5ë motion à Code, 2.Oon mr" $492, The to- V.R $13.- ~tdfor nlved hume trein the heu "iad recelyod the box a Whttby people for Christi ca.lled upon te lea.ve for ýCi a iturry. however. that h. #tite opportunlty 0f vYttî betOre salling, and he theî it ln perses te the ,eam COmmtttee. Misa Cormeck i, btt«d iestte and Il ' I WANTED. oresntl> ii'- j9A~k ~Chiidrenli sevtng. Appi>' te azette_ wln Li n-IIO~L~fU Offie. r box 676. --6 sent nim b ma&. He wu Inada ln ueci Sdtd flot bave 19 bils thanku refore cari-led Wrist WatcIbes " A t oui new store we are showing an unt-xcelled aissorimt-nt at VERY SPÉCIAL PRICES Corne in and make us a social cail, anyway. At Our New Sto~re R. N. Bassett J eweler and Opîtcidn Il] tuil l(>ck Witt)thie Bal(-ony liruik Sctreet, WlHl -BY.- -OýNTARIO W. C. T. U. A ('ITYS EXPERIENCE. Lansing ls the capital of the State of Michigan. Tt lis located tln a county thai le '*dry" and for some lime the cily bas enjoyed the benetits of freedom tramn the leWaltzed barroom. The Anti- temperance part y tntend to bring on amother L<>cal Option vote, hoptng to e-tnistate the outlawed saloons. The question of what ought to be donc con- Soit Simdsy, Fobmrary201b, l.tabhé; lo8 8 up the TemperonceLen EVERBQDYWmlx"le Cote ~tak. j LOST. In Whttby, on Frlday. a large yelo.w aid w1bite Collite dog. FIder pleai. ýDltlfy Gazette and Chronfele *ffime rAUCTION .4 ~ Ci. ,Darllngton, Who e 15givtg np GO t Ha T. hom Mý, Whtby ý,ari-mng., wîi sel! by publie auctbon ail fortoul" latet ir hitsmi.î~ his faim stock and 1Ipieets on IWed- o art Har . hosmado, W60t 'Iesota esday, Mardi 1, 1916. -0- JAMES BISHOP. THE SOLDIER ASLEEP AT RI Mr.. and.Mns. rr4nG dfle POST, OR THE SUNSUINE 0F aDent the vswk-énd Ln ._ Auctoneer A SISTER'S LOVE. Castachal,8seUne East bsoied the Overgeas Q. 0. R. lot Executor's. Notice Io Thte above ta the tiLle of a most pa&t and left for Troonto lest week. etic and beautifuliIncident that wll.b. IMn. W.,J. Luke imson flr rdio told ln aLoi-y and i sog at the song j ereClii rco, e st vweetattendlng NTEETT FxH~A I. service lnthLe Baptiet Churcit on Sun-Lie auai Flord baUrît.tNTEETTEO HMSG Misa Clanm Colwlii,vb1phas been vis- SON, late of te Township, of Whit- day eventng. February 27. The story, iîing wtth her brother ta Toronto fer by. in thte County of Ontari.lbr, ln brief ltat of a young man, Frank some time, retu.rned home on Monday. deces.sed. .lber Owens-iis cum, Tom Witon, and 1 Mr. and Mrs. R. N. Baaett have been NIotice le hereby given, pursuant te bis istr, inne Oens Frnk nAspending a week or moesin New york section 56, chtap. 121, R.S.O., 1914, titat bissiserMinieOwes. 'rak id CitLy. and are returntng to Whttby tht. ail persons baving dlaims 5.ga.lnst te Tom were soldiers ln te Federal Army week. estate of te said Thomas Gibsen, wite durtng te Civil War. One day when Mr. and "i A. E. Luke wete i laded at the said Township of Wbltby, Tom was l11, te army itad a iteavy Leaskdaie tuis week attendiug- Lhe Lu onl te sixteentit day of .Fanuary, 1916, chus avneral of Mme. Luke's sister, Mi* Minnie are required Lo deliver or send by pont, march. Fr-anikcarricit bis ctm h.W arer. pe c>d t avid W.Lite esd.,-. ersack and his own. That nigitt iL was Mr. Bei-t Seldon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brooklint-,exocutor o! h said es Tom's turri 10 go on sentînai duty. C#phaas eldon. of Whltby, vito has'Iarc,19norieiorenthes antd areof Frank, titougit dreadfully tlred, took been ln te employ ofethte Office Spec- sudahfuli descriptios nd Liteircm, Toms place. Durtng te loiieiy iours ialty Ce., Toronto, fer some years, has and the nature of te secuftites, if of the nîgitt Frank was overcome woitit been promoted t te Citargq of ai of- any. iteld b>' tieni. and x- - fatiue nd leptat ie ost.Forthi fic intheeftyot enteal.Thi la Furtiter take notice titat after'-tfi" fatgueaidslet a bi pot. or its Lce n le cL>'<ifMonres. ais sald fourti day of Mai-ch. 1916, te he was sentenced to deatit. His aister, honor fbr the y0ung mAI witicit hiesaid executor wyul proceed to dîstribute Minnie. traveled man>' iundreds Whitby fiends wtll be proud te itear thLe egtate of te said deceased among of miles 1.0 see President Lincoln. Tte ot. te parties enttied tereto, it>avtng re-1 Igard onl> te te cdaims Of whtcit ie1 Great President heard te star>' of --sha l ten have notice, and te said Frank's devotion to bis comrade, par- NOTICE 0F IREGISTRATION OP ' executor shaîl not be liable for te satd doned hlm, and conferred honora upon BY-LAW No. 836. assets or any part titereof, to an>' per- hlm for hie fatthfulness to a compan- Notice tlaitereby gis-en that a by-law son of witoee dlaim ite shai l ot titen ton. waà passed by te Ceunocil et the Cor- bave received notice. poration of te Count>' o! Ontario an DAVID W. MÀcDoiqAL, te 2Mt day o! January, 1916, for the by A. E. CHRISTIAN, iei Solicitor. Go ta Rarr T. Thompeon, Wbitby, purripse oft granting aid to the Cana- Dated Februar>' 9, 1916. -34. lot ready-to-wear overceata, $12.60 flO. Otan Patriotic F'und establiahed by lie _______________ ---o--Act of the Dominion Parliament F'tftit DEATH 0F JAS. SHAW. George V., Chapter 8. ta te extent of Notice to Creditot s. ln te death of James Shaw. witicb, $30,000 payable tn ton yearly sums ofi occtirred on February 12. Whttby loses $3.000 each wlLh interest at 64%. The IN THE SURROGATE COURT 0FP one who bas been an esteemed citizen aniount to b. ralaed inueaefi-ye.fo cow -0Form N for nearly half a century. Mr. Shaw ten years to pay--principal and intereot E"TAT 0F(W NA R OS-I bad been ln poor itealtit for -te last belng $S,980.04. THE EunATmiE OP WALTER JOmxt- ton aniariu, wfl peakaI bisfour years, and itis death hiad been ex- i And that sncb by-lav was regifteied j tn. Al ttei wilteae corthli-pected for some Lime. tln te Regiairy -Ofce et the Conuii ot inviled to attend., The late Jas. Shtaw was boni near Ontario on te eleventi day 0f Febru- Glasgow. Scothand, on Januar>' 28, ai-y, AD.. 1916. The Trafalgar Darigiters have etr 1840. and was, titerefore. la bis 77t An>' motion La, quasit or set aside th1e 4-d MIaster Ge-orge Trartton. the famnous year aI the dime o! bis deatit. In No- same or any part tereef muet be made boy singer, for Friday everitrg. Febru- vem ber, 1863, he was married 10 Mie' wlitin tree menthe after te firet ai-y 18. In lte musie hall,. He wtll be Agnes DavIdson, at RichmnondUli, aid publication o! thus notice and cannot asststed by Misses Collins, Goti. Smilth his second mai-nage occurred aI Osih- be made therealter. and McCormack o! the College. and Mr. awa on D4-cember 12. 1977. ta, Mise' Dated the iStit day o! February, AÂD. A. 0. MacPherson. of the HlineniC 'A% Mary Jane Rennisoii, wbo survives. Mr. 1916. ,cerning the malter came recently be- staff Admission 25c.; reser-ved ce' a w aIeaiy ffv osan AUL fore~~~~~~~~~~~ bieCame ! omrea r-3c îted du ne daugitter. o! whom foui- sons sur- County Cleri. frth hmeofCmecaor35.Plan at Wit t B' __________store._oe ganzationlitI crrspods a aIlordProceeds for paîrlotte purposes. vive, viz., Meuars. Geéorge, Walter, cBen _________________ Saniatio tha corespnds o a oar and Fr-ank. The two former were home' ot Trade tri a Canadian Ctty, and after CNER.loi te tuneral.i a vioros dbat thre as doped ONCRT.Mr. Shaw bas resided ln Wititby Miss Kate Wrug1ht a viorou deble tere s-s dopld Nus Lottie L. Tilloîston, o! Hawaii, sînce October, 1871. He was a member TUCUR OF PIAN AND PIPE GRU the following declaration* %.ih ir%,te it itzens o! titis town an oflte Board o! tue aid Mecitanica' In- "The Lansing Chamber cf Commerce opporîîtibiy of heartng her ehocuition- ttute for mai>' years. Uc was fore- Fupihs preparsd fer Toronto Cou- le n rgniabonta rool rotony an. .-î-tlre- Concert ln AIl Saints' Sun- mari at Brown & Pattersan's, aid later sereatry on Uni'versity lexamtnations. la e commerialin pro e o Lnon]. day') tcool room on Monday eventng, Patterson Bros.' foundi->, but for the a i.F eilvas thecomercal roperty f Lnsig.February 21. at 8 o'clock. Don't fail hast twelve years bas lived retlred. fResîdene i i .Mflva but to do an>' and aIl tingsaist wthI bo heai- 1,cr Lecture wtll ho itter- Tho funeral1 service wau ield at te sYren Street Telepione Ne. 221. make lansing a beller and more de- sîo-,rsed mithit nîsic. Admission 20ic.: fainil>' residonceBrock sîreet nortu, rit tlctrî-xt hclProceede to o ro Paai-t-n Moniday afternoon, Rev. A. H. Fos. aIr-hi cly t whch o heolîr Fiitîd, -t(,rof lte Methodisl Tabernacle, o!f' -Resolvc-d by the Directors of 1h,- wIh eeae w ammbr nfuit Lansing Chamnher o! Commierce, taI TuF GRNG'E"'FORMALI.Y tag. Interment wts made. ln Union Ill os 8a Ill 1O98e they are oplîosed to ie opening of any OlENED. Cemetery. salons s li-reoforL oi-tig l thi -lhe Gang.- te 'ý'hi%'lte late Mr. Shaw uns for 53 years. W aoCiad ittroglofors .-xîsbînnd lubi)- (if I. an Ir. .' l aiîysdla ,-ahce a Msson. anid was a Past Maister of W have a large stock of Cil'.mdjlegebh- ,tltîuc- ad ît.-o! I aîd rsJ i.Laiia -uh Cit(omposile Lodge, No. 30,.A.F. & A. M., 1F E H FS n port of iie Lansing Uiatiîber of Coin- . as te-,ii 'fT,red for the uice ofItle of- \whîlby. The members o! Composite FR S - 1 n Mencot' t, opposit, niiui-asure Nuit c trrs ni il,.it i h land 1 iN'-lid Iattalious Lodg.- attended te funoral ln a body,,C N E 0 18 atti-intni ~oi) -galîs. t, t 'o-,îsalot, Ili rt -,Id#i, in x. Vi iiby, vas formally itand- itnd haler conducted te service at the thi cty.t*l o tr f)rqsý o 'ondy enIn, raveside. i Our stock is up-to-date .i '. rfo tm-ou ons- i nn,~, The haie Mr. Shaw- was a mani of; and always fresh. the -telj-'.- -.'. o a o bbe a " 1.tNIr aitd NI rs .aldtiaw eittrtalin-;- slt-ndîd moral wortit and hîgit charac -_______ menace- Io b . iterai andl sot-itl w cifan.- cd i 'e tirs atine-rA social in'..-ter, sand uns very highhy respected b>' and a d'o rni, t I o ti- it. ,sltn-e pros e o sé-, H. sd bi- oiWlci-s \uert- made , w-yan oiit wiom be lad ta do. À p M !C nÎ perlty of oui- city.-- .41 i t homne l inte-r tmuquartera. 0tA.D-OF. UWe5Wzie8 ______________ I', frteu0 HAK.BflOCK ST. N., - WkITBV Tt -\assin mahe itrta>üis he-tee ite rodent confiagma -_________________ 4)n Z,,~ y a n d M o n d a y . A h 'e uî,ir t i lw ion tin u r p r ises, b >' x t i-o rd n a r >'-- --_ _ _ LOG.. APP.NlBô mercîmry siod down - pretty ciosc- - rIions. &voed lte grain warebouse LOGL HAPEMING Ikoth e ro sty on Stimîda>'. the coîti sand most o!f te front sbop. The coal ild *ne omkeLt eahrfe oih tank itad been filIed tue dajy before ___________._________s____ elo. o nd tewa> rn- elte fi-e, and ubon Lthe ail got. on Lime T R Fîb ti s.] li 'lthtî ucdorgnelito *tNi ity -rclryw.5'tOn odays-s lte faines were ver>' difficult La contri-o. aii I ns i'ittt r&Jiti uec 6 d rr n o îerot 'le,.j'on's and tons of water were dashed A littie green will pleasfe storeino Il- t altrt Jhs'mui .a s ! V'nIn teceso eMOteF.. on from 3 or 4 branches o! bese under the taste of mnost Tea Go ta liai-i0- Wb lby , 1 ~t- -ubse not a b'eatit of à .-ai, î- lîit a cbre c ti onesh ied fhleM Drinkers, Try Our grand G oHryT. Titompsan, --t-o .11.., i niside tit-- offics and e->oe,.c1WIII isc ! o.rsedfc. for Customed Tailored CIotez, $5600 tla a enunoepesnc atr one point of vantage to0 anotiier tu ap tea - bl1ack, green and te $30.00. dalit & e Idin ot rpedly ye l îorthe flames uriW te>' weme finali>' sub- mîxed, hion ite-et lutro! Loid'e Day AI-' hia.uidshmennts oette îurnace oc m ue.We ie tuem aà loufi- nceethds . liance 1)(ii l InilOl Preshyttrlan lTe co!'ýt- t tits seann wuse cgen'. a i ehos worta keil oui- fi-ten-d ('hn0 %rile- T .ti-sday. kFi-hri.,ry 2-Itii, nt %terdict. nlbosvt a-ktvt ia m- Buying.,f rom peddlers is 8 cib-e.,~ ~ emgy to save oui- goodea ai documents. -- - - ,-va.suenfwliu,.sn ~lc.' ,nu.. P Be surie la see lte bargain tables at Titi'Mthodist Tatbernacle Sunrday thie big bai-gain sboe store. Bargain Scitool itelO their annual sheigit ride on tILles bah! price. M. W, Collina. Wednesds-y ntgbt. 'fli weather wus 15 ides-i. and a large crowd ook Inite SIJNDAY SCUOGL WORKCERS ride, witli refrestiments imter, BANQUJET. Go ta Han-y T. ThomVion, Wbitby, The iiiiiu.Ibanquet aid- contermeuc for argest work shirts made. 60C -o!fte Whity and Aimonde Sund&7 Mr-. Fred Rogers la seriouaiy II vili Sehoonteace.ns sud olle tal b la grippe and pneumonia. Mn. George hl nMri8 tl r~sIt Kerr-, o!fte Court Houa., te also Ver>'stiPPlement the banqUet vtih & PMo 111, itavlng been couftned te hie bed for' grâm tbiat vil b. 'helpfu sd eMtM> sevemal weeks. taining, vitile ample tinte ad Opper- Soa Stalter & .îoins» advertIseMnent tn1y'i .gcnfi etifIs f or bai-geins lna stghtlY Used ergusvTimtira h~7 U sud~inè pao.mctenloyed and iras laraîlattesO- e&t It la hoped th"t th* m--0"q.-Lw -0 ths yea.n viii b.e-es hanter m"d ft Road M. W. Colline' advt and seO progrNM better. FUrtier s8»3=0>o tite big bargains h. lu offstng. meut viii b. smade alRW. iLeeftkelieTl seetfiilne Big reduetion sale d est a'& boots, at lte Q e Hotel, W)ýttby- tfitsda- Siaten and Rgul, ifuent gUalit>'. M, ternoon 'tThiurada>') ai lVO'4CIck.£114.00 and $&M 0boots fon $2.98 at lbe the hotel funture viii b. bld. Don't bis c58itor L-,M W. Octis' miass hi opportunit>'. PRt8BYTZRUAN CRIURCE. BILy your Tomante. Riverdale. ild &U maci, MA. local or toreign railwa7 tiekets ut tour 8u>' Tb., 0. lelsure P4t tePhenson's up>0Dtoutcket >< sube: ' 0«4u baI 01 and tehegmapit offib, Whitby'. (oppOoeWay. .A.uthem, "1'h Zanti la thé Revis Brou.). Bourse-T au. t a 8Pu. -id;a." SoeMr. ZJL. 8ev.. ne redeezes huttiekets viren Pteveoed KutIIg-A .& mod service *M*,: using. Bee hie othen idvt .andO 0. T. 1b>' the choir, Aithpui. 'Glorts.' fies I. Timo eTable ln thi A pper, B131 tk TwelttbMaa M Ot>u »é. eta anyviteme. Choie.e t R>'. rotei, toite, Misalevsi WUl boat or oceailn MO& RiM - up phOenet= *0. gBà $d; eo4- lm T'. U No. 36 or cal betGiS traylii&ito"..v:Duett. M-.Mi d uMnW.y. Ahi1 th e Wb ItityboYa t tbieffot'UlO «PetoM b>U *tbOZIL ackn-owiedged' ieMePt et Lieu -MM Thé miserw t airsobent A& boxes. vliii ho m nieMblet 09Nust er l ~ OD *MuitO s.uI WOrOzlp thte saile way aYios»U=- MUbld M by and QabMTwL.0"daY 80110@1 A»%>, ciatien mettr*pn surhY sfteuoô WAol P % In theBa"'~ -,io*fOOU, " te e = p*îIUMb. uop ni«y. îw% 0uM* lite o &~ W. B. Pi'aNO. OSHIAWA WINS GROUP L Despite thé efforts of Bowlnavtlle, Oula ta e modistes mrechampious 0- 0]E.LA. -group 8L 'lie two iass. Lied f« t itu 10ict weoe gedu to play bo". sud b«».g T'lhe n $toi,11zuifhgaSt Osaam ceFrdar Usht. F.bu7 11 S b&oo dgou éi, ýr0b' bm w Io «e. vil sition. Our . F'lowertiale Ocylon at Troronto at 6oc*. 6 bars.Surre5a TOWNSHTF 0Fr WHITY,FARMER, DLMEIBED. Notice la hereby glven, pursuant toi R.S.O. 1914. Cap. 121, Sec. 56, that all persona havtng dlaims against the es- tale of the satd Walter Joseph Rogers, who dled on or about the 25th day of January, 1916, are required to send by post prepatd or to deliver to W.E.N. Sinclair, Oshawa, Sellcitor for the Ex- ecutors on or belore the 26th day of February, 1916, their namea, addresses, and desciptions, and a full statement of particulars of their daims and the nature of te seurlty (If any) held by them, duly eertified, and that alter the said day the executors wiIl proceed to diatribute the &msets of the deceased aniong the parties entltled thereto, hav-Ing regard only to the tdaims of which tliey haal tien bave notice Dated at Oshawa the 2fth day of January:, 1916. HENRY W. McBRIEN and WILLIAM MORRISON, Executors. By their Solicîtor, W.E.N. Sinclair, ---33Oshawa. FARMS FOR SALE. Tenders wiUl be received by the un- ieraigned for the purchaae of the foi- oegfarnis. the proverty of the es- Late of Arthur Aunis, deceased, up to Kebriiary 19, 1916. The higiteat or any Lender flot necessarily accepted. 1. rTe nortit haIt of lot 36 ln the ;venth concession of Darllngton Town- hip, comprislng one hundred acres and hait ot a rend allowance. Good tame houa. with eelIar.; Two gcod xme-on aton ecellars, three good welle. wo orchards, tarm well fenced. Soit, clay loam andi goo" state of cisiti- ration. o 2.- Nortit-east quarter of lot t ourteen Lu the firat concession of Euat Whitby. comprsing fitty acres. Large tramne bouse viti cellar, good barn wlth cel- Lar, drtving barn, two good welis, two rchards, farm well teneed, soul a cia>' Io*= in goed state of- cultivatien. Sît- u&ted three.quarters et a mile west from centre et Onhaus.>on Kingston Poomndm of et ether farm cm be~ .TeTus,10 pearoeil. oS ampta of e tUnder and bbum uen ou eUlton et, eom ire oae « ou'Silt AprUl, I»O.19 MOisis tetiders or uu1te t W. EIL S NCLAIE k, 1 ~IVAL'S POIILTIT- '1 rom Reserve WednesdaYMai-ch Stit. for the event of te seaseon. Grand Scotch concert under te auspices af lte St. Andrew-s Soceey, by lie Toronto Po- liCe Pipe Band. Pipe iselectione Band Hlighland Plings, Sword Dancing. Scoýtch Reels and otiter Scotch dancing and sanges. I.Ptpers and 6 drummers. and average over 6 feet. Proceeds for lte War Relief Society.' Purifier Parti tlars laber. -- 0o tô Han-y T. Titompoon. %Whitby, for Custoeed Tati mrs Clatrie, 16.0(1 t0 $30.00. See 'Slalter & Johtns' ad*%-ertsemeriî for bargatns Iii sltghtlv used organs and pianos. fARD 0F TIIANKS. The- President o!fte War Relief So- etety. MrM. J. E. Wilils, desîres to ex- press her personal titariba o10 ra. Gea Cor-mack and commîtte Who ita charge of th1e supper for the soldiers on Frlday eventng. and Ioaai] Who in1 any way contrtbutted 10 the sticcesa of the supper. Afler &n tîlnets extendirig over came months, Miss Nfinite Warner passed1 away at lier home in Leaskdale. Ont..'( on -Sunday, F'ebriuaryo 13. The funeral wvae held oit Tuesday afternoon. at which a large oncourse of people lit- tended. Miss Wamner was a cise r ofi Mrs. Alfred E. Luke. 10 whom %%e ex- tend SinCere sympathy. The annual ! heni¶o1a meeting o h iira 1 Order of Nuirses wili ho held In te (otinctl Chamber, Whitby, on Friday. V -ebruiarv 28, 1916, at 8 o'clock p.m. Dr. and Mrs. Stuthers. of lte Department of Public Nursing, Teronto, and Dr. Doble, Medical Superintendent of Wes- Clotbes Wringers, Cloibes Lines, Wasb Boards, Ironing Boards, al] at rock bottom prices. PRI.NGLE'S HARDWARIE' New $pringSutigs Nov ï Stok ** We guarantlee,. sa tisfaction our made- to-measure,,dcothes. Be sure to see-o ur large rang 1e -of patterns.- - a, Thzm Glvm>zed Wasb Tubs, $1.00,$ .0$12 i j t1 ) ' .1 ' M ici.f. t.. M. 'ic t r4 1- t t: il 'i Amedicinal preparatic'n valuable in keeping ail. k inde. of, domestlc fowls in- gooci condition. It stimulates egg,-prOduction by inçreasîng tsftc digestion an4 assimilation of the food. given. _i It insures. bright, heaihhy birds, and makes pullets lay cariler. '- Prevents Roup, Chicke-n Choiera and other diseases of poultry. WtI TFJ ELD'S BelPoeDrug and Stationory -Store WHITBY. ONTARIO Sole Agent for Nyal Preparmatoes. BelPoe37. . Indepedent Phone 37 Seo The Wavsrley WASHING MACHINE Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, and the price is only $9050 -4 I ltt ire WHITBV9 ONT* ci 1;