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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1916, p. 9

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e t~ - i I., .ariroyed by a German &hall. TiIs 55the piiple of a Cnew - irs. mMCJ>Olitw "ne.T1 OOUO «*îqeîtéhbr arme Iawt1 h sue-lk A lwayu they ind the oîd firemflen tgia lans devld b ns- svotor toi sttmfd.4 1#8 e M forlué aoi f0? - - . EXPEBIETS.thee. Te git"tn«are et I s 1 ut bauk nobbrs *dbold*> MM 1 b tesabb i W*« Weu1 i"ë1 ütn nfC gzt*". EXPRIforN .tho. i. gendarmes aend. fthey odIt a msU s iielCons îd*lScuoua hoAek»th t 1wae i O Be=v do net make their report to-day. tht.hlin tidgbsawmms yIm o.' Mln w êm$ .4ugt41CU~$ Teacis Thiage of Value. -e o îiyucmreet.I hy < t. mmlil . 2.s.,.ge__ a Mank Y14Msepro-,l Whoe ua asnovr adetote1x-- t may well b. matie tcF-mmrrw. )4rMi. Robhor <tuea ite lisetor, or A u. sin >Ma "it .15 bldon pMOUu aIoiMU«q' r poî-inonte! havbngoff es o co e oold firemen,.muefr hurry. Pire la beuk. BHauds go up ailianoun but' EjgjW - Pfl 1 ion t u- j »OU epfr o Is f ata.* As i0jM- ; tire te thon, an eneasy tii be fougbt - omebo4r leanasgaquwor m or, n 5d waMs ia t"s.Umt j--l9' i. q al wry sud drlnklng Posturm, Ih leutilI easy boy:bn emh egn aaatftisep n c.borÏu4iO.nie1 tad hpfla to leamu something about it by readiag du or lu carrWt over Ititeen kilo- bpnubsrdsnnntlt b sta OOW heoa. hscaa. theexerîncs o oheT. itiguamare We ite eeO0!t us th xebne !ohr.metres by a Germain gie. Thse prop- ecutm.i" m5-55<-15 ton yU kef-# Dninkiag Postuma le a pbeasant way erty of their towuuxaen mua et %oArnibr !sl i. ~u~~# t OV~1Si eut o! tes or cotfe. troubles.'- A min uavtsi. 'ris. figint tis* fanes visr.- rtise bandt alaisew1tis pt uish[t. eeadssts*tin wnltes: "My wbfo wax s viet'im o! nervous- ee .hlanngu nt tonart. iebt.m v property tbay cau, 'an th lutiir tut. : etef:b î& rctdg*i iaeru d tw ne&e, weak utemacin and loss of a~pe- alteuerrpr.TsaUyg o iehueti!o tite for yoars, and alihougis w. or boisecfea.,nthat seIn a de*uA,;nls.ek-AUdIbo"ni"sid,. - uorted te numerous metiso's for re- for beatiuartens anti uit for 4tise r tor offie- Uaf,-on'e of whieh wau a tne f rm -ntîas-a. 'leurâlsr'ltêpuOutis it coffee te tee, it wau ai tOine pur-, fRfk5iSt.I- 4 _e areN in-la It w pose.' (Both tee andi cofe. r a-V.lrsl eda jurIons temnay pe"ons, Scau.. th" y Oddly eneugis. tre bave bione tri'q ", à«I a ézmTz uOcàý PO 8.ï , contais' the.subtie, poluonous drug, few -Ofres in Vrdin-. A Preust« w toli ,t-e v-m iaue&4. ceYle>-i. aolIdly bît, fer ou# thiP<. Tb# rSo etwifo w*mf lWe know coffe vas ec.asng thonroofé an. tiledthedii ul r tnu i~rI Él -.-'- - ~- trouble, but couiti not liedasytling i ndtbiq=f rts arehrtoo t t ùAc Wfi«tactt a re 5'tPhI*ê d .ste te tae. is place until vs tried Peu*-. *<ojueJbajy bure uwitl ih b.dbe hsl.Wg eudu u %aw4s bii tusa. Withln two veeks Sft<?Si.spi wes'a'h*e is doietw albpsase habb5 quit coffe. anti began uslng Postuls eg lsil pI-ouls..w ck*b eof ' ~ -<~ aimat m&Uo! ber troubles b.ddlap.'Mort#r tisa n iopiut lueSy p pics. wbê o« peareti as If by magie. lu w-me truiy'-be quenthod inlis b. stulp um a. But ,wonder!ul. Rer zi.rvousnua as cgo, the. .14 ities 4dotissiduby es lh" .k stonnach trouble relleveti. appetiteim. sue IL. Soifmemoathqt iuadle a« 4W 10 hosseM-0* > proves), and, aboe &Uaila ught'ý e o, bmaf ppamws brougt t* sIekm OW»»"d th vwas complet. and retréasin4g. ~q~~More stwn, a huelpe *0W mm "Thi. sounde 11k. u exageration. w-e éckth illSU rVe lb. ss~ as It ail happened *se evubcly.lP.:seh tige day thora was lmpnovaement. for' tise: IlvMÈI u4tbad 6.4 aie« gutl Postunu wooundoubWuly airengtie-, lt in Utr .mliW.t b e gber. tvwey, pa«Ileao! tht. s odeul Um- w~ W«19 "0s due te 4rnhdtg P*e etuil fuW -te .19 l*e o s o! .si..rNain*> gl*m by m4 1&almPostm Ce., Wiîsduae5 O tu- 1rO4 IU à0 t - - wlth r t, U eulret Rdaa neraigpr 0 omSbrR i utvt Do Not Use Harsh Purgatives- REMIAINED IN TOWN TO SAVE IT yo e ito8rd<d Oeteie ati ad~ia kga Liesnldttenthe bi*à( ~ n A Tonie la AUl You Need. PRM LAMES. YWh et lncita. hede the Lfood hafIte guI91 dptbu. hli lacodnwthsIWN OIIN ur i2«t]PIit1P tiie.fod pollce ntath byth athr Not exactly sîck-but not feeling tà ol the musclea-WorthW__oneyea g, hnti.Bo>yBbbln6eBla 0 orayi quit'a well. That le the way moatP0Te okdDiyUdr ieadmkgmra ithe whole -- oer a e oee oriseton uero apflmC. Fait pie feel in the. spring. Easily tired, Te okd iy ne ieadwheat grain prearcdi a A film version of "Tom BIrown's 1g4ther at.sudminfo o i. htea iWAT appetite fickle, sornetimnes headaehes, - Id ln Cellar Duringdgstbe fomrw Sehoolda " as been prepard and Tbwer bave e aind a feeling of depres8ion. Phlnplea Bmkmn ietbefr w will shory be presentecUinl London. nflaIg1c1 icd cntu 1eg aC vl '~ - I 4 ({~fI oeruptions may appear on the skin, Shitxdd d VVeat Biscuits "Potato6 breadl" in to e bWtrodue ploration beoe frtestdn ndBd?Ç imto>Ot or there may be twingeB of rheuniaz- This le the story of the heres of With niik or Cream w'11 make in teBoalo rous g a iia. %roA ninagiio'te<5 treo! aiquri tism or neuralgia. Âny of those in- Ver-dun. Tt will not ahoutid ln detail.,a dlte efctma con oard yer of rn sawr A onsu fbereandiue tewCnurinhreg !Wlia XRPER ATT dicate that the blood la eut of order- Little le known au yet.. But France'acopet, pefctmoionn.ro ialoig jeie. a ulto that the Indoorlilfe of winter han left kiiowe that some old imen iived there-1 at a cost of flot over five SnA motintnfaor of diseallwl u l, " in m turese otii: ConnpeorththeWteT er'rtroklr..letng n Its mark upon yoil andd may easily and died --as bravely as any mnen ln Cents. A food for young- mente ban been de eated by the Lon- at chemiata sud genera storee ulsCea.b tebsretI xî e nsei.Po~ devlopinto moelerluo roulerei thebitoyuosFtnceouble.ndgrailus. Eatdon hitystoricl.ofer Fhea.nRce. ib.. le aidthanad l, pobalyo! oma Wrl.e .2.1 & r eeaç>,ai m Do not dose yourself with purga- Senator Humbert told the story i o rekatw-hiiî Work on London'a new reiserveir stitute.. Frec bookiet on5 construction, wa dscvrdafw eoe.O. tivea, as so many people do, in the when lie returned to Parle from Ver- itfrbekatwt ik neat St8lfle5, ha eenbii tOjped b4y the reIst years ago, anditlqitlkeyha rauAL hope that yeu can put your blood dun the other day. Recause he le a or cream; eat it for luncheon Mlnletry o! Munitions whlch w~ants the present builigsadsuo h right. Purgatives gallop through the Senator lie had been onabled to visit with fresh berrnes or other theAl te aridhbor Conv.bet Prison, site of an olear Rmnoe i RFTMKN E~ syetem and woaken lostoad of givig the beloaguered clty. What ho told bas frUt, a perfC Meai for Ilie of Wight, convalescênt convicts though it lokSlfir h ht Ofcsfrsl ugo srgthilat. Wa A y ou nee in epring been dovetailed in with what othere in the infirmary are knittlng wooleo HEEROG MG.C. er ltrongly bi t t al en P C Rt ler uiei bhsi re htyune nsrn ave heard. Little new ha leaked teSrn as scarves for soluiero. (Ceedond) from eleven fooe .fienfe ay i e la a tonic that wlll mnake new blood tbreugb the military linos ln the mnany The Northumberland coal ewners leu Chabotî Av. uw Adlade et and build up the nerves. Dr. Wil-. weeks o! the battle. In the iense Made in Canada. have renewed their offer to ývo thlcknesa. It gtisnm hog îrLAiOU lasPikPlssth nymdin neetffbailntemjrevent I_________________ Inere an sdvance ln wages iln leu being so frequenl hteahd ilae'Pik ile e he nl mdiîn iteee fet y h o hemaorof f ree bouses and coal. The Towor bsbehetoi eea iWNE oD that can do th!B epeedily, safely and the old mon who merely lived on ielntsh srl.Every dose of this medicine thero, doing their dtwr ogt men.* Somet of t-hem, 1 am told, have, The British Board of Agriculture PROJECTILES FOR VERDUN. altoratien te per t aebentre hgg.nd SeiI01 mketrntens t, hhe ae thio edThehre-h elre-fen.ael(ier and ef young men. wornen have gene t. work ofl the Tho French Have a Splendid Trans- in hie work o!fetrtomdrie J.2_l~Lol These men were pptîe n ,Th hros-hold.heoe 0,land sînce the outbreak cof the war. noakes tired, depressed. men0, women'Verdun are the town firernen. Two , The ladies' ceinmittee of the Nor- portation S-yetem. nearly ail of thewnosltl rî NEt OS U.IS and childen brigh, activeand strog. andileachhaveeorured dipided lot. fotkree Agriclturre teeftlateveDr. foi sioren L. R. Whitman, llarrnony Milis, N.S.. atonies. lit la net positively knewrc ENIICIRERC. securo...promise from over 3,000 W0wor e sermnyte ctyoftat h ordan main r loo.ihelwswih i o.Lmtd olnwe.O Bay: "As a tonic and trength build- how this pair managed te romain be- Lord Shaughaocsy Tbinka Canada liî oný qagetoumb e ahoses an sucgeta ighl eo telv)o the grun, __________ or I consider Dr. Williamîs' Pink Pilla 4hirid vhen every other man and w--uantiy o! gua maeseein sucea is te basemntforevults, te oext 00Keo, wenderful. My whoie system was man and child w-as forced hy the sol- Mn aurlRsure.TetrpWiar Ofice Barsd theo- mall pace, declared the French above le thema r rcpinfor Merplia slu or t r-critic, Polybe, discussiontlith aq'enx ste badly run dcwn, sol althcutch 1 faith- diers te fic&' frcm the rain cf (;er- The time bas corne, ln the opinion e! vide another hospital with 800 or, Figare, one -phase o!f e ari h nx e h anutngfortoof. D G IE fully teck a tonic givri e'by my mari shel. One cf them has some ord ShaughnesFy, wheo a Canada- more beds for wounded soldiera. Vru.Foiadbti tcomes the StateoRyaaprens I HwtF ne14Vrun odadprojectiles are be- ý The vaults werergalyi tol doct.er 1 could note non improvemient. ill-de(fined occupation vwhich hae been ivide erganizatien should be formed. The doath bas taken place at New- ing sent into this nnrrow lozengeîdarkness, buttbyhvbenlgtd Ai ot rLt n e fthEciadcenilcalreorcesof whisc will r * PlaeuevonH.fCLadyGLOker, and waes oon restored te mny oli lime once ewned a home in Verdun. When trè *s vast minera), metal, hydro-elc- widew et Sir Samnuel White Bakerunodrearned of, even in thîs war. ~DgRmde 1 et3sSre, health. 1 can mot hvartily endor9so \ i-itna corne tb the' cit'y 00Wow iereQult ln the practical application in todetlArcn exlorr3.o ed inghtand aau]t omd oile are N THINQ T1 QUL-____ thie eicn. iraiamiling, as though 10 proplýia- lrdur.tny cf rany miinerais hereto-: Dnrîng February the supplies of noVerng along foolI the enerto BA BY'OW TALT Sol hyalimeicie daleçzor y ton tit!]he angai thirattention, fore *neglected or oxperted for manu'- fiFh at Blingagate market amounted onherdntaking rfoort the os nda mail at 50t cents a bo7x, or six boxes for t'orne v.ith me," he legs. factre to ether countries, o! by-pro- te £9516 ton.T h or.odn h rnfde o h ess n r.-Bon atn $2.& frm Th' P Wol~rxîs b'd Se ht"i"torsgo ithbîm.lly dtenatra ex.inoustnie ad fr month last year 12,473 tons wore ne-1 the greedy mouths of the cannon. The1 N.S., wnites: " aeue aysabgke ctibty cille Co., Brcckr-i4lo', Orit. arIbethe\. come te t'lw ehattenod gothe ntuaorsuctes which were i-ed. bi' automobile transports follow each, OwnTablets o ieps onyas>nyhveabnho ri wa. 'hi eall that rnemains e nglete o tw or insntaelin d. Officiel intimation has been recel - other atrglrbtraswt hiradbheeteel1ebn e qa nlhceil.ke -O vh;it rvns once a hand-ome hoil Fe. tenaa';vaste filstr , forl insane, in ed that Warwick Prison will shortly heavy leada and twe drivers cfirh. One! tbernfor littieons Teynsty 'lb.'cranwho oce ened t stads Cnadasevhtat riveper cent.xfbre o!bof ed wing teandthearsigdeceaseof ofthese dozea or eleepe whiie hie oanish constipionadtebn ru AMODEIN Sî I IiSYi) N - .n(riîhe pile of atone rhihmark what p1,ulreof se'-entv fieeenw t.ed hin pioee n h pesn ne !comrade watches. Thus they pesesunienyoeredce ani eeon t pod~tcfv.bhh uaben astdi ecooomv. heur alter heur without interruption, be, and, ul w once a (doorw,%aN,an ekrt the forest on et the' milI, w'hile in, Mrs.- Pleasoant Lowman, who bi s making such a noise that it druwns'b have uaqed, thel r laatt aeciida tofiihu Brave ('onduci t o Sergeaiil Rai nvs. Ille \'isitorq. tungcten, molybdenite, graphite, oil, died et Eversley, Hante, aged 82, de- tesudo h obrret.A n ontgietebb. h'Tb eeCnemac-r i'mon'" ho' ais l"l'ildvu&hale, mica. manganese. mne tite, livered letters d iln the scattered ttue herse.e No blister, t nd o ot ri Royal lherse Artillery. tal, e1samo-n la d mneailyh renîglt the rear e! oach truck le liglit- lets are eoldbymdcndeiror<oe qir aanapcaen .\i ,Of.This is my htome." tlf.auadot r 8inr hr districts of Brarnehill and Eversley ed by the lanterne o! the one fellow-'by mail nt 25cetabo!rmTeoteeiodDenb-,e.fopcl Foror tucen thturieidsainp thet cwiias, omhliahsafied or ha pofiabeldvetfnor2 ndehte lproofiptablr.eiliam' edcin BoekeAnSt -.0.1 a 1itteçvia- oeoe-hae(fnuhlre aia hnu r-for 42years. îng. UCe.,he anjBooko5spin- D. Wllims plauded the deed cf Sir 1Phililp Sidniey, ýo the appeal te me Ithat the oldcfnchlgecpilthntpr- Hundreds of ehapkeepers in Man- time, sprinkîed with stars, they look vle n.' iiL~ rltsaao w-ho on the hettiefield, although h'e htnteer en-heeter- and suburbe, ewing t., the like a immense drag on moving aiong vil-leamson rie iOnt. bu wounded and thirsty, teck the' cup cf frmn - TeCndenao ightîng restrictions, are t. close be- the 'an*rdiîvneoofMothetioti.S. .S. water f rom hie orvo lips and gave it tt'iene e o i'lieDprt a eh.clecol t-ce efore it la necessary t. light up, except- elopes of the hpissage of, . . . 58 ymne51.,M te a weuinded cemrade rr'îh the' ment w'ero mobilized. Some rrere isrhpand et Trail, B.C., thete ,com onFrdaysand Saturdas. atuy the assalo g ere o such impe worde, "Thy oecessity le grenîo-r thannroI nee<ted thon, but as menthe pase- pany has a grest chemical and met-, i Ofl a ny. f narY.$5000,heavy em gh rts alnd th e - ens mn "Thoslie tih oso or r e~.hO a bobaJ. r ad 1010." ed loy thev' found their -ay loto the tallu rgical laborntony and hydro-elec- Ere d at a coat of erincearin s$250,000, wea hbte r ts nd mtakthe uhaieta o' e o e Net es noble rcas the cenobuct cf arm.. Manifestly the t'own could theiconuipnent e aenyhing e ea le bebnng oxperbend anestrtngmav essof-bte tereritra n ret t at theéngi- catlî em spat"S E I L V Ser t.Jo n raw ha R ytes f otÏi l ft it ou p otetthero l c on a titet. Thee are, ay o l ng m ni ng l ii , an a n e - a eso !nh e tertor ialtresor a ia s t hate asy no ug . Wedh y r A MF O ~ tSe t hn rtBeryha Roaltîs Field nt ben i-hout p Brotetin frmlca.aci't's Te ila owIter. owing t. the scareity of labor. a h hreaten to deteriorate. bst hi w aesdwe hyv . DL Artireery, ne cf theumne theelfiili e as ofhey Atery oeentyfirthentoyRoyal Fefin.S o hohdere n o-a eseuotembhiaine b The death hms occurred of the Rev. This wonderful trucIdgsse a:t hl w ment when hie battery was being hum- and hadhieen superennuated volun- this continent and te associate tbem T. Rstirofng yersCon kt bon 11 fte b.more fexible bthben lumecif ecioeaser e -t- - ~ T O baddbyeposv ndgsseis eee "'rsrvcs iteb- tittle with a central organization t. direct ulÇY , the railroad more elastie, siowerbute barded yr epll oend gaBoreIla, teeed teim e ies, oti O O * terethe act i'.ties e! ail the scientiste and hadbeencongratulat ted Kin surer, sud tkereore more regular in Sergata. 1yere foîlgwoundea follefortyyoldxmentsoinedeuninireetarchtwtherend on having six soîdier sons, one 0 1 4scharging its abundance at the When '"Ceasefire!" ieounded, Sergt. Thon the Germane attacked Verduin. ' ail parts o! the countiy. The dbacov- wmbon. - adared c mrtonoTh eery on exctwhoea Rnynes, negardlese ef the constant oerie and information leaned by the 1 Mr. William E. Cailn, chairman of, learned of it. Ffrst it wab necelsary Minard'u LinimebC. Lmtd ef hie fellow soldier. Ho banda <t Tht' ciriian-man, wemn and for the o&gcia inormaion su tthehe ersey B tewGoer Lt iserpool, bas arrange s'il the detalslu inadvance; Dear is' abolIfineet th oney, re teihe hlp wîlFirmen Rmaind. cntrlat> ere teGvruetbsrs-thon to requisition, buy snd brlng t... - MENT la our MNR' II goet whore teodrfrato aldmnwudntg. e ei thesfbou i b. o gretvale tins h Cheshire. as a home for total sand truckse; then te recruit their driverscoldusud aIl dnr lmns ~~~triîg te t'ordr fr aciona ervimonf tdhe ta.te y woras in hes - f r omf et.teal ue eat0 s i rrmanently disabled soflders-It was to assemble at the starting plnt, tr.. It nover tabl .rleeadcr ô;~~~Igi.e5,i noors te tîext pause ho cai)ed two srieo h tt uta uh5 and manufacturera as weil as to stu-.1uil only few years ago at a coat bread, moat, wine, pro ectles and promptly. osial e amn.woei ~nne t onsst hlm, and they bore, any man w-ho tester-a in a trench or dents aond prospectera. 'arrange- '-<p meflcal suppliewy. n- lUA-WHO'E. rae 1 0aI#lo~rrIi a dgot orsae-rune forward cheering against the To carryout these vîews, arrange-. ty. The gunners were killed almeat, white flashes et the mitrailleuse, moents have been made wlth Arthur'alyoeneg lato teir ma runtl t oft Muigraewokpi W eter et once, and Sergeant Raynes thon - Most o!ft'hom hsd sens et the front. D. Little, of Boston, for' the estSbllsh-fl J 1 I.]L lW go f 1.eokwr i peformd teat- twnfo i Some had lost sons 1n the war. Life! eto acnrlorganization ua iiiDg otnecuuw uprqeteeIeatbernd t iiia pen o cim ete ecofhat co rs hem -it mentrel or central htwflr rognthedal sn ubgt plàti iltane of** Vitorit moss.e dcweortoe.te~ as e-weet te these od men ase 1tote as bfor rescidenwof.trh-force the waveg o! the. Germn artles Victoria C rose.to a- yman inthe security of Paris. AicLb as bheenprSoeyden olte 2gma,.are breslkiniz invain. Pr___________________ éne varn1ot- A chou bhurst at the nmcuth et the IjDeay b duylypioiemea!tigntiu. Ceiaeertndt tferwtite0s dugout and flled it with gai;. As the But they etayed. T'heir dt apliinmeofheIstu oi CemSignaIs dmlefio o heDtc eel fumies w-ere nlsing, Sergeant Raynesi before tbem. Tt w-as te guerd the Etogineers, sud a director o! the,1 -newspapor, De 0mtramoel one1rdesrtcr ieu a nan acroce the open gj.o-rud in the face 1town.~ Chemnical and Engbneer departmnent Of! te oueo aiuth everu - Pat--Yii o, vr asacbt an. atun o! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ P thdheotertnowthheof heeaeàedamsthr, aTeboog.bned M.Lltes aeBUl DDSKINY IL CR ir .- eu ffcr bc !o is ot Jo st uda ht n<.gs yUathé aIctaw lIt. - BRICK ed. pust tes- 75c. lachipe. oatters IMME- m en. erators vire, or ..td.. St. D JOB- Ontario ereratlngc Ltien On ig Cern- roren te. vhole o-t ali" dis- ?d with- -W'rite LSES! ,V. S.I BEE ne batt ily a few 12 per tI tn«6nttitnl il swetlinms telns alt.y 'Ostreai, Cao. Iana. EA-R çpecis)ly- ant mili- ,,Whio ne- Wear tor î of the are. No t, jaeh- of thaso If your' 3iêid, t6 o, 'I 4 me s~sba t 'i 3 ffli

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