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Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Jun 1916, p. 5

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p-J", 'il. ~ For The June Wodding It wouid ho difficuit in- deed to choo-ce a more acceptable and more ples ing wedding glît, or on. in bctter taete than the picces wo offor in silver and cut glaise aud china. Our desaigi-"' The prettieut vo have ever sbown," are nov and ei.arn.iaîg ini varioty. Miany artimtie pioces for the dinii.g table or boudoîr. Lot un uggeigt one 01 the foliowing Jieues:1 Silver Cake Basket silver Butter Dlsh Silves' Fern Pot Silver Baker Silvor Casserole 41 Cut Claqse owi Cut lass Tumblers Cut Glass Ptcher .Iewelcr and Optiinn WHITSV, -ONTARIO' W. C. T. U'. T'lîre' 'it he1i-aliacetillng Oftihe- sui- i xti't-itive of ithe- local VWC(.T LU. ai the h int'of ithe PiresideniM rs. Tod, on Mionday eveicnng nex i. ai S oClOCk. MOiREABiOU!T llSSIA. A r-ct-tut vietlor lt i- r it>- of Min- neruapolis. Milun ,'%i s MrWilliaminl.. Caa2letI a reýsidt,-nI of MoFeau for 32 yvia rit.and Vice l'residcnt of Russias la rgetui doparit taii-naIiliore. 'I o iaretire- esýi-mitaIiv.-f, I h h.-XîîîtIriihoîn it is h5gvtilvinan n'ho Iii famnilier %I tIlt Iussian comilit totti. salîl -Peaamt fi itîo t-,nied tin tii tn k moth- Sn g of goitug a mwcck w itlihont a tuiorsel ofmnat lit t ietir t able-s, but i 1w the),i lîy tty irgiiliirl ," sald M r. Cazalet. -liowev.'r, ltnsstias res.nrtcs arc only îiow binug Sprnlerl ina sh ailîd. anîd ('et tttially ili ivauetlîrodutiton w%%III-b tîrougi lu apint l qual w 1t l he- d n aIlil. -Atothttr tuot t ealeli- ffcct o! t Ile voadka lîrohliiti on I;t s ila tii- lîcasat womnf are tak tng t <i w î'aritug orna- ru. ti t s, and hît %it mug good îlot hi-s De- piîsits ii)i lin- s;uitg tîaîiks wirt.- it- r to grct i &rîcuM -0u ot irau îtstu s iicreîtscd 5 ccir- i--t ii tii' i ti liij tuti i of ir'ut ii ileconi- t- u, t PI <i It i litiîi itifiartur& Il im 114 L i - lt.)ati- of S LOCAL HAPPENINGS \\iscis derwt'ar at NWtG. M'ait- i - trtis lc. 10 $100)ý lier garmeut. W AN TE P. h îIrqpe<l ahij,- y oItttg w otunnas ctant- tiir mInad Gooti wagebî - Aiîîiily Royal itîîiî-, Witt>-52 C'orpioral Arlelgit ilice lit reixontin-g thits weeivil ai ap Niagara vit thlie il tt lu But talion. ariler teing atlitshioîne tivre lor îa niotit ou imtg ian aItack of lien -oi-i Tihe'Yoilig Ladies;' Bible ClaNa O!fte Faencl'i S. aire giving a sîtrnyber- -y t ea Jul tI t.lu lnaid of S. S.anti i-at riotic %vork. Particuilars laler. l'emilangli.' oc. ltosiery lu al colora onî sale Sal ardt.y 3 for $1.25, aI W. G. W'ait e r.' l'lit,' Wlitîiy anti Lindisay Associa- io loif Hapt ist ('ittrchei was held on 'Tii-sday andi Wf'dtîesday Ibis veek ln Cllrinont. Severtil Wltltby people vere lit aitetidtice, St'veîr[Ll (ast-s of dipitileriti are re- iîortt-d ln towmu. nînong thon- being Kathtîet JattieB, SitiErskine, snd liardl Worfolk. Allite patients are p)rogri'ssttg favorably. Mr. anti Mrs. D. M. Morgan, o! Clame- niont, aîtnoîînce thte engagement o! their daugittets Ida Ethel, le Emerson Ormeod. son o! Mr. and Mme. W. C. Ormerod, Claemont. Ont., (ho marriato îo take pince te latter part of June. Spectal prices ln men's eady to vear sîtits ni $9.90, $14.90. snd $19.90, at W. -0. Walters', Maturday, lune 24. The menbers ef Conposite Leg No. 30. AF. a A.M.. Whithy, viii at- tend divine service ln the tMethodist -Tabernacle onl Suuday momniugJlue 2tt. Rev. A. H. Fuster viii preacb. COMING. F. E. Luke, 167 Yoitge St.. Toroiit's able optieian, eau b.e oasulted about. yoîmr oye. at A. B. Ailln's dmug stoMO Wiitby, Tuesday, lune 27tb. -62 N-pw stock Petnmtt Hoaiemy ai W. G. Walera. QUALIFIRD As CAPTAIS. Lieut. H. i4 lMjor, of tii 1101h 8Ut- tIalion. la ameng thome vI*ha cu'uily qualifieil for (ho rauk o!Ca0iaiun at Naan01ti-50 4ee -idv ttaW See wndo*displa>'. MGCiI<PARLIAMJINT. The Cltitensbiip Debaftmetit oft he Tabernacle Epworth leagne viii h"d a Méock Parliament on TUelfty, Jîîhe 27th, when the Prime Mîitar.,<Mr.-A. W. Jackson) viii initroue hn Equai Franchise Bill. The epIeaket of the HouBe (Col. J. E. Farewell, K.C.,> *i11 take the chair at 8 p.m. There vii ha i the ctlstomnry "Strangers 'Gallery" snd aIl viitors ili ha beartiiy weleomed. 0o THE JEWEL. BEST OIL STOVE. a , à#,-4% t BE SURE TO SEP, IT. SOLD BY QEO. M. RICE. IN MÉ!MOR1AM. IIEMSTOCK-ln ievIng memnory of Winlfred Willougbby Hetetcki Who died June 20th. 1916. One year bas passeti and ti mli vomise her: Neyer shall ber rnemory fade. Loving thoughts yuli nlvays linger Rouind the grave where Winnle's laid. Mother and Grandma. DON ATION FROM FORMER WHITBY BOY. Mlifs Cormack vishts 10acknowledge the recept of R donation of $6 towards the front, front Mr. H. Sauinders. of t'ircirumatti. Mr, Saiiider» le a native of Wliitby. and msys lue IB still very CiIRANG * 0F TXM NtârefuIüy that Our school will i ue.t next Snndiky andfrot alt on at Tabernacle -gundày 6Schcol P.S.-The young ladies of our webool have ne"m for youneàt week. Bank at Mrkham, before going to* the 8,344, Pte. George Hnn.aby, lJi. bridge. 8,389, Howard E. White, Port Perry. *BAPTIST GARDEN PARTY. The Ladies' Aid o! the Baptist Cburch held their annuni garden party on the grounds 0f the Cburcb on Fr1- day evening l Although the veather was threnteulng, the min beld off snd there was a good crowd ln attendance -Supper vas served Inl the sehool room of the cburch, snd the progrnrn vas given outside ou the lnwn. Whie the crowd vas gathering, and several times during the program, the 182nd Battalion Band reudered excellent music. Miss Katherifle Borland, pi West To- ronto; Mré. H. W. Michael, ot Oebawa; Mr. T. B. Jones and Mr. RenvIck"of Whitby, provided the program, assisted by tbe Band. The tbree latter persons sang, and Miss Borland gave several readlngs. Rer Scotcb seleetions weme particulamly wvoltdone, sud ber aud- ience vas deligbteiL A pleasant nuÉbor on the. program vas the preehttton ot a gold-beaded cane to the band leader. Sergeaut E. G. Hasell, by tbe meînbers e! the Baud, as a 4oken o! their appreciation of bis work andi wortb. Rev. G. A. MeLean made the presentatton for the band boys. Mr. HazelI vas 50 taken by sur- prise tbat ho vas unable to voie bie sentiments, but he replied suitabiy by leadlng his band in another selection. The ladies o! the Bapttst Cbumcb uere gratified by the attendance. and have n tidy sum as a result to devote to their work. Petsonai Mention )ld ictudiithere.dl h t n i Miss Mary Wilson. of Pertht, is visit- _____ dshee.0Ing her auint. Mrs, J. E. Willis. Ilargains ln Ladies' Bliouses al WVG. Miss Miller, o! Toronto, viseti v itit Walttrs' store- saturday. Juie 24. $1.25 Mrs. <'las. Hoùge tbis week. iii $1.50 lines reduced te 99c. IMr, H. T. Saunders anti son, Robert. -( of Cincinnati, 0., have been visiting M EHOIiSTTABHERNACLE. Miss Sauinders. RevA. i. Fsier pasor.Mrs. Moore anti Mrs. Rummel, of lit- A -t -'oser.tiatorElsie. Miclit vistied ti ilteborne o! Sîttidy, Jon 251hMrs. Kitue lit w eek. Morni ng service C'ompîosite Lodge. r.radnGoflwispeig No. .0t A.Ft- AiM .m liti1nuet for divine Mr.rydn ooflo lesnin wosi.Atthemn. "Jestis. Stivioir, a couple of weeks tucar Bqbcaygeoi on Piort Dititr. .. akonadthe Ka'aartha Lakes. l'îlte l)tel Ms mJtcso ad Sîrgî. I.esiie Cormaek, of lte ll6th îte iIiiwaevie-nben 'TeBl Battalion, Niagara Camp, visited at bis IEr Lan serrti-e- Authit fle Bel-home here lasi veek. Merssad rt rs. whtite antiyes Lieut. George Britten, of Kingston, Meitit V'hieaî0 1îrs visited oî'er <ho week-end with his par- Ladtite5stlk glu' ii. 24 iincites long, enta. Mr. anti Mrs. George Britton. tn h)rîîuu r. tanî. pirîk, tavi. gray, fawit Sergt. and Mrs. Samuel Dudley sud and alehlio, hads- tpglarvaluie son Dan. anti Mr. andi Mrs. Côtlon, o! siîîdt liaii.-saitayl ric 69c.ti Coîbotrue. w'ere guests of Mr. anti Mrs. n ii o ns< uiatrdy sletîice69.L W'. Dudley on Sunday. at W Watt-rs .Mr. Rlobinson, o! Ottawa. formerly ptuisier of the lIV Iai jGazette anti hi \i>iIST 11H lt'1 'The Wiek," Toronte, was iii lov lust Siiuiiay. Jiu-v tlxveek the guest o! Judge Meintyre. Siit.sas tisati.ol'e. .J. E. Farewell w-as ln Toronto i'jti- lait or wilit tav'- etuarge of hot luon Friday last ila attendanco at adin- svrN tri-s. lier given by Sir Jantes Ailcens. Pirest-~ Nortitn su-rv ire il o'riurk. SiiJti'cj dent of lt Canadian Bar Association -6.- hs tani- tuthei-ru.*Ir(>a)4 10a nuiniier of the prominent member l-'ur-llîlîtlto juy -, Sol , >3- uincltforti of lte Bar. aite 'York Club. ln b9nor o! tt.2ti ltBataltoi iHlonorable .James R. Bock, o! New suiiaecrv ici-."d o'eiock. Special York, anti Hon. Henry B. F. Macfar- MecMasteýr Unitversity service animît- la ite.' o! Washington. sic. Subjpct ""Te Makitug o! a Man."'__________ Anthein. 'IHave Mercy ot0 M-.1'solo, Ip Mn. . s.Jobrson.Town Council WiII Assist SPECIAL. A gooti paint. 69C. Quart anti 33C.I tint vitile It lansaMatGeo. M. Ricea.' Evtryltlttg ln hardwvare. CRIMINAL CASES DISPOSED 0F. on Montiny Judge MctlivraY bail two crîminal case before hM. The fir-st, a charge o! incest againsl n Goodvood fammer, vas dismisied, aU there was ne case o! any substautial nature against hM. The other case vas on.etf &ductiOli againsl W. Wlilis. .The 7011ns -ý vax founil guilty, and vas oderod 1<> pay $160 le tbe cemplaiaut, ais e i court coata. Certain circuttisties loi, the Crovu te decîde not te >Pu"shé'b case furîber. Col. Omire=Uof etO.- ava. defeuded thoeaccuse&. FOR GLAZED TILE AND PORT- LAND CEMENT 0O TO GZO. M. RICE. EYERYMIHNO 1IN lAR: WARE AT LOWEST PRICE& WHITBY MOTWOUNDEI>. 14r. aud lIraP. IL DrsiIMul" vaik vere oeESciadili & their sonil E'ut., Who aiist last fail villa the Caadisu 1Mb Ar tileait Mctos, .bai boom wuuiu No tiuimatieiW»t9VM M nasth lb. o« tent of bis lajurie,0 4enotpi lai lI vore ýu the hui d dbouef, ab Damne Mpp sit tu he. bMsmslim5 ptibllae4 «, Tbond"r.mi bu -Vote ,&. sud,»#&. Uisillarst mie quit t* mi tu W 1W? lest ib Altred Brue. »Mher, tWbitbr bW.%- itmo at.iteêbt aI»tau sflaS luo lie~t W dfoil. Battalion Summer Camp (Continued from page 1) stage now. and we are nol cotnmitting ounseives." Mr. l3tenan approved t lte Pro- posai te have a meeting vith Mm. Ryer- son. **We are iaxieus te gel indusuties bore. if vo at stiii, ve'll never do nnything. Let*s get busy. We are net cottiiitting eur»Iel eL e" On motion "o! Mema. Dovney and Goidrlng. (ho matter vas refemred te the Finance Committee, tô e act luoft- jintion vith te Tovu Solicitor, get Mr. Ryesen's proposition, and report te the council. DAt iULNE eTAIOiiNG AUMZIi. Mm. Aunes refemred te the tact that tfiere have been several narrov es- capes o! laige on the base fiue croslng ottor tbe G. T. R., and ha thougbt Iti vas timo soin. furtber action ahould ho taken, as the raillay bib tmade n» nove te Smprove matters aiong the line suggested by the. Raîlvay Board s fev yeoa84. Ho moved, msended by Mm. -Ooldriug. (bat the Tlova SoIcitor report ou Uic stepo ueeery te ho tabe o Im npreve the couditioliset publie sa0ty aitb0- base line creastuat. Carriai. A eeusuuucatiea vus recovîsi f c the aeçret*ry ethie viotota O4 e7 ofNur*eIa, m ue hon lflb. m edIo It.altbOlilerregarbtu *auep--- ehild la tevu, île la snliftI a,' It lie uteue& It 'l litot be@én to m ttisa *9 th* c ote ueb peina cet. FamomIl .1*. t. lb0» BO*lm the naute. Mai unobsM*ttu ta twl 4 441 ibais lia es.smU& W4I à ugrs*ai.t. a hon. fatwellwï i~ ~ A - e inutaS ---ÈA à Al lb. do ho t tgWIUÇt. %N*f data, b.ldbelas ilMM W* Ata it treupi M .V LI D b lm u.oei* tu l-le PK 0lî ë I1 &"-a emnl mu i. mn.W>0 Ir ai s bues wýbe b" S leudw w ue ue8çlet e *t, bsêaaunu toI'J mru i . Wt*me.b.lw hIhio te mm'*ý 1W m . Il you are billons Or constlpted co&àsprlagwaefr 15e. anAl25e. hies af il. Rad Dmru sOa, Extra quality, large even t'ne and. sound as a Ilollar. The small htrd kind for emen. Goal' WASTE PARA, RA Os,'Eto. KeË2dl 'Y«,1fr Wtte matéria1 f orh. ___ Ibo is &Wli 1, a O. N. ART14UEILYNDE TUNOR TrEACHIER OF 81NP1.NG.j phose .fil or ald 0& t0, WanIT? t.E LUKE ABLE MOIN WIILL BE AT A. l. AlIIn's drug stoie TiJESDAy, DUNE 21th 8e. kit about jour eyes. eiO-16? Yoxige St. TORONTO- ROYAL rH4FATRE FUtIlE CHAIS B PoSrIM Pure Paris Grega, Helleboref, IaÀsect Powder A rs enat of Lead -AT- WH ITFI ELD'S DRUC and STATIONERY IWTORE Soie Agent foer Butterlck Patterns sole Agent for NyaI PreParations hundred thousand. Then .follo'ws New rural Inhabitant has yet to be taught York wltb 6.9, aud so on up the list to take precautions lagainat the disease, untl ve reacb Montreal, whIc bahs the and boy to care for a case once it ban distinction of bing at the very top, developed, 50 that It vil] flot spread. thus holding on to ber goil old ynorta.. -0 ity record, w ith 22.7 Der butndred tho s h n v r a d w e e e h el nd <if population. - 0U Wenevelr ls ud herevei'the tefltb As usual, a good pereentage of the ctrilrl on h etuiudb caues ln Toronto, and presumably lni destroyed as es.rly ln the seaaon as other cities, corne from outalde. The possible. IW wWhite .... .... .... ..666J Workmensa Compensa'n Bd. 7.12' Three tenders for thfe supply of eWa for the town hàd been recel ved by the Tovn Property Confllnttee, that of B. R. Blow being acoeited. The prices vere $7.8Q per toi for cbestuut ceai angl $7.60 for stoee sd egg cual, flEATH RATE PROM TYPHOIU DsCREA8ING. oerem Teronto'Sàturday Night). In the cUrrent number of the "Heaitb Buülletin," that Iunngballet lsisued mdùthiy by ?oroni IdbDepartment of Publie IfeulVthO; àtêmoàWInteresting sta- tisttes regardtng typeid lever, vhichi, under selieutide supeftlslon le, we are slnd to say, becoflrip.*,a more -'are dis ease as the.years go cm >.since 1910 the. decreasé ln the , Gth rate troiii tylboid bas, lu TrO>'çto been little short of marvelo or inse ftance, ln that year the deâtt te Per bundred tbousand of populo vas 40.8, the next year it vasu 0 . y 1914 It vas dowu to. .pet hun; 'thouzand, sud ln 1915 the deatha'Unted to 1L9 pet hirndred thotlsàd.,& rd for aIl cit- les of the Unîted 9 and Canlada with a population of 83>1>00 or upward. The itt owest rtoo la tjiat held by Newark. N.J., wth 2.8 par cent. Per rY 8peciai attention Is pohd to thig depai".'tftl o uP stot'e, and we çry vat agi tnies a comýpIfp isoQMleware. Tin- ware, etc., ln-their maiiy gradés dè sIerags. Bot Bilas it 0«1Stovos Thousands -of these stoves are sold yearly o their menti alone. They give a quick, hot Blare4 are ahsolte ae, 'and- can be instantyec ingiÎihed. Sp#sial for- tis wso S~'icto Tot uIa~>~Ex u The WOr Relie! 8Ole ty1 cd a donation Of $10 frOsi Aid o! theo Metbodist Chft clhoque for $50 Othe D(0 II or o. t,. C., thie plotitOi t gii'eiiby thons ?ll5tuO forîvarded te Tà.rotc for w ork. PrielVds in WhitbY ,1ba' Word front 1Uiilni(tt Wiîitby boys whO wSIt ai thie 604h latwaimOnl.ay fie Eniglahtd.*Thie »*ttallO mp by rp4ti'~l us 'V i the 1481105 -ei à AbS a e- 1 ne rok Cea oryMon 'gh ANNUAL MEETING 0F SOUTH,-ONTARIO FARUERS' & Iutgt,1eto al AND WOMEN'8 INSTITUTEI uni . UEiNm. Manag. The Annual Meeting of the South Ontario Farnr' and Womon's Institut* _________________________ iii bo beld in the Town Hall, Brougham, on TNUUSDAV, lune 2ath, et 2 palme W. A.VOUNG This ilaua important meeting, us il is the purpos o eoloot oticers for the nov Civil Engineer, Topographical Survey Board of Agriculture, and ail parties interested In tbe velfaro of South OntarlP land drainage, subdivision designing t arm*ing shonid mako an effort te aIte, 4. Ilt oxpected that eîiber Mr. Pntnam or plans sud davinge, etiniates, etc., on Mr. Bell of the Farmers' luatitute Brancli, Toronto, wili attend te addrosm the contract vork. Coutractiiig. meeting. Kithor of these mon cau ho depemuded upon te givo sorneibing of practical Box 43, HlTB. vaue t thefarntng commiunitios of Soutit Ontario. Box 23, WHTBY.R. M. TÎPPER, Se.-Trest. 8.O.F.1., District Represontative, Whitby. IV 11-1 10 1 Âdc7---j=m 1 ONTARIO wiliTaye

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