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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1916, p. 6

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~\ *\ I i~' N '. ~'/i. - '9~Ii~~ THE DIAMC MH APRIL BIRTHST D IANIONI) l. (te ni vermally I.eeoglliieîi itioiir 4rn (Ite lt 1II haenet, he filot i Ini er aai nthe uolin t-ui nîineralm. Tiieme 1îaliti. hiave miade il Su Jremîe ag mince early t(iic,, and yet IbrUilaiey of thle nimne ipm played omît il (t liai lîcen fa, the art onie lî apî(dary; wa@ @careely uiî'seloped 1>e yé.ar U461. A l)ianmnd euitin 1746 N juil Rs lerilliautt i 1916i, of A I)iamnîd puîrvluatiel t prie@ g at imiuperioitble imv Lot us help yeu BUV@ your 1 BasseitsNf J eweler and Ill ltme Boek wittt llrovk St. W. C., The unnmil imulifit U. will bei hi-d uniIn the Agricil t n rai F lm. T'he St-t ofui ifilt are requemsied tuu tri year's eenrk. As-t tion of uuffu'î r-. a fi i.irgeîitlyniqîu-d ,Surprise Suuaî ;uî Al,(Cllttl. A The actlinof iiutu-uî cotte, gradiîult3dii aliy abolil4iuîg I1t ( braun, and riîdiiuulxg condit ion of a t(at .down toa m crututr.- a 'vood. thoîigh suilitIl' ,by is ri'aîluimîtz und le the orgami of Ile 1 enterlng lin tt lth we mMay discluse gvi-a :action, . perceplt in, Science, Inruaiglu t. etraint and seif-dlrt perceptilon are lîo.-,, bihgler aniMale Io < they (trt- hy nia". hi wpoWers of forceFlgb Judgmeni.t %,01101 di ail otiier Iluî-ingeuai thcmn.-Tliti tuntti appears tii)euuiitu0) -cousîr MtilItti it Lt at flimt ismn1;ski -ones (v idtiut \fel tion lalm uace4i liL: Brun In. IM 1)> .tu tu.ry," Jiuîii. ltIl CGet our jrcea ,Pringle's hardwari The report of 1 lie lng a! Ail Saints 'C oever until il-xt WE penraans undfi Wal ter5%' See advt. of Att - z'aar an page We have a go' cleaner La ent, $1 your bouse. Geo M Mr. IR. A. Il td -- tho large brick re - Cormuack, ntthile m. W. Collinset Thie lomestic 1 Per day, dlilvered Eastern Star D~ will parade ta di day, May 7, nt 3 1 Cburch . 1ev.1R.1 Bee our ext crii rIghl.Prlnglu-aL The County or sociation m'.111 tnonthlY MeetIng ii tRe auditoniriu3 at 4 pn QuaIity shot s t Colline' cash sue CromptOn'5 sU EOc. La $6 at W Mr*. Stanteti 'Iea ain uDst thne regiar-i Whltby War RIl in the. Council C teaee, Mey 9. ladies or thiete promt.l Wataon'a und UKr. Arthiur vwILloE afew I- -fet l. Mtiodl viii notIel e'V. » .bisa geai woi et S. 4dau- WIR 'v tac DM ror Drt ro. àe ble us- in- Bed le ,tic ble fle "C" Company Concert. CANADIANlPACIIC GREAT LAK1 "'C" CO. ll6th Battalion practlcaliy Effective at once, Canadian Pacil made their farewelbow te Wbît.by at Steamahip "Manitoba" will sail froi the concert given on Monday night, Owen Sound Il p.m. each Wednesdâ the primary objeci of which was to during te eeasun of navigation, fi augment the Company fUnde. Sault Ste. Marie, Port Arthur'and Pa Major Smith, second ln command of William. Connecting train icaves T te Battallon, presided as chairman, ronto 5.26 p.m. Pull particulars, reis andi did (t most admIrably. vations, etc., trom any Canadian Pacli The Program SUiPPlied toLthe aud- agent, or W. B. Howard, District Pa ience tilat lef t mlghty few vacant seats senger Agent, Toronto. was lenigthy and of inuch menit. Apart f rom te Portion contributed by mern- bers of the Co. te program was gîvep ATTRACTIVE DINING CAR by Toronto talent, and capable talent - SERVICE. at that. Poal ohn ep oet î The Co. athletes put on an attraotive Poal ohn ep oet a exhibition of physical drill, an instruct_ a railway journey really enjoy'alz Ive disPiay of bayonet fighting, and a than a visit to thIe "dining car,- esp boxi.ng bout. cially If it be a Canadian PaeMfe dlj Messrs. Quatington and Gaynor, ing car, wiuere t.he passenger la assuri soloists; Mrs. Barron, boloiet; Pte. w. Thomas, sololat; Mies Rita Haynes, of the highest form of efficiency ln tl ciassical dancer; Miss Grace Stickl e' culina.rY art, the eholceit proyloioj reader; these Bupplied the program the market affords, prepared on tU and gave t.heir services gratuitouslybor scientific principal known as "Dietet, whichl they were heartiiy thianked. Bedn, orfvrt ih sy Just before the close, Major Moody Bedn. orfvrt ih sy was called te te platiorm, and receîv. iike ht, may be enjoyed at reasonalj ed a bearty greeting appreojaUve of cost, amidst Ideal surroundlngs, whf his recent promotion trom CaPtain. rvligo h anda ail.-- lie uniuried a large and handsometrvlnonheCadnPaie. flag whlch that alternoon had been pre -___________ sented to -C" Co. by the young ladies of Whltevale. la t.he centre or thje iag WM1TBY MARK.ETS there was a large "C," and ln te cen- tre of tItis the figures 116. lie express- ed the sincere thanks of theCo. for so Wheat, fall... ...... ...0LOW o$L] handsome a gifL, and said they wouid Wheat, »os.......1.00 Wto1 endeavor to acquit themselves worthiiy Ba.riey .... . .. 0.60 Wo 0.9 of it. Rie announced the eariy mob- B3esna ...... 8.0 W 8À ilization of the Battalion, and la- Lys........ 0.80 W 0OÂ timated that tuilà was practically the Pesa....... ..... ..... 1.10 W 1Li Company'a Larewell, although t.hey Buokwh.at ........0.70 W 011 wouid be bere *Ith the Battalion near Qats .... .........0.40 Wo 0.4 te close of te month. Red clover ...... ...... 12.00 to 16.E mhe program closed with the Nation- Aisike clover, per bus. .. 8.00 te 12.C al Anthem. F U »» D Fleur, per ou-t .. .....a 25W s8 GETS FORTY DAYS. Choppai bei. ou-t.. .76 W 1LI In the police count on Tuesday even- COrnm ...........à-3.09 W 8M (ig Patrick Riiey, who had been found Bia, per ton .... .... 26.00 W 25.4 guilty of! obstructing the miiitary po- 81lc>it ,per ton......-.28.00 W 284 lice in the performance of their duty1 MEAT, POULMRT Md PRODUOU white making ku arrest, was given a.y0jýprev . " oI sentence o! 40 days by Magistrato Hlarn. Fler, par ou-gt.........00 to 8J1 per. The sentence mlght have been Ctilv egt 70 e8~ ten years, as lits Worship pomnte<i out Aa1be ossh....'......6.00 W 11lu to te prisoner.1 Hoga, dressd..... .... 1.00 te 14À Though called three times wlthin Hop el ect...... ..... 8.25 W si the court room and three times on the' Vesl........ .. .... .. 12.00 Wo 14.4 street, Chas. Hodge did net a.ppear to'Oblekens, par IL........ 0.18 We0.1 support his charge of asmnuit against Ducks, par lb........ .0.8 W 5. Walter Buna. The case was therefore Ge, drese Sai a lb. 0.18 te 0.1 dismie, with 'cest8 of $3 against Turkeysdrossaipr Mlb.U.5W 0J Hodge. u ............@a.....60fflWt 0 # ARTHUR LYNDE 10 TENOR ,0 TEAOHiER 0F -INQING. » -STUDO- JO IIUBOURB OOSEIATIT1m1 Te(Rusmlus Whi vr ai flwis) hne Teces MraddWhitboxery Standa Eggs ......... ....... ..18 W Potatees, Der bag.---a--2.00 tW "pples, Pa rmarra ego-@ la50te Olena, PaSbua. .1.00tW Hariper ton .........1,00 t Wool, uvuha.. . . .14te ffl àklfls.pu L O..U t@ Lamb aukins, aeh . ...0.7# tW Elides, par out. .. .. .1&#otg T"gRda... ~M t'Bf7 01»0 2.10 sin ni# G. T. &. WH1TBY JUNICTION. GrtgW est... .*s à n.I oing Ua-....S&Wa Sunday trains iea've for 'Josembtot 4.52 a.m. and 7.40 p.m. Jt@m b e -trains stop at Whitby Zukmoi t 8.20 a.nd 9.55 a.m., aid 9.30 pm. tUP-TOWIi TATIO< Golng North ... 8-30aRn. 1Oolng Bouta. .?A .. p.rn. 1P. a . p.IL Oolng Wet-68.rn . Ooln ag a-io.Lo a.M M. 6.09 rn. t.5?9.pi M. l STAG. Leaves for Broughami et 10 a.m.Me. Edwards.propriotor. MLAILfS CWMS Pot Wet- 6.30 arn. 6.-30 Prn. 5.o ep. For Pen WMtby- &&0 I LM 640 PaM Pet 0h5W-q4.3p.ae '~ PhonaBaflllaerddruaboubo., WflITBT WHITBY TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Council met on Monday. Ail mem-< bers present. Reeve ln the chair. Min- utes ut Inot meeting rend and conlirm- ed. A number of accountàs were passed fur payment. Gutlirie-Hall-Moved that (hi Coun- cil ptirchase about 8,000 foot of pine suitable for bridge covering, and 200 feet or 10 ft., 20ft. o! 12 Incht; 100 foot of 18 Inch. 100 feet of 20 (fich tule, and that the Reeve sud Counctllora Hall and Gutbrie be a comittee to have the iaterial arrang;ed for. It was moved that the Council mnake a grant of $150 towahtdi thé equIpment of te il6tb Battalion, andi that theo Treasurer grant bis cheque in tarer of Col. S. Sharpe for aboye amount . Quthrle.Brown - Moiret that thie Treasurer be and Iis herèby authorizeti to grant hlm cheque ln favor R. M. Tlip,. per for te sum or $50, being th. grant ta the Brooklin SprIng Pair. Council sdjourned th -meet on Mon- -day, June 6tit, et 10 o'clock, for Court of Revision andi général business. FARM LABORERS WA14tTED The Western Provinces et Canada are now ezperiencing an acute short- age of farm laborers for uprlng snd aummner, wonk, which maka stesdy work a.nd good wages a cortatnty. Saab. atebsu-an ban cailed for fe theutand laborers, lad an equai number ls r.. quired i(n Manitoba mand Aberta. Atter a tborough anvau 01 the ter- ritory serveti by the Canadian North- cmn Railway, IL was touni tRi a u iv- eraige or 27 meni ia taquirai et tihe points f rom whlcb ,raturas wcro ra. ceived. Au average Wace of $45,00 per month, Includlng board is beuagp84d. Ue highest beiag $3 »or dai. For turther particularaas W MoMr9 qui-cisMd thie wages bol"g Pm i tthie VVerlous poDints applY [O RiCIIS4IBà Rieharison, Agents, or write I.L. FaiUrbairn, GenoralPassgearAg14Ut, King 3L EM, TormoW. -4L. I whlle te Battalion le ln Whitby on lie trek througb the County, The request was readily granted. A sidewalk on Byronr street south from thLe station north for at leaat one block. was thie burden of a petition made by Mr. R. U Huggard. Mr-. Hug. gard eald that ho had ouly askod for a couple of planke as a croseun.g ln forty years, and the request now made wu preaented because of hi, dire neeti of a sldew@lk. At pi-osent, for meet o« te block there ls only a gravel pah. Titis work was proposei last ycar, but wua caneelied. The street la a leAdftig street f rom the statIon, and many peo- ple follow the wfoden mdewalkL for a fwrods te fini that hhey bave tW follow a gravel pUtR, whicb Mr. Uug- gai-i aya ie worse than miii somo. Imes. The. matter wau roteSraei l eh Street& Committee. lMr. IIuggard sai ho was eattluiled that (t shouli Rie, BU long. as he got thie sldowslk. Mayerf Warren expreaued bis aympathy W=t the roquest. bfr. Golining htroduoei a byla-w appolnting C. F. bMAOrMty uas olne> Wor of Taxes for 1916. et a aasycil $75. Thts -wa given three roadingeand ThIi reand i Lght CommIltte, ot bolag proparai W report ou t.hé (tal. lauon of &0sLam7am «M, lb Uiat A repremutatvaor tibailsen oa Co. wusprmiut sud Anaveraique Lions put by membmeo!t the Conucti lb. Town Prsperty Omummtte.vus net reaiy to report o.sda r* Os- Caw sfor the toiu uII &Maudr. quemtei anWiio tuoeu o pK Ig n l- formua"oansd priosa The. folowtf «gwn coasuepassa beforé the Counolejuui W.h& laCarl.. ....... =A Jas. MoLea..... .. Jaa. B»udam...... ..... 4.4# JO& WRite .......*... .... 111 10 ho .8 .10 ,70 Do .76 Ml 4ed- lheir ç'els,. rish- fica- well i. t.1 I Ls Ibo ffl TeSphme.. t..fcanaa. Gati.mm-Pime moe »Wab a&.uéd.sdmm .Tefrplwne 9 eOe. I ~ ;0 Robson, I-clans con- iy at the- eframe laad and band of County. ixamer, tt eou'nter eheck Books We art agents for Appleton'is Coutur C.ck Booksolgoî,e better maêde cbeck books is cxbaêus*cds ccli 'us by pbone or, drop c cc gd e'cLbe j 1 e àRý à AAàmÈVý à.ta

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