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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 27 Apr 1916, p. 6

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tile Sprlng Meet Péo6le Nxced lp i'A'tn tVAQc$WM4* SAY8 TO %ILL Tonie Medicine. MORE GÉRMWANS. One of the surest signs t.hat the blood fiq out of order les the pimples, unsightly eruptions and eczema that l'amous Prieut Renewe lis Att.acks on corne frequent'y %ith the' change froni Those Who Would i4pare wintpr te s4pring. These prove that teEey the lonig indoor life of winter haq had teEey Its effect opon the biood, and tha t a 'Kili Gerînanq if you wouid win the Lonle miedivlne laneedted to Pikk jt war," continues to e tite soguin u, right. Indffed, there are few people the Rev.. lBernard Vaughan, priest whi, do fot' nee$l k tonic at this sea- militant, of London, England. Father soit. lad lîlod doocatnot merely show Vaughan recen'l y answered another Itseif in dblgtrinbg eroîstions. To this clergyman who th ou ght i t wae a pity Same Condition is (lue attarkq of rheu- to kilt so niany Get-mans by saying: matîsin andi lumbago; the sharp stab- .In my blundering atupidity 1 had bing pains of scistica and tieurnlgia; thought it a plty to miss St) Many of Po>! apiet ite nod a desîre to itvoid en exeri.ion. You cannot cure these trou- I aeiseo enls es ble b t1v se f uantive nnicin paper Fat-her Vaughan returns to the andnoIng lCt'i atoiin a e on@ ,c harge with the folliowing: aRnd snîn:ll mr. i Pink thee 15foe There are two extreme echeole of cairn ir Wllas'PnrvUIs for thought respectiag this life and deat.h ther fnie lie-gvin, nrveresor-'truggîle cahîcti warfRre. The milîtar- rine mlço-or ne. , . ch blseod thnichdi- s sd pýcifleists are poles spart in '-~rîn' mlte ne, iehiclod hîc teir teaching about war. On the tlrivv"n out lnpurit.its, stiniulaW's every tOne hsnd, while Prussian war lords nrgan anti 1'îink-" a feeling (if new eotwrob n nla1)0 hvalth Oiec'g to weas, tireti, ail- iak'on wrtob nt ny i- ing on,-%vnwnand hilren Ifyoulntrivnal nesesity," but sîso the "reli- are ou t of sorf g ive t his niie4l(,! lue ion o ivacor, the Society of Frienuls,1 triol itîsul ~c~howc quicktly it will ru'- ne tht' other hanci, declared that 1no-' stori' li'th(, i-c ru-vive cit ot]Tl t1liîcg tan jut ify 't'he rcpelliîsg of! epl-it~,tutIiit 'en"lis itl ~ fonto. The German i 3ernhRrdt would henir g'c c i t- icl u en ýi noswords. and Vruu gi i'c rc' hu"u'l'lIt ro the Russlan Tolstoy would, on the Vid ou vai I,f r îcc vmil aI frcî cents cirarv, t rush .svords loto plough- mediiiif t ýir ivr I-ct-U *crv$mai t fflr ts l. cai<a. \lague n both your houses, a iDr ix'coti,cn0' ît1 , p ro c'The 1. etwveen the.cte opt-imistit- anti Ont. llnlcetflttc iews about the right tu fight ihu-re s s thîrd clasa maie up tf p'opilo liki' the 1Rcv. Pr. Muver atIl tht' Rm-v.Ntwsham nTaylor, whle tnd A Ci.» boi cousR.M.C.CommanÏdant à'aSie acw'lo- uncheon or ~ftt-4h-th~tr 0 or a h-Y ~ old' lAme wheri the appetite craves. someth4 gdiffe- ent" is TRISCUIT, the' Shredded Whole Wheat toast. Heat it in the oven to restore its crispness, then serve wîth butter, soft cheese-----> or marmalades As a toast for chafing dish cookery it is a rare delight. It is f'ull of real nutriment. Made in Canada. FROMl SUNSET COAST. c I ~~~necesssary to grip and exti-act a- bul . itî'lat'hue i',tc icnrc Deliclous 'ai icm )isg iishuid l'oimon n -gard tht' jprescrit European %Var as aole fci let, and a great deal of damage might itmsay ive witb efcasuaîeta C, s's.10111 ii tornsticîiial footbiall mat ch, iilhngawolu' acs3- odone if somethîng that was net c in els a ao y s fi. uhamd- \,týth th(, tcttîng on our sidu-,and \'t'rnon property iis assessqetlfor , cine la J3alniy's 0w-nr'['ablets.heThey are A Cf('ulnti mcNf,\v corr' spor)ifinl wth tht hlope bhat nicne of iho pay $4,042,753, a slight Inereat;e over 1915. IM-L,0N.PR AU wapikdualn wthheblt. 1.4il te ouh ýni wllbehadycel;Accordingelyneof mnig theSu blades ofinly te la thef hefforceps ha i abortive Crnic-uttac k mciitcl rl'iic .Te at hi olcs nconvention fosr une veek early in evho has breeaaaPPOttdmnaan iii. hy ndiivr oloer ief thé fRoyal Milltary COU'ege * are attached to an electric bell, which fantti he a mrhy ee alt caver cf ga tbt'ir snl~'itutio fo my wolfar . keep Julingsonwlti theo ank of colonel. onîy rings when beth the blades are tcthbtyfrîthemierl-sf -On S;iiitlîu s- r\ s'inLt111-w or '1ccîc emiictling me hom, ilI bt'su-ming 1,(,- Sing w-as fined $75 in the Vic- c fltherto ho bats bSeen on acti.ng touching the bullet. Therefare, il the batyhood nd chahoi Ot wen arciîi hib hu ("ian wu't'cccI.ia'.tiçal lipts it bu 1cm givçe the turiti Police Court for- keeping on c commrandant. bell le made tu ring whlle the bdes " ohasuerthm m olc s preparirig ()ttciiick, andcil aIl ight Miii' ce te -ill ;ernsan-l.' opium joint.- are bebng openad te grasp the blot, n othe r m'dîcin.Tyrgl long the lbig triios chiud u,% were làit Fraser Ilîttel at New West- ht and if the bell continues te ring %'vhen ositin senîling t1ic'gr shells roaring oNk'r Mist (to On Killing ('ermana. m"i-ter w-as recent'ly solti ont by teC r Bod s n thete le ssienthn lecn tehn ay our hethe bulletsltheeizednnot'hingt elseica1constipation;orexpebyWOh-T iheanti.m!le ourhu'ducbowrcî th Gemans .u't sciîsoe Iarnexpcte bytuhs sarlT. 1have been plcked up beside the 'u c cine dealer% c aftiir dawic a cl<ious fragrance c'a', sebool tif thought to exhort our A motion te estat'lish a dog tax at Miracuious and there la no danger la pulling it out box frani The r llaîsMdcn noticed, w ftei loîsg ty a gc-rctlle rtînsanct tbkil! tht'ni. Mr. Bernard Langley îvns lomt in the count-il isy a The surgeon using this instrument can Co. BrokvIllOn nortls.weac!.cre7.e. The perfumeOof Shaw lius remninded me that there bu vote of q ta 4. therefore not oaly see whalb ho is do-rcve Il-a! ', vet'ailstanding it n d ati oeur way cf eesding the war be-1 Bridge Foreman Johnsson bas a ig ut- --n fth elh a slllac! 1lier DTELSrOesODE. , itinglIn Ic'îutiful ecent whertbsth ici's tmhit of killing Ger-man,and crfew of 28 men at warl ntcw on the A.aAYE TLL 0 W NDR în, u rtmeane of tebeleh ra.y " rqe scene chz.nii-d. The' O. C. caimu-nag- thnst c' to end it by killing Eagliah- newv Goat River bridge nt Cres-ons. FUI,. WORK 0F DODD'S KID- piece of metal that he la wntchin g the "Idts pecvo.Doyuhnl lng îltng atntd ahouting sonsetliinie isn mo. My attitude toward the war There were 2ktR birthct, 95 ceaths. NEY PILLS. points of bis forceps atuttmpting to you could do a ~I o ci b. coheru-ntly nacolit goggles, Tlsc, nct' oc ay lie summed np in a very simple catnd 94 marriages in the city cf Van- ___ pick up frorn among the structure respect as fate-tis? moment bbc abhoIe regzimont gri l t, sylloizism. It bu this: vouver during the month of March. deep down belaw the skin. c Prhaps v, nt h tuî as and every mcîîc xas fumlibog frenzicci- Wnrfare mens killinir the troope Work will bo begun immediatcly on He and litq Wbfe, After Years of Doc- The instrument bas been ued with 'Stîll, 1 shoniu iot oîrtn ly for bis% goggles«. When t-ho govgl,'i tcigbtincg against yen. the construction e! a plant for the torlng, Found Qulck Relief atnd Per-1 succese in a number of cases, but it lonking as shabya erce. were adjusi Cm relief came grndtîally But the troops fcghtiicg against ucnt'eatnsunt of compl-ex ores in Nelson. MaetCr nDd' inyPla sEiluo t ra;ltro twl but surely. Then the order came 10 are German.j During the past wintes- oves- 4.000,- mnetCueouDdde ine ile l til uposbs til; l, ate n w ili put on gas belmots, and a few min- Ther-efore, the w-ar for ne means 000- feet cf loge were taken out at the Caporal Jonction, Ont., April 24th.- jor, not thîs beautiful theory will stand utus later a white mist camne towstrds killiag Germnans. Crumws Nept Pa"a Lumber Cons.jany's (Specia.)...Borderig on thle iiacua the toest of actual service conditions.Lcy us. It was about twelve inches high, About the major promise Mr. Shaw carp. lotis is the cure of Mm. A. Sawyer, of 1V apears to have given good results Ki-iss-Whatddyugt u ] but gathering vplume front the Ger- ancd mystelf sre iin comploe agree- 1u: Sontb' Vancouver eleven China- thla place. For ten yeares he wae an la experimental work, but the real yOur aunt's e-,te mon tronches. Wieus it reau-hed us iL nient. It le witih the.t4nlnor premnise man, gardeerss, are asking $2.500 iavalid. Five doctorg fatiled Vo help test will ho when the instrument' Kross-Af terstln hicu h was a wall of grey-greeîs vapor. But that w-e seeni to 1w quarrelllng. IL la damages they alleg'e to have been dorie him. When he was a complote wreck, cornes to be used by others thon lnwyes- blew met1 oc inrai the fateful msoment,.- sped by, and now not quite clu-ar whether he pute Eng- Vo their gardons by tube floods. and unable lia walk acrs- hie roin, those who have carx-ied eut the investi-i loaned me $5. we wre reailig gspigly. li3menwhee 1putGermans. No, There has% been received att thse beodecidod tu try Dedd's Kidney Pille. gations. "Pees-ing ttsrough aur eye-pieces, w-e doubt tube pre-German pute Eeâ-Cus-t flouse, for the Grovesrnent ex- Six boxes o! theza made hlm like a descried perhaps a hundred Germaisa men whero I 'put England'is eacmy. hilst there, a pure white cock phea- new man. U1UI~fCls elimbirig their parapet atnd coming 'Se l.hat the conclusion te be drawn svtt, f rom tise Kelownà district. - "Yes, I sufÉ mffiten yeaiÉs,' Mr. Rough ou Da&.Ee nimdb xo stumbling ferward, waving their c froui the prernises depends altogether A new ta-affle by-latw in Victoria la Sawyer sald fla *peaklag of hie cure. Frn' motiter t.ook isim to a con- Sasen.fm auidI rifles. Our machine guru wes-e spot- 'upon whlch sida you are ln tise figist. te the effect that pedestrians muet "'The doete, of 'ifhomi I trled Aive al- ' Y. ESmîtl terlng bulots nt the, rate of four hun- As It le as etear as noonday te me 'net cros %the streets at bntersectigna, together, couldn't give me any per- 1Juise eml b o ne a e c mrnesedy <~ MeE.Conr.At ilred a minute. Before he hatd geV jtisai w'e have entcs-ed laVe thie devats- bu 'only ab deeignated creessingat. marient relief. 8ome said I had riseu- wnesh a. Thteeig avIn igpol*Ti bwenty yartl f rom bis trench the last tating war w-lUs a clear conscience The announcexnent ine*made by thse matiain, others called it lumbago, but tet ersh saw. Druggng, IsîauMufn.ms21. Germoin w-as down. and dlean bande, I sm satisfied thiit C. P. R. that dusrig the coming surn- I got steadlly worse. "Fter I ish i w-au a m9g'cî n." >l- uor.CkNu "Alatt once' one became aware ef we must go on killing Germnse un- mer ne lîquor wMIl be sold att the rm- «AI muet say I w-as a complote wreck c Fte,1ws 1wsamgin dark mass o! mon surging slong. til w-e have reacheti the number that~ pany's hoteis att Banff aud Lake when 1 stas-ted to take Dodd's Kidney "Do you, sonny?" sali tise fst.her, nywith a salle. "If youi were one w-bat FatisessdSn On they came in loose es-der at a luti- w-bu entîtle us tua dîctate te the enemiy Loulse. Pille. They made a new man of me. wudyudt Teodf >ering trot, probably three os- four coor terme ef peace and Vo save fAluhernsen fs-rmtise Vetider River 1?4 wife got the anie good re- ««tdyu e""heodfaheo oyu1d t hunds-ed, wearlng gus mateke and look- Eus-e pe freintise tyranny, tise kultur andi Stave River report that steelhead sulis froni them. Tt w-as aftfer trylng, "We4l," said Vise oy rt andghtllyhe 'deO ryewrdliefUrsat. lnR tike glant toada. O! t h0 sspet'man Wit'ishie super- salmon are plentiful and have been sev"-ritl dotes-and a atsosltf-,m anId tri ou. itito avratanti al tise ",'ulti ierahycia "Thon, Just before our eyes, tise State. W, have dravus the sw-erd Vo eaught ia large numbers in tise lest Soult Ste. Marie, who advtmuêd ber Vt L niwo the hv alkt ob; "hui o aLrmme ia leading Gos-wans stopped, twisted sud pronuct the neutrsltty, ind.peudance,c two weokg. etay lu bed a mentis, that eh. decîdedtieo-f.siedbyhd neo tell, and w-e were tee hoarise, to and atutonomny of tise aealler Euro- To fal s distance of eventy feet tue t&Y DOddts Kldney Pille.-Bisa tOok FOOD FOR BATTALION. ths thougistulodfehndft- cheer as the terrible machine guas 1 peau klngdoms, and. It la our rooted snd still livo la tise experience o! Ed- a dozen -boxes la .11 w-ith splendid re- In tise prltba- as-y a tuttaUtono!f r. wiped away thse whole linease a ciild's -deteruslntbon nover tu slIp tbat Word ward T oen, w-ho w-as employeti on cla ebtspas odsE<ay106murqi-sfrtadlysa w-et liard wipenu away a row of figures it ta scabbsrd siaalu ilI EurTope Ï18the Goverumeat grain elevator att tise Pilla.No oeecan spoa&,tee bighli dtons 686 twe-poftid d aae127-pounde on a slate." . s-d of îLe menace te liberty, justicet fot of Salisbury Drive. 1joft Viemi" 1etfbaoon, more than si Doaua ersait sud cbvilitation. Kamiloops people are taktn# hqld Dotde Kidney, Pil118e aVe a meord an~Ud er 13 po»bof pppe, to Miisard'a LinimetC. Lmtd LO.9 0F LI VES IN WAR. To th,@militas-uV, th,'who el dsOR<da. rtiga~ovton o! is.Westwhehernd ~rUr w-hch 1»' In n patstohsoaghI oLdeane.Iud -warfare as Vthe hlglest expression oflleina e da -r e ue Altiue23- wis25. athe Dô unayln pase la aIl iawto! AL"NÂRDn'S LINIMEN"T, ant meVcurce permanortly icapacitated fs-en thé o! phyuical evil; aid Vo th~e pacifiet t 18 V iat. b intes-rVu-nsWbtra m mme Btf. oe arnoewliuV war are 2.000,000 for the Entente coun- jw-ho conte"duthat ,sehing caust y1frei tlumnva-oeplacer-ua t Mieet ou- efly tris an sd1,980,000 for tise Toutonic war, I1s-.ply Viat there are occasions I -ese obtainetà@ii F1ortisai e e diision TE CU',iNe8 ANGUAGE. or) " iat la.t a'ght tiat L-.. awgeak ct 1f alliés,gasys tise New York World, The wtoelLyen mmuet make us* of the w-r postc i'p.osa4 4eýyen. I w-ondes- wbat Proports t o total population are 0.7 *hysicil evl-c*Wsrfre-i-n Os-der- to res-' rovia en ins t1e d>f #e10,-dThsePope! blaD NitUd-tstl.ug f per cent. for Vthe Entente equntrbes support- soin.greaf moral eau»e. lanretÂnrmd isa beon sttmaeti a $10, 1.7pe- on.~Gerisy,1. py sin goa ~ __The sawexsilt at Cascade, eniplo$ïng shows ée W. d 1t* k ites WIVII Wuea 1 - cent.; and Fs-ance, 1.3 par cent.Lt ege.e ie -thttis gnu- i"swtI -stm oetouattavulrliCd. soaainly b_ t#aa. ts-lgm> herbtuand . ff 0 once, h basagod su»ly oetli,#, eeptepd1 Istu tl by Air AU%a4e1 ?he*, R iP%5m . stu~ o wat" eadlt 'me aagit* a .ruoe I t e.1*fA e=a4t 14,til W eII I ~ ~yuIIt tbis1*a tar- reiter «I1 tht b god ,taofetnt it.I opium o taiisi,- sud uatmeeting. W W eéi tlaut sepec ea nover la P LondToWon,~l. e1,whess-mi e~ W.tk get i*y ftMib fsebasaete, Maýb-O wA bUt lhbbUilding brain sud ofet 1»t7 -lnsu5t ebwiaya iisp ttos l êW0~I~SE W , ftm ý tl»,drd ie 4t e eu- l-o1a*-iltt4a *idd AmiIcu ad - nt M4Mil <,3a5or~~e' . a1..ent.lalw 14 u - S ý , U .1* b ,* th* oietoMéIÏbi tutu ToOiUei= Ëôur, fromn whîch tley are throvm, ouIn -the inin boi rAolnXlY. C H H E EI S E FACTORY EOITLERBS Shafting, Hlaugir.s, Pulleys. (>rateus. Lot uA figure on your req uirements. ýNFfatie Ironi Workq, Ltd., Napaîiee. ,NTS .qNTlTO JIANIDT.,ID orrapid s.l)ing -ipeelaltlef;. Enor- mnous. profits. Armie Supply Co., Klilga- 1TAN TED -LATIMACIINLSTB YVand roPtterWToolmakersDamo jOPqr"ators experienced on the larger aSie obeila. Phoeno or wire appictiîsP"-. ferred. B. Rell & Son CJompany, LUI. St. George. O11t. 1f ACM1lIT'P , ITTER.4, T)OL- miuakerm. hentiy men, aiso raptatore experlpeed on shol&. hni. iw1î. or Write. B. Biell & son Comnpany, Ltd., St. (leorge, Ont. P ROIT-MA.KWtGNEbWS A t.QP A Offices for sale Ili good Ont 0 towne. 'l'he oult uas'ftu 1and inteëâtUC of ail blislnesses. FullI nformation' on appllcation toa )VIllmn Publitihlng Conl. pany. 7 W.et Adelaide Streot, Toronto. M PIL NtSF91S NI EID MAY 19T. Eiceptional asivantages - Siodevm urnes' Home. fully eqiuipped i C1a" Roome; eilght heurehdu;.aIWli- of $6,00 por month with- iunhÇoramo and -teXt blooks atter taîree months Pro4- tionary period: two yeare or -hIàh echool requtreti for -entrance. Fosr flii particlb:iadds.~reee Mien 1iretertkà~ UaiefrBterllteii4ent of Nurse», bit,~ C.ltrpaland externat. cured.W eurt Duan byor ~4tsiet'WI us befretlae. Dr.-Bisilmaa MIIOal *Why suffer wltii Rheunttistti tllili-- bago. Lame Bacit or pan of suiy )ais4d when "Oversees" Liniment wil cure you o The J.illhest Girade Linhrneflt -made Guïr*ýateed., Bond nt once. b'amiy otita A l Kl o w t . P Ce CI htto-es.MdN .12 vuum uu*ï i -- 'B' j Ti - 4'~~ il NWyAÀw to 1EXIRACë tflILLET Electrie Bell Rligs When Bullet lse Reaehed by Instrument. tuhe war han brought into being Màny. ingenlous pieces of apparatus, designed tL) aid the British surgeon in hie dilicult work. Soin. of these instruments are much tee coniplicated ta be descrlbed la the pages of a lay journal, but there are others the value of which can be appreciated readily by anyone. Among these is the telephone probe, of whlch a good deal has already been heard, and now a bullet extractor bas been introduced with the object of facilitating what, le eften a tedlous and difficuit operation. Thie bullet extractor has necessarily been con- structed to meet definite requirements. In the first place, the operation is per- formed ini the dsrk, the bullet beiîig visible by the shadow thrown bY x- raye. In the second place, thse btîllet must be remnoved with the toast pos- sible danger of injury to important structures. In the third placp, the op- eratiion of removal muet be made as easy as practicable. The flrst object has been secured by fittirg s fluorescent screen to the api- parattus in such a mianner that, if an X-ray tube be placed under the bable and the room darkened, the shadow o! the bullet and of the points of the forceps will be visible continuously. But- the solution of one difficulfrv in thie case raisea another-that of the- darkened room. Cutting instruments cannot be used unless tuhe surgeon can see what he la doing, and as this in- strument bas to woik ln the dark it le constructed with a blunt point tuhat will work ts way down betwcen structures, eeparating without doing apprec lable damage pressing struc- bures aside rather than through them. A very powerful pair of forceps i.1 SCMiDAL IN KUN WARt LOAN. Goveranuent mEjted the Savings % -Batiks. The London Telegraph'a Rome cor- rgspotld#ùt uys that, according to in- direet int6rmgtion froin Berlin, Dr. Llebknecht disclosed a fact of consid- erable gravity durmng the sitting of the Retcheatag on April 8 regarding t.he latent Gernian loan. The President, Ministers and Deputies alike made the most determined: effort% to pro vent Dr. Liebknecht froni speaking, and the censorship prevented the newspapers froni pubiishing anything about il, i>ersonn iin Gerniany do flot know, or know oniy imperfectly. what Dr. Liebknecht snid, but grrut fear pre- vails in Germanv that tq. rover the Joan the Goveroiment emptied the Favingq banks aidkindred institu- tions. The ten milliard Joan i,; a colossal mystiffication. andl Liebknerht wouid seemn to have disclosed this in the Reichst-ag ini tw, or three sen- tences heard in the turnult. After the-sittiog t was made im- possible for Dr. Ick'uttu corn- municate with any newspaper. 'ihcre wns a dernand for hi- ai rcst', but the Goveornment was ari to take this step, fearing the indigniation of the %vorking classes, h' savings had 1)VVII commaniepreîl. The conclusion tu' n ýdi awri frrm ill l b,)Ve i'; that it xvili bu impossiblu for Gt-rm-any to <bat. any furtheýr os) fi. Lchors of the sý-arîcia1 Mus have reached Atstria-Ilungary, and! wvill have a prejudiciai effect on Atis- tro-Ilungarian borrowi'ng. THE HEST MEDICINE FOR THE B4B The best mf-dicinv for the baby is the onc thnt nfover fails to cure andi The Journal of the MIchigan Atate Medical Society couiment"-tus lu a recerit isque: "Symnptotfli of arsenical ,<,1eoning fre very similar îo thcxçe of choiera lfffantti.m: undoubteffly a niunîer of vaesof choierat Infntîîtm ývere readly cage-, of arsenicali polsimnig. but deutli. if octurring. Was aitributed to choiera infnntion. ""VV re Pen t. a rqen cal 0y deFitroyllW de- vices are dianscerons and sheuld be abol- isiied. liealth ofîiclieb slnould become arotised ta prevent fînrtber losA of li10 from thoir source. 0c;r Michicarî Le-gii- lahire. this ia..t ,.ess1 opasad àa hi e ro tiltting the sae of pi sonous Dy 'paterg. The O.'& W. Thum Co. Grand Rapide, Mfidi. (71) A41Distinction.- "Did that firm fail te) pay itS "No. it faile<l go it wouldr't have to pay them." UEUD POTAT0MB f~ED PO'rÀTOE-S. îai O- is bic. . Dsleware, 'rnn O- der at o'î e. Supply llnxlted. W, itie for uoatn.H. W. Dawson. 7Ttrainntofl. S~jcei ,r Nc.e<iips 2C)c. Siîutties 76c. naoh"iR s5c. lO1i4ta ,v.for iîry IMacthine. kSupc'rùc iippiie(-t '.. Hailîiton. ont. DE %D1.) Vit %CR \N( i:ý For Safet9a SuakeU le there within yout hâtiç:e, î anywhero witbiti baby'f5 rs.ib1 a% saucer of areeile ciw~ni paper floatlng in water, ortânf %vith a sweetened pobunfed tvl@ld Durlng 1915, 26 caeeg c01OY poisoning were repôrted irein Il states; lu 1914, 46 cases trinb 14 stateq. FRyooisopikU 101 chjildtren ,as a/I ô</&". Poisans conbitied. # Yet fiy pokion sti ll iët n-. guarded except lu tbe bernes' wliero niothers havç lcal2d that thse sa/'e, vire, iidoi-pisont4s, efficient fly catcher andI de- stroyer is NOULEY

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