Ã"ai1~Faeo I .r.~e4to Pr t-eu or ore accrdig t- amont f Ths tmo I'vasupo my eet befre sut-d init- Her rightau-m'vas ex. en me in t-be effort te live UP to t-hem" kier orymoriz ccing un p an, ddkney uehl it. h olds-ym. vsfuib-nd. tended acusst-e deik set-bat- one, "And st-ill you can deliberately go andres saut-c f i par a ddfew m inu es. A Cheese is veu-y neuuishing and " .Lois! Do you imagine I oven con- lit-tie gloved hand Iay tipon my biot- 'away t rom me" -1'vas pleading des- and canutoratoo w iueso .ftesou Aesreà iday dfeen ilue tbt? Gdko'sj ee-ting-pnd. The ot-her au-m resteci upon peately-"thrust me eut of your lite. liuid drained ,off), dasb of enion wnys. ent-ered rny bond! 1 bave been fou--hldnga andke'vith t-btehn be as Tbnikder hat-- -nk! Stav, o nnd luice anti of peppua-, rover and jet- eim- Rice pudding sivaetenod vit-h gatting it- se const-antiy t-bat- it is as hIn aiandkerch ti n teheu- eas cnier owha t- n o, st-.are oibo mer until almo.-t cooked. Add .sait, bro'vn'sugar 'viii have a much uicb--if it 'veren't so." ofnbt-at aaneusy eckin t-ho et-ail.shcery et love-n'il beomse am inis-h cooking. Wash and at-fr er flavor. Ikov -rattd sta fo a perno ic et us se-oi.mlevts 'os frequuentiy te prevent- hurning. Serve! Scu-aped uaw potates put into de-'t-be one seeking acivice. But tu-y t-o sFligs shle d cuehad t b OthndeBy!" ' eieeIa o on'vner iii dean t-hemn if left- for put- yourseif in t-le advisor's pinsliat-mcea.fua O, odnt-bloeI r od SatFshDrne-Oe oni o-t'oo th-e nsCon-behnitn'-wa-wol een ber in; abe mad on a different bat, bau-h, unfeiing;, for indeed. indeed, ait ov'if pouuud sait pou -t-a w sysutthred-o crbbig u-ub -c te avis>rst? w -hat oud bebismodest, as 'vhat e apprepriate in 'm net! My heurt aches fou- yen. I cupo- milf (skimm aitviii ci, t-vo Adryst-hth-te srdo'vn. Tuhis 'iitheundsel ?" htwoldb h women'sheacigear guets, but- stili dis- am notputt-ing you eut- o!MY lite; tebipo n s each cf fat ad or, B ave t-hoeu-usb. 'I"1don't cure a bang wbat he'd say. t-inctiy "amnart" and, uf course,be- t-bat would be impossible. I arn t-ak- tah-pc s a ah ofe fateppdr flCur, Carrots su-e delicions boiled ulnt-il Your question is unfair te me andi un- ceming, like everyt-hing else about ing atyself a'vay fu-om yen. fishtnt- str, d souk iii lr. ukowarm tender, and thon sou-yd in a gu-avy wouthy cf youu-seif. 1 simply sban't ber. She 'vore a veili, 'hich jus? no'v Listen, Brice. I have al'vays been ter 4eva'ral bours, and cook beio'v bell made eof'white stock. answcr it or discuss t-ho subject tur-_'vas pusbeci up. Icudntsemc uet ee-eddsr !pusn unrpontun-i tnde. ut pu- ito Wben t-ho provision of mont is t-ber." of ber face, being neau-ly diu-ect-iy be- net much given te dueamning dreams iei pointh unch i ne r(ut gasb ùto rat-ber emali, serve soup te take t-b elieu-aycs searchcd my face, t-h on bnd lihou- smeseonde passecibe- au-e seeing visions. But I know wbat oe fh ich ry slyunt-ulgodein edge off t-be appet-ite. ber lips curved i n a seret lit-t-le smiîe. fou-o I gat-hered t-be significance et ber youu- ambitions are. Mine would be bu-nu-n and -mrv pou ring off fat. Neveu- buy spices in large quanti-' "Very 'veil," she suici quiet-ly. "We'Il attitude.apor'ok ocey!alveive- Out- of two tjieslcsjo4usu fat, floua-, sea- ties-they lose their tlavor before nover mention it again'" In an unaf-' My regard 'vandeu-ed bnck te t-hat-rut-h if I opuldn't divine t-hem. And uoning und rmilk, mai%(- crcam s;auce. you cari use t-hem t-m. fected w-ny t-bat- set- my pulses gallup- handi upen t-be biotting-pad. It is re- 1 bave lookeci nboad into t-be future. Put cvdufi'-b on platter, 'vit-h pia'ces of If you 'vant t-c be sure t-bat-t-be ing, -%hc beid up bier meut-h t-o me. markable how oxpressivç t-be buran Tbe higher yen rise, t-be mou-a bonou-ed poulý -i und it-. Serve with boiled pc- breaud pudding 'viii ho ligbt, add a "Kiss me once mou-. . . Good-by." hband May ho. Lciss 'vas a beaut-iful youu- position, jut t-bat much more in- tttor: and creanm ;auace. lit-tle baking powder t-o it. i "Unt-il I sea you ut-thbe office, you hand, the long, deitately tapering tolerable wviil our ueatienship, grow Onec Egg Raisin Ca-e-- (hue pouncij Lemon juice andl cayenne au-o ex- mean," 'a-mended. 'sert t-bat la saici te denote an artistie t-o be. I shahl be mou-e seveu-ely cuiti- s(uvlraisins, tue-, tablesp,o!us but-relient- useci in Frenich dressing, in- She duin'? sny 'vhat she meant; t-be temperament. At- first it lay listless- cise; my aritecedents 'vilI b. dragged ter, two -tahk-spoons cinnumnon, t-w-o stead cf hblack pepper and vunegar. cryptie expression remained upon ber IY hait epen, conveying t-o me an uin- eut into t-be open and t-be spot-iight~ cuî-, silar, onc t-casiuîn ailspiota, one A ver3' lit-tle glycerine smeau-od ceunt-enance. Wben I lft I cau-uied pression o! infinite 'veauincas, bot-h o! kept constant-iy upon t-hem. Yeur ad-1 Cul) ,t-tig cotTec, , ii>'up 'ut-er and around t-ho glass istuppera cf bottics 'it-hune a vivid memo-y oe tlt-bat- t-be flesh and t-be spirit; but in t-he vancement 'iii cou-uepondingly in- one a.up biown cofTee. Lutter givos %wiil keep t-hem fru-cm sticing fou- a fling, iriscuutable, t-ho reflect-ion of a brie! time I stood 'vatcbing it-, t-uying crense t-be humiliation» and emaaru-ass- ca k (- rih brunsn co1iur. iltil t-bis mix- long time., deep-laid purpose, she meant- net t-e to malco up my mmid how t-o announce ment o! hnviag youu- 'ife t-be daugh- tur-ý flv-ç minutes anud set sside t-o Aft-er roast-ing a piece of ment-, reveal. The longer 1 t-beugla about it My presence 'vithout st-aut-ing ber, it t-ror f a murderer, a t-bief, a e-et-ure wo>,~ h-n rool, auii ieît-en eKg, w-icb is t-o b sou-yod cold, wru-p it-t-be mou-e t-uoubied I grew. A per-,ciosed suddeniy and convuisiveiy and wbose -very rama is synonymous 'vit-b fl(,uu .iuud l.lun - :-,sifLedl into in ahuesecictb sshile hot. This pre- isistetut, pestiferous gat- of doultt be- qtuiveu-ed 'vit-bt-be abnormal tension ot ail t-bis ie hase, ignoble, mean, 'vicked flu-ii M x turndh ci put- into serves t-be flavor.' gan te terment me. t-be muscles. Tben 1 kne'vah. 'vas andi cruel." %,(-11I' uut-tIee, pii lke t-hree- A u-ooal breakfast- toust- is macle by , Vit- t-bis fu-esb annoyanco piled crying. 1 (To ho continued.) iu.uirttr, of an houu r u iiorut-.eî ut 'lippintr t-le suices of bu-ead in a pint upon top cf t-ho night's 'vbiriwind ot, Sho 'vas crying soft-ly, fou- heu-s was, OV( i ý f miik t', 'hicb n beat-on egand a oxcitement-, 1 neveu- toit less like'an ýundemenstçt-ive nature; but t-be CANADA'S INLAND WATERtS. îhC(alc. - aCic hî; l uf p'unds pinch cf sait- au-e dded, anid fu-ying. aloc]); se I went te my rooms and dis- spasinodiecienching o! t-he band upon1 flourtý- r.u i--ound cat-i-- ; ugar. <one To pros-cnt a knitted jersey tu-cm carcled t-be ruined es-ening clothes fou-t-be blotting.pad 'vas eloýuently ex, Lakea of t-be Middle West Oniy Now pou il 1'utcr,on gu(,;1as fe shritikiig--Stitech a bandciof wasbing a business suit, selected- a soft- bat- te pressive cf t-be tempes? o! eot-ion J Belag Appreciated. aine pu'unîld clt-anas, on la ondslIk or soft linen t-ho size eftht-e waist replace t-be icst opera-bat. and thon t-bat rged ini ber heau- I kae'vit unsidae t. Itf'viii keep it i perfect stre o al ypre it e;qust etrulyriy l oovroehèl parativeiy fw pbsn ave uni e piaindurintu 'ue lui oud cet ta~t< v~m e-e ned. .terribe teoverome eu-,Com ew pe-ons x pul. iti nU . 0 r 11 0 da a uuîcsMiý\ ae eaclnns.hbiuipcsxn-f.I-otrie ed.< uti-r <'lt~ua, i Tu keep yoiks of egrgs fuesh-If oniyJ te t-bis ext-en?. tant andi value o! t-ho great inland 'va- ed a~- . <'ie ias îcî fi,-the w -bte is naeded cuver t-e yo ks CH A P'IE R X X V II. Inv luntarily I sta uted frw aud. t-r resources o t po utions o ! Canada. o ';î:eî0 (pua unstaia e-enl ihaltlcodwe.a That morning I saw t-be city wake- "*Lois," I calied softly. And as se n t is connectioni a fe'v briet st-at-e- t-up lasiîof cf nl', six cgt-t-s. ('ream but-- noLte l'ueak it-. Itf'viiikeep fresh ss-t-cluoclit- progresthrougb all th* ~st-art-ad up quiekby it- 'as te findclber- Wmen t-srse-in t-be beo!t. teli pu >';t a-ar it, lieut- ggti up andifou- severai dnys.i Woes roodhabodigsieneat-ersheddb M az&."My put lit gr;udLually. M'aIrat balsini,put ~eutb bm yde e-davstagie, fo t-be âaroon slene o efecridh nya-s wyitee in ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ %el ite -nlu-tu vt}a odn<<i.try openinar t-le'windows in tb ine, ar -t-ehpeuoButnw drin lu--w a s igthea la?1,8The are o miholaes o!Th. aresof in uttr nndbea u wih auo>Je ruoomfou- a fcw minutes before star?- their quarrais and matings. t-o noisy i Butevewhile aekt-hoquestion R15 1, it4à 835 square miles. a ee spore ancifsuitif t-bat-etc.,landt- actisty; f rom dsuknesan, t-roiugb -h knwwa tmathe AUlat once îRlylk i 41qae ie.Lk Krpuaui1 1iadfrit, f uttranetail .ing the-bs adseifta wl e pi ,nk opening bud et davn, teo t-hefull divined t-hoe Ogin ef eveu-ytuig in Winnieg bas an area of sorne 9,400 Aaid s-and vin4giur laiqt, and su littic elp t-ho duaught. 1'white flo'ver ot broad day; and a fe' heu- cenduet o! t-be eaulier heurs tint square 'miles, whiéb'4s about 2,M0 mil fruuie.Mu-c ugoia-f To fueshen n velu-et- tanu bat- boit-Ibe nepial oMe h qaemie agrtanl nai b a t - t - i f r eu u i t u - . l k u ia r î > p î u tff t h - - a - o r v e o i n a c - a d m i n u t e s, b e f o r e s i x s e i n e b e n g t p a ,o v i - m a a n x u c b e t c e s q a e m l s l u g r t h n l i ont - a u l e hatUr s tlý,1tit .-ilbdop of te t-hcownap u wr boii ast-irenddenae guided my wandeuing feet t-0 lghbetween her- inclinatioin,and a; The au-es o! the.lake o ii. Wods spouuu l'ut nlt rtun. buhtenpu i. tfibeM fficebuildin.noble, if' mistalcen notion of dut t wnternlted, 26,750 square miles, ila clothed ibru eh. De caretult aet t-ou tc în.-me-, t-lui ipuLive aadma' o ny about five peu- cent bos eit l>jkr louaeihlia.-Ptirkeu- Housai t-curh t-he Velvet t-hi it is.dry. On t-his day o - hwa ms e -sel teti. psso -ta no nt ae Ot-epfinee ewBus roi.i aut--' oun-ime, a-al '-.1 purkvtiuak - ou, urtseen ifluecl'e Op6J'liwu te ecUtthpasot& brdin rà ofhervneetN t= 1 roll,, l1iy ière folcil over i urge me tere et seunprecedented an er -wn beaut; thbe infini?. tenderneu;Ws skona h Aeo h miuah 01î -aStfie wa a a ikt-'ok ou? Fi-m af-pait eght ta nè ith which h. bâdisait! good-by, aWha skona -oL !th init -,,-'tiiuogh tha.y areu-a et,,tro A not-cicimiser, wbu felt- obligeai to'>but six o'clok-! basi never doite such selved to ru' awaY, te tae.herself ductesi be the, înt«matIon Joint~ fou- I-rt- lfai, algo. Twoo aup.i f flour, inke a imeâent- a alady. cnt-ceei à a t-ingto ýre! And if I had arrlvM MofetMy He-MYlteairt 'as overî- -maut-y-c, u er 199, etBout- Gu W- fou ts,'pinflelukig powieu-. one a'<e;cyihop for t-le pur îaos.:e of ak- cnyai wSe a rey eIetmwUesl8O1. - iX fo'en re-itsain AM - th td t-at-esThe< talà uiûu i uai suiztar, oaue--hsif tea- inigu a puu-rbur<e. secinu- a st-at-nette t-hurt-y. say-I 'ati lt-have Lestn tooc b~'a cieyaste.St e~<1<pruocftelva-aial bjonu at h -'tbc~un~slrcîketu nt-o a doxeila pictes h., -asked late, and s s èr oldhae là eMS mI ar 'te wht.t-a W adlm Untta-ed *yes.ata »us a butter c.u' tut, t>--<uitci cpful the pu-k-e. Tbh aeama sis i au eldinc wg s er=aict from -tt-h Ie h aiimm vi. thew thýf tW05t4d, ot t miO ilî. $if it-b ler .ut tnu uai woffliless, but ho ouIihave fIt for h bu ilt 1 sI hudsr ev#n Pow to 19" sWitIl i dd.s@>oi~ o iur 904 -bath et t-O &Mang toqlie p<swt]-r t-ugcth'u-, t-dt-ithe-butt-eu-and the roatc akigi- f,> hiko t uSDJ-t ý. il4oapg,'b- O. !ta- a,,teïAolgla 't ans mix thurougbly. Thl UNraut-he milk mîî<ise tre <1 te bï,sent- with hîs Ild enw1kngey"an. et 711baye te ctioos. t-u 010mt- ieir.n-ta igu-ia ly. Wh2!11 '.eli Mk'c-d tuxu-i curd t-a» t-helady, con&'-=tuulaaaeug bim- sasu-fs-ca.,Lais. tu thle idauu bnp.tht tiiaS pt Jshir Mé,fdy-twdo~t fui tt-b cfan i.l inch : ual cut wýth bu- ike ,%uu aie on its wzay tu, ber Ho, thr touer si n y vet-e. i W*&, jim&hem-doe 4to-ut ad niaela. , 14 a large lbiscuit cutlte. 1. Makf' lui"'as nt bel, bouse 'vit-n t-be box ara-li- ue.hga';btitratl -.45-ed00.- the s-orf..1aini -hb^rbo"ot t1w»6 crease luItste centrie utofvt-h routi, d, but t-ho effeet won s hral!y what bcoi:dayr, pu-omaud dait-elopeMulns habtO r e-704 ade &Aîl*utcî II of t .8t.'.t-Q, lwin lt usfrmn sprosiut-l itb mlt-ed bIuttcta' anud ft-] p-e f lte raee-,n t-d auet tdu-l a aMeaiwe, andi SIted1 vôS 1>1<heft * 1sa 17«Or and amOi- the - -tlrinoXxi one c dete oser cnato thbe athter, 1îres4ng f t. muapi>e'bp.t- t--spe *g l n mpûsn-yt- -p -atdsk nYs i.A- mtthigh m st- es te itt-nu tugetbuau. incîe in gurase.lt£ fe r iatp upapcr. 5Jiqtug wtèijld nut 1» dihstoi-y. I 15ob«l-l 'a4*4; tIut I. iwwhei ~ ~ ~ j - -~~ lier uit-ual boT-v t 'vw u îd4e aa o go&4ea1 t et-tii moimt t-. w *.)m»,w -1 ~ulI -a . ..efrein- bet *- eeespisuil ad tMe*4 me. f1=64; o ae* ta,41.1 bwmtKfl. <*41f Ètd- Pm - mot O"Oim-sobaivn- e uUlau £ yrs e19114 pa --1* BM t--,try t- hââ îas*w i te Ou' o- I#euê I'I crnïùre .1, - V 1 . -~ -ul gamnets an r osfsae ad batheIr !Oducthe!moussneaneen ans k e shae st her S e tpOtency to touch lier"o.I ud 87 CHRLESEDMODS WLK iIt would b. useleas to, rcount at By WALIC ength ail the. arguments 1 brought Antior e "Ti. 8lverBlae," The atenustr RoY,'to bear t-o overcome ber migulded re- Auae of rh Siler lad," 'e Pteronte ftY,'solve; she met them one and ail in the "The Time Lock," etarnae lifeless tone and dispjrited man- _________________________________________ er; but the resolve remained stead- fast, She talked with a frankness, an utter freedom f romn reserve, that fan- CHAPTER XXVI.-,--<ontd). Pruilene 'e suggested t-bat 1 would bet-nd n passion t-o white heat and in- Somie minutes later I ýwas seated in ter flot undertake an investigation creased my anxiety a thousandfold. eaf is iresni, fa ra t One of Mu-s. Fleming'a state chairs:'without the supporting presence Of She was determined t-o go aa oe 'deliclousnessà . S% Id al] ueemed so wonderful, so incredible, tion of timidity 'vas promptly dismiss- again., Could a situation have been ~ D tl. ~that 1 could not- at once realize such "d- Besicles, except a possible ele- more exasperatingly hopelesa? fingers toyed idly 'vit-h my hair. n bv h tetfor a owe erydm uist bu i#Ryl sh sad, youproise toinoéovrproud of the figure I had soc theonoe upor t-be blotting-pad; "neyer alisten. Now, then-keep your wor "lfrow i every crisis. have I written anyt-hing that even 9jf« . "1 always shall to you," 1 assured Ilwver, witb the mernory of what; pretendd to be one-until this morn- her. hdrcnl happen-ed eodti ing. This is my first bove-letter, Boy, W; 7 e l"Do you realize what a dreadful game door fresh in mind. candor'and I wanted to write it to you, seat- thing came upon us t<>night'I"1 obliges me t-o confess that 1 did flot! cd heu-e in one of t-he very few spots 1 glanced up quickly, alarmed by ~aet once enter. I had to summon ail that are hallowed for me by any t-en- e rportentous note in heu- voice. She rmy resolution before 1 pushed open, der or sacred memories." went on, ber îovely eyes meeting mine the door andi sent an apprebensiveý I stili have that letter; I shall al- wlstfuîîy: look skirting round the roomn. ways keep it. It too is sacred, much pang andI bake in a quick oven for "In referring te a lite criais s0 Un-1 There 'vere just two things I no- i too sacred t-o transcribe any part o! ttwenty minutes. suupassably splendid and intense t-bat- ticed as being out of place or un-'it- hereu-e etr o a odtn e- Chocolate Cake.-Work one-fourth mere worcts cari fot give the laint- uul fresb-l0oking traveling-bag lover ever bef ore ueceived sucb burn- >~cup butter until creamy, using wood-j est glinuner of an idea about it., i stood upon Lois'a typewilter desk,, ing t-estimony of bis loved one's love en cake spoon. Add Pnie clip sugar have heard you caîl it a isupreme mo-. and the communicating door between for hlm. Dear girl, ah. overlooked ro gradually, beating constantly, then ment,# I like that phrase. Itit-s th.tw rosws lopata nothing. It- even contained, anticipat- r two squares melt-ed, unsweetened rich wit-h meaning. It bas stayeci with "Pen-* ing my worry, a stat-ement of heu- ichocolat-e, two well-beaten eggs, one- me. Well, t-hie bas been my supreme Again 1 had t-o muster up courage finances, and t-be assurance that an ac- haif cup milk andi one and one-third moment." She paused, ber eyes clark- bfr olitpo aftero' ceptabie stenographer would be on, ,h cups past-ry flour (once sift-ed ' , nix- ening and deepening until they were lengt-b and peep in att-be aperture. 1 hanc t-o take ber place 'vit-bout incon-1 ed and sifted 'vit-b tlree tablesposwnefl e-vied-pý Bt halted u pon t-be threshold, prey t-o alVnec - e y er bobdi ebaking po'vder and one-haif tea.apoori Boy, do you t-hink I wouid ever ma mixture of emnotions t-bat ranged al mry t-hroat as 1 rend IL-. ai.Turn into but-tered and flouredyu' uyt-ho way from astonishment t-o t-er- Another fragment of our long,1 îcake pa n ak nmdIaeoe triec t-o rise, but- the band upon'dr-ss grievous argument is recorded be- -fort-y-five minutes. Remnove f rom pan 1 » heaci beld me back.l There 'vas a sbabby old leather- cause it- clearly sets forth t-ho posi- ft-o cake rack, cover, 'vit-h whit-e f rost-1 "No, no-don't forget. Wait t-ih seat-ed chair, remnaukably comnfortablo, tion sh. bad taken and wbicb abe ing and spread frosting evenly witb 'm through." ih yseorpeshdila1cunt whtnct faCrsin -hi ch late re, v t-h bak ofsweoon od qsoe ,Iiot-j les int-at- re-used vhen t-aking dictations. It- stood martyr t-o his faith. choSate wih bck f soon Tohad orn idoti qurk n tai re-facing my own swivel-chair across the,1 Saîi Lois: "At Mrs. Fleming's I tprepare pan, grease first 'vit-b melt-ed cious head of yours. But whatever 'vide table-desk, and until Lois' ad- know you thought I was bold and fou- fat, applying 'vit-h butter brush. If it- is, you ore mine just t-besanme." vent- bnc been somet-bing of an eYe- ward, but you wflb understand no'v butter is used, melt- it fluat- and lot'"upsnBuie o bohri ou- But it- bad been consecrat-ed by and fogv.Itli o t vsm bstand on back of range. Salt ili you'cl ever had one-or your ciosest ber use of it, and I wouid not- have suprerne moment. It 'vas. I just hadr fali t-o bot-tom of dish. Jusqt before friend, say should comne t-o you and discarded it- now for worlds. So much t-o bave that consecration o! our l ove put-ting cake mixture In pan, dredge inform you he 'vas going te marry had bappenoci since first. she sati ocryaa it e ouhl n pan writh flour, invert and shake pan Steve Willets's daught-er: how 'voulci that o1 chair. supp-ocrryat i- me, t-oupbolih deand t erîi of superfluous flour. ýYou acivise bu n'l And at -t-bis veu-y instant she was tha* are" ---hvn fa BRAVE DEEDS. 'as one o a patrol of four whicb was reconnoitu-ng towards t-he German -I ines. The patrol was disovered when close t-o the enemny, 'vho opened heavy Threc Corporals and One Ptivate fire witb rifleis and a machine gun, ,Awarded the Highest 'ounding th. offler and one mna. Honr.The attr was carried back by t-e Henor. met remalning man. Cor-pou-ai Drake A list of 'ar hnors issued by the remnaned 'ith is ofyicer and was last British Wau- Office is haded.by th~ e efl kneelng besido hm and ban- names of three corporas and one daging is wunds regardless o! tho privato 'Wo are a'arded t-e Vi- enemys fire. Later a rescue party, toria Cross fou- acta of cnspicuous cra'ling near tho German lins, found buaveuy. Two of t-e recipients are t-e officer and coupoua, tbe former Territrias. The ist le as folows: unconscious, but alive and bandagd, Cbup. Alfred A. Burt, st Hrts Coupoual Drake beside hm dead and (T.F.)-Fou- Most- conspieous buav- rddled 'ith bulets. eu-y a? Cuinchy, September 27t-b, 1.915.!DgOtWudd His company had lined t-be front DgOWudd trench preparatory te an attack, Coupi. Samuel Meekosi'P, th W. 'hen a large minen'veufeu- bomb fell York (T.F.) .-Faur- most conspicuous ito t-e trench. Corporal Burt, 'ho bravery near t-e Yser on November 'el kno' t-e destructive power- o! t-, 1915. H.e'as 'ith n patoon thie class of bomb, migt easiy ave ef about 20 non-ommissiond offi- got under cover beind a traverse, cers and men, 'ho 'ere holding an but h. immnediatey 'ent- forward, put- slated trench. Duuing a -sery heavy bis foot on the fuse, wruenceec it eut boznbaudmant by t-be enemy six o! of t-be bomb, and thre'v it- ever t-be th-epiateon 'vere klled and sevon parapet, t-bus rendering t-be homb in- wounded, while ail thbe remainder blends Every li full of its natural in sea4ed pficketç Reçipes frThrîfty Ceokz. Chogolat-e Cake.-Il it- is deaiued t raake a chocolat. cake it 'viilb. ni Ceaaary t-o cut down t-ho amount c ahortein used, in order to av)i maaking t-be mixture t-oo u-ch. Tw Bquares of m.lted chocoiate, or fou tablespoonfuls of c>coa dissolved ii boilftnk 'at-er, added t-o t-be recipe glv en aboya 'viii make a fairiy riec ehocoat-te cake. Bot Water Gingerbread may hg mado as foiiows: One cup of molasses oneo cant- teaspoonful of sodla, ono tablespoonful of ginger, one-haîf t-ea spooriful of sait-, one tablespoonful ol ishortening meit-od, une-hait teaepoon- fuI ofsit-, one-haîf cup of boiling va. teor, tivo cups of flour. Mix t-be ingre. dienta in t-be order tgiven and boai we-iI. Bake in a shallo'v pan in a rather bot oven about 20 minutes. lidhey SaUte.-W'aeh bea! or lmmi kidnoym, akin, halve downward, re- m(oving pipes and uli white portions, rcaid wit-h boiling 'vat-er andi cut- intc slice.. ave one tathieqpoonful but- y. Ha t-ban u-et-urned and brougbt- in t-ha bit- side? 'vere more or less buried. When t-be senior non-cernmissioned officers, md been oit-ber killeci ou- 'oundeci Cou-pi. Meekosha at once t-ook commandi, sont a runner for assistance, and, in suit-e o! ne less t-han 10 more big shella faîl- ing 'vitbm 20 yards o! bim, cont-inued t-o dig out t-be 'ounded and buried mon in full vie'vet t-ho enemy and at close range o! the German tranches. By bis pu-ompt-ness andi magnifleent courage and determination he saved at leat four lives. Only a matter of Time. "She tolci Tom he simply could ne? make up heu- mmnd t-o be t-be 'if.et a poor mani." "But Tom isn't poor." "Ne, but ho soon 'vould bo if she mau-u-ed hbu." Why does a young man tu-y t-o keop on t-ho rigbt aide et bis best girl when ho knows ber beau-t is on -4- It ia a daily' tu-ot-t-he perfect swcet, Jus? what t-he childreu shoucL have ou Bread-costs ,fair louas t-bau lkutter-or preserves. Delicious t-it -h IQrBJiSUt- and Batt-r Cakes. Gives a iiew delight t-o 4LILY WIu-TWt' is a pure whte Cou-n Syrup, net as proaouh1ce(j in Liavor as "Ctown Brimd". Veau,- Grour 41 both Jrana.s, L' i Ç eaJu 'o Po."d fins-err cai C«Usy fgct, iernfor yon. ta h et4'cm. lut th -ittrof be.sarv n e u. spod 'a rfov -h uet Rheuma*isnto.à ér ! How a uniair<om i for eusshv a 452.-E~d. AflIJ~ "Ta!t-be man of tie West Yorkshire Eeg!). DAIN DEFIDS WIN~ ment. ('rADIAGave Life Fer Officer. Yhiuiuii SS C orp. Alfred Drake, 8th, Rifle. Brigade-For most conspicuous brav- tf r nocuons. Daning Rescue. Pte. -John CatTu-ey, 2nd York andi Lancs.-Fo- most conspicucus bu-av- ery, November lflth, 1915, near La Br-ique. A man of the West You-k- shire Ragiment had been badly wounded, and 'vas lying in t-ho open, unable t-o move, in full vie'v ot, and about 300 to 400 yards fu-om, t-ha enemny's trenches. Cou-peu-ai Stiuk, R~oyal Ariny Medicai Corps, and Caffu-ey at once stau-ted eut to rescue him, but at tbe u-st attesnptt-bey weu-e du-uven back by shr-apniel fire. Soon afterwa-ds t-hey stau-ted again, under close 8aiping andi machine-gun fre, and sueceeded in u-eacbing and andaging tt-u 'oundei man, but, just as Cou-pou-ai Stiu-k ad lifted bîm on' >uivate Caffrey'a back, ho himselff was, bhot in t-be bead. Caffu-ey put down the 'vounded mari, baincaged Cou-pou-ai ltluk, and helped him back into safe- 1< ci L e E u a ei IR c h 'w s U ft b. u fl b a F a] ti s ti L" a