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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Mar 1916, p. 3

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ft~NAL-PARTS, 0F FACS DFSROYED BY 'WOU sni INWAR MAouths, Jaws andci Eve EFyeIod4 Nia -e to Move- Nacurally by British Scuiptor, A despatcb f romu London sgays: Denveiît Wood, thse distinguished British scupter, Wvho etili!gted as a prkvatc in the armny medical corps ut tisa boginning aof the ar, is now iurn- Ing his talent to a unique use. AH hi.9 Itigure tinie is ni presnrt en-ploy- od ini replaciug tieo pats of meiî's faces destroyo-d by wudii n iibatte. Tliies include mouths.ja, and e-ten oyeli(Id, aIl of whi-hh li as ruade tai movP nat.urnily. Ile huis juilt inishoîl romrakàing a noau for a ,:tldier wlîue aune vas Markets of the World blown awny below tihe bri'Ige. Bis addition, whicbha eprepared oa! elec- trically treated metal, il 50 perfect that where iti l joined is absolutely imperceptibe, and tise atcnt has re- gained isis sense of amell. Wood is now gis iug up 1nost Of!h'1s time ta this w-ork, Pnd ia able ta Ircat ten cases datly. Surgeons who nu-ver tlàought thut a st-nlptor's art couldl le adnptu-d t-o Ibis uiOrk are now alisolutelyanuiaeul ni the 1tenarkable i inuits Woot i s ol>taitnî-îl. ?YIc lower, $500; other sgrades u-n- chaugcd. Slmni,61,5 arrels. Bran, $1000te$200 L'UiUlii, r . 0 11- - à.ear - . i fircadstufft. liard, $l.2.37ý No. i Nortbern, $1.217/ Toro~nto, Feb. ?9. -Mntln ha o$1.23%;î-No2 Nortlier".$.17 - Neiv cop, No. 1 Nîîrthe-n, tc $.27s.In20uI,%1; le My,$2a3 lutore, Fort Williamn. Munitola .iota-No. 2, UW_4>~ u tc urcs No. 3, do., 401il-; extrns No. 1 feed Toronto, 17-b 2.. hii- eavyi 40%C; No. 1 fced. l~î-ini store, ttcrs, $7.65 te $775; Iluirher steere Fouit illiîîuî. <huite $7ý5 tLa $7.50); do., gooîî, $700W' Arneritan ur--N.2iHw3 I -o $7.20; do., rne-ilium, $ ta1 $710;ý track Tocante. de. comnion, $5.o t$560; ILeifers, ~Ck, adTn 71. - 7 gou)d lii hoice, $7.25 tb$7.501; do., ýCk Tronto.mediumi, $650 te $6I75; Putc-hcr COwa,ý - ~ ~teriaonti -o li bte.4.~tiichoir-e, $6.50 te $6.85; dio., gool.1 $575 44c; coninîe'ri-îiî, 42 te 4.1c c-,îuoîding ta $675, Butcher Lulli;, -hoiceS.$6(0 ta to frt-ipht uîulside. $700; do., gocîl bulls. $5.50 ta$6.00; Onl.aiiiwheat--Ni) ?2 W iittîircar (do., mdiun,î,5.00 te $550, do.. rïelh lort., P.08 !to ng-h, :nrIl -ri ts 1lt1 ta ozn,$4.,10 ta $4.50; Feeders, 900 tipoxiedJi 1, tugl, acorini tat 1,000 14, $640 to $6.80; (do., buils, fta!ik, $1,03 to$ OS;whefat -iprotit- '3 50 o$5;Sokr,70t 0 ed, sînut I aund t ouri, îiî Wi iii~ 0 to 5.50; îlcer, 700- t8t0 tain ne, 996 a$15:fr-e-I 'i hvRt1 - 3 -)0 b- te M, acordiig ri f-eigýti ous)dIbét ., $55 t,>$600; (Io., lighl, 500 te ue a-to dngte regh s utîd -tri611lis$500 b $l5. t('aniierg,' l'os -N. 2.$17; uî-r-rilîg 1 $.50 tb $42.5; Cuiters, $4.25 to $4 .50;~ semle $i 25te 12i lINfiiiW eMlkers,choice, rat-b 5ý60.00 to 8.01 ltrb-bt.s oîîtsîîleSpningers, $54100 te $85.004; Calves', P. to COci . uîîing to fieigh out- veal, choir-e, $9.00 tu 1.0 o id aid .iuni, $7.00 L1> $.00,do., commun $550 lu$80;l.anilîs, yearlings, $M.00ttt t ltucîwhîuî71 li : ii lu - li S 0<; Uultt-d lamrhs, $7.011 te $7.25-: Itv-Ni, ,ininu.iiil i - - -Sîritg lanîiý, $1000 tus $12).501; -wel, lîýhi, $7.51) tii $.00.- Shep, ht-a-ry. rejetted,1.Ctrîlirg 10i0and!i u lînrkn,$65 l$S.00; unr-a, fcd S5r-, ncordlintr Io frrir-hi-- uidi.î- an( watered, $975; do., f.oUi. $9.40;! ManitoLa flou r -Firrt Ipatentq. in do.,-eigbeîî nt plant, $10.i jjutetiae $ 5%fiuornrut~ î it roi, I-eb . 9. - Butcher sîet s, atrosîFr baker>. in i v l;g s, o t $7 lii $7.50; good, $86 b$7; Toronte. fait, $6 ii$î.to mdjn.$r5.75 ta$6;l (Ontario fl ur -Witiur, ar-î-îrîtînLy bltcher bliF, liest $5.75 lu$65;nîed- to sitmple, $160 te $1.70, trai-k, Tir- .Uni, $5.25 te $575; canners, $4 ta $5; onto: $4 e40 tia$4.70,t !L eiiliuard,iluIt-het - ou s, litst, $6.25-; gueu 1$6;- Prmp iifed <O ien, tli ru 5 tfaim, $75rough, $4.25 to ca 2;rin ours $3 ii $50.Sheel>, :-c te 7' ieal freiglits-Brani, pe-r lin,- 25 buSc -ta f.loiz. e, cumb,, $10 ihoîfis, periton, $«21*,: Piddiline1-z, P'îtii$150roughs and mixed lots, $ 12 t-sii, $27; gîm<iilfeed ptii i- 1I1o1-.tii $9.50; r-union, $9; r-ows., $7.50.1 $1 7r.t (0 olu$775. Calt-es, milk-fed, S9c t,' 91c;i Country I'roduce. grass-led, 41'4c- ta b. Il iellor --i ,11îîh air -, 2 tol 30;lii n - _ - - i -'i ri-5 i, ..I cre*m.u piitts.:t4raionawn UUUîlLt'. i s înteresuînglra( to 6r -01is,-1 to111rr D SHFR N IL EX 1Io note that Uic proportion of the f-ýFg-4 Straiz, 2 to2f', ptr (( zmen -be r-ire assignliug their pay is î-;gr-s--- Strago, 25 bu 2m- pi theim-z aee rbi 27 tî i eiew-laiul, 30 o te c, . PEGTEu ANY DAY lcruisoferav argeamngvbe rean m-as t-ho case with the men wiso went flonc(' - Price, iii 10 te 60 -111. t irus. - ovuracas at first.. This ia accounted W~' 1,.o1cr. $2l-î .275 tii l.oudou Naal Expert Lo6kný for ait for on the grounid tisat a -considerably $:zi No. 2, $2.25 ti> $2.40. E -ariy BaIlle iu thse largoî- proportion of the- latýr re- Ex Iltan4 --$4.201 ta $4,40. Northi Ses. -Cruits are Catindian-born, and have sa] 1'c'ntry-- S'pring r-hir-ku-ns.17 lu20c; Idependeta sor relatives 'in Canada. e riîwvl,, tr) , tu lc; diicki, 17 t10'20c:; A .x î.M0ùncable ta-> he N\t-w X'orl, Witl ice liraI and second contingents ia vpt»oee, 15 te 19c; turkeysr 23 ta 27c-. Tributnc sayes: '-A high naval authority a large percentage was COMPOaed Of Cip Chcs--lugc 19c-; twtn,l91ýe. tutu thuî Trib)une- correspondent aofua unmamricd mcei aha were boru in Rh- Pobtaca -Car lots of Onîtario quoI- btlie! wvidm'Iv ht-id in Adminalty circles Great Britain aud a-ho had no family dei md ut $1.70 to $1.Î5, and New Bruns- thlat tihe German fleet may nake a tie5z on lependenta in tbis countn-y. ani wick% e $1.811 lu $1.9u1 per îuag, on daeh forthie open sen, et any t-me .o t.a-~~c-k now, Zi-ving as s ceasai for tiis not (îed IITI DIE blontreaiMarketii.orily the pressure o! pbliticai apinion FEC .L.ýTY l Monrel ariia.ini Genmaîîv. but tise innuunerahle re- FRNHGLATy i V oritroal, Feb. 29. -Cnrti-Anîcrr-ont reports ail poinîing to thse- pre- i-art No. 2 yellaw, 863 te 87r. Onta- parution of as ronbinedý4 Germutu naval,' Lard Miayor of London Senda Coun- mO (tanadian western, No. 2 531%c;doarl and mnilitary offetnsivec, with thle try's Recagnition te Iresident. an( Nao. M, fi) 4c; N o. 2 local white, 484,c; objet-tnt forcing pontc-i. and impressing Au de.patch frrnm Landau saya: The No. 3 do., 471,ýc; No. 4 do., 46%c. nututaIs. Vice-AdmfiraI Relihardt ~ ~ a od~o Wirl'y-Mu. eed,62 t 63; maiting, St-ber r as hcu appaiuted cammand-prstola iFrcs 741 tçb 78c-. Burkwvieat-No. 2, 8t0 ta -n of tht- ermrn bat-tIc ,fitet ti sue- for canveyaace to, Piesident Poineare q 82c. l'our-Nan. Spring wheat put- cession tluAdmirail'r-en Pohi, -tuho, 8 an lu onsnn a l'intd e-rta, fins, .$7.101; seconds, $6.60; ter holding the position foc n year, t 1 des udts1sse tmoet i, .,troug bakerii', $6.40; ,mfraight roflers, nt-ti-izig on açccunt o!filI-hen i-b" s niaLte sela ofseoUeitedKag.n $1,.01tîo $6.011; struiglit t-llers, bags, * d"'o ia. The address uffe-red t-be respebeS $2.80 taý $2.C0. RuIler usa, barrels,'GREATEST M5AR !IRAIN ýanti gratitude o t the signatoriea t m $5i.35i; do., liags, 90 Ibas, $2.55 ta $2,60.1 BRI SINCE \,ElaU;N. Itise Frenchs nationî, sympathy for sl'J Bran, $2350 ta $24.00. Shorts, $'26.1 rneI e u iig'n rfudtl Mdtdili->g, $28 ta $30. Mouillie, $31 Londoa l'aptura îbemasd tati Fuer, dmrateion o hi'ule igakind rof thedcl la $33. Ilav, No. 2, pe-r ton, c-ar lots,! Resume Naval Command. 1 -'ri:lsImop $20 tn $20..Cheese-Finest West- Fr- I Msop» t-rus, 18% te 19c; fineiet. asteras -Ailespaîcisfi uni Lir.îdin aylg: ne i- - 191/ ta 18 ,4, . lutter-Cnoicest BijhWev hut eeîl Ug- ORD lDERBY IN CIIXRlF o rreamery, l1i,à te 34 ýc; seconds, .3ii-. ge-stesl Lord Northcife îasiur 1De- to 21gr Eg,-Fe-.h,30to32; e.fonce Ministcr now rrît-sfor î.orà OFQIAIR SERV'ICE BObARU. ta 3i,~. Ega-resh 300 3c; 0- Jacky" Fishtr to r<-iumc ttc naival dejtifrî Lusaay: li-cte4, 26 ta 27c; Nso. 1 stock, 24 ta corninaud, iackaîii ain, 55-thé Lordeâac rt ono a ?5w; No. 2 stock, 21 t 22c. Po)tatoeos, NWCekiy, "Esigland wil bit-k the gi-cat.L- n or eris. eceptance etftth. chair- pèrr leulg, ca*r lii.. $1.80 b to. rst war brain she lins bred since Nel- mnship of a joint naval aidtilitary I cap. The greatebt war r-s-r waged h.as - btiofi-l a oîtncuî udthe Britishs &Ir Winrnipeg Grain. pVics 'uyfs -r ris >iyst~--r-ewts amiaurcet in the nOusse » Winnipcg, Fèh. 29.-Cash: No. an1 mai as e-tx'flt îe Germ ang i a! Gemmotis on '1'ursdyayfternean Nortiseru, $1.20; Na. 2 Northsr, by Premier Asquitit. The p"stio à» -brain Power, îand tisatI ruait isIjbîw $1.75%; No. .1 Northern, $1.15; No. 4, ihe. net a sla o. $Li1>ý; No. 5, $1.0394; No. 6, 97%c; - (Met, 91%c. Oata-Nn. 2 C.W., 42%c. CNM -MAG EfI IEl RZ No. 8 CW., 40%c; extra No. 1 :eed, -TARTS IN TAIN.1>KNEw NANE 0 F CITY, 40%e; No. 1 feed, 88%e No. 2 fed,-i 37%c. Barly-No. 3, 65c; No. 4. 55k; A c-ac rmLodnm& ht AAiles64cs frein o.ude N.W.C.,lTh1 A dmepa" hfros Bei-lirr, Ossi-.Y.. a $2.a%; N.c' Fla-. i 2W.0% N'ationial Orianizing Cmamiteton Culan0a viii hJU atre au portaItyr *2.01%;Ne.2 C.., 2.0% - War Savings on Wedneiidsy Isaucu an,, d ogeSez'agsutU**" t or tise nOv liaîteti States Markets. appeat te aIl c!uployeis of dometige naine ofthît. rlty. A pbf uiep Minneapolis, Feb. 29.-Wheat l;Servants in large hou*es tu dratkaimur le ioni bentg rahas'd.um. iem rai pos May, $1.21 % ta $1.21 %_-; July, 1 b% re<tce thiai staffs and CIQat Part Of 'will be od'ê-ed for <lest. second s&Wf toN. ar,$.264; Nu. their lionss. Thea couimittee as al» risies'Ssgstos .1l har- e$12% N.iisr,2urmel that aimpler meua b. ev, ob tM&idb e&e 1 Norttrern, $1.22 to $1.24%'; N- 2aindi tist gaisi luixus-es, g«ry'* e Kbrthernosîi$1.22%., nain. .h.Uld e 4auun;4a*$i lise mm N~rtern, 1.1l2, e $L2~.Corn frein bot.h0uâ"e, WLu rriftced laor&tr -pSto i u )oiIm-l' io No S llow, "76 te 77e. Oats No. l a-emny s"risdOete n wll bce auawes Î&by tiseC1t 3, whit4to, ~4c. Flour- lbo orms- soa yIPo# patenta 20e lower, $6.70; firt F& a borfey> euît - -- RAt VD m -4 w I01 PSad*r Aiqultb DecIIn» te. Moire Pbat MMaber I j -i& ReoeIw NoSaiarI. ce, as bee>ty to the Mosiems!'" tween 16 sud 18, but or various socialt positions. wbo deternsined te fight for' FOE BANRS IN TROUBLE. their country troni the very< begiaaing, in tact frei tise eigist day afler M:ob inauciai Pinc in Is. Aftecting Soune ilization waa ordemeul. iSaune ve weeks ago n very young~ Big Germas liistitutitms. non-commlissloned obticer, decorateil A duspacisfreu the andu ~ilywith tbe St. George's Cross, arrlved att A dspaeh ror th LndGoneayethe aiquarters 91 a certain Russian xpress correspondentin G ev army. saluted thse Staff caPtain. pro- Lys: "A banker whe has just ratura- duced a mblitary record. andi said. 1 hcre after spending several months 1"Vour Excelloncy, 1 have beea sent LGermiauy tella me thiat thse prin-! ta find you. 1 arrive frein bhe front, pal lmanka in the chief towns on tise my naine la Zoo Smîrfrf." hine, aud aise in Munich udu Dres- 1 TIen she telul ef how aite lad l>een ,n are.in serieus financial difficultios 1fihtngagainat thse Austro-Germans d sanie big crasisos May be expeet-1 for faurtoon months. '«It waa a greiit 1withint he next three months. grief te me and MY eleven conirades he lasses involved wU.Iîbe at lest te leave our parents witfiout klssing ý0,O000," tise banker added, "and t tei farewell, but Il had te be so. Russasneeds ail ber ebldrea. tise war continued another ide "Whe we reached the suburban .nths Germany would be ruined i fn- station *e found aur way te tise train iially. J by taklng water aad fruit tou~the sol- ------ Jdlers. Tises we told theux how w. Airmen I mîbard StatiqA at Me wanted teo tgtt for aur country and A despuutch f rom Paris esys: A: and wlîh every peliteneas. They found1 sadron ef French aeroplanes ont roomn for us oit thse train and later ideesday bombarded a raiîway sta- feund us uniforÇais. A Captain prom. an on the outakirta 'o! Mets ai-d a, leed ttý guas trum thse tirst men te ts tanks A gros: Are waa observedI aI!,% ýeWar Off ice reports. The amsouncei Di'-gts oite ie slir eat follows: "One o! aur airahl gave iý& thea ment carn!ortable cernerai aadren ~ ~ ~ and w» sbared t tiepovisons WO lAd ja d o s b ait w icl were 45 0f .br u ht_ W e cdi adopted -a a's ls, somid hl10reo large nme andi sang hymine w1th our new Jibre-, thse Metz railway stition at oirSies«.t tbisn (an thse suthexa autakirta of "Wtt re-ached <te Austrian frosiîîli etz>, and a- tas tank, in tthe region ant besa te mardi ou Lwot. whlih whidîl a great tire ws ebseed,thse AutiaZiS profanely' cail Lem- . thé pmeS et-, otwelv yot g irls las mhlitary , ntbras*ho vere vill bIu *co1 uS, but sa= ubt hIseverity ut- ýter rutulu.. tGirl tai4ievsWoup $ Briti§h front in Flumde-rs. He h"a been engaged for several weeks in experimenting with bomaba and vani- ou&. new-fvigléd bomb-t*irowing de- "Thet more one lias te do witli bomba the mare afraid one becomes of them," lie continues, for oee au- not glay Wlth-explosive ail day with- eut golng 'aloft some tirne, and thse toII of good men-who have been blown' ta pleàrs by their own bomba la bath long and nad. "Bomnb tbrowiug as an art la atil! in its infsncy, changiag ainicat frein day ta dey, andi wlat etate of develop- ment or perfection it wili have reacis- cd bef are thésend of thse war cannot b. guessed. At thse best it la s fiend- ish way ef fig1hting, -for its. injuries are ever of the ghatîjeat "Yet, bomabing, 11k. most other aspects o! war, hau its humerons aide, andi Y have seen sa whalm trench help-_ léss. with laughteit at thé alght o! two mon running opposite ways toavod a sausage bomb tisey had spotted ssiI- îng over from a Geruan trenchmor. tae. They collidoti, and uat down tac- ing eseis ether like vaudeville come- disait. Thse bomis dropped-in tise imd- dle, almobt touchlag thoin bots, and thon" empletu.ly faulod te explode, "One mornlng twenty or moreeemo- ber-s of the general staff camne arosini to ourteni tewitnoo 6tatofa aew eatapa ult arran gement fo r ~oI- ing bombe to thse conslduurbie 44tpço o! M Oyards. WIth ra utrm they waked the serewlng dowu cunrlnt of *he b=nb lu positon Tisen upasartd sud %orsr4su#t aras, butts l0 -@f ~g t MAREISM 0F IT ALIN M A Wounded ini Head and Blinded Bleod Re Bringa De" Comi- A despatch from Rom. says- Der- tala nowu made public coiscerning tise receut Italian air raid on LaibcIs re- veal thie heroïm iof. Capt. Salomone, pilot of one o! tise Italian aeraplanes. On bis reburu Jourey eapt, Lido- mono', machine wua attacked by Aive Austrian Fokkers. He v*as ueverely wounded in tise hesti sud temporarjY blindeti by blood, 'wile twe otiser officers-aboard thse seréplane, e o! wheas waa- Lieut.-CoI, Barbierl, wore killeti outight Despite thse diffieutty ci Istîeeng, thse bodies ot bis dead eamrades baving talten aver thse levera Salomono retuacdti o saiender. He tucceedtInlareturning, anti laudeti at, Talmmnova. SalomoDe la now rfte-.1 crhug in a isopital. A modalhbs c awarded te hia for valor, Girl Holps Frwsch Prlsoesh'In P.'l Ofe or tho' Mot avuuoa , t se. sApe trou 4SUW tletes-rItes- ti fu- hrgoclea t he is war Ila-UWl oa lysaueh efLear visa vas ia -by - fi-dupalbehfre In dsi apai alla t eos.U.d ta«tr to 'MW bew" bytbo tise whdbo cd4 thatthise KWstsa bs* crtieftr,= b"oet.n 0*t ý,t1ée11ghtngadbeom. a ur».'na1L DI IM 'T1(A~ CANNT TAE ~ ANY USSAN GRlSambulance near the trônt. Obe ftaatly agreed. at least for a trne. She 1 £'ftlIIPlh'bas neyer been able te leara wbat bas' ALRM POSMONS, Wff -M Soiâgz! ~becorne of ber youmg friends. whose RTTEWSENPUIl regiment baa been sent to anotler~WITTE WSEN ?QL Itaias Hvese orlfid h» as to TWELVE PROM MOSCOW SCHOOLf M~akc Tlwm Stahid ny SERVED TOGETHER YARNS MADE FROM PAPER PUUP r ~ ofteGetWtT! A dspa'h roi Rae sys:TheFactory Spins Threads fer Gag ln a Few Point-d oAdeâc ro o mee I ay rs TeRegulations Againat !rnlîstrnent Don't Manties or Ships' Cablesmaarpa Aviona, in Aibania, bas declared that Bar «rhemn ard Borne London bas, no doubt, addied marxy oaesrevyscc nder bis positions are now so fortitied as Win Honora new industries to its list aince thin Voatcousaver creadda ta be ready ta stand any attack, and war begn but few, pehasof gVarcear.wain ho is even able tei take th~e offensive if Ru9,sian regulattons do neot allow wo- . er importance and fascinating inter- Vooacmag gis nei- ness Ilits second in command men uto enlilt as soldîc'rs, but if Fec s hnta !pprsina n h , h as un(lcrtaken to instruet the AI- co)rr"~poudent.s with the Ruqsdan fore. weaving. als banian troops according te the Italian es. c1aî;-n1g t0 wr.te f rom personal ex-1 1 have had the ornori,-iuity of see- School Board estimates f or Van- perience, are to bo bciieved manY ing some wor'derfuil'things in tho way systcm of warfare. Ruessan wcmen have succeeded lain an adteils aufc 782.oi1 Gry6.trirgtahvemn TURK DESISEGERM N e.snal the egltio the aor by a1per from paper pulp, and also of seeing a ual training introduced into i ts TIJRS DSPIS GEMAN. soal ppea tathol'za orby n'hl* deinonstration plant nt work spinning PlnCe with rtelatives of high rauk ln the tsed fppritotiefn nuhschools. A Mahometan la Dis-usted nt Their P-r .traso aerit wn ieeog Cruelty. Apollovna lsoltseva was unillîng to for gas Inanties and strang cnough T ripet, ilo aVedacother be separated froni hjer father, Col hold a iship, writaes a London carre- horne of J. A. Palot acue "I rosent imphatically the constant îsoîtsev, and îîtaned pemssonta SPOF dent dtgit imputation that the Turks a.id the serve Iu bis 1eginreît. The ('olonel,1 This wonderland' is to bc found in hîeuldnllatad r ock Gernians are alike. We are above îuortally wourided ln a batlIe. was car- Southwark and at the works of the' at o er $5,Vancouver. b bj the Grerrans-the civilized world ried to a ru nd lbouse. whlîch later Textilito Engineering Company, aNr~ acnvr Iought tao recognize this f act--and Our was set ou l ire Aolvaruldou hcisow uplng riihmd Last year over 900 unowned doge culture is superior ta the German of the blazlng building and dragged machinery, muade according ta its pat erkle inVnouve!- by the Van- l kultur." writes Hadji Avnoullah Mah- lier father's body under continuous fireenafrhem uacreo eer couver pound keepers, di Bey in "The New Armenia," pub- toecy ftigiaial hc o- Out of 39,"S8 telephones iu the pro. Mara Beloerkal. aoîor olui.kind vnce of Britahinableia, an Janr- ilshed in New York. He cails te MraBeoes a nther OUl merly was made of hemp andl jute and icofBtsCOUbaonJ.1 atce"Ieenbt(oltrGe-teer, dragged the comîmander of her mlx at; 8,750 were in Victorian. rticle "'ttllen.Icnebet <Polluter)dlyGer-n, Newr Westminsteranwrnre man." He contîiue: bulowî alfalnbdywud The things you sec arouud '<a' itecen i sfieacesnarkte k4- ~~~"People cail us the tools of!th ed nut of lthe zoue of tire and was'M.Gog ctnilsth Secmpssfi arserte aarde ti tu St. (George's Cross, fourtlh ad. . ereSaon Mls h water front and wiIl cast ncarly $40,. Germua", bub it is the Germans Who ls.A itelte hWwlhar-maaigdrector of the- company, -~ are our tools. We needed a power- couuoîîrîug party sie îdiser a "re new, and yet thpy are not new. -fut European ally for the triumph of telephone hldden lu a loft wl! ch lad What 1 mean is that the people of h odwahr ~ rvu h our Moslem religion, and Germany heen used by spies. For this sewsCiai h a fCnujs rbI wild animaIs nearer into Vancouver than haq heen. the case for mnany was anxious ta serve aur purpose. raised ta a tbilrd elass ci'055 ably twisted a strip of paper in tihe' .. They have served us in every capac- Miss Kokovtsei'a dlstlnguiiahed lier. fingers absent-mindedly and found it'years. i ty-they have furuished us with self with the Cessack nkaOf iany scout- had remnarkable tensile strength, but F our cew post offices were lately A lucky Russian Nurse. Imoney ammunition, aeroplanes, sub- 9g parties and received Ille st. what we have done i3 to imake that opeîîed ln Vancouver Province. They One of the party cof Russian nurses mnarines, battleships-but, neverthe- George's medal. Shi- was last heard of daitoapatci psto. aea. Pvu, 100-Mile Flouse, Penny who~~~~ ince nln eety onl-,w eps hm la aPetrogradl hospital, where she ie noapatclpooiin Ilh e wa y h e ta R ssan d r oin t y n 1ia l , " A oe r m rk of iu ori riey f lAem .'w a R ly n g se v #re ly w o u ud ed . "T h e G e rm a n s, w ibh th e fac u lty fo r a n d S eto iî L a k e . their wa home t Russiafrimitation,-Ahaver maunofpiperiofor- yfatheAnother improvement in the Vic- Serbia, where they had been nursing Giermans to u8 is marifested in theiri Cutsi Off Flair to bc a Soldior ibitatioh a esu er forld sarsit toria barbai' is now being effected in tbe Serbian hospitals. Thcy badl cuulty towar theird co-religionists.1 Olga Schitdloxskala beloug., ta a sol- enough ta make it pay. We new have thog hrmvl of practicalRock many llaî-î-ow escape's and it took As long as t.he Germans are presum-'dier's fanîlly. Het eider brother was found mneans of spinning the paper themn seveu ty-fiv-e (ays to -et to abiy Christians they have no right killed early ini the war and ber younger: oro OeimafatrtanteGr Caunterfeit, $20 goid piecca have Lonlon from Se-rbi. to murder t.he children of thle Bel- brother bas been severely wouindd. She mans and of produeîng the goQlls 4:encruaiîg i acue e ___glana andl the French, ta dishenor ct off ber hair and obtiaed leave te per cent. chaer centiy, semne victims innoccntly of- their woamen, or ta bombard their serve wrlth the Fourth Hussars, a rogi. "M~r. MiUs thpn slowed rue around fering the pieces at the banks. crnathedrals. No Mahometan would ment ln whichi a celebrated ixeroîne, h ok n enntae l he Bten2 n 0Jpne ri Alxnr wura eve sScn camps back. of Paort Coquitiain, came ,m 90» 0ev diahonor a Mohamnetvin womiai Lieutenant Ill 1812 againat Napoleon. processes, froi the raw material,!it .cuvrrcîty ~ji h or intentionally destroy a masque. Ekaterina Sokolow and two studensb, which in this case la a reci of fine Jno ap noueay ceany .)jith Our' Koran enjoins us ta wage etpersial'Elena Kozloyskaia andl Felltsata Kou- Canadian wood pulp to the highly fin- JAn odrlitas liemnyrci. iiVn roiliEQ NU EOu , var against giaourma who say that dlaleva, are among thbe wounded in Rus ished faic>. ivali overings in patternAnuvr or oter 10 men t e bean God is ChrLst, But Germany has no stan bospitals. a'dcoh.r. sent ta Ottawa for duty with the Nlare Tlian a Third of Soldier% Aesign r ight ta ar-t as l.bough she were Ma- Maria Ulniare ia waa sued recently "The paper is irst cnt into stripa, Canadian Engineers at, the front. l'art f hometan. at Nicolaievsk by the Singer colnpany according te the widb'h of yarn or Beusofhayuwflhev l'at o Thir"We musi keep aur alliance Nvith fur uon-payment of rent for a aewing rope st.rand required, then twisted on fese ofthis sion tlsheFaser Psy. Germixany until our aima are abtained. m0in.Th1a1,ra anel bt rmeesh-slnla e hsouei n n thris er inBrntiheCoFrmbir Accopan thedevl util ou pveexcuse she b.ail taolTer, ta wbicb sh6fae eysUlrt hs sei ýadohrrvr fBiihClmi A despat-h fromn Ottava says: The compan the rd!ei n thi o hpv replied cotton or woolen manufacture, and, are predicted by railwaymen and rnonthly payments of as8ig-ned pay or. Laosed h rig! Whnt 1 a "Nothîng. excepi Ihat 1 have beeîî afterward, by niens of spools ef weft aId-timers. -epartion llowaces t relaives r and Islam triumph, woe Vo fighting against the Atistriana and and warp, the material is transferred The death rate in Victoria lat year, deparact of thoanes ta nramisorthe jenebet Gerinans! l'ben Cer- lave beau wounded. Here are my t'a borna which will weave anything, crin otea nialreot f-h now aggtregate mare tissu $2,000,.00. many wAill appreciate the meaning of papers." The magistrate examineil plain or fancy, ribbed or pattei-ned. iedcleat fceD.CA.B the prayer that every piaus Moalern theru anud sall: *"Il la true. This la j diHall, wabth7.86 et tDr. C.A.dB. Morc t-han 90,000 cheques are made has t~orpatdiyntawoaibua oie.nla ont each month by the branch dealing: - -Oh, Allah' destray the ginouIrs, wounded- soldier!" BOMIB 18 LIKE A WOMAN. poî'centmuge .slightly blgber than in Nviih this part o! Uic work. Over 1 Thine enernies, the enemies of truc, "lu that casa," sald the reprpsu-a 1914. cul-tist.od are o giegrt wo haer religion. Oh, Allah! make their 1tive of the Singer conipany, ««I sînglad' "you CanNeyer Tell What It Wîîî 1The torminion Goverument taxi- tnitdaenwgvn ato hi hlrn rhn n eiet eir wi tb draw my complalaL" dermIst, Mr. C. L. Petch, recently pOY tca finda or- depondents nt home, chlden, rpcause and det efsip;e ther But the moat extraordlnary of these De Nent." brought some spicimens of ses lions and about une-quarter ef the total bds cuetar ett9si;gv narratives of girl soldiers la that or "A bomb is lîke a woman-you can down the-~ west coaat. They will be' force, representing au proximatcly theteiadt i oen hi hlrnZoSWirnoff andl ber eleven girl inever tell what it is going ta do consigned te the Victoria Memorial mamiedmen ar on~?h lit fr spa-andi relatives, their brot4îers snd their triends, aIl pupils at a Mescow gym-.et wie1nIra fie rmtseIMsui tan rnl... -i-l.-1- .- 1*,f-rlends, their possessions and their ,nasum. aIl abouît ltegaule are. hp, 1 I -'5 ---------------

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