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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Feb 1916, p. 4

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Cat . L «jbUbfn mi uDriffea, Msriathlier". f f, ro». the.4#Olr Batalieg..to the IueK. lEt M mI m d at 9zkeetÀ4u w: 4Dvis, Robert, Qpron WMtII~si~ RDvs, jPRIVATU. 'C"Coupaa. re n Troto tted.Adameon, Kenneth Roy. Ili. the proviional Scbof, t~iiitrucj Body, CharieL. tion et the pld Techuicai School. The Baluey, Russe,,. cor»-Ist six weki. IlalAey, Walter George. COIPl.Eltxi ,yUta aktg LCOUSeBail, Alexandr. hI b~ne hgthl n Mntrai. Barton, Wm. Jâmes. lTii followng-eght mnnhave vme Batman, rdrc oae to Ux brdge ta ta## the N. C. 0. course Bath, Leonard. tbere-- mnce.Corpls. Jas. Griffin, Jr ath, dwrd AlUln. E. Cassels, A. C. Rice, Ptes. W. J. Bar- Benson, ThoiL Victor. ton, N. C. Kllpatrick, 1. J. Rou, F. Hol- Bird, Fred Robert. nmx. 0 . r. Bird, Ernest Robert. Three men are al2o taking the aig, Boomer, Harold Roy. nalling course at Urbrtdge, and five Bonner. Arthur Bernard. mon are ln the course ln scouting. Baburn, Ernest. Sergeant Rift, who han been n Bradley. Ambrode Wm. charge of a platoon in the 1l6th Bat-I Brown. Edwfard. talion for sorne lime. left on Monday Brookes, Stanley Cyril for Toronto to take a course at the Burt. Edwa.rd Arthur. Provlelonal School of Instruction. The Cain, Thomas. b4ýys of bis platoon preeented hlm wlth Caro1j. Leon, a bandsome cane before bis departure. Casseets. Jas. Edward. Sergeant Kift bas mnade many frIende Chilcoit. Wm. Edwa.rd. during hie short stay In Whitby, both Colline, Cyril Albert. wlth soldiere and amongmt thie citizens Cormack, Leslie Gordon. of the town. He wIll be welcomed back Crackneil, Arthur. to town after bis aix weks' course. Cunningbam, John. Private Fred Charlton wAi go back abPtr to Kingston Convalescent Homne for a Dalby. Prter. Uime. ai rn Mrs. Dows Misfertiae. Edith Murray Dow'e many frienils in W'hitby and througbocul Ontario were shocked and .greieved by the brie! despatch ln The Globe recently telliug of the sat! calamity Aat befeillber home n Enderby, B.C. Shortly atter nIidnight on Thursday morning the Manse, with aIl ils contents. %vas tiller- Manse, with ail is contents, w-as mter- Rev. J. A. Dow, wa-q badly burned a- about the bead and hande. Sîxe berself and their son Douglas. a boy of four- tees, barely meaped, but their daugh- ter, a very brigbt gIn of twelve. diet! a victim o! the catastrophe. Personnel of " C" Co'y, 1l6th BattaJion. The liet followig las the nominal rol o! "'C" Companyý, lî6th Baltlion, CE. F., stationed etA Wbitby, as coxnpleted UP- t0 and ncluding February 14th, 1916. The names are o! those who have reported for duty. OtUi enllsted, but are not yet n The letters '*5* and *"M' whetber single or ma&rried. CA PTAINS. Every, Geo. W. P. Moody, F. H. LIEUTENANTS. Major, H. Lawrence. Grierson, Geo. A. H. Guy, Geo. F'redérick. Harding, Wm. DufiWeld. SERGEANTS. Jenningi;,Sidney, Kift, Wm. Kitchener. CORPORALS. McGrotty. Francis Alex- Baye, Elton, Syramoïe. Murkar, Wm. Clayzie. Newall, Geo. Stoîe. Dolpinico, Aloi. ElliotI, Wm. Ellis, Jus. Morgan Elson. Ha.rvey Emme, Albert VIctor Finlay George. Fleming, Thos. Forrester. Clarence Stanley Portier, Lawr*.nce. Gammon. Wm. Thomas G-Ilbert, John Merryfield. Gimbleti, H-erbert Jeffrey ;ood. ' m.Henry. Greenwood. Chas. Gilbert Gulliver. Jus. Hyde Gunner. Robert llackney, Chu& Walter. Hale, John Hall, Hugh RanaIt! Hall, Richard Alexander Hanson. Charles Jeffrey Harrison, Frank Clayton Ht w, Harold. Hill1, Frederick Nicholas. Hodge, Alton Chas. Wnfield Hodges. Jas. Carl. Holman. Frank- Hopkins, Archie Blake. Hurlburt, Lonson crs have .Johnson, Alfred. uniform. Keast, Alonzo. Indicate Kennedy, Alexander. Kilpatrick, Norman Cralg. Kirtley, Wm. Thomas. M Knotts. .Ios. Lavinglon, Percy LeBar, Edward Wm. S Litan, John Conroy. S Lunan, Wiîbcrt Gordon. M MadilI, Ralph. S! Marshall, Duncan Mason, Albert Edward. MMedler, Arîtur, SMitchell, Edwin. Morrison, Walter Geo, S %IcBrien, David.1 SMcDonald, Robi.,Chas. SMeLean, Frank Perey. SMcLean, Malcolmn Wm. Don't Suffer Longeîm and allow yourself to becomne grouchy, upset, tiervous and d epressed. These conditions usually indicate a dis. ordered ddigestive system, which, if rîeglected, rnay b-, hârd to remedy. Remnove the disturbing element ana put your digestive organs in good workiiig order by takmng They genti y stimulate the liver, act on the bowels, tone the stomnac h - purify the blood and regulate the system. These benefits are particularly mnarked by womnen at such times when nature inakes special denmds upon their vitality. They act promptiy and safely. The next time you feel low-spirited and ôut of sorts, take Beechaxns Piuls. Their sure, mild, thorough action will Give Quick Relief Worth s Gulnes a Box p- u.do lbTom «m n ah,. St J1el. ae a.mm. si ScPId .vr>wlur inCasadaad U. 8. Aanef het 2 sss 'I J I SALE.! * W aroffrinjoos8more or lmo dauiagd by *mirkeaM Mal-t pt eatl ucoil prie... Bora. .goq4. sncb asCaMMi Vegétable., Salmon, eta., art not st alijn.&Ht~h ael »i lino are dîseoiored. Package Touas uola eo<tveb ampl oked.-are not imzS-ed, ouly li the ap.w» l S~U. egins Tluwsa,*.2 - R~Fosir and lII Oa 1*in lupaper bagé e- inlupretty goqd eiaiUïonubut ?kmor -etteu %5k-çmay have to ho sold forjqe4, - olledO.t-tuIsen ldb tdoeeor ïfI kpt i&a aeold plA;Ctý wopM10 î«O!demsi.v. - u ti6 ilare byo orua" .4 w I~AIdI~99S96r in open baýrI ii ~.* Newman Tbomj.,j. BPatterion. Roit. Martin. M Petrson,Jh. 8 !.'attutn, Hugh.S 8 Powewl4rthu!U. 5 8 Rea, James Fisher.s 8 Reardon, Henry John.S 8 RAce, Arleigh Chas., S Richards, Fred. S Rowci, Robent. S S Rsa, Âlmer John.S S Ros, I#àn James.S Mt Rouston. Wrn. Harold. M S Saint, Oporge. ,M Mt Sarson, George Wrn. - S M Scott, Clarence Mitcbell.ý. S ecott, David. -,1_!S S Scott, LàouAs Gladstone. S S Shepherd, George. M M Shireffis, Alexffder. 8 S Shore, Erneet'George. S M Short, Russell Jarvis Franklin. S S Shuttleworth, Victor, Robt S. S SmAith, James Allan. S S Southam. Archibald. S S Stark, Wm. Henry. S S Swartz, Miax. S S Taylor. Chas. S S Taylor. Joseph. S S Thomas, Joeeph Leslie. M M Thomas, William.S S Troy, Wa.lter.S S Vanstone, Gordon Algernon. S S Varley, Arthur Lewis. M S Vgossi, Tony. S M Vickery, Jos. Raymond. S S Vualano, Vinceuzo. S S Wallace, John. S, M Weir, Johin. S 8 Wbitfleld, Gordon Bennett. S S William. Wikfred. S S Willianii. Vivien. M M Yule, John Perry. S M S M Ré'cruiting Sermons in S Whirby Churches. S S (Continued fromn page 1) M land and said: -ThAs As the nation that Scals you, and ymu know too wel why sho calta. Thislas the cause you are S asked to accept. What wAll be your answer?- laInciosing Mr. Poster said: S And how can men dAe better, M Than taclng tearful odds, 8 For the ashes o! your fathers S And the alters o! your gode?. S AT ÂLL SAINTS' . S "For wbAch o! you intending 10 build Sa tower sltteth not down first and Scounteth the cost whetber be have sufA- Sdcent to finish t? Or what King going Sbt malié war agalnet another King sit- Steth not down firet and consulteth Swhether h be able witb ten thousand si to meet him that corneth against bim S with twenty tbousand." St. Luke xiv. Mi28 and. 31. S This was Rev. R. Wý. Allen's text at 1 the evening service. He said An part: SIIn these words our Lord warned 5those Who followed Hlmu what disciple- s sîlp lnvolved. À few verses before we are told that Hie was foiiuwed by great 8 i Sicrowds. lHe turned on them and chal- Slfe also, hecanlno t be m y disciple. Wbosoever-- othf-ot be-r bS.cos n the hîghest or as- high as any duties, which oa cea our attetion. W. may gain inspiraton for- them ci on- alderlng the. marswhlihvo pý ut m oui ordlnarypersonal eoneercb ad. en- deavors? li tisse afa&s aw count thh -con4 - ltli prudence wel1 before ban..as" put into hemir &y Mount éor gM eSmtratlss ut «»4miLa.Too âft., au tu the im a nd p hae afia aotut =à ÇF0 atm , b .Kingtbm e gr*" n tI>iishsm sauqct tm Pire vas t var la tc Rmm»O!ets 04 ib m i a u a lu I M e l. un A*imé . n fn .hwm mut tb Ih g pU * drownns fMuns.-He was mettadg ~ILt LtLU Isistèeswho are th e c i0f Germnans-whenerer an air raid las ade M oS1, lib ow tdie et colat towns of England# and know soxunething o! the tçrror i wIich they lve from Urne e ti me. in conclusIon 1 would May no long as ci1? éemies are-in our midst, se rnuch hardqr t wlll b. to get young men te enlist..--At leat, that 4a May opinion. Again thankiing you for taking up "pce An your valuable -paper, 1 arn, Yours truly, O. -W. W. E. U;. P. J. CAVEENt-t M82Gerrard.St. £ast, Toronto., For two yeza,.1 -was a victam of A4cide Iligestion <and Cas In n7e Sboin"w. Xit ftcrwardls aitacked my [[car, and 1 had pains i!l overth body, s0 1 cônid h:îrdll v e arouind. 1 tried aIl kinds of m"dicines but noue o! them dI1 me any goud. At asat, actlng on the adviee of a friend, 1 decidod to try 'Fruit-a-bives'. 1 bought th. firt box lest June,, and now 1 amn well, after ualng only tiare. boxes. 1 recornmend 'Fruit-a-tivesl, to anyone euffering froin Indigestion, no matter how soute". 7RED J. CÂVEEN. Simple Indigestion often le&d& to "Mert Aiu. c ata.rrh of the S.! o»uch and cons"an distres of mind and body. If you are bothored witi any Stonmh Trouble, and especlally if Constipation troubles you, tae 'Fruit-a-tieae. SOc, a box, 6 for 12.50, trialaise, 25c. At a&l dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-a-tives Limlted, Ottawa. regard terIbis I am nul one o! those entbîîstasts who would go so far as 10 say liatIt I s 1the duty o! every mnax te> go to tie-front. Our countrY cod not stand the aIrain, and thone are maen to whom it would be a PS~ttve crime te go. On th1e other hand, IhAs duty muet be enforced upon the conscience of the counry-thcrc are maxiy wbo ougbl to go and who have not gone. But by our custom the question o! enlstinent s left te our choîce, and we, bef ore Got! and man, muet make a de. cision. How are we te decAde? We may -do Ibis by asking two ques- tAons. Are we filling any useful place An thie conmunity? Io the sacredas o! bhc work An whlcir we are cngaged an. inspiration te us. If t s net t s possible that tlas because wc have refused a calI 1teanottier duty. God neyer allows us to 1w happy in a work o! our own cholce when we are refusAng a caîl from HAm. iIfbis s our condi- dfon there s a noble calAing 10 whAch I jêm nvting thîs evenlng, whAch las cap- able of briagini;Al much lia las noblest An îus bY thie followlng o! wliich some imay be able lu the lmit of their powera to make UP for a 1îseiess past and find bappiness. In this as lu any matter of a similar nature no man can decide once and fur ail at any given time. As circumestances change thie range of responsIbility widexis, and till victory s gained and mîghb eand wrong are put down there wAll be an open and enlargin.g challenge tu the manbood o! our country. The Recruifiing -Question. To lbe Edi1tor Gazette and Chrouicle: §Dear Siir.-This la lie first lime liat I hÎve taken tbe pnivilege of eaking yeu a favor, so kindly permit me te taite Up a smalA space An your paper for lie purpose o! expressing my opIn- ion on lie recrul 'ting question . .Now, 1 liink the reason for a good many young fellowa not joining the colons la because as long as liere are Germans and Austrians right An oui mîdat.loyIni ail»e .prlvileges of a fie. country. l does not gAve on. much heart te join andltht te enrici themn whlcii a groat many are doing. le it any vender Abat vo hear xiearly «v*eeYday t îatôso'nePlace- has;beon blovo Up and Annmomd ni ves lest tiiroftegh Ahuncurbed effortse! a lot et mjtiay.<a -la Prend. te ht. Mad te 'Wb"* no em»li bubc t ou ' awqig.rt~ fa ot bol o »M tr r.euiUzlguffl =4am twaeltifag mnueaàbaki -t. 1M SALE REGISTER. Tb ureday, February 17-Auction sale of furniture, th1e property of 111e estate of the late A. A. Gates, at the Queen's Hobel, Wbtby. Sa.le at one clock sharp. Wm. Maw, auictioneer. Tuesday, February 22nd .-Aucblon sale o! farm and fa.rm stock. the prop- erty o! the estate of bbe late Walter Rogers, lot 35, con. 6, Wbltby. Farin soid stibject to reserve bld. Sale at one o'clock. Wmi. Maw, auctioneer. Txîesday, Fetu. 22.-Extensive- auction sç.Le out iorses, r,-gistered and high grade catîle, rcg. Shropshire sbeep, hogp, implements, laay, grain, moots, Pec., the property of LevA Pugb, lot 10, con 1). Picke'ring. Sale at 1 o'clock. See bille Hugh S. Pugb, auctioneer. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Cunninghîam on Wednesday for an extended through Canada andthe11wStates. lefI tri p Faims for Sale. At the auction sale of farm stock of Walter J. Rogers, deeased, on lot thir- ty-flve An the sixth concession, Wbitby Township, on Tuesday, February 22nd, 1916, the following lande wlll be offer- ed f'or eale by auction about 3 p.m., subject to a reserved bld. 1. The soutb hall of lot thtrty-five in the slxth conceSsIon1, WhltbY Townshlp, three acres orchard, two. wells, living spr mg, f rme bouse, and barn, hog pen. Land As dlay loam, ail cultlvated, An fair state of cultivation. Three mies from Trooklln G.T.R. station and C.N. R. Greenburn station. 2. Twenty-five acres of bush land ln lot thirty-one An the fifth concession of Whltby Township, cedar, elm and ash. TERMS.-Ten per cent, on day of sale and balance wlthln thirty days. For further terme and particulars ap- ply to H. W. MeBrien andl Wm. Morrt- son, Executors, Brooklln, or W. E. N. Sinclair, Soliîtor, Oshawa, Ont. Oshawa, February 4, 1916. -33. silligl I ivision 168118 COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. 1916. 1. WHITBY-MissEB. L. Macdonnell, Whitby, Clerk-Jan. 4, Feb. 1, Mar. 1. Apr. 4, May 2, June 1, July 4, Sept* 5, ()et 2. Nov. 1. Dec. 4, ian. 2, 1917. OSHAWA-Misa E. L .Macdonnell. Whitby, Clerk-Jan. 5. Feb. 2, Mar. 2,1 Apr. 5. May 3. June 2, July 5, Sept- 6,! Oct. 4, Nov. 2, Dec. 6, Jan. 3, 1917. 2. BROUGHAM-M Gleeson, Green- wood, Clerk-Jan. 6, Mar. 3, May 4,1 J tly #;, SepL 7, Nov. 2. Jan. 4. 1917. 3. PORT PERRI- J. W. Burnham, Port Perry, Clerk-Jan. 7, Mtar. 6, May 5. July 7. Sept. 8, Nov. 4, Jin 5. 1917. 4. UXBRIDGE-R. J. Moore, Uxbridge. Clerk.-Jan. 14, Mar. 10, May 9, July 11, Sept 19, Nov, 24, Jan. 12, 1917. . CANNINGTON-Thos. H. Foster, Cannington. flerk-Jan. 13, Mar, 9. May 10, JuIy 12, Sept 20, Nov. 28, Jan. 11, 1917. 6. BEAVERTON-Ch.,aa A. Paterson, Beaverton, Clerk- Jan. 12. Mau. 9. May 11,. July 13. Sept 21. Nov, 22, Jan. 10, 1917. 7. UPTERGROVE - DantllALonard, AtherloY, Cierk-Jan. 11, Mar. 7. Ma&Y 12, July 14, Sept 22, NOT. 21, Jan. 9, 1917. (By Ordor) 1. B FAREWEILL Clorkfo! the. Peos& D&tadat Whltby. Nov,. lu&115 ARTHIJRV -LYN DE -* WtàUIvry »uMoslie liavaîoay &M oir t& *i amu& 4ffmn . iThe dééth ýf swiue-J; palluo 'e- cnrred -on sundaâ' at hie rosesldO- éS?4 Yong. streçt, at thi e .o¶Wers The lat»le frPaeradbn$u Ing froUmolhltîs tor..some tAme, and -this, together wlth a general - break- 40WflcaU8d 4eatii. He WMa a atxe and grainer by trade, but had net been wônklng'fl sorne years.He wua box in Whitby, where ho followed hie tthdo Whidredt PTtWbttby. Threiorî sho*s that Mens"re. Wbltney & Code, -th- contractors, were Daid $12,O on ",ring récelved $r.020 où th0 OOIitP*L lispeotor's focs for 1914-15 were $498, belng for 168 days at $3 a day. ExPen- ditures for divers wais $26.00. The to- tal éxpenditur1e -for the year uts $12,- 608.10. As $13,440 wua estimated for the year, Ht was exceeded by $68.10. for somne Unie, removing te Toronto For Oshawa a grant of $50.000 bad brtrry years ago. The late Mr. Palmer been made for th1e harbor, but only las survived by threc sons, Frank, liv- $3,604 was used. Anig at the above address, Elgin andi 0f a $12,000 grant for repairs te Bow- H-erbert, of Detroit. manvIles Pieo, onîY about $1300'Was -- - used. WHITBY HARBOR COST Tic custorns servAce for Whltby cost - - - -. .$2394,34 for th1e year. o The report of the Auditor-Gefleral of Canada, for' the year endtng March 31, 1915, has just been distributed.. A- OSHAWA. mong the expenditures of Interest 10 W. F. Baton bas left Oshawa to takt> Whitby people As that for the new up hie resîdexice An iHamiltoti. W. have three good machines, and to clear them out we offer $1 i). 00 worth of records fs-e with eacb machine. SANITARY eLOSETS Connecte with stove pipe on chimney. Regular Ouîr price, to clear, 85.00 ecd. \Vebae he SILOS \Ve avetheagency for the De Lavai uine of ç g<)odu. Lot us quotc you on your requinements. GASELENE Our brand is the higbest test to ho obtained I and wilI give you the best satisfaction. Give it a trial.1 HARNESSI MVis, GLOVES, BLANKETS, MACHINERY. W. F. DISNBY. Bell and Ind. Phones. NEW $14.00 eacb. WI-ITBY GARAGE and P.aint Shop IN CONNECTION with our new garage we have installed an up-to-date paint shop, with an. ex- pert body pairiter in charge, and are now prepared to do ail kinds of body painting on autos, carniages and sleighs, etc. Oct Our Prices The driving season is about over now und you are thmnking about putting your car away for the winter. Rn it in and have it washed before doing go, as leaving the dirt on spoiTs the varnish. We are prepared to overhaul ail makes of cars,. and cari also store cars for winter. Our Gaàrage La Iieatèd and Pire Proof. SATISFACTION OUARANTEIED. IncL phone la WHITýV Be 6plone ro Tour I~Iig se' l~e ou j t i 4 A Lai] thati i has e -f rom temnpE amoth cern Ar foret t gan i z it Ti the (o ..Th Is an the'c but tc r iab L. Lansi they i City, t mer(- atteim tithist -W andm peril: Fe and for ilien, Chu Wei ride for - CANADIAN PACIFIC For WINNIPEG and VANCOUVE LEAVE TORONTO 6.40 P.M. DAULV VIA THE TRA NSCANADA CONNECTINO TRAIN LEAVES WHITBY lit 4.55 p.- Through equipinent including Electric Lighted Compartinent, Observation Car, Standard and Tourist Sleepers, Dining Car, First-class Coaches. The froquent C.P.B. Service paeaing tbrougb the Busineos Centre oft ach City je an "sset tu theTraveler." PartAculars frouA E. a. Blow, Witby agent, or writ.e W. B. lHoward, D.P.A.. Torot PFIRE ï .. 1- , "I -,-- - 1-1- ' - ilamt-- ïm 1 ný_ jý

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