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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 13 Apr 1916, p. 8

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411M l,« . - 1 LT tzil Chttrh hel th1i-eiaaruisttng on the teal'. The Offier-Dr. John, Tendai, t'no»,,intliýbaemen( X. >;ooe,,,President; W: bawrente,..Vk&e e,.r h ci .wheà'. the ' arly r jo, pttàPreidefl; Uès.,1oring4. White. Seere, n rerpe ý4. The 4ltdwttg new .offiérs tary; Ma cel'lieasurer; Miss I*ere eleeted:ë " 'eit. , MaÀ .E-01v"e, 1nvenor- 1ed Cross; Mrs. El'* O~A ltt: lat VicePreifi et. M Wm. IlIeU.. Coni. Beian Relief Fund; Keast _________________________CwiU; 2nld V « 'Icildu'nt, ?*is.N. W. Webber,, Cori. ef the Central. COnuit- __________________________ Secretaî7, -Miss Vers Rt-esp'; -tee to céoflect and forward supplies, Treaiaurer, Mis Thos. Ceakwbit. The thp memibers of whlcb are Misa Olver Pfrsonage Conitiee tatmode *up otf and irs. D. Hfliday,MNrs. Wm. Law. Idr. Frod (Iibia.wbo lbas lippu work. with mafflo syrup. Tliere %%,ré abolit Mr. Steve Medland lbas béen 111 dur. bas <"'î lipitit ltit li i; tho.týlloi "Set vr10 e pigsitne e Ur. and NMrs Wr. Burr have i' t-ieN i r. Gvorge F'rankisb has beeu very1 tbMr.W. Hy T. Tiiomerof, Whîto vlisiflug wltlt rs. flroad. ill diiirg the pasi week witb M.WP.neu-,,femrl f u MrsM lî'b'll~utî'r:îtd I 4 i n finla At tinie of wrît îng tîtere la village, now reaident lu Toronto, la ail la Toriitîil nii op' orbinrzc ey.active member of Victoria Preabyter. ta Troitf)siiiiilioe fr lts vroery 'ltn (hîrch, anîd ta takIng bis part ln Ptei' Burt and ifaut îîy. oft (t'e nattwo e I p1. ,ouis (ou eof Toronto.,4m'as ltiswork as; euergetically as ln former havemîî~î'd u tot b. ile t îî'î1111w blis parentt s ber.' over the eî- Miave Marlo S 1pil litis hen Witi days be tabored tu flrooklln. Fellew- Migii Mrlin 'ýPeicP- Iîls ef-i v.ýýit-vil 1 lig 15 a paragrafî1î from The Vi'torian, tmg hor sisici'Ill Toriutto for ii' past ()ii ;5astii Monda>'. Ajril 2;, t he W- a weekly four-page puaper lsîed by the two w,"k.i. mnsMisslonary qociety wiltt tot< al Board of Managers of the cbuircb: taiqu nthliIle basernen t of thbe <'it rcb . 'Last Stundtuv tbe men ei's l'ilble clas M tsî Joui lilvtifI wlîe 1:1Il"""e't î.\Cî int lnt, wtt bspeakers frouA llstenied lu a'ver>' ltt.erestluig talk by en tüute itiiti ltspirobtatinwork Ilt WpllteMlt, v Il spl ta t. 'Iolloî tins. ti4s s lîîttu Itr easnext week. Nlr, 1olliday. omie of lte iembers of ed her-*x~ istiaiiý,î [U-1- ît tv l.r t'ocho i r of thewMetbod isi Ulti itrethe cta-ss llie subJect was 'The Re- Mlua I Brt o ltllîtklii ln b". t.- clat i' uîtlt în a raîttata for Eustt'r latlon of Religion ta ittluesa.' Mr.,i ta oe 'i 'r st'es' iia ev cf-i Ig.anid the ticl . r>lass lilliday catuîasi zed Ille fart t bat re- Mr ;%ti J Mrs W M ,wîî'iiî-ewtrtî' wilttlg in thtei norilinui iiglou Isil aîeek-da>' bitsluotýsas well i in 'î',r, ki..iit] Ill,* 'e. Milrrav 11111 lbas îwî'ît dtsî'ltsrg-' as a Sîuitda% ntei-.le also showed, r Lr NUE e. MLLEL. C. *ADURtAu Rochen P.Q., Jan. l4th, 1915. Ssuffered for many vears witli im 1 toi m i tt, t q ml li Il Yti-t iliii> . aî î.- v î.îît .* .1.1.tof rtîtet.i f .1n.iaI lsm tiliat the rnoî ng powerg blit-lt d i ui ost 1frs\Vi lltwliiiqiof Klifhywho f Ile lrgeina trtriîtg and huaI--i i£ e In digestion anzd Constipationi. I lauta hi 111- , pi Y ' i.il-tti i 'îtta-tnt,. lue t lit rtni-Lît' lt-itî-otf Witt îa tue wr in wo crid'became thin and miserable. 1 bail Mr- antti M1' is i)- (.4.- ' litsliif1 pet i tlit-I iti titis)titiet ing thti-i r re-tig litn %iti t tem even daN's frequent dizzy spells and ber-ame so %fr t' I-t'iii- i ttti -tiii fil as ii ititqý i l tlw-t'ott lititi tti tii-htrt- tit NI it theu îb e k oct-t Ti e rîtn sclagss gained run doitn that I never thought I woulul lie th. -flt-tii titi -îîl :Ii-lf h Nir Rtettî ic lttitts of HIe différent soine splenididrl tatter frttm the address get well &gain. jaz S. î.îibeýd 1 Iitililfit-t 'tS ,\ cti IlIlite omf- j asi Sitîtti>-. tnd are too iîîg forw-ard ,ie et r Fut 1'1tî' I til--t 1itif qt te Ntitillst rrts tit-i'rt-t- f 'df-tr ite hlttiire of f-o îudat- lu the tear fuituire wbeî Mr. A neighber ad-vac i e r Fut - Hollida ' y %n li agaiui atitrt-sa temi.", a-tires'. I did se and te the surptriste '[lit- ('oluinîitis P-esb>-ierIan ('iurcb -of my doctor, 1 began te Improre and tta th- s-ete o a er>jtrttyweditn hadvisedmetogoonwith 'Fruit-a-tires'. on Wtdtîisdtt> tfleritnti X\pril 86,1u continued this medicine and all my wilien MiRsGtrace 'Macdonaldi. orily datînîtîter of flIt-t tiît rp. .Nî aig. Indigestion and Constipation was ami11111111110w as tînititdinii tarriage to Mr. Haroldi ir6IievedI. I aansider that I owe ni y hf-e SFteu"C ,secondîti suit of Mr. anti Mrs. Steptien to «> it.a.tloe a.nd 1 want Vo say te bioI mIf ttrn-asîi. of- Batltore, Ont. "'[ti those who suffer from Indigestion, TOVIUNG CLKR chii~î-t îretili %as1l(ittitii ftl> det-oratt-d for Cntpto rHaahs r Fr t f lie orrasitin i'lTetridi- entereti on tih'Cntetino edces r Fut bantdiv;rtutlino! lier f-itlit-r. anîd Ivori- a gaîvutoo!1 a-tirves'. Cive L 1 oe'Yfril medi-îne t r4 turcyla-ni ot t sse-1111 tii- soie aînti sititow afoeir ck anad yen wi1l get well the b tolaci dztigg ae w-llt ibridiîveilrautatit %wit li Mme na I did". sp las lbîictlng t e Car ot Coinloi 1 f tbe îi anx sd carrieti a tbouquiet of ORIN GAUDREAU. StrKeni;therma. jlritial rose-tu Stit-tnas aitentiet ieîr , ~ ~ *Yt4onccïThe 1916 Gray Dort is essentially . i'- i - sslutta McKeIlar, of Toraot- 5oabx ,~r ~ as,2 a c;fortble ar- ton hlo carrit-ti iiik races. '[be grootti At ail dealers or sent postpaid by lcaî dtii cmmjoetmb la of sîtutporter!il.t%' apI Stemin. of the -Frulj;-a-tlves Llmlted, Ottawa. type trammiiuio3 b1-a1b,. peay t5111 î itatiîîn, Brantf-ard. Messrs. i - fàeda o,-wilsd 1mat, ad ltg room both back a»d front. IW R. Ratlifie anti 0. MeCtlotigh aclet ii reverse; thsee. - ecOmfortable te, because ef il. 50 Inch lsistîshers, nîille Miss Ada Me.cçtIll I KI NqAIý, qurater floti"a'mr auwe internai es.fuI cantilever Rpringa whlch make It one ottgh plaY>edtihle mwetiIg mare-it A NIr. anti Nirs. Fretierlck Harbron tit pandinl &m- O f Ibe cauiesî u-ding cars on the market it large îtittîter o! frîtnds asseimhled ln Inottice tf-lie arrîst' aofi' lteir udoltiti ituiiesiZl -aY Price, tihe chiîrrhIo a -itthIe ceremtont>. Idîlfthter, Elsie Florentce. toINIMr. lar- aba iri;;. an a 11M .price., SM0inawltin resch of nmcml ,I ntirl nas perfarnieti hi>-the brIde.s r>' fluckeftt.oit Wetiustiay.Aprîl112th. mm ir-Nom-..ia.Sec tlam«* ar ai eurshowroomns. fater The receptîiotiw-as tteld lunfte q1i ~ t1mainause. n-hett a fen- of the imumediate Nlesrc;. [arbroîî Broq. solti a f f YW relatives umet atnd panf-ook o! thbe led- îdsaef1>.rligîîe er.l ètm n w b4 0 dling suiper [Tie lîreseula were rnany 1 Mr. Taylor. of Ashurn. for a fane>- amok a ro« inattd hîeattifuul, ibat given bythie con- jfigure.'[the> ltave a utîniber o! ottiers ;tregR4iout consisiiig of one dozen each sîtîl Ount baud. #011acb hadbei cliver klves. forks aud spoons. one liaI!hal dozen de-ssert spooîts, three large jRGA r, ectk- poons anti a butîter kitife. The' bride,.NMr. thos. Siatunton, Wbesîon. Ill., tavelleti lu a dress and bt o f navy spetît Stuuday wItIt relativ-es bere. -h t with olti rose. Afier a short Mrq. Jas. Barker visited l it Brooklu lîoneymoon MIr. ami Mrs. Bîirwash re- one day last w'eek. trned to Celuiubus fer a few days be- Mr. and Nfrs. C. Hodgaon, o! Oshtawa, fore Ieaving for their home lu Alberta. sDent Stindav.i*'. ioti <orne tel and mAt- îilîimrar l- for-e plrclîn.mîîî1, ~..' W " ~Ait I lu 'l-tai e ë gre a n i ili <mil JSONES & <60ODNOW New For EBAST ER New% (Jlasfor thieladies, Neîw T1ies fi)r tie boys anîd men. 1iiuv! New Stock of Hats Cand( Caps just to haîid for Ea8tcbr. W.M.Lawrence Brookl.in, Ont. SEED POTATOES FOR SALE. Thle Literary Society hela their de- Seed'pottoe fro. Gvernentbaie ou. "Resoîv-ed ibat It would have Setti iottee fiotu Goerueutbeen bétter fer the British Empire and seed. Eanl>- Ohio and Camerons. GoodHuîmanity tf Gre-at Brltaln had net en- qutalit>-. Order eart.-. LAimteti amoutut. tered the War,' on Tiuesday ef at Fý J. L)uff BrooklinOnt-4 week. The captaîns were: For the * negatlve aide, Mils Stauten, and for How'à This? lte affirmative ailde, F. Nottingham. We effer One 1$ udîed DollIars aewai-d forTh'le negaîlv-iade won by a maJority. se fmm aiCatarrhî Ibal cannott ha ure!Of67 Point#. au-3 aCatarrii Cure, The people efthiis village wiah to liau'st-Vatrh Cuve bu be en . lcea bl-oaltrh extend theil' -sympathuy te Misis A, muqmaforthle Pait hit-t-Ove years, muid a Cmtarrt- Ra ' trltcm eets t re te cm <1~athe Mumu meeb, ex ù the b Posnfrthébf5ioand hmsllus om lsma eoilMu. e -bioo *feud gav tke a i tldaits rfrHeeit eg P j.* CM UN R & CO.. Toiedo, Ohio. ___ Soid by ait Druggia, 75r. ___ ateedpaint, Mis MYRTLE.su em p MisaeBrclay, e! Port Perry, aDent the weekende with Misa Conroy. ac iv r e Pte. F. and Mra. Moore. eof(Oshawa. c i r e spent Sotnday with lte îermera brolli- Canada. er, Mr. Frank Moore. Mr. Thos. DuR andd mens heM ttelr annuai wood bee on Thur.day of laut h outht to b. week, a21er whieh the. evening homr were flided wîth fly-ing feetit td susn Mmr. 5,Town 41.4 at bha hone tuif q 8 ~ 1 Tonawanda muthebmnutof et wI.Mn Town lived haire.sornteyean "0g. Md leaves a boit t « emi tde tm nuhbaraty& W~u demisé. j, î ). 0ow A number fra h er. attenie* Ith* tmuerid of the lats Jodies almaer, ut ter. The. foUowttla he1hMareh reput o!m Myt Pubie cbo0 St. IV-Wohs rt om ltea. m« Lae. To ~r.IY-5Iea Snft, IJ Butch.. Violn ltgbi ii~vl. TeiI Ilatltbur, 'in, her $,ad berea'rdment of heï stater, at IMiddlgen1te -té-hieh bshe waaý calIedarné iune ago. Qute s4 numbeÎ r'tom bere attended the marriage.ot Misa Hatg ln tbç Pres- bytýrian Ctiurcb, Coltîmbus, on Wed- nesday of last week. S. S. NO. 2. WHITBY. wee éo' 1iimoe lad trledeverythîng suzrgeuted witbout help. One si-e- nlng I remit about VInoI and decided j 4t..Td& youg e & -e la...I p. Gien Dhl P Farm waa lte aeee f ait me t eto tMgltadtd-1- ravorftbry KfOwtt ere, and ail jota lit Inteestng ale on. Wenesa ,the arn a well m mii. The sreness is al congrattlationis. *.'[ey wlll resde fil 5tb Inat., wheu Mark Holliday's farm gone from my lungu. 1Ido net have an>v stock and Implements weire seld by eough and baver gahned fifteen puds. auetlon. There waa au n itistially - FRANK HILLMÂN. SPEU-'IAL ONE WAY FAR1tIS TO PA- largè attendance, and higbi prîces pir- 1 We guarantee Vinai for chronic ICCOS PII>T AL valled. 13y Mr. Holliday's retîremen t. couohq, celds and bronchitia and for ail ( IFIC C APOINTS1D1h. Mr. B. E. Wallace geta fuît possession weait, run-down conditions. U"I PI 4h «t the Gien Dhit properiy, wbicbi lie A- fi. Alia. Dajitat Wbtthr %f Tîtose contemrilatEng a trip totj>acifio' Purcbased more than a year ago. C_________ ___ (oasat points, Inellot*n VictorIa.I.C. M iss Dow, a former resident tof Iitis Vanrcouîver, B.C.,Sïmttle, Wash.. Porit- section, was ai neyent vîsttor luit te KINSALF. land, Ore., etc., shotild cousuit Cana- nelghbor-hood. Mr. 'West of A.sltbtrît, preaited Itere dflan Pacifie Ticket Agents for parti- MNrs. E. J. 1Ilack lias returned front on Stinday last. His sermnts are ai- [dulars for low fat-es inu effet daiiy tuntil CollIngwood, n'bitber site was c.tlîit w Nays apprerlated by is bearers. Apîril 4tb. lasi week by the deatb of hter iiiiîii. Many of the farinera art- îlot1r ____________ George Pearce wbo, wlîhblits famît%, rîlled wltb labor for thîs seasou's olier-- moved m tb ts section recelîîly f-mm : ktdons. we fi-a'r any of tem w il p esi.lwa 3 r. Highland ('reek. la flndlug time io simpfly bave 10 ptay a ltue Iîtud t bis$ O nuake souti nîrovî-tneîîts tiefori' hecîn 'season. niug sp)ring work ou the tand. NMost ofrlthe farruers have dlsposed of thêir falt athie and hogs. Prices tire ASHBI'tN. riingiutîigli $8 Io $8.25 for catît-t. RsudLE ýlIf175 to $11 for bog.q. Stirely soute (if- Thle death orccirreti lieneuoi Tîttir,;- oui- farmer friends wilt Iay b>- souie <&NO. F. FAREWELL, kN.C. day last, Apu-il (it, of M-r. Jamels Bal- îîtoîîey.Cuny ronAtomy i four, fl lits 75t1i year, wtîo was weI1i Nrs. Mayne is rcomfortahlv setiediBritr enyConAtre 5 known andti bghty estepinied fil Ibis 1«ir to twi akn are of the County Solîctor. coutuniy. he lie ame Bîtfoîr. cîtot.Office, t5cuth wing Ceuirt House. Whitbl of Astîhîtrî, was boru lun Fifeshire, -' Mark Briguait reports w'nrk comiiig Scotland. anîd camei1to antada lit ltt; t îaysnetesrn isntiei'A .tHIIA willt lte rest o! tîhe family. leSitu ste~a-t la redte pdo aoot Job.F. tut aIA that lime, lié bus resîded hiere anîd mt asstilt. e sraytdoagdjba , onte of lte few lîloneers lfe f !tItis 1 raonbl price.i arse.SlctrNe, eol P. linMfe aIgbe iggdlt Nr, Sullivan wilt reiualît villi lis f-tr i.rig.Socla %t'Cih P, puloic Afhole hiug for ait eîig a a i'otîîer season at leasit. Office, Brock SL. Opp. Standard i3anit. tîtbli shoo tacbngforn eut yars l,ouiîa Rogers retuirned frot the rit>- Money te Lean. lie becante Idîttilo-id a tIl lthe ol-îltîatoth weklit i' thc Satt tea bîisinî-sq of Balfouîr & %Ilarf-n, e:urly titis week again.ts ARI ELCNS8 or Hamuilton aud Toronto, r-t ttlnilig Ibis MNr. Chas. 1Letgettbas inove-lts YOUNGE MICE. <I.. Connerîlont 111 il wittitiî a year o! lusi efforts over to tte Moore farni a« .YUGSIH LB b M1fi Nr. fBalfour îvas ait t'lder litai the' B3urns' Presbyteniaî ii hi rcb of st-- su tîtiri and for many yî'ars was avtive tdelngbueopsieMtoi lit aiîalb ehol wok hre Hc wft-Cburcb. No witnesses required. and foutr daîîgbiers striîve tfim: Nrs e Klrkpaîrick, of! Saskalaoît: L,11 tif. o Le(thltridge: FlIorence, o! Untty. S'ask.. DENTAL andi Aniue ai home. 'Ilie fritmailotok* tIare on Montiay atfternoon. servir(e beiug held lu Burus' ('bitreti. lniterinî'n Harry J. 14î'dson, D D. S., L.D. S. heing- made lu Astbutrn itîrial grtttd. O*Sceart .Aae thp )Prtved ies.Office, Duindas Street, opposite Pout liteMOD1ý; leeedos.Office. *13Bel phlone 122, 'd ALMON fis UHJtII f NuT. IG'reenwoôd.. We wigb hlm siew -Clarence Richardsonî has been aura tig a eavy cld, ô - f ais. MIS jsle Plekett, who bas beeaIli'- lng with Mr. and Mrs. Pred IRarbeoa for several years, was tinited ln at-. rnage to Mr. Henry Duckett on We<hi4 day last. 11ev. Mr. Totten tled *kq Mlrs. Wut Carru-lters. af Markhi,î spent Suinday ai Mrs. 1). Carrulîtera'. Mt,.4qEtith Kempthorne entertaineti thé chtoir oun'[lîuîrsdaày utghît act - Miss E. WiIIis visited wittt her sister livre ov er Suinda>-. 'Tle Ladies' Aid met a( NMr%. Fred aow-e'a on Wednesday last. Thte afler- îîoou w-as sîteut ln qullttng aud kiuttl- ing. Ir. P. Mason la apenditis a few days ii lits houa- here. Mr. Joe Astîby made a fling vi.sit to 'oroiito ou Tuesday. POINTS TO CONSIDER WHEN PUR- CHASING A RAILWAY TICKET. A Canadian Pactli Railway ticket dees net represent merely a menus of transportation between giron peints. It ln addition, provides the traveller wltb every comfort and convenience, developed by modern mailway science, "SafetyFrt<" with up-to-date equip- metun altd dlnlng car service, palatial slééplt cars, ln a word, evey-. tbing that a ftalw&ay cun previde fer the comfortable tranéporation of Its pamaengers, inclulng ccurtesy. -42 euar- ., the aint lit of Tii.unil butmure 416 Theud bu melative witli the.pleasamt a"e 8 1 9l you are billons or constipated RexalI Orderlies Reo7 Your System m c UanBs B stone M w~rlnsed wlth ioldoprtngwater 15k. and 25C. bome at the. RuaitDr.g StoresO0*. A. H. ALLIN The rtexal store Wbitby, Ontarie. g 'J".'0 , ua *E. W, Sisson,,eg Dental Parlers over Allln'a drug store. Whitby, Ont. Office hoiirs-9 tô 12; 1.30 t.o 8 Phones, Bel], 87; Independeut IL. BLAKE B. BEATOýd, Leue.8., 0..e Gradinate of the Royal t'olleg,'p <f Dental Surgeons aud utsiv$irsity of rureWto. Office over W. M. t'ring le'. hbarlwarestore Ofioer-Otiit12;j h3. utPbeme le Ofic 1euu liuPhon'l 20. THREADGOLD BItOS. Altorationa e»d Repidre. EFlUsT OLAS5 WO«r. OUAUzA1. Corner Walnut and Kent St Telephone No. 132. Every ounce of every' pound, of ail the white base -in every can, of, B-H " ENGLIS$H" PAINT contains: 70% cf BrandramsB.. GOenuine W-bitc Lead.and 30%Pure 0Ojdc-oZinc This propottion -- i bo*lutely - j- SPEGIALORDER frt.uIFHMOnu ttd., ;'~ :<~ "t a j-' Vo ICo ASi Cur Dru Bro< Ttil Scii r~ Egg aud-SIt t sittal i -oo. gra t em-itu are' the hi, de;iî.ery e Bell phi inte the Si star& hew J. Ilt Carpett Plans irai Sasit, doe Agent t Box 467 M ari Issuer of Coiner d Né wttUE -WhItI, Reai voatae Rena ima F termI i Bet lli... il MI . M.1 aga ItîLA~ ApRiL lâth. igie.

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