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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Feb 1916, p. 1

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THIE MOUSB 0F QUALIT-Y The Desaler with the Coul sudt the Service "Scranton Goal" l'eaatotperfect -Ric-t. tu neat. Loti in &eh-r.gbt, lean, Iree buruiî.g, clink- erle. ,AIl1 sizen-frutu, for large fîîruscee, EU anud 8 Sit fIor furuaceé and large bestera. Cheteut sud Pu for range and amailleook atovea.s.. Sass@muCaspifur grate. and firepiacs .qhsaY bihe. o 1bffl, lum ceai for etai, the leading cons rtrethitig purposes. SagsC'k Cubs4a. riting eoa 1 Ailthese cosîs are tbe highest atand'arit of quality. Our delivery service in prompt and careful, se you want tbem s&jd when you need thelu. We reapectfullye ,,licit your patronage. ER. SLOW, Iell phone 9. Whitbe Homo phone 14 * YOIJNG MEN IN DEMANO ftigbt PelJews tue young tou n ist are in g<sta deaad for Busineoss. Thire. calte offering O ea.ch to etart were receirpit at Head flUa.. of Sbaw's achoola ini une d&y' It wlif pay t6 prepare. Write s.L W. of. M m . u ue st.. TORONTO. strttiniu n matîters téch,,tcal reIuttnuz m utLtronttqui it-11it-atiig for pflyrneit: lu the science of buildinig. 1 Dr. MeI'chanV toIt of te difterent Mtss Pirie branchs ofMilss Johni baceutwork itat mniglit be under-- taken. Women*s work bulked îargeîy Kilgour Dt ln sosie Vuwus. ('lasses An dressmak-- Jus. Hearc ing or ln mllint'ry or An househoit E. R. Blow science--îheee situld be largely pat- Geo. NI.I-H ronized if ot-ganlzeit. and would prove M .Ali very helpful. ('bas. Bake ln these industrial nigliti achools the WValter Bui teaclier ustially recelves a sant-y out$3 J.T. Pàrkei per nightî. 0f titis lte Educat.ion D>e-i Geu. M. Ht partmeut paya $2. and te Board of Et- .- Central .Sci ucation $1. The Department makes a Torontu R: gr ant tu the Board for sehool accom- T. G-.,Wliiî mnodation and equipment. wicit while hoV a large sum, iteips cuusiderably Vo dett'ay the expenses attached t t carry. Iug on the :wurk. Sitould t ihte foun S ir Ha necessary toprocure ayaddIitional PquApÉ11. -n. sîîch as drawiug boards.'Adsah speclitultables, etc.. te Department Pebruary 11, would pay 40 per cent. uft h.- cost the' Hamnar Greer first yeur. and *20 pet cent. for 1h.- fol- htyOn. lowlii- ihre N ears. assistant adji D r, lecltsnt advise th ie orgaizing 0111ce Sir H uft? ~mnitte te have supervision ut been lAt-Cotoi thie ýek tnter te Intustrial Educa , tion Act. The comuîittee sitotld con- t aliont. - . . . . . . .$17.50 1 Mlun--------------20.00 -rs. . . . . . .56.45 d .. ... .... ... 7.70 Kcual-----------.112.63 [eêntry. supplies.. 6.00 isupplies-------- 46.68 er-----------------1.26 jn---------------17.50 er (less discount) 69.45 entm'y. truga -.... 13.39 entlfic Co--------..42.05 ýydt-o Elect-ic -. .. 18.50 field. supQplies .... 393.45 àar Promoted. ifrom London, Eng.. dated .gives the folluwlng: Sir -wood. M.P., formerly ut b, as been gazettet deputy ula.t-genieal at the War Ramar for 12 mouths bas -niel ut a new Welsh bat- vin. Maa5RIUA5IflS UuIEFq3)4ri) PVflU M IDUCATION RE INDUSTRIAL CLASSES' Tite naine ut Dr. Mercitant 19 famil- sisV t ofelgit members, four ot whom lar f rom une end- ut OntaritoV te uth- sitould b. members ut the Board, twao er In connection with educational mat- employers of labot and two employees. ers. He bas llgured "large" lun te bi. Thte Dr. cuugratulsted the Board lingual scitool contrôversy and oter upon te Interest hey manifested lu mattera. tite subjeet of Industrial education by Dr. Merchant*s vieil Vo Whitby last hiaving sent for hlm Vo visit tem and Wedniesday wus a misslpn of pence - addresç; theni. not cont-uversy. He came Vu address Thte Board, before tey qrose, organ- Whitby's Board of Educatiuft--and lu- ized under te provisions ufthVie Indus- cldeutally to see te new Higit Scitool. trial Education Act, witi thte fullow- He saw it andi approved. He also saw Iug as a commlttee: Messrs. King, at wurk terein Whitty's fit-st uight Trees, MeIntyre and Lamier, represent- industrial clasas recelvlug Instrutction, t Ing te Board: aud Messrs. CE. Har- Fresit from a v ian to te classebel per. Fred Hatch, Col. ' J. e Farewell came witere te Scitool Buart was then -and A. T. Harrison. iu session-Vte Council Citamber. Thte On motion ut Lawler-Treps a hearty Board laid aside Its business for te vote of thauka was extendedtVo Dr. moment and gave Dr. Metchant the Me-citant for his lnforming address. flour. Thte special committee appointedtVo Dr. ýMetchant was desi roue that te report upon picea ut neceasary fut-ni. Board shouit organize te Nlgitî Sehool tut-e for the new schools, made teir under te Industrîal Education Act. report. whlch recommendedthVie pur- Thte vîsitor was greaViy pie.ased wth chasetrougît Messrs. Nicholson & Sel- te work being carrled on by Mr. T. don. Tite commllîee was empowered tp L Rowe. He bas gathered about hlm a place the order. clase of 24 youug men, whom he la An- ,ThefaloiL-aratn. vrpnQ- Regîment, which will be recriuted after Mms F. E. Harrison, Byron St. J. I-lWELL JAMES 1 <Jsrenter. Builder and Contracter. Plans drawn à..nd estImates turaiahe Éu.doors and trames. k;tfor Branotford Rooltng 1 Box 467 WHIT#iY Phone 1,4ç Marriage Licenses. A. H. ALLIN. Issuer of Marriage Lieunses Corner drugstore. Whitby. No Witnesses requlred. De. Grater Canada Improveiment à Land Co.., Limited Whitby - Ontarlo Real Votate Ijealera, Ktatea Msntagod, Rea Ool.cted. Firat Loans Arrangeit, Propertîisbouit and tsudlud. For termes ap ly Head Office, Brock St. Bell Phose 19.md. llone 74). ODPp@ote eis Bhothe.uWkiY. MONUMENTS t *fai1 DuI*naad ItistileKpt la Stos Ut Wii My«yete "oe t cmib ab Mdi bop" feyommsI Deot i1» th. Oommmmt&nUyvsi aum mmiiwy u ibomemm v- .alml«y» m by884uhs Pm A Cadi licitnd. joie lant i soi AU kindeone anid doel Ulain Med baggsg. t rf 00158S110D. Bor" n , risaSom foesa RECRUITINO SERMONS lN WIilTIY lkgt uts ieo i CHRCUS>NSUNII LAI olaom Th*te s et t4olalb. iai. - =u&r»lt« , Mb i." yl saliL v .1* m. latIlvst bernuabisbbojUa tVlsqm M a j uffu a< cet Sdttow tt& <i b*M M - ltW --. I *MW « lut ta"u boom u t a u1PUU$wu« .~~~S I~moo Iaustymml Ila ommik» er~r BV'HIL god bsh ha sRUSBRVB PUINI>ce s prou Vision for leua yearus md the îu.vhsbl. rslny dey. This Fond ha bue. auouuluted from Sw4rpmles Ruraing end ls asource of strotgth «ud utility. .S Sveoyos abould bca s ERVR..PUND. Wl*oueý It no om e Is siname lusa codition. Ouwnt algs Domrtmsmt offrt en ides] Ã"pportumity Wo £5T' IOT saublishiai YOUR RUSBRVE PUNI>l. ---WHITBY BJRANCH Trust Fumds Should Be Depositedi Ia Savtnsi Acccant in Mie Dorminion Bank. Such funds are ufaiyprugoct. and earrr Inte!ret ai htghea current raies. When pasments are made. particular schsa transaction mmv b. noted ont the cheque Issued, whlcb in turn bo= acasrecalpt or v=uher whoetlacafl.d by the bu.k WHrIT13Y13RANCH: S. D. TERRY Maagp On fthe iurgest erowdo thnt ever 1tieIIMthls>t* Strength, WU cafr<d t hne .musie hall. gr.eeted, tie.on toran, addre ' tCl.Ccbr memb~rs t "" C~imphly t ti liSigtve a. eli-'Yt tvery urgent Invitation Boncttln n 'd y rnighlt atln their te JoIn the dolera ConertheMuner tii auspices and for After the prograsu, ail the membeis the benefit Of theiýWhItby War Relief of the li6th' Battalion were invited Society. -.!downasirs lite -,.Concil Chsmber, For some tîmle lbfore the day of the where the. ladies qf the Society had coner reerodt " were a-t a Premn- decorated ta.bles, loaded witi an abund- iqm, and a numberibt people were turn- at suppIy P eatables. The. boys were ed away who hac( lift their purchase et invitéd-te -<fift ub," whi.ch they did wilh tickets unitil the 1ýst moment. s wilI. Then followed three cheers for Mayor Warren .'esided, maklng &.te ladies. The supper WaU undoubt- few Introductory -r"marks after te edly a eredit te te Society,- aid the stniging ofthVie Nat4onsl Antliem. soldier boys greatiy appreciated th~e 1Madame -te Mat -(-Mns. Somers-Conks) kIndness of tie ladies which had wss the attractio&O thLie programn and prompted the carrylng eut of Vhe pia. te only chie! performer outaide of tie The Con'cert wlI net a goodly sum, Battalion. M""ar4 Le Mar has ai>- probably $100, for the tonds of the. 86- peared ln Wh1tbY pn other occasions, ciety. a.nd lis ber turne bail already spread__ she was given a hutty reception. Sic sang patriotic scêge almest wholly,' Bought His Own- Boots and la une, "Ye 3Mèiners ut England,"' . e added a couple utýverses whicit spe6li. and S.kates from Thief. ly mentioned te. boys of the ll6th. Titis, uf course, diew forth xnuch ai>- A yo ung Whi-tby Township man re- plause. Madame e Mar greatly de- cently itad the. experience ut having llgjited lier audtnop Vo buy lIts own property atter It had Tite members oft'*C" Company gave been taken tram hlm. He had paid two ptrlotic choruses, "The Boys of $9 for a brand new pair of skates and te Allies," sud "1.o -Your Bit," ln escit hockey boots, sand wus ln Whitby one of which a solo ergs followed by the niglit at the rlnk. Hav-ung Vo make ai comblned chorus. These numbers took few purcitases at te stores, he left his well wtth te audience, skates, erit thVie boots attached, ln thte Other vocal nuestirs eere a solo by Windsor Hotel, and on bis retur lie; PVe. Titomas: a tr1. by Ptes. Thomas found that they hati disappeared as ab- and Williams, solo,-Pte. Mut-kar.; solutely as IfthVie eartit hsd swallowed A camp scene waà staged by severat them. No trace or dlue could ho found. ut the boys, in whid they were gron>-, Some nigite laVer ite was ln Oshtawa, ed about the ire, whfle the plcket Pa.ced when he met a group of soldiers, one to and fro, and te, old camp ire song of witom st.opped hlm and offered Vo wua sung by the rgatlng soldiers. seil hlm a pair of skates and boots. At A tableau was piresented by Miss once te young man recognized his Aileen Tod and Pte. Cracknell. The stolen property. But whiat could lie Inutrse was representéd as soothing te do? He waa alone with the. soldiers, woundcd soldier, wblle t rom behlnd te and had no friend tiere Vo wItne8s scenes came te strlatus out',My Ain later as Vo te Identity ufthVie soldiers. Folk," and "Home, Sweet Home." tSo maktng the best of a bad Job, lie A number Lit rp1eased te audience said nothin- outhVie robbery, and paid was te littie skit by PVes. Bradbitru over $2.50 for bis own skates. He, and Cracknell. Tbey were costumed considers IV citeap at titat price, but le' as a darliey girl and ber lover, aid, for also wonderIng witether tu puaithVie amatettri. thefr worlc was very good. case againat thte thief. Titey were called bsck for a second numbner. I A Me-J. A Harrison. ut Toronto, spent Lt.-Cul. ('ockburn, àOC. te new 182ud %B. ...--- Sec our bargains in Women's, M sses atd Childreu's Sboes at greatly reducedpricce Our stock is complete ini Men's and %b~>seavy Stub Proof Rubbers, Feit and FéIt Linied B8oots, .Moccasins, Overahoes, etc. McPherson's for Men, Woinen PI Lightning:H-,tch HocIey. Shoca and Chil4,ý 1 JOHN PEEL &L ORN 4 - - I ' GREAT C rock,,ery SI URIG te.mnh6fJaniia-.ry we wu opý c ' Caàsýh Prie If ypu are ii n ed of ii t i ,iý i i lt teoYouradatg b' A~ T~ Ih. -â 4, . -. Vol. 53-No. 33 WHITBY, 0OT4E, 2 C i& RAX1FF.BRU4RY 1'l', W6 .Ç .GO1LOW&SkPbi 1 ib iItïM'uAitiirAhttbWCetie »5&AÂhAV 4iU fAI Compound Syrup of IIYPOPHOSPHITES A Strengtbening and Invig'- orating ton ie' Blood Builder and Nerve Tonie. Builde up the qy@tem, Cures thin snd watery blood, Nervous headache, Nervo us prostration, Sleeplessuessl, etc A relishie restorative alter La Grippe. $1 per bottie J. E. WILLIS Dr.gglst and Opticlan MEDICAL HALL Broclk St. a Wbttby. I -'v '4 ~ -1 $4 .4 - Y i i . 1 t PEEL'8 SHOE STÇOIRI ýme- > C A.- - . , - i ne ioijowing accounis were passea - il iý

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