k- i iii Il E JungeWèdding Il. would be difficlt in- doed toechôofie a more acceptable and mnore pisas. ing wedding glît, o)r l"one in better taste than the Piecesi we offer in iver and eut glass andi china, Our demi"@-' The prettbut we have, ever ehown," are new and charming lu ivrieiy. hiany arti stie pbeces for the dining table or boudoir. Lotu suggeut oeue of the followlng Piecea: 818ver Cake Bamset 8111»r Butteir sh Stivef' Ferau Pet Silver Baker Silver Casserole eut Cte@ sowl et clans Tiamblers I eut IGlass PItcher *eweier and Optician WHUTBV, -ON~TAul0' W. C. T. U. THE RIGHT WAY. Even llquor sellers agree that the drtink-trafnic as now carrled on tu pro- disctive of enorinous cvils. Nearlv every convention or btutor menin akes eome kind of derYaration expreRssng tbis beliel. Liquor sellers' organîzaxions and iheir sutpporters, howeî ir, caim ai most Invariably that the e' ils arise fromi the mitscond.îct of liquor sellers. Friends of the trafic r.ally declare the ,drliik-aeliers toehi' la%,less and respon- !Ihie for their wrong-doing for the de- veloprnent of a strong pubie opiion agalnst Uie traffic. Thsis he.n been going on for years. .Lquor-men have been denotincing themeelves and eaeh nîher 'I'hev have :..~n3Jee~ f -- s eu b ~ b eawlI Dr. ýLliga t the ïTSbecle. tartma asEBaptiat ChUi'ebes iv-be caneelled en Sundaynext, June 1gth, 'to allow thse congregathona to tlle »acaaure5ta sernioniits t. -OdtstTabertsade. thse preagcheî, wiiî Itet. Dr. Milligan, one o! the fnes4ý Preadiiers in CInada.J I-- WA8TE PAPER COLLECTIMD. Tbe collection Of wamî, Paper snd magazines for the Victorlan Order o! Nurses aud the RBe, Scouts la Iproteed- Ing,- snd tisere ia now. on hand about thtee.quarters o! a carload ready !or shifpmebL This wIl doubtless net a subatantial sum for the two organîfa: tions concerned. WHI'rnY MACHINEE SHIPPED TM RUSSIA. In these columna some montha 4£W It was stated that Mesars. Major Har- per & Son, were manutaciurlng a mna, chine for putting a thread on a certain klnd o! sheli. It will, therefore, bc ln- teresttig news tbat ths firm has-- re- cently abipped to Moscow, Rusa, n. RUssIan Thrtad DtIllef mýchInei,t< usÉ4 for th'fésdIng the ltiaien of sheIlà . Seven o! these tigeh1nes wére shippd two weeks ago, sud two luat week. . THE JEWEL. BEST OIL STOVE. '" 13E SURE TO SEE IT. M. RIrE. SOLD BY GEO. (AUSliD RUNAWAY-SENTENCE SUSPENDED. The Iwo Oshawa men, Ed. Tyrrell and George Poîston, wbo Iast week set a team of horses loose and caused tbem to run away, resutng ln bte lnjury of one o ci .hborses. and danînge 10 the teant, were bpfore %iagKatralk- Harpber this week. They were found guilly of lite charg,'nf wounding a îeiitniof horses. and wert' allowed oui on sus- pended sne't-encb of theii -,vn!r bail for $300,1 'rhey also pay the costa of damage and court, amouuîing Io 1-22. been urging lte men ln thelr own busi- EXCURISION TO TORIONTO AND ness 10 chanige tbî'ir lîractices. Thev NIAGARA FALLS. bave been Pnssing resolutions ln fa.tNor l ilowîn11eAheiCub i of Initprovemeiit. TcIoiavleAhei lbw Ijaw- inakiers, Iaw etiforcers, leitipe.r- runan exicursion î he bcCatadiap Ps- anbe workt'rs, and liuitior setters. have ci ic Ril, ai toîntiati> - Toronto and ail agreed Oithe itIittior traiffie sas car- Niagara. FaIts on .joe l7tb. Ticket ried on l lt-seatd uîcic-îsraies %Witbby b lToronto atnd return. They h. c att t ried to lituproý%e. î v aditîts ý9 -, - cl'rildren 5e-Whitbv tb have aIl failçed. >N lagarit Pallse; ad Betiirn, adulîs $2.1 0: Is; nolt 1111-; lit nl atemousb rat ion rîtiildreu,. ~ 1, lTit'ts gtîod goiig atn t la b it t i Ilei. lit -rn I lad I ýP. Lt> -t-uin,21.It'av lng W hitby>nt ht noi Wleî-r atîIndbttber Io %%,Ie Iol ' -6-32 an. sd on special train len-Iiig plîl % tuoui u tof i ?->mîWr. XlIîhS-nt 2 (îS u m. AIl biekets liîxîit- ______________________________ d to rcbarn Jiue l9îiî. Caîtadian P'a- ilcii tlO tl iwrty ilm ite officiai roule. Ticli. Ios and -IInformnation îîrocured fromn fl L.OCAL HAPPENINGS site P'ost Office, Dunda~ _______ ____ lE.TII OF INFANT UIIILD. E.It-bs A -g i"îas. t he I 3-mtonti"s-ld ltftnt soit of Mr, and Mrs. To.Mg Mtrs U aoi.Lo tvrtstiukts liz.îg ihl'tî'r, dlied sud'nlS, in O(shawa oit huilding att î ir t,,ut' < n li ti - uftr- Ti tide« y moru iug last of acîlie mdi- nîerîy tot11111.1-1 b%1MIr . C.Ni. %W Il leoX, gesltin. The ch ild h.ad heen in good n iti îî111d miii t-il lt A M111 Il - 1 -1 k-Ikuîtake titiîtti tîo a u'ry shori liime bîfore a o d p t-da(t'- di t-liug houa',- of i*it. i . - h. W tuN't-ltil JI t iitte 111 a lily-1 lW n'( it . xtt- l'aul-tgliîanttt-ri lit i it> i-îîa.ittht lbil îI T-uti-. Jjic :,0) uu .î ll'rîîrc4m se iirt-îrtt-d l In thesale of st"c ut-iri îlit- WIu iýl h rui-k and C lay l't-odlctietCo l'tt liee î'illitr liais bîii'i &0 i ifa. tralîlib bal lie i. utk tits bieni kcoitlltelltî taeIo l higli lierat lots. M r îîî i rs S J.- Vatistone, recelved a« auh frt' SliornclilTe ('amp. Kug- Iliud. siioiiciig Ibite safe arrivai o1! tht-m sion Ne-l,. lit14willitthe 511î Div- tî'lott11st igitu ilittg Corpts. -o A uttîtilter of te local nercîsants Lave tigrt'ed to close their places; o! business oni Thursday afterticoons dur. fng, June. Jut>. August suxd September. LasI Ttitrs;day wtas the first day lte agureemnet came Itîto efent. FOlR LJAND lICE. W A IE siu-sia mas calitti, but lie w-as tînable to t-fi-ct a cure. Tuie baby wa.9 sîricken wi. i m ii Inu-ard con vulsion and ptîsse aivity quickiy. Mir. and Mrs. MNagneri hiave been ivin-tg ln Whitby, bu( lîad1 rnoved Io Oshawa about a week pre- lotis tti' dî'ath of Ihoir balîy. rb'ie futieral was jîrIvate. atnd maâ beid on Fridi)front tht'home of Mrs. %agner't; tiarenîs. MNr. and Mrs. Joi;. Augîtatus. Gilb'rt Si. Wlitby. Itîterment book place tri' Groveside Ct-motery. Mr. sud Nlrt. Magiî'r have bihe symîîathy o! their maîty f rie-tds ln itein bereavo- mn-CI 0o --o- GI.AZED TILE AND PORîT- CEMENT GO TO GEO. M. EVERYTHINO IN HARD- AT LOWEST PRICES. Amohgst the beys frein the 1161h iiatalîion who were home over Sunday f ront camp at Niagara. were the fol- lowing: Viviufl Willias.uWm. Thomas, Thos. Newman, Ed. Brown. Ambroe Bradley, George Ilt'nay. Norman and Walter Bailey, Thse Lttîejobu Inquest. postp@iird from lhut monthlai due to be alIe s&- gain on Prida~y evening et this week. June 161h. Wbether It wiII rWaly be hehd er will again suifer au adjoumr- ment, romains to be scen. Dr. E. L. Procter bu v urcledIASs ts Eastwood property ou Ferry ateet.ma wlhi take posession on sepu»beTlit 'his ti . afine plee et1ProtetY4ii'IU Iug Us il-do" tlie lsrp brick ri* dence. ad ateue - 0ftise dislabbl placeô or tise lowi. Dis Cormauçx tbst ,kweg the fitnd new on band ifor taniss- fl of bobês te the WbItw l WI li 1W f ront. Thitre la nov o~'r$7?-le tbê' Biank te thie credit eft ilsfoih, "Y - turthèr contrlbuil xui llbe l, S II tê ussi, n.su.-RIo Mir. aitmmisWat ruaim*a t *MWaseosi stl"e, im IR , mm otl uim bM-e <~~~~~~~~~ fhnnfrse-o*1ttibgetjobî, rtIb e igS1Igbr" p ~Ç PIÊ'uIal ea -lie stand up tiste desd th&*,our wk1tq4ùfie"-i 'ftn ld mnta upaefty. TISISattribute, bWng of lt~,rtr a êà nw1uy&4eaeul* P»"edupon. 1,1 hlighuuti mut valuable as.et-11' ea u À 1ithe ii.sunday f8ehool'à big job 10 amm*t tihe bomern e 4vopisig sud givisg poise.land balante to life. Tinte, next Suuday, à o'clook. Tabernacle Sunday 8chool DEPARTMENTAL EXAMS. BEIGIN. Th4 mîdaummer examinations of the DePattment o! Education commeuced luat 4eeký, the Entrance to Faculty ex- ami4tiens being the firet te start. This wee&k-the matriculation candidates are riing, and other examinations follow on utitil June Sth. On Wedneaday, Thurdaya&nd Friday, June 21, 22, and '23, lte Entrance Examinations will be For the var!ons exarnînat:,-ns there are caddates from tLe Wýhilby Prlýielpal 0. S. John.aor. l1,u l 9awa -hi. 'ýreek 1presiding at 'the excamine- tiens, îAud 1nipectcir R.< A. Iluitchi-ion .on d--IY'aî thse lh!i, sceoohere. .RIS NARROW ESCAPE. Pte. Vivian Wilams, o! the 1lGth, Battg4,ion, Niagara Camp, was home over -'Bunday, v1siting bis wl!e snd Re d: Ho bs almoat entirely recover- ed froin the burns recelved dui-ing the electrlc i.orn on the evealng of June 2ad, wben severai soldiers were In- jured snd one was- killed. Pte. Williamns wu. the neareat mani to ,Yite, Creser, of the 159th Batts.lion, who lms kille& He was standing Imme- diatelY next te Creser, and the shock tbat killed thse latter instantly. aiso gave Williamns severe burna. It was a close cal. and an experience that exer- cesed a severe strain on the nervous system. 116TH OVERSEAS BATTALION. The following further donations bave been received since the aset scknow- Iedgement was madle: Fred Hstcb. Whltby . 1..250.00 King Bros.. Whitby ....... 100.00 'p. o! Reach....... ...... 200.00 Town o! Whitby .... ...... 200.00 Wm. O. Webster..... ...... 500 Schofleld Woollen MIII., Oshawa .... .. .... ....100-00 The Il6th Ontario County Overseas Battalion, C.EF., stat.oned at Niagara Camp, bas room for a few young men 10 enlilt ln the Machine Gun Section. Any young manx wbo la physically fit. aud bas been passed by the local doc-l tor wiIi, on application to Lt.-Col. Sam Sharpe. O.C.. 116th Overseas Battalion, C.E.F., be sent transportation. -- TRAFALGAR DAUGHTERS ANNUAL MEETING. At the Qittarto Ladies' College on Saturday. June 3rd, the annual meet- Ing of the WVhltby Chapter of the Tra- falgar Daughters was held. The chief iteu ,o! business wu the election of oMicerýs, which resultedl as follows: Hon. Pres.-Mra. Haro. Pres.-Mrs. W. J. IL Richardson. ist Vice Pres.-Mlss MeGillivray. 2nd Vice Pres-Misa 4ýormack. 3rd Vice Pres.-Miss AnneÉ. Rec. Sec.-Mrrs. G. A. Ross. c'or. Sec.-%ltss May Thompson. Treas.-~I4r. M. . Jackson. ProeRe-M s ae Wright, Auditor-Misy3 N. Harper. Program Cmi ee-isMaxw-eII, crvellor, Misis Louise Warren, Miss MNargaret Me:rimon. The nmcmbership of lte Xi uilbY (1lip ter bias nov reached 40. w blcb gives this branéli a reprî'senîahlon of two, ln addition Io the' President. on the gov- ern in g body. TIIOIHIES FROM ITHE DATTLE- FIEL... .r. andti Mrs. George Mowab have r v- cî-ivéd n jarrel rrom their son. Gîinner C'hais. Niowa. who is iow on lte firing lino ln France. coxtaitrng a number o! s;ouvenirs colîecied from the sene of act ion. Thsere are severai noses of shrapnel shella with the Gemma let- terlng and marks upon them: alase sev- - trai parts o! casings for large sheIls, as vieIl as a few othen Irophies fnom an acroplatte, wtiiclt was brought down tîcar Charllcas camp. The collection Ia very Interesting, especially as it la right'from tihe scene o! the war. to lte Gar-den Party on tise Baptisti Chancis grounds on Frlday eveuing., J une 161h. A gnod supper la belng pr-o- vided !rom 5 tili 8 o*cloek. dbd a Au-at, claus program. consistlng et!aleottena by Misas Kathertue Borland, Seot"h o- tertaner of Toronto, the 18W dBittai. ion Baud. Mn. Dvkes. Mm-s.HL. icael, Sergt~ Hatel sud other mnembers of lise ig2a4 Biattallon. Admission. inelud- In& Oupper. 26e. TUe 1»2»d Battalion brld amgrden parti- In Mut Fery on 11~Ia *eUg. ad tisSa (Tbaraday>.) Iu wfIIl* Modaother at ÀMeumai 0*6*& llâmse gsam vaum btag, eoudueu-d &&a lgils.. ouebai 841ft Iai"bd oM Dr. W~~n# lavais Whltby en N251h. 1nt pro- «osM are t.f« thse "Dssuafatu.. late o a " a- u right. Try and ses Stephenson before travelling. The latest styles ln*'ie boots, sboes à nd pumpe for womien and cliild- ren's wear. Peel'a Shoýe Store. Mra. R. Robinson, of 1ià milton, spent Sunda)r with Mr. owd lire. Hannab, Byron street. -0- Mr. E. R. Blow and seu Roy are In Fort William this week. where Mr. Blow ls attending the i4r0uaI meeting of the Canadian Ticket Agents' Apâoa- ciation, of whIeh h lta 8rd Viee-Preai. dent. Theý- took the Great Laites trip by steamer. At St,. John'. Churcli, 1Port Whitby, on Sunday, Juine 18th, lioly Commitn- Ion wIll be celebtateéd at the Il o'clock service. Rev. R. W. Aliun, M.A., will officiate. The engagement lsa anounced of Olive Atkinson, eldest danghter of Mr. and Mrs. Mark CirawterU&, Whitby, te, Mr. Prederlck James Boddy, Methodist Book and Publishing Hluse, Toronto. The marriage will ta"e place very quietiy the Iast of the nlontb. The Parish Guild of AIl Saints' Church will hold a gardlen party on Wednesday, Jtily Sth. &At Ur. J. H. Dow- ney's lawn. Particulars later. 0o On Frlday night. June l6th, at eigbt o'clock, the Dramatic Club o! Ontarlo Ladies' Coliege wlll present one o! Shakespeare's most popula7r comedies- "The Taming o! the Sbrew." It Is the custom of the Draxnatlc Club te give a S bakespearean play at Commencemeftt, and the members o! the Club hope that their efforts wlll not fail to please tie people of Whitby and the students of the Coîlege. Tickets are on sale aï' Whiifield's drug store. 0o Court of Revision was beld on Tues- day evening. when a number o! errera lu assessment and tax slips were rec- t1ied on complainis being made by ratepayers. Mr. J. M. F'raser, who bas been In Mr. Phil Gay's barber shop for a cpu- siderable time. bas taken over the busi- ness f rom Mr. Gay. and took charge last week. Mr. Gay will remain with hlmn for a lime. BROOKLIN. The lied Cross Society will make4a collection o! newspapers, magazines. rags and rubbers ln the near future. Parties having same wilI please get themi in readlness. Further announce- nment vvill b. macle later. BASE UINE WEST. Mrs. Mi. Loon was cal1eà away to Týo- rento, as ber si-,ter was taken seriously 111. with but slWglt hopes of recovery. Mr. Cordon Reynolds, of Toentq, paid his father a visit on Sunday. He la te be nîarrled on June 21st in St. PO-TATOES Extra quality, Iargé4ven size and soundi as a dollar. The small hard kh*rd- for aeeding,. lvou ?AOD PIVI otéph4fl's Churth te -Miss Mi"iie: Soi- be eaà 'ly grain la growing fine nd' Leing thé ground.:Theë idicattonis ire -for a big clover .hay rpad ap- iieâ,ahd othêr fruit.y rp& 1Mr. Wmr. Watson, Port Whitby, han iad jls bouse veueered, wbich'makea 4uite au improvement te iL. ,Many peoplo tty their luck flsihlng, liulte tIeatch la sms.ll. -The Young people of, St. John's dhurch had a wiener rosat luat week Mud report baving bafl a -good tlime. AIl the pà tients have been uioved down te the prison dormitory. Othera a&e expected soo.,TISe work on the building ls progresng. ARTHUR LYNDE TÉNOR TEACHER 0F 8INGING. Teache. st Whitby evuy Satardy. Phone D 118. or addreu box 606, WUiTBI F. Es .LUK9E' AILE Î;IN SPECTACLES For 19 yearu the leadlng Opticlan of Toronto. You tua no ritkingettJng gisais from hîwm. la70 YONGE 8?UEnT. Corner Moir St., Toronto. ROYAL -THEATRE EUTIlE CHANCE o0F IOCRAUME lEach NIght Iha Ivoken Co. ovory Iouday nlght Baturday nlght, 10e. te &IL. §Hg Broadway F'eaturee every Wedneu. day and Tbursday. lnu. PERRIN, Manager. W, A. VOUNO Civil Engineer, Topographîcal Survey, land drainage, subdivision deelIgning, plans and drawings, etimates, etc., on contract work. Contracting. Box 24$, WHITBY. I I I J.. I Pure Paris Green, a Helleborte, Inlsect Powiler *Arseu hte- of Lead -AT- WHITFI ELD'S DRMUG and STATIONERV STORE WR ITBYI ONTARIO sole Agent fer Butterlck llatterns Soie Agent for Nyal Preparations BIRT}IS. APPLETON-At Wbltby, on Tuesday, June 6, 1916, 10 Mr. sud Mms. Thos. Appleton, a son (Earl Kitchener). LAVERY-At Middlemiss, Ont., on Sat- urday, June 3, to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. F. Lavery a daughter (Wilma Kath- DEATHS, MAGNER-At Oshawa, on Thuirsday, June Stb, 1916, Ralph Augustus Mag- ner, sged 13 months, Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Magner. Carpenter wanted. Mlust be ail round Housekeeper wanted. Apply at Ga- mechania. Appîy J. H. Jamies. zette office. For Sale, To lient, Etc. COW FOR SALE. Quiet sud good milk'r. Due to calve la a few days. Appiy box 103, Whitby, HOUSE TO RENT. Six roomed bouse; good eUar,; water ln bouse: orchard. barn. and two acres land. Apply Wm. Bradley, west of town. WANTUP For suminer s-eason. Ut,ri,.ht piano ln goodcondition. Apply at Mcntyresa Hardware Sie Whitby WANTED. Scuillery or kitchen woman, for sum- mer months. Appîy the Grange, Whit- by.1 FOR SALE. Lo)t 206 on Ferry Street,,wU1I li reasonably for cash if taken at on 'ce. ApIy E. Carr, 112 Celina St., OBhawa. 's **w*we -Uv,,. *wmwaVoer v umimivi For, You in Worm Woathor Until you have used some of these elecltrisc appliances shown below, it will be hard to realize th-.e extra-4iurs:of comifort and- leisure they willtnèniôyu nêêt'e months. I -.Electrk C*Irons We have chosen the Northern Beanty. hon à 8 the oné moât efficient iron 9n the market The elew Ment i this iron là guar- an.teed for. l tmand thé finish is of, the very -finea ic-kelplatin. OI will, mavo many stçps lna a, 'ye ur with this ron.ý Pricêd at $Sée< I I I h * Elwtrlo 01w StoveS 1 - M Dme~t tw isiS. J« fw tuebà MCO t tuO& flASI~ALL. Fastimo plat a~S~ For The 4 il I t t' t I À1 "'n'a l-em l» moi Ili WANTED.