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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1916, p. 5

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4 <i .4ix iii C."du, $. >it. s 'r i~ xj.~ i ii)1.~ xi nil I lu' il ) 1 A xii F S.I j-t -, xndilof ;, Iilr i ir iu ni. xxx i bis ii.ii, Be- lxx ýiith-l lil<h of xiblxxod. orifbot> %hue vr- i i.ixjy of ianxd gel xix- Txj<one i. i i.' oluig i xfo -o il). o x uiiI xoli, one a i'x i in rex-xîp Wel -Repal'r, Anyth ing ThI'iixt s l)îuglt in a jewel. 'Y éituuue, sud mrny other thliiigs that ire boughit in otixer Rtores. If' others- cxxii iot ix-pair y( uT broken nriciles brîng thern to u aund we wil I repair thein if il is Plc sýo1lxIt-' o (Io so. The xhxaigoxxwil ho moderate. îxeciahizîe on Optîcal We buy OId Gold aud Silver I l'i xxii ayt ttux. .'xîyixex.xîmark- etivîr fo r it Ifi you h;xi. ian\' yxu would ike iiiiile ui lii x i eiv lc'i-xlî 1 tiNewîll ilepeel to gîxe Ylit] :M 0'ximîatt, iîî i u ir- im o ix lixxi xiiii iut our i ,.old i 1 u i d Bassott's New Store - Irwex and Otpliclanx L~OCAL HAPPENINGS iiu i. pxi1i1.aiti(1î'.îîî,1iii\- ixiiiiai s i #.. x eil l lxix ,xxxi .,1 fxi-t. bu i x 11li ti) onex i t xii iii -lix. iii xli liixîxis block, foixix xxxix m11iux i . l i ix ' rai Cr i xxixxii l 1) x . ,Youi. iA*'quiet wedding took place at the Rl>ectorY., hItby,,on Thtirsdtty, April tlth, when Emilie Irefie, daugbter of Mr. and MrEr Alfit. Macpherson, was uinhîed ln marriage to Sergt. E. G. 1 HazeIl, bandmaster 182nd Battallin. 1 Rev. R. W. Allen performed the cere- nt-n. Mr. and* Mes. HazelI left on the aflernoon train for a short trip t Guielrxh and othpr wçstern points. 'rhm- wlll reside lu Whitby. T'Ii(' newesi styles ln Regai. itisi Rilgîx and Derby fOoowear for men ai P-xPls Shoe Store. SOIIROPERATED ON NINE TIM ES, S3xr g 1-Johln lParker, of the Firsî ('ai- xxdiaxx î-ý'xîîxdtiotiarv Force, son-lu laix of ir ixas. Worfoik, or Whiiixvx m inx glis îxt lin hie chest in the sîxrlxx of 1915. lias r-ceiîy xxxdergonx- lts n lxxiii uixrainîb li-e lias heex Iniilis- ilîxîl c, xr sixîce bis iujurv. xaod lias- Iix-x'ix xa nrî'ai silferer. Ilus sîxiexid lxixx sij xx'lxlias-;x'xabled hinifin10lil Ilir-i xxx . rr, and his;îîlîxck dfscrN es i lxx ni xxxîîlîst, orf ti lil,' rxcol, cri NVIRE FFNCE. \\f, xxxldlie ixîcagexI Io rîiox 'xii, lii -si unix. xxxifarxuî axnxd iiili. fi x. i l llc i1ý( i e1 lx cii xiii fixer x xxxx ii i i .i tqb l xl.- ll li 'xxlit ix l i xi i'f Ili., x -. fio x i 1 - se x xx- x " -i ._ î xi it . xlxt x iii. ix \x.Ilxxlxx lxi x xxil i li i r1W xîx lndexu ii lie. i \i, xle x xi s týi îxl îxî1.Ilî liî i ei i UNi - X diiIN '*TEN I l î INIl ( M Y IHE I-S. I MxlFl\IN \ \P iî S'rS No) MOR E 1IAN TII E 'xxiVP> uEO- Sxil.Ii l NIFi NIC1E. 1: \ VP YT'II f1N 11 IAIIIPW A R P. T v 1'a il OI . 1) i if A11llil1S ; I 1'îx xxi s ý1 Ix lxxxiir ixl iil Saiis- i i' xi oni Txi xxilxxia Ilxir xixxiba xr i. . 1 S THI-E 'i'îIN(I', xxiilie sxsaxxxxi xxi thé. illc hlxiui. i I ku xii lixasinxî i o xi " ixvx'ia giod lectirc aciui clx'xîix r iixiiix xxi$1wIur xda),xixlvt'rxîd lx t xI'siot;lT yxxx nir xxxixsx 6 cxxM. 111e. i 'x x ix aiuutoi'lxiIhtri il. xii xi r i..I lx. ilxixn iýt.tî. i,t i o D~oit i i i--s ii nxx xi xxiii i 7iii ii Ox xr i lu lx i irxis of uiauie-it-order sulils xxi$1 11latrnrv%, T. Thomiipsonl 1xxor 1q f i-i. . ix'i.. x i x il isi.i i lx-î Cjix'xs lin Xlw iilxxo xI xxi #,k i l xxxk I iix In u ri-i 1ii r 1ili x' ('o ir He ix%%ixa s xx\% -,i1ik ix. iiiii 11 e E ii mair r lx i NXiI(Ilt hIK SCOTTr. A(ixi ix di lxixixgxxx(bk iplacé-è In T'.xx <xxxii x -ifx x ,xx -'x A ....à 1 xx xxr . ix'xx.x»n Ildixix XMarx ixiixxr xof Nir axxd Nini Jerxxîin-iiii 1, xix'xli i lxi iaxriagx' in MirS;ixixixii xlxi1ixxi ix' Dli jolixi xi\ )rxxhx1xiix i xr1rxîix-d iiec i-xn mmxix% Al riiîxxxi Siix Nixindoek x% 111 hIe \ iiiXlii l 0o Thexx 'Tnxfxx gxr Pbixgbiers Society m-111i hlxxia x xxiti lxiii li nllie 'drawi- i ng nîxîîi xMx11 xlxto ixeNxxt Monday afîx-ruoox i xx. 310 Miss NAlile Jçffriei, a xix'xib-r of i lie' Toron to t 1ialibi-r. will télsîli xtxo xr vîof 1l'dore's Post Office. A cordial welcxîx-lm exiended 10 the ladies4 of Mew loîxu Slxx'r collection ai thme ioor. On Tupsday ienlug of Ibis week the BalitIat Chxirch Choir prfflented "TIhe Sonfilel Who SiepI xai Hie Post.. ln the Mxthodlsh Clixurch ntI Rrooklln. Thia la the second Uime the- story han beon gîven by tlie choir xithliu xamonth,, il \ltriiIng seêrir-ce-- Anthxxn: "Jasase 1Sixi Iolxr.Illiot Mt." Antbemx "Therei lxxln %ervcç-Aîthetnî: -ie- MIy tod to The" golo, %Ira. A, Oa. Grxeusix-daToron to. T1ii- Iasor -wil Oceupy the ptltt a hoiliseics WIIITBY BOWUNQG IZJ. A rx--r=allatil smeetin t tWh*' bx liin0ig Club was hamiR s B1 i i pxxxx' ix 1lxxxiippla*were laid for a D T-rny. An: x-bio,wiR t tb w yxxx arxe x>xç lodho iutiyty I>I4tt atet oct-, ls ti lue m o wlIi t 8l&o1WU7< 1 i ;kx; 01iux\\ . of (G;xx'*nxxN xix. li-ixxix-i -xxixi x i a ixîxex' tf bigauix' îîr ,fiîrnxîd x xx 'i l it %i xx'.'k irîx ,nx' \1 s lxt tIlxixx s vi ilI oie tixxx u foxr sxieu elfor lHits i-in4 oihixxxlsixr ixesxx Pxi lxx ixnt l irSo-a XX PN T ii 1SVIIVICE To 14.Wi. ' X ilîb\ îS CIllIlx s a re xxix- Pm, 1xxx1ix x c xi sx' ,trvlcetixe xxixv iiium lndihe unithshore toîx us i xiiiixlxliiis suixuer, a.nd are al- iial ixk'ing of xxxkixxg stipa 1brng îixx matxir Io ihe utiention of somte xl xl x imii>xatioxî compaules. At thex lirx.'1 iii lîl tbe sleamship Unes are 'lxxix -tof i .-sels oxx.ing tbthe large xxinixlxxîrtr-quiisitioried by. the Admie- fori ft ransportation service. The .îixll#-r l.ike x xssxxis, howex'er. may be mxort, xixinerous, and lb is boîîed 10 se-- i ne ivc --lxblhaeiofthe service NIhxnîxi was enjoyed a few years ago. A mee'fàiig at %oniie date la the near fxxixxiix' xoF inx-calied, nolce of wbich xx1 hI xx given bah-r. -0- (1001 VALUE IN GEO. M. RiCE*S. BIICYCLES AT brInig te Wbîbi, ythîýe Âhzama m- <xora Tronto, a -rewMoowits sud 4vs*tate 'OtgputtoA - il t 1bnz t mt Iti a ti- whtssi 1.gWmu'ee GROWING F'riends of cur scIiooI will be pleaisec to know thât we are having anice i1icreaite in attendance. Especiali>' was thi-xnoticed laqt Stinday, when -he largest nurnbtr was preBeut wO have had [or smrne years, hsing 42 more than xame date for la@t year. Can't Ilyon"',corne toon? TABERNACLE S. S- Scbool building and site at the auction ,axle heid on Monday afternoon. The !lrix-e paid 'was $560, possession to bel glven not late>- than May 15 nor Parîler ilian May 1. There were at lsxast five blddérs for IhE- property, the biddingi !xiarting ai $300, The shed on thej Ilil1gb Seool gr-ounds soid for $29 10 J. Niclit)re. The furniture and mater- lxxi disposed of totailed over $20. The, cxîîuiiee in charge of the sale feli xiiii saxisfied xxib ibte prices olxlained. Thxe loial resîxls of ihe two sales iili xxxiv lxe IBoard abouxi $700 arier paying TIIE OXERLAND IN W'IIIT3Y. The aze-ncy of the Overland cars for X"biby andi Oshawa towns and East xand NWesi Wbiibx' and Pickering Town- ships bave been su-ctxred by Messrs. A. F_. Oxîke and L. W. Duxdley, of Whitby. 'l'ie iivxxrlaixid car Is the most up-to- date yet turned oui, and combines real comfont wilb a popular price. Messrs. PIANO TUNINO.i Mr. D. C. Wilson, of Toronto, an ex-' perienced piano tuner and repairer, will be In Whltby the first of next week to fulfil orders. Mr. Wilson's work is first-class In every particular, and piano owners will make no mis- take by havîng hhm do their work. Orders xuay be left at the office of the Grealer Canada Co., Bell phone 193, lodep. 70. Composite Lodge No. 80, A.F. & A.M, Whliîby. will prohahly entertain thé of-, Icers or ihe ll6th Battalion on the x'îenliuig of Thurs-day. May l8ih. The Batxtalion will ai tha t lme be ln Whithy li the course or its trek through the Co lon IvN SATISFACTION In WVear and Style' Ixike and Dux.dley bave a new model 76 MIx exhibition ln the Luke garage on liînxdas St. west, and wtll be pleased xtu demonstrate for anyone Interested. ixoxît rail to see how Ibis new model lias every concelvable convenlence xx ibmi easy reacb. It corresponds ex- acil), with the critîcal mans concep- lion of uvîxat an Ideal car sbould be. 0o 1xi t xiii xxxisi iii cx ixix.) 1 l v ]i lixx xi o i i (xilxxTiîxi ii xx Pîg i I lIlieud 1,1 S lxaiiii iieforx.Niixsir i arper. 1ii *ci xnxîîieii. lxxinîxîrest brogixe. ilat ix xiefxfred w 11h xlix arrest of a sold- Ie i xixxi- li xixglitlie coxxld do .xixc ioii-IlxxIi* an oli soldier m-. -lf - %%*lienufixe Military Police hîad iiiijx-xixîd xx i iiierference.RHiey xîsed aI tlhe artistic names In bis vocabîx- !i lxx xilîrcss bhis opixnion of tiem. P iiex* sa,ýld lie 1ad a couplxe of soldiers ais xx lîne,,ses.u lxix pby Nere ln Toronto o11 Ilxxv so Col. FxIrepweî. thie Crow'n Attoneîy, consented to an adjournmeant foîr xlii'week. ui*'oxiîor .N'as cbarged wi-ll using xiilx î nluîage [o a senlry on duty foxr xhxe lliUb Battalion here. lie plead- (i lo xxî uilty, and bis case. too, will be tlxxd xnd ixi Tuesday evening. Sîxaxîs liBusiness Scbools Ir' Toronto mxrg reriiliing yoxîng women Lna par- 11ilr ulabtrali for the ranks of bîîli ixes'. ]ife-. Tlie demand for stenogeaph-1 fis aiîid office asistantâ was never so k'x -4nx These sc.hools do flot close dur-1 lxIn thé,' summer months. CAIlD 0F THANKS. Mnaand Mes. Arthur Blanchard wlsh o îbank a14 the friends wbo ahowed ilIxni so mucb sympatby lu Ibeir receal More than choose from. 1 200 patterns to1 An immense range at$18.OO Happy T. Tboinp8on Menswear Store, Whltby 15ev Yes, Tha*'s The Prke! Te& Loyers, Super o Critics -and Good.Judges 1'" ?OMALJE HYDE For Destroying SMUT ln Whoat, Gais, Barloy or Grain, - and Potato Saab. F1'il Directions For Using.e Bottles, 2,5C each Ind. Phonîe 37 Wliiî ixslv r x iP mx s f ARSENATE~ 0F LEAD For Tussock Moth. Tent Caterpillar, Sttee1y Beetie un Grapes, Root-Worm on Grapes, Saw Fly on Berèies. Plum Currculio, Leaf Roller on Strawberrie se Codling Moth, Canker Worm, Bud Moth, Cherry Sing, FahI Web Worm, Cabbage Worm, Potato Beetie, Flea Reetie on Potatces. Put up in conveîuient packageF, with full directions for using. xl,Viîx fxi il , i i i 'pxflt th i l WI-ITFI ELD'S DRLIG STE)RE WIIITBY, ONTARIO ixeix' çiiî iii. Xix l. iol. aud 'xl ns Nie eoxi. of Edniou lxoti,.Alla, vlslîed lîe Itîxrspairents. Mir. aud NI s. E. feixu oxifr a few davs. ('o1. Nlcleod was (.ailed] home1 eairi is w eek 10 li, withhi ls Bat- talionmutii MsNlrleod reroaxned lx r. Miss Kate Wright TEACHER 0F PIANO AND PIPE ORGAN I upxi s prejîared for To ron t o i(on- ýg(,rvatory or tUnlvfrsity Examiuations. Rsdueai isF M<Hlvas ri.N ron StreelI Telepiione No. 221. W. A. YOUJNG Civil Enghxxeer, Topographical Sxxrvey, land drainage. sxîldîvision designing plans and drawings, timaies. etc., on contract work. Contrac-ling. Box 243, WHITBY. 1 iI hé.o 1i isi or i i l st. Whil ii lixi xx iliv. frontxi i i ri iî 'alrv res îe sixni, p. li liiîxil lxi i txix mii x n9rx. ;U4,xix- . lix .- xxid<. viz- urid. lin~ ~~~~zn xx.Hiaix xxxîx xrili A iiq, ixi(-fý For Sale, To Rent, Etc. .ligii, lxx xxsx-atix'i x-xnxxcil Axiîiy Ju . 'r Nexxx orf, \ xl FORlLSALEF. A Mxxî-tlxilit Ii iîxsixie c<<xxx.i lsx jxxod repa ir. AIxîxi .xxx ixxi.xlix îoffice.x'fori r - ?Ois good cxîdar juosis ror sale. Figîi feel ln Ixýngl lx. some gtx(xianilior ixîsi s, Apxliy 10 Janmxs Norx-, WIxiby). 4 Z G;ood Ioîi witb siable andi aIl kixuxs of fxiii. axxd gooxi garden. Aîxliiy XV R. Campxhell. Kin--Si.south. or lihone, Bell Phone 3 7 FO1R IENT. lîxîiixixxiiliixig C6 roxuls. ', piece bxxth. xxiidargx - c-1ar. x 'ixiik. faI- CxOxU ' V xxx xx if' l lxxxil fîx rîx tceand fix('-cxîric 1 i gixix -i i f $ 1 iuýr mon th . A ii1, H >1 x I lix. Lnxixxix-r i'xxixxdx IxPnd.a.x 1,.xuxCo.' ix' .îdWxhliiibv. F(l R -1A 1î1iE. 1lluxxxse oun orîxe-r liyr.xx xaxd (o4boruo sinx'x'i, <i roomis iil b bxîîb.1fire plaem, lxot matxxer lxxxiixig. i lent ric lighi, and N%,axixfr. lloxsx- lxxgood rejuair, large lîxuxîx, goxxd gandex, Ixliify of frulit rem. Pruet. ixxclxxxing cîxrlxeiýanad eltatrie ligîit fixhxireýs. $7.500i. Sold on 0à« lirmxi AppYI o i' Mr. Gxîrgpe Cnrua&k. 1)(p), 2.31 Whilx'ý xABINEI7 FOlR SALE. A i xxlixîxi.11) rxei long, %() Inxr.es %idf it id 30) luches higb. containing ICi x'xxiîpxrinenis hehitiid elit idoors. [liii i f ilrxsmçdmaîclx-d ixîmber aaRd jixîi iiul. oxxld hlxi sed for an'y 0one nt xa xmixer of purposi'5. Wouild cost $15 or $2() Io have nmade new. A few dollars *Ill buy IL Aprly ai Gazette offie. CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP- "Y OU will. be painting this spring. SLet us give you a few facts on Brandram- Henderson English Liquid Paints, of which we are sole Do you. know that Brandram B.B. genuine white lead is the dearest- white lead in the world, and is used ordy ini B. H. Paints. Do you know that Brandram-i.Henderson are the,, oldest paint manufacturers in the wor1d.-, - Do you know that Brand ram H endersrn -are" theý only paint manufacturers who corrode. and grind their own white lead, which accounts for this- paint flot costing more than, any other. Every can of Brandram'Henderson paint hasýa guar-. an tee, showing thepercentages of white .lead,-and 'mc used. Can you tell us of any other manufacturer of p~nsWho 4âes this? Why buy inferior paints, whch c4 ut-a Much, and you know flot- what they contgin*-? -C _ na~ gtaclr card, and let "stel yýou more' Io-,<>1 gYeQ a. SCoPJNT - t h l P IN- ' test, and proî,ousüe upot> baing bwen rx-adxred ln Manchester db Hall on Mxrclî 151h. Tnie choir great- j Ho for Exster oistIntriu1oT frM a&U ly xpreciabed Ihe miariner iln whlch local stations ln Csuada. Incluli.g Dem thâey wero enteetalned by Ibe ladies of i1 colt. Port Huron, Buffalo, BumpeIMati thi lied CroRs Spçlety aI both Mani- Bridge,. Niagara Falla. etc. GOod golng cbegxier sud Brookîls. Thueday, April 20, 21. r., and 23, r& 0 îurnlng on or MeN26th. at one-way A Onp-Nliite Wastxxr malktes wSISIi iare and a thirt Also goiny 21t W. <lxy xag (1%,(,r 1(4) Iniiiqe ln Wbitby, I tin u xmo day et fInIiiif ar". %r Fer sale liv Gex) . Clics. ii-i-anvd aIIailier tickets. cmii. writb siîuiixx5 . A1,111l i 1Glixxy *tplxhf-nsona Uckîets abe4xiad Ae. 11ic-a - ii-xixî xx Il a in and 7 xxx îxId pesIble errsh, cro'wdln,rq,. at n'i . xiatilxus. île rédepsx'is l tkets wtoa Mi- Ni. G i;rx'xnmhix'lds, of Tixeonto,îxeînx- ulneabisootner mlvti Wjl ixuig<x lhi' xxxrnxxgxiini Ce lusî.nx r I g gto CuaIi $r~ -t>--- xx'wùtsiStexphensotl keta UutOU5I ome- XVIIo sîx.' bît iihxîx l yIobe lxxtrx hs's. srttlergsud other twei*<8 1e-n If yiîxw un(i lii. NIII-ic hall ta- îCi c of routel, ai»o 400"19. 8 Ik inorroxi'(l"nIda, 1. iglîl. iîs x%-taIl available routeS 'XIETWiiITATBER.1NACLE. We hfîve aeom$piutle; o 7« l'.A. Il. Fostfer, îîasfiir. f(Xxiîlwîr fo-r women and - blldtta.. gtti.,i- Auril î16. pel'a shorer.o qi 0 0 a a à 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 . 0 8 0 0 a -- -- -- -- -- -6-- - - - -- - y - - - - - «

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