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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 May 1916, p. 8

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I'opý of d- All- round the-boot, he- a b (19eeWýn the upper lenthe and thsòe When the kettle lid has lost the kinob Push à, cork hlf through tJ1b - A_ ittle hole and secure it by driving aoi T e Captu re of a G4rman i r t . nail horizontally. It will last a long time and save burning the fingers. d Never put away for any length of ICHAPTER'Ul.-(Cont'd.) dilameter, like acounbt otD \COMRposed of cleaft Wh l Oung time linen that has been starched. 't About an hour later there was an- terra-cotta The lgto i at MavessPicked ri ghts,blended righ and '"*rtc""u""*'1r|° rrother call oticer of the watchi Look- ern fianhed into teoeig h ingg (kg (ggggggg :hedryad odupi e paper, as thizs oke stonu i1hve to report C7indder was made o tei r 6 an Ea tern ( rden t FOùf able. Tane b tom dch rs ha one ery wl.Report aain ln ff.able explanation otfh o i rsntko e TETETB Og 242323% "byack can be m dd and t ht ed up A bell clanged ln the ýengine-room, The sumaller boxes mui enansesmg aemn tesb e in eha hadfuloÎ slt hs eeand the ship aloieddown to half- for quick-fring -guns h ups i edadwthn i dissolved. Drying miust be idone out speed. Soon the lo'ok-out reported o hsv g oBln rsms h eowt e ie as o or.We erydyevrteagain r 'steamer south-southeasithv en rcieti osgmn l agis eemie ais of dors Whe nerly ry overthehull down as yet; seems to be bearin of ammunition, and otasotitt adadÉ nads o cean anda elgt ad n this treat- "rh- eo rvset t lisi meni4bare steerage-way, and her course watèes, ile migh eaoeflidhil i e ws changed to due south-wesh Ørane tsea-going sUbmarinmknàaeå ifshn determined tu have a leek outsde, jat someuInfrequentdm ln nmd d &&wd n-, A DOG IN THE TRENCHES, and hurred to himvetiltor, a..g,'ie edb oey It was no W fu aglight,$4»t en It W»waswth tevleÜeoto n eave fti Would Not Lente Ille Dead Master the brink of sådieThe , that Ørane rT8« da1h admd m dn Without Forees cut of hie view te the soi e and Mns home ffn the hegto aain eb o e Belected Recipes. ln balance of engar and nlavor with e oldnt ee hesrag sea-trAE 5eo i i&i Apple Snew One intapl auelemon extract. Brown ln slow oven. "We were ln the Woevre, in the er. There were, howater, t W ewhappen to st b e o yo.-n 6apesue esonai elymyb pedhat fafrs, rte rnhdvlpensi ih.Atle otl coldi atrtedi UE NA ØNR, e g sta ner one ep watover filling before mneringue 1,s added, officer in a letter that lu translated'steel wireless mast had risen from tb»ke scÛmoe h aeo h ae, on0 u sgr jieoln n tihe London SpectatorÉ. j The enerny j deck, and, flaunted Its aerils)d h ut this thougWht idnteup nWh DetrUeLanfrT la nn, w ie nd egg weBbeate Mraae n . had decie to make à bold dash foutabove the smoe-stuaesand lne g. There was ï aaitesrs rsrpin o Our mitrailleuses. At eleven o elock-- How a crew olmnwr tipn i makeup, a bid eemn- ack n frese andfrese, nou Grapefruit Marmalade--One grape- the night was pitch dark-thinkingf the false deck plankin onaoøto e'e oteln,Ù h rsrpinfo otr s fr six persons' lfruit, one orange, one lemon. Slice to surprise us, they sent forlirard two or o.cct t n wsmou t fan whr te *th athdo l nwi vral rte n 8panish Rois.Sear medium-s§Is- ln wafers or put through food chopper, companies with fixed bayonets, buta tetone dde it robest msdrn i aialnugadprosaeo roudu sed kin ablsponlntte. uingallbutthesees. easre lthugh6he moed hnotuniseheme ctiityof he ana sot s lie, ut ad traghtay ot im ut oudto ondt wy aso-allde ol1 ln fdour and Put ln roastier, cov- and add three times the uantity of lessly, the keen ears of my Colonials dtoegigoïnteseno h gi.Frte rsna esh a oi sdnwdy oe tred with thick slices of Potatoes, coMd water. Let &allstani 24 hoursl, had detected them-vse bth oldntse lal.ut e nleos1aiosaie1t W.d btree or four large onions, slied, boil 10 minutes; allow to stand 24 "It did not last long;, in two or three vProlbu, t h od is siew uly u ol buis wato'ohs Teereeealgoeans Ilnrd three green @weet pepperg, out houri;. Add to the fruit and juie minutes my guns had sent them such thre y another gun Wasm ounted dornest' ashcobyhaetth hsendnefrers ia titres. 8prinkle all with fHourn equal quantity of sugar, boil 2 à deluge of bullets thab they faded Treoaessodo h rdeadwt h uuewt taydb ot et b and dot with pieces of butter. Add hours or until It will jelly when chill..1 away like je dream.i with glasses levelled. Aoon one of nerve and a clear indi ets Vint of water and bake one hour ln. ed, and pour off Into jars or glasises,! "In the mnorning a• German lieu-, thema climbed the ladtder on one of the Internât was èentrdosenghen h dbne an ge tovre rasereTicengroyindasreeredctnentna ded;beidshm mgn- moe-sacscarynga else eshi tatwa t ue hee oredos.t ha easal md gu serve with roast. Cuerry Jam.-Stone and stem tart'fnoent sheep dog was painfully balane-anasmlmephe.Psnty ewadstedtsehr oer aeaea too.Tng Corn Bread.-Two cupo corn meal, cherries, saving altejie oInq himself on three le s and whininganhea cal down to te.bre. se tha he epeeedueavrageproflld one-half cup sifted bread gour, one jevery Pound of fruit allow a pound of softly; hie semned to eave forgottenshpsabtlecuercordrk Autfv 'oktataenoasnueaebtncateyae, teas;poon salt, two teampoons baking sugar. Put sugar and juice in the the pain of his own broken leg, for butrefnesadtofgtn.helylseigt h otn al h hraoea h aen powdr, ne ablepoo suartwo resrvig kttleove th Ar, an frm tme t tie h iced ewou tostorwadArrresanrdhih oer he 'hon, te vice f te lok-thatthe haehi botny-hatis, egg, ne ndonehaf cups water or when the sugar le entirely dissolved that had killed his master, iLok ieoh"apns cru srh -out sounded, callingtthofieonsetfcnae.T -hrdof wate an mikdwo tblepoo met..add he heries Cok unil he spke thth dohnerfreneydum.'ohen 'Se ha sihteeusthe ride. Smoe oertteesar-sucldrgsahve ealy n En ed lrd nd utte. Mx dy inred- srup s tick putint glce jrs nd ice; hie looked jatdme sideways, and an is heng th a h sway,' brd. w"h rpre.Th e nms n s ol ntb r tin t Beat eggsq well and add to seal. heram' dcua The captain seiEed a bell-cord, and of the vessel Blackend t8oti nls. liqmid. Addi dry ingredients, then Plum Jam.-Wipe plums carefully soIoree endt uimmediately the ship gathered head.. Intervals the lookotrpread Btspoeadco osar mnel'ed shortening. Bake in flat pans and extract the stones from slIts ln1 tack them, and 1 had teauenea lass way and slipped into full speed. Crane gleaned theinomtnthtawteapscpininEgsh (About twu inches9 deep. Crease pans'the sides, taking care not to wuste ' d hod t Crane thought it ex edient to get1 large freighter of abui v huada ndctdpro? wvell and after butter ie poured in dip the juice. Weigh the fruit, and to lketha ommon dog cateher, and muz-ak ohs hmbreoreayoetniudn itw unlbf h atetrasitik e a lhttle mnilk over top to make bet-'every pound allo one pound of sugar "Alter the Bad tank was Over 1 piCh- n Olo, ad in the Britsd .agnememer i, and sO ris ( g quaes npnadtkeu ihfa water to clear syrup, then lay in the let my prisoner smell bhem, and politee timne to hear a message which the1ahead. The Cocosketohrcurened tous. e. ~~~~plumns and boil gently for 40 mninutes' yakdhmt acmaym om wireless operator was reading to the; the British freighterpogeinit upsfrisaci ald egIetable Soup).-One-half cup lima Take out the fruit with a skImmner and forest 4ome. He consented, no doubt captain, in which the commanderoftesuh.sbunpralyrm ddefptssmadhegt beans, one-half cup dried peas, two lay on dishes to cool. When the becauf theeigha eogdt heIdm ree i oha e-to S Franscot o Sde ytecnue ihcaieo oas tales(poons barley, two tablespoons, syrup has cooked thick return the hie beloved master, and limped alongatone.Saoan route. Dakescm1n I ihtesl aeta ey 1ice, two tablespoons brown be s, two fruit and simmer 20 minutes more. bueside me. "Ask him by what authority he, and Crane swki rmads-o aead hl emgts Pottoes, two onions;, one amal tur. Damsons are put up ln the salie way. "My bedroom is relatively comfort- would halt a neutral vessel on the1 hii rest had been boe ytewr aesvrlgan fteßs nip, one carrot, one cup canned toma- able, for It has two beds--two wooden high seas, engaged ln its own busi- ship's chase-to nt hthscm.oegano h eodwud toes, easonng ofsalt ad peper, oe Houshold inta.boxes ailled with strawl With a hos- ness," said the captain. "Take all Pans was acting stragl.Tesi i.Ti ae huhpras staka clerc nelamron.,Wshnheewahinmwitewoowok pt ptalehaveofmyaandIioinedwohhetimeyowca, wil weinceaetws eidntl cicl soth-ar exrem oe, ervs or n elu 4 ~~Peas, barley and rice and soak for a little turpentine in the water. the vacant bed. He got Into it with- the range." again; soon she salee u nto. an hour and half in sufficient cold wat- Uat (a tiny pinch) added to the out delay. 1 laid the hehinet and The engine-roomn bell jangled again,, a due south courseatncesdpe. Ltihnsapretonn er o vearuBrin lt bopingepoint, whitys of eggs makes them freth sword beside hinadpse mmadadth u fte enes rseto a Nothingcame oveth'hoeavsfgurtoaptn.Pecrt addveetble ct n ltte iecs ndmore quickly. gently over his head and back. Be- still higher note. routine ordue for rinthsipoinLtnecaotrdndo cook .slowly until tender. About one- Salt thrown on the ntre once a day holdl He gratefully wagged his taill A few minutes later came the mes.. alter an hour or soh eie oslpqety edesnttyt ee o ed seson h s d pp niprevents the accumulation of- soot in "lie raied his eyndtoar me; all age, 'Heaveto instantly, or we will up to h-.3 Iooutsainndrc- Ngaehnassdbya Sti frquetlyan ad botin waer Dingy overshoes can be made to away, and now they said, 'You ar0 Very good; no reply," said the He looked out cn ekta a e h ol vr n oohr es it cookse down. Serve quit@ thick, shine If wiped off with a cloth wrung good. You have given me these pre- ca"i.0f the Cocos. almost dark. Two sae ihswr ug s o a e arn and also very hot, Cheap, delicious out of ammonia water. cloue relies of him who la no more. oon a deep, taint detonation reach- directed on the rapiaegni h cito lidi neuty and nourishing. An old piano stoo will be fouind Do not be -afraid. Tahe off my musle. ed Crane, and the voies of the look7, bow, which a crew o e eebsl at hr hr sa gar. ScallOPed Finnan Haddie. - dWWo very ugsful in the kitce, as it can I no longer hate youl' , toe hipoe A ag hl rprn orato.H a e-cn edl ac h oudsfinanhadie on tblepon b ajusedto ifreteights.'I unEld t and gave him some wa- astburstpaout , hA l arie a ern arin hatrtha coswsfloigteigfrr]rsnigape each of butter and fgour, Mlur hag'd- Potatoes peelings should be died in ter. The veterinary saw to his eg1 The range seemil to bs ton or eleven B3ritise fegtr u wa otwitn Enlsode yu boied ggs on-haf taspon 14lt the oven and used for Ilightng fires. and puft. it nspite. A little latermie. Surely, the -did notitn oatchtis v onenigth eapoo.pepereoeitbleoLss.oodwilpbereuird.nebougtbhme»lageLow ofsou, Äoter hotfolowd, hen-aothr, ha masivuvase wihrtislitle ritenin tsno, cu- pai-o-dlued evpoatdgil. irtag k epotelirs eath , nd so e elccis ha hd us cme in .bot hesa pplce m rcani vsslsthvslvsVnontd haen t àWas a Ihiek, daeyCityof9000,000 eedt bdfore deWa ৠIýBefMOte war DBrusaishad the raiea" la uroil rite gIn Dr hdeØrlesi nd I to bur NI« ent aï a lMOe dosi a" àRXI f Mure, T>.day 0ett of pleasure 1is turn "liot only was Brussela before the wat th-most -43r0uletal fthe heir Ctinen lit walg &Ws the mont prog. er (ddD M ment f to t0=0 biant&,but most uofh îwe tr euWere concerned with the super. the; duities rather than the inecessities ol ften existence. There were Carriage build- oad ro and maanufaeturers of lael,- arti loi etcal dlower makers and jewellers,deal- wlets tn fadhiong, and mllineig and ydressmakerx. and "Alf those luxury trades have coma one' to à Complete standistill. Even were h ane t'here any money left fur luxuries, the ,hnmoney-spending aristocracy have ge00 emigrated. The Belgian Goverrnment ýaIn are at the Havre. IThe printing work ugand newspaper offices are closed ,in, Railway traffic la still going on,bu mes It is only used for the transporto the troops and supphie@. all "O0nly the churches are filled with lish mothers and widowg who are praying tteen f or the absent and the dead. "This paralysis .of trade, which has e to liasted now for nearly 18 months, has for resulted ln appalling poverty. Worse even than the povetty of the poor Io can the silent, unobtrusive, gentgel poverty ,t It of the well-to-do. Por the benefit of 3he the 'wealthy' cheap meals are sold ln public kitchens for twopence or three f or pence, and 10,000 Irich' people are ta- t It ng advantage of %hem. lum. "There have- been repeated àttenèpts mis- on the part of the dlermans to rebuild fely the shattered fabric of trade and in- ru-,, dustry. Put, as the Germans divert kill all the traffle of the ordinary rail- a n ways for, the transport of troops, as tra- they have torn up hundredsof miles of light railways -to be transported Ld a mnto Poland and Ruolsia, as they-have ions lifted all ¢he available copper and nse- metal useful for military-purposes, as iber. they have taken tho4sands; of machine- la a tools forthe ron ato s ,au the tan- lions o0f franco fromný a starvimg popu- pre- lation, their attempts to revive.Bel- oit gian trade have toallyfald On The atiti eigá, rkr Mo s' have hitherto resisted all the: bribes tinand all the attempts. at ýcompulsion, elg:whic, J successfuýýwould bransformn SBelgium into a h age munition tac- tory for the conqueror. slightly, -add to evaporated milk, îand When pouring hot jaolyorui ntmuh a sudsprta t yo eeneenarts to h«r hel - any pe forhéd lmt a eeug"Frueda o vinegar mixture. This salad dress- cloth. This goes a long way towrse dh'lntwk p aia rp tegiaågrlcrcldtgoe Ei fd.o Ing will keep some time if put in preventing their breakin. the islndsof the Indmmca n netpsda.Heark nadiattøAte & ~cool place, closely covered. Crushed and faded artiial owrsAussta and he'ésDdth i w.ptroowtejdth*e6o( Med@ahresfe ButtWsoteh Pie.-One cup bu-&ter. can be m»adetO look fresh and nwI»t.' ' a gd othe to hotdUhapîbieasey two cups dark brown augr, four egg, aanfhedortesteam o esaou h*ieo tewi-#i four tablSpoons dour, One cup milk, boîiigktlfrfwsingt. îerll n4mim, hi n m hee h neven-eýighths cup granulated- agr osv-epu aip agr io NG jlt as a hs few grains salt, one-half teaspoon le-' the teapot whenmmax*the t«4aanect trap. o t o#hs an-yt *a çk h admn mon extract, Bakcy pastry. Xelt sUt- te hes1nu90cll u n frfod i hrstn seetksset-asre ar, add butterndorblddo.tepo"es dpnetetiafhswi gter, and then milk. Cook tm1"ds fa is tuete M Goabeat bern miputest,-remove from heat, add egIaeàfahado eteoo heeg0a lsad nt oewti ba.WMno h M.,eaten d sagl, hea brts at for individua4l shells of faky pastry, bak- Ifpats're na pin lma nth rek tb ssg ed- ovec inerwted in. ovr ith hreth li4 strnsthmte*l e nyskree men«g*e made egg whid A rou f hyøsb s shadt n granald4ted Beo ht¢ui tt ie oe i:withta. ohla *a, A: a s untt stiff d w-ieepaes stgndtotelm igns twi* à,usw b-* --- -- -

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