Rail coantubcure aCut ihieu» Wh boodi os iii. muscuosa surf as . et asseu. W. leii Itve Osuiltsdred Dollanfr «astY camn 'A i)eVorem m«id by <atrrb ha tt c e» h. -utrd : Y Mill 9 calarrb cure.Or" e fr e P.ýj,ciansEY *à Co..T.8eem O. vit wlth Mu. Mai Ms.3 J OW0 las teturid té rOnt Mr. Monda, guard Iete A t. ai week bld is rtltodau*oqlbie SdMft for Touet. ti 1jot - x-tma-Ss Ur oversomaservIc e Mi ransnii a suldtabe pruut, sud eprmmi e for hlismaI r#us té><asm The Obsa1w*ar immtmft l freintâIe bI. If h about 12 tueku iilc =«uw te -'h= A ,*aear1*4. eM palm ýt -A 'ment 0 et icKInSUMton id'& OtliI net veIlniukandi .1111 Im Dont 1k. to point out &féWttct t fliO»m~sd tot11ebnproVitthe rSdi lutere5lmd. - bae t soMs 8yMebemepropese inathon. there not being a auMetent number of!mn in tahfe lad f0 11MIc Couneil aller Uic luit electin eounter eheck We &ree ion'su,ter BittLet Whtby, ln bJanut ar 0 1916, eorge offr LitieonJant son20 1f6 Gor. gedMiJ.eLAtte,inantedon et M.andMs .Ltlae Mthe.S-tlt1,cn ,Bn ht byon e elota1, c nu ast 19h.t bylzaot leItn ellct o! the l 1AIe james Stocks, aMd 87 yewa and s-mouth6. Ftmeral from.the famîly I @io@e nterlntnd Jan. 23, at 2 #,rak, utemen lnUnion Cerne- term.Oshawa. ROGNIR-At lot $5, Son. 6, Wbitby Tp., on Tuaday, Janua.ry 26, 1916. Water j. Rogews. lu hlm $Stb year. G)UNT1SR-At 106- Madison Ave., Te- roit. on Suaday, JIMMaY 23, 1916, X>Iuy Gry Stateil, beloved wlfe et Egmmi4 tuther, Eaq,, M6 d84 t"duswtl, Iz-4I wu. a nervous wwCI4a a b.weuIt, kup.don-Co:- diâawm II«,àt mem-nl a tsv' lt. lý16i i wilI brl.g a jioi l flhi. ÂMUont atout $11»60.* RIAf&REGALI, 112 u Tù omra LOANS WC have a large arnount .o! pr4yate*. Rnd other tunds tg Inveit ati Iri mortgage& on tarin Aflivillage' DfOp' rties at 6 andi 6% per ent.i Appl-' REGAN &-RIMAN, 112 UIanfulIChaniber' - Termit& ilarTy J.- Hudson, D D. S., L. D.S9. Succeor to W. Adamn. office Dundas 8Ueet opposite Pol Ofice. Phone 122. WIIISTBY, ONT. E. W.,isn .-SDS Dental Parlois 0,cr Allin. din store. Whltby, Ont. office houn--o te 12;,1.80 te 6 PhoRo', Bell. 87; Independent, 11. BLAE B. BEÉATON, LW.S., 0.0.86 Graduate of the Royal olege of Dental Surgeons and University of Troronto. Offce over W. M. l>nrgle's bard wvare store Office henu -g9 a il1 . o 5.30. I,.d Phone, 14 Bell Phoni -2. THRLADGOLD 81105. CARPENTERS and SUILDERS Alteratlons aLd Repaire. Cerner Walnut ad Kent St Telephone No. 1Lt = .cilRound -Trip Fare, Long Limit Stopoer.Asbville anrd -Hot Sprn gu N.C.; Charleston, S.C., Nassau,N.; Hot Springs, Ark.; French Lick Springs, lInd :Jacksonville and ail Floricta pointa; Havana, Cuba, and New Orleans, La. via New York and -Rail (or steamer ac. cording to destination,) or via Buffalo, Detroit, or Chicago. IBERMUDA AND WEST INDIES OTHER HEALTH MEORTS. Mont Clemens, Mic.;- Battie Creek, Michigan;' St. Catharines-, Weil,. Ont.; Preston Springs,,Ont. TIt mai t U wInormatloa uSp plicatio to Grand Twuak Tet Atu.k e EItapheou Agoi, Phone 88, WhIi. ROYAL THEATRE ENTIRE CHANCE 0F 0O UI EacIeNIgh. ,Ibm Ilaok soi", am i ornlay lght saturua nttlm te aml Charle Chaplin and war tentureu Wednesay and Thurmda. MRS. PERIN. Manager. in .a Eug b1a -' gheff are £9 y Toi t whi Fi

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