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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Feb 1916, p. 7

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0 -'-<:'.. sida' t5uîrr I I n ' N ut <1.1.1. '1'; 1[('Id 'iii r t.' r \r <i i ' , ' .r * i ' 55 :1 s' "<s '1' i'i"i - 'a n "'r" fl a :5 "t S <'r r' <il r lai" t 'r 'il 'i I t lt< j ns ,*~ ~? 0 O Uv O O -----O O w O Il O "v' i Il ¶ i i A C'hange cf 'ood Works M 'ondu-rs. GERMAN 'EQDTABULATEO sea ICtle ew muse yoii cai't pulidl os otrso fyneu ie me in thaut thingl" nsany',oiserfl get ;'khetty treugi London Newspâpor Lts Teuton, "- - Achuevemenhe in War. !.STORM%' WEATHER 'll, aiiait f th,, %vr. -oîar.mr,' HARD ON BABY \'rong Iud diti <rink ui s e a lt' 5 ot .ttl u. rz-d , y tlit-' "~"bilt l of t rouble i lu4tis suTrrd o chanige css"t,-' iîd'-rt dt :l.uilis Whcî sThe âstmiuy, biustery wveenw h 'ahrSait]l 'us a perious jetii, pur- tiil u"sutaneliii s"Sur w-t"d lur 'have duuiug 15etruary and Mercis t'iý4«>-sts I ' .fu'*.eI4 anl d incervoue, \chuit s iig"' and 'laht : srtiaus e. rmc'y isard ou thitdrn. Cou- isss lt igh n~qiiti hiliAcilîadyutttit'iîîi' ar' îcý î't,îow t'.: itions unake it neccssary l'or thse wlganliv.iu i'eoYeu '~i ut'tih !lc'cîm.tmdlcllug , to ke'p tisMîn nthse bouse' r nsjUriots tetib' 1.Cont4tîl u:u ffeint', \uisssrp suit! Zý-brttgg"-. - 'Fc--neofnroladtoe-et- thë t,,c.'s ut Kret.c-,'. iaeitilat Liii ut cuide whit'rcs thein visole systean. usricl'scf î>'i hsî' ljdtiit sgr:' 1 <'tupahit uî of llitall PoLai dToguard against tisi a buof o!Baby's w'.ith her. sul iii.' .-iTeslse holsu p of thse Osaitabic'îs shanici b. kepIt nthe' Shur stys: ltsi-Miaui arîtl'-s h, onneI' and au oecaienl-dom giVen "-For a uumber îof yc'ur.u 1 uulft.r(u"ll II Ittrltlt(f .i'5erLlit adIlle r"- tise lnalsy te Iep bit acimaciz and witîs stomach ut-d luowî'i trouleuwhich s.î!"îtu-iî. sulie-Ilt laitof Bulgartit owes'vrnrkigreguuiarly. This vil) kept getbiusg w"'osi.' utitil 1 vi4 esiIImont cof s1 ilirecigi rouitt u t'ouatnplt'1> ot tait ho break up ckb andi kep tête af the igns.. About lour yeurst altg 'o. I.'t llu -Ille tt'ttioîs clîtampit tu ~ bbyA o4 odto ilc'ft ùff c'offc-re andI hu'g;tn ux'itsg. "rt'ti'Issdssl'o115 Postuns. My- ttusudçh sand bUcl n- "t-e mmaftit"n miu-GrLI i.brgt0 ascreaIn.7 pro edriht'alusw ttuti as u u'-sssiis ia'. li' u-l searhs"" .,~Talilets are wo'd tîy Mediinue do*iers provd iigh, aong bu 1 as ýot re t4or Iuy muu.ai ut 'Ir, ts *a box troiS l'us 'curd in leish and " cnervou:a thulat t't't"ttt i'br.'îî heTit1' -rWilliamp. eldirlrsc Ce., ~ok- t> leasat îiug woul'l overcomu' suc. vil'Or- r --.rhen i c'haug*d My ftsoxl anti hewatt - ' î, i toi cru,' il 1,it.'îurran rxIf J'(uÙtgtrapei-Nutsinhi addcition teoalost us', Not GMe uns. I Iivî'd oil th'sr'tw.' cmiuuicpallY i'%'u . ý ù ~îîii li t-ct for abe)ut a mouth. Daày lsy tay sitrîiphti 'Johnusy, htin'ry p sied cet rebtw ta i galued inms tieh amuntreunitsgtîutUntrî< oudl 'alts.iti rt.uuali mî uuîkctim.go tule seeOlr"yOU'il bc toue Lat'." thse servoum' h'uouble hat tisaPap-tsn" 't r. s.st'1anti %lc0*vtsam iulare. '-Fmn't guis, . tJberY"Not goi'ng'. I fec4 that I ewe nMy' ielth t " - ' :siih' ",i<" ssat .Whtm*4**~' "I'.e irai'5 <&W unt sud Grap)e-Nuts.. -'i ttc5<ud'asu ie es,. Whaxsio y>-u antSby 4duit»i*kjîl" "Hs.tsl)i>etit as tlrotilulêdt. for î hiluIt. ctitj'-'. iit't purond inIbopat. rlu t e _; lime, wiihs ucc'adioul u'ramrape. IAUÎ I I xi itu ti Ile' hlm attritr4lS-U e11Ittsdi0ai U i elupitacly. Finulîy 1 pne'aiîltd tui'.tià M w- ýdum f oi, tu. t hlm ho leue cr !coffeclussd take I1 à- ' ik'" "Andi 1 sspt o 4m# ta' uin. After he triesilPojti ufr ît few lre.a« 0< ofMke y>pl 3~VWS,~n?'>I< dayls ho found t4sai ho eoul>1 aîee ni~Ia' fitto) tisatishie rrmps di»apeerurd. He *"Juà$tISla" t tisai diaîuwmtidata," o i ~too»9 nover vont back Un cotre.." Nom "Ihoawhe. ii'thi*t dta'?P given by Canadien Peatum C- Win4JV Y. asib wlad a.h 'ià~ ~ " % or, Ont. - ~ a i.te Poà<um'corne.in tsvp erni: , AMtii-ot h clis «B"b« *att.ita a M ,4 ýw 't PstntCêalth oigna ~ 8&m Plid lin cv*« oe laet 44 km"*MI ~~1 osar--soluble Pov*1r'- . la ' XaCaex dis. t . quikly - i S 01 0 la a e.'Wf$)wI u5 su t water, andi,'- iith entantandi *ge 'dz' here Xleven. M ' eva ndrUggit teau-' tict MI1 Suis rescrI pti'u. "end Il$1 te e N'imlsàisis t rug Co.. Tu'sute for a vom- tleje tisin-t>pto Homte Treoinnt ul ult- tstxbbu'ta' ,uhsbmXII Evldently. 'ilcw goes it, neigishor?" -Oh, l'y.e apav in my heed, my stomaich lu troublhing, me, My hoa4t la 'wcak andri py .qrve ame 'n b.d shape--and 1 don'% Wo1well." Irat.-My du la 'a r.pdar 'Ivan QtheA4 o8thatt othserda8y 1Mdho m.abOtt h ihante surdluar*u -# tisispx ~.'$i5r..' Mt.' IN&~ ÊWÉ &à" biZ 1 - Bad no Ecp.rienee. Mrn. Stubbiuss-Do you like cotIflal balle, Mn. Fox! The New Lodger-I don't know Mm. Stuishins. 1 nover ettended 'auy Soro o Wrinklea -are thselau ýthat beedme nellltlceable ni -the omnpexout Ifyo pay tt nu te tiI rut au Mos iu 0y,Mblin, iow saly"Iftble asVld 'tish muiùri wrnndls tat susyfolow. Wrlke ans s coneiont rather Tirne. Thée shin muet be' kept finin sud susootis by prope tention sud treatmeut "Iwo" s a skin food sud wrnkls cliasér. Il builds up firus, elattoIlsU- sues, rnuoven wrlnkles 5mis out de- pressions, prevents drynes ef kin' csused by excessive wInds. sud nestores ho yu comÎplexion tisaI fine appearance of trlrnesan sd youtu. "VIII" isl put up lis haudeomne opal bottios. and uxtl the Drug Stores- lu Canada are cempietely stecked wvo ane fillilg mail ondera. Accept ne sub- Istihuho. $end 60 cents to-de y fer trial bettle, suffîclent for six weeke' une. We pay -A Milon Mothers behind ' I*T[ 8 UW :>r<> 1ÇfT»qN J XItATe ISM~T I!Fnm UID. thei!Pure8t c1eimet Itn U-'k Do bait of a '«î" Author > Insectes <iMlé.811" F E À, Grakl t lio» 0 ABt tritious of a eel oLi utn oldPwr t. M ismbie. OUT -DOORS ýpriseâ Realdènta àf City.i Shredded Wheat, They have A Swlss publighing flrm lu pre- Insects wbleh pirove uch a nuisance A mVI1t>00,irtionof rts,,e rsidtsed t tested it and found it beSt paring French and Engllsh editiona te the llgkter la tinsof war are eins- 00,000,IPPs lndiA rpo r thç resimated of for ~ ~ ~ ~ O yugtrb tfo o!Taunenberg'u l"Gros. Deutsch- ply thýoso whIchih ffect mad it l ime *Petroirad.Ti. n.customs IHoua. dis- fryugtrbslr land," whlch is Iclaimed te, have dons of pexce, buts ewlng te- th' differelit tit and the gr~ain rnarkets of Petro- grown-UPS--a food to work for Pangermanism what Bernhardi'é circumstances-which arWa in wartime, era are lnfesedWith inn3umerable on, to play on, to thinkc on. works aecomplished in the German, their effects are more violent and ~ Ç l j rata, o!ten of large aize and great Contamn the lie Army.more persistent. Ruhlapealdnt, bThdey ot wtruaal h of te w eat The book expounds the following1 we ean divîde these pesta inte two thli hoao ter niht YIn tserre ini a digestible form-putS doctrine of German expansion: categories: teai fmn W IiI~iL Mrs. Wtchen ho ec henogf gi m p nd g ng er into th e W hatever w e set out to do, w e Those w hich pierce t e s i f M a k . W t h e h e h M e gimp abdy. Deico for need neyer trouble about te right or or of animais on which the soier- 's out of their way, as they attack jaedboy. Decîus wrong of the niatter, -ice we have to a great extent dependent-~for in- NJream Iaolated men when in numbers. TIser. breàkfast with milk or cream might on our side. stance, the horse; aud It alizys &Il irritatons of the are traditions tisat persons who have or for ariy meal. Made in We need neyer wotry about any- Those which interfere with his f ood ekmn. trled t~o interfere wlth tisese aries Canada. thing we may do, since history wll supplies. S<>id in ceu, hndytintub of rats have been overcome sud kîli- show us that there is nothing we can ~is l only a few yesrs ago that the ait chemisita, departmnent and ed and esten.* do, however bad, that has not already spread of the bubouic plague was as- geral stores cverywhere. The last migration was by day and I. R been perpetrated i the course of the soitdfrtwt asadte ih Ri. usiu..the route led acrose the Nevsky pro- growth of the world. rat fleas. The commonest rat fleas Mieb s.a km, cmoe os spect. Thousauda were cut te pieces We need neyer fear that other na- lin ail tropical and subtropical coun- by the electric street cars, and bands tions will interf ere with us. Our ad- !tries infest man, and if they shouldofbyanme ild ayotrs versaries are too divided to do us have fed upon a plague-infected rat Thbsudtmeigritied masnots any harm. As for England, everY- and subsequeutly bite man, their bites Thisedbyight mgrtiongw of doubtai thing with ber is a rnatter of arrange- communicate bubonic plague. Plague (om. )bina et thse grain market Supplies ment., and, provided we buy ber off, -the old Englisis "Black Death"-is SOCboAed Mtrl have been distributed recently direct- we can do what we like. a real peril in the arusies flow operl'- ly-Troru the railwsy cars te the demi- SWe have everythlng to gain by ating in Asia and in certain Parts of ers sud larger bakers. launcbing out. Tise earth is ours Africa. for the taking. With Germuany to Just as some fleas atteck one spe- ADMITS U-BOAT FAILURE. S F ROM SUNSET COAST ead the way, the world will indeed Icies of ail or bird and avoid Gra rteAs asPesr fW e h rv Asia can be ours; ours, again, as flea bas its favorites and its aver- IihFetnFl. W T TH WETR PEPEmuch of Af rica as we wish, witbout sions. There is a Turkish proverb Inariswo h etavalFeit ainY w e o i W ATTEWSEN POLmentioning South America. And if which says, "An Englishman will hum intheaBreiero!tiebnavt al stainY wnd ARE I~~OING. that is not enougzh, we have only to !a bed to catch a fies." i h elnrTgbat ati stretch out our hands and take more.j Perhaps the most important of bit- Persius remerks that the siguificauce There is no need to waste compas- !ing insects is thse mosquito, certain of ses power, though unperceived by Sandy Goulette Toek Dodd's Kiduey Progress of the Great West Toid sion upon those who would go under. ispecies of which convey malaria-a the superficiel observer, in reality Pilfo rgtsDea. Such little countrie-9 as Holland, Bel- idisease which has probably played a played many a siguificaut mole dur- sfoBrht Des. iu a Few Pointed gium, and Switzerland couldl ssk fori bigger part in the histomy of the world ing the past year. luI the North Sea Paragraphs. ntigbte hnt eogt h hnta Fleet ruade itself felt in Gernian Now He Can De Ris Days Work As great Germais Empire. setIcnmclf.Wl sH ol e er g sTro drsîîu ns Vlnte Ti wsth inofheteaching tat Finally, we corne to a series of i eoon-h. elA B ol onYasAo NI' rlii ariivey t V eton, d11ove Gertnany it h prescrit great sects whic affect the food of soldiema Captain Persiuua daims that Ger- Offers Proof 0f Mis Statemeut. N. Utr. il WkClS onad haa n aios n sth iu-oh man U boats during the- first haif of («bu~~~~ for195 hOa (<I55t.tiaond whs larva uoews thr ou tsl-the year jeopardized British comi- Old Fort Bay, Labradore, Que.- The , rao e 65. ,T flM IC Si JohnAand! M Twd e r bis uit an fowsthoul onsuesol.mercial shlpping in the North Ses, Feb. l4th, <Special.)-Cured of $67,06065. rr1o!Ski 1 r'TPo NI1 T IiI.ZIIIILAII a considerable portion of it, butren- and German aud Austrien U boats Bright's Disease when the grave Denielur' o kiiir, oi(. accomplîshed the ieame ends us the yawned before him, Sandy Goulette, nessr ~~~~ ~ ~ dr Tinshwsfurifoes l so unpalatable that Sergeant near .Jonhs, wB., iiel hozeec RoDnelNclToHE 9 odo ih Mediterranean durirg tise hast f ew au old settier here, wauts ail the world de(ali Just outside the latter tos'.n. FR THEo, Sto 2 ordn îg monthe. In the Baltic, British sub-I to know that ho owes bis lil! to Dodd's ssw 2.oo ý0 gri "Is"to r sut th landers, telle us that, "duriug the ex- marines weme able to boast of some Kiduey Pille. Iiouh $20f0,000rsainy ý-to iIepedition to Egypt, -in 1801, somo ves scee.Afrexesigteon- Iwasolnouofhp rm A car o uut iia ay. i 1rigTe oe Mt'li ot u-sels were dispatched to Macri Bay 'for succn ses.Afte epressiing tnoh h eopin- foow.sIewlln otofshapeof roth Àfr gos Nof400,000<) zi erngTeMdr eho sMs u.bullocksu and others to Smyrna and ion htteetr lmnto fts edt ot a osoto rei fron fldNlatnd.i( reaclsed ialifai cesflinAd- I Appo for bread, which was furnished subuiarine danger requires a decisive 1 could hardly speak," Mr. Goulette ast week. cesuli Treating usy uksa id f addre blow by a hostile .fieet, hosasys- stetes. "The doctor couid do uothing Four rri-aptur,.d Gerniasi prisossers ,gc,îtotbsk e wr.. I oge hi, s Reoerdinge effective o f our for m.Thri niýe av e h %eetstken back Io St. Johnt, N B ' h WewUr gad e gt tssasthe *-ra -- war o! ar our usace. ~n t er agave mdet suso fron thre stît Asshor 1 The oid-feshioned metbod of lreat- we wvcre then put on full rationadUbasi h rd s n rmn u ododpis 'sefl r i us. ett in(rt nad rqetynwdasvesta ear ham e adtl eta ol o ie Tise lestjgouce mIlunicipal couilcîî in indigestion and stomach troubles Our biscuits weme bad and full of ltfreel nadayshviews tter cm u orueta ol o y ho otlser day voted $833.33 per nîontîî, are being discarded. The trouble wmsmny of our men could onlyliters baneotseiwsue-mcslng. or eitlt raie or $10.000 per year, with -the old-fasbioned metbod wes 'et thern in tbe dark."edsyerao Thaehos "I asscaIwitredith iowrd ise(andin Pl roti F>nd tht wen se .ratmnt iscitabeemeinfcte . were extravagant, owiug to, a dis- spring. I tlegraphed two huudred Tiser e nty ban 1.000 sen in ak. thatete ret e nt as'stopped The bsut <cm ne t uring 1 regard o!fects wisici the iuformed miles for two boxes of Dodd's Ktlney The cunt ha 1,0 nin inkhai. te toubl reurne inan aggravait- the cooling whicb takesplace betweeu: grant (o aid the PoultryAs.Ic om iemdm mthdo u-tebkn n kn. The adult ! expert iudeed observed, but wisich Pille. I took three pills the nigist they dation inth contr ws mdo e-ing indigestion and other atomnacis insect is e perfect nuisance in flour rmîodcneaeforts ilyes came aud I got relief before moruing. cnl ySydney municipal cttiitroubles ik to totw up the stomach to mills. So persistent sud numemous are potaing o ersudte ive frore good cure d d e.e Pls n te Dishrict 20. (ape Breton, repos-led p-' thtngthebeclog "' -"- '-' tati me ihai ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ d 50sepia eest us ild nature's work. Every step towaru these mothe at tumes th Y ahoriy rearsu tse ass aued lfanyone upuuta tuis staement by dogs. recos-ery is s 'step gained, net to be the rollera witb their cocoons sud 1toaîîied shippiug by subusarines sud t en a write me aud I will give tiser ,A mare cslled "Maud s" ilos ii lost again. The recovery (If the 11P- sometimes completely stop thons Thimnestaigthe toiishlo e y e fpol h nwm n the, county o! ltstsenbîsrg, diu'd re pe'tite, the disappearance cf pain, thse wb cn f tise elevators in the mille t . pret.ftih BrtirehBriose jnaeof p ople ho me.owmabe auo î'enty aged 33 years aîsd six îsni~ absencçe of gas,-arc ail ssteps on tise gete covered with thern sud witb their'ecatfe borth wr.H dom dy'wrkswl n sI A pair o! matchîcd stiver gru'y foi road te health that those who have_ silky skeins, and then tise elevatoma mercsau letbfoetiewr.H oumd eys oa.wl ows 'k his wero sotd ai Si Joho NB,3 tried the ioule îreéatment remember stop working. So unifornu is thse tom-1 We muet, bowever, take into cou- Dodd 's Kidney Pille are no cure-all recently bs' Edward iNatison, et trince <istinctly'. Dr. Williams' Pink Pilla perature cf the milI sud so favorable sdrto iefei upyo hp ie ipycr ieKdes fdord1.0qlatîd, te c N< x'. York buyt-r- are c biood-huilder. tonic medicine, te the life of tbe insect that they CO555" as the resuit of sedurlous Britishin l-________ (r71f Cir dm al P t gnt.'. ro i , \ ýrv constituent of wbicb is helpful plete their life-cycle in Eugland in dustry as; well as of tise purchaseNekao Water Tume ('anual F'artng i hrnltto Ii n building up the digestive- oflxans, îwo months, and in tise warmer perts of ,eutral ,d tise seizure of enemyeao Waevr rt"esii Acotsnioî"%%. " aus ii herefore the very best remedy c mrcaee or aily i secatveel.IOne man said to another--" But, rto((iil înevc 1oinltfý s eIl,,, dfrIILs'tuonsc caseve moecfaidtonSisach troublel. i Iotuergo! aheportii,, tht on tIb 'orlho medsofcases likestoahtfole.generationset least may be produced Iu war-vessels, elso, he admite tise on your income, are you justified l seuin fa eot i h41,t)tibiTouad o asslketefolwng a year. allies have been ablle., to fîl t hemarryisng?" "Not et ail," the. other tin of 100,00«0 biushseIý. of oîtts fer tlire prove ho"' successful thus treetusent ht thewrl peduangp aiiy ieîdmitted. "The girl has ne money, 1 Blritish arasyu: isAmy Browning, Cornith, the Nea Eae a wrdh; oreosudin_______ - lyunderstand 7" "Not any." "And At tîse annîsal m"ststig <if l'u oîst., syv" have found euch great aIso be said about an allied epecies HOW YOU MAY THROW tisey tell me she's got rather extrava- Massey Presby sortais isuiehsj( ma> Iet slit frons Ir. Williams' Pink Pille finetwijch int'ests at times 60.per - gant ideas?" Ta' th trtL suid hhat 68 iunensbers uf th<' con)igrt, that I wvould bc' ungrateful if 1 did ntceto efiaotse atItj AWAY YOLIK GLASSES "iem dear*tellow, what reason gallon wu're serig aithti io colon. publi-«say agoc o rd i hermoti wbich le spreed ah over thse 'Thestatoment ln made iluat thousandae frtaigti vr ei The 1kesoson o! 115 itis' I bto't<tt>e fv.1ws ay r onadm1 ege w do in the.r haviusste?'eyofrtaîn this eson fr , ittfatthe u NofaScitatroaast .Iow%,ecly rqsdowtana prorld ano i caholeainds tste sncewea oeglsseinh d no rell ned jouastp!" "ResoT N reso dîrdthe tsrg,'sî îha% cro1 is iiiI(1stonach wsa in a very bad condition. :jitflourisbes on rice, bran, dried Sp- w 'îu, you reeue 0f ese unfoerun- i saee. ulv. iistorv. Ahi f ood.1 cistressti t1me, and left ume ies, au ize., sa reat us&uy inre or; your eyelnetead cf hepinnstham. Uapto buOnt. r, J' S KUNIC, aceoon, musknats, 531 kind Kifancy prIes. ddrens Stilmen Rea sbaw. Deep.Brook, Âeuuapolla Ce.. N. 0. »RoTIA=I(nN NUIrAN<D OB Ai00c«. or' sale lu gçod Ontario toes. Tho Most useut à.qd IntéruIs et ill buhIissae t ll nf-orÙmaIo5m of application, ta Wilson Pihbllslslng Cous tiàlO. ¶1 West Adelsids St., 'runt.. cl ANCICR. TU390RIL LUMPS. IUTC& ~JInternai aMd onternal. oured vi out POiu by our home treatment Wuttt nu before too lIte. Dr. Beilmau Uliail Co.. LImIteS. ttollngwzod., Ont BOCKON! IDoGDISEASESI ý Ând ITow ta Fond 'aldl te »I sddress b7 theAsuri Mei tuat voika .vemdar duartai thse far. Bend for . lm. oeAM 00OOAtL, so A»a"% -loot ~'LEARNq ýMUSIC ÀT HOME I Ny . ot'iu InaBanjo, Mssdoli' Cornet. Hanp. 'CeUl !'ius sputioar teeulsa op«ca leaslaital. Md A e*iful'*.*firee weekiy jessej Yeu p y on y foe lue PLNnusto sud pctng anmrs"whlcb l1 satl."N oxtras . . eginneru- 1) . LWhite, vres. J. W. ott, ic"u or silvauceil ssuptli Everythlug hIs'IE tmatsd, plaIn, 9IMP-10 titrs 'a~4tcouSeystensstie. F'ree hec'. ttien kficouse.16 years' suceuiý Rewardiug Hlm. Start at once. Write for N'ree B3*okl@fs "They met in the etreet. ToUay 252 . 5lu.»v. Kew Tork oie I"Do you remeuiber me?" __________________ "C'an't Bay that I do." I Well, jsust ten years ago to-nighh Fem le; Ualp 11r1 asked you for a match et thîs cor- ~ mv, u er. You gave it te me. 1 vent' Shome, lit tise match, accidentai ly<UWanIILVU.. rburued tise bouse down, sud get r $1,000 insurance. I1sus glad cf au in large ho.tîery, underwersuitnd teppotunity te reward you-" -isweatur t'actorles. Vau'an.cles lui "With-?"ail departnsonts. vîti upeuluns fotr experienee? or inexpeniénoect' d'witis another match." i - ). Higiest wages anti mod- r erate prlceil board. AppiY. lmn- - 4'"'~ nedlately-, Worth Tnyiusg. lu se en 1d Fenm fls Lirnited, Parli, pte you gt ri of ourstale bread71 bave te throw lots o! mine away." Mrs. Smarte-"There's ne neeri forE 1you te do that. Why noi do as 1 do? Mra. Grimes-"Hide it away f rom E i the chilidren? What thon'?" i 1ANE S M.rs. Smate-"Tisen tise cilîdrený find it sud ont up every moreel cf ik." V Dr. Jackson's Roman Mea) Pan-. cakes a Digestible Delicacy - - I r muind unlike ordlnary pancakes are a Ireaity "atuable food. Because cf tiseir grauuir eharacter tlsey wiii net disorde. digestion or ferment. Thoy nssy b. nefs- ri ly ted to a babe. Roman Meal aise umles mont aeilcicus porrIdge. gous, muffins. steans puddings. u)read. etc. Ail ri may b. cat-en hot w1tbput tear 'or dis- Ires. Ail noursu bitter then meat sud postivety retievo constipation or mfOti*y refunded. At yeun groceu" 10 snd là cents a package. Jeanle Ate Both. I "Jeanie " said a mote to eher !eur-year-old daszghter, "did You Peel your apple betaroea«ltng it, as 1 told yeu tei" 1Yes, mamasa," wus the àrepiyOAnd what didyudo %ththse swered the cbitd, 'I ste that siter- wards." t' VMurd~ afrville, Sept 80, 1902. n. iadaLinsiment Cc., Lîirnted.- 1, Deur Sîrs,-We 'wlsh te -Iffnfo iyou o'tisai ve consider your MINAXD'S' jLINIMENT a very superior a*rtcl, sud we use ih as a sure relief for am throst and choit, When I 'tel you h' 1wouid not ho vîthout iit e les $wseue dollar a bottie, 1 moanit I CIL-AS P. TILT0 M. u -4 ei..jliaWRh puts new life in your: harnes. Keepsaijt frein drying Up and 4ctgckiig. M-akes it soft, pliable andi strong. Conta IIuS n animal or veigetable fats te bçcome rancid. It makes hancs last longer. Deauler& Everywlwre 'ý MU eIdi l! tee ment,. cm cive'-= ,ltut 'i postage te atty atiareses nsCanaa. Usit Manufaetung Ce., Llrnlted, ]ePi. A, 470 EolaoeuauleAve., Teroao. A POPULAR CONTEST Would y e .to enter a eontest AMulSa whvise a iiiallpart, of yaui' Urne laI fsàm Idevotedt? te ayflyst ftcorresponid- ensce viiaisould 545 very matenli- k 1 *mt yu entbincorne. Wrnlîam fuil pnin '.to son e"foMP r &assufe us ru Dept. . o c n tedemtion Lit* Bld., Toronti, O3t

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