- GLORIOUS DEATH ~r«.i«~ ~~~I TO SHAMEFUL SRE Rueisian Detachment, Taken Primoer, llurled Themeelves on Escort, Defeated Them, and Rejoined Regiment. A despateb frotn London mays: detachment of our soidiers formlng Desperate flghting ia an progres lathe reserve and captured thema. These the Caucasus, both the Russians and r'eev@s rfrigagolu et idvt-o a uhamneful surrender, headed by Truka claimlng Vo have the dat their off icers, hurled themsîlvîs fge. The Petrograd officiai report on their Turkish escort, and defeated dlaimsg that a Turkish pLttempt at an them and rejoined their regiment." offensive In tise direction of Erzingan In 'an ail-day batble In the Mount was repulaed by Rusalan fire, snd that'l Kope sector on the Caucasua front the tise Grand Duke's troopa are advancing! Turks drove the Russians out of posi- weBt and south-west of the town of tions ne Platava, and continues: turingt "«In engagements in the region west machine. of Aschkala the Turkm surrounded a day's ol Markets of the World GERI flreadotuffe. Tororto, Mas- 16_ NMairtala whla- No. 1 NOrthel'i. Il2816 No. 2 Il 27. No. 3. SIL22t, on lrack !Urry ports. Manitoba onts- Noý 2 C' W . 62&c, No L, à CW, t51c, extila No. 1 fer-e N o. oo 1 feed. 60or. on it-k 18y ports Amebrlcan crri -No 3 ~ia.S2c, (in track Toronto. C anrîrdlian coi n -Fr-roi 7.1 to 73,,.taiiir-j tral on tracit, Turonto, (Otario al-0p Ni, 8n bue ,461ri)47r:,Ah 4 6 to M.u-ala,-,4 B la 6 tr, t - diAg&t fretglitq autmltit%. 1Danish (jîia, b)wher-i No 1I eoiirmlerrIiil L 04 ,oS$1 06: No 2 i')fl $1,02 t.o $aim4. 3 ido, 9 r t l% S1i P1 . fer w herii. it , eei l'm piNo2U)ù,iiiodni omm ini Gerir P yo. $1 20 to $1 60, al -(fdwitliz 1) r iglits -ontilouE I B. cc rlngb r.tgri iail, Nai ir lii rî;il C", Many ir fr-ed 6oIr tir i .-, a". rii tg o ot be frelotîis riiti-hp fi(etlorlit rftilsinlr- tmnues: Rýe- N.. i1 93iifi, 94v ri,--i.. 4"The corfiting t)' f ri-iIR i -o iîr" h Nfliiiitrnlla flou,- 1PIrri pnir-itR ti1 huue diers 'W( bilors $660,. tr--ond ipir,-iis o I liri '"" gi. n $6 011, xi -ng birake- , Inr jriîrr tgr5g il~ C OTi ýToruýtt r)ounceq Onltaroflour filr îr'îir, . eainple.. 14 410(r$fin',I n t) em onr r 111k the sold Toronitu 8415 hr $4 >,5b litc k, ' rllest the prom îrt abipiînt "De MIlirtprl, jjj ri -l' ' ci,,tui- ii "V eerti frelght, ls itan a--r 1lo11 $24. shtsI. fierrInclude ton. $26;. lllliîrg.s (p-r .0 826 tir) n7 . aven (1 ted t flojý o ,-p- )k.$iG) )$1 , il ng an Country Produce. suling hier-- Firexh i ir N. r-hrrtr-r-,.2 rilantreatme 27c; Infrerior. 23 bn 24c-, r-i -note)i t its 9 to 31c;hIrirri<rr 28 <o 29v nerettit lGgri-N,'w Ilid. 23 bin ry i .) iiir- tenrms, lîrné, 24 tri 2fig' Fi-enrm -$4la $4 60. tir, I:tiirr i-r lii- eVer-, 00 Plckfd]I Credibiv 'hprrqtc- large I M Ur 9Ã(' i, ta r 191 lrr 20e, l'ori -, .r- .-tr- -ICi 2--j in 20 v. Iuiarli t ' p ru p - $si 40 l i $1 it1" i-r- li- pIFil'ciI HA vallo.n llooirer 'îir-a tir 11, t-.C'ar 11) finsot 3 te 14e, ('qiiiPs S -1 1. $2 75 ti $.I No 2. $2 26 I. $-2 4it 1_11111 %lmoi ir ) itr t 2 . (- M r fowlr.144 ta 2o.-. di. Its 4 ta, 2L, îrr- c kev,a2fBî'G I'l i mis i iri.r 1lo 11 771i 7 r !,n --t Np w ltr i 1 l.it $1 A' r dei - --r -1 l blig gliin fo -4'rovI.Igonuw. 11a-ain fhrr.g- unrii'i sto, i qo- -ri cruna Iris lîrrir - 11r-t.rn 21r- 4 Il t - mestr\ n . 24, . 2 1r- i.r r-1 r-- i grplirnlnfusî inrorîr 4 foi 2f1. I-nrl ,qtas 1rr 26 toir271,- . rurije--sm at ...k- r-.!rf 1a ill itt sf hrîr e u t-n i .-r--- rr . asnr Irnti1.-, 11;I ti r 1 7o rr -nr-1i i l 541.' arly ten miles in length, cap;- WEEK'S NEWS 0F THE WAR. front; In a prompt counter-attack, il, hie duty Vo make a personal visit more than 300 men and f our - owever, the Frenchs rocaptured al Vo Dublin. n guns, accortling Vo Thurs- Inc(reasinigattention has centred trenches bat sand inflicled enormous Russian roops continued Vo land iff Icial ahnouncement by ths thix 'î-eek on the Anglo-Frencis front losses on the enemy. A feature of the tis week at Marseilles, and 1V han in rCee, 101g wichfor ,,,newg of tise week frorn Paris was been estimated that 25,000 or more - --in Gcece alîîg hichfor omethe announcement of Vise promotion of In ail have disembarked tisere. De- wveeks a comparative luil bas prevaili Generai Petain, he gallant defender spatches reaching New York presage M1NY CUR S eîl. )espaU'bes towsrds t'he end of- of Verdun, Vo Vthe post of Commander- a vast movement of soidiers from the week told of brisk flring In this in-Chief of the group o! cenEral armies Petrograd Vo France by way of Vhe A M R TIO S ýfieldl of war, iendlng color Vo reports In ýhe sector between Soissons and White Ses. The transportation facil- that active bostilities might be re- Verdun. Generai Robert George Ni- ities, iV in declared, are sufficlent Vo sumd -velle has been appointed as bis suc- mnove haif a million men In ths course sundin the near future. That the cessor. of the summer if they are needed. of 0-oldiems in Trencises lgarians fear an att'ar-k will be In Great BritaLn a large share o!i1 At sea, the outstandlng event of Was Reduced Si made by the Allies la indicated by re- public interest has been attracted by- the week has been ths sinking o! ports that freqh forces have been the cross-lire directed at the Gov- the White Star liner Cymric, off Vhs W'eeks Ago, - lîrotîght up south of Monastir. Strong Fernment by Liberai and Nationalst coasi, of lreland, by an enemy sub- -îîach ro Lotio ear':'l' ue pie ositions, iV is i.aiil have -members as a consequence of tise -marine. Fpthfo odn Thbn e cn thrown uip. execution of the. Irisb rebeis. Pre- Petrograd reports that the offen- îrewspaper Rîbestifîs T hdnd .o~~~~~~~ haedT-hrd yamnh5 e flghting in the V'erdIun ser-Vor - mier Asquith assured questioners on sive o! the Turkishé, forces In the haration r-arrthe n elgorouslvaOus-several occasions tisat it was Vhs de- region of Mamahatun bas been stop- bbs ides througbout t vue eok Earby sire of Vhe Administration Vo deail as ped and that in tise Mesopotamia zone îiany that' ut is impossible to ithe week, the army of Vhe Crown mercifuliy with the prisoners as was'of war the Vown o! Kasr-i-Shirin, ethe 'tar Vo the endriof 1916. Prinice attaineti a smiall mn-arure of compatible with public welfare. On 'about 110 miles nortiseat of Bagdad, n eriay elev tatitca-'sur-rn-rssn-n the fifty-milie f.ii shiaped tThursday he annbunced that he feIt asocuped. ma,,irn. aiilt-aitruih the nom- 1wsocp rit r' T la p -t «1 -i iles inte G;crm.in East Afrioa, ac- r orihirg tiraan officiaI 'taterneit is- ruet ruWon n dyby tbbc Belgian War l)epnrtmeritait IHavre. Gen. Tom- breur, in commanil e! the Africain ex- pi-etiti, repotrs thatt a Belgiun coi- rnam 'iah rrossed Vise Germinn front- avr n-aurRuhianga bas Fadvanced Vo GERMAN LOSSES PREMIER ASQUITHI NEWS FROM ENGLAND SINCE WAR BEGAN GOES TO IRELAND NEWS BT MAIL ABOUT JOHN BULL AND BIS PIEOPLB. During Apî îl German Casual- WilI Consuit Civil and Military ties Are Estimated Authorities. at 91,1,621 A despatwch from London says: Pre- A depate frm Lodonsays Anmier Asquith lcfV Vhs Euston station A depates fom Lndo say: A on Thursday night on board the Irish official British estimate of German , mail train on bis way te Dublin. Mr. casuabties in Aprib, issued here on Asquith once before took tise reins in Wednesday, places tise total at 91,162. bis own banda at a criais by assuming The number cf German casualties the. Secretaryship o!f\Var, when the sance Vthe beginning of tise war is giv- tb ratenei Ulster revoIt in 1914 Caus- en as 2,822.07 9. These figrures were cd tise resignation of Col. Seeby. Tise gÃven in the following statement- prime Minister's finest powers have "Germnan cirsuaties, exclusive Of been displaiyed in playing tise part corrections, 'tere reported during tise -of ai concibiator, and he now bas a month, o! April, 1916, as folowa- tank 'thich is likeiy Vo demanti their "Kilbed or dieti o!f wounds, 17,455; utmost excrcis. Ife frankly declared died o! sickness, 2,395; prisoners that the presert tuat'ion could noV wounded, 14,557; woundeîl, 4,00 1; continue. sligzht'ly wounded, ';8,9î9; %vounded re- -tx- maininîg vith units, .5,63:î. Total,,- lIE AVY LOSS OlF LIFE 91,16;2. IN SOUTH AFRICA. "These. addedtl t those reporteti in1 previous montlîs, iaicluding corrections A despatch frrrm Cape Town says: rcported in April, 191G, iring tise te- lleaivy bsn o! hf5e andi enormous pro- - als reporteti in German off icial lista perty'damage bave resulteti fromn sud- sunce 'the e inniio-f the ar tû :8< i-- _ ,, , , - 'la, - -I -I- i. i --i - I - I e-- r r- C. ii~ r tien nloona, îoaaoweo îîy tne hnvy raiins which have broken Vhs long dror-ght in the midland liitricts. T"orty perpons hav'e bmi drowned in tise C.amtoos Valley, and t-bere have b-een snialier basses of 111e in other districts. E\-eryw.%here railways, isomesteadas, dam,; ant livestock have been swept awny by the floods. ('LFIIGY I18 HELPING TO u'-uv'FR i rnJVr A d t.ci f rom Dublin n:rys: Cisurcisos are beinIg uset by looters as convenient depositories for their loot, arnd tise clcrgy la co-opcrnting witis tise authori*o:es ina nendeavor Vo re- store thse arViclea Vto thissu owners. Ila tisis way mnaay o!fVise looters bave been able to ec-cpe arr-est, altisougs a special court la trying cases daily. Tise qca.rA~ for rdbels and armas con- tinues, a ,tmali ares being cordoned ecci day .and vigorously overbauled. 09 SH-IPS TORPEDOED DURING THE PAST YEAR. A lteft 1It[l LUU LondonAlfl ays:i> ie coiiductors. Thirty-seven uinarmed Britmsh mer-' Psstty Officier W. Gitwler. of Ports. chantmen and 22 tieutrai vesasia wore moutis, boasts the Buettiau St. Georgeu torpedoed without warning he-tween (rtois, coaferred for apeclal war set. blay 7, 19 1 f, and DKay 7, 191 M. Thoraa vice Ina B Iritish submarine itithe J1. Mamân~r, *mPlimnelalSeertar4y to aUe i he Admairaty,-mdd là te Bouse ci Comuon onTlrady. ieadded i"That barbor you introduw.d ei heudxsto »fiu« wr to app«ear to b. anxiffu for wisv"o known to thse Amwrtn Gvrrment. Ta'.10 bef»u$e he la a b*Cheolr- l ______do.st knêwi what war owaSng. EADE»RmAIND PRI1NCER ALBERT lta te orid nees«I. Acrt Two remaAgbly Intèeftini; facto regmrdlng th~e year. 1115 are Ineluded latieReitrarȂ4meral'o annuai re- potn o 116 Issu recently. They anes Thse marriage rate in 1915 rose to 19.4 per 1,000 of the population. Infant mortality jneredgsed to 110 per 1,000 birts. It ln evident from the first f act giv- en that the war bas had a striking effeet, on the number (if marriages. For nmre years past there has been à steady though smali Incresse in trhe popularity of marriage, but each year has only seen a rise of a decimal do point gr Vwo. Thus 1914 showed an m Increase In the number of marriages ________________ over 1918 from 15.7 per 1,000 Vo 15. 9 per 1,000. Compared with this siight rise, the increase ln the proportion last-year of no less-than 3.5 per 1,000 is extra- STAR VJNG POLES traordinRry. In round figures It means that ln addition to the normal number of marriages for the year there were -AIIL TO BE FED no fewer than 80,000 war brides.- - The second fact gives rime tV o me- what melanchuly reflections. For British Foreign Office Makies an many years past strenuous eff orts Announcement. have been made to reduce the heavy wasbe- of chihi life. So successful have, A despaK-h from London says: The been these effo'rts that the Infantile Foreign Off ice on Thursday announced mortaiity, which In the '90s ranged the acceptance of the proposais of the about 150 per 1,000 births, has fallen Rockefeller Foundation for relief ln to about 100 per 1,000 births. Poland. The plan provldes that -->- -1 MOST DARING EXPLOIT. Frenchs Aviator Hitched Flaming MNa- chine Vo a German Battleplane. Detauba of one o! the moat daring aerial exploits recortled during Vhs war have just been ascertained hy Vhe Paris Matin's correspondent at the front. The fsat was acisieved by a young French aviator above Muel- hausen, -in Alsace, and bas already been briefiy mentloned in tihe officiaI communiques. A large French aeroplane aquadron, which had set out Vo raid Muelisausen, was met by a Germain equadron, wbicb inciuded one of the powerfui new Ger- man "Kaimpffliegzouge," wbich la tise naine given te the latest type of tise Kaiser's battiepianes, which are equip- ped with a double muter and Vwo ma-- chine guns. A violent combat ensued between the two equaidrons, Is tise course of which Vhe Gernripn battle- plane's machine guns rlddied one of Vthe French machines with bullets. One builet pierced the gaisoline tank, aind within a f ew seconds Vhe Frenchs ma- chine was a mass of flames. The French pilot, realizing that he was doomed tbo certain deatis, bended straight for Vhe German battieplane, plunging Into iV with Vhs full speed and force o! his own machine, wbose propellors, entangled in Vhs plane,, dragged iV aiong. Both machines. in fiames, piunged Vo the grouiid. TURK PEACE CONFElIENCE. People Are I'rged Io Prepare for ..Liberation." A despatch Vo Tise London Morniîig Post <rom Saloniki says: Messages from Constantinople state Visaia Grand Council was ieid in Vhs SulVan'a palace at Dolma Ba-btcbe Vo consider terma of peace. Prcacisera in tise principal mosques are urging tise peo-. pie te '*prepare for iiberstion." A secret committee is formlng, and grave events are anticipated. PLOT TO KIDNAP SIR EI)WARD CARSON. A despatrb <from London says: A plot bo kidnap Sir Edward Carson from Cushenhali, County Antrinu, wisere he expected to spend tise Eas- Ver holidays, han been uncovered by an investigation, says tise Daily Tel.- graph's Dublin correspondent,.The plan mlscarried, tise- correspondent addis, by Sir Edward, owing t tise pressure of business, eaneelingr bis holiday. I*ARON WIMIJOR-W4RESGN8. thse t j. America in conjunction wlth Ger- mnany will supply food to civilians in Poiand until October 1.. The German Government agrees not Vo Interfere with foodstuff s im- ported into Poland, Forty thousand«? tons cd foodstuffs are necessary eacb ' month. The mnanagement of thse scheme is to reat with Vhe American commission enhireiy. The proposai of the Foundation was made by Am- bassador Page to the Britishs Govern- ment. Russia has agreed to thse plan. Germany mnust undertake to sup- ply Vhes tarving people of Serbia, AI- bania and Montenegro. 'lise Foreign Office made a demand tbat relief b. extended to ail Poland, and not, only, the part which Germany has- occu-' pied. The consent of Great Britain la only given on the understanding that Germany must guarantee that' ase wiil not export relief supplies out of Poiand. Kitty-"Jack toid me last night thai 1 was the prettiest girl he'd evez seen.0 Ehei-"Oh, that's, nothingl Hie said the same' thing to me a year ago." Kitty-"I know that; but - as one grows eider one's aste improves, you know." Machîoery For Sale Wbeelock Engine, 150 H.P., 18 x 42, with double main drivlng bel( 24 lus. wlgc, andi Dynamo 30 K.W. beIt driven. Ail lu fîrst class condition. Would bc solti togctber-or separatc- Iy ; also- a lot of sbaftlng at a vcry gîcat bargain as room is rcqulrcd immedi- atcly. 8. Frank Wilson & Sons 78 Adelaide Street; West ITorntO. Lord Lieutenanst of Irland Wus Sue. ce"«o te Lord AWed«en. A drespateis <rosi Lindos a"Ys..The, i Marquis of Crswe ano'td la tbe-' flouse of Lords on Wýdsdy tiat Ulrors Wimboirne, r4 Iileutmnt o frotaüd, bsd re4rwd. TIsA. i. »Told, Qa"RshfU - lUis u ~oinah t ~home; Uand factr 11955 wori bu3tit is ýfvery gir futre hi tuard ag the 1i-00C ,purie. To hservos-, r '.ik Pubi .Ont., aay iJng Vo C ilpon me, thnd final ilale. sii ý'eSt wel Iflisi rabi, krou1l- - Loriiirg f i'0oga 1 hTiîIuî Df h-Rit Ltr of bet!tt-r Ir MnY expr You rcr * froin ani -at 7, c'- $2î)fr cie C(o. P IT Bt-i-is A rmy front sa lbsh oit sinre ir-i ln Fran have be- erabby k -of the %ilveq bý Jorit'y h settling over. The li superli be knom ie that came Vi knows i has tati SOAP Big Ad' Owinj fats Viii ad'alnCE much à Là uni the wai ait.whol ait 16 Vi soaps h ssii for ,though In tir manuf; fimposai s-orne 0 lormerl now gi cases. - ME tbat ün Aotni v - rk îe paiper asQcrtï;, and r-on- rationîs of the Germizîn soi- ,ere cut six weekS ugo. Meab la g rare. breaid is limited to 12 daiby andi foodi parcels f rom iers' homes are now for bidden P civibiains thernseives suff er. ions are numerous, and they officerq. Socialismn is spread- nazingly amnong the troopa. 9Ss of disciplinie is evident, re- ft-om the extrcmeby hairsh -ni. The shorbtage of borses aVen the reducing of giin -Armunitioti anîd arms, bow- :intinue ta lie' prohur-ed in in- ANS 70 MIL~ES INT() EAST AFI-RUA. Irogresai in Cermain Territory tined by Gencral Tombeur. ýSîatch from lParis raya Bel- 'tr-es have pt-netrated scventy Winhiune r i. the castor-shore o! Lake Mohasl, Kiled or diet of wounds, 664,552, ~Viit--.M;1% l-ii-riri. - 1-- t1t G-rman forces retreating in tise died o! sicknes, 41.325; pr-mener-s o! -Wirr-rrtNo. i Nortrt, Si 21ZN., 2 Nortii-rn, $i i'ý. Ni .1 N,,-rîtr niri141, direction or Lake Vict.oria Nyanza, war, 137,î98; missing, 197,094; severe- NI). 4 SI li ClNor B, S102À. Ni- G. 45cseventy miles to heeuViseBeg f(Ife0-il. 01<. urlxNa 2 C~ 46V.* No eea.TseBlinlv '-ourdeîl, 385,F)15; îvounded, 254,- .1 <'W -44fc. extalrNo -1 i etI. 1.N.. Colonial Miniqter announeed Isat 627; alightly vounderl, 1,023,212; 1<- N- i,41 i. -N. 43î 1 ar-- t-a. y tisaitBelgian troopa isad cap- wounded, remaiining w't-h units, 117,- ea- r' r-4'1 6r r Ilii XN- 1 N we uretl German positions south o! Kivu .95F6C. Total, 2,822,079. $i 711. N.. 2 t' $1 7i 1 Lake anti weré ad-aincng solthfin an "These figures incîtade ail German 2ran rrMontreas MArlkeVu. iretina 0u0i miles seuth Of nationauities - Prussrians, Bnvî:rian, XL . i uIls %lina- L ake port n i it"-eraI Tombeur's i-e- Saxons and Wurtemhicrger--. Tiey de No 2 Pitî.S7I.5, gbtmCa i a lpr riipstho invasion O! tise noV include nav'al or- colonial troops." - *ir " 2cd. -i.-Na * Germain colony is bcing made by Vwo: eXStri Sý-' 1 fi,.-d 1536.- ,N. 2 lc t0rn ti 12r-. No 3 do--rt- Nor 4 dotIrfit1ld rcolumna, oesoperatiniz !rom the norVit EEhIS Â'.TR Ici Nlrtrtî'.irl rrei. 61; r.72v.r. nalîi$Z'se o d fr m tege 74 tr 76o lorrtNiuiriirlra ipri Il -andIts ec rmtheewet.TIROUG11 KUT SIEGE. wlî,-a< i rrr- ir s f i. 86 Gir,41 lrî 5qc rrirl1 - - $41 If), Mxlrmn rtrin S.* lie Winier irrî- anistm irefil 'baiztit r'riierx, st 3n UNEMPLOYMENT AT END Turikish Commander's Offer te Allow te e5r 40. qil-- tir a 1 2 45. ir $2 W 1Bti i"safe eusd Rail l It ar t 4-rlm.t.r!it94<o $62011.haig IN WAR-RIDUEN FRANCE. Ter Irg Rfad Or t1ti iIbr. -$2 40i 1,.$2 4ri Nlillfr'r-rllrrn- A despatr-h from r-rlin says: Tise $24. shirr-i 26. 2i -iili litngx. $2S tari t10- r ea erh o kle n n ton. r-ar $10îl SI& ll 21 F -a e.Ski ,.andUn-Frnnkfîîrter Bcitatg puîihébss a re- hietonv~-iir loi 12060 921 f -r'. A~ skilled Labor. i port t(bt, eneral 'rovtiFhend, tise (trile. 1&Io- 1%11 t. i flo'n,,titesr A espatcis <rom Paris say.r: Un- Britisis commaunter, wiso recently sur- l.iggp I-tr-ah. Ir-ttr-onrl27-, * No i1- mployment which mW55 sucis a diffi- renderet ant Kut-el-Anilra. Mesopo- ptl>r-r ,îg aI Nrio , 2> o.2vrrto.es-f cuIt problem nt the begînning o! tise amia. hsqd wath hîm in hs fortu-ess lle hag, li- ltI411.5 1war, i. now praeticahly non-existent hi% two duughters. The.y have been UnIted Stata Markets. in France. accordinu Vo a report la- sent Vo Con5tant inople. Vhs report lrita-iPrIsMAY '161 Wheraf ni. sued on Wednesday by the Minster ofr sti3ts. Tise commander- in -ch ief of 81.241. Jul.. "i81 . N-r 1 luatrdl 1Si lI.Labor. On he otay hs nateTr i-hfre eea ie' f Nu. i Nortllr. Il 2489in $1 271;. re2 otayVhrla hsTrabfcsnvrIVme o- Norîluerti si 20$ Ia su 268 à ru N Sdeartis o! hoth skllled and unskllled !fered theta fr-ee passage tisrougi tise yellw. 7 < 7h <lis-a. Wt.- labor, which la keealy <cît in vleur of Unes during tise siege o! Kut-el- 435 in Ill. Plrur. faim-y pateitls,1(ý hlilter. ii'i-rl.d rut $9 If). <lbhet raidpa Vhe remarkable revival of industries, Amara, Vhe paper saym. but they re- tittà ghi-t ige, i I thiyi i<-is. 24.440 barrt anot only o! tisos mployed in suppiy- fuacdtu t accept tise offer. Ibultili. M.ur 141.- Wlituîb -Na I htrt. ing the needs of tise army, but alt.olI ij24' No 1NUtther... i $1 10 o8il.4k Jr~2Nrr~h-r. 3.80 < SI218 -civil sad expert trade. Groverrzasat bMrs. Nerves-"Kitty if, you dont -- attatiatics shows that at the e.nd1 of 'top makinit that dreà dfut noise nt Sav tock Mabet. Janîiar-y over 80 per cent, cf t1 ef»Ac- your pay. 1rhall havs~e to puait-h betis Toraonto, blae' Ç.- 1108%'- ha~y ttS5mt1-orles wero worklng at fuîtl ~eity. you and Frauikie." Klty (JtsdilatllY) 9.te it 11.3 ;butehar stast-s. eh4Itrlen.. -M .tri$.00 o.tUO -btc, orNt,$525<n S 40; and t*ne number of emaployecaac aly-' 9l,,lmsua- re ewOuld m a s In. rne-diuin, 3.00 te ;aN25s [Io. comion. exceedtîd by une per cent. the to-i lot More tislstisais <Mr then,5 ý.00 <oeSa0e:do.. M s: -n î$7.5<, taIlannormal times. ______ __ 7.50; buleu lr eown. t-bo&It-ai, &05te 8-4 36 11,, Rond, ¶4f."O faIo1.6; butcher hula a w'a boiela-et 8 1. - i l 77-dr.. gRoit es.60îjFOR MARE VAIN AITEMPT R NAýlmÀwP 1800; do.. ttîesllnm. $600tS i.so- doP I CE A~ID ouais bologna. $4 40 te 84.60. feeeru. T RAID BRMTSII TRENCHIES 100 tsi 1.000 lus. 87<100 te 17 40: do. buISht 6t.0 te $6.00.;Mstiera. -à 00 te $i0 Ibo'. epab<o Lvi a7:T T,0 0 e îf., unqd.. 460 te T;Ibo jtA dxacbfo 4dnMs ~.00 tin 8do., uebl, 40*0 ltu 460 ha.fnlowinscmiunltico was lescd 16 tu 8.50: vanner.. 8400 to $4 55. «ltterg.8460 tg) $4.1& nllkeru,. - e n Thurudar tnlglst: '1be enMY Mêde Cil,, 8IO,0O tu #81.110; stiw-tueru, $4080 anUs uuereatafttelupt to raid eOur #8,0 vle edi. r5-00 rntei, te e $4-SO, b1Ml.c sfW î54gd" y islg b u Tesday thor bas t'Wo $3,Dïeufl amubos,. $7.00 a et~Iy srDêaout . CWE5r' ilaSit.,005 Vo l'e10 uS miser iav mer and Frleoerf4t, aèdis lwn 1aeos, .40; de.'llt. N 4»uý* » $11.0 .tnt8 1 . -Uther'arc-,Mains wIth iUs. Ibo aflhy-M.bo c oe,, ,7 5, 8.0;nucdnsuu. 5.t>ea-$de* ha$ berà astirue aboa AuJ 0 miiiV-~air 8*0te 0. tqîr lwîs' ,Anditthe5 #atout 1YPru.At tis u s Miles. t rutr <stgoedfl. Sa-~ te $7. ucditnm, $#.Se te $- esusnuinan55 tIls;l ~ A5V t eltellorr so.ea, daiS r'.76 t 75 le fg rmsa<ma âiiae ts, f ualr te #mnd. $5.560 te,5 55 0: canaru mui clierga lvâ u $11. Fîp.t Ilgicx. , 'etu i lt h It'i 1bri eSu: itsn.S 16U'l 2SoU8V$9,' 71e.-tu.og Iir'lee te.t13 t 1. O 98NEr IfWCOMMENDEP FOR V.A C.r resMBI Ua »»for e'r.rneb Lëtloo e f serr(or spasth ia ataOI&Sat t 00d nW* - - - lâtdlag U» ai .1 S t.I r4üt Peta Browné of the. fl % t. km** of he War onWho habeesn reonrnwndss e* igipret1 O YMtqta*and esgo.thrr. *- :gone Iofufo a mals 1 » - - --r-1 Occurrences ln the Land That Relgni Supreune ln Vhe Commer- cial World. 1 iecause of the war buril fer-s are to be raisnnd at Ramsgater. A seventh death bas occurred at Dover as a resutîl of the recent air riId.- Lord lîrassay, GJUIf r lias accepted the position cf prè:rident of the Nat- ional Food Fund, The King lias appcinted Pari Grey' toe C.(hanicellor o! lie Order of Si Michael aind St. Grorge. Tbae Dckers' Union (London-) and the Uppvr Mersey Watermen's aad Pot-rtrs* Assnociation have amalganma- ted. iIaa a inidnlîad iown raidQd by Zsr-pps- lins on Jan. 3l, a cohagcr bas Just found îîîa tinexplod-ed bomb In lis ga rd en.- l'le attrnlance o! the public at Kew tjardens ln 1915 -before a charge was made for admilssion - w-%as 4,300,- 330. The deaih lias occtirred suddenly at Evercr-icbî, Somersert, of Major Chas. David Sbt.rstoî. aîephew of Vhs bats Lord Roberrs. Wellesdéu Coutellhbas decided tixat there shah hbe music as usual ln Vhe partis this summer, and bas engaged three bands. r Elîam, Kent, IBoard or Guardians havo appobnted a ivoman a rate col- lecter ln the place o! her brother, who bas joied the celoiîs. The death has occurred at Exeter o! Miss Emlly ltoîd, daugliter ot Vhe late Admirai Bond. She attalned her 10Oth blrtbday last June. lavbng enîbarked uipon municipal dispensary a-t hs Lambeth Tubercu- bogia 1)1 spensary, hs Borough Council hâs appointed a lady dispenser. Bristol Counud hais lad under con- sideration the adlisatltty o! utllizIag pasturea o! the public parka for thse purpose of reIsIng food producta. Stepplng off a tramway car whlle on the 'tay to vlst ber son,'& grave, Mr@. Ton% Chaplin. of Ilford, wan kno(wked dowîî by a mider omnibus snd kIlled- -Speclal bonupes havo bs'en oted by ths Lambheth <luardiantito retain the dom<stic staff, It beIng stated thati six bougomalda have lett to becomel 1 V ImnIk.,U't r-lz IUU 1.