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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1916, p. 10

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*1 il I ~ :~ ~ r 11< t, 1, 4' t i BROOKLIN. the "a~me Whitby4sand. ethel' nearby] Teqnuartekrly mneeting of the lleth- oiglt Chutth 1*111 be held 61ï Equnday maornlng. Everybody corne te thé tfuir. tihebig- tent will be eh thei ground agate. All profita go te thie Red Ci-oaam eni e Mrs. Tomîlisen, who haa enl o rento fer the wlnter, bas rîturned te the villaze. Mn. A. C. Ellott stai-ted hie auto Miss Jilsle Rb 0eetSnod truck on the rond on Tuesday. spent the Easter vacation with ber par- Mi-s. Fred Holllday hias; returned eats, Mn. and Mms. D. RoblnMoa.. front a vliilin Cayuga. The. Balfour Bros. ai-e having g-at MOsses Addie and Dorethiy Vlpond îuci< witti their chickens. they have were ln Toi-ento thin week. everything up-te-date. Miss Greta Mackoy î-lsited wlîh Miss *Ntr R. Duif, who has been attending Marjoi-y Allems on Suinday.ArîuuriClgeaGeppss th.gm 1Miss ieaBîhietBToi-wn.,t ed is year. with twe stars te write off. M-iJlt.Ormisin d NMiss Olver. Mi-. Friank Cal-ns lias pui-chascd the werc itu Toronato n Titsday. team and otitit ef the late Geo. Fr-ank- Mrs;. li'oster. of Toi-onte. ha.e been i, and expecis te start tearnlng at visiîing lier moîtuer. Mi-s. Bittason. angle Pt#,. Harold Eilloit oft lite SignalltnlgMi-, David Burns lias given extra Corps. Ottawa. vitiîed wiîh Mr. and good szatistactlon whei-elhe judged last Mrs. A t. EI!inuî titis wfeek. 4 tait, as lie hias been asked te go back Brnklti ~sîoîtld have- a ean-ulp day agaiti. Gardon and Field Soode FRESH AND NEW Ail the best varieties at lowest possible prices. Lowe Brose, Paints and Stains Ti y them and be one of oui- pleased custorners 1Sati faction guaranteed Wall Paper WalI Paper Big New Stock to choose frorn. Prices Right. W. I.Lawrence Brooklin, Ont. Mdl83 $965f. o. b. Toi-ente Brîngs Unbounded Joy and llealth to the Whole Family - If you eujoy the la ughter of the youngaters-the glad- ness born of sunshine an d the great outdoors -if you thrilI at the sight of their IaughIng, sparkling eyes md rosy cheeks -if you wish, now an 1 thon, that the years would tura back and let you be one of them -bc on~e of, them aoyway 1 An Ovedand will do it 1 An Overland wiIl take you out with îhem-Iet you share with them the -pure, fresh air-make your eyes sý.arkIe and your blood tingi e with tbe joy of living. A ride ln ibis $965 Overtand wilI conmmne you of uts power, comfort anîd exceptionai ease of control. Thais can be arranged over teIeè>hone-'-calI us. up today. Luke &Dudleyý wmvi il rx ' ti, àÀ.*C ayMrs. d. Lové,et. 0 o renie î ith MI«s Boyce.are'ai homliest preeit Ï bwlng tthe erlôus'ilineàs et thelr mother. Mr. David Burn has been appohIted by E. D. Smith à Son, ef Winona, te distribute over $500 worth ef their nursery steek ln this district. The Patr Board arq trying te lave the llqth règinent here on talr- day, ýMay 94th. ,Rememnber &Il 'the profite et the fatir are geing te the Red Cross f und. Mlr. F. Holman has been ln Ohio wtth a car et cattie fer Mr. W. A. Dryden. The postpened vestry meeting of St. Thomas Church will be heid on Wed- .nesday, May lOth, at 8 o'cleck in the. evenlag. A public meeting la the Interest of the 182nd Ontario County Battalion ln the Masonic Hall on Thursday, May 4. Conte everyene te heer and see some- thing ot the latent develepments ln the war situation. The war le flot won yet. We want your advlce and your assistance. Corne and help us. The speakers of the evcnlng are Mrs. Par- sons, officiai speaker te Womens Insti- tutes, retturned soldiers. moving pic- tures, Ilattalion Btand and local Laient. idverIsent and Tdsd ft Avoir, May l4th, 1914. «'I have used 'Fruit-a-tiv'es' for Indîgeffib#s an*d contjaIio, with most encellent resuits, and they continue to b. my only medicine. 1 naw <Fruit-a- tives' ad-vertised with a letter ia whlch Borne one recernmended thern very bighly,sol triedthern: The resultswers more than sathsfactery, and I have ne hesitation ln recemrnending 'Fruit-a- tives" AN»IE A. CORBETT. Time ls preving that 'Fruit-a-tires' ose aiways b. depended upon te, gir. prompt relief in ail cases of Consipatoar and Stomach Tprùble. flu., a bex U Mr&S 0444Utril amuM RAGLAN. A t dealers or sent postpald by Fruib. Miss Maria McLaren was hotfte ever atrsLmtd taa Sitiday. atvsLmW taa Aibert Gi-ose had a D.el1 te-ephone___________________ Insîatied l ils îî-rne recoii'tly- __________ The rnotorists are making use et the MYRTLE. first spell et good roads. Arter considerable anxiety the Gar- Ail the fai-mers are busily engaged Mers are able te go on the land and seeding just now. ýeernec edn prtos W'e note Chas. -1.art has denned th1cMr.ene sdNepewtonWis.n o kbski aleng with ether fi-tends. Br. on an veMs. e tngWilo nde Don't torget quarteriy meeting here Mflu Hrk nd aeen vsta M- next Sunday at 10.30 ar..MNr E.HandeMsn. yTreshv Mr. nd rs.Jos Harer avere-returned te their respective schools. turned home atter spending a few days Get your Union Jack and a good fat ln Toronto.1 On ing 10 the wet niglut the Epworth Pie i-eady fer the trek which Is te pas League had te postiiene their business thi-augh bei-e twelve hundred si-eeg meeting. which was te have been heid on the 24th et May. Mdnda eveing.Congratulations te Messrs. Tordift Mdnda eveing.an-d Graham upen their recent mar- COLL'BUS. ages. Pte. Pie. who is ln port heaith, Is Ir. NM. Delittie teok a car load etfi-ecuerating ai his home here. purehred stock 10 the States last week. NI-s. Griier. et Ashhurn, has been Mi-s. Thes. NW'lloxson spent a tew' Vlsiting lier brother, Nir. John Quinn. days bln he city. \V'iîo .as ihe yeung lad3 fluait oi-ot to. Ibrlii.ýtuer motii!er borne fr-imOsîî', L<nrs CHovoî.\ tý s. pitre and deli- iîiith her rerenttv' clouàs, are received fresh alrne- eveî v Mr. and Mi-s, H. Bui-wash spent a day ai ail Rexali Stores,.lte exieluel e fcw%- dat tihe 'Manse, prier 10 geing agents. A. H. Allun. to their home in Alberta.1 A SH 13URlN. Murs. George West was ln Toi-ente for a rotiute tof das sart wtpk. l'te.Farltls.of Lindsay, is homne for a nîiht. .i-. Jtmi Pearson. oif Oshawa. visted1 Nv t11itshiesisier, 1rs. M'n. Irasti, hast M t-s. Iian 5w inson 'vas ln the city iipy, is ;,gain naklng his atînual i-ails! ln thlisiocaliiiy ira eai-ch oet tout. Miss lIuîiv Leach antd MssLena Par- rtot visited w 11h fri-ends In Raglan on Su tiday. Cish~tarlotte Jobintonr -eturned te Normlai Schioo ln Toi-oto on 1Mondayý niorrainig. Mi-. Heriy Johnstna le orking In the city ni iresetit. Misps Histep has returned te bier du- tics. M rs. Gci-er visitpd relativps ln Myrie ever lte week-end. Cai-penters freni Sunder-land ai-e very husy Prectitng Mi-. Varcee's aew bousv. $100 REWARD, $100 Ti-lé resici,ai Ibis paper wttl ha plead te tern inti tht-e làata lenst oesdreaded disease thai -44ence hian beeu lahi. ta cure in ail i-a mages. ad that ln Cauikrrh. Catarr-l being greatly iuluence-i by c nslitutionai conditions requires a conttutlonsi treatment. 11a11 s Catar-h Cure la taktea interaly. and acta ibmu the Wlood on the Mucoua Sur-facea of the SroIent hereby tiestraying the foandation of te dimevtng the patient strength by building up tregaiulnadaitn nature iln datag ita wotrk. The proprletors have se mueli aith ln the curative postera of Railla Catarrb Cure that they oSfer Ont Hun- <fred Dellars for mur case #bat lt faitse t, cure. send for liaiât tlimonuale. j Addreaa: P. 1 - H «NEY & CO., Tetedcý Ohio. Seld by aIl Driagg1ia 75e. PICKRING. Miss Hannah Stephensoa wehit te Toronto hast, week te undergo an o>- cziln for appenditis whcb wu sauc- c.teuly perfermed. 8h. la now msk-1 Ing satlàtactory progrese towards ri- côêry. -i Soin. bojys breke tntp the residence Of Mrs. 1Brown durig ber absee troni town, gatung admittance througb the Windows. On Wedaesday evenlng lest, prion te ber deparivre frmi Plcketlng, iss Johns, whe hami ben teacher et the Junior lrLmt « t le pubisechool for tiearly four yeuxm, ' v»pieeeuted with a haudmome aMlkumbrella witba sulvrsmeunted banile. Thé 'pr«Mseui 1 tIen wu ascontaUW dby sM aUdre. and wufrein &U d.Ii.rtpnea the W. J. marqueis, so t 'l'h. a x1xMa-1 Q1â15,wbo bas lem reêhn fot« be pasi for yem"-sla &Ut3Un78e, Wýïatlng to04 bl as m j» apft4SuPerluna4 eut et the melaola 0f mtsi,a,, 11111 Y«" ixje 01#4bUt w1tIl PO litin t O»o0Q#Md pltwlag spMIYý <TO. lm# .0f W")a-t Neighbors Quarrel Line Fence. Over The vllage ef Bhlechîn, ln lte Town- ship ef MNai-a. thie Countty furitished a dlsptîte usvith neighhors îvhiciw entt h(- texigîti tof hoeinzal-eýd lnthue Couttv jCourt. before His Honni-. Judre ciû Ltyre. oext TuesdaN. j Nu-s. Fi-se sci-ltfleiainuiff inuthe case, and the expectors of tlite estate of lte lte %1e Nurriaý ark' the defenîd- an is. The disputte is over a senil of lanud 2feet Nvide 11v 2f)i-ods longti .Fa seci- iscdf-orn onpF'oiey lwolpai-- cois of lai-d -ene 4 i-uns bv 2t)i-odi,, thf se-cond 6 roits 14%, 2(j rods, both par- ices inaklng iii) one atnd a quîarter acres. or a block 11) x 2o-rods. 'T'le deeds of tiese pcli-et i-P pi-oterly manie oui ai-coi-dlng ten plan 25-, frnown as Fotey*s plan. Sui-veyer Cavananlu. of Orilla. who was engaged te make n survey efthte Une bctwcen the pi-opi-ules, founci tiat Poieys plan con taituen moi-e lan-d tbaîu lucre actua.tty was Io the' block. la i-tuuîiiîg the line hetweeyi the two prep- ci-tien he subti-acted trein Mr. Mur- rayes and Mr8. Fi-aser's properties the. shertage ln the entîre block. and rîlaced thc dividlng liii. 20 teet turther on te Mrs. Fi-ancre property Lan wiîere the-nid fence siood. Pi-ev ioueiy a ncw wl-at fence had retulaced the old m-il fence au a division, and eltîce -the death of Mrs. Murray Lb. executors have jiad the tence on the old liii. toi-a downand a tiéw one put up on the Une. rua by the surveyei-, thua dednctlag 20 fret t rom the 10 rode purchaaed by Mrm. Frojer: trom Mi-. Eley. .This lu substantially the case for the. Plain tif!. The, detente produced a volumne'et eridelice te hhoW that tii. n.W tcee as 1h la now plaeed la exactlY whcre thé ol4 fence eto 0. The locatiou of Lb. feace was maW tp b. about 20 teet te thie south of a cettaIn dltch which rau diag- onahhy anros the, Murray property sud 91Mt açrçp t(»Çentre Itiad. wltums swore tWtaitetre us rooni to'drlrea wagon ln betwën en cdtt i udtheii feute. Otben bad mllked cou ln the spae., Trspree tiý ti in eue oi not bavaebgmn tii tidteh js now clalied by Mm .Fraser, w» net eond~sed Ut 2 p.M.WedUesaY. LMd vlî oovo"me pers or OPporins aerVa;bu4dollars. The viflUeb the isuéh W-dispute cannOt er 1*bisre Snob tigU<t41Ibetween Uehluot* jis. IL BnItà. of 8am»t*. Mfo New What ownera ae tinkiug aSud syng the couitry over, onstitutes a higbr endorement of the cai than anyrthing we m4tht say about it. The economy of the car, its quaity, the remarkable thngsi h dos when calid upon are coments yn béat werevei the Car ie dsenfised, The Gaolite Con*uiption is uiuntmlly -low. The Tire Mileage la nnssally big. it will pay. yeu t viit uss nd examine tis car, aise our tock Carniages, Wagon, Farming Maciiery, Hardware , Harnes, Wire encing, etc, Bell and lend. Phones. W. F. DISNEY WHITBY Duindie Street Wes Jrodction &udh rf CANADA'S CALL FOR SERVICE AT HOME Produce More and Save Mr before. Grow food for the men whoe youù can produce. Every littie help cannot produce as rnuch as you wci spirit. Put fighting energy into you you produce the more you can save. Mlake Your Labour Efficient possible, help in producing somnethii needs it ail. If poss-Ible help to feed Cultivate it with a will. Make your Do Not Waste Mfaterials1 our homes. Every pound of food se production. The way for a nation tc to-day because of thirift in'time of pt only " doing " but are -leamning to " Spend Your Money W1el fimnrce the war. Save your money1 better investrnent. The Empiré needs food. If you ai-e not in the filght- ing line you may be in the producing Iune.- Labour ha !imnited-all the more reason to. do more than ever are fighting for you. The Allies need ail the food that ps. You ai-e responsi>lc for your own work. If you ould like, pi-oduce ail you can. Work with, the right >ur effort and produce now when it counts. The more e.Producing and eaving are war-ses-vce.- In war-time do flot waste tim-e and energy on unim-. portant and unprofitable work. Econornite labour. Put off uaproductive work tili after the war, and, if ting needed aow. Let us flot waste- labour. Canada ithue Allies. Make your backyard a productive tarden. i labour count for as much as possible. There shouid be no, waste in war-timne. Canada could pay the annual interest on ber war expenditiure out of what we waste on our farma, ini our factories, ini aaved fgom wa*e ihans g.ood as a pound, of ineated'. .o, save. à for every individuil to save. - -ranee ià ttrimg- eace. The mena and women of Great Britain aré flot- do without." Practise economy ini the home by elimina i~luxr- hes. Wasting ou- dollars her. wcvakens Our ttrengt ai the Front. - YQur savingu wilI help (can8da. iô for'the next Dominion War issue. There cari be no" THE GOVERWMENT OF' CANACiA rMHE DP Mtr a~tfooe as a Zil THE OEPARTMENT. 0F AGRICULTURE SI ai -e St -ai 'i 4 4 1 -e s I t s I k. i T Ai se r TII Es Bs F ~ --Es I -e~1

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