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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jun 1916, p. 3

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. The Anti-German Union, an o1fgan- Admttngtt masn o t. am ization of Engrlish commercial and in-1 ditn th m yoft aa dustrial interests, is fast spreading are impossible of atttainment ln the throughout the Blritish Empire, ac- iabsence of legislation, the union bas cor(Iing t'o a bulletin sent out recent- carried- lta commercial war against ly f rom its headquarters in London.i Germany into parliamen<. It is the It announces thit henceforth there isponsor for three imrportant bis now mhl e"no German influence, noj pending. These are the Service Fr an- shahà b n oGemnRoschise bill, the Naturalization bill, and Ger, cmp lbornnd o ritih, ogonds the Alien Labor bill. The abject of asthe copete it BrTih soalogthe flrst te to obtain "adequete repre- athe ugnizon eis."The Bitslogan of sntation of soldiers and sailors in the rgaizaionk "he ritsh m- ny new perliament." The second la pire for IBritish sub)jecbs3." 1 ntended to repeal the existing ns- The union was founded in April, uaiton1Asnd phbtte 1915. Practicaily aIl of the large cuha onal es ofalnd proheb thed commercial houses ln England have ;ane, f am- 'llins -Te -hid Georges Carpentier, Famous French Pugilist, ahd Liéet Navarre, Who Has Shot Down 16 German Aeroplaneâ. Georg'es Carpentier, the famous French pugiliet; "and Lieutenant Na- varre, the "Fokker killer," who bai; J ast brought down his sixteenth Germnan warplane. The airrnen are standing in front of Navarre'a machine, and it will be noted that t'he Lieutenant bas tied around bit neck, his talisman, a lady's silk stocking. Lieut. Navarre ie a popular fidol and favorite, the bringring down -bf sixteen German aeros being quIte a record for one aviator. He is familiarly known as the "Fokker Killer," the nickname be- ing quite a distinction. Carpentier 1.9 now a trained;aviator and skiliful pilot, and cen manoeuvre his machine in the air as wéll as any other pilot in thé flying corps. allied- themselves with it ete t! i enacted int'a iaw, wili make the em-i it enteofringi laor rali-cosachoice, $8 ta $3.25; l'air tao god, into o ironlad areemet nevr t8 6.10oto $6.66; cannera and cutterg. 83.86 into tanls buronclad relationeyer h cally prohiblitive. 4 res o th ol t 186Pep,$ti$;srngama re-stlîin bsiessreaton wth The activities of the union arc by 86 ta $8 sa,-:i; calveq. ehoie. 86 to 89; Cerman prodlucers. Ilraneh off ices medium. $6 to $14; hoga, selects. $11-60 have been opened in ail of the large no0 meant; conflned to the- question of to:1.5 8g n nxdIt.$06 ciieq f heBrtih sls.Anorai controlllniz foreign trede. It takes .Torontto, Jue 20tf. ntbawe ta toIL sws, $9.40 to $9.65. cites f te Tritsh aIe. A orltli credit for having rendered invaluable No. 1 Northern, $1.17; No. 2. do., 81.16;1I zingz committ'ee h as canvassed the srie oteGvrmn ic re No. 8 do.,li, on track Bay portse ELIGIBLE TEACHERS United Kingdom ani assigned agents 1 Ivcst teGvrmnMsnete baîmtoba oas-No. 2 C. W., 63&c; No. 1 '1evy of its foutidation. its agents 3 do. nominal. 62c, extra No. 1 teed.1 MUST NOW ENL[ST. to nIl nf its important industrial . 5wee nEgar aevoutr 2cNo. 2 feed 491c, on track Bay porta.1 centres. Not content, however, with eevhr nEgan aeslne- Anerican eorn--No. 3 yeilow, 78c, on' ily assisted in the protection of the tiark lias porta. 61e, on track Toronto A despatch from Calgary says: The thrîottling German trade in the Unit*-d publie from (;erman raiders and spies. Ontario <enta -No. 3 white, 48 )to 49c. Calgary School Board decided on Kilngdom for ail time to come, as it 1.4 1rlo telterhv be o accor ding to freightm outelde. hope<i thoreththeaparenthoreanizatcon- (Untario wheat-No. 1 commercia. $1. ,Tuesday night not to re-engage any hope thee, he prentorgnizaionvicted in the 1est' fewv months through ta $1 01, Noý 2 do., 98 10 99t,. No. 3 do.. rnembers of its staff et the close of lîmi' û\tentled lits operations and in- ifrainoîiedb hs gns92 tri93e; feed, 86 to 81c. nominal. c inoratonobaie b les aensror-ditn to fretiqhts outoide. »~ their engagement, June 3Oth, who are fiience to ail of the liritigh dominions andi turned over 10 the Governiment Peas..-No. 2, nominal,.l.7o. accord- unmarried, of recruitable age and mmml dependenciepi.4in tile Empire. athrtlsIng 10 semple. 81.25 to 81 60, mscording wtotlldraon o o nit aut horitieF-. t~~~~u freighls outelde. wtotai eïn o o nit lDominions and Neutralis. The memhership rolle of the union: ,Barley-Maitiig harley. 65 ta6c;1ing. Thse Chairnmof tbête board and feed barley. 60 10 62C. accordtng otecifrru4h ofcrfrte The bulletin annourtt'es thet the include thousends of Englieh womnen. frelch¶s outaàde O tecie eru* iofcr o h tiin hais nrouged widempread interest They are trained for the work in Buekwhet-NominaJ, 70 to Tic. a, Province are to be judgee of their in lîî'im, the' memberghip, there in- hand and sent into the field ta arouse Hvt)e-No I1 commercial, 94 to 95c, se- eiigibility. lî'lîng thousanda, of merchants and the nation in what la to be a cease-i corditt a fraights outeitde. îîî;miufacturers who prmutically control leas trade waî' againet Germiany. Theyt Manitoba flour- P'irst palents. in jt ILPEiY OLSOS ga a.86.70: second patenta. in jute bags.1 ILPEEN"CLIIN t1it forvijér tratie of the country. This aeas engaged in ra.lsifg a lArge 1,.0. btroniz bakert5*. In jute bag@a t6. EN DARKN1ÈSS OR FOG. Tontarfo u-iî. endg i'- in i' aismiin Australimi and New Zea- fndwhich is intenided to beused fr tr o ". lurt iiintr.10 b 84.20,!u aiCaiail, anidlBritish Columbia the perpetuat;on of the organization. aamiuie. 94 10 to 84.20. ln baga, lrack To-i A despatch from London says: An- tteamong tliv.,first of the dominionc bulle aeaboar,. prompt ahilîment. nouncement wae madie on vWeunesuay to in min th" niovement, branches of LONI)N-BERIA.N FOOD l>RICES. àMifred-Car Iota. detivered montreal that William Marconi will bring out freights. baga lncludd-tiran, per t on.1 b" sy new devic which shold t1l b' îmimn anglz een e stabliahed In 1 20 te 821.' shorts. per ton. $24 tu 82&;5, o yc o aill if the larize citivs, and commerce Advertl.sements Show Engliuui reople mlidtiling-4. Pir ton. $26 ta $26; goomi teed put an end to danger of collisions be- flour, î'er bas. Il 65 to 8170 wïnsieindrneso og tl tiloi0.n gbk'"rinze<i to continue ka ' to be Better 09. tensisi ake rfg ti lm l'IU Nar imri everything German. County t ed V goe. described as8a simple contrivance, eas. uiiii hS"ut'h Africa aiso has joined Trhe buge Berlin d'epartment.al store Butter at'emdy. ' resh dairy, choice. Zr, ily inetal.led, whicb wifl be eperated ti'miima it rs, 200 ne-of A. Werthein s l the bigge&t con- to 28e. interior. 24 10 26e, creamafry. from theidg fa .p th uin it rxh 2,00ien- en f h kin n eraycae ing rintas 29 ta lie. Inferlor. îa ta u 3bide0caskp 1 .,r, bat îing bm-oit reeruited in s single cr ftekn nGray aelg Eg-"wî4.26 te 271r. do.. lin r- .chiefly for the middle-. and lower4 tonn. 27 te)2c day at .lhamrimeug. aceordiîng to the B eanie- I Ir, 84-50, the latter for; WQMEN- 0F NETHERLANOS î,uuîiîon bulletinî. classes, and enjoying a reputiation fer handt»îkt4i DRAD HA OD At he 'mtett 'as io inendtfcbeapniezs. The other day it inasert.d 4'eeeNew. 1 rwre. 16le; tw-în»ýIi.t ~ DMN HAE 0» At 4h oapetei wyrtiot ntenrt Milleare steady at - thmmî the Aîti-German Union should a promineîst sdvertisement front aIS140<o $10 r Ipp,<..al A despatch frors London sa.ys: attempt ta extend ts influence be- >mentiion dat e pt, stedg ere tofwL 23 ta 25es..c1m.undreds of Duteh women wenti -te I yoAthe mentionhtha the pricbstuoted wer Pî;taîoes irem. <Otarien 81.8à. and New, Lthe Prime Minister on Wedaesday ta theilitih nîite bt ssTalexceptionally low. and only good fori Brunoswie-ka utiS? 15pr rir. wenterna. ý neimtral comtîltries have' comne knock- teflo.in hrdyadauda.1 si9 demand that mea4urs e taken toe n-1 ing li th clunr, ,and the lpaient body te fintrguctive y andom ar da.!bl teworkîng-classes' t. aistaint i5111i1- Item-an. l 'n t, ertlb. icp of'food. by havlag grices reduced. Thei. ts i tg)m'n-e a point thmit wiIi make Berlin pricea 'ith the prices o sm-!ur j 1sntcla,1< oc<ir pe b. i2ttç Premier promlW sd ecivea depua-' 1er articles in Seifrîdge's London --"metilutl. 23ètu 4 o.. 1ity 0 itwri.wi.b.Spat îî,. Venezuela, antd la 216e. rtblia. 19 to 196e. breakta»t -ion of women lister. Tiie weaen thoe, Amgntiîtîlia,' oiuteetNito oinInstore of s bigber clans than Wert- baron. 346 te) !&bc.backs. plain.26 0welteo.ios e ii uronatr licimn'a. Let us take a few exampies 27 c. bonaiesta ba"lts. 29J to 30lie tiu, nîtîveicnt, andI agents of the union tritheorde inwhi 1 apar a i ad--l'urt. lardi, tlierres.o166 17 lc. hav e bîen sent lto tese nt-utratl coun- Werthpimn'slaqt' an1 t i ? <>îo,~1 eGERM4AN LOSS AT VERU?< ti les tii efleet trgtmizat ions.1 )RN u OTU T'he. sope <of tht' tunion k s.,f the ('anned beans. per pc'und S'n (lhert-. Not s'kS UIGFV uam Urmamiemt.lie" re om r' is amaheim), 23c. tSelfridge) 8c; canned hernis(Vertheimn). 28c, (Self. 'tre,.Jse2.enAer-n A dspoteh frloim Parbamy:Fg and oîîjtcti; tut annoounemîliii the- L.onî- hr;ng :No 2 p > w, iî, to 4e out% Canien ibîtiî;lti'riclge> l8.c; csnned salmon (Wert- Watorm N2. St tu ifi S dm, NM . iurss cMpiledfront rePortaefflov. Aliîns taind Objecta. him), 6f;, îSelfridge). 13c te 28e;1 No 2 lom-i white. SiU. Ne o al wbll..b i.FeesWr01e tt rheoee average per Pound), (Wert-, si". Nu4 local white . %;Sri.>'. tSGefias uIi tisebegirmiuag of -To foster nritional idemîls andti bhebîn) 56c, îSeîrriîge) 2.6 to 2&; '4& t, l o 74c"'te ommn sm~s eiia.hv Olustr wf.e.b patenta. 1fie t, 101; ket'vii e ime luriotle spirit of thc fowla. hest. Wertbe.m> $2.72, (Sef- aeÂsmnds,.10*IrUlepg 2S. ,, a l.t- .div1sionil, etor ~ petople. 'ridgeb SI1'otic)$.37; fowis, mediumt, 'aîralohioiiî eluaSu8iî o te o.40 me '1 M'02.Zt4 ete cmnwIsy, -To 'iuf'-nd hlîrtisl f reetioni.riszhti, (Wertheîim) $1.88, (&elfridgs> 42 to 2 40 to 83,.5. tuîled est&. berrsla.ortP& tISliy "Thm iieK andýýglitit *;,i-ijn igeve g(.,djrk, 4 7 1go0 6 5. de., bagu. 90 lbo, 1#.IS *0 Uns Iogmnfer *11". 'Vm e nth-m mdîmt'l~'î;mmtîs etnmn t~rs 0<;luk,(Wertbei4m) $2, (Self-ci. 1 4"t.~rlu.14.Nd-- ilioni. rirgre) 78ce b $1.12; roelst rît> of bod, ediin"s. 8:6 t. 817. Moulut., $2# ta th* Virdtaatties bV avé b sglUq "'rus Ight mbrîiîlo G rnîaiî influence 1îWertheim) 39,r *itb bouses, (Scîr: g, :.*~> a eu in (111-~jm! titn.nci.s!. inîltstrial, andi ridge1l,28c; beef, Inferice cut*, (Wert- rn. ?Jt. 174e. ;fliSat sat«ànu, ilt te OEo aI S roiiiu.l 1f t' ~ raninghebn) 64c. iSei(ridge) 18c; spring tk- 104 ; 3,» srs.m ry.eeN -0b<> 2E "To expmtund Ibh, folly ofcmshngçabage, (WVertheîm> lic'Pe Pound, 114 101:; eelett.4. »tu 8e; ¶ it___ peucri mnitmrnié; --o eamy as te moke It îStIfridge 4îe to C&-, red eAbIiag,mjtc,îokmAî,aP. - ..*r e U0'MWlb poniltle for the (;ermen agitin to dis-.< Wertbelm) 1J& per' potlnd. (1Wl-: L 1.-- turm fhrliee ofutEurnpm' 'anti the ridge 4c ta 6cecI; white o e 1 i iSbaI e#s011. trorîmi. t(Weieim) 9c pet peund, (ShIfr*A4.)' mnspesJi,,:.e.i 'mSub"d Oè,i'promeýi~ "'l'o &amIv'm'.atu'thutb aIl Germa Pro- et kee;prly ec.(et ottcn 1cl t.srear .~anIf stu8iîôhmf petî ty thrauizhmniîthe Empire ebhaîl be hrli), Se, (S.Ifridge> 2ce; oranges1, i1 .Pi.2. 3 8e OtUe fw t ulnt r> [iii as sem'trity fer competsaating tiozen, <Werti4n 810i, tSeI$de -> Lriti-h ubeisfor losses caused by 24c; Arts, pounj. (WerI'helm) l8e ta alotsttf M.» [hi- v. mîr. -18e.. f elf ridge> itc; dates, pomid'q pcaale Jwat9-le tJl>'. "i UlIMcîm' 'bronm public offices and ï Wertiii*u) 24e te U, <Slftrkdew 84.Se . I bs0fi *to on~r' îmtitles cli persont%.of Gerniane; ft-ut for stewi#g, (W.rth;lM> Scr2k >6 #ie1$.#41 80 I,ýl , q "4""1 trizl ignail ypthetu 3Oý% <Sefrldg> lle. v ' 7ti, w-- W »M U br*b4 mtwb an] fpomsible, pre- - -.-'*-.ctl. br.~lrs en lo ere .8r0.no -* &#40 N» m t~~~~~ i..npl'nc'f emnlbr Aprir4sing yousg man oefte. îluh June trX4uL n ý M t* ii"Cîthct' hY a ta% on cm- tbrtfks bis pr.emuse. . 8 xt4_ #L141.S...>.12 Tterquest of the kaeýdng mantifature - m '-and dealers of the Dominion, the Guaranty, A.~secur-i"tiRe Corporation liAs established itsw Canadian offc in the National Trut'Building,ý -Montreat, Duul.r'. WMndotu E;innoflptahu papm, Mtisdolaisot lr the' £uamntj, Emblanu 'Me Guaranty Plan- provides a private - dg fed and' stanardied ysteinof credit, fulifeurdigthebakn proprie<es,'and offers . accommodationto responsible an, woithy persans who canafford to&own'-ands maintain_,cama but deire credit ini theirpurchae.ý flc GuarnyPlani hSc from-annojing red tape-àý& direct and simple business' transaction. 'gii - "'Tlftne Ihe Buyer- CaSh for. eSeler-Safety foirAI11., Se. the. Local D4er M' an'the. caiin wluch 5yo arc Inî- %erestedcL He should be Iully eê pe it uIIn Uti and theý siple forni,*of purchasi cntac1wicjou wil iç.If, b7 any cbance;. your dealer aW'not equippd~iI ths nrnaùion, wte s hzvi i ie and eddrimI ,and theii. à of car theade.As è i owio lu without delay. We will a" thàtyourrequiremnênts 'ar taken care'of promptlj The. Guaranty'Plan i. applicablm*éhie.purclia@e c4a& numnber of the. beet known cars; produced 4y permanentIr establisbed 'conèerns who maintain Canadian service gak zations adequate ta meet the demnanda of Canadian owne%% A dçsription of the Guaranty 'Plan; and a* bat ýf ii.' car recgizd, wWl be sent uponi request but n yw ,Local Dealer fira. Guaranty Securities Corporaton, Ntional Trust Building .Montreal AUSTRIN LOSSFS- NUMBER 300,000 Original Austrian Force lias Been Reduced te 300,000. From the Middle West BETWEEN ONTARIO AND BEl- TJSH COLUMBIA. [terns From Provinces Wbere Many A despatch from Petrograd says: Living.I In presenting te the Shareholderfi observera of tbe offensive elong the 1 Calgary police rounded up a gang the~Sr nuiSttmn tts soutbern section of Lthe battie uine that of auto thieves. Merchants Bank of Canada, the Gen. thse catalogue of the successes won by 1 Women are replacing mnen ln thse eral Manager expressaed Li. poýicy of, Generale Brussiloif andi Letcbitsky la baaks at Edmonton.ti.BkdungtbWaasneo by no means complelte.It ie estiriated Tiser. are good prospects for a fair the"Bankt Frt'int- an asing erof that the Teutonle losses aloi. tie 1ýverage- crop ln Manitoba. front tram Lime Pripet te tiiâ"'E- .EÉietY 'M»i in thse clty -of Regina strcrng postiqala edsh ani'imme- manian border "how total 3000, ori will b. msked to jolinsèsme unît. Jdlately available reseurces, rïeady for nearly haîf the rignal effectives. Tiie Saskatoon Scisool Board nsay!ayeegnyo eeoneti Great satisfaction la felt ab> the re- be asked te educate a number ot sol-!'tiiese imes et world wide financiai establishment of contact witb tise <diera. 'ot eia sblgbli .tliy Teutons along tbe whole soutb-west- P. I.ot eia l en edo ern front, but attention in chiefly a charge of making se<itious ubter- i A stuà1Y Ot the Banks' Annual State- centreti upon tii. operations for ances. ment for Lb. year endlng April 205hi, Kovel, Viadlmir-Volynt§ki, Czernowitz Capt. L. A. Rounding, a well-kn.own 11916, shows how tully this polley kas andi Iolomea. Col Shumsy- summar- Regina citizen, dieti of pneumonîa in beus carried out Assets 'Wbieht are, izing Lthe resuîts of Lime fighting, fEllgland. maltas tise deductien frein the latest Ge.. Jenninge, 15 years eld, Was or can b. imnssdiat.îy eonvertéd, loto Russian officiaI aLitement that thse en- killeti by a ruaaway bers. at East Kil-: cash bave reaciied 'a total ot$40,-' tire linetftiie Stripa la sos' occu- idenan. 960,4*(,..4n inres.e of ovey Sevéil 'pied by tise ltussaWns. Capt. Frank sGan., former. professer and- Tiiree.Quartr Millions freâ tise Thse, precipltaney of te retreat of ini Manitoba Coeee, bas been killed 'eahbî od io-n t~y 1or1 the. AutriarsLo-Itn y seétors lu ln action. -«roby odsoig ta duaiow by thse tact tisa 6àI>tise ueaas W. B. Brunt, a 116 fL, mand" glant I-ago. tound scierai teloraphie -s-ad tels.et 9l' $ katoon, bas enlisted with tise JB -thit pohCY- f et tplng Wd tpro- phionie installations Intact, muid are 2U8 Rattalion. -pared, and entr.nched. thse- Merd>U"7 now osint thetn. - Thse crtriâges cap lits.F. B. Lang, Edtuonton, kl ld4Banket -Canadab h.as favor*tt 1* là U turet s tiStripa trenchem Would bersehtand tWo rhidren- whlle ila à have suffled for tise use of the.-Aua- deMented state. .Prespel the depeultig public aê Oo* triais. lis theemost, intensive sort of LU.-Col. Lang and offleerse o -the and abrosdandai dposità -bavï- *o*s ftring for seistl wre. ,66th 'Battahtto gave a diisner danee -th wlé mt6e#rd - - ~ln Saskatoon 'Ast weonintieLsv ohc*ee 4 statento t h. coaaI.rai>Ibht,- NEWRUSLQISRMm lraMorin, P ise Atbée, wlns suit '2; NEACJM 140F BRE8S ovewintir lie",i for 0»-et 1Tois MWIesm, w4eahlsa ACE r x xüý IMI I tmau «wrongtul selsur&.I 1T0S l he d4opodt*J":P% et -bôy fW. W. Calti, Wn-Meamure ofet OSM , n , the A deapatelfr088 Lomi5on &*y&-. T4 Pp w as touîsd llithe ruiaefthtiem lwplauç ht h*m Morideg post ha& 5h. tellewit inm tipîinting _ ~ ~ '..ir .~ettrw .P.fa.'ud..4%u itesiaa a.tltàevita .e,~~____ _ - MERCHANTS BNK OF CANADA Annual Report Shows Assets Approachlng the Hundred CERMAN TRENM HEcATORE ON DEAD MAN 9l Frueh Offeniolve Alao.N.tted lu èrbme.n-'i - ltheYumims A despatch frein Pari#s ayat Tise Freneh tooe hos offensive agatoat'tsm (ler-man poitioas Ott Le 1Moat Rimeo on Tbu rodsy. An ettaek ýmWis l bnI ed after the' usua f u erd y pmara-. Mon, mand a Oermt>n'trerteh on te outiiem s sopu of t. elght vau eaptured aljng vitis1 IMoum . The cerriais infaatri rmihW' 1 An. ... r 1 i mn"- i i : * '. 'i i. 'iii 'r 'i i 'iii i lim v 'i Il ' . r' ittun iii l~. .6"" i," f. r f 'i xi t h i i iii i I i." i. Ici', t). mil Â(ýjARANïY P 1. N

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