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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 2 Mar 1916, p. 8

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l~~(iss H a r v e y h a . r e t û r n e d fr o m J V o to r a M e m ol1a 1 H o s p ita l o n F r id a y W L I M S I I , M P , O U -E r - MiaHre asrtre ioia uinou TnniE11irut atthe iast weekar visit ln Tyirone and,Is at Mrs. May. M*O MELUEHLL l1%eat totheae epof t7e ars-m p CASI GET hewsy Letter fîoîn ~ The Methodîibt Church la prdbaring 1h oa eepao hD:n Tn[U M.WlimSih osraieM ihs ToNTfsyd Wora-ort Nothu. Nights ln a Bar Room giv enso e T HEnalo reieto togive agrand concert Thurday M u-" bi fA e al ssth aac,$711, wsfr adde m A 1 m h H re Bedr' Asoito !O - ln,-, March 16. Particultrs next week. for wlrtlng tht. lotu rif 1 can belpS7tte Red Cross Sueiety, Torontc, U ... E tre ae h ietr n ebr o u or e po i en s Judging from the success of M is U , or ,.ut m avuer or coming L IV CU Associatio atttleeannfl meeting a riiiotsons lecture. in Whitby, the A hmsLite !Scroon ii VLLL 0 h anlinNainlexhbto OOLNports which preceded b~er muBt have fIII hav1gth havIn down the Kingston Road on "I hve ~toeiy O #, »W, OUk Saturday last with a load of wheat for htrdT iatmB ~ U~ h iyHlTrno atWe i O ha smthu t o it hefilr and do myhbou-woek and 1becun. Ve Spink MIlls, onre of h la horses droppedviw tteetoapaisdbci- NI Iss'S n gs i as been qile III of the concert bei-e. mu r M.down in heaith. A fLim dead when opposite MIr. Hicktry's The tanhuliemn at.oghhedd lo NTR Mr N . Colwl-ll Is lit Toronto thins Dehate ai the Epworth League this akm~VoL dis amo nmiwsavlaj n.mninaynms week. Friday nighrt. *Resolveà that the count- 1 am weîî and *trong and rny old the "hnteGvrmn aprhsn y ~~~Mr Staii Dfistiev lvas ai home Mo- rY ofers a better chance to a youing enerW y ha been r..tored. Vinoiham no ALMON TS.boss alt a th Go en nt b yes he ro ,dîroithn1wcî.'mpyo . ad o WT-u,. The Church service was poorly ai- M r. Milion obinson r-as home on Arrendance at (lie clinurches last S111- downi, Ured mother or bousekeee ru. î~ Fnida tiav waa vry Flail n necunu f bIn -41! J. . Mm.OP4, ack n SiIlayeninget torniStoiny ... py forthem houl goet the wner diyNtsvpyFnai nacoin f h -&A .- llieL Whltby Lainine 1 day. W. fl ilalfnîr .., cf horses. TheHarigeramhve-flot Sa W.nD. îannîo. rtîrned frini a visî iorn01Pastr Hag cam. tbougDruggl$t, <>» been rntpdMwbatLal1niP.hofîOshoaia0f uuis Big visa InHailo. o I-rn ndbak frour C.olurbuis, however. anrd astor ____________________l'________________ Frank Holinaii aqtril, - viI F'OIî-î got t ero n ac. aiin iMs. . orcombe s.O (me e ove-r Ivih.- ýI1-d-n1genîtie lnir~iihat w tr here's a will for Aiherba. Our best %visites -for hîq Nir . Moln h roh he otl Ornm , % leX nin-res naway. .contipied success go winh him. vsun e- 1hhrbohr i.'.>o nw n upre tteGv wlIh L.n î1iiipi Is-. sosd Thosle who* Mlshed tlu 111 te sold- 'bu torm î)îigitii, r duy b y feiow arinra tan l enjo> lacigrlepppirouol Mri.re iW. &shby. wbo lins bteeii îork-. hPal.T Mr. Ffdwird FBoss les bris retiirnî.d ers conrcert on Thinraday nighb were flie:of thtie week made the roado iJ " îng ai the. Prison Farin, Fort Wlliafm, " adsm diutîg hntr i fi-nyn i lii' W,'sn *.ît-ry rnîîch annoved by unie or two men nio! n imp)assiIile. hrebedr srmti uono u i 1 hspe aniot âtlou. hroig mqt hetran iasno heiideaye oces i mFanm. Mrs. Ashby Intends a rt, n i a Ji, Iný ii smav1rd v oftnd the eveing. Uit, such a ni sance fair t1irls %uuler. Undotl'btedly telin iIý frit-ida les r ~:n sanirfi, a iii s'd.lias nul bei-ni '-nough sriow. l , Seetynr newsingSiioiir,-neîhti i1h Msnn at. Peadt rpr iaMM.Fak Nr.iL. Morcomîre and Lorne Kenntiioa Tecnethllith aoiHal laeIorpr htM.FakhRe beepr silting fiends in O0tawa ~hre and -as- rioni-v iary T.'flompunon Tii nrsdnsy evening a st, by hie mem- t)nff ta r-cuvrt-rinng froinibis recent 111 for a fi-w days. II Unr îî u a icisiîî M r V F 'la nîî n iashînda s 'ntju linsof "'" cominanv ofth11 l6ttrBat-ires 'liN-kSd MLRCO nslînnW sIla rîîtî.g . wssaa dn-cidedsuccess. Whno cani soive the. probtem 0f w he- 'Ivlme -Yabel .acke i.iet iray aitD-RGO raak-flaulo),to. t. E.F ritvas tir rougirhoanada 10 tire mothei-iad. The Snnrlîîrgn. sin-nirS'intia l'tid r Tewhoie Irograni iw as rendered by(tirer il 1l4 more profitable 10 cirlist andP. March2nn!,1915.Prpmrrtdecared hat sl-h iforma iti~.-.1 -i-hai ruf-ilienip itaiiy. W iti Miss Ina Todd. of! htghi for your king and country, or tO orihud 81 have receired the most wonderflmuCtutrtiegvnotW i'.' irstiOsn~ î-iawa, as"iails.(apt. 1-inds acted reInaiit on lte farîrr and help ln po ohodefloyed Pan 01rsuPper ai benefit rmtkn'ru-a ie. fi-- ds- iri i-sftrradnsclaiamnr Afrer the concerrtirhe dnctnrg more, grain tu meet the -local -Wdesa unlt frfom teakin fr uai' i od(osraiehi n ~ nîrcînherstr or *Jr "companry and tirer ir d forvtin demlirdlaiuferdoryrsrm h-uîIrngvît ofM oi I Aýi i1N ,,-Iiss Lilltinîn ivue, Miss Gertrude and change of life, and I took ever înl iegîee yipeso Wnira m u ir Siiidv1 rvids, niiuifgaottrtlt. eeKeni nand 2Miss N;tbelt Rua-haie hi-en rmd banbe ihu n odlatm naîîg eelo i- 'nr r nio-ial h ern;;-ined in uppill n d a social botir rm d banbe ihttayg NIr V i i)or i;s )4-,i liii iiý ili 'Ilfie r c pt Nl oore, .MO., 1 C trh a nSb C rd)lliiuig a wr-nk tIti thifornirers s. rs ls er o F utatvs bodIitir liihnil ti ti'r i iun tditns.(tf s Thomnas' CIircb.,-with i.OCAL APPLICAi-ioy.ys au they an oi-ii igavn n euit. iala ad o 'ita-thves' d oacd I r i \\kt*- iisnv I w nk Inînn utribî eiei sa r rnt. thsa ft h dises.Ctarrh la a M s \Ptwld9flirý-tahnred a feu aoth NIr 1 ' ';t4iý%vktioti trij .vttliýeýenng assp nt.blod r ouçtitiioàl ixnsean i orertoiiv fipds n %îttn a etrial ~dëieaMi d-eI it dd-e 9.d - Th rc-iialortdi 6.0 le!-recb or coin thit dnisee *rs A.Ejard fn ame 0,2/yWel a.m.Rieua f~~nî -. ',~~~, -tiinî J.,tsduIL t a nsd i-s. Moore fr11 r0 Creii akn nt na j~ dur.' liPAd... îtth- I l njv- 'Ian etri el ielru aim -i ( n ro Ctarî11 hCue tlot nd quck enulfce-. X asiFiia uîind t t on.has disappeared and the terrible pain snt i~tî. h-wrîî ftt hihi Mi-ç ' (Ifmy ody are aIl gene. arnthe eead <'onirtvClu rettn-sn- on-ni for service.Thri-wattg Ni-ri îîr -:-î'n. su ilif n t,f ii-,#Tîuinas îýiiircIi for lîroviding piresc-ribed by one or tht e rt plysiCinsin ix ln- gbodyaseu lu su 1ame ch iî~ii t inrs ~ ,~b.,-, erji ..lSîrtitA- T LCOtnitrYfor Yea ad earesutar prescrliptio n i, î s 2--t ilip0tnî i biîdwi, h eu.io preiaîgdi. W re glàd Iti, n--thai NI-a Ed.lii A- relief, and I hope that others whofratwm-ttitr 'tll-wbuwl M r- i ti--. iinir' lii', n-rk \'hi illie diiir of -Pinasr-tei u ectiy ain the mucou surfaces Tht perfect, O i tnîsnîis zabt nu lt rnnîînd nîgahnn afIn-r s frm such distressing disea& s llnane urk nn lnnsa u , imt'e, i-a-,, ~-~,--~ ~h, te nîni s'bluation oft iwo Ingredlcaîa ia wh.t po 1s', ~~~~~~~dunceR mach wrnderfui temînts inicuriug catarh. irt-nig lid IrI) fuora coupte of wei-kq Wty'ritatvs ndgtwl r îs--i ,- .> vun ufrtrans"'tlin aiit wa v Brookliir surliasses jSeird for- testimonial& f ret. h Ad i Bbl -as v it h Nît 7- t r-îtîl. nin irn,-d Io i -ei \onîd% ii4- that oune tf then c wrinera, F. J. n H ENgY & CO., Propa., Toledo, Th-lole AofnReflibtoni- i a "sted tt-- l-l t MAFDitAt IS'AIdEt el. yiîn olhîi eu Oftin hitn brrr~ ~-,î~,nî v ssî a ititrirnuti. i rsirnnt ont- Siindav ay-ar ire-? iebre Dugtor, (VlnrSro old- &IIo ruavat.iuou h A)AgiSriCHa ;ti àidx , .rnn ti tffOnnu 1t41 iinf. rawéhlrh the M111 r IeI' a i- ii . oslaro. si nd gave h r- d m ini actnînîî.T e mi-a Coi-ar-r Stîfli'FOu- FrU ltio niniti1Aihol ieseeis danti dit-niratmnoatdtir- N t - i- : 1 I I r r i l I r l i o n t i i iii ) m : I i i I tS H U R N . t- m i a n î u a b h f l t î r g ' , - 1 a n d e a l i n g t h e s i k , s w i n n i n g t h e- f e - t r . P . l a r n n u o r r i. - h- 5'--' k Y'-irs~t\hkfinr'id-y io ui- an o w î- es qnsnhuirs .Sis. \Wuî. 13iaslnwas In Port Per-y N t nnd Mi-a. T. Moi-n-nimbeandi LIov-idEd -r ()iis ld- d W tr o urn auy u t oi -k'ad ein- s ,it--A 1I3 R .aip-c n t heb'.- n i s i a Mrn i.- n!iu ad , tivio.orPà dh fes heabd fr-h aie Pie. Saiidy Wilson front Wliitiry, ws t- yte s i-i Mi-NV. »Ior- *ln--lr-o.ri(n i dîihan i iibooxfs ie end o tr6aîw- ofof-rdnsIatwek$2.i50mg iegietaah at-idtrialtoothusadadtosans ain hrnîl Owa o n-itvt- (If lte nuani wlîo tir te sa nig n froe la i. iou-o rsj. oe o vrStinday. combe's ou iTreaday Po-Peuhtg ai. t, t At ail dealers or sent postpald b nn IntîStiiSdfl ehe vet rnutsanrg.i-aoh For Se* -ô r - 5liamudifCrerfa Wh.5"i th(-nepuicirscîruol teacîners a lit Nirq Ci-ner was lia Port i'n-iry une bilig bis ninneinbirubday. H,- took-FdtatvsLm ,Otw. Iiilnii IfMa t let,îe-ii ltsiNec d hale andl ienrîy, nnd eitovetdiltir l a - . ' a l . i t 0 wo nW hY - I o l î t i r e e l i g i l h e o u l i g b a c i- - i l i - o r n a l i 0 f l ) ( e y r i n g p e o p l e o u t h l i, - t t i v l h l i g n î î .u l u r ( i i i r l u i e N m n h v . N -s- il~ -ii-i i f ue i- %-Ii I s afn-aid ho go onît wthnune girl vnm IY atîdd ie bx-social hetdM odon ' of- tii-t unriiCt -Iitinl raitrsrt- F ts-6 r Nudt-' i ii1aN- e î il w i" ieîiýttrt ii-btnnie îl ea-er, ai (iralk Lake oit Fridav night. U.\BRIDGE. sM Cotiidon Pengfits .ofhom iront.lrei-i tî, ~ai îp.'- tiril in IlW oevwil oIb. nîîîr a" l ib-rai-sn i-tIs ami atu d- ' (bhai-tes Hodgi-. the r- IiIn à4p..ýtrecrri ini.ser-li Lt-Cul.-Saitnihai-peNh sitien-n anaassistaet W'. E. sHrssaad ofaTorunîsubee'iroat-ct taxes.IW.OF. Hassard, of Toronto. Ntr 'it~n.,nu sm~'tr Stîyd 't L>i-il n ra i.,.clumu so'î uageani. of Whiiby, w-as around l laii I lIr-e veeks' leave tSisiiesu eft wa toh,.eI - hewrk .r- ltit - i-r anifSii M v n a lMor. t iu t bness we cannon devohe ,- 'f-: vtcIuity on Thursday hast. taint w-e-k to speat tire lime ai Hot Sabbatir akeon the oi-rcu itlsi aonibut owsrsîe a anirit ritr-s'-nitii a rsjs.\fou'ý sI finu bm! usi -I.b hi I i ie Miss Jetinie, Heroîr and Miss 1Hazi1 SIprlunts.Ark.. mahi-ie lie 'iotnes tu i- t conditions of wetahcr andi rois _____ - -w a SI tr k.v udhî dugntr i-n .tiliufinire t-Itag-?'m-lai- ie taî PatlPennon,'l'- cnea ib' oftf ilaeaieir- -retiPotPry onTrish- ,-per is healtr. anitci bas ot heen people connld not get mîit. Contribu _____aiO MN rikil -rf ir-îait Sak - sinn-d FOR SALE. Mi- andi Mis. ('bris. Wilson, of ]Ràit, b,'Mrs. Sirarpe on tire trp.tlion stortre sBibSout 'w lirseW IB AK w i.I \i'î.-\oN-r Squiidav ri-- . Onet. Maxwelltinder, wîîh sbafcar- taî. 'isInst i - irMi. and Ms. 1). Par-j c -,- - - - o t o n M o î d a y .I il~. -usier ii nu- rumhi- a.-rît-r, compîr-te, & ft. eut, la first-clas -Mrs Gi-tier, Mrs,. Romt. Parroît anti iwragoe-----10 o10 iei t-d on SIiUida * vris iurg ktworkhnsg order; go-od for a number e' Misa L. Pari-ott-peei-euWitb>' on__- r,- 'n'lneaanfaIt------------$100 to $110 raw.-Iri li dani-Tfhn-ruadi.ýeir' blhcklYears, will go thi-ougir an il foot gate- We.Dn.s a i asl la(i i tonInvestigaBarn e os i-cl ii '-"U V tn~îip5way or door without trucks. A bar. MrD.Pr-iwalaCr-norîn ;ns08te .0 Stoe A r ,ity ilrm.iTtesday lasi. ta varlous disease germs have their bredn îac n the waste Pa---------11 ,11 it. mi ilriii-î si-tietshTineir a-es-k- Onnal.orteury,1prdîn fth od.Do' te, e yu b wlscogad ho Rn-ni . rosa kînhîrurs o! thls village laIl- Brookliin .-35COLUMB3US. Oats --------0.40 ten 0.46 Vd. akeno cance il yotnou ly In-i-t mu it'- n 'h uonrulis Of te Mtut-ar-L E.-i isn, aiof WiTor son, aPnd Missda iUMn= Keep your bowels free, and tihe bile reguae IhRd Coe-------9 0 e 95 itun Mr- and itirmaMaintv Roserusb. of' Nir. anti Ni-s. F.Moore anti son, .;r-S te frme's om bkaee thsramflgrs ako holo. aencacsadsj~ uk t------07 007 Osiiý.nnsd NMr. anti Nis. W. Rose ý l ihmrahi-ut tire week-end with tire for- i eSunbdlyssoi lcae ierai ~Cr o bush Snsai-h,-i-i heTmpr. v' parentsire i EECI.MrA Mn$ PU LLS .n.Grassper cwt---------3.25 10 3.50L eancb ie party Isat F'riday niglit. whl snO an urely reiv osiaionndigestion, billousnes Ba. e o-----2.0t 60 CUTTERS - -We have two Cutters for salii, on next years terms. 1 6t) f telr iends te a dance îast origizu-harmess adnt heyabre compeu he fen drga cef eeeSotpron----2.0t2.0 HORS( POWERl, complete, regular $45.00, special FtricetI 2 Oo eidnesdaîong e . ge="ra sowa: t B nhabrt.fes revtngthdiexpran a tree TPLR niPOUE :r . A fw-eguarfr Nr. Wn. Dryden. Gtancy bred caillelt TWEED SANITAIT CLOSETS, regular $i5.o<o, special piice $ 500. I.aslt Thuraday a flumber of hoçkey SEWNOIACIN, uarnted îe. 3500,Spcil lrie 25.00 -Players and rooters came back te the W6usah a Guis.ea Bx agdnsed...nez26 e 36 SE IO 1 C IN ,g ar n ee ,r g.$ 5 00 pe i l vrc 25 0 .ai-ena bei-e anrd played aur septete a Pren,.rd onir hy Thonm mBeelnism.St. Helen. Lancahire. Bnngbmnd.Vel . . . fiendu> gtame of hockey, which nesuli. 12.00 te 13.00.-tr TW o! AOt r. Jas. MtiLeod. Wîî oe. .MT and Arthur. have culiste inl a Tos-ento Q~TO NAJ.Cre Battation for ovensea ervic. BTE_ Our mail cArie faîles t appear on IM ENOIv AUC mION SAL E L B I iIE 14 R A PI> E R S- onady lbeMquence of th avy of stock. eIIft5&y Otc~ê htyOr..bI4,4"e A E snow drifts alSigt the route.Te rptyo MkrofButrfrEasly and Qkk4 .WwzýDTXht 3~,1 w O ,~ e~S J5t m Make s o Bu ter forM arket should flot think of » ' " f 1 u lare ovmrut O Mm r eu.«o!b4A trying to do without printed wrappers. The iaw now 7M 9"__u> Ift« .«L. u;ov. sM z. g demands that wrappers shall be printed, showing h-h da i ç- Mit!. la b.Iuitbd. - y ; __AY aEIMM, .~~itjW me g lroi 3 Y 4 W: LdB2o er dairy or creamery butter. foe~.Ti *Wu& *M-«*Me.usak driver,. 9 yM Sg, --Apart from the legal necessity, however, it is -goodý b »t Aw» ue_ domt1.S ï m "-S, business to keep your namne befor h»uli.I o make a good article it is worth dollars to you to estabm.1ý! lish a reputation for good butter. Educate people tc>01 ask fo r your butter---your naine on the wrapPer 'is a 1 -' -guarantee. - #UâMe~ -~ 'IUsing a high qua!ity ofpaper and inc, -and doig.the- Wor k neatly and4 protnptly'. Letus prInt yorwappers~ fogle's sale beld at Pickering çwaz mosf succeseful. Thuero -s Lrge. crowd, anti prices were ~ Kteen ewes bnougbt an average $24.601 each. andi ot'ter stock higb prIces. '- AL THEATRE ECHANGE 0F PROGRAMME E'ach Nlght. ton Coin everY Monday night tusday nlight, 10c, tu ail. ii'ay Featnn-î-'revery Wi-dnes- ni Tinurisday. MRS. PERRIN, Manager. iift lime 1lable. G. T. R. 'H:T11Y JUNCTION. - .o.o5a.f--3 05 Pan --04 P. X..... 6 tgp. t trains Ir-avo- for T1orouto at nti 7.40 pin. From Toronto stol) aI Wiritby JurnctIon at .5~ a.m., and q.20 pDm -- P-TOWN STATION. -1;ip .1% p 1: 40 p. m.I C. PR. -6.32 A5. Gng R M i 9.09Sr .în.I Pi. 92 '-448 in STAG E. .or Brouîghamn aI 10 arn. Mr-. )Toprietor. MAI1LS -CLOSE 30 aui.- Fuir Port WSÉtby- .30P.rn. .30 a.iU .30 P-111- '.Ja P. 10 30op.m i tn %0 -.t u.m -Forrt-h -6._o &.m Iundred Young Women -e Hnundred Voung Aien at one 10 train for choiej sitions. 'rite denîand on t Toront,on - - tunîmes Out- aupply. Write fo>r parictulars. %We will yen that Ibis in VOSJR ttLy. Business calis yen. i n-aune? No vacation Bt mer. Enter now. ronsd W.J.Ilos ita. Principal DENTAL Hildson, D D.S., L.D.S. ,essor t0 W. Adaa. das Street, opposite Peat hone 122. W'HITBY, ONT. ts woaqý QUA£AnTIE. Wiaut *nd Kot t. Sw' *iMvo ? 5~lU Nbttq- I ýo tolontb tC va.

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