p j <k Suppleinent to the ;Whi'tby GazettetrÀd Chroni*cleM y1 96 _________________________________________________1 91_6 ProfssinalCards LEFGAL JNO. E. FAREWEILLI K.C. Barrister, County Crown Attorney ad County Solicit.or. Office, soulli wing Court House, Whitbj A. IE. CHISIemrAr fia..-l.îcrSoicitor. Not.arw Public. Etc. office, Brock St., OD». Standard BaBnL Money to Loin. MÂRRIÂQE LICENSES. 6. YOUNG SPAITH. LL. lImuer. At dweliing bouse opposite Methodis Chureh. No witneiie requirui. DENTAL Harry J. Hudson, D.D.S., L.D.S. succes8or 10 W. Adama. office, DundazstSreet, opposite Ponl Office. Bell phone 122; lad. 54. WtIIITI3, ONT.- [. W. Sissonl DSLgS Dentai Parlora aven A.iin'a drus stOre. Whltby, Ont. Office hours-9 to 12; 1.30 to 6. Phones, Bell, 87; Independent iM BLAKE B. BEATON, L.D.S., 0.0.8. Graduate ofti t oA<yalI toi cge of l>emtal Surgeousnd Uri iret-siy oft brouta. t ihve uver %V. M.l'ritugle-'m hardware store <ni.. h,,ur--Yt', 12 . 1tr., fi toIn Phone, le Belil phte THIREADGOILD BIIOS. CARPUITERS and BIILDERS Alterations .nd-.RepaJru. rinà sv OLÂSO WGIK OCAwIm. Corner Walnut andi Kent St. Telephone No. 182. AUCHFONEERS WM. MAW LICENSEL) AUCTIONEÉ!R AND) VALIJATUR. AUl hindi of maies premaptly attmndl to. Arrangements fer »sal un oea mnade at the Gasette Offles. Ternms reaenabie. BMlland liudep.ndent phomai. NW IITBV, ONT. Stouffville merchants had a succese- EAST WHITBY COUNCIL. ful Dollar Day on Saturday, April 29. Council met tbis day. Reeve Mc- Mrq. Mary t)avey, of Port Hope, W9.5 Kenzie in the chair. Members ail pre- clîarg(ed rec ently with bigamy. She As slxty-five yvears of age. The Magitrate sent. Minutes read and adopted. Com- -was lenierît with ber and gave ber two munication read froni Canada Cernent inniAn Cobourg gaol. Co., W. G. Gibeon, Registrar Generai. Revý (t. H. Thomas, pastor of Ux- Newton H. Manning, Trussed Concrete bridge BaptisI Cll1urch, bas resigned to Steel Co., Thos. Wadge, Coi. J. E. Fa-- enlisi wlth the 182nd Battalion. weii, K.C., A. W. Connor, Mrs. Chris- tie, and the lI6tb Battalion. Mr. Ellinta, secondeti by Mr. Glover, ROYA TH ATRE oved that a bonus of $12 be paid A. ROYA TH ATRE L. mith on wire fence erected. Car- ENTIRE CHANGE 0F PROGRAMME r . H. L. Pascoe, seconded by Mr. Each Nlght. D earbora, moved that the sum of $150 begraaiied t0 the 1161h Battalion for The Broken Coin overy Monday night bequp îproe.Crld IMoved by Mr. Dearbora, eeconded by Sattrrday nlght, 10c. toa .l. Mr. Giover, that ail persons who have Big Broadway Fentures every NV'ednes- disposed of their doge mnuet notify the day andi Thursday. Counil on or before the 29tb day of MILS. pERRIN, Manager. May, 1916, wben the Council holde Court 0f Revision, as no rebate will be -gran ted after that date. Carrled. Mr. Pascoe, secondeti by Mr. ElliAns, Nlany Have lEnllsted moved for leave to introduce a by-iaw Many vacancie@ nitist ha ilied. regarding the protection of sidewalks Rigbr now the demand on the andi croseinge, andi reguiating the riding ~ and driving of carniages of varlous L 101»Tkinds on the sidewaiks. and that by- law be rend a first and second lime. The by-law was rend the third lime Toronto, Ont. and passed. ils fully (ive tunes Our suppiy. This Moveti by Mn. DearLorn, secondeti by .hardly seenie possible but it ie true. Mr. Pascoe, Ihat the foilowing accounts Bltinlese Maen I<low Our ratinates be paiti: are first-clasel, therefore tlrey have Ronds andi Bridges:-E. A. Gifforti, tAhe ihabit ')f applving ta tis when in $2.00u; Albert Short, $1.75; John Baies neeA ot reliable office beip. College & Sons, $262.50; Wm. Ward, $20.25; open ail year. Caloe The Pediar People, $18.00; J. R. Lam- Enter uaw. Caaou ree. bert. $38.00, Jas. MeNaiiy. $33.00; T. cor. vc.me Il na W. J. efinotu Newsome, $67.75, Fred Rahm, $10.00, Unarles Ste. Princiual A. Pascoe, $37.05; Jos. Cochrane, $25; J. J. Terwilleger, $36.00; G. B. Mother- ____-sui, $8.00; Ralph Robinson, $20.00; Frank Moore, $10.60; A. D. Henry, a 34.10; Dugal Sleep, 312.00; S. Johaston, $17.00; AI ex. Ca.me roh. $ 21.25; Norman Down, $7.25; W. T. Henry, 3$2.12; ARE YUL G~ tNG John A. Wilson, $5.001- C. E. Bain, S. AIREYOU OINGS. o. 3, $150.00. .Moved by Mr. Glover, secontiet by W EST PMr. Pascoe, that Ibis Council do now The audTruk ~adjourn ta3 meet on Montiay, May 29, Iffi"uMESEEKERS' EXCURS IONS Columbus, May 1, 1916. EAitCH TIESDAV WM. PURVES, Cierk. Mar4Dh ?th to Qotobe31 et (inclusive) lac ata.eaJof dateuxofofsale. WINNIPEG and Returu, - $U.00 EDMONTON and Rtura, 48.00 Proportionate iow rate 10other p inte in Manitoba, 8amkatcbewan and AI brta. Tickets andi fulliInformation on ap- plication to Grand Trunk Ticket Agts. 9 $lophonm)n. Agent. Phoneo 50, WhiLbiy. Fe E. LUKE ABEOTCA For Io years tti e sang iooptician of Toronto. J AS. BISHOP You mua no riskit n getting gilafroua bina. Oshava, Liueemd AuCtimnu. BUOOMa or te u.. FIrbanks. Frter "7 ONESRT IIUGH PUGH Kit gSt., Towoulo. (Hon Major. . à t ihfIne it Iulfi a £ýêm.ri THROUGH DAY COACH TO NEW 5.20 P.M. DÂILY VIA-C.P.R. AND N.Y.C. LIN-ES. Commenclng Sunday, May 7th, day' COadir passeagers for New York ntay bqard 6.20 p.m. Canadien Pacifie trý1n aI Toronto, daily, anti arrive at Grand Centrai Terminai An the heant o!fINew York City, witbout change, en route. Particulara f nom Canadilan Pacifie ticket agents or W. B. Howard, District ?asaenger Agent, Tarante. PUBLISHERS DîSCUSS INCREASE 0F SUBSCRIPTION RATE. Theupriag meeting o! tire Mldlqnd l'rem Associatlon was helti ai Port Hope on Frlday of lait week. TArare were present a dozen reprmsntatUves Wl-AT 15 THE ALTITUDE OF HOME ? Y10111 Intere-sting information as ta alti- tudes, lu Canada le publîsheti ln a large volume issueti by tbe Commision of Conservation. Froni At the foilow- Ing data la giea.ned as lu altitudes o! WVitby andi surroundings: Lake On- tario le 245.8 feet atiove mean sea level anti Whilby wharf As 251 feet above sea levei. The foilowing figures hIdi- cale how many feet the places natneti are higber than Whitby wbarf. Up-lown station, 36 feet. tlrooklin, 287 feet. Myrtle Station, 550 feet. C.P.R. Crossing, 644 feet. HAghi Point, 776 feet. Manchester, 703 feet. P>ort Perry, 576 feet. Lindisay, 601 feet. Claremnonl., 584 feel. Balsam, 4935 tact. Brotughamn, 526 feet. Greenburn, 304 feet. EDMONLIS AND GARLANDI) N COURT. Ex.-Pies. Edmontis anti Garland ut "C' Co., ll6th Batlalion, appeareti be- fore Magistrale Harper ou Nlondtay nlght on a charge ot assaulî. Thrase menr have been dismissati from miilary service, a! 1er Coutar Martial, anti were irandati over to the civil authorities ta tic deait witb. Evidence for the Crown was given by Mrs. J. W. Bateman, Capt. Every, Ptes. Rosa anti Lunan, Corp. G. S. New- ail, Sengt. Frank MacGrotty, Doclar's Aset. J. GlmbletI, anti Dr. McGllivray. The etory as matie up by the wit. nesses seeme lao run as toilows: On the evening a! Marcir 31, Pte. Edmontis was assignedto thlie post of 'Waltlng Guand.'" PIe. Garland ta 'Pinket Duty." PIe. Garland gaI un- tier tire Influence of iiquor, anti wu arresteti for baing tirunk on picket duty. He was piacetiln lire "cage.' About 8.30 p.m. Pte. Edmontis matie the ,requcet o! Capt. Every tbat if be would release Garland ha would Lake mm borne anti keep hlm tiree, apI. Every consenteti. Edmontis appeareti perfectiy sober at the lime. Shontiy after tire ralease, Etimontis returnedti 1 Capt. Every, andtitslime was aimis- takably tinunk. .;he next se-n of lire men wa-3 by Mrs. J. W, Bâtemant, wbo was waik- ni ne oock. " heesdlir.; pased bi andi when ïn front of the Royal Holel two of tireu assaulteti the thind, push- lng. hlm down anti viciousiy kickIng hlmn. Mrs, Bateznair, who feareti th.iy wouid kAîl the mair, trled to part the inrca andti ten z-an ta <ae door of 1tue Royal andcalieti for heip. Ia the meafi. tinte tire two bad picked Up tireir coi». ph.t-.on anti rvalked v AIrhibra dovJn te tir e mories. Eztening the orderly room, Edmond@u andi Garland, pushod tiroIr compan1o», wbq was Aeott, the Millitary Polioe f6r thre aight. before tiren, and atter 'a lime begar hltîixrg hlm. ý I1he toldiek-s ln threroont tned te gel Edmonds, Wl4o was very noitty and- abusive, te desi8t CIERK AIL RUN DOWN Restored To gHeaith By Vinol Sheibyville, Ind.-" arn a cieirk in à botel and wua al run down, no energy, rny blooti was pour and mry face covened wîth pimples. 1 got i0 weak 1 had Iot put up an awful fight to keep at work. After taking rnany other remedias witb- out benefit Vinol h an retoned my healtir andi strength. --Roy' F. Butn. For ai run-down, weak, nervous conditions of men sand wornen, nothi n aquals %Vinol, our delicious cod liver 1n1 tron toflic withouit oi. Try it on our guarantee. A. H. Allun, Drugiat, Whitby, Ont and lepave the roomn. Théy tild gel hlm oîîtside, but be returneti and agaîn at- tackied Scott, who appenreti dazed and unrable ta defend b-imself. F'tnaiiy PIe. Burt came An andi hati a tussie with Edmonds, getting him down on tire fluor. Etimontis was overpowered and fflaced An the cage. Scott %as next seen on the sîreet by Sergt. MarGrotty, anti next was Io- calet IAn Mrs. Collins' restaurant, wbere Pte. Gimbiett saw hlm anti caiied An Dr. McGillivray. The doctor tbougbt the NI.. was dazeti, as be diti not re- ffly lu qitiesiions aketi. Some meti- cAne rvas prepareti anti sent to Scott. When the Dr. returneti later An* the evenlng Scott was gone, baving walked home alone. Next day ire appeareti at tihe armories, but complaineti of feel- ing sure. Edmnonds hati been heard ta say ha worîlti get" the M. P. Capt. Every warned hlm that be wouid be severely punished Iif ha assaulted thre M.P, Mr. A. E. Christian defended tbe prisoners, andtihAs cross-examination ot witiiasses was along tirelina of show lng tirat Scott was shammlng, and, firat be couiti not bavk- beac mach In- Jureti. Scott vas not prasent. He la not An town. Ha obtainedti bras days' leave o! absence anti bas overetayed hiis leave. Tira Urown wouid like to lo-* cala hlm ta hear bis story. There A aiso another rpason-a mnst serlotîs charge liras be4en prefarred agnanst Scot t. The case was adjourneti for one week. SERVICE. Probably nothlng helpu more ta make a railway journey realiy enjoyable than a visit to thre "lning car,» upe. cialiy If It bo a Osadian Paciflo un. Ing car, wlaere the pessenger liasurui of thre highest terni of effciency lanthe. cuiinary art. the ciroicest provisions tbe market affords. Prepareti on the acleutîfl prIielpal knewn ai »letttc i»lendiing,' Your tayorlte diaras yeu 11ke it, may b.enjWoyed ti .ream6nble coit,, az$itst ideal îurrogn4in4ms, utile traveling on thre Chiau PaeMfl.--44 y- t