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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 17 Feb 1916, p. 8

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PAGE miou'r 11< E8»A. J'IETJXlY17. 1910. The High Standard, Cash Store. W. M. LAWRENCE BROOKLIN, ONT. The Brookila H&îladwuet BÂIRGAIN LIST Wlit Fes iOui ii [AISteel Hotu ,Power,- 1 Four brkpc PO ",g~go $15.OO 4~o@ uluoev. ~r~5npUotbre*i» sot vu o r t o k tip ao u t I la d p- =M hfZdyYth Oda m -A it buit . up 80. 1oamstrongaid w.i usd1 im ablestodo my hôuveorkvbhid 1 had Mot don* for tr.. menthboe taklng VinoL - lira.Y.R.o- tien, .akm pure beel sd crotese .trengt Youmay bck ifIf" ala à. IL Ail, Drugglat, Wblby, ont r~we Ptllu eriiltlu i tma on BadPt& il Mltna ver! 80d IL ddroas loug $ý,the lno 0fremruting. congregatioji. vere aloo invited to the Mir. Luke Robinson la imite Hli a- BROOKLIN. gain. A grand concert, under the auspicest Rev. Mr. Burdge là laid up with lum- et thc llSth Battallon, vîl b i nthebago. snd le couiequeutly conflued t lut ef Februa.ry lu the Masonic Haltebue Brooklun. Full partlculars i vin Rev. W. M. Ha.ig pres.ched a recmuit- gîven ou large posters.n sermon on Sunday lai.liRe loch Meur. G.Bron an D. owls let ai bi text. *Shaii your brethren go te Mesua. . Bovusud . Bwle let ar and shal Ye 81t bere.",Numbers On Wcdueadty for the veut with a car -32 : 6. lnia sermon was excellent, sud of Goverumenit stock. wap llateueê b wlth great cageruesa by Mr. Jack Pringle, of Peterboro, bas tbe, congrog&lion. been vstIng aniong hle old friends G~o te Hs.n T. Thompeon for largout here. Hl&8 fater, Mr. George PrIngle, werk shirt made. 60 cSnt bas purobased: a grocery blusiness ln a - village aibout.t two miles out of Hast- Mr. 0. Sebert bas been quite 111 wit Ingu,~~ On. evere altack of la grippe. Thtis lu MmeO. W .Hyrf n isJsi the second attack Mr. Sebert bas had Smith were ln Toronto over Su.uday thiis vinter. vlsitlng Miss Jean Haycraft. Mme. Wm. Bllght vlittd hem daugh- Mrs. Arthur Baruett, wbo has been ter lu Toronto lent veek. 111, lefi laut week for Toronte where Watcb for buis anuouncilig the big she wili remain for the vinler wilh ber concert given by the members of "D" daughter. Company cf the 116t.h Battalion ln tbe Mr. Jas. Stepheus' sale ef farm stock.1 Masonic Hall.,l3rooklln, ou Thursday. implemeulsansd bousebold fumniture,1 February 24. Splendid prqgramn. Dont held last Tiiesday, vas moBt succeauful. miss Il. Everythlng vas dispesed cf by our pop- Whltby Township bas the champion- ular auctioîîeer, Mm. Win. Maw. shlp agaiu this year ln the matter of Go te Harry T. Thompson for largeat tax collection. Mr. A. Ketchen. the vet- work shirts made, 50 cents. eran tax collector, reports thnt he has The organlzed Suuday Sebool Classes now only a few dollars outatanding. beld a crokinole toumuament lu the There dled ln Brooklil on Wcdnes-1 Stunday School eue evening lest week. day last Miss Melissa Min Camnpbeil, A vcry enjoyable evenlng wuassPent. daughter of thc lai:. Aaron Campbell. Pte. Adam Crosler sud vif e, of To. Deceased was weli knowu lu Brodklu rento, spent the week-end with tbe laI. and vicinlly, havlug lived here prac. ter't4 parents, Mr. and lira. Boyce. tlcally ail ber 1f.. The tinterai, wbich Mm. Coîbourue bai purehased thewau privaI., vas heid on Frlday. residence of the late Tics. Gibson. Iu reporlIng the cburch meeting beid A meetIngof the Library Board wua a the home of Mra. W. A. Dryden lait held on Monday nlgbt le deal vith the yack, Il read Presbyteris.n Church and mater of appoinling a new Lîbrarlan. should have re&d Baptiat Cburcb. Mr. D3. Holliday, wbe bas beau librarian M, r. Goduow has been busy instali- for many years, aiked Uhal a new eue iug a guohine englue for Mr. Grills ut be appointed. as the vork vas tb miuct Columubus. te assume along with hie other dilties. Mr.w and Mr@. W. G. Partridge, ef 'h'e Board fethait aias Mr. Holiiday Tarante, vera week-end visitors vlth had gron bis lIme and energy free Of, Mm, sud Mrk W. Draper. charge for mauy years that he haît Mrs. Valentine, of Toronto, laeviait- more than doue bis duty, and appoint- Ing ber daughter. lMrm Wm. Draper. ed as blIs succesuor Mise Marie Hollil- A concert under the auspices of Uic day. Tho> libramy will b. open three 5.t- Womeu's lInstitule vîli ha held ou Set. teruaons:. Monday, Weduesday sud Sat- urday evenlug, February,«19, ln the Ma- urday. fmom 2 10 &6o'clock. and Wed- aonlc Hall. Miss Ltti. Tiliolson. cf nesday and Saturday evaniug tram 7 Hawaii, viii entertln lu elocution snd to 9 o'clock. The Board decided te lecture. assisted by local talent. Ad. purchase a n umber of new books as mission 25 cents. Procceds n lti fdf soon as the books on tbe sheives weme, Red Cross Fund. put ln good order. PLEASE TELL US Go te Harry T. Thompsou, Whitby, Who la the young lady of Ibis village for Cee-Tee Underwear. wha ls tamous ai a chapeene cf asigh- Mr. Gourlay, who hua thmee sons lu ridIng parties? à Toronto who will shortly leave for the IWbat iseUiche uealtY for a bey mos-ni- front, wenîte Torontoou Tuesday for jing areund lte strecîs diuguised ai a a vieil wiîb tbcm. Mr. Gourlay, who girl? lu su old soldler, viii have bits pteure Who e istle Peler guy vho la making taken ln bis îuliformn along witb bis' a crush on the young girls bere? thvee sons. Mr. Gourlay's fourth sau la FOR SALE. at the front. - Mr. and Mme. Win. Low spent Sunday One Maxwell Binder, with sheaf car- Lu Oshawa. rtiar, complets, 5 tt. cutl lfrat-claus Pte. Loui Gourlay, of Toronto, spent okn order. good for a number ef éh. week-esnd with bis parents. w1 ku Rev. H. W. F'oley preacbed a most in-, Years. viii go Ihrougb an il foot gata-_ Big Rêmnant Sais Our big business for the past twelve days bas tlefi US a great many remnants al îhrough oui store. Out they must go regardless of cost. oas. ~ ~ l to u tethe au AmommyV e - utbnê w«O #tng m te lu" *a W Md ém l te 1U1ibi um 'y way or <loar without trucks. A bar- gain at quick sale. Wm. Jeffrey, Brooklin. --35 ASHBURN. Mr. Dan Parrott was ln the ctty on Monday. Privates Frank Fisher, WiIlle Heron, Wlllie Lynde, and Arthur Solvae. were ail at their homnes for over Bunday. Mr. Sandy Wilson. Mr. il. Parrott, and Miss hý Parrott were ln Whltby on FrIday night, attending the conceert given by te soldiers in aid cf the War Relief Society. Go te Rlarry T. Thompeon.. Whltby, for ready-to-wesr Overcoats, 112.50 to Corporal Meflrien and PrIvate Gui- Ilver, of Wbitby, werc out recrulting In tbis vicinlty over Sunday. An open meeting cf the Womens Guild will be beld ln the basemet lof tbe Churcb on Wednesday, February 23rd, at 8 o'clock. A good programme will be given and retreshments served after the concert. Another one of our boys bus donned the King's unlform. ln the person of Sandy Wilson. Miss Lue Ward, of Utica, visited with Mrs. F'rank CasaIdy la8st wcek. Misa Elsie West- who la attending Port Perry Hlgh School. was home for over Sunday. TI-ere te more Catarrit ln this section of the country ti n il other desea put tz-getber. and fpr neit wa supoose 10be lu urble. flcors preacrlbed loa remediez, sud by cou- Uatly fillilngt t cure wlth local trestmeut. pr-o- nounce lIncurable. Cstarrb las ac. I diseuse, reatly Influenced by eonatltutlonai conditions ad therefore requirea corurtutijoal treat- meut, HallVa catarrh Cure, uisnufsctured by P. J. Cheney & Co-. Toledo, Ohio là a cou- etitutionat rmdy. is taken tnternahy and mtu tIbm the blocod on the MIGoui Surfaces of the Bystem. One lilundred Dollar#i rewend là uffer- eu for any r«»e that ila Catarrh Cure faîte ta cure. Bond for circulea.and teotimoulî,ls. F. 1. CHENIEV & Ct). Toledo. Ohio. sold by De ufgista,7e. Hallsa Famlly Pilla for conatlpatl*,n. ALMONDS. Jack Prost is around these days ln good style. The box social, which ws eld at the sebool here on Frlday night last lu aid of the Red Cross, was a declded isuc- cesa.Proceeda df evenlng $66.86. Mr. A. W. Richardson lu 51111 on the sick Iist. Mrs. P. Rice and daughter Dorothy have been spendlng a few days with the formser's grandmother. Mrs. W. Mt- Gregor. Mr. .los. Ashby and Misa May Ding. man are spending a few days w1th friendBa t Qmemee. Mr. Morley Gilroy and Miss Minute Reesen, of Columbus. spent a few dayu with the Misses Baladon. Mrs. Edwards, of Audley. la spend- lng a few daya with Mr. snd Mrn. A. B. Edwardis. The hockey match on Mouday nlght between the Base LUne Whirlwlnds and Thornton'a Corners. resulted lu a tie. and another game will bc played lu lhe near future. Miss Ida Moore visited wlth ber eia. ter, Mme. Moody Atkinson, a few daya tbis week. The Adult Bible Claas met at the home of Misa May McGregor ou Thuns- day night asat. Misa Eva Woods spent a few days with .frIends in Osh&wa last week. Mrn. Mackey. hu been somewhat In. disposed of late. Beveral front this VlInIDty ot.nd.dý the concert given by the 1101h flattai- ion la Whlîby on Friday evenlng lst. Mr. Van Camphba been vfisting hia aliter. Mrs. Fred Gale. Mrm Geo. Rodd la vltg frienda ln Toronto at preseut. MYRTLE. Mr. Cecil Wilsnofe Uxbridge, -Who la now ln khaki, spet th@ week.ead wlth his father, Mr, W. IL Wilson A very pleant lime was spet s Mr. Oliver Lale's on Tusdsy ilt of lust veek An. otd tI hon vas ln. Caif ukins, per lb...0.15 10 0.16 Lamb ukins, caci ...... 0.70 te 0.75 Hides, per evt.... ....13.00 to 13.00 Siteepokins ...... ...... 0.75 té 1.15 Deacons....... ........0:28 te 0.70 Herse Hides ....... .... 2.50 te 3.00 IN IJSED Organ &Plages YQIJ CANNOT BEATr Just look ovor ibm followlog lilat ef sed Orgausanad Pianos, take. I. exehauga es Player Pianos, whlch must be clsarcd: DOMINION, lu good order, 4 sels reedi, 5 octavs. Pries 1. 8gLL, 4 aocf reeds,.6 cetaves. DOHBTY; orlynovbas 6 octanfes, 6 sotis reedi. Prie $40 BELL# cLapelI orgau, pivwerful toue, s ts mcrde.Price$3.7 DOMINION, piano «»s, beantiful tell roq$ toue, u.rl'y Dow, 4 case. Pries 56m @QUM EPIANOS OOLDSITIIevsrrung m-e io.odssrvd iea- truis i. T.M& r W~ ua t viom l~. r.j WÂR U Som . DOOTORS DIP'FoR. bit bockt 11M& ulitThe monthly meeing 0o!-the Watr Re- DoCters, like îawYers, semetimes dit- - Iw.as"ber-raiang clsa m met a lef Socitly vas heid in thc auditorium fer lu lhir-views. A Wbilby, doctol' the,-,m*I( âù-Win. Keiinglon wt 'OfthIe Public UbraiY ou Monday, Feb. mt hth rsrbslqo ncr veok,vlith7a ve s7oo 141h, about 69ladies belsg present. rTe adittthlh esresIqoinc- Mir.â tàVliting bores wi Ie reports girlver ee tmoît encouraging, tain cases. Dr. Howard Kelly, of th. hrothelh. Mosrs. Arthur sud Richard The Treaiurcn'sý report sbowed a bal* Johns Hopins University at Bati- ,white. J sce ef $740 on band. Ceuvener o! oe n ftegeaetatoiisi liev. Mr. Nieol preached an elel supplies reported Uhal since elatmroeo the grats atortesl lentseron ( Chistan ptilUammeeting, Iberé bad been sent avay: the medicai venld, rcceslly said: bolen t s nday aCirtian paînorpi 288 0-airs cf socks, 2 mufflers, 8 pairs, "Lîqtor lu al] ils forma, sud used for ilbi',ore he11t lat uutyaflem oos. for.cf vristlets, -sud 108 grey flannel shirts.' ypuoswhtvr1bele-t e -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o W6î? Iesoeale b rabs 4 Hospital shirts bave been donatedanpups iaerIblve-0b Wblty, ase pokeaftr th prachigsad made byý ladies -of the Society and an unmlîlgaîed evil . 1 believe ln fight services., - sent 10 Queen Mary's Guild. lirs. Mov-'lng it lu avery way possible. For a- CorpL RoSginsu sud PIes. Burlaigi at, Sock Convenor, reported 100 pairs. bout fifteen yeare I have neyer pre- sud Dale vislted our -Sunday Scboelfo bsmnsuMisSlb12 aud talked~ vel'y earseslly vili tbe, 15 Pairs bava also beexi donated by scrIbed or recommended Il fer any etn enabut utIhe lIme f rîîî ug Almoude Bible Claie. cause w.haievem. Tel] your physician f snisibtatbe gle. witn A parcel bas been ecaived tram Se- who prescrItes aicohol and says that lt Sorry te report liaI Jonathan Bray corsossmtoke, girtls'dressesands dees good thal he le living Jut ten lelt bis beat herse lait veek wvin- u- drebossmckstgls'desses andyasbhndti g. fluenza. Titis-disease spread t le i o df ervibbb aisaemk -er eidIî g. Mir. Bray's herses, but bbc reat are me- lsg lu the afteritoons lu the Cotîncil coverng itovly. vddn Chamber. Anyone vishing te help- - A very quIet wdigteck place aI vill be gladly welcomed. tic Manie, at Columbus, ou Tucsday, Mme. L. A. Hamilton, Publlclty Secre- WHITBY MARKETS February Bli, wben Wm. Hadgsou aud tary efthIe Ememgency Corps. No. 2 Miss lnule May, botet Raglan, were Division, Iben gave an interesting ad- Wet al... ..$.0t 10 united lu tbe bonds et boly mabrimouy, dresg on lte work, sbcwing tat the ciW) at.al......10 1 10 sur hchthybok ie ranfrmject oet Is organization Is to anable Wbeat, goose------------ 0.90 la 0.90 altrokiu t. tOugevhe tsud fothe bemembers le aid receruiting and to Dumle> ........ ..0.69 tg 0.60 Weuoisforntarieis. andpolicr give sucb other service -for King aud Beans----------------..3.00 to 3.00 Wetuer yUal pins.e on m. llo country as may be needed f rom women Rye ...... .... ........ 0.80 10 0.80 mosurfavm, Jul l e ie ovîM.iage. veram lUma la lIme durîug the var. The Peas-----------------..1.10 10 1.10 sona frm.juit estof he illge.WeCorps le tormed tom Patriotic service in Buckwbeat ...... ...... 0.70 10 0.70 alI ulte ln wlubilng tem mucit joy, connection viIb van ouly, and lu no Oaîts...... .... ........ 0.35 to 0.40 long sut ad prospeiiy. a dnftdwhay oiclort- Red C lover..... ....... 9.00 ta 9.50 liteivayeldentîead perhbasy p-l8.caltor9.0h BASE LUNE WEST. 1 m obJect. Thte meeting cbosed by sîng-Alkecvepmbs..80te .0 Mm, Chai. McDenald, base linese Iug bbc National Autbem.- FLOUR AND FEED. On account ef Institute meeting ln lupeew......926t bas enlisled lunte Quèen's Own, 169li Councîl Chamber, thame viii net be any'Fer ecv------25t 4.00 Battalien, Toronto. sewiug on Fiday. Chopped teed, cwt-.. .1.75 te 1.75 Miss Ida Story speut a tev days lu. The Couuty of Ontarto Old Girls' As- Cornmeal--------------- 2.00 le 2.50 te cily laut week visitlng frlesds. 'sociation yull meel evcmy Wednesday Bran, per ton... ...... 28.00 10 28.00 Mm. Thos. Greenavay. carpauber at aflerucon at Ibree o'clock lu the sud- Shorts, par ton ....... 30.00 10 30.00 the Hospîlal, bas rclurued te Toronto ilonlun of lte Libramy, viti thIe ebjeet MATPOL YsuPRDCE ovtng 10 s number et the vomkmeu et doing Red Cross vomi. Fler, pr cT........3.00 e3.2 belng laid off. IMr. and Mme. Farrîngton bave moved CaîtI, er awet... .25 300te 7.25 Mme. Dan Cameron bas rented ber te Tomante, vhame Mr. Farringlon bas Lambe. eacb..... ...... 6.00 to 11.00 bouse at Fort Wititby te Mm. Lund- accepted a geod position. -Hg.dcsd....1.01 35 gren. and viii take roome up-tovu. Hogs, dsect...... ....81.25 le 18.50 Guards Roustrec sud Edwarde lbat Hgslc ..t ..82 o85 lait week tb lois 1h. Highlanders of MARRIAGES. Veal..............12.00 te 13.00 Toronto for overseas service. CONNOR-STEPHENSON - At the Chîckietis,'par lb ......... 0.18 le 0.20 Miss M. Rosa. aaughlem of Mm. Rose, Methedist Parsonage, Whitby, ou 1Diucko, per lb..... .... 0.18 to 0.20 tarmx manager of the Hospitali for the .ensaFbury9 96 yte Geese, dmessed, par lb. ..- 0.18 be 0.20 Insane, vas senlously 111 wilb pneu-' W edy eray9 96 yte, Tumlccys, dreaaed, per lb. 0.25 te 0.30 moula, but she ln nov mucb better. Rev. A. H. Foster, Mm. Bruce Harold Butter ..... ...... .... 0.33 te 0.37 The good sleigbiug sud baavy fi-est i Counor la Miss Margaret E. Stepb- Eggs........ ...... .... 0.35 te 0.40 wai JuUic eUlhng te make lte tee cmop enson, botiî et Pickering. Lard, per lb...... ...... 0.18 te 0.20 casier te handie. I _____Pelatoes, per bag-....1.25 te 1.50 Mm. e. ome u nlieuîkApples, per barrai ...1.50 te- 3.00 Tie adJosouse meeoting o!la list. AUCTION SALE 0F TWO PARMS. Osions. per bag ........1.00 te 1.26 WTbey Thmreblgmetinaof heldPout STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Hay, par ton ..........14.00 10 15.00 Tueeday. Evemythlng passed Off salis The undersigued bas receivad ln- fcîon. Alteoicr eem-l structions fmom the executors etflteeas-. Wool, unwaahed .. .... 0.14 te 0.17 Par Part Whitby- 6.30O an 6.10 P.M For 'doth -&30c .s TWO IIRST-CLASS FIRST MOITOASES on 'Ton" stret, TorSte. Proportlesfor 8MW& These t-vo mortgages are due Maê Sat 1916, snd vil!brlng B prfft 4d about $3400 on an lavesontmt £or l menths. Amount about Wi1,..Au' 112 MnlgChamjeru Toronts LMANS Wo hiave a large amount cf prtv&Wt sud cUler fund to uvesiMtS* mortgages ou farm aud evt1l Dr«>tO *rtles at 6 and 6% pv ernt Apply REQAN & RUGAN. Ils manlug Chusbui,- DENTAL Hamry J. Hudson, D.D.S., LADS. Sucesbor to W. Adeus Office Dunda Street, osimte ftsi Office.Phone Ut2 WIIITBY9 ONT. Doutai Parlors oirorAmn' Ii Mtore. Whltbyo ot. OMMic houu- te in;L te L PhaSes. BMW&87; .p.lm IL Graduase f the Royat-Coliue f Deûtal Surgeons and Univeffilly oTo;rte. OMeie over W. DL PinJes sdtsetor& OSece bon re-9 bt! i Ita 5&S0" ad. Phonoe, 16 Bell Phoun 20. THREADGOLD BII<Se, OMNIM snd SUHLOM Altoratieus MA.dRePMiW COrserWosuM4sNom -a T.iepo". No. 182 VINTER RI OT ispu.4ciwund Tnrp F" le'Lwst N.. brles9msc;~iaa>? soi Brns Ark.; Vroiol .lokplge, Ind:Jscksonillo and all irl4points Rarana, Caba, and Ms (o5alrloans, Lad via New York and Rail (ý,r steamo, se_ eoedlsg to deatlnatîozà,>r-via Bufalo, Detroit, or Cbiesgo. IRU A AM i Wr! INDuS# o101,OiuiiesMid.; 8 ttle C o, hes on S t.,lag , O t . w l a . 4b&09 r -Il r n "ie, in aRt licate s ma 11 .gratea fortLI tumba are t1b a% yenl %V rai vol Plans - 'ls:n Plue Box 44 Cern OI ouM& Mon oru1 '4 t, ýt77' W-em--M-, WHITBT JUNCTIO. 0 lIn Woest .... 52à.In. c oins ét...Sa* .... 1-4 PMn. .... 7-4P -..J ..6s Suuday trains leve for TrB 4.62 iaum and 7.40 pà.. Trou Tlefle -trains stop at Whltby Junetts t 8.16 sud 8.56 ai.. ud 9.30 9-m IJP-TOWN STATION. Going North ..e A:m oeg SOuth ... 7. l2. s.*J c.P.B. Geins Weit-ý6." am. j oIniasIQ-fOSe àCM 9." .. 1 2 . .. STAGES. Leaves for Brougbam a4 10 a.. M&a Ildvardspropristr. MAIA OIOB For Wet- 6.3o a.m. 1L.30rp.m 6.30 p.m. For Eiat-44.. 1 - 8.30 P.Mý tate et the late KINSALE. WALTER J. ROGERS. à1m. Frankt Harbron Intenda holding lot 35, cou 6, Wititby Township, te selI a monseer aucticu sale cf reglslemcd by public aucton on sud higb grade stock ou Thursday, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1916, March 23, and bas aiready made ar- tefloigvlal rpry rangements vItil Auctioneer Wm. Maw,lieflongaubeprpmy of Whitby, to conduct lte sale. HORSES-1 bay bomse,aged; 1 browu Mm. George West, et Ashbumu. preacit- mare, aged: 1 brovu homse, g.p., tour cd au excellent sermon here lait Sun- years; 1 browu mare, g.p., 3 yeare; 1 day aflernoon. On -Monday mornlng lait the Iber- drivlng mare, 3 yeams old; 1 drlving; memeter went dovu te 17 degrees be- mare, supposed to ho ln foui. 1ev zero, the coldeatt Uls vînler. CATTLE-1 ous cew, f resit; 1 Gordon Pengally, cf Torontto, apeul black cow, lu cait; -1 mcd ccv, lu caît; hast Sunday unider Ube parental roof., e n ht o.feh rýl Miss Giadys liowbray lu mapartediIri u hl c.fch ril eteadiiy tmprovlsg troin ber receut 111- cov, fmasb; 1 roan ccv, Iu calf; 1 mcd usas.-- -cow, lu cait: 4 steers, msing 2 yaars: Severai couples fron thiis vlciuity at1 4 beifers, rlsIng 2 yeams;- 1 beifer, ris-, lcnded tbe concert et lait veek lu Uhi g3yas erin tes er Town Mall. WhItby, given by the s ers erigetee er moldiers A most excellent programme Ilsg heiters; 3 cairce. vas repomted, by one sud aIll. PIGS-2 brood sowa, 1 store pig: a lir. Biohancison sudsou, Clarence, uumbem et hens. went te Toiroto-on Saturday aftern IPEETon idrM . hait sud roturned Scnday evcning. 1 PE ET- ineM . Olur Sabb9th Seli -are preparnug moyen', Deering:* 1 horse rake: 1 man- tor--htr anzilraversary, tire opreader, Succees; 1 cultivater, M. OJihe taijpiers are making tse best cf H.; 1 seed drill. M. IL; 4 single pleve; lie uleighlpg, seeuing helr wod for 1 tiîn Plow; 1 Ivin plow, Crowu; 1 asaIst the fariner.' Il nov looks 11k. harreve: 1 lad relIer: 1 soit-mût>' a famine et Mmced liber. . eaper; 2 scuffiers; 2 atone bouts; 1 VicIer Parktu ahIPped a fut cov ut ro upr hebros os Breokhinluit Fniduy. Beef cattie sud ro upr hcbros es boabr pmaindlng a good big priceto ouftcmle;ianugml just no.;- and bagger, Chtamu; 1 ieuvy vag- Mir. WiddiOeid. e! Salent Cerner, bas gos;* 1 democrat wagon; 1 set bie- et lute be4 tcumIng woed Ibrougi our-« slelgha: 1 grave! box;: a ak village fro»a the ieuti. ib1yak ArIbur ?&rrngsr taîks e1 Moving set ef seules; 2 pig craIes; 1 set of tbam avay troi our village. bamns: isot. cf double ian- os- - 40 noua; 1 set of single harua HîG« Sc#1OQL WEEcKLY EXABM. buggy pole, vbilffetreen aud neckyoke; 1 vu ]W. 1 6 bbIa. ceneni; 1 robe; 3 teedboxes; Physles-.i)P, Mevbray 61, H. Long 56, 1 lawa moyen; 1 Meoette separator; 1 T. 1recer Î48, I. Niebe 25, M. Kennedy ceas,0o1 tank, 40 gallons; 10 roe isc 20. - trie veld vire fonce; 1I bol ehotan sd - RU i. rncarpenter's telse; 1 put) et aile gresa; latin Âulhoni-F. HendenS 78, M. , a nuzuber cf empty barrels; 1 band MacQroItyiIf. J. Hfisop Ta. C. Jack»on aprayer; cross-et la-y 1 Berthe. 1 78. L .1O'Oar 71, 1D. MeGilVuaygo, jwidlI5; 1 grain. crdie; 1 vate Ec. Cvob41,1) aub44A oitn;Ivub; poiu haie digg.v; g nd 48, G. MeGllvray«.1,A. Riehardaca atone; 1iutmet eb hun: % barrio! s. . eudm 0.finm uphur; 8O biemSceps; ub Fm IL ber of ginlegs; 1 $cMop borol; nuak Led--K. Âaway n, . bL uebLeyber cf beebivo.; tanks _rab.., hoWg, a8 , ICx«» es, M.Lintyr a, A.. ebatu Msd ether article., Ni u5 , L Rvin 50. E lbr4. TUD-40 bamb et c ese. *or 1M J,. Long 4.tii 1=4 20éd1!&Y h ay, ousuitet, ross, sile POB L- fuel sd e ag. Phymbo..1f ame 95.V. l~~g94, LUMBIt-herJOs il»omot 7.' I. 85111k si- IL imagbe8à E, Ié eU -M000 fot o! gool soaMslmuler of IL. <>Voà 8.I icbad*0 78. th fllWlagm Ms: tVSa, eIooks mo4& M $Onuflv M 8, y. Ssv$skuu î»Qais. *UskColumialu xm *tl*q;" X. 1L R<birt aMÀ, leu iN. L 2 rang 2« oohg; uabe * S rIn 5 a. ao.54, .* Dap8, W 'uM 0w a -L«M »0&*à ri= M S4,G ,,1Is u t *sa 8 Xls uDabrgaa. o. U. X.- M ta 4 z meWt 0 , wm i . lés#un.« pSu, p inro~tmiis i, 2sSI.W 'su I 2 a oe t: w ba q

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