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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Mar 1916, p. 5

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.î fi.,.tvllle * .~ ;r.a tt<tl i . i,, 'a" i lias * . i.. a t e ,4iali* a, ,,< INADA 4 W.CTL ~aa 'aN ail ai '-ai,: a ail * raina Maic SOI.~ l THUR8DAY, MAhCF2-1916. PAIIU SaVe -Mllitary Wrist WatcIbes At oui new store we are showing an unexcelled a8,sortment at 4VERY SPECIAL PRICES (:(-)e in and make us a social cail, anyway. At Our NetVStozre RN. Bassett- Jcwrler anal Optcan Iith le liick î;alk Lie la lirai k sI îes t WHI ni rti - ONTfARIO Atr. George- MlGlvray, sonRorf Dr Ci'MeGlUivray.. hm enlist-ed wlth thx Mceî,aTranspQrt Branch of th( nKPedlttienuy. FrCees, 'nd left thlî eleii.or Toronto te enter upon bis training. TAKEN 0.14 1ItALLOWE'EN. A wtre gale taken freru the lot seuiil Of Mr. 3. H. Do*iiey's residence. Smaii reward for Information for lits return. W. F. Dtsney, Whltby. BNUTPOSTPONED. The banquet and cOnference ot Sun. day School workers, anneunced for Fr1- day night of this week, hks been post poned, owing to the other engagements being booked for that evenlng. 0o The WVhtLy District Epworth Lea- glie, ai ana expeîtitve meeting recently, dectded to bold. instead of a District Çonvention, a sertes of group rallies foi, th1w eag and Bible (Clauses near by, al Almcrnds. Kinsale, Claremont. Rag- * lai, Prince Albert, and Saintfield dur- Ing the moonlight ln M'rh. --o- Rirrniher the grand Patriottec Scotch Conicert, Nltisl( Hall. Wdedynexi, Mtarcli Sith Scotch songs, Highland d.inciing,,rtcitaitions, and pipc select ions by Toronto Police. Pipe Band. Tickets 15r and 25c. Plan for r".erýe seaIs open iit Alun's draag store Mlonda% moyriîig Nlarch 6, ai 11) o'lock. * l'iE'itYTîtîN (HURCI-. *Saandaay, ?iarch 5. Morining subject - -The Prodigal's "aîei The ILord ilaiv y r-iîegh- lxê aalrg abjci Thotsimili rio, fort wvill a l)pllar price. Mtessrs. Luke and Datdley have a nem, Modeu 75 on exh ibaition Ilalie 1tkv garage on Dunr- dais su ret waesi. anad ai IIlelxleaise-dIra aieaiiaasiraîa. for aaîy on i ieresied. I aai'a fa il tla sec laow i lis a e niodel !-rv cani caille) 1tcon cria tuai ( ac .N N\ ilIla1 aa ,.critjal ianai's euna-. plltoi. af a;l i al la a)(iala I;~ i t a tailId b LillilîS 1) \Y ALLIANCE 'a u in ait',' îaa ail i V itiat araua- r a f 1>aN h' i ra ; A lliancei(' a" S .' tai,-1 in a lie a.'-' "a l hl ircli on 'laîaraidativ k\411111-1 as a.....W. days, sucti as no person under .0 years ever knew befcere, and sucti as pesslbly a very few wlll see agatn 1111 the mil- lenial yea.r 2,000--84 years hence. 0o DIVISION COURT. Only One Case was argued in the Dlv- iton Court on Wednesday morning be- fore His Honor Judge Mclntyre. Ia this, VanNest v. Martin, a rain barrel and the price of meals and a leam's time for a few days eutered largely. Each of the parties had dlaims agatnst the other. VanNest bad p)romised 10 give Martin his meals wbule the latter was working for hlm, but Martin claimed ihat VanSeat said bis wife could not be bothered wllh gtvlng hlm meals. This VanNest denied, but His Honor allowed for two days' meale. VanNest is to returra a rain barrel belongtng 10 Martîn. over w1ich there was a heated and protracted dispute. Then the aie- couinîs were adjusted. A. E. (Christian, of %, hithy, represented Van Seat. and Martin deppnded upon his own per-f suasive pom ers. BAPTIST SONG ,iERVICF,. UNIQUE CEREM4ONY Afier careol tholight à Il Motto I bas uen seIe.ted for cor uehoel for tbeetar 1916. lN.xt Suneay, I(aieh 11h, sttheb.conal heur, 38 ook, Mr. 0. rdeh illunvd eil th uibismotte, Mes~. Maxwell, lady principal of 0.' L. C., bau kiudly oenmned te talk to the mette. The wbole mebeol nnion wi b. giron op te this pleaulag occaion. Spectal mnieula lueinq prepared, and iu overy w57 ve bellev. we have a programme that wu can invite net eniy thé ffMnds of th. ucheel to, but the public in general. COME!1 TABERNACLE S. S W ASTE O. Noiwithstanding the sîorm of Sun- Uilidren's sewtng. Apply bo Gazette'4 day. the song service at the BaptIst office, or box 576. -6 Chîîrh in the evening drew a goodly WANTED. conipany. The story %N-s of a sentry w ho1 A yqung girl te assiat with house-' siepb aI bis piost, who was sentenced toi work. M ust be fond of children. Small deatb by Court Martiai. and who was faly good -bomne. Mrs. T. F. Holit-' pardoned bv FPresident Lincoln, upon day. 71 Paciflc Avenue, Toronto. -35 entire-av of th,- boy's sister. who bold the P'ref;ideuît Iliat the reason ber FOR SALE brother sîipi waai becaaase he waai cx- An Axminster rug., suitable for dira htîaaied frram carry Ing ltis sick chau1m's 1îng rooni or sitttng room, size ilfeet hia\vcraack Iln addit ion Io fls own on .9 I n. -by 9 ft. 9 lra. Background brown, tie long mardli daariaîg the day. aflera with pattern ira ahadtes of red. Used bae îîîll alaf tlie larevits niarit waiî. oral> short lime. W111I sdI reîîsouably. 4 mei 1111011lais <um TlîcPreaident Appiy ait Gazette Office. 4 ilîoaigiit sîîh a main was ion gond in 1osr. and aid a oea iro. TeIFOUND.I t3lack mu mandiparaopardon.. Thth1 storv lais linterraabta.d neariy a dozen Bac ufndpiofgve,-vt iinîeç ira admit raf alaprotariate muasic by. name, -Mrs. A. Parrinder,- on a paperj4 ia choir. Tii, orozramni aais <. in- Iraside mtuff. Owner may have Same û 'la al ~a ikî,iaial'ara ...o.. n a li:îa. nisIa-canud gave ta'nî'suitlg. and conaiained match food for ta iteta haaI ala alla 'ia îaai i i} I T Il ý' hail ï, al. 1a,:01r1 s Plloîaiiag the addrî'ss -raf- reflerilon and mntvgond moral lossons. anbd froiana liii il, i\ sIa i-i m ýi -rfiiia!i.,'aiai\\11rI: ,iia a'aisl.i ba laiaela italIa.SlNG FI.AG AT ARNIOUIES be sua il a'aii ... a ... ... 1I',g ,l.a ai a alaai..aa;aisialiîîa.IN 1 ra'sld.iii- P lr. t .1, Hurle 1a.1,BE FORMA LLY CELEBRATFD MIs MI.iliii lîîaî'îa laiias tYai,I la 14ei.,.CI a i t, Ciriclai ,ru2a'"'i c-PrtIs.ThlcaaIclergyncuThrle Comunanding Officer of the 31 lt-gi. anad 1' \\aIllIi-la.' ra .d A\d In I "IéSic-.Tr(,ais -Dr. C.F. " ntri" eglltand th'raaer o iiien le-lac.r.it 0 a a aîii ;'<li ic EuH.W'. 'iVlcox anad C. A. Goodfellow. a ng 10 celebrate witb mnuch pomp the 1Lilj infiraaaaa' îaaaa aan IaiE. Tho - frutr. Trtaîi--iî -r had a naaml- raislng- of the fiag for the first tinie i on(î'iî' tli' s'eiîag it ret pule ilc îla P 'I tage'aat ber raf donatilouisfor blie 'ork haraded onthie new steel f'lag pole nt the Whlîby bions. door IiiLiverpool:'"Good ale ta -0-Io hlm. andl asks that any promiseft &rmotirtes. The event will talc. place liqui bead Iavnî b hehoîse 'als. MarcISnrle, f oroto I imade be fultIlbed ac-selon -as possible 8,D on Friday afternooa of this week. and id be6.-1baenat Iaaarthe of iuid ' f iaiuîaraeaaSntde.aîodfdTort, In i ati tbe colitrliiîioti-4raay he forward March 3rd. ai 3.30 o'cock, and will be breada tii iiaiaa .ii'dalstor ighlauîddaaa1 j d .Any oblier donations wilbegal of a character fitting to the occasion. Tht' landbrard :uald:-Ali, 'irait ratalac.iianalzd.12 a .irs. a'aill aiuuqa 10 the mu-rc'i-1 aau.Il la Intendeal 10 hold a march ps.st enra. tnt i................. i ofi. a ;lias. sliaeii araiswrard 0 'and revtew, of the most approveal mil- "Yes" saait1,*If il«s truc '**d:aîîa ali:aIu,iiid tiîn;. aind sauîrars' îorn-1 M ENS CHOIR AT TABERNACLE. lbairy chairacter. The band of the ll6th "Oh il tra. i'ioaghn» aa-r a al ala 'aî"~'I la .arîa I iritnuls bts A unique sorg service avais iven ait Tlttalion, %uvhlrh is ln Whltby IbIs ri gîtl.t .al. iv -'a lII. daaîs.ýdav., March 1ii i eening service In the Methodist ckwlipodetemicanth "Well.givp me ai botîle b b aîke iom.' m 1ail l , a ila'aLI I ) c. 1l>jau of re-i Tabernacle on Suindaiy when tbe enlire entire rtrocbedings will be most Inter- He gave me a bratile rf Ibis liquud hread s\tara li on Muiuîiday, Nlarch 6, 1 musical program s'as givera by tbhe estlng. and I t.,,k Il tra Dr. Samnuelsorn, an an- iail'ao il iii .11'ailis' driag store. ins choir of îb.. church. The pastor.' The officers aire Issiling a few fermaI alytical cheralit. anrd I saîid tra hlm' Il'-a iltv A. H. Foster. occtapied the palpit. !na Iba'ions 1o the corporate bodies of want vou to10tell ne hbras maacb hread GADb.XDCNET Thie s Ioir îenderîad three chorusea, itow ,%n and ,, anme outstiders, but thexe l ali is Ibrati."le ie snîelled ih , Mv SvoîrFirst of Al," * a thé pbuî,îblic aire extended a ge.neral In- and eald: 'las b-\r.'agrwvai iaand concert wilI tic heldal Ii-.low3 ,p~ Brlghtcil the Corner -ivî,tation tb be present in as large nuni-1 "No, no," 1 satal. Ib's Iqîaîd bread .- aiAi-.1 rs'aaat. W'ibla on Tbtarsda, "liera- vaîi arc," ail of wbich were renid- bers as possible t0 wltneas the spec- "Well." be saild. "if yoa corme again \i.an' al2id i I ttaeIlle 1ith lattaliora 'ereal aplendidiv and Nwitb maich e'bil-! tacle. which 'will aîndoubtedly tic well4 In Il 'weck l'Il bell ytu a al aibolit ItliHe Band orf 'jaia-c'. Skating froni 7 t10 tiThere wcrc î'olos by Mr. W. J. H. 1worîbcroming some distance te vteW, charged me thri-e guIntIai 1Inai m- k'si l Tilis mi-111 be the chance of a life- Tilahardsorn aînd Master George CIarke The mareh past andl revlew, apart tram time 1 wciît Ira kiiowail aautî n imna.' 0liar onte of bbc hesa rbands Irnal 1j i%:oalaar-îlsune composea l 'myote8prtofhe.prgadi lticn liajs brhail Theavis iiatihreabolir î'.Ostario, andnauisi)tila -'aeaa'tali0eon-'ra.S..sîhnoA, yres, Jobas andl events of greait rtereetTe dito- llqcid lar tead letrbigr aaut ia tper iiairAi, anal 20c. 1Fa-îr. nliaad antber NMessrs. WlonIaI features of the afternoon wil cern ceuat. of saler. __O oss.ç Wliituî andl Johans. I'be entîre a bine to make tbhe occasion one et the Ils liqatiald îyaa a. s'-Il ' aN.aTIt.iN TO ýVH IT13Y 'aAR lrozram mwaia murting of much praisenmisit brilliant scène ira Whitby fer Paus that. Sox, *let'a gel on to hie RELIEF. Th ia'aleîîdaince was :ifferted. as ira oth a nuany a day bread . 1 1The Trcasuirer of tbhe Whitby \VNar Re.-a-r chtircheps, b> the rough wenîlaer. Everybody la urged te be present, If "'Alcohol.flive lier cent." ifSocit-i. lan receli-eltai cash don- ' -o- îoasible. -Wbat's alcobol"I said. lion raf $25 () romi Dr. 3. P. andl Mrs. MEN'S SOCIAL EVENING. -Tbere's a dictionary; yoa t c% ilît 1 aizaer. of Abe P11 armiSclaool, N Stégt mnwr rsn ti Ptoa nin it al fo'r yoiîtrself." 1 binled if iap andl t arolinai.who aire well kraownaraiatown, tIeAboutal egîy tmen ofretpeet a esoa eni tound alcebol describeal as a powerfuli1 andl ai Brook lira. Mrs. Roger being a bcsca ea ytemne h et ___ nareetic poison." *'Well," I theught.1tdaugbter of Mrs. T. J. Holîiday. Dr.i odist Tabernacle on Monday evcning Miss Lynde, et Toronto, has bec» vis- thim les the quecrest description of1 Rogers only son Il; "somewbere ln ira the achool roem of the chuncb. The itlng- with Miss Ida L>'nde. breati I ever read ira ry Ifc - Then lie!Frtrce with thie 6*h Brigade, How. evenlng s-ac a moat enjoyable eceas- Mm. Walter Medlellan, et Toronto, gave me a number of emal percentages1 itzers. ('F.A. lie was a third year med-otr orSprnedn t b.l îîîgrltvsl ou of eurious thîngs, wbich h. had put1 ic.aI student ira Toronto, whera lie en. Sherbourne Me'ttodtat Sunday Sch0oo. Mrs. J. H. Downey lis pu a riait witah carefuily down on each corner of a' lisiiid a :'ear ago. Tarante, gave a splendid address, ad- ber daught.er ln Pblladelplîla. pieu. of white paper. and whîcia a- -o-- - mIrably sulted le the occasion. His Miss Gertrude Meintyre. et Toronte, in&mteal ta about a quarter of a thim- NEW TELEPHONES, remarks were verY laclptuI, and wcrc.lapent Sunday wlt.b ber parents. bltu o drt-lokugpodc. Thati h oI vla 1wtlehnshv greatly tipprceaîed. A pregram et Maurice Green, ef Whltby, has en-. wathe hread-lwo lper cent 1na fbeen Instaîleal recently by Uie Bell ' ' le. ma slM, etc., as ene. adte wlc ite l vlMr anthe 182n.d egie a there auoulal not be go much as that," phone Company. SubsVlbers should ma s el hotar w Tispn.wu rtescr l e ach. .sud Mo.. Wîn. ownie are at said I)r Saîmuelson,."if It vere Basasa preserve tiieenarnes fer rîn'cc t ere tc. caio isered Tis vas bthe e- Pl BEmea.Ft, f orontfwla ks or Alîsoppas. Tht eis bal beer." 153--Bradbury. P. R., painter ad nd osonnet In kn elNewYethé issemouettofetberono avatn *,Se the better the bêler the lesbreaô decorator. Mary St. mnet te aurch 'inc 1h. uncvyfor - h oee e rumle ee iéio lnIn L?" 203-Bnyan. Benj., plunaber sud tin.- ivsasped 4 porutt- o Mr. S. Maekey aud brilde, et Toronto., Gertinl. I letii buines e bb smhh.Dunas -1 getting acquaintea. 'aere ln Whitby liais wcek vlstlng rois- broer to get tbe bread ouI t l. net 226-Mathisen, Miss Edua P.. musicE ASE- tiresAT TIS M. RyTopo.o otHpl to pet bread lItoto t.,' This lathe Sîn a-cher. Trent St. ESEvILB IAETI is. Rg ery Themsou. et PortHpe, pIea, soient iflc tnith witb, regard le beer. 170-Terr, S. D., reuidence Broek St. TE. vstngbrgrumthr is ar and the. case le strenger witb regard 69-Walson. Harny. resîdence, Broeck F4Aster sunday t.hls year w111 b. on ThoilpseiL ____________________ 11tb BATTAION CONCERT. -bbcelatest date on vhich 1lu p ossIe, ittoidlng the Umlilnery Ppeuiffs at Uhc il On Friday oethIis week lu Uie 10 0<211. ManY tl t h tUa. a.- etsToronto,' wle Il~hI uu ... . - .a .e.. . d.... ngê rt makes a late suring, sud 0others »" W. . HobflUd&7o1 Tr<t, 1 ii31M . 191 th boaor nu au 'at b i ' MT. .I Manager. il LOCAL HAPPENINGS I M(ens heavy rubber boots reduced to $2.75 bit Pet'Vs shoe store. fte Spring Assizes will b. held at tue Court Houle here en Tuesday nenrt, Maroti 7th. at 2 p.m. 0:e . P . wtlI hold a box Social in tii. ledge reems erer the Standard Bank, Wbltby. on .TrtaY eVeMIzjS. M1areh I0th. s.t 7.46 oeclock. ?urther -pu.rttulu.r nent week. à guarazite. wltii very suit. Over lm00patteras te choose om. Seec jourgéode arly. Bau" T. ThOMPUIco ,me reglu.r munthly meeting of tii. 'Wbltby branctif etti V. O. Nurses wlIu b. held ortMonday. bMardi th, ut 8.80 in the. Agriculturel rooma. Womens utorm and plain rubiieru, regular 66c. te 66e.c. aile priet 45c.. at Peel,& she store. The BraNs Band et the 1161h Battal-~ ten ia in Wbttby this week, and dot"g duty for the niexbers oet"C"Compauny. The Ceunty of Ontario 016 Girs'A sociation wlll hold their renilair mntb* ly meeting. Wednesday, Iarcb 81bIn1 the auditorium ef the LUbra7buUling FJC g music nhalat.>. sff. a gran a Ju' mtil b.,given under the auspiem oet 1101h Battallon. CAE.F. Ti. e rM wil tic given by lte Brasa Baud oet ilGth 13attallon, aasted by Mr. Fi erlck Plant. piauluft. ot Torento, a Miss Grace Stlckle. el«ofut. aToi te. Dr. F. Warren, Mayor viii pneui Proceeds te defray band expeuses a in aid! of regimeutal ftunda. .Everyl> corne sUd hlP Dte bot the. loalov sens unit. Remcrvd msetse.: "» admission 26c. P"anoet all at AM drug store 0 IEITRODS? TABECRNACLE. Rev. A. H. Tester pastor . Sunday, Mardi 6. veasM o smroe Athem-**O Wenshlp the Ktug. Selo--Privs.te Tbhoma, 1111h Ba C.E.W.. Dueît, selected-Ptes. Themu m Wihims'. 116th lRati,. C.F cVwwzIO 55am Ânthem-"T--he Emaiet la"e Shepherd la.» Solo sud Chers-XMzuAbrt 30 liou and "or. The ue wtr vin ooeopy the. pulpIt both servies, tu ti The ladies et St. Johns RILC. ChUrch -wul give a progressive euchro la thue a tevun rali, an Monday erenlng, rII* O «.Lnc mae"d. AdilionS & a 25 t Evenybody cerne te lhe Soteh'Piatile d elle Concert, Wednesday, Match 6. Pro. eeds for Wnr Relief Society. Toronte Police Pipe Bnnd l iiparade là Lie ut- ternoon at 4.30 <glock. The de SI' Aid nt t»o lit Cr O'hîîreh vi 'eld an arte.mOtlI i tnwt Mi tihome pt 0; 1mt.<c,> .>aOf lta WOULD nIPRoVI WHJTS larrise & s.lopmlte irmo, wus tu ifittyi* we* vk altlg ceembu t the-?Town owa reurd te tho uUtW qet bssutto >q ueeb a Umm usiom.1 me paeutuI&t15S115Ih c. Mv. Mal my r*tun to 40 tmore interested lu the. fact thst Lt wMf nbe nearly two montits before GOwd F1- day.th tireB~t 1011dMY. The extra day lu F'ebruary.vhhCM- stitutes thie Oui»eyear «1450 Ysr#." provide* a caleudar differeut fros smi enjeye4 ainese he teunia y lut#, d forty r.arsamgMsd difust ur rtbat vwtl içavfor 8 ur. 6b »Jes 144, begat«,Oa 11OtaiSS OïSturM» M s valn bau bffl t~~ dv~g Kt ,Dooqd4 ~ .s b&aui rhoI0Iý htuvlfra1wdy utwevs itlng bis metber. Mr. IA . J.Talon, e O.f sI y.Y. lu on evuhis W0014 owlu te <ath ebis ster, Mms Ql MmIs-. '.GrungerMs&<-agbtu etO 8crbaý,po. pt b*ent #Wtth r méuM Ji a SxdAmtfh. 99 F 1hy jîrovIng vroperty and paytag for cost of advertisement. Apply at the Gazette office, Whitby.i4 TO LET.4 Apairtments faurntsbed, heated and lghtc'd: eight roomsansd bath: bard.' wood floors: good cellar: centrally 10- ecated, Apply te Mrs. J. H. Downey.4 Ex.ecutor's Notice to 0 - Creditors. In the malter ef the eittate of George Johnston, laIe o et iillage of Cîarè- mont, in the Townshý p of Pickering, retired tarmer, decceee. Notice le hcrcby given pursusut ta the stalute lu that behalt thal aIl pen- sons havlug dlaims agatinsl the estatel et -the above named George Johusten,4 whe dicd ou or about t.hc 7th day et December. 1915. ut the sald Village et Clarernt, lu the. said Township of Pickering, are requIred ta scnd by ponta prepalal or deliver te lhe undcrslgned on or betore the. 26th daytMad, 1916, their naines aud fuî particulars et their dlaims duly verified, sud lie nature of lh. seeurily if un.y held by theni, and aller the 25th day et Mardi. 1916, thc execular wIli preee te dis-' tribut. Uitselsmets olte ecatae ameng a thc persoa entilled Iherelo, baving re- gard enly tote c daime onInteres 01,t wb Ich h. shall then have had notice.' sud Uic sald executor will not b. iable fer such assela or any part thereeftot any perse» or persons et whese dlaim or Inlerest he shall nett h.» bave had notice. Dated at Toroattus 15th day et1 February, 1916. Pi. A. P'ATIITLLO, 21 E~mon Ave., Toronto, Executer oet1he Iast vil!etofte sMid George Johustous. deeeased miesKate wrlght PPuiIS .Dpwep.l fer 'roroto CM R.sIieseeat 1M1» . 7 Iir ~yro Bt.t.Telepbu'e no. 311 Ci Eugtiw Te*i ubi irTW, iam" t4onasa, aulvul 4u gi pias sud dnaw1 .ti tes..10 M w vwy~- ----- CLEARING SALE 0F WINTER HARDWARE BLEUGHBELLO Body Strap, reg. 3.50 for $2.65 Body Strap, reg. 3.26 for 2.30 Bodd Strap, reg. 2.25 for 1.60 Body Strap, reg. 1.175 for 1.25 BRASO TEAN BELLS Regular 35e for 25c Rogular SUc for 200 Regular 25o for 18c Regular 15o for 10e Hockey Stickq, Hockey duced prie Youc clun better judge the values by soeing the goods. HANO SLEIOS juet a few loft, SolIng at cost ta clour. SHOW SHOVELS Regular 75Sc for N0e Regular 500 for 35e Regular 35c for 25c LEATHER MITTS Wo have a few linos of heavy wfntor mitts loft, te oloar out at cost prices. Skates, Straps, at greatly ne- PRINOLE'S HARDWARE WHITBY, ONT. Spring Suits Over 1200 patterns of New Spring Suitings. Select your Spring suit early. Goods are scarce'. Corne in and look this irn-' mense range- over.. -;Satisfaction Guaranteed. Advertlsements. TO RENT. UJnfirnished recuis with bath. Ap- ply at Gazete Office. HOUSEKEEPER WANTED. For t.he Victorian Order'et Nurses horne. DUties te begin early ln March. Apply te Mliss C. Tbompson, Dundas St. W. FOR SALE. Marquis seed wheat fer sale. Uim- lted quantlty. $1.26 per bus. Apply te W. H. Thorudyke, Port Whltby, Ont 1 MAID WANTED. Young or middle aged woman for Whitby home, aIl conveniences. light work. Apply to Mrs. T. J. Holltday, box 217, Whttby, Ont. LOST. Geld watch fob, initiale "*!. L. C.." WiII finder plea.se retuirn tn 1. L. Carothiers, 630 Gerrard St.. Toronto, and recel'e reward. FOR SALE. At the east end of tue( town of Whit- by, a 4 acre fruit and pcaultry farit. 1 nearly 2'00 eruit trees, apples. ché-rries,, pears, a large tien house. barn, a press- rd brick semtibungalow residence: anu conventences. Prtce right. A. F. Stoitz. WANTED TO RENT. A farm of 60 10 100 acres for five' years, with option of purchase. Clay' or sandy loam, good buildings, well fenced, sttuated near High School anxd Church, land In good state of cultiva-: tion, with an orchard. Apply L. W. Hutchison, 23 Patterson Ave, Ottawa Ontario. -36 litaa1)hnm Like as a Pather." i.ara.Wednesday, Niarch Sth. for: 'lbe etient of the seasoa. Grand Scotch concert ainder thie au.spiceý of the St. *Aaîdrewa 'Soçlty, by the Toronto Po- lice PipielBand. Pipe selections a.nd Highland Fllngs, liyvo rd Dancing, Scotcha recîtl and other Scotch dancinîg anad songai. 0litppers and 6 drummers, anîîd auveraîge rayer e feêt. Proceeds for Iie e War Rh-letf Sradi5 . Fiarther iai ri ra laier. or 1wo--or, lit 'ai a. i ilia, faor r-cra s-.M *1TWON'T LEAK*e. 9&W5 AND UP MOURE' The= FGURA, PEN Âlways ready te write at tbe firut streke without shaking. That ii a vital point which isle king in ordinary fountairr peus.'I You- eau resdily underistand bew this is nmade possible in & Moore when we explain that the peu wben net in use lies submerged in ink, wIiich keepe it mnoiet and prepared -fer instant writiog, positively eiiminating the necessity of shaing. But tIuis je not al ef its streng features. The Moore can be carried in anyh*Psition without the least fear of'leaking. Has a large ink apacity. Always writes freely and evenly, and ie easily filled. Every Moore Non-Leakable Fountain Pen carnies with it the mo8t unconditenal guarantee. DE SURE UT'S A MOORIE SOLE AGENT wItiI1TFI J-EL D'S Drug and Stationory Store jj Bell P So e Agent for Nyal Preparations. Pee3 'a -'I Present. Atter bandages for the i Cress weie rolled, an excellent stîpper and social hour followed. *Mrs. Jas. Hallett and Miss Jey Hal- let were the hostesses to the membera of tuie D. of E. Lodge-.on Monday night of thîs week. at their homie, High Bur. rows Farni. Mr. R. Hallett came to towra wiîh lits sieigh for the guests. As usuial, a most enjoyabie evening was, hpassed. As'lb, funds of the D. of E. Red Cross Giuild are running low, the mepmb#ers dcc'ided to hold a box social on Marchl It;li. Furîher particulars TIIE OVERI.AND IN WHITBV. Trheagpncy of the Overland cars for Wta*iibvanrd Oqhawa iowns and East aind M'esit i.bv and Pickering Town- Saili as been secaare4 by Messirs. A. E. Luke, and L. W. Dudley. of Whitby. The Overland car ts the mosi up-bo-dat e yelt larnai oi!, and combines real com.f 1 - ý ý - THURSDAY, MAUCH-Z-1916. Il C08. PAIM ln v . 1 WHITByé ONTARIO

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