SEARCED BYSAV 0FSLI5,4IOO Water Tanks and I)rilling Plant of the G'ermans in Egypt Nt neofThseFi Destroyed by British. IO*eAtisthfrm ono A despatch fromt l ondonî says: A 1 it has now heen learned that the'A~~'hrdy fie ott Britinh official communicatiffn îqqued tolumn o f troops whîch su«fervd 1;y * '-' -oiicbircelyasd Thurlsday night conerning the operI our bombing attack oun FI Arish on o ~ ~ ' et ngvn i oa ationqitli Ezypb says: the' lSth were Germans. This prob- 0*- *%1 bi, KngGeoge % "uothe onemy air ttack on Port ahly explins their hauty retaliation P__Toeaeorcotr Bail, tît Royal I ly îg (Corps li by dropping bombe on Port Said civil- -'r-' OP 1 moAefecveyit mlia Egylit 'bus gx'ivtn tho nemv ltie rest. îania Further details show tihat two Four 1h iti,.l machines hI4,e lhea' ulY British monitors and a sloop f'îrèd 3441401,1,sl bot-filiaiell the cnt en a 'in epost.,. eayprojectiles in the attacîtk on ht pFIn gieiZst, Fort y lonîis t i t ix iped, resultxxîg AtiBihcausing the' cnt y to scatter cueo iiiaio a In Iiiîîluiiîs andi a pleut nt, El ][latin in ail directions among the pap hiCOr tesdceomyMntr mnialit ingr strioliqIX diinue anid the' groves near shore, which afterwards - -ncsayt noletr watv i ti i t Rla olisalt i i ixng 'were thoroughly searched hy salv os oft 2 Rotiel hç iiujist thewh îlemedium shelîs. The 1homiîartment 4( if illpsthe' greatier part of the' on ithi.t' tla rn.Hr, eit ot-r plan of (10 i t'mx n li~s silie ltlhe ties- iaîted two hourf3, and thte strong tfort 0 e 265 sFiluittr. Brigade aftî'r brigade-was of advnFInes hc ea atwe feptslgL ypo trîî tio tofhi-t ltI llîxgitai antn ir-it n the' town wam reduccid to ruins. The' tHi llihur-Iid atthe "rencvh positions to cast thave nowprsdth'iaan hckoin dapeciinc jaffxmi kyolrI ititi, .hehall mt t retnt eiemy, copetelyi ,emoralized xîmade ad m~eto n tsoi omi wybfr h'utltt n'yktee ie ftid~ptraimadsl- mtr p1,1.wtur elh 'orrie" Mnnîtirtieýroiîs machine guni, rifle, and Venetija. h snwrpreita tt ipae orligh -'l-l tire. At last the l-renrh, avohd- Italians hae tppd hoAsrluI imn inehcont nig netlstsatghiter of their ol~n rush', andihv eae e ftett a a oIii h honopti, have ab)andonot e lbi ih, which iost pus ilios Th'htei rcel has iirun a sort uf No-Mtin'î-land, ing w it.hafrytonhnyta en-nffcfrsua FR N H EjYL OY E RG nc-\-fi iithorcrombatant anxious ta ex- 'of Verdluntht thrnio insm FRENCH REPLY LLOYD GEORGE l~~~~~ot, tboopli tu the whirlwind ut dt'ath Two othe v't ftt ekae fwihll alsigS SHOT FOR SHOT TO U IY IIH\,.il 4N.p L tmi.ottni Mt-niwhile tht' French, tnking mat- V'olunr trvieiiEîlmixifO Ja oftetth I>F~ E)PMEN ()F>1THE E K tirs intu t'heir tqrn hands, made un a thingu ht at.Fa IO ntlsîii hloh, ihr Are' holding -the'(vn rin t Tiqk Comritted to Minister of' IN TH E NVA IL rc. (;reatce aais Fo«tte n A os vrltilMuntions by Unanimous p Lrid ofthe 'holewlier tz snrs quteinIel in ak n praticaly thhrOUegl(t] f gl o Vru hich emti dure\ \vtht'oitiaadiblonahll th Gsacriite A-IudVru.Cbnt rexicht'ci ils clhrn.x his week i a mtl- marists l îetakei-t onîy nt horrible c osb Junctitîi jiivarprt'Luswkpodupnte adt A i~jîttiltfi i)I tIîthuît a; l 'ho A despaîch from Itoidion stiys: Onet' Nhirh, in ;tdinb ut sus? aiiei tfer(-In f tcii andtammuxutiun. 1 umivres I < et it Gv s el( ea u Btitof \V tliiti tontinutes tiîtttei. tif tht' mosl, impressive scenes in the rti 'and carnage, hlitnsîît its nitial iii ntcli-t n;failt te thie Germans,hîut 'and the lrts roaontt i1s ierto fErp. Oit hoth -Itt oftuttht'e tseme iver, Ilouse utf('ommons since tht' heqir- the history outhLiii-worlti. Aftir ibreo as the 'Frvncb have withdrawn frum MWhen,,-e <ni huRscns n north-c si titIrîrt ofstutthe firtl, iîtng uf thte wîîr Iook place on Thiýrs- months ut fritless ;initial ii, ',Illtile 'more tiitugerus pciiitions aL IPendti Vi t rxuutkio nwbtte rt-F', il-i -rîîîîn rt'kecjîirir up tiny aftcrîîuion, when Prtemier Aquith svhenit itscemei t thit hc'att't k mîtst. Nitîis hlil.iilst doubt'ful if thik; tom- are therc',atd ihotautmrae th ei il t ro ci iI tm iariments nmste his esmgry-awsited statement l(i- ut shi-er s lilt5, tht- ;iriîum is îtiuiig 1îiii isîvcrCi htt thbe eî- tIci ornm. 'n t p ra c u i w th* AR0F l andti,,iîotîi iiaîtumry attncks, whilc the' on Irelaiîd.'Mnnly epecuilations and Ihegan Ibis -weck icu press foirwarîliun a eî-rnv hat it etsitht-m. this tuimi- erpr httt uk Frenich nie rept-ivîg Lo Uic ('erman hupes were lcilit an the, words whlch stries of assaults hmastie licihtîhtIlîo'îs0 , ut wlttht' slatigltte-rlins 401t1tliait ahniîhiei un'ofteradacdBrtliretlto gîxîs hrîîsly n.41tfoi but', andîhmin- îvt-re expected tram the' Premier, but 'ufthLii' eurly part outhebc' trtui-gzt'fatide î'iî- rit hV'-rthtn, the îtscendinnty iîosiliis. nibi ataprin o ode mi t'rri wilihîiir igre holding thle Getr- 1those who hil1tved tibal tht' situation iriho romparative oi~ thî'ii f tht. liewv uttilt try outhte Centrailuote'outthtrempoioninahiis moanntalmîst t'vory point. wuuld be rompletely rlarifled were l)enîi Man's Il ill bas; i thIe srtt 'werq hbm% c-tii mîiking itii-If kciuwn xmssaîlî. Tt usini att Oui necre' guin. however. hlis een cbomeit to cisRppointment. Neyer- o ena odesi mialle ivti- tirmans. After recap- hetess, the' Premier's-few words isere l-OLLOWING 'il hlItE (IURTAIN. NIIW TU2cw 4i' u3 o,49.e- hchrahu rms Irhug ortI)Pilicimotît unîdtakitmg ieivereit amid the' most protound M rktQ~~t N I ft. [b N et 4 trc'thîý-'-'th sud fsouith-est out the silence. thte sale interruption romlicg The Artillh yFirTht PhcdeshI- CN , «II 3t iîiyN,36~--al ore astt foirt, the' Gtrnîauîs teu thi' sieut have wlien the' sensmhbonal announcrement fery ire a rces-k-'s. la> Xc t'tgap Th' w't oi'tctii'tl rîî .etiun ut French trenithîts ias matie that Mr. lodGeorge ttaks wmitu eransodias.hofV fultnwiiîr ria serivs tif attiithxs, inii al ut would negotuimtý the sctlemrent. This iutaii article ini the' Atlantic Motuith- M't ." il\î3îmtttl"tttuUitt tae &».. h'frtwa ae whhc- hovliev sre reîîcjst iwitb lîîavy nnnouuît'ement waçt grteted %with w%'Rrm iy, 'A Soldier outhie Lt-gxou" 'r-Ni. iN î't i12 q 1I iiltttttt cc i ha a a. $31fl ià , '.ri IrLk, iN ýi t i. i 1L. .i1 t11 tî 3111 u o k f a G rn n al cnstialtiit î',xrepltihtune svhere they aîîiroval from nil shdes. geant Murtat' describes tht' French at- NitI.<éfit tmN- 2.,i-4' ~i. -Nto, Itit i, i[ tiNotenuN $Seseoftt1lt o pe tie trriat edtite French hiles. -t.ack on ibth erman trenches duri rig - '.ti . iiN-It t . " , $1 1i11N 2Ntieî.lti uS 5 Tjht-ir buoui he t)ouxmîumcîîîtridgze NOTEI) (ENERAI,'S ON the' drive xn Champagne lmet Septeni- Wli 'l 'î,N-3~-ii.7 a7~r <aa 3hBvra eev r'gxititI. iî~ 1~ huve aaluiSENT TO PRiISON. Iit'i'.Il gis-es ant'xceeedingiy %,j\Pi t i;ti-k. r ut c,7 tuii d lirtîi t uSio Mot'hlimienuthleiiie-d. uc-rnofsth'UmLeae R hIe(d h e a utthe tremcendt'us artilit-ry ire ci. I iît it tu. 'ii 1Six6# N'iNrut'n.8 slu$16;m tm to-H w MovIoiii rd ll 0- h at.jmâR WieG4WTre-the' "trum fire" of the' Germaxîs, the itîtictIo(tis N(j i tte 45 it)4citlN'2 N"t-'r,$ << ui 2 in h'w eso utr river Tht lrt'nrh matt' tbt'e a- Moaha' -"tire curtain" ut tht' French -Lhuit 1)1-t- t Nt I>-pit s li.-. .-$8.lefoth'preoft tenilitSt on Tliir'lav h- , reraiîîure'Ipiomn cedes ail the uuîantry assauits made 12ltSi t2ti't<tltIiitLvSocMAtu'fh ('tir-'hliri suiy tti iiilaittictks AÀîespat-h tram Londongamys- Capt. in t'his war. :3'. i11c llttttî,v. iltvlite itt g fiegIitt i'î ii ii 1.Ciie îeî- hi oe-a f il 11 îî. James R. White, tarmcrly of tht' Firuilt As sic marched torward toward the (tuiUivitc'l tSiI o ahrad c 1îtnîr r-" i uiiilî' ot it ut-' tGordon lHighlanders. and a son ut the ecuemny'swire tht' ire curtamu in front o 2, 1 ti iiiclodîg 1ii h - ý;kliktlt u eiu.84 l 80 lut-tti t o rmitlits <;l"'m-h umîtI si st tati' Field Matrshal 'Sir George White', autliined tht' whoie icngth ut the Gier- itiil.rt mu.3.6 03.5 utchrs ioso tt'Ftbrln Iiiii fi-) Miiiig. 4;6 ilu'674c. i-il 63 ttcîits chtii. .0 Ii8.5;d .ru h ofte F t rln ou ti ih,'M -~ ci'rîtri cl;iat-tilq ithe defend ofut1, tysmil', wsî's en- maxi lot' sith wonderfuh ueatoctss andc'ii -utrn ittiiiiai-i' luh 5.7 ii1-2;tueir ews uîýl-iehilîi' tirp 'tittc'ftikii Ietnelu hrdy uIrt ota eum-y. Abovc, al)si-as iiackness, littîrtuîî'hcî--7 t iii 71l.c-ttcciîîng Litohum- 8tt i 34.d od 70t h'ohrdcm îîîi tirti4i1)4 tîtercîl tciiz o hic tiank, imprisoomient aI Aberdare, W'ales. but at iLs iawer edge the' curtain sias Iigterslie rtî titiîîîiy ( 700 ii.ttiin 3.5t 57 tc-fon pnada od NNîthili-cigho larkrizur itîltI ve alsu, xn lHe was couîvictedlixndc'r tht' Defence fringetiwith red antI greeni Rames,c"It'a',ricgiirtihstîîd' teirieiuttl90t 100is.92 "WlrJuy 8t Lii- ciji tie f eMot IHomnmeand tif the' Realm Act of havlng ntîcmpt- markxng tht' explosioniut thbe shells NltiriitoiL fiuir pI't ati-ticIlJ'litelu.8.rxirsadcIr.800t On1 ii cloe these tare takî'îî mud cd ta indurue coal miner% ta strike in cirectiy over tht' ditch and parapet in 7. tittit 11) Jutsin l *çilumlk's. ehle ec 7r t a orhsthterntr %ti lwt'iîge n ..'.-. lu ein t o... Lu - pl the Gavernment ta front uf us. Out of tht' blackness feu llToronito. Il 3lt <;srtgr 500liîlt sîttb .l.ii-i,-t <iriltil' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ()ri intîrit i fltuîu -1uiiitîer ti'eixtiug l Iil I tei58 t u815;sep. 'w o hn fa h)tttuumiii, iii Grninscanreume show lt'niency toward tht' leaders of a trickling rab of pie-"soutmetal, sîiîi- 431,il, $4,40, lu hairm. untuIrai-k.~0 c 75;yartis 1 t a826 tu htI o r Toi oite34 91) ttî$4 45, In buik. sea-itb.<'tt.310ta1.5 rng u otyofamx ttvir frouitalt assaîîilis oui îiiemain lino the' roeohhon In Ireland. Atter les"- lumps of earth, rifles andi cartridges. tlii-'t, truxît iiîxtxî.il kittilptirt ais.8(0 u8200 as. odt or ilii' f,îri the' army In wl-ch be won tht' Naw we seemed v-try choute ta the' wall MiIIÇî.t 'dtir ltus, dc.liîcred Montretil teloice $51 a$20 omelm8 6 rtlIaol icr Order fo his o!abelia srearnin -fi-oniaur awnfreigktls-ilriîn. &. tonIix. SMIi horts .tii 8St' Lit) e im aed -yumgt ong - <i ~~Distinguiabed Service Opî'r tun.of heis romot ow ,dihnç ler uno25ta u i1hdofcr 116ttoleeljrdfrith servic durig tht BoerWar, CpI. gns, crviagjust aiave s, an 26. tn.d $c2i6, ur er bag ni -2i to d b304 glons o a ail bath runin mbthe' grawing ia having a isad effect on th8 ward toward tht' next trench, merked Na 01w. 8"'84e0. Oats-.-ca.adtftti1 tht' eccurc ttt at olne n~es ie r Btreltsand dawo the nitwers. morale ofte monxInlathe' 45t 'a l -g mia 2oi-f'localv whit~~~> 5j<-e, lxt ca tht'Empeor. delarethetthêOf ina- wig ou in- y or f e.*!eedN . 6;1aIloa wft.__et_ cbera» hihrec:__otdaitPtscaTO 4local vhitel il c. No. 4 local "Fane nLbnn lhyt< tsc iossa P ch E roe d e rD l ae S oldbr s, Ia o I s gh t e -Ite e ad , m y. lw yg h.'ts'lm lt<sba tOrln, w et -te n1fob a fee. I L a a d h . i I t r i y I n P o I5 n i d J.LABOht N'0lVOIE nt any question oi peace until "'t'tht' awtui curtain that cut us off from I4% te î t desti." f&at14eteI76e.handdts I w *6.80-g: selan 8.00; trong rs INu îh ece g sc ce t n i akpat sokn ac brisgag, ça6.1; Winter Patents. clioit'. $60 ta ici-clos ta rvt dlc «~te ar neclOt A ilespatch tram Landau snya: Tht other side of tht' Dvina." peaed ahead-just ahead etfuahid- 1 -Sti'ltgtt roteal,,410 to 56.10; for a yarptwq uhateia tti bdwi* 0bagis,$24 o t >5. tolIed **te- Dockers' Union lias gis-en its cnthuti- -ing cverything Wt' watt'.d to 500. l$bils. 4.76 ta 86.4z: do«. hars. " Ibos.tht' mesaepasil. ' abtie endorsemeat Ici the propceofa!GERA'(AU Tt daewsplayed aaieand .1te150 Bri.8.$lot$2.Ionn baI>s-' - the Amtteem, 2111to $30.. bMoutile, *30 toei~iUR II ' fes-lasbaa tht' Acx'lca Federtian o LabarNOT UI 'mTO DATE. *gain. Eact ime, as we appi-oachcd$,4 ias-No. 2, per tons, et I04».l01814 aSa h'wbl .rtr a e that at the' saine timm,.find place a! tht' g o close that fragments of oui- eln sttt.5 te 2 1,.o. iCee#5l t éat ->cab o hr negatiatians for iîcaree. here uhai hoi A dcspiatch frein British headquer. s iheils occaloisaly aluc a leadig ist.' utar-Chtlest c'r.ahlry. se.erbTutd o bof~ a worlhs hauor congrenus **se that labar tera li Franco maya; Cnimto f ie h utellfata f ymge ýo: seoonds. tetee 595e. -iggs-- t Confimatihave a voire in- antlheLedernis y Agc. e7; Ncpt 1 stocik. abl bce oet tt trsof reporta that tht' Germnan casulIt lista jumped tht' int.rveaiâg mètres, Mante. illir "ý à be.pelaojtpt settheînent, with teabject o! putting 'ae o farin xiqrrth âtaItheir total descendeci upon 8the.ucmystremch bu«. car iotsa. Iui*te $i4. - g t'k- fomth efforts te malte war impossible as issueci troin Mme te time ta in no forther on. Tht' ranges wet pl,.t ~ w.s.t.Ba.oWO4Iia ~a? -p ln the' futtilut'." Tht' Dockers' Union wyxepeettle sdolr' 0WW fîoe bml-sostms SaI -oS - 'W t-'- #au * wili urge tht' propaaal on ail othei-..te have becns upplied. It la now welk, somti.nes et a doglrtM il'No Oi 1-w el 1 At~ a Britis labcs bodbo. iknown tthe nameso tf Gtrmans when close te oui- golon tise doind 1t0 it.a r î.-St c@ - 1 aItn prîsonor anti bit d«'d in tht" iun. Yoeu could not hboas a wrd glu tronh e h'btiuof LoM in that pandemonium n. M »miade ["OURLIVE L(>T IN IRE. Scptember lest have only just been wt ùrgme by «Asamploor by Sturi . - Iv.iax'n lfe, ht'('hldien ndpublîshoti au amonthe iiGermanit mi- mthreoS/in or uy ta. I Mmà dat ld Adop Wted wChildren analng. trech tise caPtai Ia-down4 &04 * Adl hild Bure& etter hM. 1111M tbrq short, qu4ck A decmpmîtch frein Fort William aya: Itatien Sheil Plies rRavemandoa fial ".se tbe-1 u ont Tburaday smrning which desttoyat d esae tmR ela nt«# y b b ý, -a- the' homuoaf Joseph Charley, an là - 1 tlluselh. lw p8.IutSS-sl tu e; , ssIusei h>frbeY. j ~~diearion the Mission Uemeu-ve. Th, 1 Munitionsa depot et Bovulete. &adt-ths ets. otiuostlubbsd' at * . Â dead na-e: NMra. Josispb Chariey; An- town lte now la dames, accordins 50 a inilxwSor two aW, thse '**Wbt drew Charht'y. aged iiteenîj jost'p2,nOrs deapateifr001Rom.. SoveM m 11 «" «ra. 3 acd six, and Agnes bMcCoy, an adopt. haw'y gîus wesdestroy'ed iy the>S tiserms sattb i " "bmssS4tbat dadughtet, aged thitéan.. ne exloio. _______ - béb$MM Bmi Wt#4taê Zyotingest chîld. a bey of thre, ata wasberwmil,«4 aine bord*aof ïbp. badly butned. ittla theugbthe' fi-e s à ' afo@«!&Wutb t Mlnlt tjrouaer L etaited trois as ov orbtated stoa. t b as te el U BRIfTAIN'S GUNS AD IUITON Tumnet at prssmt S0" swt& qdp .,,À -uqbM el " tb.â iîod {~S ýtbii op* 4- s From the Ocea S 0 MENI IT 0FNESFO H MARITIME PROVINCES. ehting for ript. Items t'! latoreat From PlIaces n asys: Tht' Lapped Dy Waves of the ce w s onAta ic iitary ser-Atnh. by Parhia- Fredericton bas purchased a niew 1saxîlctyiQn ta ire aîarm system, t'a caît about ued tht' fol-t $1,300. ion: Archie Babbot, a nated Fredlericton Lu organize athletc, bas bemn wounded sshihst flgbt- ry reBources ing "somewhere li France." ggle tar tht' Ricb. lHaliett, an cmpfloye ut York t', at-tinir an 'and Sunbury's Miiling Co., Gibson, -s, ueemed It N.Bi., had bis lcft baud badl1y mangled abhc-bodied in the smw. eightc'en axîdl Whiio uming a putty knife, 1'hileas 1 Corrmier of Ruxtori, N.B., severed a tpiortuniLy main arî.ery and narrowhy escaped it' my ri'cuI- tîleediog lu dcntb. if the' siîleo- ICarl ('. Walker, wbmî was kithed iu acrifice they îirt'ion receutly, was tht' second lad otuntary mn- 'trom Dlartmouth, N.S., wbo bas been cut'ement ut kitieci this year. mu 5,041,00() ijeut.-Cul. .Slanntcrt MiKet', son siituig that ut of Mr. Samuel H. Mee, I"rect'rie- taà r circum- tLon, bas heen madle a Companion oe )ry, antI ont' St. Michael and St. George. tire af pricle ot is reported that Cul. MacLaren, ofSt. John, NB1., is tu lie appol-nted magnificent Deputy Directar of Medical Ser-4ica ta suatained au the London Hospital attaf. riaIs of this' Mr. Howardl Suget', for many years them ita t'n- doorkeeper at the- Legislative As- lice now im- jsemibly Building,- Fredericton, was ;hat it wihh, presenteti with a purs. o! money lat and aur allies& week. achieve tht' Dr. W. A. Christie, a well-known physician of St. John, N.B., anid for two years a mehor of that city's City Council, died at Mantelair, N.3., las# U LT UR." weetk. lieut. A. C. Kelly, o! Stanîley, N.B., the' (erman ut the' Sth.Canadian Battalion, ha been appainted off icer commandlnq I the Canadien Construction Companiy state a! mind at tht' front. .h field honds Miss Eva Besiei Lockbart, of- Fal- g documents, , moutb, N.S., a member of this year'a i unimpeach- graduaids cias aet Acadia Univer- ondon Daily sity, waa unanixtously appoiflttd a faound upon missianary ta Iodla. Il recently In, Rev. Percy Coulthur-st, formerly of Tninity Churcb, St. John, and f or- tht' )m the' pockex- , ast year tutor nt Rotbeaay Collegialse, ier, Sebastian lias; enllsted as a priscate la tht' llSth mipany o! tht' Battallon. Regmment. h A lire wbich did $8,000 damage iiy and runal broke out in Souris, P.E.I., recently. ali, write upon Ses View Hotel and the pest office murdered by were slightty dapiaged, but their ls b e gave bis was covered by Insurance. ýe the gi-est, Ã;ý Mr. Allan Purvis, wbo bas lately 1 want neither been appoînted, geperal super1ntend- otht'mwlse I ont of tht' Eastern' Division of the' fo®r tht' guard- C.P.R., at.arted In 1890 as a méossen- bave toi-n have ger et. hbe Vancouver office. of my heurt." Tht' Clerg-y Widowé' and Orphsnsl la a het&er Fund of Nova Scotia ha bee%<be- er: queatbed $1,000 by the' will of "'Mi' h, 1916.. - late Mra. Mary E. Dodd, wldow osf ,aly upset me. Dr. Simon Dodd, Charlottetown. )a point at The' resignation of Constable Mui- ucide? It is sial, wbo came froin 'Austria when ,eated la a way eloyen years of sgt' and bas been in , no cruel and civlc service li Cape Breton ail hlm îly w-bah thati lite, waa accepted by the' county count- ýo tht' trenches cil of Sydney. h -nch-e.-our1jTMa'Valle lle ume Ioi rs dt the gt«=. alihdarwelt ae Chan whm twe lhoiti tavef, 1'la»inthie war. ibe~tt@it, ~t' Fort-ta "th*. ls uS théehome a nd s i n lè l I L5~'t1#fbe icanged tbo owlt*ln& md al mt- wPbsit jtiW Pa Iled,%I'W