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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Feb 1916, p. 3

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|M.||..||| Prinrval State of Ci-vilization Will be Restored# Man' Will Face Manl With Wohilike Ferocity A despatch from London says: Gr-! -If the world insiste upon despis- man newspapers which reached here ing the Germans, then the word Wednesday publish long extracts, 'Europe' will lose all its seinse and from the spfeh -nade by Maximnilian nie~ning. Europe can still be'resàued. Harden, editor of the Zukunf t, at a 1 t is only the attid abe of our ienemnies public meeting in Berlin on February which conjures up the menace of- de- 5. Hle is quoted as saying: s-truction. If the rescue, however, la "lWe are yet unconvinced that we attempted at the expense of the Ger-- are fighting with our backs to the iman empire, then lei) the world not wall. As soon as we reach this con- deceive itself for a moment inté think-' clusion, there will be war without ing there will be any means whatever mercy or quarter. The primeval -let the world think what it state of civilization will be resbored. pleases--which the German people Man will face man with wolf:lIikeiwill not joyfully turn againsb its f erocity. foes." THE A despatch from London says: The The stmte ment ythaûåt Athens corrpchdent of the Delly army totals 70 000mugi newly1 Mail reports tat the arbianLfga-, ped and asse TansagL tin bu 1ar 6 theth be aemm troopsat Cés e 4 0 à t at r Ades "-" fro oia s :The«4 ,elit o Ctam' Ø y tde»Io guard he 90 Germansan Š¢ieal t006 Wte tok ng n.a gg BUN ets Of tle W É ~Breadstufe. Toronto, Feb. 15.-Manitoba wheat -In store at Fort William, No. 1 Northern, $1.23; do, No. 2, $1.20%; IPI,,-LrC3 'ârJaiuarySho anAvc"rag ofOtieTllUS-do., No. 3, $1.18. Manitoba oats-I1n store at Fort anid Men a Day William, No. 2 C.W., 4314c; No. 3 C.W., 40V2c; No. 1 extra feed, 41½c; No. 1 f e0d, 39½%c. A w h from Ottawa qnys: Re- over 25,000 men, th- 4th District Amnerican corn-No. 3 yellow, 90%4c. critfor ,lanuary show an (Mlontreal) about 22,500, the 5th Dis- Canadian corn-F eed, 74 to 75c. . averagec of practicýally 1,000 men per trict iQuebec) about 5,500, the 6th Ontario wheat-No. 2 winter, per day for the full month. Command- DL-strict (Mlaritime Provinces) nearly .carlot, $1.12 to $1.14; slightly Ing omee(,rs of veh diViion say that 231,000, the 10th Military District qprouted and tough, accordingr to the nwn are enlisting now ait a most (Maritobia and Saskatchewan) about sample, $1.08 to $1.12; sprouted or satisfactory râte. Tho continued 4f;,500, the 11th District (Alberta) smutty and tougrh,. according to sam- keepiir: u p of the flow of men to the about 23,000, and the 13t-h District pie, $i to $1.05; feed wheat, 90 to color:ý iq --l the miore remar-kable in (British Columbia and the Yukon) 95t. view of the fact that up to the end nearly 23,000. ,4; otari oats o ht,43 to of las;t v-, -rtianna had already e-n- During January the Toronto Diq es-; c omm inal t, p t ot listed about 210,000 meni. The total trict recruifed over 8,000 men, the Pe80 aN.nm al, per erlot$.7, number recruited to <date, including Miaritime Pl-ovinces about 2,000, West- $1.80;g samplea,.25t 17, off ics-rs, is nowv over the '240,000 mark. v rn Ontario about 4,000, Easternacodntosme. To the total number the 1st mili- Ont'ario about 3,000, Quebec about Barley-Malting, outside, 64 to 66c; tary IiAtrict (1-ondon) hias contribut- '.,000, Maritime Provinces about 2,000, do. No. 2 feed, 57 to 60Oc. ed a litt D- r20,000 menl, the 2nd Mlanitobia anil Saskatchewan over ý5,- Buckwheat--Nominal, 76 to 77c. h stri t (Tornrto »aout 5,000 mon, 000, Alberta 3,000, and British Col- re-tdNo.31 commerciaa, e2ding94tc; sample. Manitoba flour--First patents, in ON HE VE GEGERMIANY BIDS POLES ENIST. jute bags, $7.20; do., seconds, $6.70; ON THE VERG--- strong bakers', $6.50, in jute bags.'1 40000More Available Men in Ontario flour--New, winter, $4.801 OF TA VATONOccupied »i-tricts. to $5, according to sample, seaboard or Toronto freights, in bags. Millfeed-Carlots, per ton, deliver- ed, Montreal freights: Bran, $25 shorts, $26; middlings, $27; good feed flour, bag, $1.75. fh, lirfficia l nt tions were:-- The Polish -question is arousing more and more uneasiness in Russia and it is reported that alarm is felt also in Italy and France as Germany mnay find among the 15,000,000 Poles -~~ OIMIFiL RE IS A BEGGAR AND IDLER BY INSTINCT. At the Same Time the Cleanest and indisputtable Ir% idence That the Ger. mns Are Suffering for Want WH'FAT I8 GOING ON OVERIN,1 TUE STATES. Latest Happenings in Big RtePNblli0 Condensed for Busy' Readers OfVod tner unoTciai quorarin u-- . t DirtiestMni A o odn 4,000,000 or 5,000,000 young men Spot Manitoba wheat-No. 11Fu otsi dyih on A~~~ dpahfrmLno saysq: capable of bearing arms. track, lake ports, $1.45½,; No. 2, EuoeabaknChcggt150 Wile thec Germnan ne(ws-papers are Germany, with a view to pacifying $1.43½; No. 3, $1.401½. Whether or notheTrisa"u- heFdato blepani telling of the Kaiser and his armies Poland, has restored the Polish lan- Cornmneal--Yellow, .98-1b. sacks, in'\sekbe sh spcueh s-totwl eduldi ie marching cin from ne(tory anid are re- guage in the schools, the Courts and earlots, $2.20; small lots, $2.35 toi certanlye ost msnbnlhfcoto,2,0,0, lating rduily new ex-ploits calcuilated the municipal and provincial admin- 25.contaicytio n nErp nucn eli .Blwn urg facttha Geman acual.v s on the cons;tantly pointing out to the Poles 90 lbs., $2.50; in smaller lots, $2.60 addgiidar efa notNY verge, Of tarvtin wbeoming daily that if they do not help in fighting to, $2.75. Windsor to Montreal. O'h Majr Geera Leoard ood more apparent. Thiý <ont hision is not against Russia. Poland wili be the LiseOn i ak el-Ln nthre er ec inthm ht aHusMltryC mteer fouinded QIn the statemnîts of alleged theatre of war for a third time, and Lnd1ando 1 $4C75e wte doN rdnngharmy f 220,000 "neu'ras,"whoe ipresios nces wil b runedin he truglewit-,375 .75 m iper cw-t.;cakeo toA 0 oair of a princewhcofrfars NtanPlmwokiedh sarily treibt is lbaserl On re- out ha\ ing any guaranty of Autonomny N.2 $.Gf.. Mlut felaed $30the next you mayehmhligsm n agtr ne 9 ieb ports of the actual conditions as re- from Russia, or in such an event fromme$3 per ton-n high GovernmentpswhhihadngfoaNeYrkoeli lated b'y tho Germran pessGermany eithe-r. This propagzanda Tepers4cmho ton. .t amywN- a mt 'h u lbehind his back frtebcses e.eprJh omy fte The theory i, dvncdthat the steems to be having some influence. cemnso o h usinam hc a e ithsuh arL ed expects in return o i arng.osBorZe e ok Bri norgsteCountry Produce. sucress in the Oaueams anmd ihabeen wvorking it.swa south and In both roles alik ei h egr e asXfo atesae B<rh (;oernent ncouage the . ---- - ----west, maly Jn>tn ytth the Briti4h force 1nvestec1 at sut-et-Amrna, butabe'Ferngte ppocho bW pbin oro alarning reports on the Butter--Fresh dairy, 27 to, 30c; in- andt also witth teie Britishl re1leief ttin.The armnies ae not far uoet ateggrwt.h epc faEgn a cac ayr food si1tunataon with a viewtoms( LGA LLH\EN frr,2 to 25;craeysrnt,3 apart. but the couintry Intervening is of a mountain nature which ptnae ebro nodNwYr lemling the enemy. This is; obviously (;ERNI.AN ENliPLOYE-D to .16c; solids, 32 to 34c. win .nake operauons dimfcuit. He thinks nothigo etn i ildhmef absrl Th Grmn res s iledEggs--Storage, 28 to 29c pe dz. fe if she dispeashi;emy Moetn.hrypronrw not onily wNith reports of a Most Seri- lBig Restaurants NNrecked by Mob selects, 31 to 32c; new-laid, 33 to 3.5c, tered, $10.25; do., weighed off cars, even, if she goestofadpheinojrfleerusyatBefe ous food crisis, but with advertise- of Soldiers case lots- $10.25 to $10.60; do., f.o.b., $9.90 toýQ E E S L the Bosphorous, te pi ak nV. hnacrlae ih ments of sbttt for missing ar- A despatch from Calgary, Alta., Honey--Prices, in 10 to 60-1b. tins- $9.95 ark ih;btheol omr odrbe p ticles of dlirt and the feverish activi- says: A mob of several hundred sol- 12 to 12½c; comh, No. 1, $3; No. 2, 1otel Fb 5-uchrserdream of overwoknhihrs or Top onwreklda ties o 5 " ist seking to discover die*rs completely wrecked the White $24:$7 to $7.50; good, $6.50 to $7; fair, icigR dgthn fdeyigAlahasyvai exprestainbou new foo<l.Uifs. Lunch Restaurant on Eighth Avenue Beans-$4.20 to $4.40. $6 to $6.50; medium, $5.75 to $6-'xsec.Lnirnccahdit n vast on Thursday nigzhft', followingr up PutySrn chkes17to-rough, $5.50; butcher bulls, best, $6'·- vnfrteprihdg hc oie --.- +- - the work of destruction by wrecking 18; wse, 1 to 14c; uks, 17 to 1C; ito $6.50; medium, $6.50 to $6; can.-BotCmadesAeN te wr n hereesovrytwAtr ufrnifodaay KING'«S I'ROCLAt ATION the premises of the same concern on ges,1 o1e ures 3t 6.ning bulls, $4.25 to $5.50- cows, to "Treat Them Ac- i.heaurk oidesknel osele wnt er a eulcfa GOFS TO BACH ELORS Ninth Avenue. A rumor that the Gheese-Large, 19c; twins, 19%c. bs 65;go 6 ar$ 0 • n odtia;atog e ilso on ercie h -- ~manager had dismissed returned sol.. Potatoes--Car lots of Ontarios, 'h 450 525i cordingly." look on indifferenl hl eaieyasod onKrs fP Mlachinery forEnocmt of Con- diers who had been hired as waiters, $1.75 to $1.80, and new Brunswicks' r$.25 to $4; milking co'ws,cannero A despatch from Washington says: starves without aro ocvrhm hr sdaelw'Tml scription Set in Motion. and had replaced them with Germans at $1.90 to $2 per bag, on track. $80. Sheep, 5 to 7c lb.; lambs, 8 to' Germany and Austria have formally Ma-in-law oeiis.bnadpr fteMlun A dlegpatch fromr London says: was responsible for te ateak.LuTPoviion 9%c lb. Hogs, selected, $10.25 to notified the United St'ates that begin- HoerdvtdhemybtoayC pnyuidgwedery fo, [Iý it o tlo(li rptloi' ,t a to $10.15; commode $9.25- st>ws, submarines will consider armed mer- h00 foemet'mofthn <oo rVcden ac.Thwa maager. Mr. Ndaegel denedthat e prl. n aelt. sMdu, $7.75 to $8 per cit. Calves, milk chant shiis of the Entente allies to e lyn eodfdl ohr Ms ayRbrsRnhr set' in ocmotion c irednesd ay. The ba imse nteundslir,1 t 0;d. ev,1 o1c olfed, 8 to 91%c per 1b.; grass fed 4½h be warships, and will treat them ac-mohrn-atugtelteradatoessannaeofhe Kig pocamtoncalig pn llorththe hiad hired any Germians, 16 to 16½/c; breakfast bacon, 21 to' d may be a perf ect rgnfrdmsi ahcHsia itbrwe eliible 1tbachielors between the ages of l>ut said that he hail occasion to dis- 24c; backs, plain, 25 to 26c; boneless to 5%/2c per ILcordingly.scintuiosoma-yrn.Hsmthrsatoatohajstudgnenopat 20an 3 yar t rpot orsenemiýssia mani who had a long time been backs, 28c. 5ARS EE URNE ders would be a~t liberty t'o sink with- hi# home; andwetohewfwoapndct. beginniing March 3, was placed in the a soldier, but was not, now with the Lard--The Market is unchanged • outwrnnganRameSvssl heh-dipueshe saytAeeRAaric, bin m mas.InLndn lne4000 opesoerseas for-ces. pure lard, tierces, 111% to 14c;pas The Tnrk is as ttesm tm etdi roto h rse of the proclamation were tiute.-- -- 1411e;c compound, 12½t to 1284e. a' Always Keen to Meet the Foe-Fear er passenger or freight carrying. the clenes n h itest manltcClb rky, o egn, Simuiltaneously largev posters with . No Danger. Te notifcations were presented 'Europe. His daiu buin r ssvnhue nPnslai finl ecuitri. apeas TYarLEiiN HEIAlMaret.T iorally to Secretary Lansing by Counit thoritiedeclared franalgarecrungapelsap rprearibi SAVES MN Y NlyyIVS Mnra akt.When the history of the war 1is von Bernstorff, the GermanAmbassa- mucaye partonisrlgina is TeJeso heUie tt Trlg qaresanin the r prom neno ___: Montreal, Feb.- 15.-Corn, Ameri- written the deeds of the Maori con- dor, and Baron Erich Zwiedinek, ryr,'n e he alowuhmelrt ivn 200,00fo terele plu ace n ci t. atey rn . \ill-e A des-patch from London says: 'crn No. 2 yellow, 85 to 86c. Oats, No. tingent of the New Zealand Expedi- charge of the Austro-Hungarian Em- be suorioune ydrHesesfoaarsrce rthrabod you marcThetoo. or ait ntil MbvacIieut. F. W. Bird, of the 29th Van- 2 local white, 5llc; No. 3 local white, tionary Force in Gallipoli will send a, bassy hei-e. Notes from teheir Gov-hsdorntasretfennk-epigtohestmeofhoew two .in The dai\y wamarkted by aCouver hiattalion, recently wounded, is 50c; No. 4 local white, 49c. Barley, thrill of pride throughout the Empire- ernments are to follow. In mud or dust, adsrw ihi hreo h ailn lesenngof ctviy mon te e-in the Empire Hospital, Westminister. Man. feed, 62 to 63c; malting, 70 to A few of those big-imbed dusky, describable dlith, truhwihh l aaidepoe fte cruiting sergeantsý The blig Strand While on his way to the trenches one 72c. Buckwheat, No. 2, 80 to 82c. and handsome warriors are now in walks sublimely idfeet o olcmay iksBr wr ctioe n ar arn g roseveningZ he was hit on the top of the Flour, Man. Spring wheat patents, >London on - leave; others are scat-"WE AMKN. Although he isoefthbrvthaeecidoietatny were cosed a noonhead by shrapnel, which has also ai. firsts, $7.30; seconds, $6.80; strong tered about in hospitals from Ply TePic o n HsTresoldiers in Europe onfgtr e"ue tnu"e ree fected his arm. He was not *earing bakers', $6.60; Winter patents, mouth to Dundee; many have heroles L rnc f awes.ad i&is laalso the champo hresedmcmay a helmet at he time, but says that choice, $6.70; straight rollers, $6 to graves' in Gallipoli. They started • submitting to iliaytann fh salsmn famltr SKODA ARMS FAcTORYý these helmets, which are chiefly re- $6.10; straight rollers, baga, $2.85 500 strong, and to-ay .only rather Some Interesting stories are given can pay another otkli lt;dm nec tt fte SERIO)t'SLY DAMAGED served for sentinels, would undoubt. to $2.95. Rolled oats, barrels, $5.25; more than a hundred remain fit toiby Mr. Dvd Williamso n his bio and although he i osatyvtn twih-tdnssol e edly have prevented many casualties do., bags,,90 lbs., -$2. 50. Bran, $24.1 fight again. • * hy be ePihndee ofneWatet, heis millions for thenws n otpw titdsiln n iia Plermitted in Austlria. men of the battalion were in good Mouillie, $31 to $33. Hay, No. 2, per zac a few day's afteher arriva' at once declared: - promptly sold ornvrbiadheJspM.LcU.Artr A despatch from Bucharest to the condition and ecxellent spirits. ton, car lots, $20 to $2060. Cheese, 'the Dardanelles at the end of June, When 1 am King I shall make three is content to posss aywihi r ahdiigoiy fnest westerns, 18% to 18½e;, inest and for a time their patience was laws: - worth little moretai arpirn hrcny del1ka g veday t teasterna, 18 to 18¼U. Butter, choicest sorely tried whle preparations for No one shali eut the tails Of the a00 Mm dlye Go ied>s ttsta h (ERM AN y IS NOW FEARFUL creamery, U4 to 34½%C; seconds, 82 % - the advance were being made. little dos; fd tandi rira ccdnh damage of the Skoda armament fac-1 OF GENER AL PEACE MEETING to 3C. Eggs, fresh, 37c; seetd,2 *They could not understand why There shall be no more Ilshing with He in, In factthlaesotrbbdfamothenira tory in Bohemia was more serious to 80el- No. 1 stock, 27e;',No. 2 stock, they were not perqitted. to go right books; happyý-go-luckà a ntewrla i oenerEbnsy than at firsb announced. Roumanian A despatch from Amsterdamsys: 24 to 25e. Potatoes, per bag, ar on with the busineàss,"-said an om-n No onesall 11une bearing-reins to trusting to Állaw otk aeo4m navnei h rc f official circles, the despatch adds, have The Koelnische Volks Zeitung, dis- Iota, $1.85 to $1.90.' cer in the New.Zealand Regiment to hurt the borées. whIue he indulgeshsovofaedd egodwsanucdby rheceedconmairote cnnof cussing peace possibiflities, asserts 1a reporter recently. "They wanted e, asb, e -çt, uncomm- o b&dluxury;' and gettnohrstdohsdtWila,.Woofhe the estucton f al th canonthat Germany. will. nefer consent to 1Winnipeg Grain. to get at the Turks. 'Why should we "44à -lsan Q lent tr"ai At oework-Greeks 'touc sbnes eseia olacm which were in course of manufacture, enter a general pence conference, butj Winnipeg, Feb. 15.-Cash 4ota. kop their headz downl' theytasked time the ,Prláce was bing ure and Armenian* smrhnawhl vr te wdmnfcui as well as all the plans and drawings will only consent to negotiate wi tios.Wha-o. 1 N 'their oMeers.'When àare we goigthougha c is11»mnt adw¢ h kims their prV efrhi w x In the draughting ofBees. The dead eeh idvduleey.Gnan 12%• No, 2 .Noern$.0•'t e n ihte1gtnt ol hsNurse'of a mlitl "dpsceqe.Amn adbngu, i num er nealy 800 ad sveal unnaesthegrua n th pap er d ,th"' orhy1 7 • N ' "e o f w th tem fretul t t edly iet w oh d sofws grtb euratIW s l awr m dlt oh r n ' n ery C sa a dred were Injured by the explosion a general conference would give Great $ 1% N. 108•N ' st aood on the top of the btrehes mad The Prince 19Isnd teniel. the tons, but he onlymkste ot thshm n which caused the disaster, and which Britain the upper hand. de4ed the Turks, . si rakth«m. H ln odrfla 1eut f a ra is said 60 have been the work of crio-No CW$l'c"ou; a 4ada ol$1's a th i # scemsfo tegodofhi outr-sett"*trheia1ods pupoe.Th esath ds ha teTO WORK ON TUE LAND 39 3 2ver, hottet g. ensp.;e.Ma1, laudable objecte srDisetninpua a adee na Austrian military censorship hat pro- ïg un".@ B a eucton htal tathppntit dbit hibited the publication of news of the No . àh;N. 46er awihwso end disaster In Austria-Hungary.pa c % .,raa esnw a ess "" ~~of Tradë, l in ùjadlh wie the a h neaeè sedhn Nta n lhuhÃ¥t onri pt fRS THE BRITISH MINISTRY Board of Agriculturetl iesat Uitdfnu a e, din It àWÀs t 44Wet eMp"sblifty to itappe a aheeawpd REM AINS 1UNCHANGED to AnbgW a ú$ietakigher ofwo- M piri inthe lee& nas bdinda rthabe the aneta-ffnee ofAlfales' ing.to bankruty e vraoah men to work theandIn ordert«nepl f» 5-haMastsmneashws se u A despatch fromLondon says: The meet the abortage of agrieutua .#;C-16hamt heta ieary tosa #eport that Lord Kitchener in soon t» labor due to tht shortage due to the $127%o ern teok »eave the War Office and ls to be sule- enlistmens 1Omn a os dd by Lord Icrby was enia atne, 100ýI fdened that Kitehener WillgoWa Du 74, Fe la.-Whet, N. mes Pryut#*"d NSINO 053 gyt n hener utre Ad8p(C f0mQÃ" eSus"ad,$1 à, o.1 orhentb asiaeetN*0IdTa theArned PIUon hudr s.s% o.a o, 138 t fl to a Casabeti Aaý 7 r1gàn" ry of 0 and n De- gt a before ged a swife leap- indow. was dnesà, and amily, ýr là- t W. black d nwo t oý auto- is for Lgua- q six i1adel- IÙ Al- Wagon ed by 450,- 4, the o&neoý eè she on fqr n, ar ýt iAth. Owns ,au- s bave ttheil' cMerd- nud. e, a., fthé Unon, er insege mm.wm.ý .1 BRI TISH AND RUSSIANS MAY JOINM FORCES IN MESOPOTAMIA WITiOUT MERCY OR QUARTER, TURK AS SEEN ACROSS'THE- BORDER y WVÇV*m-- Toront V-001 u.; An« il - 7ôtOW

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