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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Feb 1916, p. 3

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AiL CAMROONS CONQURID'N EE (iermian Commnrder Succeeded Iln Escaplng, Iiow- IMORPTU H.~~' nm lt no OrT ev%..r, Into Spanil hTcrritury ILLe reS A desrfttr¶ from London says: The 1f rontier up to Ngoa and al east eSrSmHuhsttcinhefoet following official communication refer- thereof. The Campo region coluain las &o tu'es.n elyt qetin1 ring tci the operations in the Camer- la f romil- trvea. secalInfrmtcltottsre athene oon rgiincf~Vst frcaWR ~ *Artivp operntions are now prae- G)'% ema fakonteBit1 n sucd ThiurscLay night: tically undud,, and thc conquest of 4i ~~ ~ . aainue ot-ato pe "Atlgimdt. ('.18foi anieropn is complete, vth the c\- e cs.14" lngafon«ofsni ils I6n Iln Doholi (the French commander ception. of thQ i.olated position of oi PlaL5 (LN in ('unîcroons) tat2s that hc has re- Moa hll. The Cet niait conmmandant,~I. - et atingsm woo heedy ceived information from G en. Aymner- Ziirnermari, sîieceeoded in making hi3 ,,TThZarada top%_h%~eba ich Illt tho Fr(nch have closed the escape int Spanksh ter-ritury." PARIS___________________ Mlarkets of the World y4f'. tu7464c. Foat-nnr patets, -A. RTS A O Itensuf~5c highe; quoted nat,-).'20. Oth- f TNt,%%, oi. 2u. 1 norti ia i at breN .Bran, $19 tu $22. . tul WRME R hG MR - NiecrotNu.I ortcî~, 1 I~ Duluth, Feb. 22. -Wýhezit--Nn. i1 N~2Not-lihrn, $1 .24 4 ; No. 3 North- ~N.Northern i u ___'; tL rn$1 .21 %, in ture Fort Wiliam. f 1;N.2Nîhr,$.2~! I 'uGi$MNYTA Vi Maîlti rt-N. 'W, rrr; .irse-Cash, $2.33½ ý le$2.34; AN/ U eNira No.V 1 OEIA - No. ~ (3W, 4~hc; ritraNo. foril vîî $2.363; July,$23'4 j- 4 2 ç 1 Ifred, 41 ',,in htotre Foi t, qST I.~¾ctrîck Ttirrmto. Toono,. Wealth.ehcvy *OM (?anaiin oitn Fr-d, 71 t, , Istevr, ,$.60 tW$7. 75; butechers' uat- ý~ i ý 1( 'roto. tic, cheice, $7. 40 to $7.,G0; do., good, U"uiin"bscret oamgc OnUirlie t., Rt Nu. 3 ,whItt-, 41 to $7 tu $7 40; do., niediLnm, $6.15 t oiIERX~Ef ~. '4_e; commercial, 43 tu 44c, accetîting Idoaulay of ail ut atfew$to-day i tri freights outsîrîe. . utchers' bulle, choice, $6. 50 to $7, TEWE'SD ELP NSIN HE AR 0ntario w a- No. 2, W*intel. per tio., iroo-d bulls, $5.75 to $6. 10; do., Teps 1e 0 en R EKSDEEOMNS NTEWR che167 e uces rTkh es i t kh vicinitymore activity on thbe Westèrn front for somc time past. The Germans atce h otnaî »terotso h tar lot, $1 .10 te $1.12; ivhat, rough bulle, $45 to $5; bthr" rt5 ie ntevcnt of Ypres and carried the front lina tranches along a front of semtiglk 0 e n omen iin nth»tyia -iigh1ty iapr-oîttdanhd tmugh. art-ord- cOWs, O-$.7 o$rdo., good,',ti eto ftefoti ing (4) m.mpte, $1 .013 te $1 .10; whent, $5.95 te $6. 10; do., medium, $51j yards. These trenches have changed hands many times and, in facttiseioofharnts idt hva ratrealiy. tsads it tee c$565;h forratinaunrnt.Pampoithedruprbaobpe eginey Te anddan pori tii.rotepl, s$1 [a tig$1 arfcil int o $eeders o.o od,5 e$68; to $.6-fighting and ara sait] tu have repulsed ail att.cks wit.h comparatively slight loss. te 11mp, a$1rdntl$10; e ci hts oti9 eders,go, $t 69 .5$61 $6 675soc'- Te outstanditg feature of the war naws titis wôek, howevcr, bas been the cnpture by the Russaso ie cafral es htahl fpt P- N.2 8.0 rse crî- cers 70 d cut00tere, $3.210to $64*r7' fortress of Erzerum, togethar vliith something lika 1,000 guns and immense supplies. The positionwstkn roia et pntelbre h ing te(,ampli, $1 .25 te $1 75, accord- milkers, hieean,$5de$0; > brcrualattctferafrsd,' ig. hsevn s h ee m oratr3.Zde5o ain » h ar d', asa bfled n$4d ltrr d3 o, operations. The Russians are reported te ha striking southward with a view t utn f h eraigTr- Eeyscn a ntact so inérto freie-htir outsida. comnmon and mediumn, eacb, i$35 te n. riish reinfore nts ara on their way te meet the Britisht relief expedition inMeptiia mutonadItssidoalytt Bt rit-y Maltingz, 64 te ld feed, $60; sprinrers, $60 te $100; light Integarrsn. rthes ren ut-erit s force at Kut-el-Axnara i% rp ted te ha succesqfull odn h nynI3healg n n y a 57 t) &, Irtordtigtu reilitï o tewe $7r, bucks e, 3.60 te $450; posit.ion and te bave ample supplies for some time te corne. yearCi;ndo.,bk, $3e. 5; I$4b5, Rumania bas taken a position vary much more favorable te the Entente Allies. Germany bsrsttdt pc ewrhdstyhsbe na BicwetNoninal, 77 t. 7 thi-eat-s in an attempt to keep that country neutral, but as soo» as Russascan get ber toops in suc oiin ams nrdbesae n h ai Cys-o rIgomerci 9 e. 94 d $11u5tecoi $1.7.5t15 0; do , e-as te ensure Rumania agairrst invasion it seema 'probable that Rumania 'viii throw in ber lot 'wlt h li fctose uiinwr r e Ry- No 1comecil,92 to 1c iumt han,$72 o 1.0;di, She bas much te gain by an attack on Bulgaria and ber assistance %ould do much te turnt-»th,* l j h idxng aoa i rcyr rir'ctoîl, rccnrring tu sample, S83 te CrîiOmo, $4 to$4.50; ho", fd nc Balkans.fahisl nbet ev o Mý),iterrîtba <leur irs tpaets, in $10.$40 dfo., w eig $970.f car,, The situation on other fronts je little changed. There bas been considarable activity on the atc i te mlyaetkcuetebik Jutebaga $7 0; sr~onl paents in MontealFeU.22.-heic sters quadrons, including another raid on the Est coasb of Britain and an alliad attack by air on Struitamdeithyrdreudtelnte juebg,$ 2;-%cn aeti M traFb 2-hieses Thera seems te ha a general feeling that big event.s are impending, but thair nature and magitdarntfuac ofbegat riîet jut bei' $60;strngtiaer', n t $7.75 te $8; good Rt $7.25 toi ok.TeSefil uira n jue as,$.7;stçg )ikr-;,in$.0 n h lwrgaesa rm yet apparent. iute hases, $6.60, Toronto. $5.u,25 dt.5 he le gradefrem ie h ypclcrfsane hec OnLario flour-Winter, a(Cording te $525 te $6275, tile6.bucher cowsI Yoî -ta busy wiMEN GvREATnd. forkst1 ,ample, $4.70 te $4.80, track Toronto, ldat8475te$6S ad uis'¶ myWft- rpare S48 o$.0 ehad rmtship- pacr te om$750pe ct. 7pe ný-MONTENEGIN4IS OUG ARIDME R ETB TANS AYAwhh 54SOo 49, esoadprmp bouhtfrm 55 t $ p t AGAINST ILL-USAGE ARE NEXT INl REWMN SAE rkn-oalcmtvsi au lot, alveodMit-of Iambe at $10.75 toi$11,aund sheep - - t rigPrsur o e uSenteaced te Death, u ietPsa atrn uaeiemciey realfrIgha-B per tonr, $25;,lut $6.75 te $7.50 per cwt, while 10511htRevity o fre hewartaeepinerslfrniur reigh -rto-n, o2fýmidnrs milkfed calves sold at l1014 toe uc, ty of Austrian Soldiery. ATe delinteCoos ec riueIsta.m mna yp onLywoh per tit, $27:, good f ced 1flour, per bîag, and grassfed at 6% mte tlc pet- lb. A despatcb frea Reome says - The A despatch freai London graysa. eo wmna $i 7rtW $1.85. 'Iiogi, $10.80 te $11 par cwt., weigb-1 Durazzo correspondent of the Idea Young married men who have net an- calsent a w o p h aam-RIlgintawibocerle ik ed off cars, but as hlch as $11.'10'vas Nazionale telegrapha that thie Mon- 1 list.ed are soc» te receire lte allen- 1cenl atne edah u ha ivrfrmtitaos r oln pifo oeltofln-ustc.tenegrins in lihe VasoYevici, Plavo ami i tien of the War office, wbicb ta con- setenceors oife, uEdtpeaie- rsadcoprfriemaeale Conty - uc. Gusinge districts, goaded by the ill-! siderlng the question of bringing pt-es- fos fGmoso bmdyb okwihaya g a tv ltutt.rr I"reb dairy, 27 te 30c-; un-, BIG HANDS. usage of the Austriana, have revoit- sure te bear upon thern te induce fIat-hart L. Samuel, thi artr twti hi acltasadmn feir 1t 5- remr rns 4 d with sucit succes hat tae Austrian 1 theai te join te a amy. Ail single IState f or Home' Affair.Tewmnmnfcu-r aebe soih tri 3c; solde, .12 te 31c. NN hat 'Ihey Are Said te Indicate in 'aubhorities have bec» obliged le aend me» who attIl.e under the Earl Of was found guiity in ac-iia ~s?,a h osblta fterpat Eggna -Storîrge, 26 te 27c per doz.; aMn to Scutari for reinforcements. The Derby's plan have been calied up, anidtae Home Secratary sae.A P epewotogtu huad a 84C, rcse lots. Ms people emt object obg nitions, which they had hiddan, con- enroua aill other bacheicrs, of mlitary was coaimuted. Rerciiiswr hr iaei ciiyadnwe llîîncy Pricei, in. 10 tii 60 lb. tinis, nese. as applied te festures cf the tinue te uesiat. When t.hey anteried tige who have not-been exempted- Mar- discovered» six -daya te e-ria trrs aldrce pnUaeaa 12 tu 12 '&c; comlU, No). 1,$p; No. 2, hody-big feet, big eos, big mout, the count.ry, thbe correspondent adds, iried men whe attested undar tube i» Great Britain, and ei orsod V $2. 40, particularly. tae Austriana announiced t.hat quanti- Derby plan wiii next be CaIled t entr-muni ina.rute Beanna- $4,20 te $4.40. Ai a rule, the man wbe has a taste ies of previsions would arrive i-- arma. Most cf theai are mie betwtetie n g, ~~~Poultry--Spring chlckens. 1 î to for 8cience has a big hand, and ~aiediately, but as soc» as the terri- 130 and 40 years. There are largebeentelmendera-e. h 2i;fowis, 15 te 16e; ducks, 17 Le bony eeonea.e i loeîf1 tr wsocuidthycame ofte ubeso mrrd u» iiw 0wa e aBiis ubetThal te Trdsunbatthetiue eI goc; <ese, 15 to 19cr; turkeys, '23 ite i rit.It la net a beautiful band, jt emastatandiththatpalatian)had denuded cf mati.t r ( boete ar2, 7 c.winy 1 asc tr n tart et -e htseauty ;e s bn t ofleneveryw here s dying of bunger, a -' the appeai tu take up arm , and the w r, iv n a s er as nt ce en Th y u g a d I thouh mneyla bunant Autri auhotitis a-a earbitg fr ametod n Brimn fa spena. hvetaifla vnalborsJ $29 to $310. Mouille, $31 te $23. Hasic ygaooth baad la capaclous. cently been appoited în atruvtr 01'D r- i Ne. 2, pot- ton, 'car lots, $20 t t îs ft t o b~le rapacicug. It is the fortifcton choo1s in Cbathain, Eng- '20 . 50. Cheee- Finest westerns, hand et Mammron. landt.Ileia t a graduate et Kingsrton Encient ad SkilfuL inembmr et lhe Mgsre)1l&Gt11 ieacea.snu a'bigs lX.' te119r'; filiest castat-ns, 1814 let iitryCollage. erUnbemIlu daacefencosTe-taatll saaalbnI i ' 18 r. ute (hoceîcreamnery,. ALL BRITISH W09KMcSs .jSi t t PsaUt a gtta fi t51.'day oer-tseussfr lhinpe !lui !Iril.Siffedrl tiEggs-Fý-resh, .14 to 35c; selected, 28 BAE<>aYT B'."$,U,0, " WAR eient- and aitulttan eta- efeWre, troduce btteicardasmlsl lervoe-riel o * , -ial ot~, $2.8te 2 .9r. ttc-i"t , Merchaats Reýport A daspatrhctrafnromLnden ayaTise o htaltui ie itetdit- t te lvs' h mou ! ut rIan ut4gauddq I ~~~~~~~~~Casseaflor et teExcbequer, Retinald i'5tttol'"y ha lten satuso~eau oe ~i et-o a nt.e br !tmi sstui vg rat-buts $180dtc$18pi ch t mLondon say: "In MeKenstaamnnouit oit onWetnedy the. »Lbeesdeterm&d eh ýVinnieg Grin.__________________ i enc, 1 b-e ttr the Btdsh ationadéot-at th 1 nov'er known 4 ime vfhen theta was îend ot Ute flnancial yens',UMth 31, W iîtîpg,'i--l. 2.Ca. ruua-se mu ch ainey about among the, wili ha f2,200,OOê,000. Germany'is tien s- -Wbent -Nio. 1 Nort.hern, wet-king classes," ta ltae tkÜrony of gi-oa vas' expenditure to thé end ot Si .5%;No. Notben, $.23; ~pswnbt-eier, dcing business iut a 1915 w»s more titan £,d100P0 No. 3 Netthora, $1 .20%; No. 4, district et Lenten, where a lau. Gi-itavolet by Franc belve $1.16%; t4o. 5. $1.091,; No. 6, amount cf army mrateriala are manui- the outbrek ofthse var tt lteaend $1.3;foot, 9774. Oms-No. 2 C. facturait. Ris testiunonyàta u pport-.loet Dacamber, 19m, ve, about 41e~ W.. 44Lc; No. 3 C.W., 4214c; extra cd by the Jawelems, marchanta nt 20,000000andi for thea Oral quart«r No. 1 focd, 42% c; No. 1 feat. 40% c; i-arfety andi moving picture tbaatTa ifet91(11, £300,90,00. -6814Ac; No. 4, 63c; rajacted, 571,4 c; werkers were never se prosperous, or,'rvO-YEAR SBNTrFRC feait, 67%r. Flax-No. 1 N.W.< misant thir men-ry Pe frS.ly-exceptiF'AIESUTI i $2.101À4; No. 2 C.W., 82.07't. tlitaIt tey don't'ccli an pawobrokes UnIt'd SateaMarktrr. as they usait te. 1Ib is district Ibero t A drepatcb frm oua Msr *& mya*. Unt«, Sta« Marets. are 6,000 woinen andi girls ipIôyed 1Benjamin Coulter, ninalee1«» y Minîneapolis. Feb. 22.-Wbeat--in munition werk canit bey amn. tise; age, wv ite ascoiukted m %os Wj f -\ ay, 81.20 le $1.29%~; Juiy, tree spandar ls.let et therntare lise batre Judge Lanclot os crgO5Ot~ $1.27%; No. i tard, $1 .86%; No. 1 vives ef mliers cand i-ceaire seara- baving dertentd frtim tie '" IRoIW a ~~Nortbcrn, $1 .80 te $1 .34; Ne. 2 1e- tien allowances' frein lte Goertunent, irlandmr, S7t Beelloo Gr'* ten, I$1,20 te $1 .8 1.Crn-Neo. wisich incns'aas e iaibinest. a64W Gurts andthelii 61kUOW¶TsIIs t -UVEY BRIJSH WMT GUmmN vayas lelatm r i IN AST AFRCANCAIIG Reconna1ssa1cîý- InForce Carrled eut Agtno4 Sal.ý r - alta t1ili to Ascertain Eoemny's Position u I A ddpatc Iros L n a:.- TehMilwvanlouni to10 La stoWky baI, îV ,VrW* gOW9c lulauaot IssOWThum- asithl*s=tius GuiMua uv wMw m.-*M * 'da t1È»ss lb.Laut AMt-lIÇM &« saîo iss iipein t» t 1I Plu 0»1 ofie ussiliwlo 18velal. 'r 1» 1uo ett thels mr s IN: =n adL -te nclhe-5 at Many Poin- tili There ,vidently taken te lte dur cuti, Pince hey did est <ern te haveo stiftered n anytting like the proportion- wvhr' b would othet-',iusoha expected, tho re- ,ord bcrng oe kiiled Thtîraday and ve or six tht' t1't before. 'Tht (,er- nons, followirug tte bombat-dincut, got Ioto - ut- trenches at many peints," onlinued th(,Mite. "My informna- bion aitaIt e Gerunans are stilI boera-but ttey are daad.' delivered. In the houiic to whieh iL -,as taken the estirnatedt value cf Viet furniture in the house ivus con- sidernbly less titan the prict paiti for te instrument. Young rnechatiict aue buying me. Lercycles, often îviîh a sidecur aI-i, tnched, and itundredur of themrn ay bt' scon on Sundays ridtng the machine-- on Oite Derbyshire road--; . The wives of te muritio» worliers take iheir sitaro tinrpending. Women, who ia the past have boa» able te buy only the cheapiuat clothes, at-a now ordering coutumes costing £4 and even £5, guinea halls, and expensive -mkoes. The manager of a boolshop stales t'hat bii cci -mission on sales duning the past 12 months la the highest ho tas evar obtaineit. Jesvelers are doing an extensive business in rings,' gold braceletas, brooches, leckels, and other trinkets. t Manufacturers cf ciectro-plaue, wi0 reloaseit tundreds of men for tae army in the eariy days of te wam, wben trade came alaicat te s sand- stili, flnd IL difflicuit te execute the .. j et-de'rs neow peuring t». Anether van- ity is thba purchase of elaborately- mounteit umbrelias. A working-ciass woaian la a ramcar expiaiaad the possession ef an umibrelia wbicb sha said had ceaI 45s. 4y tho -simple re- mark, "Jack'e. on munitionà,." i OFFICIALLY "KILLED." Instances cf People Who Have Rewd Thair Own. Death Notices. War always brings eut cîirious situ- 1 ations in more ways tian onê-ways -which most f olk would deelare uttar- ly impossible wara tbay ineludait in an'y romance by a stoveliat, says- Le»- e don Astswars. Quit. recently tamo atrivataI ia imotber'. bouse',tI Richmondi, Surrey, 9 a private soldier, who simply sent bis frelations delirlous wti Joy by. tiat 9 strange homecomning; for only .a day S or two prevloualy he a ia been an- Y neunca" by tbe-War Office authorities ,d as '9dued in action." 8. But wbat made titis case aven mors, re astounding was that titis veUr sat"e r- soldier waa postait as «killed" dur- l- ing lte Boer War. d Quartermaster-gergeastt Kerr, ci lte Royal Fiait Artilery, whe was meaticned tom spectal gullantmy ta ennet Sir John Frenchils despatebes, ean liLast et a vary strange experience y Ini a, simlar fashion turing t.e Seuth gtAtricant War. He wats!iofficialiy me- >b pet-ted "Idflled," wbereas he was never vice,'bMeId lu 81.. al'ýVab.itraI" for a ivinbg M"ht pro e vas sso "dead"ln cartat -uayd -l - ro Jbsto

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