tfoi~ Ortly Trm? a h'rcrtlr'oumo waa thirteen ine-of -hatt.l, shîps and -ti-u-tue èertitlente of!-qualification M lit mu i'ný-- the largo lat'y. "How de yeu kuow trfrîct nte Amra ru. o retue Association. ho ian't et home?7" "Berauam, "grin- The>' lost- ahi but twoeto thoir ships, j Unter tue auspices oft h. C.P.U TOMMY RE.AD# AND WIUTE&7- neti tue bobo, hacking towsrd the captureti or destroyeti. AMn 3,000(ofet Centre instruction was tvYsa te' the atoresai gato, "mwhen a mn marries their 9,820 mes. The BritishIi on! Bordes Battery anti Ammunitien ~a~i *oae .te u a woman like you ho le; home only at, w4 896 of their 7,980 magageti. [Celunte before leaving Montreal fer P" ti -at* meal Lime." Earl , orà 1the.front. Atterwarda tue oei'tillestes __________________ .~...q Reer 1 oe menit vere preseuWte th te offî- Tommy Atliesns gbu epua At the battle et Trafalgar, la whieh m&Msmantimsby Ris Roina l libamst isaofbelute ii.utusê mm .Sen si bleNelson lest hîm lite, the Britiah fleet the. Dais.01o! ewaWght, et aM,i tudttipbU lht« rwilo A en ibeconaisteti et line-ef- An important fW 10. Or tetfetr lb. ýO uw 0"f*L ?B rabbs la nestcomleteezp1s- a lge-UIIl ot&tbei ese* Th i ngITonQof Nb e sbi* futrgte In is 4:f 01tue CJ'.R.luCentea u tgtRd g When the drug, caffeine stakdteele rnhalSo-Cu8dttM z te 00 0 'ýow~ -the active princliple in tea, iii fieet of rty-$hr.elIne-.t.battleitb tWe>proveti e -ývlsbl suctup eWu.1n ti, and coffee-s-hows in head. 1siips anti men friatuesMompeliieg Tbre M wue atimtrsrm dsmvn. ~u-~ abuS W uS , a ache, nervouanesa, ineorn- twenty o et im .iId ahpe t te «SLîse Bt WWasiw gby Wi. tDevioà , C wevsk,, ýmla *dd«1 . e ,*A nia, biliouasa, JUMPY tueir colore Thm aillies Wb.d2M PJLamblanea Intor, s&M III.books heart-9 and mc on, the sen- m- enggt n u rts 03>.flatNw.baCPU ess *d *fgt p . uible thlng to do ia ho quit 'The British lkma vas449 kb&I boisi.'lhMr Do"aldCsUiwt PVumtod tbe blt <-" W - both tee and coffe., allie* losami bave neer béees*mer- 1mIel!t t". Rejrnl &madies Em8»esu. 'Ux *te It'is easy. having et hand tant wg aatmeduaIaScl>teaabregipathis, the doudcous pure food- het se ps tii Ceets ft.r,.d'ra400P 75>csaWbe rogri&aWbod eS5 vu Ié ps a t s er record fer *0 hm . rMeé ý «PL C04M u «MWb". 9» mgetb.1 Posn ia»-m »«m OM t h5'low- 1ts Cý t let 841; î wW im.M f m" roasted wlth a. bIt of whOl and ot5, ba* $oemoasA»dis freo ,of54u "l t obeb,, frm any harMfUI ub-,4sti. vZrw 7tt11*ie t1 1'hôuaauds whope to ~ UN* ,bet1a, uM 64%at a. $14md- lt the .'hcrcor tas trou, ...Ume" -~~~i 1h ct hr dur ot ooii lu i ÀI i j p. 'Nest Free *yiap narnhe A c'fo lacwM~ tIIgPtr TheIL> >L d~s whetl tu pttehe'aiL Village. 'raai"emBq g -fenft,, There have beu maiy. graphie do- distribution te ail Who are in- GOWR AIA for luncheon, for pienide or seriptione e ofdm*keiUdLozdon awalt- toresied. These wil prove in- GO T PMOIIN y Itc <""or iÃth4Zpplii; M yote e t, obltn auecensalu the iXiiIng T ORD in TS U ,-cWl iva . "hoarial rî~s I-rr tl"t-eleBut Mil, lfrnd Olilvatit, the novelletl The Issue Is Limlted de WMolé Wheat Wafcr. in "The Roue on the Cllff,"1 mais File Y our Application at Great Britain'. Strength Ever- It ie made of the whole wheat the. anticipation, the. coming and the1 Once1 Inreasngrhoughtheteam-cooked, shredded "usuing 4e a Zeppelin through a litti. Onc! lcrealn Thoug te coastlanti village of England a picture A Postcard WIUl Bring It. Centuries. and baked.- Toast it in the more strîking andi memorable tli'aî oven to restore its crispness any-penhaps becau e in the. telling conctn iImrnt. l the gregt battles of the ama pre- and epread over it butter,esoft hl" menue neither 6inodiratian, ef ]rt 1evnetn lmakt. vioue te the endi of the eighteefh humer nar of beauty failed hlm. HAMILTON B. WILLS century the amount et tonnage of heeo am à d. t Afw inesaerehdgn o lier Sft' 14daR11 Stock Ecxchange) wooden craft engaged waa compara- snappy, taety aroma je a hie reain the firat night of hlm atay, 4 KING UTEIIU3T MAUT, TOUEOWTO tively emaîl, while the number of delight to the palate, supply- hie hoat, the, celonel, came up '-nd ships was large. Thue the Emnperor ing the greatest amount Of «knacke oigasreko ih -Claudius sank 2,000 Gothie shipe nntmn i n "Yetblk hou're thewltan h a treak o gh ATEC TTE A.D. 260; in the great battle of Le- ntrm ntin"Doet ul thauhth urtaine,"l heasait ngeus A TIENII ATTR. panto, in 1571, whou the, western pew- A deliciousîy wholesome iy oy eumdi r a ers, led b>' Veuice, first unitedti t dia- toast. It is ready-cooked;' them?" Hoeateet on a chair anti V, <)infded Irenchmeu Repuised a p0it'i the Moslem dôminance ofet sl ared satnthen madie certain delicate adjustxnents, Germain Attack. IMediterranean, the Turks lest over .aTej teghn setting te work as a dreusmaker gamu Oneti ii,.reiakabc toes f he250 galleye and 30,000 lu kiiled, ing and satisfying. abeut to fit a lady'. gown. "They wnri of ha thhe rench ieroted prsnre u teefine you ton peundu for the firat who in a pos;ition of peculiar danger' and sîmîlar conficts were not pro- Made in Canada. offnse"The mcati othefuilo! -qaved the mituation b>' hi, strange nnd, perly naval engagements, but rathor pin..,"he occupan1t et the reo, pierting cry, "Debout, les morts!" ha ttles on the ses. Ialanfore f 1,80.Te psr a s," th adder.d frthhue guata, 18t'nd 111 Youdea me!) Aoffcer Prior to the attempted invasion by hati 7,871 mén engaged asud but 176. offense you do time.' itlho witne.cel the episode thus tIc-1 the Spanish Armada. 1588, which cest Iu the lest decade of the last cefl "Ahl through the winter our lights su-ribes il: Spain eeventy-seven ships, sud over tury three great naval engagements worm the. celanelm hobby, hlm anxlety Wc wcre puit tg ini order a trench 14,000 mon there was ne Englieh navy were fought which marked the great- înti delight. He, w" terribly thar- sanbu(] gstaten Atdtheo pieof ing tho m odewese. lu th enf llow-est development of t'he - t.actics of ough. Frein bathroomt laverateries, twndag hnd jet. taend Atwthe rier ig enuyhoevrbthEula steel befere the preseut war, with one pamsages anti holea the bulbe were re- careful guard. Kcptand Hollauti developed navies, antixeto n10.mvdtogadaanttMtto Suddnlyf rm bhin a mundof he lowr o thoe nvie foghta lu the battie of Yalu, Sept. 17, anti servanta againat carelesuness. enrth o perfcct avalanche of bombea groat battie at the mouth of the 11894, betweeu the Japauese sud Chia- Yau wauhmd in the dark, sud yeu maiti came hurtling down upon our honda,1 Thamea ou July 25-26, which ceat the ose, 12 battleships worm ongagot Onl geod-by ta your friands by thie llÇht and before our meni realized whnt wasDtth four admirais sud over 4,00 sen- ach aide. The Chinese bast 5 shipa et the moon. Anti every night, whên hacppening, ten- of themn lay <leati or mn. aud 1 disabloti anti between 600 and the blinda were down andi the curtoins 'vnuntlcd ut, thteIîottom of the trench. l)readnought Ancectors. 800 mon killi eto a total of 8,000. drawn, the colonel went hie rounds. 1 op-enled MY moulu lu rnîîy my mon, To thie French of the lest hait of The Japanese lest 294 mou aud ne .. Andi, if about the hour ef dark, but a stonu from the par-apet, loosen- the~ eighteenth ceintury under Louis ahipa. yeu went inte eue et the ueawarti cdbys nlin bnd, rahei ow X V. andi Louis XVI. waâr due the Fleroetoytre, you weuld be pretty sure Ip b. upnm ed n otktim es-decomn e h rgna uetr The two ether engagements eft tus greeteti by a spectral voice tram the lit on]t the dreadnought sud cruiser, re- clssa worm in the Spauish-Americsn ceiling, 'I'm not very hiappy about tuas Bu ny for a second. A but-sting spoctively the lineofe battleship anti war ef 1898. On April 27 the Span- cuttain,' . .. anti yeu weuld be aware bom 'cattertimy ant ati hcthe corvette, whie it remaineti for ish squadren of- eleven 'chipa under et a gaunt anti vuiture-iike figure pain hrought me back to life. Asi' the American navy, in the war of 1812 AdiaIotj a takdadprhdo tbeo hisft openeti my eyeg, faint ant i(izzV i 1I V luto rente the,- fathor of the battie tiestroye ir a s attayced sudpinched on , jstabl gora chir, set a baud et (erma,îs icaping ovor the <cruier. the cwit-sailiug, heevily drBrMnLeByb'Cme-j.i uut h, adjstlna peinkcame sandbegs ÃŽnto (ho trench --tm-enty or- armeti frigatx'. dor Dewoy with nine ahipu. Four IBtwina atsZpei ae ite of lhem without rifles, but with.h nhi1 ocvr od esnhuudred Speniards were killeti. On iti came by day. rush baskets full t on ,0ite' ung aboujt lua -s ahilehe vehcruilo / of lnaljul>' ; Admirai Cervera's aquadron "It wau a Februarli atternoon ef their neckm. sta gy about ns thy re io-davallefttSantiago harborf, Cuba, anti wathe fairest," aya Mr. Oliivaut. 1 lookedti u the right aud tb the 1oft. iteg a out asn cetre ody but attacked b>' the American fooet undor '"l wa.s lowly clunbing the. last hill Ail oui- mcn hnd gene; tube t e fts th%%v1862, wh acn tey laier, Msrch Admirai Sampsen, aud destroyet i wth home wheu of a sutiden I wss aware enxttY. Juiqt thon eeof my men, who iruonclad4, the Monito' fretnd atle Met the exception of eue ahip which sur- o' ke o ht hsd eenIyig aparntl tI ma, tok lacelu ntibbcMeri-, reudereti. The Spanish losa was over "'Soin. primevalilnstinct warned me hadbee lingappretlylieles, Iacto paceinHamupton Roade 0,ad62 nldngtewuddt eae gssh acro4s bis forehcad, another ou thal the primer>' elements-heavy 600, anti 92, iucludig tue weuand to beware bis cAianti dhis vhoIc face covereti -guitS behinti impregnable defences- Admirai Cervera, were matie prisoner. "1 taod wi a rs a rt, ntanfeti.el with bleeti, cnt up, acizeti a sack eto tnvlfcîe eeetbihd The exception notmd aboe was the "Teewaafit9tag ml ,ofbnaval at Tsu Shîma, enttheiRusdo-iin the. air, ahti a taai, far humming. grenades lying neer sud sheuteti, "De- Wîiti the use of steel for offence aud Japsese wTaur i 1905. OheMay 27 "'leoketi seaward. Nething was bout, les morts!" Then he o gt tp oun<efence, sud with the revolution Jpns a n10.O a 7vsbebtarmt etoe.Igz bis kuces sud hurleti grenade aftcr angtl 'h plcto o ahb'sd 28 the Russian fleet, under Ad- vubtbtarmt etoe.Igz grenade et the enemu>'. hlgh exlinves, al actiofecahave mirai Rojestveueky, wss attacked ini md up into the heavens. Not a speck At hie uhout three othter mon st'rugf-peodatyhugibthesrty the straits bctweeu Japan anti Kerea daa.on te dstanf thb ilue. iT porodiall chnge, bt te sratgyby the Japanese fleet, under Admirai gleti up. Two whose legs were brokcn cf Nelson bas remeineti what ho matie Tgadprinal anhlt.Téyrs o te cea et n ti. hsli, seizeti their rifles and epenedti fre, each il.Toosupaccîyanilaed't yrsboemaw authead, shot goiug home wilh deadiy cffect; Dtn ttt rnh Russien flagship, Kalaz Sowaroff, was crieti sutideaiy: the thirti mau, who8c righl armi bug fn fteFec. blwn up; a Russas admirai, Foîker- Il'There she gamal' uscless at hi.saide, graspet iq biby- A~ greal battie wss fought jusi ho- suhu, was kilieti; 21 Ruasian ahipa 'I bookOt again. Anti sheer ever- enet wlth bim loftIbaud. B>' the lIme fore ho hati the opportunibyte nos- wr suuk, including 6 battîmahipa, 4 heati I caught a flash anti sparkle. It Iwas on MY feot. having quibt'ctome semble the expenicuces. of past ou- cruisers, s coast defeuce sbip, 4 ape- wa infinitely t4r, a part efthte blue; te myself again, hait our enem les gagements iu practical torm. This 'dal service ehips anti 3% destroyers, as if a tlny Patch et heaven hati sud- werc struck dowai anti the resl were waq the hot tic belweeu the navies sud à were captureti, iuciuding 2 bat- deai>s crystallizeti. retreating lu diserder. ot France anti England. fought off tieships. The Russiana lest 4,000 kili- "For a moment I wau atounded. There, alerte, leaning ageainst the U2shant, June lel, 1749. On this oc-tet or drowned anti 7,282 officeru antiTed vlns !thtrmt nisn parapet sud protectcd b>' n huge iroi casion the British ffoot, under Lordilmca taken prisojier. The Japanea. itgeethlang sn an ise undting up ahicîti, stoed nu enernueus (;trman llowo, cousisting etf twenty-tlve ahipe lest 8 torpedo beats, 116 efficers anti the eserùnd sn4a=m býeatu p sorgeant, swetiug. panting, spiutter- ef theo hue, nttacked anti- defesteti men kle u 3 one.- pseadat ast e e "Tbore w~uas P e" l "bang! bang! îng wîth rage, anti bravely emptieti the F'rench force ut twenty-six under - anti eut of the green hillslde, acroas bis revolver nI us. Admirai Villaret. Six et these were JH MUAC h ad vy The man who hati rallieti us, the 'captured sud eue was sunk. The ST JHNABUANE ti.vliy sptare .hnire a srm awaf bore nt whose word the deati hati comm French hati on board 19,760 men; et Firat Aid Work ef the Canadian 1 moke, ose aluer anothe7r. Bang! te lite, gel euenetf he shots right in thèse lhcy lost 5,000; -tue Britishb lest Pacitlc alwy1etr.bangrl bang! anti oseeofthte bouses LOST PROVINCES RICH. Alsace-Lorraine Raà Vaut Depoalts e! Potahe, kfrot andi Ceai. Quit. sparb from atreng senti- Menai reasons, French, people want ta j«~ their le# provinces ot Alsace- Lorraine back becaits. of tueir actuel value. Iu the. provinces are smoinethte greateet petash mines lu tue wvend. Thèe.mises aimne >'.ied 4,000,000 wortiloftpotahever>' yer. Natural-, 1>', wh»e thé. Germans have _ownet thent the>'. hava made ny millions eut of the=t, suppyir4g tue, werlti with pelsail, a&M ith fUIizs trom the. rock sait vhIb la mixeti up with tho 4»o"heltctabout,.Loraine, which. vii s ,prs mn",s P"gpe 7l3that ,l1 basbattiwïrnidsmu ly of ýIroun or., as. veli a n geunt#pp.d c«aI deposits. For the.'alone France* ot Cool, aMW bau te mmpeit 10,00,0 toms a lsa* Altegther, lb. reten -et Alaace. Lorraine vWiilue..FraucVs n. nallmneb>'sue4tOAO soi lbero la abulbieussida u wel as à a imn sell osita , à te 11reemlure -et I wsa CUrel et BnaltIs and Asthm b>' MAM LUMNT. toueP UP WItiiths e de mande of a uieatIlly Increas. iug business. Here tea chance for muchantes, or. unskilledl workmen who wtoh te become mechanica, to tearn a trade tha.t com- manda good wagon everye whsre. No previous ei; parience lunr'abber worktng *eesay The right kind of 'men' cas trust tihe Dun- lop Company for a square des. . end - ln your:name an& addrsa for an applica- - ton blank. Addruss; - DI oî ever piake eltep. tomuer thlrty cents- for a pre=ÃŽeripl lnatà eA -ac ffê, L DBITS 0F NEWS FROMr TE r, B MlARITIME PROVINCES. >LCISM1TR FRMA 01 BXmt'oorman. Steady e.1peflLAP- esply'liendri, & Cjo., Lt-,Hainitoml *ItestR of. Intereà t -Proin Places *NTEI>-TEAMS!TMS. STI!ADY 1'tIl11" rI -1W ermpCment; good wages. ApPIr LkIIafaulWLapped By Waveu of the Hendrie 0 C..Ltmited, 0. T. Ry. car t. fr A"~"~""&ae Agents. Toronto. ,J I'Ja.1f3gr'Atlantic. 1l XPERIiENCED AND INEXPER I- q ~ """ I . enced Girls for Hosiery and Under- St. Johin's oldest resident, Louis wear Mill. AMso a few Young bien.. Smith, la dead at the age of 104. ighest wages paid. MercurY Mii, Hon, C. W. Ro)binson, for years City Lmtd aitn SoiitrofMnco, B, a rsgn JE N WA FOR ALL ed. AVEo MntON.. bsrein-M branches of Fintshlng trade, ln- BY ALL d cludlng Rubbing and Pol 1 shing. . aiea A wave of crime has been sweeping Cabinet Ms.kers and Trtmmers. gtea1V i oeItrwL~f over F'rederictan, many robberies be-work and good wages for computt ________ e . men. When applying stt xprec Mrs. Alice Lang and two daughters, The Ueo. MeLagan Furnitur, Co., Limit- ~~ 3~f CherblI, are desd as a resuto d.Srtod Ont. ____________________ shooting aitfray.T ADIES WANTE'I)"0 DO PLAIN Eclna Porter, a 16-year-oid girl, of L.J and ]Ightl sewtng at home. whoiê or Meductic, la mtasing from hfer home. spare time, good pav wort< 2nt. any dis- F'Oul Play IR e spected. tance. Charges pa d. Seni stamp for THE SUMMERLESS YEAR. Macl chroae 0 articulars. National Afanufacturinx -- Union Vale, was arrested, charged GOOD1 AL!. ROIND DRY (iO<DS What the Year 1816 Was Like in This with the murder of hie wifer. A man to take charge of Staie Country. The large general storp of Thos. Dept andi arliqt in general managemet Lneat Sif0oit1N. we Dftr, Gnod-. Steady empioymert. The yea 1816,thatPoet100ye.B.,unneyWould îwlefer manwho could be maitl Th yar186,tht n,10 ya oempletely dpstroyed by tire. junior partrier. F. Gi. McTavieh,& Co., ago, saya the Perth Expesitor, was .. Trees were Bprayed, and ewEet pesa Stratford. Ont knowrn an the "aummerlesa aummer." sown at the Exjerimental Station., O AL~, S W ES Snow commenced falling in the middle Charlottetown, P.E.I., on May 1. BX :ALRSW E S of June, by the middle of August it 5CaPt. Courtenay of the "Olinda lof t, LABORERS, good wages. Apply t. John's, Nfld., recentiy, for Barba- or write Firstbrook Bros. Limit. was one foot in depth, and froin hedos, to get a Cargo of molasses. edTrto firat flu of snow ln June until the Tlîîe 9trike amonget the men of the ________Toronto._______ following aummer the earth remained Dominion Cartage Co.. Montreat. bas WANTED-GOOD COOK OR under the coverlng of tihe wintry Interrupted freight traffle around î3t.GENERAL o Brlgtn blanket. Abaehitely nothing in the John.iGENERAL fo rlnt . way of harvest was garnered. Every- Pte. Glode, one of the two Micmac Other servants kept. Best wagcs. thing in the way of cropu rotted ln Indiana, wbo enlisted with t-be 112th Apply Mrs. Proctor, R.R. No. 2, 'fhe ground. What did the people live i Batte lion, dled at DigIby, NB, of, Freeman. oM t-etadIs-hr eepneumonia. _________________ on? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o' M tmatndfhthrwee m Mitchell, the famous Indian 0 SL. no vegetablea and there was no fleur; fox trapper, recently trapp-ed lb ree it WBs venison and fihh to-day, reliev- foxes at Asbton. P.E.l., two of whiche<l itAtt VGtN tTIîP ed by flsh and flesh to-morrow, taken were uilver grays. F- tepi Wh,ti( [" arimTruck. two ton I i.iit_%. 1rniae cheaip Bargain 1.0 frein slaughter-cattle. Ha>' had tai The St. Marya Arxny and Navy 1ý io-1 ,r t- . J. ltllday. IBox 61, be ahipped frein Ireland te save the 1 Club of Halifax gave an entertain- Iiaintlitc,1. 441lt. atavin ctti i Qube, sd t sldment reoently, for the St. Francde ethere for $45er n ; Sbcaur aa ld a IXaveriioapItal unit. 1 NEWUIPAFERLS remSALIC. $17 er bor $6relitoee n; lu d at Premier Murray of Nova Scotia was, p ROF1T-lUAKI.Ç(NEWVS AI40JUD $17 er arre inQuebc, nd pta-presented with a eIlver tea set. saîver A îawn. es for sale in gtood Ontario toes were one penny a pound. This and an addru by the Lîberal mem towail The most userul and interesîins cslld "te yer eiht'en bea-oftuefroaice.businesses. Pul information ola yerwscle teyear W15 e er-f h Poine pplication- to Wilson Publlshing Coni- hundred and frosen te death." The Dartmouth, N.B., la about tob. sp- rnny. 73 West Adelaide Street. 'loronto.. cause of the caid was beiieved to b. plied witli electrlc power for night and îrL&hu sunapots, which were no large that day. At present electrical power I. for the firut time in their history they avatlabie ont>' In the eveuing. ~ 1 ANCER. TUMOR8. LUMPS, KTC.. coud e senwihou head of a Mrs. Bent.ille Dufremne, Quebec, se- c internai anJ ekiternal. cursd witik ceud b sen wt ot t aio acured the gold medal for bigbest per- out pain by pur hcme treatment. Wrts teleacope. Iti wau aima known as centage in al lasèsautheî Brooklyn 0 efore olte.Dr>. llan Iledkçal '4poverty year." In New Hampshire ]KIngas County Hospitai Training hay sold at $180 a tan. The next Sehôol for Nurses. o ,r zig[e ra spring the market price oetcorn was Capt Dan McKinnon, fornerly one' F o Freainbes e ro am $2; a bushel of wheat, $2,6 0; rye, $2; of the bt known foilowers of the YOUSgt eat Resit lt oats, 90c; beana, $8; butter, 25c per bresrd« game in the Maritime. A more even treeze. Smoother le& lb. ~ ~ ~ ~ rvics la sal sl atos t.a now commanding officer Cream. Takces one-thIrd leses sitand ortncents,) Furthez'-particu- ef the 30t1i Batter> ait Fredericton. keepe Crmn bard twice as long. Write, eightor te i The Women'u Canadian Clu-b of T0o»W»0 SAT WO5X. lare of the "summerles summner," The S1 Jh WB. ado es xclen 04 ilIS t.. Toroutot 05. Expouitor adds, .are amoiig the files ofiet Joh a nc.. ouradng a e xc eof the Grenville Elatorical Soclety. wo nnln eRuumber (theartIoflhly lieec is J stOe M r MaoG.ran xhBirksw«h "adIn IlWIlle WoRk ièii o Tornt" mq - M cure funda for the Y.M.C.A. work ooennae eddl of he the western front, anoounced recently Me oro mnofary of eai Of V lJ n Montreai that the fund W~îdlike- theuToronti are ofuTbe __Iyr«e hthe Immense uum of $360,- oDnlop ire & .tmited 000. - -- ,- - -an. Li . WHO HAS FOUND NEW REALTU IN DODD'S KIDNEY PlLL8: Philp MeLeeti Tells Slow He Suffereti from Kidney Trouble fer Years snd Fouadi a Qnicçk jud Couplet. Cure ln Deddl'. KnY Pilla. Tarbot Victoria Uo, C.B., lune l9tI (8peclaL)-Phiip MeLeo inlaJuitý on. more ofthte many residmuts ln tule neighborhood vile have tound sev iieaith in Dotd's KidneyPilla. -1-1 bave -useti Dotitis-Kidaey-,Plllj wit. g"et mucee," 1-fr.Mce% States.-TFe 1ar Ibad bà dggey trouble anicotilti get n40"91gto- help me.' Rearlîsgo et ht »dd's tidue>' Pill bave -dg»ou rioies-aim ustem. Fke boes cureti cmen- 1-I have reconmendeti Dodal'."KU[- ney PMl te man>' People. ,I1cannoit speak tee hiily 'oft thon." SThe testlmon>'oftpeople vile -bave been eurei 15 bettert han aIl hie theor>' ia tue wvend.Dodds idl vill1e a re purensd umpl>' a isldn remeti>'. I yu ave kidu.' tsoue *il. you neei to do Je to eki tes Tbe.> viii 1ylta o tKid> KidnqPMllacm re he man,4 repe Bîigts disese, lut la becaus. ail lie W. liii' i. M ny i -